eac3to v3.31
command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\eac3to\eac3to.exe" F1.dtshd 2.wavs -downStereo
DTS Master Audio, 5.1 channels, 16 bits, 48kHz
(core: DTS, 5.1 channels, 1509kbps, 48kHz)
Decoding with libDcaDec DTS Decoder...
libDcaDec reported the warning "XLL output not lossless". <WARNING>
Downmixing multi channel audio to stereo...
Reducing depth from 64 to 24 bits...
Writing WAVs...
Creating file "2.L.wav"...
Creating file "2.R.wav"...
Clipping detected, a 2nd pass will be necessary. <WARNING>
The original audio track has a constant bit depth of 16 bits.
The processed audio track has a constant bit depth of 24 bits.
Starting 2nd pass...
Decoding with libDcaDec DTS Decoder...
libDcaDec reported the warning "XLL output not lossless". <WARNING>
Downmixing multi channel audio to stereo...
Reducing depth from 64 to 24 bits...
Writing WAVs...
-4.31dB gain...
Creating file "2.L.wav"...
Creating file "2.R.wav"...
The processed audio track has a constant bit depth of 24 bits.
eac3to processing took 11 minutes, 27 seconds.
Так же закидываю wav в Soft Encode
(уже видно что громкость занижена)
И получю дорогу на порядок тише