Мравинский Евгений Александрович / Evgeni Mravinsky

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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 14877

GFox · 05-Июн-07 22:55 (17 лет назад, ред. 10-Фев-08 14:22)

Евгений Александрович Мравинский

Имя Мравинского – одно из величайших среди имён дирижёров XX века. Пожалуй, никто из русских музыкантов на дирижёрском подиуме не получил столь безусловного признания и на Родине, и за её пределами. Признавая исключительность авторитета Мравинского, отметим, что его великое искусство явилось апогеем развития русской дирижёрской школы, прошедшей краткий, но бурный путь развития и становления.
«Когда-то, слушая музыку, я испытал потрясение, как удар молнии или грома. Искусство должно потрясать. Иначе это не искусство».
Эти слова Евгения Александровича Мравинского можно расценить и как главный девиз его творчества, его основной критерий. Величие Мравинского в его служении своему искусству, музыке, её творцам, в гигантском масштабе целей, которые он ставил себе и преданным ему музыкантам, в непрестанном поиске идеалов, совершенствовании средств для их постижения.
Среди великих дирижёров наиболее соответствующая фигура для сопоставления с Мравинским – Вильгельм Фуртвенглер, с которым Мравинского роднит многое. Это и непреклонность творческой воли, и невероятная способность воссоздавать сложнейшую партитуру во всей целостности и, одновременно, во всей многоплановости её проблематики, наконец, в безусловном примате этического начала в их искусстве. И Мравинский, и его старший современник Фуртвенглер были безусловно людьми своего времени, своей трагической эпохи, каждый из них был верным сыном своего отечества, пережившим судьбу своей страны, своего народа. Но оба великих мастера являются удивительным примером того, как их искусство, и они сами благодаря ему, стали явлениями вневременными и незнающими границ, служащими Миру и миру, обществу и обществам, человеку и Вселенной. Оба они исполнили свой долг служения прекрасному, воплотив в совершенных звуках извечное стремление к совершенству и гармонии, к красоте и добру, к вечности…

Свою Восьмую симфонию Шостакович посвятил Евгению Мравинскому
Мравинский был человеком русской культуры в её наиболее «европейском», петербургском проявлении. С Санкт-Петербургом, Петроградом, Ленинградом он был неразрывно связан всю свою долгую жизнь. Здесь он родился 22 мая (по юлианскому календарю) 1903 года. Он рос в семье очень музыкальной, высококультурной и своеобразной, принадлежавшей до русской революции к привилегированному слою общества. Одна его тётка, Евгения Константиновна Мравинская, прославилась в качестве примадонны (soprano leggiero) Императорской оперы в Петербурге – Мариинского театра – под сценическим именем Мравина. Другая после революции занимала видные посты в Советском государстве (посол СССР в Швеции Александра Коллонтай). В 1920 году Мравинский поступил на естественный факультет Петроградского университета, но уже в это время он был связан с музыкой. Необходимость заработка в голодном Петрограде периода гражданской войны привела юношу в Мариинский театр на роль артиста миманса. Это скучное занятие позволило ему приобрести редкую школу. Ибо он был свидетелем и чутким наблюдателем работы таких великих артистов, как тенор Иван Ершов, создатель незабываемых образов в операх Вагнера, Федор Шаляпин, потрясавший своим гениальным даром певца-актёра, дирижёры Альберт Коутс и Эмиль Купер – да и весь ансамбль «Мариинки» ещё хранил тот высочайший уровень, на который он поднялся при Направнике. Через год Мравинский начал работать пианистом в Хореографическом училище, и этот опыт сослужил ему добрую службу. Тогда же он твёрдо решил вступить на тернистую тропу артиста, но первая попытка поступить в консерваторию не удалась, и он поступает в учебные классы Петроградской академической капеллы (1923 год). В 1924 году он всё же становится студентом Петроградской консерватории, но в дирижёрский класс к Николаю Малько он пришёл лишь через три года, поначалу пытаясь освоить искусство композиции. После эмиграции Малько Мравинский продолжает учиться у другого видного дирижёра – Александра Гаука, по классу которого он и окончил консерваторию в 1931 году.Практической работой для молодого дирижёра стали ещё в студенческие годы выступления с самодеятельным оркестром Союза служащих советской торговли – уже эти первые концерты с программами русской классики заслужили одобрение прессы. Одновременно Мравинский заведовал музыкальной частью в Хореографическом училище и дирижировал здесь балетом Александра Глазунова «Времена года»; наконец, он трудился и в Оперной студии консерватории, руководимой тогда И. В. Ершовым. В 1931-1938 годах Мравинский работает в бывшем Мариинском театре. Здесь его дебютом 20 сентября 1932 года стала «Спящая красавица» П. И. Чайковского с участием гениальной русской балерины Галины Улановой. Затем успех дирижёра был закреплён его следующими работами – балетами Чайковского «Щелкунчик» и «Лебединое озеро», А. Адана «Корсар» и «Жизель», Бориса Асафьева «Бахчисарайский фонтан» и «Утраченные иллюзии». Единственной работой в опере стала «Мазепа» П. И. Чайковского.
В 1937 и 1938 годах произошли два события в жизни Мравинского, резко изменившие маршрут его творчества: от дирижёра музыкального театра к подиуму концертного зала. В 1937 году во время Декады советской музыки Мравинский впервые исполнил новинку – архигениальную Пятую симфонию Дмитрия Шостаковича, а через год буквально потряс своим прочтением этого «зеркала времени» слушателей и жюри Всесоюзного конкурса дирижёров, где завоевал первое место. Любопытно, что творческий союз Шостаковича и Мравинского (а о таком говорить вполне правомерно) возник тогда на основе полного равноправия. Сам Шостакович позднее пиал о своей работе над Пятой симфонией:
«О каждом такте, каждой мысли Мравинский учинял мне подлинный допрос, требуя от меня ответа на все возникающие у него сомнения. Но уже на пятый день работы я понял, что такой метод является безусловно правильным. Я стал серьёзнее относиться к своей работе, наблюдая, как серьёзно работает Мравинский. Я понял, что дирижёр не должен петь подобно соловью…».

Мравинский и Шостакович в 1937 году
Победа на конкурсе, судьбоносная встреча с Шостаковичем и назначение на пост руководителя Ленинградской филармонии определили будущее Мравинского. Главный дирижёр Ленинградского филармонического оркестра, ведущего свою историю от Придворного оркестра под управлением Гуго Варлиха, – преемник и наследник традиций Эмиля Купера, фактического основателя оркестра, Фрица Штидри и Александра Гаука, работавших с коллективом до него, Мравинский поддержал и развил традиции оркестра, поднял его уровень на небывалую высоту, навсегда связал с именем оркестра своё имя, своё искусство, свою судьбу.Тогда же, в 1938 году, Мравинский впервые записывается в студии: его дебют в грамзаписи – также Пятая симфония Шостаковича. В 1940 и 1941 годах он делает несколько замечательных записей в редкой технике «тонфильма», т.е. запись звука производилась на звуковую дорожку киноленты. В студии великий дирижёр работал постоянно до начала 1960-х годов, затем все известные его фонограммы выполнялись исключительно во время открытых концертов.
Затем была война, эвакуация оркестра (одного из культурных сокровищ страны) в Сибирь. 538 концертов оркестра в Новосибирске за годы войны. Возвращение в Ленинград, первые гастроли за пределами Родины, фестиваль «Пражская весна», триумфальные гастроли в европейских странах, запись трёх симфоний Чайковского фирмой Deutsche Grammophon, премьеры великих симфоний Шостаковича, небывалые достижения в интерпретации шедевров мировой классики.
Мравинскому были особенно близки Чайковский и Бетховен, Брукнер и Брамс, Вагнер и Стравинский. Он был неподражаем в исполнении масштабных партитур и симфонических миниатюр. Обзор, даже поверхностный и фрагментарный, его репертуара, характеристика и анализ его интерпретаций небезынтересны, но пусть лучше эти шедевры исполнительного мастерства говорят за себя сами.
Творческий и репертуарный поиски приводили Мравинского с течением времени к мудрому самоограничению и утончённейшему совершенствованию уже многократно игранного. Множество слушателей Мравинского становились свидетелями удивительного процесса постижения великим музыкантом великой музыки, слушая из года в год всё новое, что появлялось в прочтении Мравинским таких великих партитур, как Пятая симфония Чайковского или Пятая симфония Шостаковича. Как новая, вечная юная, как только что созданная музыка, звучала у Мравинского любая партитура. Всё, что составляло её высшую ценность, её зерно, раскрывалось великим мастером и в потоке звуков становилось достоянием внимающих им. И ныне, когда уже нет возможности быть сопричастным искусству Мравинского воочию, записи его концертов, труд, совершённый им в студиях звукозаписи, дают возможность снова встретиться с его гением, с его чудным даром нам, современникам Мравинского и его наследникам.

Мемориальная доска на здании Санкт-Петербургской филармонии
Н. Гринёв.

Евгений Мравинский на rutr.life:
    - Дмитрий Шостакович - Симфония №5 - FLAC (tracks), lossless
    - Дмитрий Шостакович - Симфония №8 - APE (image + .cue), lossless
    - Дмитрий Шостакович - Симфония №10 - FLAC (tracks), lossless
    - Пётр Чайковский - Симфонии №4, 5 и 6 - FLAC (tracks), lossless
    - Пётр Чайковский - Симфонические произведения - APE (image + .cue), lossless
    - Юбилейное издание к 100-летию со дня рождения - APE (image + .cue), lossless(5 CD: Моцарт, Мусоргский, Римский-Корсаков, Бизе, Дебюсси, Равель, Вагнер, Бетховен, Шуберт, Сибелиус) - раздача ушла в архив
    - Евгений Мравинский - Хроника, Репетиции, Конц. Выступления - Шостакович, Чайковский, Салманов, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms - 4xDVD9
    - Johannes Brahms - Symphony №4 / Пётр Чайковский - Симфония№5 - DVD5
    - Дмитрий Шостакович - Симфонии №5 и 8 - DVD5
    - The Art of Conducting. Celibidache, Furtwangler, Kleiber, Мравинский, Munch, Mendelberg etc. - DVD5

Полезные ссылки:
    Evgeny Mravinsky Tribute Page
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 18 лет

Сообщений: 540

GMSh · 06-Июн-07 17:28 (спустя 18 часов, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Газета "Правда" от 22 января 1988 г.
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Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 29

navigator666 · 11-Июн-07 22:25 (спустя 5 дней, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

А шестой симфонии Шостаковича с Мравинским нет ни у кого? Хотелось бы послушать
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1482

troppo · 03-Дек-07 12:50 (спустя 5 месяцев 21 день, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Большое спасибо за тему и публикацию ссылки на сайт!
один из авторов
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 18 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 655

Amarillo · 03-Дек-07 17:40 (спустя 4 часа, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Хорошая тема.
Вот в этом фильме есть отрывки видео с Евгением Мравинским.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 14877

GFox · 10-Фев-08 16:03 (спустя 2 месяца 6 дней, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

Обновил статью, добавил новые ссылки.
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Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 112

val_lav · 22-Авг-09 01:39 (спустя 1 год 6 месяцев)

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Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 29

Otello · 22-Сен-09 11:25 (спустя 1 месяц)

Спасибо Вам за труды!
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Стаж: 6 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 64

СпикИнглиш1 · 14-Авг-17 04:57 (спустя 7 лет 10 месяцев, ред. 14-Авг-17 04:57)

Mravinsky Discography (2004)

Mravinsky Discography (2004)
by Kenzo Amoh
BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Suite No. 2 in b minor, BWV 1067
1961/11/21, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11167 (1994)
BARTOK, Bela (1881-1945)
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, Sz 106. Premiere in USSR by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1961/12/16 in Leningrad
1965/2/28, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: David Gaklin. Piano: Olga Krylova; Harp: Yelena Sinitsina; Drum: Anatoli Ivanov; Celesta: Nora Nuradshanyan
CD: Melodiya MCD 223 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25197-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4010 (1996)
CD: Documents LV 917 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: JVC VDC 1118 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2034 (1990)
CD: Melodiya(Australia) MA 3023
CD: Olympia OCD 223 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46070-2 (1994)
1967/5/24, Prague, Smetana Hall, Live; RE: na
CD: Praga PR 254047 (1994)
CD: PR 256016
1970/10/12, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11167 (1994)
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Symphony No. 1 in C, Op. 21
1982/1/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25022 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40141 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40252 (1997)
CD: Audiophile APL 101.508 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1983).
CD: Erato 2292-45759-2 (1992)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1318 (1995)
CD: RL8423
CD: MDT8423
Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 36
1940, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8021 (1998), 4 disc set
Symphony No. 3 in E flat, "Eroica", Op. 55
1961/6/24, Festival in Bergen, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 (1990), 2 disc set
CD: Arkadia CGDI 714.2, 2 disc set
1968/10/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
CD: JVC VDC 25032 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40139 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40250 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45759-2 (1992)
Symphony No. 4 in B flat, Op. 60
1949/3/14, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
LP: Old Melodiya D 01466/7 (1953) B-57, WERM3-57
LP: Melodiya D 029691/2 (1971) B-57
LP: JVC VIC 5079 (1977)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1073 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4020 (1997)
1955/6/3, Spring Festival in Prague, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Praga PR 250021 (1992)
CD: Praga PR 256004 (1998)
1972/1/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Vasili Antonenko
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4029 (1997)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
1973/4/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Melodiya MCD 225 (1989)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25196-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4001 (1996)
CD: Documents LV 917 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: JVC VDC 1116 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2032 (1990)
CD: Olympia OCD 225 (1989)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46033-2 (1994)
1973/5/26, Tokyo Bunkakaikan Large Hall, Live; RE: na. This recording was broadcast on NHK TV on 1973/5/31 and NHK FM Radio on 1973/6/16
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10901 (1994)
Symphony No. 5 in c minor, Op. 67
1949, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29400-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4011 (1997)
1963, (probably Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic), Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1321 (1995)
CD: RL8423
CD: MDT8423
1971, (probably Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic), Live, Monaural; RE: I. Shnipenko
LP: Melodiya M90 48395/6 (1988). Paul Miller confirmed that Old Melodiya D 0416/7 and Melodiya M90 48395/6 are distinct by making A-B comparison on variable speed tape recorders.
1972/1/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Vasili Antonenko
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4029 (1997)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: YCC0158
1974/9/8, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: JVC VICC 40148 (1993), bonus disc in 9 disc set
1974/9/15, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25033 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40139 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40250 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45760-2 (1992)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1318 (1996) (incorrectly dated 1963).
Symphony No. 6 in F, "Pastorale", Op. 68
1949/3/29, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
LP: Old Melodiya D 01091/2 (1953) B-57, WERM3-57
LP: Ariola 27933XK in 28192XDK (1977), 3 disc set
LP: JVC VICX 1010 (1979), 10 disc set
LP: Shinsekai PLS 31 (before 1959)
LP: Shinsekai PH 35 (1959), 25cm
LP: Shinsekai PX 8510 (1963)
LP: Shinsekai SH 7751 (1972)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1028 (1973)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4020 (1997)
1962, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Monaural, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11159 (1993)
1982/10/17, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25023 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40140 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40251 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45761-2 (1992)
Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92
1958/11/16, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG 74321-29400-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4011 (1997)
CD: Palladio PD 1200 (1994)
CD: Saga Classics EC 3382-2 (1994)
CD: Saga Classics SCD 9047 (1995)
1964/9/19, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: JVC VDC 25033 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40140 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40251 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45760-2 (1992)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1321 (1995)
BERLIOZ, Hector (1803-1869)
Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14
1949, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: na; 2nd movement (Un bal) only USSR State Symphony Orchestra
78: Old Melodiya 16695/6, 2 sides, 25cm WERM3-67
CD: DHR7810/11
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
1960/2/26, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10906 (1995)
CD: CDVE03219 Venezia
BIZET, Georges (1838-1875)
Carmen: Entracte Nos. 1, 2 and 3
1946/11/23, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4027 (1997)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000757
L'Arlesienne: Farandole
1946/11/23, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4027 (1997)
BRAHMS, Johannes (1833-1897)
Symphony No. 1 in c minor, Op. 68
1949, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4021 (1997)
CD: King KICC 2355/6 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: Memoria 991-006 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: DHR7798/9 (2 CDs)
CD: URN22.181
CD: Doremi Records (2 CDs)
Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 73
1978/4/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Artists FED 043 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25190-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4002 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1121 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2036 (1990)
CD: King KICC 2355/6 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: Memoria 991-006 (1993), 2 disc set
1978/6/12, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Live; RE: Arfred Tsafrel
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 78705/6 (1981)
CD: Ariola 880029-910
CD: JVC VDC 1010 (1985)
CD: JVC VICC 40259 (1997)
CD: DHR7798/9 (2 CDs)
CD: Doremi Records (2 CDs)
Symphony No. 3 in F, Op. 90
1971/11/30, (probably Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic), Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10905 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: DHR7798/9 (2 CDs)
CD: Doremi Records (2 CDs)
1972/1/27, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: BMG 74321-29401-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4003 (1996)
CD: King KICC 2355/6 (1994), 2 disc set (reissue from Memoria) (incorrectly claims that Memoria 991-006 is incorrectly dated 1965 and the correct date is 1971/11/30)
CD: Memoria 991-006 (1993), 2 disc set (incorrectly dated 1965)
Symphony No. 4 in e minor, Op. 98
1954/12/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10916 (1995)
1961/5/14, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10907 (1995)
1973/4/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Andromeda ANR 2531 (1994)
CD: Artists FED 044 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-29401-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4003 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1117 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2033 (1990)
CD: King KICC 2355/6 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: Memoria 991-006 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: DHR7798/9 (2 CDs)
CD: Doremi Records (2 CDs)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 in B flat, Op. 83
1961/12/27, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na Piano: Svyatoslav Richter
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11158 (1993)
BRUCKNER, Anton (1824-1896)
Symphony No. 7 in E
1967/2/25, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10911 (1995)
CD: EMI724357595322, 2 disk set
Symphony No. 8 in c minor (edited by Haas)
1959/6/30, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG 74321-29402-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4012 (1997)
Symphony No. 9 in d minor
1980/1/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Melodiya MCD 220 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25193-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4004 (1997)
CD: Icone ICN 9412-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio on 1982/12/29).
CD: JVC VDC 1119 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2035 (1990)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1303 (1995)
CD: Olympia OCD 220 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46011-2 (1993)
DAVIDOV, Karl Yulyevich (1838-1889)
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No. 2 in a minor, Op. 14
1949/5/2, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na Cello: Daniil Shafran
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10914 (1996)
CD: 7741 Doremi Records
DEBUSSY, Claude (1862-1918)
First Rhapsody for Clarinet and Orchestra, Lesure 116
1962, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na Clarinet: Vladimir Krasavin
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11159 (1993)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1304 (1995)
La Mer, Lesure 109
1962, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11159 (1993)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1304 (1995)
Nocturnes, Lesure 91: 1. Nuages (Clouds) and 2. Fetes (Festivals) only
1952/12/28, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4027 (1997)
CD: Multisonic 310178-2 (1993): Nuages only
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000757
CD: 310492 Multisonic: Nuages only
1960/2/26, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11167 (1994)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1304 (1995)
Claude Debussy visited Petrograd just before World War I, and performed his works La Mer and Nocturnes conducting the Koussevitzky's Orchestra [Interview with Prokofyev by Motoo Ohtaguro, Mizu no ue no ongaku (Tokyo: Ongaku to bungaku sha, 1919) (in Japanese)]. Mravinsky may have attended this concert, but there is no evidence. -R1-
Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune, Lesure 86
1965/2/28, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: David Gaklin Flute: Dmitry Beda
CD: BMG 74321-25197-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4010 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000757
GLAZUNOV, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865-1936)
Symphony No. 4 in E flat, Op. 48
1948/3/2, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG 74321-29407-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4013 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 2128 (1993)
CD: Multisonic 310237-2 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1946).
1950/2/8, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: N. Barskova: Scherzo only USSR State Symphony Orchestra
78: Old Melodiya 16697/8, 2 sides, 25cm WERM1-213
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8022 (1998), 4 disc set
Symphony No. 5 in B flat, Op. 55
1968/9/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: (probably Semyon Shugal: See the Prokofyev 5th on the same day.) -R1-
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11165 (1993)
CD: EMI724357595322, 2 disk set
Raimonda Suite, Op. 57a
1969/12/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
CD: JVC VDC 25031 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40143 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40254 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45757-2 (1992)
Raimonda, Op. 57: Introduction to Act 3 (also called Fragment No. 10)
1965/2/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CT: Ariola VS 122K (1976)
CT: Linfair 13007 (1987)
LP: Melodiya SM 02863 (1971) B-199
LP: Ariola 80588XAK (1976)
LP: JVC VIC 5067 (1977)
LP: JVC VIC 9544 (1985)
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7712 (1972)
LP: Shinsekai MKX 2010 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Urania US 5163-CD (1989)
1973/5/26, Tokyo Bunkakaikan Large Hall, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10901 (1994) This recording was broadcast on NHK FM Radio on 1973/6/16 and on NHK TV on 1973/12/20.
Raimonda, Op. 57: Spanish Dance
1948/3/11, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8024 (1998), 4 disc set
The Seasons, Op. 67
1969/4/20, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11155 (1994) The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
Lyric Poem Op.12
CD: 528 Audiophile Classics (Svetlanov?)
March on a Russian Theme Op.76 in E flat major
CD: 528 Audiophile Classics (Svetlanov?)
Serenade espagnole No.2 from 2 Pieces for Cello and Orchestra Op.20
CD: 528 Audiophile Classics (Svetlanov?)
GLINKA, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804-1857)
Ivan Susanin: Krakoviak
1954/4/4, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8024 (1998), 4 disc set
Ruslan and Ludmila: Overture
1965/2/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CT: Ariola VS 122K (1976)
CT: Linfair 13007 (1987)
LP: Melodiya SM 02863 (1971) B-199
LP: Melodiya S10 28431/4, 2 disc set
LP: Ariola 80588XAK (1976)
LP: JVC VIC 5067 (1977)
LP: JVC VIC 9544 (1985)
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7712 (1972)
LP: Shinsekai MKX 2010 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Urania US 5162-CD (1989)
Probably 1967, Spring Festival in Prague, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 (1990), 2 disc set (incorrectly dated 1968)
CD: Hunt HUNTCD 713 (1990) (incorrectly dated 1968)
CD: Arkadia CDGI 714.2, 2 disc set (incorrectly dated 1968)
CD: Arkadia CDGI 713.1 (incorrectly dated 1968)
CD: Inta'glio INCD 7321 (1992) (claims to come from the 1971 live performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London)
1981/11/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25030 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40146 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40257 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45757-2 (1992)
CD: Icone ICN 9417-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio on 1978/3/30)
1983/4/8, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10912 (1996)
HAYDN, Franz Joseph (1732-1809)
Symphony No. 88 in G
1964/4/20, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11163 (1994)
CD: EMI724357595322, 2 disk set
Symphony No. 101 in D
1952/12/20, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown
LP: Old Melodiya D 4204/5 (1958), 25cm B-243
LP: Melodiya D 030615 (1971) B-243
LP: Ariola 27992XK in 28192XDK (1977), 3 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4019 (1997)
LP: JVC VICX 1009 (1979), 10 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 2128 (1993)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1077 (1975)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46115-2 (1994)
Melodiya D 030615 and Ariola 27992XK incorrectly dated 1953. In Fomin's "Yevgeni Alexandrovich Mravinsky", this work cannot be found in the list of Mravinsky's concerts.
Symphony No. 104 in D
1965/10/3, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11163 (1994)
HINDEMITH, Paul (1895-1963)
Symphony "Die Harmonie der Welt" Premiere in USSR by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1964/1/17 in Leningrad
1965/2/26, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG 74321-25195-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4009 (1996)
CD: Originals SH 815 (1994)
HONEGGER, Arthur (1892-1955)
Symphony No. 3, "Liturgique" Premiere in USSR by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1951/11/18 in Leningrad
1965/2/28, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-25195-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4010 (1996)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46156-2 (1995)
KALINNIKOV, Vasili Sergeyevich (1866-1901)
Symphony No. 2 in A
1953/2/2, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11155 (1994)
KHACHATURYAN, Aram Ilyich (1903-1978)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in D flat
1946/6/1, Prague, Live, Monaural; RE: na Piano: Lev Oborin Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
CD: Praga PR 250017 (1993)
KLYUZNER, Boris Lazarevich (1909-1975)
Symphony No. 2 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1964/3/12 in Leningrad
1964/3/3, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11162 (1994) Notice the discrepancy between the premiere date and the recording date.
LISZT, Franz (1811-1886)
Der Tanz in der Dorfschenko (Mephisto Waltz), S 110: No. 2
1947/2/14, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: (probably Ilya Grodzensky: See the Mozart 39th on the same day.) -R1-
LP: Old Melodiya D 1097 (1953), 25cm B-308, WERM3-251
LP: Melodiya D 010000 (1962) B-308
LP: Shinsekai MK 1079 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded in Moscow. On the same day Mozart's Symphony No. 39 and Wagner's Siegfried's Funeral March were recorded in Leningrad).
CD: JVC VICC 2127 (1993)
LYADOV, Anatol Konstantinovich (1855-1914)
Baba-Yaga, Op. 56
1959/4/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10900 (1994)
1965/2/28, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CT: Ariola VS 122K (1976)
CT: Linfair 13007 (1987)
LP: Melodiya SM 02863 (1971) B-319
LP: Ariola 80588XAK (1976)
LP: JVC VIC 5067 (1977)
LP: JVC VIC 9544 (1985)
LP: Shinseaki SMK 7712 (1972)
LP: Shinsekai MKX 2010 (1975)
CD: Melodiya MCD 221 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: Collets 2020
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Olympia OCD 221 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Urania US 5163-CD (1989)
1966/9/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10902 (1994)
1973/5/26, Tokyo Bunkakaikan Large Hall, Live; RE: na. This recording was broadcast on NHK FM Radio on 1973/6/16
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10901 (1994)
The Enchanted Lake, Op. 62
1966/9/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10902 (1994)
LYAPUNOV, Sergey Mikhailovich (1859-1924)
Symphony No. 2 in b flat minor, Op. 68 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1950/12/28 in Leningrad
1950/12/28, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8027 (1998), 4 disc set The studio recording was made on the same day of its world premiere?
LYATOSHINSKY, Boris Nikolayevich (1895-1968)
Symphony No. 3 in b minor, Op. 50 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1955/12/28 in Leningrad
1955/12/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10902 (1994)
MICA, Frantisek Antonin Vaclav (1694-1744)
Symphony in D Mica's authorship of a Sinfonia in D (world premiered in Prague 1946) is refuted by stylistic factors. It is now ascribed to his nephew Frantisek Adam Mica (1746-1811), but on weak evidence. (See New GROVE, Vol. 11, p. 260.)
1950/1/23, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
LP: Old Melodiya D 08518 (1961) B-350
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4019 (1997)
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Symphony No. 33 in B flat, K. 319
1950/1, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
LP: Old Melodiya D 07973 (1961) B-357
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4019 (1997)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1078 (1975)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000756
CD: YCC0101 (2002) (?)
1960/9/23, London, Royal Festival Hall, Live; RE: na
CD: BBC Legends bonus disc to BBCL 4002-2 (1998)
1961/2/25, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10909 (1995)
1964/2 (?)
CD: YCC0101 (2002)
1972/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
LP: Melodiya M10 43989/90 (1982) The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
1983/12/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25022 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40141 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40252 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45758-2 (1992)
Symphony No. 39 in E flat, K. 543
1947/2/14, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
LP: Old Melodiya D 851/2 (1952), 25cm B-358, WERM3-325 (incorrectly labeled as Symphony No. 3).
LP: Old Melodiya D 08517/8 (1961) B-358
LP: Shinsekai MK 1078 (1975) (incorrectly dated 1950).
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8022 (1998), 4 disc set
1965/2/21 (?)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000756
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG 74321-25191-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1116 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2032 (1990)
1972/5/6, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
CD: JVC VDC 25031 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40141 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40252 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45758-2 (1992)
Symphony No, 40 in g minor, K. 550
1972/4/18, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10901 (1994)
Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C, K. 299
1949/3/15, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin Flute: Boris Trizno; Harp: Yelena Sinitsina
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8022 (1998), 4 disc set
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000756
CD: YCC0101 (2002)
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No. 3 in E flat, K. 447
1961/5/14, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na Horn: Vitali Buyanovsky
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10909 (1995)
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 5 in A, K. 219
1956/6/21, Vienna, Live, Monaural; RE: na Violin: David Oistrakh
CD: Fonit Cetra CDE 1025 (1987)
CD: Fonit Cetra CDAR 2034 (1994)
CD: Classical Collection CD 3CLC 4001, 3 disc set
CD: Stradivarius STR 10005
Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Basson, Horn and Orchestra in E flat, K. 297b
1961/11/25, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na Oboe: Kirill Nikonchuk; Clarinet: Vladimir Krasavin; Bassoon: Dmitry Yeremin; Horn: Vitali Buyanovsky
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10909 (1995)
Le Nozze di Figaro, K 492: Overture
1961, Festival in Bergen, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 (1990), 2 disc set Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 claims the performance came from the 1961/8/14 live performance in Bergen, but this date is dubious. Mravinsky gave a concert on June 12 in Helsinki (See Shostakovich's 5th in BROADCASTS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION.) and a concert on June 24 in Bergen (See Beethoven's 3rd .). The date of this recording is probably some day in June that year. The Bergen Festival usually starts around the birthday of Edvard Grieg, June 15.
CD: Arkadia CDGI 714.2, 2 disc set
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 78705/6 (1981)
CD: Melodiya MCD 223 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Andromeda ANR 2531 (1994)
CD: Artists FED 044 (1993), 2 disc set (incorrectly claims to have been recorded in Leningrad).
CD: BMG 74321-25191-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Olympia OCD 223 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
Don Giovanni, K 527: Overture
1968/11/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10911 (1995)
CD: EMI724357595322, 2 disk set
MUSORGSKY, Modest Pyetrovich (1839-1881)
Khovanshchina: Prelude (Dawn over the Moscow River)
1965/2/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: Melodiya MCD 221 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25191-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Olympia OCD 221 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Urania US 5162-CD (1989)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000757
1982/11/24, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10905 (1994), 2 disc set (Though Russian Disc 10905 does not give the venue, Prokofyev's Romeo and Juliet was filmed at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on the same day (VT: Triton DMEC 18005)).
1983/3/19, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25030 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40146 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40257 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45757-2 (1992)
CD: Multisonic 310269-2 (1994).
OVSYANNIKOV-KULIKOVSKY, Nikolay Dmitriyevich (1768-1846)
Symphony No. 21 in g minor It seems that this symphony was a work of Mikhail Emmanuilovich Goldstein (1917-1989). The Symphony was 'discovered' in 1948 by him in the archives of the Odessa Conservatory, where he was then a librarian. It was premiered in Odessa and Kiev in 1948, and published in 1951 by the Soviet State Music Publishers and edited by A.G.Sveshnikov for the modern orchestra. OVSYANNIKOV-KULIKOVSKY was an actual historical figure and landowner who had presented his serf orchestra to the Odessa Theater in 1810. Goldstein immigrated to East Germany in 1964, leaving this hoax behind him. [See Allan Ho and Dmitry Feofanov, Biographical Dictionary of Russian/Soviet Composers (Greenwood Press, 1989), pp. 182-183.]
1954/4/3, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29404-2 (1996) (Claims a P date of 1957)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4023 (1997)
The issue date of Old Melodiya D 851/2 could be 1952 according to the table in Bennett's discography. But it is far from always the case with that release dates follow the same sequence as the recording states. The compilers do not know when D 851/2 was issued (perhaps 1954 or 1955).
PROKOFYEV, Sergey Sergeyevich (1891-1953)
Symphony No. 5 in B flat, Op. 100
1968/9/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11165 (1993)
CD: Czar Classics 2603012 (1993)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1301 (1995)
Symphony No. 6 in B flat, Op. 111 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1947/10/11 in Leningrad
1947/12/25, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: Georgi Dudkevich USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8025 (1998), 4 disc set
1958/12/23, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4024 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25005 (1988)
CD: Multisonic 310189-2 (1993)
CD: Urania US 5163-CD (1989)
1959/4/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10900 (1994)
1967/5/25, Prague, Smetana Hall, Live; RE: na
CD: Praga PR 250079 (1994)
CD: Praga PR 256004 (1998)
CD: Arkadia CDGI 713.1 (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Hunt HUNTCD 713 (1990) (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Inta'glio INCD 7321 (1992) (claims the performance came from the 1971 live performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London)
CD: Palladio PD 1200 (1994)
CD: PR 256019
1974/9/8, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: JVC VICC 40148 (1993), bonus disc in 9 disc set
Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2, Op. 64c
8. The Montagues and the Capulets
9. The Young Juliet
10. Friar Laurence
11. Dance
12. Romeo and Juliet before Parting
13. Dance of the Antilles Maids
14. Romeo at Juliet's Grave
1952/3/24, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
78: Old Melodiya 22455/67, 13 sides, 25cm WERM3-351
LP: Old Melodiya D 522/3 (1952), 25cm B-427, WERM3-351
LP: Chant du Monde LDXA 8073
LP: Monarch MEL 701 (1954), 25cm WERM3-351
LP: Shinsekai PLS 38 (1958)
LP: Shinsekai PX 5508 (1961): No. 12 only
LP: Shinsekai PX 8552 (1965)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1076 (1975)
LP: Stradivari STR 623 (1955) WERM3-351
LP: Vanguard VRS 6004 (1953) WERM2-167
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8025 (1998), 4 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 2126 (1993)
1961, Festival in Bergen, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt HUNTCD 713 (1990) (claims the performance came from the 1961/8/14 live performance in Bergen, but this date is dubious. Mravinsky gave a concert on June 12 in Helsinki (See Shostakovich's 5th in BROADCASTS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION.) and a concert on June 24 in Bergen (See Beethoven's 3rd.). The date of this recording is probably some day in June that year. The Bergen Festival usually starts around the birthday of Edvard Grieg, June 15).
CD: Arkadia CDGI 713.1
1973/6/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
(No. 11 omitted)
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11180 (1994)
1981/12/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
(No. 11 omitted)
CD: BMG 74321-25194-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4005 (1996)
CD: Czar Classics 2603012 (1993)
CD: JVC VDC 1217 (1987) (incorrectly dated 1981/12/31)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1301 (1995)
CD: Philips 420483-2PH (1988) (incorrectly dated 1981/12/12)
RAVEL, Maurice (1875-1937)
CD: MELCD1000757
1952/12/30, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4027 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 2127 (1993)
CD: Multisonic 310178-2 (1993)
CD: 310492 Multisonic
1960/2/26, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10906 (1995)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1304 (1995)
Pavane pour une infante defunte
1960/2/26, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10906 (1995)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1304 (1995)
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844-1908)
The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia
1949/4/4, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Svetlana Svetukhina
CD: BMG 74321-29408-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4014 (1997)
CD: Dante LYS 428 (1998) -R1-
CD: Multisonic 310178-2 (1993)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000757
Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36
1975, Leningrad, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Live Classic LCB 144 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: Live Classic LCB 088 (1995), 2 disc set
This work cannot be found in the list of Mravinsky's concerts in Fomin's book "Yevgeni Alexandrovich Mravinsky". The authenticity of this recording has not been verified, but it sounds like Mravinsky.
SALMANOV, Vadim Nikolayevich (1912-1978)
Symphony No. 1 in d minor Dedicated to Mravinsky World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1953/11/22 in Leningrad
1957/3/20, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Nikolay Kustov
LP: Melodiya S10 12977 (1979), 3 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4033 (1997), 2 disc set
Symphony No. 2 in G World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1960/3/30 in Leningrad
1960/3/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Nikolay Kustov
LP: Melodiya S10 12978/9 (1979), 3 disc set (incorrectly dated 1960/2/30 on the liner note and 1960/9/30 on the disc)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4033 (1997), 2 disc set
1966, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11023 (1993)
CD: APL101528 Audiophile Classics (09/28/2001)
Symphony No. 3 in a minor World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1964/5/23 in Leningrad
1964/5/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Nikolay Kustov
LP: Melodiya S10 12979/80 (1979), 3 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4034 (1997), 2 disc set
Symphony No. 4 in b minor Dedicated to Mravinsky and the Leningrad Philharmonic World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1977/1/31 in Leningrad
1977/1/28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Melodiya MCD 225 (1989)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4034 (1997), 2 disc set
CD: Olympia OCD 225 (1989)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
Notice the discrepancy between the premiere date and the recording date.
SCHUBERT, Franz (1797-1828)
Symphony No. 8 in b minor, "Unfinished", D. 759
1959/4/24, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10903 (1994) (incorrectly labeled the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra).
1978/4/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Artists FED 043 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: Audiophile APL 101.508 (1994)
CD: BMG 74321-25190-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4002 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1141 (1986)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46128-2 (1994)
CD: Yedang CT10013 (incorrectly dated 1978/5/30).
CD: MELCD1000760 (2003)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set (?)
1978/6/12, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Live; RE: Arfred Tsafrel
LP: Ariola 300664 in 300668-440 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 78705/6 (1981)
LP: Dischi Ricordi OCL 16201
LP: HMV ASD 4026 in SLS 5212 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 2326 (1981), 4 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 28063 (1981)
LP: JVC VIC 9531 (1984)
LP: Melodiya S10 15692 (1981)
CD: JVC VDC 1009 (1985)
CD: JVC VICC 40259 (1997)
SCRYABIN, Alexander Nikolayevich (1872-1915)
Le Poeme de l'extase (Poem of Ecstasy) (Symphony No. 4), Op. 54
1945, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown Trumpet: Leonid Yuriev Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8021 (1998), 4 disc set
1958/12/22, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman Trumpet: V. Margolin
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4024 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25004 (1988)
CD: Multisonic 310178-2 (1993)
CD: Sterling Classics CD2432
1959/4/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10900 (1994)
SHOSTAKOVICH, Dmitry Dmitriyevich (1906-1975)
Symphony No. 5 in d minor, Op. 47 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1937/11/21 in Leningrad
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
CD: 7250085 Chant du Monde
1938/3/27 to 4/3, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown MRAVINSKY'S FIRST RECORDING. This recording was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 1994/11/15. Melodiya does not have any original source of this recording.
78: Old Melodiya 06820/33, 14 sides WERM1-559
CD: BMG(Japan) B0CC 3 (1998), bonus disc in 4 disc set
CD: DHR7810/11
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8020 (1998), 4 disc set
1954/4/3, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29404-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4016 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25004 (1988)
CD: Pigeon GX 248
1954/4/24 (?)
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000771 (2004)
1956 (?)
CD: OCD 1031 LP: Vanguard VRS 6025 (1956)
1965/11/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10910 (1995)
1966, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11023 (1993)
CD: Audiophile APL 101.503 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1983)
Unknown date, Spring Festival in Prague, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 (1990), 2 disc set
CD: Arkadia CDGI 714.2, 2 disc set
Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 and Arkadia CDGI 714.2 incorrectly dated 1968. Mravinsky and the Leningrad Philharmonic did not visit Prague in 1968. Probably the date is 1967.
1973/6/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11180 (1994)
1978/6/13, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Live; RE: Arfred Tsafrel
CD: Ariola 880028-910
CD: JVC VDC 1007 (1985)
CD: JVC VICC 40118 (1992), 6 disc set
CD: Praga PR 250085 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded on 1967/5/26 in Prague).
CD: Praga PR 256016
CD: Praga PR 7250085
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46021-2 (1994)
1984/4/4, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25026 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40144 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40255 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45752-2 (1992)
CD: Icone ICN 9407-2 (1994)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1311 (1995)
Symphony No. 6 in b minor, Op. 54 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1939/11/5 in Leningrad
1946/11/4, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown
LP: Old Melodiya D 2488/9 (1955), 25cm B-560
LP: Melodiya D 030616 (1971) B-560
LP: Chant du Monde LDXA 8267, 25cm
LP: JVC VIC 5076 (1977)
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7595 (1970)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1023 (1973)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4016 (1997)
1965/2/21, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
LP: Angel SR 40202 (1972)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: Icone ICN 9404-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio on 1983/3/12).
CD: JVC VICC 40118 (1992), 6 disc set (incorrectly dated 1965/2/25).
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46156-2 (1995)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46157-2 (1995)
1972/1/27, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG 74321-25198-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4007 (1996)
CD: Praga PR 254017 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded on 1955/5/21 in Prague).
CD: Praga PR 256017
CD: Praga PR7254017
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10910 (1995) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Grand Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic).
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000774 (2 004)
Symphony No. 7 in C, "Leningrad", Op. 60
<1953/2/26, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: BMG 74321-29405-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4017 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 40119 (1992), 6 disc set (dated 1953/2/26)
CD: OCD 1030 LP: Vanguard VRS 6030/31 (1957)
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000772 (2004)
Symphony No. 8 in c minor, Op. 65 Dedicated to Mravinsky World premiere by Mravinsky/USSR State Symphony Orchestra on 1943/11/4 in Moscow
1947/6/2, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG 74321-29406-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4018 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 40120 (1992), 6 disc set
1960/9/23, London, Royal Festival Hall, Live, the Composer in attendance; RE: na
CD: BBC Legends BBCL 4002-2 (1998) This recording was broadcast on 1960/9/23 by BBC Radio.
1961/2/25, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Nikolay Kustov
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8026 (1998), 4 disc set
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000773 (2003)
1982/3/27 or 28, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Philips 422442-2PH (1989) (Japanese liner note gives 1982/3/28 for the recording date).
CD: Philips 422442-2PX (1998)
CD: Icone ICN 9411-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio on 1983/3/15).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10917 (1996) (gives 1982/3/27 for the recording date).
Symphony No. 10 in e minor, Op. 93 World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1953/12/17 in Leningrad
<1954/4/24, probably Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil)
CD: Saga Classics SCD 9017 (Disc claims stereo)
CD: Saga Classics EC 3366-2 (1992)
1955/6/3, Prague, Smetana Hall, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Praga PR 250053 (1994)
CD: Praga PR7250053 (10-9-2000)
1976/3/3, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25027 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40145 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40256 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45753-2 (1992)
CD: Warner Elatus 2564606602
1976/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: BMG 74321-25198-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4007 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 40121 (1992), 6 disc set
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1322 (1995)
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000772 (2004)
CD: MELCD1000774 (2004)
Symphony No. 11 in g minor, "The Year 1905", Op. 103 Leningrad premiere recording; World premiere by Nathan Rakhlin/USSR State Symphony Orchestra on 1957/10/30 in Moscow
CD: 7254018 Chant du Monde
1957/11/3, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11157 (1993)
1959/2/2, Large Studio of Moscow Radio, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4025 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 40122 (1992), 6 disc set
CD: Praga PR 254018 (1994) (incorrectly claims to be the live recording in 1967 in Prague).
CD: Praga PR 256018
CD: Praga PR 7254018
CD: Revelation RV 10091 (1997) (incorrectly dated 1959/11/2).
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000775 (2004)
Symphony No. 12 in d minor, "The Year 1917", Op. 112. World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1961/10/1 in Leningrad
1961, Large Studio of Moscow Radio, Studio; RE: Alexander Grosman MRAVINSKY'S LAST STUDIO RECORDING
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4026 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1122 (1986) (incorrectly claims to be the concert at the Grand Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic).
CD: JVC VICC 40123 (1992), 6 disc set
CD: Praga PR 254017 (1994) (incorrectly claims to be the live recording on 1962/1/6 in Prague).
CD: Praga PR 256017 (1994)
CD: Praga PR7254017 (1994)
CD: Urania US 5162-CD (1989)
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000775 (2004) Artia MK 1580 and Urania US 5162-CD incorrectly claim to be the world premiere performance, with the latter stating that the Composer attended. Paul Miller confirmed that JVC VICC 40123, Artia
MK 1580, and Urania US 5162-CD are all identical using variable speed recorders and by making A-B comparisons. Hiroshi Yasuda indicated and Kenzo Amoh confirmed that Praga PR 254017 and
BMG(Japan) BVCX 4026 are identical, since the timings of the individual movements are same, and, furthermore, because PR 254017 sounds like a studio recording.
1984/4/29 or 30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal MRAVINSKY'S LAST RECORDING
CD: JVC VDC 25028 (1989) (gives 1984/4/30 for the recording date).
CD: JVC VICC 40146 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40257 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45754-2 (1992)
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10912 (1996) (gives 1984/4/29 for the recording date). Kenzo Amoh confirmed that JVC VDC 25028 and Russian Disc RDCD 10912 are identical, since the timings of the individual movements are same.
Symphony No. 15 in A, Op. 141
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000775 (2004)
1972/5/5 or 6, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
LP: Melodiya M10 43653/4 (1982), 2 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 28053 (1981)
1976/5/26, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
LP: Melodiya S10 19299/300 (1983)
CD: Melodiya MCD 224 (1988)
CD: MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Melodiya MCD 008: 3rd movement only
CD: BMG 74321-25192-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4032 (1997) (incorrectly tracked between the second movement and the third movement).
LP: JVC VIC 28147 (1984)
CD: JVC VDC 1123 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2037 (1990)
CD: JVC VICC 40123 (1992), 6 disc set
CD: Olympia OCD 224 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Olympia OCD 008: 3rd movement only
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46070-2 (1994)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46157-2 (1995)
Paul Miller confirmed that JVC VIC 28053 and JVC VDC 1123 are distinct by using variable speed recorders and by making A-B comparisons. JVC VDC 1123 incorrectly dated 1976/3/26.
Kenzo Amoh confirmed that ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46157-2 and JVC VDC 1123 are identical, since the timings of the individual movements are same. ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46070-2 incorrectly dated 1976/6/3.
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in a minor, Op. 77 World premiere by David Oistrakh and Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1955/10/29 in Leningrad
<1956/11/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Studio, Monaural; RE: na Violin: David Oistrakh The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
LP: Old Melodiya D 03658/9 (1957) B-561
LP: Old Melodiya D 5540/1 (1959), 25cm B-561
LP: Melodiya D 033451/2 (1972), 2 disc set B-561
LP: Ariola 79829ZK (1976)
LP: Ariola XP 88665K (1977), 14 disc set
LP: Ariola 89511XGK (1977)
LP: Bruno BR 14017 (1958)
LP: Chant du Monde LD 8186, 25cm
LP: Chant du Monde LDXS 8342
LP: Columbia(Japan) HR 1530 (1972)
LP: HMV ASD 3234 in SLS 5058, simulated stereo
LP: Monitor MC 2014 (1958)
LP: Monitor MCS 2014 (1958), simulated stereo
LP: Parlophone PMB 1014, 25cm
LP: Period SHO 342 (1965)
LP: Period SHOST 2342 (1965), simulated stereo
LP: Shinsekai PLV 11 (1958), 25cm
LP: Shinsekai PH 41 (1959), 25cm
LP: Shinsekai MK 1059 (1974)
LP: Telefunken TW 30213, 25cm
CD: Chant du Monde LDC 278882 (1988)
CD: Eurodisc GD 69084 (1990)
CD: JVC VICC 2132 (1993)
CD: Monitor MCD 62014
1957/5 Czech Radio broadcast, Prague, Live, Monaural; RE: na Violin: David Oistrakh Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
CD: Praga PR 250052 (1994)
CD: Praga PR 25612 (1998), 6 disc set -R1-
PR 256019
Festive Overture in A, Op. 96
1955/4/21, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10902 (1994)
Song of the Forests, Op. 81; Lyrics by Yevgeni Dolmatovsky World premiere by Vladimir Ivanovsky (tenor), Ivan Titov (bass), and Mravinsky/ Leningrad Philharmonic and Leningrad Academy Chorus on 1949/11/15 in Leningrad
1949/12/12, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: Svetlana Svetukhina Tenor: Vitali Kilichevsky; Bass: Ivan Petrov Choral Director: Alexander Sveshnikov; RSFSR Chorus and Boy's Chorus of State Choral School USSR State Symphony Orchestra
78: Old Melodiya 019191/9 (1950), 9 sides WERM2-204
78: Chant du Monde PA 5077, 25cm: parts 4 and 5 only WERM1-836
78: Topic TRC 41/5, ?9 sides WERM1-836
LP: Old Melodiya D 0486/7 (1952) WERM3-426
LP: Chant du Monde LDXA 8000 (1952)
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 8000 WERM1-836
LP: Chant du Monde LDA 8000, 25cm WERM3-426
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 8387
LP: Colosseum CRLP 118 WERM2-204 (incorrectly attributes Petrov to tenor and Kilichevsky to bass).
LP: Diaphon DCM 1 WERM3-426
LP: JVC VIC 5076 (1977)
LP: JVC VICX 1007 (1979), 10 disc set
LP: Shinsekai PH 33 (1959), 25cm
LP: Shinsekai PX 8508 (1963)
LP: Shinsekai PX 8552 (1965)
LP: Shinsekai SH 7680 (1968)
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7595 (1970)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1023 (1973)
LP: Supraphon SLPV 17 WERM3-426
LP: Supraphon DV 5149
LP: Ultraphon 5149G WERM3-426
LP: Vanguard VRS 422 (1952) WERM2-204
45: Shinsekai PEV 56 (1958), 17cm: parts 1, 4 and 5 only
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4026 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25005 (1988)
CD: MELCD1000770, 6 disk set
CD: MELCD1000771 (2004)
SIBELIUS, Jan (1865-1957)
Symphony No. 7 in C, Op. 105
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
LP: Angel SR 40202 (?) (1972)
CD: BMG 74321-25191-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1117 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2033 (1990)
CD: Melodiya(Australia) MA 3023
CD: Melodiya MCD 223 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Olympia OCD 223 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46071-2 (1994)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000760 (2003)
CD: Sterling Classics CD2432
Lemminkainen Suite, Op. 22: No. 2 The Swan of Tuonela
1961/5/14, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russin Disc RDCD 10907 (1995)
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: Melodiya MCD 223 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Ariola 86851XBK
CD: BMG 74321-25191-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1990)
CD: Olympia OCD 223 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Shinsekai MKX 2010 (1975)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000760 (2003)
STEINBERG, Maksimilian Oseyevich (1883-1946)
Till Eulenspiegel: Dance of Buffoons and Dance of Gilina
1946/10/25, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8024 (1998), 4 disc set
STRAUSS, Richard (1864-1949)
Eine Alpensinfonie, Op. 64
1962/4/21, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Melodiya MCD 222 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-29403-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4006 (1996)
CD: Olympia OCD 222 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No. 1 in E flat, Op. 11
1964/4/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal Horn: Vitali Buyanovsky
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11163 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1967/5/29).
CD: BMG 74321-29403-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4006 (1996)
Kenzo Amoh confirmed that Russian Disc 11163 and BMG(Japan) BVCX 4006 are identical, since the timings of the individual movements are same and the coughs in the first and second movements occur in the same places.
STRAVINSKY, Igor Fyodorovich (1882-1971)
Agon Premiere in USSR by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1965/10/29 in Leningrad
1965/10/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Melodiya MCD 224 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25192-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4032 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 2127 (1993)
CD: Olympia OCD 224 (1988) (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Olympia 5002, 6 disc set
Apollon Musagete Premiere in USSR by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1964/10/24 in Leningrad
1965/2/26, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev Violin solo: Ilya Shpilberg
LP: Angel SR 40202 (1972)
CD: BMG 74321-25197-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4009 (1996)
CD: JVC VDC 1118 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2034 (1990)
1972/1/27, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10908 (1995) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Grand Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic).
The Fairy's Kiss
1983, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11160 (1993)
The Firebird, Concert Suite No. 2 Contains: Introduction; Prelude and Dance of the Firebird, Variations of the Firebird; The Princesses' Round (Khorovod); Infernal Dance of King Kashchei; Lullaby; Final Hymn
1961 or 1962, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Icone ICN 9401-2 (1994)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1313 (1995) Kenzo Amoh confirmed that Icone ICN 9401-2 and Leningrad Masters LM 1313 are identical, since the timings of the individual parts are same. Icone ICN 9401-2 dated 1961 and Leningrad Masters LM 1313 dated 1962.
Petrushka, Orchestral Suite (1911 Version) Contains: Scene 1: The Shrovetide Fair, The Crowds, The Mountebank's Booth; Scene 2: Petrushka's Room; Scene 3: The Moor's Room, Dance of the Ballerina, Waltz; Scene 4: The Shrovetide Fair (evening), Dance of the Wet Nurses, Dance of the Coachmen and Grooms, Maskers, Dance of Petrushka
1946/11/18, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4027 (1997)
CD: Dante LYS 428 (1998) -R1-
CD: Multisonic 310189-2 (1993) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded in Moscow).
1964/10/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11162 (1994)
CD: Icone ICN 9401-2 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1961).
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1313 (1995)
TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Ilyich (1840-1893)
Symphony No. 4 in f minor, Op. 36
1957/4/8, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG 74321-29407-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4013 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25001 (1988)
CD: Revelation RV 10055 (1996)
CD: Revelation RV 2002 (1997), 2 disc set: 4th movement only
CD: Revelation RV 40002 (1997): 4th movement only
1959/4/24, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10903 (1994) (incorrectly labeled with the Leningrad Philharmonic).
1960/9/14-15, London, Wembly Town Hall, Studio; RE: Harald Baudis
CD: DG 413541-2 (1985), 2 disc set
CD: DG 419746-2 in 419745-2GH2, 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) F60G 20129 (1987), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 1391/2 (1992), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9835/6 (1996), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 90353 (1999) -R1-
CD: Echo Industry CC 1019/20, 2 disc set
CD: PolyGram(Japan) The Symphonies (1998), 20 CD set
Symphony No. 5 in e minor, Op. 64
1948, Studio, (probably Moscow), Monaural; RE: na 3rd movement (Waltz) only Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra The recording date was given by BMG Japan/Melodiya.
78: Old Melodiya 16417/8, 2 sides, 25cm WERM1-621
1947 to 1948, Studio, Monaural; RE: na
CD: JVC VDC 25002 (1988)
78: Supraphon 10210/5-V, 12 sides
78: Ultraphon H 23865/70, 12 sides (ever issued?) WERM2-227 Jiri Jirak wrote to the compiler that Ultraphon H 23865/70 was never issued.
1949/1/19, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: unknown USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10914 (1996) (incorrectly labeled the Leningrad Philharmonic on the disc).
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8023 (1998), 4 disc set
1956/6, Vienna, Grosser Konzerthaussaal, Studio, Monaural; RE: Heinrich Keilholz
CD: DG 447423-2GOR2 (1995), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9539/40 (1995), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 3599/600 (1996), 2 disc set
1960/11/9-10, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Studio; RE: Harald Baudis
8-track cartridge tape: DG M88-658
CD: DG 413541-2 (1985), 2 disc set
CD: DG 419746/7 in 419745-2GH2, 2 disc set
CD: DG 439434-2 (1994)
CD: DG(Japan) F60G 20129/30 (1987), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 1391/2 (1992), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9690 (1995)
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9835/6 (1996), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 90354 (1999) -R1-
CD: Echo Industry CC 1019/20, 2 disc set
CD: PolyGram(Japan) The Symphonies (1998), 20 CD set
1961, Festival in Bergen, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 (1990), 2 disc set
CD: Arkadia CGDI 714.2, 2 disc set Hunt 2HUNTCD 714 claims the performance came from the 1961/8/14 live performance in Bergen, but this date is dubious. Mravinsky gave a concert on June 12 in Helsinki (See Shostakovich's 5th in BROADCASTS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION.) and a concert on June 24 in Bergen (See Beethoven's 3rd.). The date of this recording is probably some day in June of that year. The Bergen Festival usually starts around the birthday of Edvard Grieg, June 15.
1972/1/29 (?)
CD: Yedang Classics YCC0158 (2002)
1972/1/30, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Vasili Antonenko
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4030 (1997)
1973/4/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Melodiya MCD 221 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Andromeda ANR 2523 (1994)
CD: BMG 74321-25196-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4001 (1996)
CD: Documents LV 918 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: JVC VDC 1120 (1986)
CD: Olympia OCD 221 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
1978/6/13, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Live; RE: Arfred Tsafrel
LP: Ariola 300667 in 300668-440 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: HMV ASD 4029 in SLS 5212 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: Melodiya S10 15571/2 (1981)
LP: JVC VIC 2325 (1981), 4 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 28032 (1981)
CD: JVC VDC 1008 (1985)
1982/11/18, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10908 (1995)
CD: Revelation RV 10077 (1995) (Incorrectly dated 1952/11/8).
1983/3/19, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25024 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40143 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40254 (1997)
CD: Audiophile APL 101.511 (1995)
CD: Erato 2292-45755-2 (1992)
CD: Icone ICN 9404-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Moscow Radio Concert Hall on 1983/3/11).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10905 (1994), 2 disc set
CD: Warner Elatus 2564600352
Symphony No. 6 in b minor, "Pathetique", Op. 74
1949, (probably Moscow), Studio, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
78: Old Melodiya 016903/14, 12 sides WERM1-621
CD: DHR7810/11 (?)
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
1949/3/25, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29408-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4014 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25003 (1988)
CD: Arkadia 1CD78581(?) The 78s (CD total 67:39)
1956/6, Vienna, Grosser Konzerthaussaal, Studio, Monaural; RE: Heinrich Keilholz
CD: DG 447423-2GOR2 (1995), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9539/40 (1995), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 3599/600 (1996), 2 disc set
1960/11/7-9, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Studio; RE: Harald Baudis
CD: DG 413 541-2 (1985), 2 disc set
CD: DG 419747-2 in 419745-2GH2, 2 disc set
CD: DG 439456-2 (1994)
CD: DG(Japan) F60G 20130 (1987), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 1391/2 (1992), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 9835/6 (1996), 2 disc set
CD: DG(Japan) POCG 90355 (1999) -R1-
CD: Echo Industry CC 1019/20, 2 disc set
CD: PolyGram(Japan) The Symphonies (1998), 20 CD set
1983/12/24, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25025 (1989) (incorrectly dated 1982/10/17)
CD: JVC VICC 40142 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40253 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45756-2 (1992)
CD: Originals SH 815 (1994)
CD: Elatus 0927-467332 (2002) (incorrectly dated 1982/10/17)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1 in b flat minor, Op. 23
1953/1/6, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin Piano: Pavel Serebryakov
LP: Old Melodiya D 01400/1 (1953) B-607, WERM3-466
LP: Saga XID 5043
LP: Shinsekai PLV 8 (1957), 25cm
LP: Westminster XWN 18179 (1957)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8023 (1998), 4 disc set
CD: Multisonic 310352-2 (1995)
<1959/7/24, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown Piano: Svyatoslav Richter The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil). Bruno BR 41007, Everest SBDR 3345, Period SHO 341 and SHOST 2341, Supermajestic BBH 16.220, and Vox S 16.220 incorrectly labeled with Kirill Kondrashin / Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra.
CD: BMG 74321-17038-2 (1993)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4056 (1997)
CD: Chant du Monde LDC 278848 (1987) (Incorrectly dated 1955).
CD: Eurodisc GD 69048QH
CD: JVC VDC 1110 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2011 (1990)
CD: Music and Arts CD 776 (1993)
CD: Urania ULS 5175-CD (1989)
CD: Urania ULS 5171-CD
CD: MEL CD 10 00993
CD: Bramante BBBCD9004 (1994)
1971/3/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal Piano: Emil Gilels
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11170 (1993)
CD: Czar Classics 2603082 (1993) (incorrectly states that Dmitry Kitayenko is the conductor)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1306 (1995)
Capriccio Italien in A, Op. 45
1950/2/23, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29409-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4015 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25003 (1988)
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 15003 (1993)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46145-2 (1994)
Francesca da Rimini, Symphonic Fantasia in e minor after Dante, Op. 32
1940/5/28, (probably Moscow), Studio, Monaural; RE: na Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra The recording date was given by BMG Japan/Melodiya. Jiri Jirak wrote to the compiler that Ultraphon H 23899/901 was never issued.
78: Old Melodiya 010273/8, 6 sides WERM1-619
78: Supraphon 10238/40-V, 6 sides
78: Ultraphon H 23899/901, 6 sides (ever issued?) WERM2-225
CD: DHR7810/11
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
1948/3/10, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 15003 (1993)
CD: BMG 74321-29409-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4015 (1997)
CD: Arkadia 1CD78581(?) The 78s (CD total 67:39)
1972/1/27, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4030 (1997)
1983/3/19, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25030 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40142 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40253 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45757-2 (1992).
CD: Icone ICN 9410-2 (1994)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1314 (1995)
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11160 (1993)
CD: EMI724357595322, 2 disk set
CD: Elatus 0927-467332 (2002) (incorrectly dated 1982/10/17 (?))
The Nutcracker, Excerpts from the Ballet, Op. 71
First group of recordings (1946-1948):
1946/11/21, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
6. Departure of the Guests and Night
7. The Battle and Transformation Scene
8. Winter Fir Tree Forest
9. Waltz of the Snowflakes
1946/11/22, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
14a.The Prince and the Sugarplum Fairy
15. Final Waltz
1948/3/11, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
2. March [2a in the Suite, Op. 71a]
12b. Coffee (Arabian Dance) [2d in the Suite, Op. 71a]
12c. Tea (Chinese Dance) [2e in the Suite, Op. 71a]
12d. Trepak (Russian Dance) [2c in the Suite, Op. 71a]
12e. Dance of the Mirlitons [2f in the Suite, Op. 71a]
14c. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and Coda [2b in the Suite, Op. 71a]
1948/3/22, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
13. Waltz of the Flowers [3 in the Suite, Op. 71a]
Mravinsky recorded all the numbers in the Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a except No. 1 (Overture Miniature).
78: Old Melodiya 20370/1, 2 sides, 25cm WERM3-462
78MG: Old Melodiya D 00197 (1952), 20cm WERM3-462
78: Supraphon 10330-M, 25cm
78: Ultraphon C 23934, 25cm (ever issued?) WERM2-224 Jiri Jirak wrote to the compiler that Ultraphon C 23934 was never issued.
78: Supraphon 10330-M, 25cm
78: Ultraphon C 23944, 25cm (ever issued?) WERM2-224 Jiri Jirak wrote to the compiler that Ultraphon C 23944 was never issued.
78: Old Melodiya 20421/4, 4 sides, 25cm WERM3-462
78MG: Old Melodiya D 00512/5 (1952), 4 sides, 20cm WERM3-462
LP: Old Melodiya D 03426/7 (1956) B-612
LP: Artia MK 1545
LP: JVC VIC 5074 (1977) (dated 1946)
LP: JVC VICX 1005 (1979): No. 14a omitted, 10 disc set (dated 1946)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1075 (1975) (dated 1946)
CD: JVC VICC 2126 (1993): No. 14a omitted
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46145-2 (1994)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8024 (1998), 4 disc set
Second recording (1981)
1981/12/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: BMG 74321-25194-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4005 (1996)
CD: Icone ICN 9410-2 (1994)
CD: JVC VDC 1217 (1987) (incorrectly dated 1981/12/30)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1314 (1995)
CD: Philips 420483-2PH (1988)
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 45801-2 (1994), 3 disc set
CD: ZYX/Melodiya MEL 46061-2 (1994)
Third recording (1982)
1982/11/24, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10905 (1994), 2 disc set (Though Russian Disc RDCD 10905 does not give the venue, Prokofyev's Romeo and Juliet was filmed at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on the same day (VT: Triton DMEC 18005)).
Serenade in C for String Orchestra, Op. 48
1949/3/25, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
CD: BMG 74321-29409-2 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4015 (1997)
CD: JVC VDC 25002 (1989) Recording date stated to be 1949/4.
CD: Revelation RV 10055 (1996) (incorrectly dated 1949/3/17).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 15003 (1993) (incorrectly dated 1961).
CD: URN22.181
The Sleeping Beauty, Fragments from the Ballet, Op. 66
1948/3/12, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
28. Pas de deux: Adagio (Act 3)
1948/3/13, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
4. Finale of the Prologue (Prologue)
8. Pas d'action: Adagio (Act 1)
17. Panorama (Act 2)
23a. Pas de quatre (Act 3)
23b. Variation II (La Fee-Argent) (Act 3)
24. Pas de caractere (Act 3)
1948/3/16, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
3. Pas de six: Introduction and Adagio (Prologue)
25. Pas de quatre: Variation II (Act 3)
1948/3/21, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
2. Scene dansante (Prologue)
1948/3/22, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
6. Valse (Act 1)
1948/4/12, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
1. Introduction (Prologue)
Unspecified Pieces
78: Old Melodiya 18523/5, 3 sides, 25cm WERM3-465
3a. Pas de six: Introduction
78: Old Melodiya 18607/8, 2 sides, 25cm WERM3-465
3b. Pas de six: Adagio
78: Old Melodiya 18534/5, 2 sides, 25cm
6. Valse
78MG: Old Melodiya D 00198 (1952), 20cm
20. March? (unidentified)
78: Supraphon 10329-V
78: Ultraphon H 23947 (ever issued?) WERM2-224 Jiri Jirak wrote to the compiler that Ultraphon H 23947 was never issued.
2. Scene dansante;
3a. Pas de six: Introduction;
4. Finale of the Prologue,
6. Valse,
8. Pas d'action: Adagio,
23a. Pas de quatre,
24. Pas de caractere,
25. Pas de quatre: Variation II,
28. Pas de deux: Adagio
78MG: Old Melodiya D 00707/12 (1952), 6 sides, 20cm WERM3-465
2. Scene dansante;
3a. Pas de six: Introduction;
4. Finale of the Prologue,
6. Valse,
8. Pas d'action: Adagio,
23a. Pas de quatre
LP: Old Melodiya D 3424/5 (1956), 25cm B-611
LP: JVC VICX 1005 (1979), 10 disc set
LP: Shinsekai MK 1076 (1975)
CD: JVC VDC 25001 (1988)
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 17, 23a, 23b, 24, 25, 28
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4023 (1997)
USTVOLSKAYA, Galina Ivanovna (born 1919)
Children's Suite
1954, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
LP: Old Melodiya D 04430 (1958) B-662
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4025 (1997)
WAGNER, Richard (1813-1883)
Gotterdammerung: Dawn and Siegfried's Rhine Journey
1972/1/26, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
Gotterdammerung: Siegfried's Funeral March
CD: Sterling Classics CD2432
1947/2/14, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8022 (1998), 4 disc set
1958/11/16, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
LP: Old Melodiya D 04943 (1959) B-706
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7596 (1970)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1032 (1973)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997)
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1972/1/26, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
1978/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Melodiya MCD 222 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
CD: JVC VDC 25029 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1995)
CD: Olympia OCD 222 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 1
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1973/3/11, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
CD: JVC VDC 25029 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1995)
1978/3/30, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Audiophile APL 101.511 (1995) (incorrectly dated 1980)
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
CD: Icone ICN 9417-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 3
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: Melodiya MCD 224 (1988)
CD: Melodiya 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Andromeda ANR 2523 (1994)
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4028 (1997)
CD: Documents LV 918 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: JVC VDC 1115 (1986)
CD: JVC VICC 2031 (1994)
CD: Olympia OCD 224 (1988)
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1973/3/11, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: Kh. Minakova
CD: JVC VDC 25031 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg: Prelude to Act 1
1941, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8021 (1998), 4 disc set
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1982/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
CD: Icone ICN 9417-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of Moscow Radio on 1978/3/30)
CD: JVC VDC 1141 (1986) (incorrectly dated 1978/4/29)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
Rienzi: Overture
1941, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997)
Siegfried: Forest Murmurs
1946/11/20, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Gordzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997)
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1996) (incorrectly dated 1973).
Tannhauser: Overture
1958/11/16, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: Andromeda ANR 2523 (around 1994) (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Melodiya MCD 220 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997)
CD: Documents LV 918 (1993), 2 disc set (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Olympia OCD 220 (1988) (incorrectly dated 1968).
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: Sterling Classics CD2432
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1978/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1995) (incorrectly dated 1982).
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
1982/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25029 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
Tannhauser: Venusberg Music (Bacchanale)
1972/1/27, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4029 (1997)
Tristan und Isolde: Prelude and Liebestod
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993)
1978/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: Melodiya MCD 221 (1988)
CD: Melodiya MCD 5002, 2 disc set
CD: Andromeda ANR 2523 (1994) (incorrectly dated 1965).
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
CD: Documents LV 918 (1993), 2 disc set (incorrectly dated 1965).
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
CD: JVC VDC 25029 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1995)
CD: Olympia OCD 221 (1988) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory in 1965/2).
CD: Olympia OCD 5002, 6 disc set
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
CD: Warner Elatus 2564606602
Die Walkure: Ride of the Valkyries
CD: Sterling Classics CD2432
1939, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8020 (1998), 4 disc set
1958/11/16, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Alexander Grosman
LP: Old Melodiya D 04943 (1959) B-705
LP: Shinsekai SMK 7596 (1970)
LP: Shinsekai MK 1032 (1973)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4022 (1997)
1965/2/23, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Alexander Grosman
CD: BMG 74321-25199-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4008 (1996)
CD: MELCD1000755 (2003), 5 disk set
CD: MELCD1000758 (2003)
1967/1/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 11166 (1993) The recording date was given by Alexander Nevzorov (Mravinsky's last pupil).
1972/1/26, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live; RE: Igor Veprintsev
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4031 (1997)
1978/3/31, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC VDC 25029 (1989)
CD: JVC VICC 40147 (1993), 9 disc set
CD: JVC VICC 40258 (1997)
CD: Erato 2292-45762-2 (1992)
CD: Leningrad Masters LM 1315 (1995)
WEBER, Carl Maria von (1786-1826)
Aufforderung zum Tanze (Invitation to the Dance), J 260 (orchestrated by Felix Weingartner)
1951/1/2, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
78: Old Melodiya 19030/2, 3 sides, 25cm WERM3-519
78MG: Old Melodiya D 145 (1952), 25cm WERM3-519
LP: Melodiya D 029692 (1971) B-707
LP: Shinsekai MK 1079 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4021 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 2127 (1993)
CD: DHR7810/11
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
Paul Miller confirmed that Old Melodiya 19030/2, D 145 and D 025692 are identical by using variable speed recorders to make A-B comparisons.
1954/12/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10916 (1995)
Euryanthe, J 291: Overture
1948/4/4, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4021 (1997)
1959/4/24, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10903 (1994) (incorrectly labeled with the Leningrad Philharmonic).
Der Freischuz, J 277: Overture
1945, Moscow, Studio, Monaural; RE: unknown USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4021 (1997)
1954/12/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10916 (1995)
Oberon, J 306: Overture
1951/1/2, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: David Gaklin
78: Old Melodiya 018988/9, 2 sides WERM3-520
78MG: Old Melodiya D 144 (1952), 25cm WERM3-520
LP: Melodiya D 029692 (1971) B-708
LP: Shinsekai MK 1079 (1975)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4021 (1997)
CD: JVC VICC 2127 (1993)
CD: DHR7610 Doremi Records (2 CDs)
Paul Miller confirmed that Old Melodiya 018988/9, D 144, and D 029692 are identical by using variable speed recorders to make A-B comparisons.
1954/12/29, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Live, Monaural; RE: na USSR State Symphony Orchestra
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10916 (1995)
1961/5/14, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live, Monaural; RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10907 (1995)
1978/4/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, Live; RE: Gerhaldt Tses
CD: Artists FED 043 (1993), 2 disc set
CD: BMG 74321-25190-2 (1995)
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 4002 (1996)
CD: Icone ICN 9401-2 (1994) (incorrectly claims to have been recorded at the Concert Hall of the Moscow Radio).
CD: JVC VDC 1141 (1986) (incorrectly dated 1982/1/31).
1978/6/12, Vienna, Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Live; RE: Arfred Tsafrel
LP: Ariola 300664 in 300668-440 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: Chant du Monde LDX 78705/6 (1981)
LP: HMV ASD 4026 in SLS 5212 (1980), 4 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 2326 (1981), 4 disc set
LP: JVC VIC 28063 (1981)
LP: JVC VIC 9531 (1984)
LP: Melodiya S10 15691 (1981)
CD: JVC VDC 1009 (1985)
CD: JVC VICC 40259 (1997)
ZHIVOTOV, Aleksey Semyonovich (1904-1964)
Heroic Poem World premiere by Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic on 1946/10/5 in Leningrad
1946/11/11, Leningrad, Studio, Monaural; RE: Ilya Grodzensky
CD: BMG(Japan) BVCX 8027 (1998), 4 disc set
Brahms: Symphony No. 3
1971/11/27, (probably Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic); RE: na
CD: Russian Disc RDCD 10905 (1994), 2 disc set. Disc contains the performance of the symphony on 1971/11/30.
Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg: Prelude to Act 1
1977/1/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC CDS 40 (1989), bonus disc
CD: Erato 2292-45780-2 (1992), bonus disc
Wagner: Tannhauser: Overture
1977/1/29, Grand Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic; RE: Semyon Shugal
CD: JVC CDS 40 (1989), bonus disc
CD: Erato 2292-45780-2 (1992), bonus disc
Yevgeni Mravinsky Recites Life and Nature (poem in Russian)
1973/3, Recorded by Alexandra Vavilina-Mravinskaya at the Dom Kino (House of Filmdom) in Colombo near Leningrad
CD: JVC CDS 40 (1989), bonus disc
CD: Erato 2292-45780-2 (1992), bonus disc
Glazunov: Symphony No. 8
WERM3-178 attributes the recording on Old Melodiya D 01460/1 to Mravinsky/Leningrad Philharmonic, while B-196 attributes it to Boris Khaikin/Leningrad Philharmonic. Frank Forman's copy of the disc reads Khaikin.
Glinka: Ruslan and Ludmila: Chernomor's March
Though B-210 lists this work on Melodiya SM 02863/4, SM 02863/4 does not include this work, but includes the Overture.
Glinka: Valse-Fantasie for Orchestra in b minor
Multisonic CD 310269-2 attributes this recording to Mravinsky/USSR State Symphony Orchestra recorded in 1986 as the recording of the Moscow Radio. The conductor is probably Yevgeni Svetlanov.
Schubert: Symphony No. 9, "The Great"
Unknown date and venue, Studio; RE: na
LP: Zafiro ZL 406 (1983)
Spanish LP Zafiro ZL 406 (1983) claims that Mravinsky conducted the Leningrad Philharmonic on the recording and that the disc was manufactured under license from Melodiya. However, Mravinsky
once told to Alexander Nevzorov that, while he was fond of and much interested in this work, he never conducted it. Kenzo Amoh compared this recording and Melodiya S10 16099/100 (1981)
recorded in 1980 with the Leningrad Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alexander Dmitriyev, and found that both are identical, since the timings of the individual movements are exactly same.
Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No. 1
Unknown date and venue, Live, Monaural; RE: na
Violin: Leonid Kogan
LP: Hall of Fame HOF 512
LP: Hall of Fame HOFS 512, simulated stereo
James Creighton incorrectly attributes this recording to Kogan and Kirill Kondrashin/ Moscow Philharmonic. Kogan made two recordings of this concerto with Kirill Kondrashin/ Moscow
Philharmonic. One is the 1962 Moscow studio recording (Melodiya LP D 8451/2, Shinsekai LP SMK 7562), and the other is the 1966 Moscow live recording (Revelation RV 10084). Kogan's other
recordings of this work are with Yevgeni Svetlanov/USSR State Symphony Orchestra (1976 live, Melodiya LP S10 30917/8) and with Irwin Hoffman/ Chicago Symphony Orchestra (1966 live, Radiothon
CD CSO CD95-2). Paul Miller compared HOF 512, Shinsekai SMK 7562, and Melodiya S10 30917/8 by using variable speed tape recorders to make A-B comparions, and found that all are distinct.
Furthermore, Kenzo Amoh confirmed that HOF 512, Revelation RV 10084, Radiothon CSO CD95-2 and Mravinsky's recordings with David Oistrakh (1956 Leningrad and 1957 Prague) are distinct.
Neither Aleksandra Vavilina (Mrs. Mravinsky, former principal flutist of the Leningrad Philharmonic) nor Yelizaveta Gilels (Mrs. Kogan, violinist) know about this recording. The performers on Hall of
Fame HOF 512 have so far eluded every effort of the compilers to identify. This disc is shown in James Creighton's Discopaedia of the Violin, First edition published in 1971.
Unknown date and venue, Live, Monaural; RE: na
Violin: Ruggiero Ricci
Symphony Orchestra of USSR
CD: One Eleven EPR 95030 (1996)
Aleksandra Vavilina (Mrs. Mravinsky, former principal flutist of the Leningrad Philharmonic) does not know about this recording. Ruggiero Ricci performed with the Leningrad Philharmonic in 1962 and 1963 according to Fomin's "Leningrad State Philharmonic", but conductors and works are not shown.
Tchaikovsky: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 and 6
Unknown date and venue, Live; RE: na
CD: Halloo HAL 09/10 (1997), 2 disc set
Kenzo Amoh confirmed that symphonies nos. 4 and 6 are identical with the DG 1960 studio recordings, although noises (coughs) are placed in the beginning of some movements, and an audiences applause after the finale. Furthermore, Kenzo Amoh confirmed that symphony no. 5 is identical with the 1978 Vienna live recording.
Photocopy of this discography is available.
Inside Japan: 500Yen postal stamps (5*100Yen).
Outside Japan: 4 International Response Coupons.
Both prices include postage.
Leonid Kogan Discography by Kenzo Amoh, published in 1997, is also available.
Inside Japan: 1000Yen.
Outside Japan: 8 International Response Coupons.
Both prices include postage.
Write to: Kenzo Amoh, 1-12-23-107, Den-enchohu, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 145-0071, Japan
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