Askaripour David / Аскарипур Дэвид - Mateology: The drink beyond a drink / Матеология [Матэология] (Жерба мате [матэ], Парагвайский чай): Напиток помимо [вне рамок, за пределами] напитка [2013, PDF, ENG]

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EH11 4XX

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EH11 4XX · 26-Окт-22 20:49 (2 года 4 месяца назад)

Mateology: The drink beyond a drink / Матеология [Матэология] (Жерба мате [матэ], Парагвайский чай): Напиток помимо [вне рамок, за пределами] напитка
Год издания: 2013
Автор: Askaripour David / Аскарипур Дэвид
Издательство: Circle of Drink; 1st edition (May 27, 2013)
ISBN: 978-0989494403
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Количество страниц: 164
Описание: "Матеология [Матэология] (Жерба мате [матэ], Парагвайский чай): Напиток помимо [вне рамок, за пределами] напитка" Дэвида Аскарипура (издание на английском языке).
Hey! Materos and New Mate Drinkers,
Mateology yerba mate book by Dave MateI’d like to present to you Mateology, The drink beyond a drink. I spent close to two years actually writing and editing this book, but it really begun over four years ago when I first had a sip of yerba mate in Argentina. My life has never been the same.
Mateology is the Bible of yerba mate. No North American has ever written a book on yerba mate until I decided to learn everything about this ancient herb from Paraguay — living in South America for years — then returning to New York to spread the word about this drink that has the power to improve lives, increase health and vitality, and most of all, form friendships.
In Mateology, you’ll learn everything to start your relationship with yerba mate:
History and tradition
The Sacred Mate Circle explained
How to Prepare yerba mate
Learn the health benefits of yerba mate
Understand the various cuts and types yerba mate
Yerba mate’s influence on North America
Learn the power of mate to form friendships
And so much more!
Read Mateology and see how mate has changed many lives around the world.
Mate will change our Nation, one sip at a time.
Editorial Reviews
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About the Author
David "Mate" Askaripour, raised on Long Island, New York, would have never imagined his life would one day be at the center of yerba Mate; the herb that became a drink; the drink that became a way of life. In 2009 he travelled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to learn the Rioplatense dialect of Spanish. But language wasn't the only thing that he gained. Equally steeped in a new culture, he became immersed in the world of yerba Mate, an ancient herb native to South America, traditionally consumed by the Guaraní Tribes of Paraguay. For over two-years living abroad, he apprenticed himself to Mate, learning as much as he could about properly preparing the perfect gourd; how to detect subtle changes in tastes and textures throughout the wide range of varieties; as well as gaining intimate insight into the deep history and tradition. In 2011 came the formation of Circle of Drink, now a globally recognized Mate Community of Materos: mate drinkers that have a profound respect for the drink, seeing it not only as an herb to be consumed, but a lifestyle that promotes peace, togetherness, and equality beyond race, class, gender - all social barriers. Dave's love and passion for mate has led him to devote his life spreading this plant that has the power to not only uplift and energize the mind and body, but also bring people together and build community.
About the author
David Askaripour
David "Mate" Askaripour, raised on Long Island, New York, would have never imagined his life would one day be at the center of yerba Mate; the herb that became a drink; the drink that became a way of life.
In 2009 he travelled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to learn the Rioplatense dialect of Spanish. But language wasn't the only thing that he gained. Equally steeped in a new culture, he became immersed in the world of Yerba Mate, an ancient herb native to South America, traditionally consumed by the Guaraní Tribes of Paraguay.
For over two years living abroad, he apprenticed himself to Mate, learning as much as he could about properly preparing the perfect gourd; how to detect subtle changes in tastes and textures throughout the wide range of varieties; as well as gaining intimate insight into the deep history and tradition.
In 2011 came the formation of Circle of Drink, now a globally recognized Yerba Mate Community of Materos: Mate Drinkers that have a profound respect for the drink, seeing it not only as an herb to be consumed, but a lifestyle that promotes peace, togetherness, and equality beyond race, class, gender—all social barriers.
Dave's love and passion for mate has led him to devote his life spreading this plant that has the power to not only uplift and energize the mind and body, but also bring people together and build community.
Reach Dave at | 1 800 598 6009
Vist to learn more about Yerba Mate
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

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Дягиlionceau · 26-Окт-22 20:52 (спустя 3 мин.)

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