Brekell Per Oscar / Брекелл Пер Оскар - Beginner's Guide to Japanese Tea: Selecting and Brewing the Perfect Cup of Sencha, Matcha, and Other Japanese Teas / Японский чай. Руководство для начинающих: Отбор и заваривание совершенной чашки сэнтя́, маття́ и других японских чаёв[2022, PDF, ENG]

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EH11 4XX

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EH11 4XX · 26-Окт-22 15:36 (2 года 4 месяца назад, ред. 26-Окт-22 15:41)

Beginner's Guide to Japanese Tea: Selecting and Brewing the Perfect Cup of Sencha, Matcha, and Other Japanese Teas / Японский чай. Руководство для начинающих: Отбор и заваривание совершенной чашки сэнтя́, маття́ и других японских чаёв
Год издания: 2022
Автор: Brekell Per Oscar / Брекелл Пер Оскар
Издательство: Tuttle Publishing (25 May 2022)
ISBN: 978-4805316382
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 96
Описание: "Японский чай. Руководство для начинающих: Отбор и заваривание совершенной чашки сэнтя́, маття́ и других японских чаёв" Пера Оскара Брекелла (издание на английском языке).
Do you know the difference between a bancha and a hojicha? How to brew the perfect matcha? With this book you will!
Japanese tea expert Per Oscar Brekell is one of the few foreigners to complete the difficult training in Japan as a tea instructor. Now, with this book, he shares the secrets and insights he's gleaned from a career dedicated to promoting and preparing this ancient beverage.
Combining a practical approach with in-depth knowledge and a keen eye for the healthful benefits of tea, this visual guide will help you understand everything from how tea is picked and processed to the physical and mental health benefits that come from drinking it.
Through stunning color photos and engaging information from Brekell, readers of this book will get:
A guided tour of Japan's main tea-growing regions, from Uji/Kyoto to Shizuoka and Kagoshima, and a journey from leaf to cup
An introduction to top-grade premium and single-estate Japanese teas like yabukita, koshun, yamakai, sofu and asatsuyu
A detailed guide to brewing Japanese teas to enhance their flavor and to highlight their healthful properties
An in-depth look at traditional Japanese teapots and teacups
A curated selection of teas suitable for home brewing and serving in various situations
Every tea lover will find something to savor in this comprehensive introduction to the incredible world of Japanese teas.
Product description
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About the Author
Born in Sweden, Per Oscar Brekell developed an interest in Japanese tea during high school, a passion that grew and later led to his move to Japan. He studied at Gifu University and became a certified Japanese tea instructor, completing an internship at the Tea Research Center in Shizuoka. After working for the Japan Tea Export Council, he started his own tea business in 2018, instituting tea education projects internationally and arranging tea events and seminars in Japan. He is the first non-Japanese to receive a certificate for preparing handmade sencha, and in 2016 was awarded the Challenge Prize by the World Green Tea Association.
About the author
Per Oscar Brekell
Born in Sweden in 1985, Per Oscar Brekell developed an interest in Japanese tea during his high school years, which grew into a passion that led him to relocate to Japan.
In 2010, he studied at Gifu University and in 2013 returned to Japan to work for a Japanese company. He became a certified Japanese tea instructor in 2014, completed an internship at the Tea Research Center
in Shizuoka and has been working for the Japan Tea Export Council. In 2018, he set up his own business and is now involved in tea education projects overseas and in arranging tea events and seminars in Japan. He is the first non-Japanese to receive a certificate for making handrolled sencha, and in 2016 he was awarded the CHAllenge Prize by the World Green Tea Association.
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

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Дягиlionceau · 26-Окт-22 15:37 (спустя 1 мин.)

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