Uhl Joseph Wesley / Уль Джозеф Уэсли - The Art and Craft of Tea: An Enthusiast's Guide to Selecting, Brewing, and Serving Exquisite Tea / Искусство и ремесло чая: Руководство любителя по отбору, завариванию и подаче изысканного [совершенного] чая [2016, PDF, ENG]

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EH11 4XX

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EH11 4XX · 24-Окт-22 02:58 (2 года 4 месяца назад)

The Art and Craft of Tea: An Enthusiast's Guide to Selecting, Brewing, and Serving Exquisite Tea / Искусство и ремесло чая: Руководство любителя по отбору, завариванию и подаче изысканного [совершенного] чая
Год издания: 2016
Автор: Uhl Joseph Wesley / Уль Джозеф Уэсли
Издательство: Quarry Books; Illustrated edition (10 Dec. 2015)
ISBN: 978-1631590498
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 160
Описание: "Искусство и ремесло чая: Руководство любителя по отбору, завариванию и подаче изысканного [совершенного] чая" Джозефа Уэсли Уля (издание на английском языке).
Let Joseph Wesley Uhl be your guide to the entire world of tea; from peeks into tea production around the world to brewing your own blends at home.
"Water is the mother of tea, a teapot its father, and fire the teacher." -- Chinese Proverb
As one of the most consumed beverages in the world, a cup of tea is a common shared experience across cultures and traditions. Companies and consumers alike are reawakening to the benefits of high-quality, unprocessed, natural beverages, and tea is a perfect obsession for anyone interested in artisan food and healthy eating.
In The Art and Craft of Tea, entrepreneur and enthusiast Joseph Wesley Uhl brings to the story of tea its due reverence, making its history, traditions, and possibilities accessible to all. If you want to go beyond reading and enter your kitchen, Joseph offers "recipes" for creating your own tea blends using natural ingredients.
Inside you'll find:
- A detailed overview of tea's history and origins
- Thoughtful descriptions of global brewing methods
- Innovative ideas for iced tea, tea cocktails, and DIY blends.
Joseph offers "recipes" for creating your own tea blends using natural ingredients.
Product description
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"The Art and Craft of Tea arrived today. It is engrossing and visually stunning! I think it's the new standard for Tea books." - NY Tea Blogger, Notes on Tea
"I have a lot of tea books. A ridiculous amount of tea books and this one is by far the most thoughtful to its readers and well thought out in its design" - Jonathan Kung, owner and Proprieter of Kung-Food
About the Author
Attorney, entrepreneur and tea aficionado JOSEPH UHL is the founder of a line of carefully crafted, single-origin, estate-grown teas, Joseph Wesley Black Tea. Featuring seven uniquely handcrafted teas, Joseph Wesley Black Tea teas are grown by some of the world's most noted growers in the most renowned tea-producing regions in the world.
About the author
Joseph Wesley Uhl
For over twenty-five years Joe has searched to find the world's greatest tea growers and producers. Through this search he connected with luminaries who provided him with a deep knowledge and understandings about tea. In returning to Detroit, Michigan in 2001 he found it difficult to readjust. So, he became an attorney at a large law firm. It was not long, however, that he found himself feeling like another 'grey suit.’ He did not relate to the work; its purpose was not his. Noticing the person he became through the eyes of his first daughter he realized a change was needed and resigned from the league of gray suits, packed his bags and returned to Asia. He reached out to his former mentors and began deconstructing the myths the western world carries about tea; about its flatness in culture, the tendency towards garish blends, and about how the discourse of craft and terroir is lost. In so doing, he realized there was an opportunity to tell a different story and to tell that story from the most unlikely places, his hometown Detroit. In moving back to Detroit, he started Joseph Wesley Black Tea and began sharing his love and passion for the world's best tea.
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

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Дягиlionceau · 24-Окт-22 02:59 (спустя 1 мин.)

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