Gutierrez Sandra A. / Гутьеррес Сандра А. - Latinísimo: Home Recipes from the Twenty-One Countries of Latin America: A Cookbook / Латини́симо: Домашние рецепты из двадцати одной страны Латинской Америки: Поваренная книга [2023, EPUB, ENG]

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PL31 2RQ

Стаж: 5 лет 1 месяц

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PL31 2RQ · 05-Окт-23 11:33 (1 год 4 месяца назад, ред. 05-Окт-23 12:09)

Latinísimo: Home Recipes from the Twenty-One Countries of Latin America: A Cookbook / Латини́симо: Домашние рецепты из двадцати одной страны Латинской Америки: Поваренная книга
Год издания: 2023
Автор: Gutierrez Sandra A. / Гутьеррес Сандра А.
Издательство: Alfred A. Knopf (3 Oct. 2023)
ISBN: 978-0525659259
Язык: Английский
Формат: EPUB
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 592 pages (Hardcover)
Описание: "Латини́симо: Домашние рецепты из двадцати одной страны Южной Америки: Поваренная книга" Сандры А. Гутьеррес (издание на английском языке).
An encyclopedic cookbook (from Chiles Rellenos and Tostones to Golden Coconut Chicken and Dulce de Leche Tart) celebrating Latin American home cooking—the first to cover the day-to-day home cooking of all twenty-one nations—by one of the most respected authorities on the subject
"As practical and day-to-day useful as it is revelatory . . . A book to treasure today and to pass on to a new generation of cooks tomorrow.” —Dorie Greenspan, New York Times bestselling cookbook author

In this monumental work, culinary expert Sandra A. Gutierrez shares more than three hundred everyday dishes—plus countless variations—that home cooks everywhere will want to replicate. Divided by ingredient—Beans, Corn, Yuca, Quinoa, and almost two dozen more—and featuring an extensive pantry section that establishes the fundamentals of Latin American cooking, Latinísimo brings together real recipes from home cooks in Argentina, Brazil, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Recipes include:
•Tortillas de Nixtamal (Fresh Masa Tortillas)
•Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice)
•Arepas Clásicas (Classic Arepas)
•Solterito (Lima Bean, Corn, and Tomato Salad)
•Sopa Seca con Albahaca à la Chinchana (One-Pot Spaghetti with Achiote and Basil)
•Pastel de Tres Leches (Tres Leches Cake)
And much, much more
These are recipes that reflect the incredible breadth and richness of the culinary traditions of the region. Sweeping in its scope, and filled with history and stories, Latinísimo is an utterly essential resource for every kitchen.
Product description
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"Latinísimo is as practical and day-to-day useful as it is revelatory. Whether you're new to the culinary heritage of Latin America or you grew up in the culture and know the traditions in your bones, there's something to learn on every page and something deeply satisfying to savor in every recipe--each sparkles with Sandra's genius as a scholar, storyteller, brilliant cook and generous teacher. Latinísimo is a book to treasure today and to pass on to a new generation of cooks tomorrow." --Dorie Greenspan, New York Times bestselling cookbook author
"If anyone knows the foods of Latin America, it's Sandra Gutierrez. In this stunning book she shares the full extent of her expertise through more than 300 delicious recipes. These are dishes that people across Latin America enjoy every day and Latinísimo is a book home cooks will be turning to for years to come." --Pati Jinich, chef, cookbook author and host of PBS's La Frontera and Pati's Mexican Table
"I have long admired Sandra Gutierrez's mastery of her craft, and this comprehensive, mouthwatering guide to Latin American home cooking will open your eyes to the depth, breadth, and deliciousness of the region's culinary offerings. A culinary love letter wrapped in a meticulously researched historical and anthropological primer, Latinísimo is a work that reads as well as it cooks." --Adeena Sussman, author of Sababa and Shabbat: Recipes and Rituals From My Kitchen To Yours
"Sandra is at once scholar, cook, cheerleader, ambassador, tour guide, gastronomic wanderer and we are all the better for having gone on this journey through Latin American cooking, appreciating it for the globally impactful tradition that it is, was and will be." --Michael W. Twitty, author of The Cooking Gene and Koshersoul
--This text refers to the hardcover edition.
About the Author
SANDRA A. GUTIERREZ is a journalist, food writer and historian, professional cooking instructor, and author of four cookbooks. She is considered one of the top national experts on Latin American foodways and on the Southern regional cuisine of the United States. She has been awarded the Les Dames D'Escoffier M. F. K Fisher Grand Prize Award for Excellence in Food Writing and her work has been recognized as part of the permanent FOOD exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. She lives in Cary, NC. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
About the author
Sandra A. Gutierrez
About the Author
SANDRA A. GUTIERREZ is a journalist, food writer and historian, professional cooking instructor, and author of four cookbooks. She is considered one of the top national experts on Latin American foodways and on the Southern regional cuisine of the United States. She has been awarded the Les Dames D’Escoffier M. F. K Fisher Grand Prize Award for Excellence in Food Writing and her work has been recognized as part of the permanent FOOD exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of
American History. On September 15, 2021, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Sandra was honored by the Smithsonian Institute as a Woman to Know and one of the seven Latinas Who Shaped American Culture. She lives in Cary, NC
SANDRA A. GUTIERREZ es periodista, escritora de gastronomía e historia, instructora profesional de cocina y autora de cuatro libros de cocina. Es considerada una de las principales expertas en las tradiciones culinarias de Latinoamérica y en la cocina regional del sur de Estados Unidos. Ha sido galardonada con el Premio Les Dames D'Escoffier M. F. K Fisher por excelencia en la escritura gastronómica y su trabajo ha sido reconocido como parte de la exhibición permanente de alimentos FOOD en el Museo Nacional de Historia Americana del Smithsonian de Washington DC. El 15 de septiembre de 2021, El Smithsonian Institute honró a Sandra nombrándola como una Woman to Know (Mujer Para Conocer) y como una de las siete Latinas que Más Han Influenciado la Cultura Americana. Sandra vive en Cary, Carolina del Norte.
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 10983

Дягиlionceau · 05-Окт-23 11:35 (спустя 2 мин.)

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