Caminos Oría Josephine / Каминос Ория Хосефин - Dulce de Leche: Recipes, Stories, & Sweet Traditions / Дульсе де лече: Рецепты, рассказы и сладкие традиции [2017, EPUB, ENG]

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EH11 4XX

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EH11 4XX · 02-Авг-21 14:18 (3 года 7 месяцев назад)

Dulce de Leche: Recipes, Stories, & Sweet Traditions / Дульсе де лече: Рецепты, рассказы и сладкие традиции
Год издания: 2017
Автор: Caminos Oría Josephine / Каминос Ория Хосефин
Издательство: Burgess Lea Press; Illustrated edition (2 Mar. 2017)
ISBN: 978-0997211320
Язык: Английский
Формат: EPUB
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 192
Описание: "Дульсе де лече: Рецепты, рассказы и сладкие традиции" Хосефин Каминос Ория (издание на английском языке).
Дульсе де лече — десертное блюдо испанской, португальской (досе-де-лейте) и латиноамериканской кухни, используемое также как соус, намазка и начинка для кондитерских изделий.
Dulce de Leche shows you how to make artisanal dulce de leche at home, then prepare it in 80+ recipes, from breakfast muffins to Bacon-Wrapped Dulce Jalapenos.
No matter where you come from, there will always be one food that is a part of your life—the flavor of comfort, where just a taste represents home. Without question, the humble boiled milk and sugar jam known as dulce de leche is just such a cultural food phenomenon in countries like Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Brazil.
In Dulce de Leche, you’ll discover the sweet soul of real dulce de leche when you learn how to make the traditional recipe as well as several variations. You'll cook your way through the day with your dulce de leche, from breakfast muffins, medialunas, and panqueques, to picadas for cocktail hour, and on dinner entrees and pies.
Creamy and gently sweet, you’ll see how just a couple spoonfuls of dulce de leche will enhances the flavor of grains, fruits, vegetables, cheese, and even poultry. In fact, you might find it becomes a new family tradition.
Product description
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Sometimes you see a new cookbook and there can only be one reaction: “Oh, my God.” Dulce de Leche is just that kind of book. . . If you have a sweet tooth, or would like to develop one, then this is a book you will take to bed with you each night. It’s that comfy. And important.
(Huffington Post)
"Dulce de leche is the happy essence of Argentina, the aura of every childhood. This book is its romantic flag." -- Francis Mallmann
About the Author
Josephine Caminos Oría was born in La Plata, Buenos Aires and moved to America with her family where she began cooking alongside her grandmother. Grandma Dorita instilled a love of all things Argentine in her ,especially dulce de leche. Together with her husband, Gastón, she is the founder of La Dorita, a small-batch, all-natural line of dulce de leche products. The Orías live in Pittsburgh with their five children.
Kate Forrester is a UK illustrator specializing in hand-drawn lettering and illustrated designs for a range of international clients. Her work and more information can be found at
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

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Дягиlionceau · 02-Авг-21 14:19 (спустя 1 мин.)

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