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Стаж: 5 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 6
greek77789 ·
03-Янв-23 22:25
(2 года 2 месяца назад)
arenchez10 писал(а):
84118159From who did you get the crack? + as I said, fucking wait until iFly releases a hotfix update, and only then feel free to release it
I made it myself and will release it tomorrow as am too sick today, sorry for any delay guys
 Стаж: 5 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 46
Whitesharkx ·
03-Янв-23 23:44
(спустя 1 час 18 мин., ред. 03-Янв-23 23:44)
Why not today? If you still get on rutracker it means that you are not that bad and can upload the files. I want the crack too
Стаж: 4 года 11 месяцев Сообщений: 51
flyer278 ·
04-Янв-23 02:41
(спустя 2 часа 56 мин.)
greek77789 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84118159From who did you get the crack? + as I said, fucking wait until iFly releases a hotfix update, and only then feel free to release it
I made it myself and will release it tomorrow as am too sick today, sorry for any delay guys
Well, just hope they won't patch it cause everyone will miss the chance to get all the bugfixes + the new -8200 model they're bringing in
Стаж: 4 года 10 месяцев Сообщений: 7
soc8426 ·
04-Янв-23 15:31
(спустя 12 часов)
Why don't people trust the real crack writer instead of this guy who pretends he's sick? Let's wait for the ifly hotfix to be released and then the real crack author to release iflymax
Стаж: 4 года 4 месяца Сообщений: 5
cljclj ·
05-Янв-23 21:51
(спустя 1 день 6 часов, ред. 05-Янв-23 21:51)
I see that he is very sick :))) the guy probably dont have Any crack. Lets wait the crack from arenchez 10. The guy vanished? @greek77789 are you here? Where is the patch?
Стаж: 10 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 9
Gabriel32 ·
07-Янв-23 01:31
(спустя 1 день 3 часа)
guys, chaging topics. Does any of you have AMMs and FCOMs? PM if you do, I also have a good manual list
Стаж: 5 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 12
Lithiumnisa ·
07-Янв-23 07:27
(спустя 5 часов)
greek77789 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84118159From who did you get the crack? + as I said, fucking wait until iFly releases a hotfix update, and only then feel free to release it
I made it myself and will release it tomorrow as am too sick today, sorry for any delay guys
I guess he's died rn 
F to Respect
Стаж: 12 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 6
pakradm ·
08-Янв-23 00:51
(спустя 17 часов)
Can anybody share iFly 747-400 setup for Prepar3D v4?
Стаж: 3 года 5 месяцев Сообщений: 8
yochi4324 ·
08-Янв-23 02:28
(спустя 1 час 37 мин.)
Lithiumnisa писал(а):
greek77789 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84118159From who did you get the crack? + as I said, fucking wait until iFly releases a hotfix update, and only then feel free to release it
I made it myself and will release it tomorrow as am too sick today, sorry for any delay guys
I guess he's died rn 
F to Respect 
he did not have it to begin with lol
Стаж: 4 года 4 месяца Сообщений: 5
cljclj ·
08-Янв-23 11:37
(спустя 9 часов)
I like that he get caught, he is online every day, But he is not saying enything 😂😂
 Стаж: 5 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 46
Whitesharkx ·
08-Янв-23 15:10
(спустя 3 часа)
Nooooooo,I wanted the crack so bad 😂
Стаж: 4 года 4 месяца Сообщений: 5
cljclj ·
08-Янв-23 17:09
(спустя 1 час 59 мин.)
You have to wait His link 😂😂😂
Стаж: 4 года 9 месяцев Сообщений: 81
DimaKuznetsov ·
20-Янв-23 02:39
(спустя 11 дней)
Стаж: 5 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 1
anthony66 ·
22-Янв-23 15:00
(спустя 2 дня 12 часов)
bonjour a quand le iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737 MAX8 for Prepar3D
merci beaucaup
Стаж: 10 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 32
target1111 ·
23-Янв-23 18:46
(спустя 1 день 3 часа)
anthony66 tu n'a pas lu ce qu'a dis arenchez10 alors relis
Стаж: 12 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 19
Captain31 ·
27-Янв-23 13:22
(спустя 3 дня)
Still no updates regarding the hotfix right?
Стаж: 4 года 11 месяцев Сообщений: 51
flyer278 ·
27-Янв-23 20:37
(спустя 7 часов, ред. 27-Янв-23 20:37)
Captain31 писал(а):
84210639Still no updates regarding the hotfix right?
Hotfix is coming in early February with the -8200 update sometime in March according to the ifly forums
Стаж: 12 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 19
Captain31 ·
28-Янв-23 03:22
(спустя 6 часов)
I see. In that case we will not see any crack before March as far as the timeline goes?
 Стаж: 5 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 46
Whitesharkx ·
06-Фев-23 19:33
(спустя 9 дней)
https:// СПАМ I was not here.
Стаж: 12 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 19
Captain31 ·
06-Фев-23 21:46
(спустя 2 часа 12 мин.)
@arenchez10 are you actually leaving the scene after this?
Стаж: 5 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 6
xavodel8 ·
06-Фев-23 23:32
(спустя 1 час 45 мин.)
Большое спасибо. Мы все всегда ждем, когда ты появишься здесь, чтобы поделиться своей «мудростью».
 Стаж: 5 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 46
Whitesharkx ·
08-Фев-23 00:49
(спустя 1 день 1 час, ред. 08-Фев-23 00:49)
iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
Стаж: 6 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 29
Ricardowz12 ·
08-Фев-23 05:24
(спустя 4 часа)
arenchez10 писал(а):
84261966iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
if it works, thanks for sharing.
Стаж: 10 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 9
Gabriel32 ·
08-Фев-23 09:43
(спустя 4 часа)
arenchez10 писал(а):
84261966iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
@arenchez10 you think we can make a patch for P3DV4.5?
Стаж: 3 года 5 месяцев Сообщений: 8
aquillamaximus ·
08-Фев-23 15:57
(спустя 6 часов)
Gabriel32 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84261966iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
@arenchez10 you think we can make a patch for P3DV4.5?
Is something like that possible?
That would be really great...
Thanks for the crack anyway ur the best
Стаж: 4 года 11 месяцев Сообщений: 51
flyer278 ·
08-Фев-23 16:17
(спустя 20 мин.)
Gabriel32 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84261966iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
@arenchez10 you think we can make a patch for P3DV4.5?
The aircraft uses a fair bit of V5 specific features like EA, making it properly compatible with V4 would require redoing a LOT of the aircraft
Стаж: 10 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 9
Gabriel32 ·
09-Фев-23 23:37
(спустя 1 день 7 часов)
flyer278 писал(а):
Gabriel32 писал(а):
arenchez10 писал(а):
84261966iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ Hope it is working good now
@arenchez10 you think we can make a patch for P3DV4.5?
The aircraft uses a fair bit of V5 specific features like EA, making it properly compatible with V4 would require redoing a LOT of the aircraft
That is really sad to hear @flyer278. Guess I'll have to upgrade myself, the GTX1060 can't handle V5. But thks foy your reply on this
 Стаж: 8 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 15
pilot_man ·
14-Фев-23 09:36
(спустя 4 дня)
hi, i think there was bug with the gauges cracked (for this iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ 5B2iq3yBlLCanGg ", aircraft during LEVEL CHANGE SPEED, pitch up and down during CLIMBING, can you fix the gauges cracked?
Стаж: 4 года 11 месяцев Сообщений: 51
flyer278 ·
14-Фев-23 14:21
(спустя 4 часа)
pilot_man писал(а):
84296039hi, i think there was bug with the gauges cracked (for this iFly 737 Max 8 (v1.0.0.1/Fixed FMS crash)
https:// СПАМ 5B2iq3yBlLCanGg ", aircraft during LEVEL CHANGE SPEED, pitch up and down during CLIMBING, can you fix the gauges cracked?
It's a bug with the aircraft itself not the crack, happens on legit version as well
 Стаж: 8 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 15
pilot_man ·
14-Фев-23 16:32
(спустя 2 часа 10 мин.)
now, we're waiting for next update and the new crack for it