(Arrangement / VGM / Instrumental Video Game Metal, Rock, Acoustic, Piano, Remix) Dwelling of Duels (DoD) + Punchfest - 2003-2014, MP3, 128-320 kbps

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RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 16-Май-11 16:22 (13 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 09-Апр-15 21:37)

Dwelling of Duels + Punchfest
Жанр: Arrangement / VGM / Instrumental Video Game Metal, Rock, Acoustic, Piano, Remix
Год выпуска диска: 2003-2013
Страна производитель диска: Планета Земля
Аудиокодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps
Продолжительность: 5:08:46:43
Источник: WEB
сайт-источник/ник/другое: Dwelling of Duels и Bossies
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
ID3-теги: да
Dwelling of Duels — ежемесячные соревнования VGM (Video Game Music) кавер-музыкантов, которые играют на живых инструментах. Цель DoD состоит в том, чтобы дать толчок музыкантам создавать песни, устраивая дружественные поединки с другими музыкантами, и мотивировать музыкантов закончить и выпустить песни при наличии строгих сроков и ежемесячных тем.
Video Game Metal (Video Game Cover Music, Video Game Arrangements, Nintendo Metal / Rock, Video Game Rock, Game Metal) - жанр подразумевает исполнение кавер-версий на музыкальные композиций из игр, зачастую приставочных. Каверы могут точно повторять структуру оригинальной композиции, использовать музыку собственного сочинения, использовать сэмплы из оригинала. Большинство VGM музыки - инструментальная. Не стоит путать VGM с жанром Music Inspired By The Game - музыкой собственного сочинения, например Miracle Of Sound.
Зачастую альбомы VGM групп представляют собой каверы на музыку из различных игр, реже - на музыку из серий или одной серии игр (Artificial Fear, The Dual Dragons, Dangerous Mezashi Cat, Metroid Metal, Naoto Shibata Project и т. д.), и ещё реже - на всю музыку из одной игры (Cliff Colon, Cory Johnson, Daniel Brown, Mega Beardo, Ryan8bit и т. д.).
VGM исполнители представляют собой как группы, исполняющие музыку вживую, так и ремиксеры, занимающиеся записью дома. Звучание японских VGM (или по-другому Doujin) групп зачастую отличается обильным использованием клавишных, синтезаторов, иногда своеобразным\синтетическим звуком гитар.
Такие известные группы как MACHINAE SUPREMACY и MEGADETH отличись сочинением кавер-версии на музыку из игр Bionic Commando и Duke Nukem (альбом Risk (1999), японское издание). Каверы на музыку из игр также сочиняли: DARKMAN007, EPINIKION, EPOCH CRYSIS и многие другие.
2003-09 (Shredding)
01. Radne: Mega Man X3 - Opening
02. BornInCrimson: Ikari Warriors 2 - Victoly Load
2003-10 (Horror Games)
01. Brian Davis: A Nightmare on Elm Street - A Nightmare on Elm Street
02. zMetallica: Super Metroid - Miniboss Theme
03. Ryan8bit: Ghosts N Goblins - Arthur's Rage
04. Paragon: Secret of Mana - Ceremony + Oracle
2003-11 (Final Fantasy)
01. Ryan8bit: Final Fantasy 4 - Can't Escape the Sorrow
02. Radne: Final Fantasy 2 - Not Quite Dead...
03. Eric: Final Fantasy 6 - Falcon Ship
04. Paragon: Final Fantasy 4 - Cecil Gets Thrashed
05. BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 6 - Fanatic's Roar
2003-12 to 2004-01 (32bit+ Systems)
01. Ryan8bit: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Alucard Risen
02. Jaquio: Diablo - Tristram
03. Paragon: Star Ocean: The Second Story - Watching the Sunset in Arlia Village
2004-02 (Mega Man)
01. Ashane: Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger
01. Eric: Mega Man 5 - Waveman
02. Radne: Mega Man 2 - Metal Man
03. Paragon: Mega Man 3 - Spark Man and Gemini Man Hate This Song
03. Ryan8bit: Mega Man - Short Fuse
. Anonymous: Mega Man 3 & 4 - 50% MIDI Man (The Wily Pharoah)
. Best Metal Man Fan: Mega Man 2 - St. Metal Man (NuMetallica Man)
. Kirk: Mega Man X - Medley
. OroKu-SaKi: Mega Man X - Hi-Way to the Spark Mandrill Zone
2004-03 (Fighting Games)
01. Norrin Radd: Street Fighter 2 - Go Home And Be A Family Man
02. OroKu-SaKi: Super Street Fighter 2 - Heil Cammy!
03. Ryan8bit: Pro Wrestling - Down for the Count
04. Paragon: Killer Instinct - My Werewolf Bride
05. 16 Bits of Power: Mortal Kombat - Mortal Kombat Medley
. Best Metal Man Fan: Killer Instinct - Frozen (Killer Linkinstinkt)
2004-04 (Ninja Gaiden)
01. Ryan8bit, Pingosimon: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Sinister Augury
2004-05 to 2004-06 (Free Month)
01. Norrin Radd: Double Dragon 3 - Brett's Requiem (Flight of a Dragon)
02. Ashane: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Medley
03. Ailsean: F-Zero - Flying Hachi Roku
04. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 4 - Grief of Aktemto
04. raubhimself: California Games - California Games
06. Gwarth: TMNT 3 - TMNT 3
07. Radne: Journey to Silius - Journey to Silius
08. Emptyeye: Y's - Apathetic Story
08. Shawn Phase: Faxanadu - Fanaxadu
10. Boofnasty: Altered Beast - Altered Beast
10. Eric: 1943, Rambo - Rap Blows
10. xBlitzerx: The Guardian Legend - The Guardian Legend
. BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 5 - Ex Death (Distortion Without)
. Mig50: ??? - Dwelling of Drunks
. SkateTrick6687: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Zelda Does a Kickflip
. The Goofinator: Base Wars - Base Wars
2004-07 (Legend of Zelda)
01. virt: Legend of Zelda 1, 2 & 3 - Blood of Ganon
02. Eric: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Link's High School Prom Night
03. Seifer: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Hey Saria how YOU doin
04. Zoast: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - The Koji Kaleidoscope (pt 1)
05. Ryan8bit: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - All Else Failed (Use Fire)
06. Shawn Phase: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Untitled
06. atomic-guy: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Great Fairy's Fountain
08. Kirk: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Temple of Rock
08. Paragon: Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link - Rupees in the Ivy
2004-08 (Military Games)
01. Norrin Radd: Contra - Demon of Celestial Origin
02. Zoast: Contra 3 - Kiss My Red Gummy Bear
03. Ryan8bit: Ikari Warriors 2 - Death of a Dancing Queen
04. Emptyeye: Rush 'n' Attack - Bassic Training
05. Paragon: Contra - Snow March
06. Shawn Phase: Jackal - Billy Joe's Lament
07. atomic-guy: Top Gun - Top Gun
. Best Metal Man Fan: Metal Gear - Limp Snake
. Mega Matt: 1943 - Acapella Madness
2004-09 (Free Month)
01. Ashane: Chrono Trigger - Zealous Entropy
02. housethegrate: Final Fantasy 4 - Waltz of the Dolls
03. Zoast, Spookmeister C: Final Fantasy 6 - Uematstrophe
04. Kirk: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant
05. Ryan8bit: Marble Madness - Sweep Up the Broken Pieces
06. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Depths of Isolation
07. robby: Metroid - Sungfair
08. Paragon, BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 4 - Reign of Terror, Rain of Fire
09. Lindar the Bard: Mega Man X - Medley
10. OroKu-SaKi: Actraiser - Please Master, No!!
11. Emptyeye: Metroid - Color Our Time Bomb Blackened
. Mega Matt: Goonies 2 - Goonies 2
2004-10 (Double Dragon)
01. Triple Dragon (Norrin Radd, Zoast, Colin): Double Dragon Series - The Double Dragon Variety Extravaganza
02. Shane Barnes: Shadow Warrior Showdown - Where Dragons Dare
03. Ryan8bit: Double Dragon 3 - Four Cryptic Stones
04. Paragon: Double Dragon - Tears of the Hair
05. RichV: Double Dragon - Mission 1
06. Insane Penguin: Double Dragon - A Punch in the Face
07. Liquid Silver: Double Dragon 2 - Double Dragon 2
08. cacomistle: Double Dragon - Double Dragon Medley
. Mega Matt: Double Dragon - Double Dragon Title
2004-10 Tornado of Solo's (Clockwork Competition - Castlevania) [Special]
01. virt - Once Upon a Time in Transylvania
02. housethegrate - La Hora es Tarde
03. goat - Scale the Machine
04. TIE
BrainCells - What Time Is It?
The OneUp Mushrooms - Clockwork
05. Dennis - Gears and Ghouls
06. Ryan8bit - Untimely Death
07. zyk0 - Timebombed
08. OroKu-SaKi - Clockworks
2004-11 to 2004-12 (Free Month)
01. Ashane: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Ninjascape
02. Ryan8bit: King's Quest 5 - Forlorn Dream
03. Olivier Tamagna: Biker Mice from Mars - Level 1
04. goat: Castlevania 3 - Kick That Sinking Feeling
05. virt: Guerilla War - Overthrow
06. CarboHydroM: Street Fighter 2 - The Nine Tails Fox And The Avenger
07. Norrin Radd: Fatal Fury - Michael Max's Sound Beach
08. XMark: Final Fantasy 1 - Imp Slaughter
08. colin, Brian McPhail, dave z, sherv, matsunami, mig50: Rambo - I Feel Better in Prison
10. Shawn Phase: Tantei Jinguuji Saboru - Toki No Sugiyuku Mama Ni
11. Paragon: Secret of Mana - Iridescent Memories
12. frantic.frog: Mega Man 3 - A Robot's Journey of Rock
12. tibone: Legend of Zelda - Falso Sambinha
14. atomic-guy: Bubble Bobble - Don't Burst My Bubble
15. fatalM4: Lineage 2 - Lineage II Outro (Blazing Mix)
. Insane Penguin: Vectorman - Tidal Dogs
. Zoast: River City Ransom - BARF (Dwelling of Drunks)
2005 Tornado of Solos (Double Dragon 3) [Special]
01. Ryan8bit - The Cry of Marion
02. Dennis - Kick the Stone
03. Rexy - Bladiator's Curse (Elegance of Noiram)
04. tibone - Double Dragon 3 (Untitled)
05. Nario - Confidence + Luck = Skill
2005-01 (Metroid)
01. virt: Super Metroid - Crystal Flash
02. housethegrate: Metroid - Brinstar Minibossa
03. goat: Metroid & Super Metroid - The Ice Beam Cometh
04. zyk0: Metroid Fusion - The Union of Differing Elements
05. Kareshi: Metroid - Metroid Piano - The Final Act
06. atomic-guy: Metroid - Kraid Jazz
07. Koelsch1: Metroid - Interstellar Frustration
08. Hale-Bopp: Super Metroid - Salutations (Upper Norfair/Toology/Morricone Remix)
08. Olivier Laurent: Metroid - The Perpetual Burn
10. Shawn Phase: Metroid - Micro-Industrial Chozo Blaster
11. The GAYmerz: Metroid - Death To Kraid
12. XMark: Metroid - Sweet Troid O' Mine
13. Ryan8bit: Metroid - Somnia, Venator
14. Emptyeye: Metroid - Bass One
15. robby: Metroid - Item Room
16. Kimmuriel: Metroid 2 - Pulse
16. Naifuzan: Metroid - Metroid Kraid
18. Paragon: Metroid - Fallen Stars Tell No Tales
19. ZOMBIE: Super Metroid - Splattered Motherbrains
19. frantic.frog: Super Metroid - Almost Completely Underwater
21. cacomistle: Metroid - Norfair Adventure
22. The Power-Ups: Metroid - Metroid End Theme
. Mega Matt: Metroid - Brinstar
. virt: Metroid - SPACE PIRATES
2005-02 (Side-Scrolling Shooters)
01. BrainCells, CarboHydroM: ThunderForce 3 - Dual Storm
02. prozax: Gradius 1 & 3 - Power Up!
03. M-H: Raiden 1, 2 - Galloping Thunder
04. Ryan8bit: Section Z - Back To Square One
05. fatalM4: Tyrian - Rock Garden
06. zyk0: Guardian Legend - The Legend of Lightning Larry
07. XMark: Dragon Spirit - Arisha
08. Shawn Phase, Snowrobot, Pieness: Axelay - Axelayed in Level 6
09. Koelsch1: Guardian Legend - This is the End
10. tumult: Gradius 3 - Cosmoponics
11. Naifuzan: Silkworm - Eye of the Silkworm
12. cacomistle: Image Fight - The Image Fight
13. SkateTrick6687: StarFox - Slippy does a Tail Grind
. Best Metal Man Fan: Legendary Wings - Legendary KoRnhole
. CarboHydroM: Ikaruga - Antimatter
. Emptyeye: Zero Wing - All Your Bass
. Temp Sound Solutions: Hot Dog Storm - I Yobot (gutter mix)
. spamtron, Skald: Lifeforce, Zero Wing - Shmuporama
. zMetallica: Space Invader - Shooter
2005-03 (Free Month)
01. housethegrate: Final Fantasy 6 - Seized With Fury
02. goat: Castlevania 3 - Trevor's Reflection
03. Darangen: Final Fantasy 6 - Deadly Promises
04. BrainCells, Dennis: Contra: Shattered Soldier, Super C - Spread Your Fire Against Me
05. Hale-Bopp: Star Ocean - Summer Time
06. Ashane: Final Fantasy 4 - Loungin' in the Giant
07. The OneUps: Kirby's Dream Land - Isle De Kirby
08. M-H: Street Fighter 2 - Harboring Hostility
08. XMark: Final Fantasy 6 - Cyanide
10. CarboHydroM: Kirby Superstar - Ride The Star
11. Ryan8bit: Mega Man - Stab the Earth
11. SnappleMan, Rubbler: Shatterhand - Shattered
13. Spiritsmith: Final Fantasy 6 - Cyan's Theme
14. atomic-guy: Plok! - Race Against Time
15. Jenova Project: Final Fantasy 1 - Final Fantasy 1 (acoustic)
16. Kirk: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Casino Nights
17. Geohazard: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior
18. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Perchance to Dream with Waking Eyes
19. Raijin: Acrobat Mission - Acrobat Meltdown
20. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Ecco the Dolphin: Thanks For All The Fish
21. raubhimself: Nights Into Dreams - Clari's and Elliot's Love Song (nights into dreams)
22. Emptyeye: F-Zero GX - CaptainSR-406
23. Naifuzan: Megaman 2 & 3 - MegaMedley
24. PigKnuckle: Castlevania - Wicked Child
24. frantic.frog: Legacy of the Wizard - Last Dance of the Wizard
26. Paragon: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Bloodshed in the Rotten Wood
26. spamtron: ??? - steve ballmer can kiss my plasma cannon
28. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - Optimistic Beginnings
28. Gonzo: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - MJ Jam
30. Koelsch1: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Zero-G Roll
30. Mega Matt: Mega Man 3 - End
30. pingosimon: Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily
33. Mash Pad: Mega Man 2 - Bubbleman
33. Piano KLAX: Final Fantasy 4 - Golbeza Clad In The Dark
35. PsykoMunky: Raiden Trad - Raiden Trad
. Eric Dude, Mega Matt: Daytona - We Hate Gaytona and We Want To Die (Please Stop Fucking Requesting It Edit)
. KyleJCrb: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Hammer Time
2005-04 (Dragon Warrior)
01. Ailsean: Dragon Warrior 3 - Dragon Dreams
02. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 3 - A Legend is Born
03. Kareshi: Dragon Warrior 1 - Dragon Warrior Piano Medley
04. GeoHazard: Dragon Warrior 2 - Malroth
05. Rexy, KyleCJrb: Dragon Warrior 4 - Requiem of a Warrior
06. Paragon: Dragon Warrior 2 - Experiences (Untitled)
07. Eric Dude: Dragon Warrior 2 - Bartering Time Again
08. atomic-guy: Dragon Warrior 6 - Up Against the Devil
09. Twilight: Dragon Warrior 2 - Lonely Youth
10. Forfallen: Dragon Warrior 3 - Enshrined in Sorrow
11. Koelsch1, Emptyeye: Dragon Warrior 4 - Harlem Castle
12. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior 4 - Small Iron Safe
. Cap'n Eric Dude, Peg-Leg Kyle, Dragolf the Busted Eye, Mega-Swashbuckling Matt: Dragon Warrior 1 - In Da Pub (Townfolk Shanty Mix)
. Emptyeye: Dragon Warrior 2 - DRAKHAN WARRIOR
. ForgottenVariable: Dragon Warrior 3 - Dragon Warrior 3 Overworld Theme
. Rexy: Dragon Warrior 4 - Tomato Rag
. XMark: Dragon Warrior Series - DW Radio Drama Hour
2005-05 (Konami Games)
01. goat: Castlevania - Scourge of 1691
02. virt: Metal Gear - MY FREQUENCY IS 140.85
03. housethegrate, Ashane: Madara - Madara, Movement 1
04. LuIzA: Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3 - Timeless Hero
05. M-H: Castlevania Adventure - Take Up the Whip
06. CarboHydroM: Pop'n Twinbee - The Great Wall Beyond The Clouds
07. Dennis: MG, CV3, Contra, TMNT 2 - Armed Combat
08. Ryan8bit: Castlevania Adventure - The Enmity of Black and White
09. XMark: Contra - Red Falcon
10. Ailsean: Silent Hill 2 - Promise
10. Koelsch1, zyk0: TMNT 3 - Ninjazz
12. Shawn Phase: The Adventures of Bayou Billy - I Am Konamic
13. Kadmium: Castlevania: Bloodlines - Blood = Life
14. Gonzo: Thundercross 2 - Ride the Lightnings
14. Rexy: Sillent Hill - Uncertain Hope
16. Forfallen: Castlevania 4 - Caustic Waterfalls
17. Paragon: Silent Hill 2 - Mary In Chains
18. Naifuzan: Castlevania - Floor 5
19. SSS Key: Lifeforce - Life Force 345 mix
20. Geohazard: Goonies - In the Basement
21. frantic.frog: Batman Returns - Return of the Batman
22. evilsonic: TMNT: Hyperstone Heist - Put the Foot Down
23. tibone: Castlevania 2 - I Won't Be Missed
. Nario: Dance Dance Revolution, Castlevania 3 - DDR VGMix
. Night shade: Sunset Riders - Samba di amigo
. Paragon: CV1 & 2, Contra, MM2 - Super Medley World 2: YOSHI"S METAL!!!
. West Coast Shizzies: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - I am the Wind
. atomic-guy: Frogger - Hoppin' Along
. evilsonic, atomic-guy, Zombie #3: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Oh Shit! Zombies!!
2005-06 (Free Month)
01. housethegrate: Mega Man X - Light In the Fortress
02. Dhsu: Castlevania 3 - A Clockwork Vampire
03. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Atonement
04. Ailsean, Chad Seiter, Victor Lawrence: Castlevania 2 - Trans-Transylvanian Orchestra
04. Ashane, LuIzA: Chrono Trigger - Cessation of Mammon
06. norg: Ultima Exodus - Mass Exodus
07. Midee, prozax: Final Fantasy 7 - The Twelfth Commandment
08. Gonzo: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - My T-Rex don't bite
09. AudioFoundations: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Doom Castle
10. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - Mako Reaction
10. zephyon: Lufia 1 & 2 - Ancestral Battle
12. Mash Pad: Mega Man 3 - Snakeman
13. M-H, Octave: Final Fight - Abagail ain't no pansy
14. zyk0: Super Mario Bros. - L
15. xoc: Kid Niki - The Kompleat Kid Niki
16. Rexy: Crash Twinsanity - The Final Threshold
17. Ryan8bit: Monster Party - Sorry, I'm Dead
18. fatalM4: Sonic CD - Sonic Boom X
19. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Let Me Live Again
20. Forfallen: Ultima Exodus - Descending into the Fray
21. Paragon: Ys 3, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Mind your Ys and FFMQs
22. Koelsch1: Jurassic Park - The Khrush
22. tibone: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Hey, Where's My Map?
24. Emptyeye: Battletoads - The Aborted Gargantua
25. Good-Evil: The Band: Katamari - Lonely Rolling Katamari Of Celestial Origin (Grief of Akumu)
26. Geohazard: Mega Man X - Vile Zero
27. Shoe: Kirby's Dreamland - Dedede's Wrath
28. A.M.P.: Journey to Silius - Keeping The Tempo
28. Nario: Final Fantasy 7 - Overworlds Are Pretty
30. Binary 4 (spamtron, Skald): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Passing of Time
. BornInCrimson: Tales of Symphonia - A Loathing of Angels
. Koelsch1: Knuckles' Chaotix - Another Wasted Summer
. Natthimmel: Persona - Alfred's Last Day
. Paragon: Metroid - Basstroid: Zero Trebleion
. The We-used-to-have-long-hair Band: Trogdor - Flaming Peasant
. XMark: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior Radio Drama 2
. tibone: Mega Man - Red and Blue Balls
2005-07 (Mario Games)
01. Ashane, norg: Super Mario 64 - Sonic Depths
02. Tackle: Mario Series - Virt's Castle of Inspiration
03. CarboHydroM: Super Mario 64 - Penguin Cap
04. Hat: Mario Series - Doki Doki Panic (And Mario Too)
05. xoc: Mario Series - Daisy takes the p-block from the ice land ruins to the bank
06. Ryan8bit: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Looming Nightmare
07. XMark: Super Mario World - Domain of Evil
08. coda: Super Mario 64 - Piece of Cake
09. Nario: Mario Series - Shadow Mario's Suspicious Adventure Through The Depths Of Caverns Filled With Water
09. zyk0: Mario Series - Monster Baby
10. Dave6502: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Mushroom Mash
10. Insane Penguin: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ludwig Von Koopa's Castle
10. ZOMBIE: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Demise of the Mushroom Kingdom
10. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Dreams Come True
14. Forfallen: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Bowser's Inferno
14. Paragon: Super Mario Land - Fauna Ablaze (Confidence from Violence)
14. tibone: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Holes
17. cacomistle: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Toot On This Whistle
17. evilsonic: Super Mario 64 - Lonely Throne
18. Koelsch1: Mario Series - Goomba Goomba
19. Kadmium: Super Mario World - Dear Princess
20. Geohazard: Super Mario World - Castle Theme
20. The Akkadian: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Winter Bros.
22. DoctorBlackJack, J-Knife: Super Mario World - This Vanilla Needs Sweetener
. DoctorBlackJack: Super Mario World - Mushroom Buzz
. Koelsch1: Wario Land - The Latest and Greatest Breakthrough for the Boom Boom in the Bedroom, Queen Caramella's Coco Syrup
. KyleJCrb: Super Mario Bros. - Brothers of the Spirit
. Nordic Gay Alliance: Mario Series - Super Brother Love
. XMark: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Mario Jam
. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Hey Look! I Got a Bass (No, Mike, You Can't Help)
. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Slumber Party
. cacomistle: MarioKart - 4th Place Finish
. evilsonic: Super Mario Bros. - Fuck You Brian, I Didn't Want to Help Anyway
. spamtron: Mario Series - duck or dive (west coast operatica mix)
2005-07 Joke Songs [Special]
01. coda - Full Tank Lammy (Um Jammer Lammy, Parappa The Rapper)
02. Best Metal Man Fan - Badd Riddance (SuperBillieJoe) (Bionic Commando)
03. West Coast Shizzies - In Loving Memory of Crimson (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
04. Ryan8bit - World Runner's Morning Caffeine (3D World Runner)
05. Koelsch1 - When you hit the court, protect your balls with Larry Oil. (Tennis)
06. Crimson - Dude, Where's my Guitar? (Super Mario Bros)
07. TIE
evilsonic - The Super Matsui Bros (Super Mario Bros)
Paragon - Mushroom Kingdom Saw a Stark Rise in Tourism After it Legalized its Own Indigenous Variety of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms (Super Mario Bros)
08. Emptyeye - Fight! Fight! Fight! (Rygar)
09. Binary 4 - smotherworld (Final Fantasy X)
10. Nario - 14 Seconds (Super Mario Bros) Download
11. TIE
DrBlackJack - Suck Suck Farm (Legend of Zelda) Download
Transonic - Bottomworld (Super Mario Bros 2) Download
* Ashane - Blow Me (Bubble Bobble) Download
* Eric Dude, KyleJCrb, Rexy - Rexy's Lament (I'm Real) (Mega Man 3) Download
* Forfallen - Tetris with Cannons (Rampart) Download
* Koelsch1 - KHAORRRAAUUUSCH1 (Unknown) Download
* XMark - Not Clockworking (Castlevania 3) Download
2005-08 (Racing Games)
01. SnappleMan: F-Zero X - Break The Silence
02. norg: R.C. Pro-Am - Deadly Plastic Vroom Vroom Machines of Doom
03. M-H: Road Rash - Concrete Kiss
04. Ryan8bit: R.C. Pro-Am - Left in the Dust
05. xoc: OutRun - 80.3
06. Ashane: F-Zero - Mute City
07. Tackle: Excitebike - Excitingly Masculine WankBike
08. zyk0: SegaRally - The Underdog
09. Dooleus: F-Zero - Cool Blue
10. Kadmium: F-Zero - Nintendo Adolescence
11. Forfallen: F-Zero - Junkyard Racer
12. Shawn Phase: F-Zero - f-zero
13. frantic.frog: F-Zero - Mutesville
14. cacomistle: WaveRace - You Take Your Car to Work, I'll Take My Jetski wave race
15. Nario: F-Zero - Small Blue
16. DrBlackJack: Gran Turismo - This Dented Honda
. Dark Key: Daytona - A New Gaytona
. DrBlackJack: WaveRace - Going Nowhere
. Forfallen: RoadFighter - Careening towards Oblivion
. Kadmium
Anonymous DoD Contestant: ???
Comedy - Race Radio
. Nario: F-Zero GX - Anime Smileys
. Natthimmel: F-Zero - Pico Gets His Groove On in Port Town
. Two Crude Dudes: Mario Kart 64 - Race Against Time Part 2: Mari
. cacomistle: F-Zero - Mute City Polka
. spamtron: F-Zero - worst vg cover ever
2005-09 to 2005-10 (Free Month)
01. norg: Wizards & Warriors - Fall of IronSpire
02. CarboHydroM: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Unsealed
03. Hat: Street Fighter 2 - Balrog (Vega In Disguise)
04. BrainCells: Mega Man - FireMetal
05. ansgaros: Faxanadu, FF5, Contra, CT, TWW, NG, DD3, CV - Somber Dimensions
06. Gonzo, Cedric: Legend of Zelda - 8 Worlds of Gloom
07. Kadmium: Gabriel Knight - Sins and Darkness
08. xoc: Goonies 2 - Annie's Other Song
09. Ryan8bit: Bad Dudes - Ninjas Kidnapped My Tuner
10. Paragon: Star Ocean: The Second Story, Secret of Mana, Ys 2, Ys 4, Final Fantasy 6 - Star of Darkness, Daughter of Light ~ As Red turns to Crimson ~ Light of Judgement, World of Darkness
11. QUICKSHOT: Mega Man 3 - Where Will You Be Tomorrow
12. Circe: Final Fantasy 8 - Feelin' Blue Fields
12. Natthimmel: Double Dragon - The Invisible Man
14. SSS Key: Rad Racer - Rad Racer
15. Dave6502: Ferrari Grand Prix - Musicaliprix
16. spamtron: Chrono Trigger - The Summoning of Lavos
17. Koelsch1, Rexy: Afterburner 2 - La Ville du Silence
18. tibone: Afterburner 2 - Morning Sky
19. XMark: Quake 2 - Alien2Me
20. Lizard: Rocket Knight Adventures - Rocket Fuel
21. Dooleus: Street Fighter 2 - Blue Hadouken Jam
21. XenonOdyssey: Ducktales - Halloween at Transylvania
23. Emptyeye: Rygar - Four Notes of DOOM
24. Leis Miller: F-Zero - Blueless
24. evilsonic: Mega Man 3 - A Hero's Death
26. cacomistle: Uniracer - Uniracers
27. DinMkII: F-Zero - Joy Storm
. CarboHydroM: Ikaruga - Saber Bird
. Count Halloweed: F-Zero - Mute City for Pipe Organ Solo
. Dooleus: Mario RPG - My Bloody Valentina
. Forfallen: Magician - Conjuring Forth the Abyss
. Kadmium: Zero Wing - Make Your Time
. Lizard: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Rock
. NGA, DrBlackJack: Nights Into Dreams - Dreams Of Horrible Vocals
. Nario: Banjo Kazooie - 'If Only We Kept Nario From Gaining 'Too' Much Power...''
. Natthimmel: Goonies 2 - What Do You Do?
. Two Crude Dudes: Lawnmower Man - Remington Steele vs. MacGyver
. XMark: The Sims 2 - Simlish
. spamtron: ??? - sushi flame war
2005-11 (Mana Month)
01. Ashane: Mana - Rose of Solemn
02. norg, Ryan8bit: Mana - Breath of Dissonance
03. Rexy: Mana - Reign of the Mana Sword (Mana for Four Pianos)
03. SnappleMan: Mana - With Real Potato Flavor
05. Forfallen: Mana - In the Wake of Thanatos
06. Riders, spamtron: Mana - Continental Drift
08. Paragon: Mana - Felling the Mana Tree
09. DoctorBlackJack, Only Innocent Robbie C: Mana - Demon's Taking
09. Hat: Mana - (The Delicate Affection in) Sisterly Love
09. The Akkadian: Mana - Mana Nexus
12. TheoConfidor: Mana - Cool Midsummer's Night
13. MaxFrost & Rend: Mana - Secret of Jazz
14. Violet In Flames: Mana - I Closed My Eyes
. DoctorBlackJack, Broken Steel: Mana - norg's demo reel
. Forfallen: Secret of Mana - Soylent Green Stew
. Natthimmel: Mana - The Ocean is My Home
. sushitron: Mana - sushi part 2
2005-12 to 2006-01 (RPG's)
01. LuIzA: Final Fantasy 5, 7, 8, 9 - Fire Cross
02. XMark: Dragon Warrior - The Battle for Alefgard
03. Select Start: Final Fantasy 3 - Eternal Wind
04. norg: Xenogears - Zeboimite Ascension
05. Ailsean: Final Fantasy 1 - Don't Let the Sun Go Down on you Wizard Ass
06. M-H: 7th Saga - Illicit Encounter
07. FlextoneJunkie: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Shoulder Shrugs of Doom
08. Darangen: Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Metastatic Bloodline
08. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - Are We There Yet
08. kareshi: Final Fantasy 4 - It Has Come to This
11. Hat: Seiken Densetsu 3 - The Cool Path
12. Ryan8bit: Shadowrun - The Dead Become the Living
13. Eric's Little Shack: Final Fantasy 2 - The Town Sang Twice
13. Natthimmel: Final Fantasy 4 - Moonbeams and Pennywhistles
15. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - White Mage Can't Jump
15. Paragon: Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Quatera Woods
17. Arm Cannon: FF7 - One Winged Angel
18. XenonOdyssey: Chrono Trigger - The Hunt for that Girl...
19. TheoConfidor: Chrono Trigger - Dragon Tankissimo
20. TheAkkadian: Inindo: Way of the Ninja - Ninjastory
21. Scaredsim: Baten Kaitos - Breaking The Mirror
22. tibone: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Trainerbattle
23. Shawn Phase, spamtron: Final Fantasy 3 - Final Fantasy 3
24. Nario: Final Fantasy 7 - Dear Final Fantasy: You Are Truly Beloved
. Forfallen: Final Fantasy 6 - Tårnet av Fanatikere
. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - My Sweetest Nightmare
. M-H: Star Ocean 3 - The Cutting Edge of Notion
2006 Tornado of Solos (Silver Surfer) [Special]
01. Ryan8bit - Galactus' Bidding
02. Octonacular - Sloppy Silver Shreddin'
03. tibone - Across the Space
2006-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01. Best Metal Man Fan - Nickelback Brain Kick (Pro Wrestling)
02. TIE
Paragon - Wish Scene (Chrono Trigger)
Ryan8bit - Smick Smick Smick! (Gyromite)
03. Zoast - nomoremistakkesss (Toobin, Revenge of the Nerds (Movie))
04. DrBlackJack - Get Off Your Thunderhorse (Guitar Hero 2)
05. TIE
The WCS Tabernacle Choir - One Winged K-Fed (Final Fantasy 7)
TransINSANO - Shadow Dances the Flamingo Fuze-on! (Final Fantasy 6)
06. viovis - Parasite Eve (Opera Folk Mix) (Parasite Eve)
2006-01 to 2006-02 (Free Month)
01. Ryan8bit: Solstice - Catacombs Beneath the Twilight
02. Tackle: Shantae - Shantae's Shagtastic Showdown
03. M-H: Raiden 2 - Amethyst Artillery
03. Stemage, chunkstyle: Actraiser - Teddy's Bread
05. CarboHydroM: StarFox - Like Father Like Son
06. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Peaceful Reminiscence
07. ansgaros: Parasite Eve - Liberate
08. Zoast: 8 Eyes - Octarthritic
09. ZOMBIE: Legend of Zelda, Doom - Intestinal Devourment
10. AbsoluteZero: Metroid - Brinstar Unplugged
11. atomic-guy, Eric Dude: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Requiem for the Gods
12. Hat: Final Fantasy Tactics - Steal Heart
13. Geohazard: Suikoden 2 - Dandy Richmond, Lucky Strikes and Jack
14. Rexy: Katamari Damacy - Katamari on the Rags
15. Lizard: Ranger-X - Caterpiller X
16. Ranger-X: Tetris - Song A
17. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 1 - Garland's Vengeance
17. cacomistle: Super Mario 64 - I'm-a Tired
19. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - My City of Ruins
20. tibone: Phantasy Star - Under A Palman Tree
21. Vegeroth: Final Fight 3 - The Mayor Beat You Up
22. DJ Mofius: Legend of Zelda - An Ode to Ganondorf
23. TheAkkadian: Drakkhen - Earth Child
24. jvincion, Paragon: Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Wandering Calamity
25. Emptyeye: Ironsword - Blue Sector Pi (Not Ready for DoD Mix)
. CarboHydroM: StarFox - StarFox Forever
. DoctorBlackJack: Dance Dance Revolution - Nario's Masturbation
. Forfallen: Super Castlevania 4 - Impenetrable Barrier
. Kadmium: Donkey Kong Country - Frequent Mine Cart Miles
. Men of the Sea: Castlevania - Ode to Richter Belmont
. Paragon: Ducktales - Capitalism - The Unknown Ideal
. Paragon: Rygar, Ironsword - Is That An Ironsword In Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to Hear My Bass?
. Rexy: Punch-Out - Nigga Stole my Piano
. West Coast Shizzies: Final Fantasy 4 - MAGLess in Seattle (Overworld Rave Glowstick MegaPartyMix 2K6)
. spamtron and the Raw Dogg Bonejackers: Earthbound - Best Game Ever
. spamtron: Street Fighter 2 - sushi part 3 - bob sagat sushi fighter
. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Teh De-Tuna Cats Choir
2006-03 (Metal Gear)
01. Ryan8bit: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Devious Impostor
02. housethegrate: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Track 8
03. Hat: Metal Gear Solid - Standing Outside a Cardboard Box With A Broken Codec In My Hand
04. Danimal Cannon: Metal Gear - The Truck Have Started to Move
05. norg: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid - Please Close the Locker Door Behind You
06. Rexy: Metal Gear - Stairway to Outer Heaven
07. Koelsch1: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Fortuna and the Amalthea Cornucopia Horn of Plenty
08. Paragon: - Collude to Contemn
09. TheoConfidor: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Snakebite
11. Eric Dude, jvincion: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Tree Frogs on a Plane
12. cacomistle: Metal Gear - Sneaky Snakes
13. A.M.P.: Metal Gear - Guess Who Ran Out of Time
. TheoConfidor: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Industrial Gear Solid
. West Coast Shizzies: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - My Codename is N O R G
. cacomistle: Metal Gear - Metal Gear Stupid
2006-04 (American Adventure Games)
01. virt: Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island - Look Behind You!
02. Danimal Cannon: King's Quest 5 - A Willow That Weeps
02. Ryan8bit: King's Quest 5 - The Wizards' Accord
04. chunkstyle: The Neverhood - Willie Guitar
05. TheoConfidor: King's Quest 6 - Vocabularic Freedom
05. Zoast: Betrayal at Krondor - Discipline and Cooperation
07. Dave6502: Legend of Kyrandia - Befallen Quest
08. Nikolai Danilchik: Indiana Jones: Return to Atlantis - Crab Raft (Upon the Great Canal)
08. Paragon: King's Quest 5 - Tears Running Dry
10. Koelsch1: Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Chippendale's
10. tibone: Maniac Mansion - HDD CRASH, ROUGH MIX
12. Forfallen: Deja Vu - An Atmosphere for Murder
. Koelsch1: Space Quest 4 - 2525
. housethegrate: King's Quest 6 - Murdered by Flora
. norg: Police Quest 2 - Bad Boyz
. virt: Sam 'n Max - King of the Creatures
2006-05 (Free Month)
01. goat: Castlevania 2 & 3, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, Rondo of Blood - Creeping Dusk
02. norg: Dragon Warrior 4 - Frenzied Encounters
03. M-H: TMNT 2: The Arcade Game - Ninja Kick the Damn Rabbit!
04. CarboHydroM: Mario Kart 64 - If I Had Wheels
05. Ryan8bit: POW - Strike on the Green Beret
06. spamtron, phlogiston, rauble, cacomistle, zoast, riders: Earthbound - Six Man Single Day Global Flight
07. Gonzo: Indianapolis 500 - Wing and Wheel
08. xoc: Legend of Zelda - Zelda Beach
09. ansgaros, Dennis: Ninja-kun Ashura no Sho - Justice Ninja
10. FlextoneJunkie: Shatterhand - Ghost of Gus Grover
10. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
12. Kidd Cabbage: Chrono Cross - Angelus Errare
13. Kadmium: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World
13. Tackle: Mega Man 3 - Top of the line
15. Insane Penguin: Pokemon Gold/Silver, Zelda: Majora's Mask - Mysteries of the Unown
15. Noise and a Beat: Mega Man 3 - Snake Nab
17. DZX: Namco X Capcom - Brave New World
18. Cory: Virtual On Force - Acoustic Apharmd
18. Random Dances: Diablo - Hel
20. TheoConfidor: Brainwave - Engage Your Mind
21. Ashane: Final Fantasy 4 - Lunaric Sonority
22. XenonOdyssey: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - Dancing With the Dragon
23. Koelsch1: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The Jabu-Jabu Jazz Orchestra: Goronville
23. Kuribo's Shoegaze: Drakkhen - This Night on Earth
25. tibone: Mega Man 3 - A Robot Named Megaman
26. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6, 7 - Over My Dead World
27. Danimal Cannon: Chrono Trigger - The Summoning
. DZX: Ninja Gaiden 2 - A Long Way to Go
. Hat: Bard's Tale 2 - The 20 Minute Bard's Tale II Trumpet Duet Medley
. QUICKSHOT: ??? - The Hasbeen Lo-Fi Medley
. Skorned: Gauntlet Legends - Fortified Wine
. Tackle: Mega Man 3 - shadoutoftuneman
. West Coast Shizzies: Final Fantasy 4 - Under da Erf
. spamtron: Mario Series - i like videogame music
. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Into The Fire
2006-06 (Goemon Games)
01. SnappleMan: Goemon's Great Adventure - Devil's Heaven
02. Gwarth: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Gold Coins to a Cat
02. Ryan8bit: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Mist, the Bringer of Pain
04. Danimal Cannon: Ganbare Geomon Karakuri Doutyuu - I've never heard of this game
05. dasaten: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Walking the Racoon Dog (Age of the Party Whistle)
06. Paragon: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Ninja Cat!
07. Reboot: Goemon's Great Adventure - Ryukyu
08. Cyril: Dharmanyo: The Surrender Robot - Surrender the Sax!
08. TheoConfidor: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Life of a Ninja
. cacomistle: Goemon's Great Adventure - Goemon 38
. cacomistle: Goemon's Great Adventure - Goemon 62
2006-07 (Follin Brothers)
01. Ryan8bit: Target Renegade - The Fuzz Scuffle
02. Reboot: Sly Spy - Sly Spy
03. TheoConfidor, Koelsch1: Pictionary - Picture This!
04. cacomistle: Thomas the Tank Engine - Dave Thomas the Tank Engine
05. XMark: Solstice - Isometric Groove
2006-08 (Free Month)
01. M-H: Jackal - My Other Jeep's Got Missiles
02. goat: Castlevania 3 - Nefarious
03. Darangen: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Rest Tonight
04. atomic-guy: Barbie - Well, That Was A Fun Day!
05. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 4 & 6 - Paladin's Gauntlet
05. Syphillization: Goldeneye - Free
05. norg: Smurfs - Smurf Off
05. vertexguy: Lords of Thunder - Dezant
09. Ashane: Sorcerian - Post-Harbal
09. zyk0: Seiken Densetsu 3 - At First Innocence
11. Danimal Cannon: Legacy of the Wizard - Family of Warriors
12. Ryan8bit: Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - Heroes Never Die
12. Scaredsim: Dune - Trap in the Sand
14. Naz: Final Fantasy 6 - City of Liars
14. Paragon: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - Ironsword Unplugged
16. Vegeroth: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - Metalrok Canyon
16. cacomistle: Nadia: Secret of the Blue Water - Untitled
18. Cyril: Mega Man Battle Network 1 - Rock With Your Navi!
18. DZX: Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge - The Fallen Warriors
20. TheoConfidor: Brainwave 2 - I Wish My Orbiter had Lateral Missiles
20. tibone: Mega Man 2 - Leaf Shield
. Another Toad: Battletoads - Level One Fun
. Naz: Chrono Trigger - The Day the World Cried
. The Slack Jawed Yokels: Castlevania 3 - Four West Coast Seeds in August
2006-09 (Silent Hill)
01. ansgaros: Silent Hill 4 - Cradel of Forest
02. Reboot: Sillent Hill 2 - Soggy Meadow
03. Scaredsim: Silent Hill 2, 4 - Lost Stars
04. Paragon: Silent Hill 2 - Promise Fulfilled
05. Ailsean: Silent Hill 4 - Lullabye
06. John Trent: Silent Hill 2 - Magdalene
07. cacomistle: Sillent Hill 3 - Listen Hill
2006-10 (Sega Games)
01. LuIzA: Out Run - Shiny New Ferrari
02. M-H: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Blue Knight of Ballencetine
03. Ashane: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Let's Kick Shell!
04. Hat: Akumajo Dracula X - Waltz of the Lost Portrait
05. Rexy: Sonic the Hedgehog - Marble Relocation
05. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Thunder Force 4, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles - Flying City
07. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Welcome to the Water
08. Jerther: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - All The Way Down The Ragnarok Canyon
09. MetalBishop: Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3 - Syndicate Boss - Downtown - Alien
10. Bobby Winston?!: Columns, Gunbird 2 - Columns Over the Harbor Town
10. Kadmium: Zero Wing - The Final Breath
10. Vegeroth: Battletoads - I eat toads for breakfast
13. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Virtual-On - Blackout
14. Paragon: Zero Wing - Burning to Nothing
15. TheoConfidor: Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast - Dance With Me
15. jvincion: Shadowrun - Schattenlauf
17. Koelsch1: Galaxy Force - Pushups are Like Space Princesses from the Moons of Viega, You Gotta Do Lots of 'em
17. TransINSANO: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Stranger In Mobius
17. cacomistle: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sonic Song
17. tibone: Fantasy Zone - Feliz Cumpleanõs, Opa-Opa!
. Another Toad: Space Harrier - It's Over
. DrBlackJack: Ecco the Dolphin - WTF RUINS
. Eric Dude, spamtron: Daytona - Gaytona (UnderClocked Glitch-T
. M-H: Trip-Hop - Outride a Crisis
. cacomistle: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Long Live Sonic
. tibone: Daytona - Let's Go Away (acapella whispering mix)
. tibone: Out Run - Night Wave (Live at AnimeXtreme7)
. tibone: R.C. Grand Prix - Batteries Not Included
2006-11 (Free Month)
01. Hat, Matt The Flying Banana, Kim James Ill: Leisure Suit Larry 4 - The Long Lost Floppies
02. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Phantom Forest
03. Ryan8bit: Descent - The Quality of Life
03. ansgaros: Dragon Saber - Dragon Saber
05. M-H: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - I Put on my Tunic and Master Sword
05. Richter: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - 'Ol Rusty
07. Hale-Bopp, Pongball: Shadow of the Colossus - The Harder They Fall
07. Rexy: Chrono Trigger - Shadow of the Mystic
09. Danimal Cannon: Dragon Warrior 4 - Saro's Revenge
10. TheoConfidor: Sailor Moon R - Night Sky
11. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog - Through Caves and Mysteries
12. Gonzo: Super Soccer - V11
13. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - The Exquisite City
14. Ashane: Sorcerian - Village
14. Paragon: Metroid - Samus Saves
14. Scaredsim: Shadow of the Ninja - Katana Force
14. Triceratops: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Untitled
18. The Ramens (Dave6502, PianoBasher, TransINSANO): Ducktales - Phase of The Moon (in loving memory of Shawn Phase)
18. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 1 - The Beginning
20. MrB: Mega Man X - Storm Eagle
20. Vegeroth: Killer Instinct Gold - Laughing Gargoyle
23. Bobby Winston?!: Marvel vs. Capcom - Final Justice
23. Riders, spamtron: Super Metroid - Green and Red
23. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Castlevania 2 - Crimson Tears
23. juef: Final Fantasy 6 - Dreams Live On
23. tibone: Revenge of Shinobi - Beyond the Shadows
27. Nario: Final Fantasy 7, Silent Hill - I Will Love You Not Today, Not Tomorrow, But Forever
27. viovis: Jet Set Radio Future - Birthday Cake
. Another Toad: Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Suite With Meat
. Darangen: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Take Me Away
. Eric Dude, norg: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Repercussions Sustained When One Speaks Overlapping the Dialogue of a Caucasian Male
. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6 - Will Smith starring in: The Veldt
. Rexy: Crash Bandicoot 3 - Pura's Alehouse
. Search Snake: Mega Man 3 - TOP MAN MOTHERFUCKERS
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Final Fantasy 7 - Ancient_Threnody
. Triceratops: Ninja Gaiden - Untitled
. West Coast Shizzies: Shadowrun, Goonies 2, Valkyrie Profile, Ultima: Exodus, TMNT2 - It's a Kodiak Moment
2006-12 (Chrono Trigger)
01. SnappleMan: Chrono Series - I Could Be Banned Soon Trigger
02. Darangen: Chrono Series - Running After You
03. jvincion: Chrono Series - Bobonga's on Fire!
04. LuIzA and Friends: Chrono Series - Dimensional Horizons
05. norg, Ryan8bit: Chrono Series - Lavos Built My Hotrod
06. M-H: Chrono Series - Wings Over Zeal
07. Ashane: Chrono Series - Crossin Time
08. ansgaros, Danimal Cannon: Chrono Series - Preventing Judgement Day
09. TheoConfidor: Chrono Series - Viaje Musical De Gato
09. Vegeroth: Chrono Series - The Emperor (Live at Magfest 2013)
11. Bobby Winston?!: Chrono Series - 600 A.D., The Place to Be. (Formerly Windscene)
11. Riders, Ranger-X: Chrono Series - Lab 16 (wip)
11. Scaredsim: Chrono Series - Frog's Tears
11. The Prophet of Mephisto: Chrono Series - Starbright
15. Kris Davis: Chrono Series - A Forgotten Tale
15. cacomistle: Chrono Series - Guardia State Fair
17. bjkmenu: Chrono Series - Peaceful Days Metal Revenge
18. Reboot: Chrono Series - Millenial Fair
19. viovis: Chrono Series - Secret of Forest (Flamenco Fuzion Mix)
20. Endless Night: Chrono Series - Wind Scene
21. tibone: Chrono Series - Sorrow Mountain
23. Paragon: Chrono Series - Windy Archipelago
23. TransINSANO: Chrono Series - 12000BC Schala
25. Nario: Chrono Series - Time Circuit (150cc)
. Dave6502, TransINSANO: Chrono Series - Gato Man
. Gato Bros. (Eric, jvincion): Chrono Series - You Might Like My Joints
. Paragon: Chrono Series - This is how they played piano in 600 AD
. Shawn Phase: Chrono Series - I Am The Wind I Am That Guy
. SnappleMan: Chrono Series - Singing Mountain Punch
. jvincion: Chrono Series - The Wind, It Chafes
2007-01 to 2007-02 (Capcom Games)
01. Danimal Cannon: Street Fighter 2010 - no, the other ken from streetfighter
02. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Mega Man 2 - Above the Clouds
03. Ryan8bit: Willow - Oh, Nelwyn
04. TheoConfidor, Tyler Zupo: Mega Man Battle Network 2 - Bassman's Theme
05. Paragon: Mega Man 2, 3 - GET EQUIPPED WITH: BELL BOTTOMS
06. Bobby Winston?!: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo - Crumpets & Tequila
07. tibone: 1943 - Memphis Belle
08. Concrete Mutant: Gun.Smoke - Ninja Cowboy
08. Noise and a Beat: Mega Man X - Spark Mantooth
08. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man X - Viridian Sniper
11. The Akkadian: Demon's Crest - Dirge of the Damned
12. TransINSANO: Resident Evil 2 - Saved
13. Juja: Mega Man 2 - Shitty Mega Man 2
14. viovis: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Investigation Gum
. Vegeroth: Saturday Night Slam Masters - C.W.A. (dead WiP)
. pingosimon, Bobby Winston?!: 1943 - Sloppy Piloting
2007-03 (Free Month)
01. Danimal Cannon: Final Fantasy X - Tag Team Back Again
02. Tackle: Goonies - My Dire Strait Basement
03. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Only so much oil in the ocean
03. goat: Castlevania 3 - Shadow Buster
05. AndrewWG: Mega Man 1, 2, 3, X1, X2, X3 - Megaman Medley
06. Ryan8bit: Deadly Towers - Echo of the Seventh Deadly Bell
07. CarboHydroM: Mr Nutz - The Girl And The Wolf
08. M-H: Fireshark - Fire and Sharks Not Included
09. Dooleus: Ultima - Stones of the Avatar
10. Vegeroth: Actraiser - Feel More
11. thesamareaye: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 64 - The Underwater Merry-Go-Round
12. Darangen: Killer Instinct - The Instinct
13. Naz: Final Fantasy 6 - Empty Magic
14. Paragon: Rudora No Hihou - Blinded (in one eye) By Fear (and shrapnel. . .mostly shrapnel)
14. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Advance Wars DS - Chillin in a Mega Tank
14. atomic-guy: Ninja Warriors - Revorution (Codename NINJA)
17. Powellman: Street Fighter 2 - Ken's Theme
18. Jovian Maelstrom: Battle of Olympus - Dance Party under Mt. Olympus
19. Riders, spamtron, The Wozz, Cacomistle: Earthbound - Name Your Character
19. TheoConfidor: Sonic Rush - Steam Palace
21. evilsonic: Eternal Champions - To Save the World
21. tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Emerald Hill
23. bjkmenu: Friday the 13th, Chrono Trigger - Voorhees Trigger Kill
24. viovis: Soul Blazer - Soul Blazer: downtownfrownmix
. Ashane: Lufia 2 - Battle 2 (WIP)
. Hat: Super Mario World - Dosado Mario
. Kidd Cabbage: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Ashes To Dust
. Vegeroth, Jerther: Mega Man 2 - Jazz Blues-Man Jam
. Vegeroth: Mega Man 2 - You ain't a VGmixer until you mixed Flashman, so I'm ok now
. cacomistle, spamtron: Earthbound - Coffee Break
. cacomistle: Final Fantasy series - Polkabo
. pingosimon: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - DarkWorldSong
2007-04 (Contra)
01. ansgaros: Contra, Contra: Hard Corps, Super C, Contra Force - Irresistible Force
02. goat: Contra - Feeding Frenzy
03. Wicked Foolishness: Contra: Legacy of War - City March
04. Ryan8bit: Contra - Raped by Fire
05. TheoConfidor: Contra 3 - Imminent Threat
06. MetalBishop: Contra - The Doom of Red Falcon
07. Vegeroth: Contra: Hard Corps - It was not angels that came down from the skies
08. tibone: Contra - If It Moves, Shoot it!
. Vegeroth: Super C - Boss, you're so smooth and cool!
. ansgaros: Contra: Hard Corps - Whip and Fish
2007-05 (Fire VS Ice)
01. housethegrate: Snow Bros. - Go Blow Snow For a Year (In Loving Memory of Chromelodeon)
02. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Lifeforce, Donkey Kong Country 2, Sonic & Knuckles - Red Burst
03. norg: Mega Man X - Black Ice
04. pingosimon, Bobby Winston, Baraka: Super Mario Kart - All Are Welcome Here at Vanilla Lake Resort
05. Danimal Cannon: Blaster Master - Fear My Lowering Coefficent of Friction
06. Ashane, Zoast: Secret of Mana - Winter Madness
07. ansgaros: Chrono Cross - Heated Standstill
08. Ryan8bit: Battletoads - Frosty Reception
09. M-H: Arcus Odyssey - A Wicked Flame
10. Amaranthine Skies: Actraiser - Conquering the North Wall
11. Lizard: Sonic the Hedgehog - Marble Zone
12. thesamareaye: Metroid Prime - Snow on Phendrana
13. Master Blaster: Crystalis - Crystal-ICE!
14. Battlerager: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Lava Dead Beat
14. bjkmenu: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Squitter Songo
16. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Field of Flames
17. Kadmium: Earthworm Jim - We Didn't Start Team Fire
17. Paragon: Mega Man 2 - Zippo Man Likes Zippo Music
19. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man Zero 2 - From the Ashes
19. The Akkadian: Secret of Mana - Winter's Edge
21. Brian Davis: FF Mystic Quest - From The Dungeon of Ice to The Lava Dome
21. MetalBishop: Snow Bros. - If You Cant Stand The Cold, Stay Out Of The Freezer.
23. TransINSANO: Stinkoman 20X6 - Siberian Industrial Emergency Boogie Channel (encased of
23. tubeyes: Battletoads - Arctic Caverns
. Two Crude Dudes: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Why Can't We Be Friends? (Back from the Dead and Livin' Large)
. cacomistle: Plok! - Flamethrower
. tibone: Antarctic Adventure - Ice Burn
2007-06 (Free Month)
01. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 5 - Home Sweet Home
02. Ryan8bit: Dragon Quest 8 - Marcello's Ambition
03. spamtron, Eric Dude, housethegrate: UN Squadron - Stoof & Away is My Style
04. Hale-Bopp: Mario Kart DS - Charade
05. thesamareaye, aklmfreak: Rayman 2 - Searching for Globox
06. Danimal Cannon: Final Fantasy X - Beauty in the Unresolved
06. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Shatterhand - Ultimate Weapon
08. MrB: Warcraft 2 - Metalhead Peasants
09. Vegeroth: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 - Warriors of the Purgatory
10. Kadmium: Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Borne of Something Dying
10. Kodiak Attack: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - Bear Claws Shatter Iron Swords Forged in Fire
12. Gonzo: Thundercross 2 - New Horizons (Escape from the Evil Lair)
13. atomic-guy: Faceball 2000 - Have a Nice Day!
14. Master Blaster: Batman - Dancing With The Devil By The Pale Moon Light
15. The Descendants Of Fire (Battlerager, bjkmenu): Rambo - Rambeau
16. Ashane, Snappleman: Batman Returns - Last Moments of BatNigger
17. MetalBishop: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu, Samurai Pizza Cats, 10-Yard Fight - Kung Fu Pizza Party
18. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6, Metroid, Castlevania 3 - The Cry of the Cicadas
18. tibone: B-Wings - Be Wang
20. Rasgar: Chrono Trigger - The Trees that Stand Througout Time
21. Jade Puget: Guilty Gear X - Calm Passion
22. ZioMatrix589: Mega Man Zero - Scorching Desert
. Another Toad: Ninja Taro - Samuel Fool
. Kidd Cabbage: Mortal Kombat - Toasty
. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 3 - The Forever Ocean
. thesamareaye: Super Mario Bros. - (Acoustic) Guitario
2007-07 (Donkey Kong)
01. Scaredsim: Donkey Kong Country - Swimming Monkey
02. Paragon: Donkey Kong Country - Fibonacci Factory
03. thesamareaye, aklmfreak: Donkey Kong Land - Templo de la Fantasía
04. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: DK: King of Swing - Jumping and Swingin'
04. Kodiak Attack: Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 3 - Grizzlies Crush Rolling Barrels and Beehives
06. Corax, Zachariasmith, RyanBennet: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickbrush Brambles
07. CB+: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Unrefinery
07. Vegeroth, Battlerager: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Tides of Darkness
07. tibone: Donkey Kong Country - Monkey can´t tune!! Monkey need bananas!!
10. AFM Swordbreaker: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Instigating Whispers
. Hydrasphere: Donkey Kong Country - Come on donkey, oh yeah come on
. thesamareaye: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Acoustic Lava
2007-08 (PC Games)
01. Ashane, Zoast, pingosimon: Starcraft - Progcraft
01. norg: Skate or Die - I Got 5 Skateboards Right Here
03. xoc: Heretic - From Hell's Maw to the Cesspool Disco
04. Ryan8bit: Legend of Kyrandia - Ominous Cavern
05. Scaredsim: Crazy Comets - Target Destroyed
06. Amaranthine Skies: Space Quest 5 - Lady B. Wankmeister, Space Mistress of Funk
07. Hat: Hero's Quest, Conquest of Camelot, Bard's Tale 2 - Insert Disk 2
08. Vegeroth: Starcraft - Nuclear Menace
09. Hydrasphere: Doom - Silence & Soucience (Supreme Metal version)
09. thesamareaye: Commander Keen Episode 5 - Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket Special
11. Jehovah Gyra: Doom - E2M2
12. TheoConfidor: Command & Conquer: Renegade - The Gift of Forgiveness
12. Versus the Rest: Doom - Blood Red
14. Battlerager: Battlerager - Scrap Metal Monster
14. Paragon: Knightmare 2: Maze of Galious - Don't Worry, I've Never Heard of This Game Either
16. Corax, Zachariasmith: Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver - House of Flora
16. Josiah Tobin: Diver Down - Reality is Just a Memory ('Diver')
16. tibone: Tyrian - Don´t Leave Me, Deliani
19. Bobby Winston?!, Baraka: American McGee's Alice - I'll Meet You in Woods, I Promise
. Bobby Winston?!: Commander Keen Episode 5 - A Towel and Sunscreen(maybe a helmet too)
. Hat: Bard's Tale 2 - Punchline
. Hydrasphere: Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow - Sir Rob
. juef: Theme Hospital, Cave Story, Red Alert and Deus Ex - Turn off your speakers before listening to this
. pingosimon: Doom - Sign Of Evil
. pingosimon: Doom - Suspense
2007-09 (Free Month)
01. Kidd Cabbage: Willow, Wizards & Warriors, Dragon Warrior - Unbridled Ambition
02. QUICKSHOT: Little Nemo the Dream Master - Nemotherapy
03. TheoConfidor: Power Athlete - What a Run!
04. Scaredsim: Y's 4: Mask of the Sun - This Mask is Burnt
05. thesamareaye: Metroid - The Rise of Samus Aran
06. Paragon: Final Fantasy 8, Ys 3 - Violins and Violence
07. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Run or Die
07. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Quiet Town
09. Melodies of Gaia: Lagoon - Nasir, Champion of Light
10. Nario: Chrono Cross - Time's Scarred Up Pretty Bad
11. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Lightweight Ninja - Lightweight Warrior Project
11. tibone: Phantasy Star 1 - Motavia
13. Death By Spoon: Super Metroid - Speed Run
13. cacomistle: RC Pro-Am - Remote Control Professional Amateur
15. Rasgar: Makai Kingdom - Impenetrable Fortress
16. Jade Puget: Guilty Gear X - Still in the Dark
17. Burreonomicosis: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - zombies ate my...
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon - Mission 7. . .Enter the Hell's Fucking Gates
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Relm's Theme
. Kidd Cabbage: Actraiser - Divine Intervention
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 7 - Yet Even More Fighting
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 9 - Cabalgue Conmigo
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 9 - Waiting To Return
. Scaredsim: DK: King of Swing - To Swing or Not Swing
. bjkmenu: Wild ARMs - Town
. thesamareaye: Chrono Trigger - Memories of Time
. thesamareaye: Ducktales - Lunar Voyage
2007-10 (Castlevania)
01. SnappleMan: Akumajo Dracula - Thrashard in the Cave
02. CarboHydroM: Castlevania 3 - Until Day Break
03. Rize: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - In the Darkness of Time
04. Ryan8bit: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - What is a Man?
05. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Symphony of the Night, Dracula X, Castlevania 4 - It's Time to Kill
06. Hydrasphere: Castlevania, Super Castlevania 4 - Castlevania Porngroove Mix
07. Kidd Cabbage: Super Castlevania 4 - Death Stroke
08. Paragon: Castlevania 3 - Demon Bass (Bassin' Seed)
09. bjkmenu, Wicked Foolishness: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Wood Carving Partita
10. DZX: Castlevania Chronicles - The Tower of Cursed Dolls
11. Battlerager, thesamareaye: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - (Born) The Moment Dracula Died
11. ShinerCCC: Castlevania, Super Castlevania 4 - Blood Transfusion
13. tibone: Castlevania 2 - Ripping Seeds
14. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Steel Engraving Partita
. Corax, Zachariasmith, hodded, Bork: Castlevania - Out of Time (literally) + a little Chameleon
. Hydrasphere: Castlevania - Castlevania Rap
. Hydrasphere: Castlevania - Cradlevanilla
. Scaredsim: Castlevania - Who's That Child?
2007-11 (Enix)
01. M-H: Valkyrie Profile - Union Alpha
02. Scaredsim: Brain Lord, Illusion of Gaia - Will is the Lord
03. norg: Just Breed - Abduction
04. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 2 & 4 - Wayfarer
05. Hat: Soul Blazer - Get to Town
05. Riders, Ranger-X, ShinerCCC: Brain Lord - The Audio Dragon
05. thesamareaye, The S.P.O.B.: Star Ocean 3 - Red Leaves of Autumn
08. Hope Fails: Terranigma - Afternoon Tea with Snappleman's Mom
08. Hydrasphere: Terranigma - Just a little While
08. Josiah Tobin, XMark: Brain Lord - Master Of The Platinum Site Of The Tower Of The Abell Civilization Ruins
11. TheoConfidor: Paladin's Quest - Wielding a Holy Sword
12. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: 7th Saga - The Runes Ruse
12. bjkmenu: Bust A Move - hiroshortykittyn
. Paragon: Actraiser - She Drank from the Bloodpool (wip)
. bjkmenu: Bust A Move - kittynalt
. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior - Dagron Quest
. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Stupid
. thesamareaye: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior ("Tribute" to XMark)
2007-12 to 2008-01 (MAGFest 6 Free Month)
01. musicalman: Metal Gear - Snake's Revenge
02. norg: Ducktales - Harden the Duck Up!
03. Danimal Cannon, Chris Dlugosz: Contra 4 - "Let's Attack Aggresively!"
04. ansgaros: Final Fantasy 6 - Kefka Gets Decisive
05. Kidd Cabbage: Super Metroid - Fuzzy Green Feeling
05. virt: Splatterhouse - TERRORMASK
07. Ryan8bit: Gauntlet, Wizards & Warriors - Kuros Shot the Food
08. SnappleMan: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - SET PHASERS TO ^___^ (In Loving Memory of Chavez)
09. xoc: Conker's Bad Fur Day - Straight Windy
10. dasaten: Secret of Mana - Let me Tell you a Secret
11. MusicallyInspired: Duke Nukem series - Grabbag Mega-Mix
12. CarboHydroM: Pop'n Twinbee - Ground Split
12. Hope Fails: Salamander 2 - mmmbop
14. SuprMelO: Chrono Trigger - Sambacross Time
14. strefig: Bucky O'Hare - Bring Them To The Righteous
16. JigginJonT: Final Fantasy 6 - A Day in the Life of a Gambler
17. Millenial Fairs: Chrono Trigger - Robo's Theme
18. Scaredsim: Castlevania 3 - Ding dong, au quatrième top il sera 20 heures
19. Daniel Alm: Gremlins 2 - Gizmo Caca!
19. Dennis: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Crunch Time
19. rauze: Mega Man 4 - Man & Machine
22. Hale-Bopp: Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Two Tales
23. XMark: Contra - Assault on Galuga (Contra: the Movie: the Soundtrack)
23. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Kids Run Through the City
25. chunkstyle: Monty on the Run - Avogadro's Ostinato
26. Vegeroth: Breath of Fire - The Fire Came from Within
26. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 3 - Oceans Abound
28. Naz: Chrono Trigger - Dreams of a Black Wind
29. Corax, Zachariasmith: Jazz Jackrabbit - Templum Testudine
29. Hydrasphere: Tetris - Tetrismatik
29. Josiah Tobin: Uniracers - Fastest Wheel In The Uni-Verse
29. Patrick_Like_Static: Ducktales - Bless Me Bagpipes -- Green Cheese!
33. cetera: A Nightmare on Elm Street - Elm Street
34. zangderak: Street Fighter Alpha - Jaguar Tooth
35. DZX: Final Fantasy 7 - Reunion
35. Skulletmaster: Mega Man 7 - Blue Rock Bloodletting Tyme
35. tibone: Psycho Pinball - I'll Jackpot into your squirrel if that's what it takes
38. Mr. N: The Sims - Cloud Construction
38. ShinerCCC: Final Fantasy Legend 1, 2, 3 - Legend of the Glass Sword
38. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Everyday Shooter - Surreal Heartbreak
41. Nario: Final Fantasy 1 - Crystal Warriors
42. Amaranthine Skies: Magician - Magical Funk
42. bjkmenu: Popful Mail - Muttonhead is a Nuts Cracker
44. Paragon: Dark Cloud 2, Suikoden 2 - Two Fountainheads
45. Bobby Winston?!, Baraka: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Wright #51
46. Pancho: Final Fantasy 9 - Staggering saiyan...err...genome
. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Lullaby
. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: Mega Man X - Storm Eagle
. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Suikoden 5 - When Your Strength Runs Out
. Hydrasphere: Chrono Trigger - T-Bone Rotating Over Hell's Fire
. Hydrasphere: Golden Axe - Odin, Be With Us!
. Hydrasphere: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gypsi 64
. Hydrasphere: Mega Man 2 - So, you want to be metal
. Pancho: Pac-Man - Pill-addicted Guitar
. ShinerCCC: Final Fantasy Legend - Legend of the Glass Sword: Extended Ending
. The Power of Pee (Paragon, pingosimon, Poopyface): Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross - Holy Crono, It's a Dragon, Get in the Car
. TransINSANO: Diablo - A Formless Fading Memory
. bjkmenu: Parappa the Rappa - Parappa the Hackalt
. flyinghippo: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley
. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Shadow Song
2008-02 (Kirby)
01. Hope Fails: Kirby's Dreamland 2 - Puffball Promenade
01. MusicallyInspired, Jabo: Kirby Superstar - Thanks For The Help, Knuckle Joe!
03. FoXdiE: Kirby Series - Roy G Ambivalence
04. Scaredsim: Kirby Series - Pink like a Bubble Gum
05. ionvortex: Kirby Superstar - Save Cabin Getaway
05. thesamareaye: Kirby's Adventure - Smooth Like Butter
07. Corax, Zachariasmith, hodded: Kirby 64 - Baby Blue Toque
08. Noise and a Beat: Kirby Superstar - Gourmet Race of a Thousand Flames
09. Millenial Fairs: Kirby - Kirby's Nightmare
09. Shnabubula: Kirby's Adventure - OMG U SUXX
. Hydrasphere, Corax: Kirby Air Ride - Breath of Wind
. Hydrasphere, Nicsphere: Kirby Superstar - Painted in Pink
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - C'mon Kirby, Let's Go Party
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - Riding the Pink Beast
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - This is Freak
. Hydrasphere: Kirby's Dreamland 2 - vol au dessus d'un nid de kirby
. Hydrasphere: Kirby's Dreamland - Fighting the Evil Seed
. Hydrasphere: Kirby - Corpse-eater
. Hydrasphere: Kirby - Jambee fusion (recycle bin)
. bjkmenu: Kirby's Dream Course - kirbysreamcoursemusic5alt.mp3
2008-03 (Sci-Fi)
01. Prince of Darkness: Mega Man X - Zero Light
02. Hope Fails: Darius Twin - Wow, That Spaceship Looks Just Like a Fish
02. Shnabubula: Super Metroid - Samus Bubblebath
04. MusicallyInspired: Space Quest 4 - A Greatly Exaggerated Tale of Adventure
05. Scaredsim: Thunder Force 4, Super Star Soldier - Air Fight
06. Vegeroth: Mega Man X2 - Robotic Demise
07. Daniel Alm: Journey to Silius - Boss Theme
08. Gandalf's Brother: Phantasy Star 2 - Rise or Fall
09. Amaranthine Skies: Mech Warrior - In Preparation of Vengeance
09. Battlerager: Dove - This Bird Is On Fire
09. Corax, Zachariasmith: Starcraft - Zerg Rush
09. cacomistle: Mega Man 4 - Shallow Dive
13. Hydrasphere: Doom - Kill Them, Explode them, Destroy Them and Let the Blood Flow
14. Paragon: Mega Man 2 - As the Disco Ball Crashes to the Floor
15. tibone: Astro Warrior - Mr. Hyperdrive
16. Hat: Mega Man 2 - Rock
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 - Varista Gunslinger
. BONKERS: Mega Man X - Storm Your Freakin Towns
. Hydrasphere: Metroid - Once Upon a Time in Space
. Hydrasphere: Secret of Evermore - Under the Moon of Temptation
. Hydrasphere: Space Quest 4 - Drunk in Space
. Hydrasphere: Star Wars - Space Bar
. MusicallyInspired: Thexder 2: Firehawk - Fifth Mission
. Shnabubula: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Shredder Part 1
. Shnabubula: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Shredder Part 2
2008-04 (Free Month)
01. Kadmium, Jim Grey: Final Fantasy 6 - Aria da Mezzo Carattrere
02. Danimal Cannon: 3D Pinball Space Cadet - Apparently This Game Has Music
02. Scaredsim: Axelay - I know you can beat that spider
04. SnappleMan: Romancing SaGa 3 - Four Noble Devils
05. Dr. Manhattan: Dragon Fighter - There's a Dragon in My Yard!
06. M-H: Legend of Mana - Sandwich Nova
07. CarboHydroM: Legend of Zelda - Sword of Hope
08. Hope Fails: Lufia 2 - Last Chance
09. Lizard: Sonic & Knuckles - Flying Battery Zone
10. XMark: Portal - Still Alive
11. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - In A Ruined Aquarium
13. Cyril: Metroid Fusion - Kill the X
13. Dhsu: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Boxer Shorts Rag
15. Vegeroth: Lufia 2 - A Darker Beginning
16. Mainline Rider: Altered Beast - A Full Moon In Hell
17. Leinad, Yendor: Final Fantasy 6 - Flight of the Falcon
18. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Journey to Silius - Following Footfalls
18. Hydrasphere: Ninja Gaiden - Part 2 (medley)
20. Harjawaldar: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Majestic Hills
20. Mitch Janzen: Mario Kart 64 - MK64 Ending Remix
20. tibone: Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Reflections
23. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Black Feather
23. ryanisfootdrums: Earthbound - Onett Jam
25. bjkmenu: Shadowgate - EPOR
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 9 - The El Mariachi
. Hydrasphere: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, A Link to the Past - My Last Medley
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Into the Jail (or hell)
. Hydrasphere: Ninja Gaiden - Part 1 (medley)
. Kadmium: Doom - Asphyxiated Soul 2008
. Paragon: Lufia 2 - Keikenchi JouShouchuu ("Level-up Liquor")
. Temp Sound Solutions: Journey to Silius - End Theme 2008
. bjkmenu: NBA Jam - boomshockalaka
. bjkmenu: Ristar - readygo
. thesamareaye: Star Ocean - Petrified (wip)
2008-05 (Gradius)
01. CarboHydroM: Lifeforce - Desperate Chase
01. Mystic Wizard: Lifeforce - Pharoah Song
03. Hope Fails, Scaredsim: Gradius 3 - Declaration of War
03. ansgaros: Lifeforce, Gradius 2 - Dangerous Territory
05. Ryan8bit: Gradius - The Viper Within
05. dasaten: Lifeforce - Melodic Newt
07. Harjawaldar: Gradius 2 - Join me in Space
08. Daniel Alm: Gradius - Shoot the Core!
09. Dr. Manhattan: Lifeforce - Spaceship 50
10. TheoConfidor: Gradius 3, Unreal 2 - UnGradian
10. ryanisfootdrums: Lifeforce, Gradius 2, Gradius 3 - Endless Infinity Darkness Mk. 2
12. Rasgar: Lifeforce - Tears of a Wayward Soldier
13. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Gradius 3 - Meteor Storm
13. Skummel Maske: Gradius 3 - Stuck In The Crystal Maze
15. cacomistle: Lifeforce - Life Forts
15. tibone: Lifeforce - The Only End I'll Ever Get
. MusicallyInspired: Gradius 2 - That One Song From Gradius 2
. dasaten: Gradius, Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Ninjas Playing Gradius
2008-06 (Boss vs Hero)
01. Prince of Darkness: Final Fantasy 6 - The Hot Pink Of Blues
02. norg: Final Fantasy 5 - Boss Key
03. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 3 - My Joy is Thy Destruction
04. Brian Davis: Super Castlevania 4 - Your Table is Ready Mr. Belmont
05. SnappleMan: Final Fantasy 7 - Manning Up part 1
06. Hope Fails: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Yeah, I'd Tap That (Mia Fey's Theme)
06. Tensei-San: Live A Live - Giant Robot Bonanza
08. ryanisfootdrums: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 6 - My Closest Kin
09. Harjawaldar: Chrono Trigger - The Righteous Path
10. DrumUltimA: Chrono Trigger - Lavos Jam
11. Daniel Alm: Contra - Into the Alien Lair
12. ionvortex: Puggsy - Dethroning the Emperor
13. Final Atomic Buster: Chrono Trigger - There's Metal in my Spaniard
14. Hydrasphere: Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - And Then You'll Beg
15. Vegeroth, streifig: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - I Object to Your Lameness
15. bjkmenu: Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Powder Blue Ryu and Chun-Li in Africa
17. El Grapadura: Final Fantasy X - Unsent
18. dasaten: Final Fantasy 5 - Dark Lord Exdeath
19. bojangles: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Boss
20. Chickenwarlord: The Secret of Monkey Island - Ectoplasmic Beard Not Included
20. Parallel Universe Band: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Kapt. K-Rool's Theme
23. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Comrades Don't Wear Pants
. Another Toad: Sonic Adventure - Blue And Brave
. Chickenwarlord: Imperishable Night - I Mooned My Piano
. Corax, Zachariasmith: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Kamek's Magic Washing Machine
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon 2 - Boss Crushing
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon 2 - Come to Me
. Max Svalgard: Sonic & Knuckles - Flying Battery Boss
. Shnabubula: Final Fantasy 7, Super Castlevania 4 - Aeris Gets Hitched
2008-07 (Free Month)
01. ansgaros: Kage - Fall of Garuda
02. M-H: Y's 4: Mask of the Sun/Dawn of Y's - Esteria Again
03. Daniel Alm: Batman - In Darkness Dwells
03. Dr. Manhattan: Castlevania: Dracula X - Sudden Kiss
05. Tensei-San: Final Fantasy 7 - Mmm, Starla In Hotpants And A Tanktop (Working Title)
06. Prince of Darkness, Chris Feener: Goldeneye, Sonic & Knuckles - Bond's Batteries
07. Harjawaldar: Super Mario Galaxy - The Brightest Star
08. ROCKtendo: Halo - Killing Spree
09. thesamareaye: Kingdom Hearts - You Have My Heart
10. vertexguy: Ultima 7 - Stones for Bread
11. DrumUltimA: Chrono Trigger - Chrono and Marle in the Undersea Palace Consoling Magus
11. ryanisfootdrums: Sonic Adventure 2 - Escape from the City of Death
13. Strika: Final Fantasy 6 - The Mystikal Forest
13. VikingGuitar: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 4, Chrono Trigger - Of Legends and Heroes
15. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Where is That Little Punk
16. El Grapadura: Mega Man 3 - Top Man in Da House
16. bjkmenu: Mortal Kombat 2, Zelda 2 - Kintaro is Error
18. Final Atomic Buster: Chrono Trigger - Chrono Picker
19. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 6 - A Monument to Non-existence
20. Paragon: Castlevania - Vampire Butter
21. tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog - Ambrosius's Walk
23. Don Hughes: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! - The Little Mac Saga
23. Zjildon: Goldeneye - Frigg It!
. Another Toad: Popeye , Shenmue - Bluto Vs Goro
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Sorry I'm Gone
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Peace and GROGS
. Juja: Mega Man 9 - Super Fighting Robot 9
. bjkmenu: Guitar Freaks 8th Mix - Mei Li De Jia Xiang Cover
. bjkmenu: Super Mario Kart - Super Mario Kart Battle Request
. cBlack: Metroid - The Depths (Kraid's Hideout)
2008-08 (Street Fighter)
01. ROCKtendo: Street Fighter 2 - Get Back Up and Jam
02. Sparky, Zangderak: SF3:3S, SFA2, SF2T - Please Select Your Character
03. vertexguy: Street Fighter 2 - Frets of Fury
04. zyk0: Street Fighter Alpha 3 - That's Gonna Have to Do
05. Harjawaldar: Street Fighter 2 - Embracing Death
05. The Sloth King: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Feilong
07. DrumUltimA: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Hugest Foe
08. pu_freak: Street Fighter 2 - Showdown Around the World
09. bjkmenu: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Cammy
10. cacomistle: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Jamaica Man
11. El Grapadura: Street Fighter 2 - Pianodouken
. Final Atomic Buster: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike - Lounge Fighter
. Scaredsim: Street Fighter 2 - Psr 350 in 15 minutes
. bjkmenu: Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Select Your Nutjob
2008-09 (Superheroes Games)
01. ansgaros: X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes - Cyclops and Storm Lose, Juggernaut Wins
02. jaxx: Wolverine - Adamantium Attack
03. Vegeroth: Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage - Deadly Carnage
04. Harjawaldar: Sailor Moon R - Judicium Divinum
05. M-H: Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of the Superheroes - The Other Mr Rogers
05. VikingGuitar: Stinkoman 20X6 - Power Crunch
07. The Sloth King: Sunman - Enter Sunman
08. tibone: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist - We Are Tortoises
09. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - Psychic Mistress
. DZX: Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage - Maximum Carnage
2008-10 (Free Month)
01. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Rime of the Wandering Seafarer
02. Prince of Darkness: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1 & 2 - Hell March to the Apocalypse
03. Sixto Sounds: Mega Man 2 - Dokuta Wairi, Rival to the Light
04. The Analog Kid (Riders): Plok! - Follin Beach
05. DrumUltimA: Super Mario Galaxy - Nostalgia
06. Izei: Romancing SaGa 3 - The Romance is on Fire!
07. Mattias Holmgren: Legend of Zelda - Zelda Heineken Theme
08. Kadmium, Ellah Rose: Castlevania 2, Castlevania 64 - Oceans of Time
09. VikingGuitar: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Sunset at Zombie Beach
10. Harjawaldar: Neutopia - Enjoying your Presence
11. tibone: Mega Man 3 - Death Magnetman
12. El Grapadura: Psychonauts - Cruller's Resolve
13. BONKERS: Mega Man X, Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai - Flame Shin Kai Mammoth
14. Garin: Wii Fit - The Pengiun Shuffle
14. Juja: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Find the Warp, Jimmy!
14. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy X - My Story Is a Different One
17. borntoolate: Castlevania - Blood Junkies
18. Eponymized: Earthbound - The Devil's Machine
18. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 6 - Under the Cover of Night
20. Rexy, dasaten: Seiken Densetsu 3 - Our Little Secret
21. Black Cartridge: Contra - Dead or Alive...or 30 Lives
. BONKERS: Mega Man X5 - Rock the V
. Hydrasphere: King's Quest 6 - Bookworm's Party
. Hydrasphere: Mega Man 2 - In The Mood
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Carribean's Grog
. Hydrasphere: Neverhood - Klayman's Theme
. Hydrasphere: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Vin et Fromage
. Hydrasphere: Super Street Fighter 2 - Are You Dead Yet!
. Izei: Final Fantasy 4 - Cute Smile
. Juja: No More Heroes - Travis Touchdown Strikes Back
. Rexy: Spyro the Dragon - The Purple Summit
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 6 - Under the Cover of Night (Rock Ver.)
. YA US (pingosimon, Sparky, zangderak, MetalBishop, Aubrey, mshell): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods bye
. minorfffanatic1 and his brother: Metroid 2 - Domeheads
2008-11 (Sonic)
01. Prince of Darkness, GuitarBizarre: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sonic Gargles with Garden Marbles
02. Dr. Manhattan: Sonic & Knuckles - Diamond Crush
03. MusicallyInspired: Sonic Blast, Sonic 1, Sonic 2 - Blue Blur in the Green Fields
04. Eponymized, Vanilla Money: Sonic the Hedgehog - Swing Yard Zone
05. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Aquatic Zone Ruined
06. BONKERS: Sonic Mega Collection - Flying Magic
07. Rexy: Sonic & Knuckles - Roasting Point
08. zyk0: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Hidden Away
09. FoXdiE: Sonic CD - You Can Do Anything (The Best That You Can BOOM)
10. Daniel Alm: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - A Speed Freak in a Chemical Plant
10. Harjawaldar: Sonic the Hedgehog - Blue Sunrise
12. MetalBishop: Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic's Chilly Dog Throwdown
13. Natthimmel: Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Roborobics
14. tibone: Sonic Spinball - Toxic Balls
15. Eugene Videogame Orchestra: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - I. Death Eggs feat. Joe McClain II. Why Isn't He Burning Up in the Atmosphere?
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge, Rasgar: Sonic the Hedgehog - Ignus Re Vera
17. evilsonic: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - I Run on Rock
. Hydrasphere: Sonic & Knuckles - Watch Them Burning
. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 - Just a sonic Jam...
. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Back in 1992 (Supreme Rap Version)
. Prince of Darkness: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone (Bass Exclusive Series)
. Prince of Darkness: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Special Stage (Bass Exclusive Series)
2008-12 to 2009-01 (MAGFest 7 Side-Scrolling Games)
01. Shnabubula: SMB, SMB3, SMW, MMX - Playing Super Mario World While Taking Mushrooms
02. Brian Davis: Bucky O'Hare - Let's Croak Toads!!!
03. Prince of Darkness, GuitarBizarre, Chris Feener: Actraiser - A Coele Usque Ad Centrum
04. norg: Metal Slug - Allen O'Neil and Nario Take an Afternoon Stroll Through a Field of Poppies for a Picnic Lunch of Wine, Cheese, and Whale Face
05. Stemage, Danimal Cannon, KBart: TMNT 3 - BTMNTBAMLOL
05. jaxx: Storm of Progear - Black Sky Jewel Harvest
07. BrainCells: Revenge of Shinobi - Pump!
08. darmock: Sonic the Hedgehog - Stay Away From My Special Zone AKA Masatotarkus
09. ansgaros: Journey to Silius, Batman, Bionic Commando, Werewolf - To Reminisce is to Relive
10. Ryan8bit: Double Dragon - My Girl Needs a Gut Punchin'
10. cetera: Amagon - Lower Your Expectations by 1dB
12. Hoha: Shatterhand - Shatter My Brain With My Hands
12. SnappleMan: Super R-Type - Where No Mann Has Gone Before (part 1)
12. virt: TMNT 1 - Enter the Turtle
15. zangderak, sparky: U.N. Squadron - Gates of Hell
16. DrumUltimA: Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic Smooth
17. zyk0: The Lost Vikings - Funk Like an Egyptian
18. M-H: CVII: Belmont's Revenge - Belmonts and Bondage
19. Geoffrey Taucer, Jose the Bronx Rican: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Trapped in the Mines
19. cacomistle, chronolever, TheBeautyofGrind: Super Maro Land - Muda Morning
21. XMark: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Mystic Chemicals
22. Harjawalder: Dragon's Lair - Der Orden vom heiligen Geist
22. Skummel Maske: Shatterhand - Shatter This!
23. thesamareaye: Castlevania - The Vampire's Lament
24. Hope Fails: Power Blade - This Burden Grows, but Still I Can Fly
24. ryanisfootdrums: Alisia Dragoon - The Dragooner's Harp
26. Corax: Lifeforce - Glorious Gradius
26. Dr. Manhattan: Golden Axe 2 - Burning Villages Down
28. Wizwars: Castlevania - Time's Up!
28. tibone: Mega Man - Elecman Likes Guitars
30. bjkmenu: Earthworm Jim - Groovy Jim Hurts My Ear
31. TheoConfidor: Mega Man ZX: Advent - Dance of Destiny
32. Rasgar: Mega Man Zero 3 - Dance of the Winter
33. Mattias Holmgren: Blaster Master - Mastered Blaster
35. Nario: Mega Man 2 - Crash Man Takes Piano Lessons
35. dasaten: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Sticky Portrait of Michiru Yamane
. Izei: Ragnarok Battle Offline 2 - There's no n00bs when I play offline
. Skummel Maske: Shatterhand - Shatter My Synth Lead
. ansgaros: Thunder Force 3 - Seiren
. virt: Friday the 13th - TORCHROLL
. zyk0: Mega Man 2 - Boxing with Killer Robots
2009-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01. DrumUltimA, Nickthoven - Sonic Suck (Sonic)
02. Hat - A Gift From God! (Final Fantasy Tactics)
03. Hydrasphere - The Radio Satellite From Hell (Megaman X3, Castlevania, Monkey Island, Space Quest 6, Chrono Trigger, Tetris , Final Fantasy)
04. Norrin Radd - Rollergames Vocal Arrangement (Rollergames)
05. tibone - (My F-14) It's All Shook Up (Afterburner)
06. Xenon Odyssey - My Other Guitar is a Gibson Maestro (Super Mario Bros.)
07. Eponymized, Elf00 - Paint Trip Never Tackling (Metroid 2)
2009-02 (Free Month)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3 - Down to the Hydrocity's Nightclub
02. M-H: F-Zero Climax (GBA) - You Got Boost Power!
03. CarboHydroM: Super Mario Galaxy - White Feather In The Storm
04. Hoha, AnisHaron: Shatterhand - Look ma, no hands
05. Wizwars, Riders: Mega Man 9 - Plug Man's Last Stand
06. BrainCells: New Rally X - Smoke in Your Face
07. Prince of Darkness, Travis Moberg: The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Time, Guitar Hero 3 - Knights of Hyrule
08. zyk0: Donkey Kong Country - Sea Monkeys
09. Harjawaldar: Super Mario Galaxy - Flaming Hope
10. BlueJackG, Juja: Metroid Prime 2 - Torvus Bog
11. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Battle in Reverse to a new era
12. Scaredsim: Zero Wing - Never Stop Shooting
13. jubuttib, Yuhaso: Shatterhand, Castlevania - Shatnervania
14. Skummel Maske: Chrono Trigger - Facing Dark Eternal (Hang On!)
14. raubhimself: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Scepter Ball Rests in a Serpentine Claw
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Frozen Shade
16. tibone: Space Harrier (SMS) - Harrier is the man
18. Eponymized: Donkey Kong Country 2 - StickerRush Brambles
19. Kid Belmont: Castlevania Adventure - Make Haste
19. dasaten: Actraiser, Illusion of Gaia, Soulblazer - Save the Village, Save the World
21. Hat: Pac-Man - Puck Me
21. Power Tool Pursuit: Castlevania - Mummies and Ivy
23. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - My Island
24. ThomasFinland: Silver Surfer - Surfing My Silver Plate
25. Rasgar: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (Touhou Project) - Virulent Blossom
25. ghettoflower: Rune Factory: A Harvest Moon Fantasy - Rune Factory Intro Theme
. BONKERS: Halo - Journey
. BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - Ride that Ray
. BONKERS: Mega Man X5 - Choose Your Destiny
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Cavern Mission (No Voice Version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Cavern Mission (Voice version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Live (No Voice Version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Live (Voice version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions - Reality is a game
. BONKERS: Super Mario Bros. - Jump That Goomba
. Eponymized: Donkey Kong Country 2 - StickerRush Brambles (Clean)
. bjkmenu: Mortal Kombat - Noob Kombat Crap
. evilsonic: Mega Man 2 - Crash Machine
2009-03 (Ys)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - The Freak Winged Boy
02. Scaredsim: Y's, Y's 4: Dawn of Y's, Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Have a Nice Morning!
03. M-H: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Ernst
04. ansgaros: Y's - A New Dawn
05. Harjawaldar: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - I Need a Drink
06. jaxx: Ys 5: Kefin, The Lost City of Sand - Just Keep Moving
07. Kid Belmont, King Malboro: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - The Legend of Ys
07. pingosimon: Y's - Ys Title
09. thesamareaye, tibone: Y's - Wondering Hearts
10. BONKERS: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Wandering
11. Demonstray, GuitarBizarre, Odysseus: Y's - Ravaging the Seven Ys
. BONKERS: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Light the Way to the West Ocean
. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Dawn
. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Ys Ys Zs
. Harjawaldar: Y's - Kiss Me
. M-H: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Ernst (Instrumental)
. ansgaros: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Five-Finger Discount
2009-04 (8bit vs 16bit)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Street Fighter 2010 - Type Valentine MX-5
01. Prince of Darkness, DrumUltimA, Kyle Etges, Mark Kinz: Sonic 2 - Vestigial Fusion Factory
03. Hoha: S.C.A.T. - Arnold and Sigourney
04. faxanaDUDES (Powellman, Shawn Phase, Spookmeister C, Xavier): Faxanadu - I came back to my hometown to find it FILLED WITH METAL
05. Brian Davis: Gadget Twins - Day Breaks in Gadget Land
05. Harjawaldar, Vidar, Ludvig: Zelda: A Link to the Past - I den Svarte Skogen
07. M-H: Live A Live - The World's Strongest
07. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Rush'n Attack - Don't forget your fur hat!
09. Juja: Chrono Trigger - Chrono 1/2: Hard Battle
10. Mattias Holmgren: Ys 2 - Palace of Solomon
11. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 6 - Aria no Draco Opera
12. zyk0: Golden Axe - This Place is Kept by Powerful Gods
13. Demonstray: Star Fox - Militiae Corneriae
14. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Dusty Sea
15. Amaranthine Skies: Drakkhen - Machinations of the Drakkhen
16. tibone: Phantasy Star - Have You Ever Seen The End?
17. Power Tool Pursuit: Chrono Trigger - Frog Final
18. ZioMatrix589: The Itchy and Scratchy Game - Ye Olde Departed
. BONKERS: Castlevania 3 - Begin!
. BONKERS: Chrono Trigger - 600ad whistle'n!
. BONKERS: Megami Tensei (NES) - Digital Punks
. BONKERS: New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES) - Your Wings
. BONKERS: Super Castlevania 4 - Demon Castle Dracula
. Demonstray: Clock Tower - Here With You
. Hat: F-Zero - Unmuted Arab City
. Shawn Phase, Cow'P: Solomon's Key - Key of Solomon
. bjkmenu: Kirby's Dream Course (SNES) - Course 2 in 3 Hours
2009-04 (Nintendo DS Games) [PF]
01. SnappleMan - lolian odyssey (Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2)
02. Prince of Darkness - Sean Pennacle (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
03. Vegeroth - Final Alien Assault (Mario & Luigi Partners In Time)
04. TIE
DrumUltimA - Pokemon Thing (Pokemon Platinum)
k-wix - Cloud Diver (Mega Man ZX)
Powell - Stylux Theme (Metroid Prime Hunters)
05. OA - 6 Hours and the Snare Still Sucks (???)
06. ShawnPhase - The Neverending Overture (Phoenix Wright)
07. TIE
bucedric - Castlevania Village (Castlevania)
Demonstray - Pitch Black Protrusion (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
08. TIE
Paragon - Gothloli Fear (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
bjkmenu - nsmbpunchfest (New Super Mario Bros.)
2009-04 (Wrestling Games) [PF]
01. Powellman - Title, Tokyo (Saturday Night Slam Masters)
02. TIE
Prince of Darkness - Bad Drum Quantization Society (Saturday Night Slam Masters)
tempsoundsolutions lite - make you humble! wrestlemania (WWF Wrestlemania)
03. Demonstray, Odysseus - Pokemon Thing (Pokemon Platinum)
04. bjkmenu - Mat Mania Fun (Mat Mania)
2009-05 (Free Month)
01. Dr. Manhattan, Scaredsim: Langirsser 2 (Genesis) - The Prophecy of Alhazard
02. Harjawaldar: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Utopia
03. Kidd Cabbage (IBBIAZ): Touhou - Natio Obu[br00tl]03. M-H: Guilty Gear XX - Androgynity Compromised
05. VikingGuitar: Ninja Gaiden - The Eyes Behind the Mask
06. Brian Davis: Base Wars (NES) - You're Killin' Me With Those Chord Changes Smalls!!!
07. Aktulua: Ecco: Tides of Time - Globes
08. dasaten, jomarluke: Final Fantasy 7 - Slumlord Gillionaire
09. DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy X - Him, of the Faith
10. Hope Fails: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Party's Over Here
11. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Gundam Battle Assault (PSX) - The Watchful Eye
12. El Grapadura: Chrono Trigger - Corridor Echoes
13. Repo Man: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Gaiden Act 2
14. Skummel Maske, LuIzA: Final Fantasy 8 - All Existence Denied: The Extreme
15. Rasgar: Touhou - White Paw
16. Dunther, Winchesterfield: Rhythm Tengoku (GBA) - Black Belt Music Dojo
17. Demonstray: Clock Tower 3 - Living Through the Night
17. thesamareaye: Halo 2 - I'm Thinking Arby!
19. tibone, ROCKtendo: Batman (NES) - Trapped Underground
20. bjkmenu, Juja: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Shadow of the Desert Colossus
21. Nario: Sonic 3 - The Forgotten Vinyl of Ice Cap
22. Black Cartridge: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Suicide Ninja
. Demonstray: Mega Man Legends - The Brothers Bonne, Plus Tron
. Dr. Manhattan: Sunset Riders (Genesis) - Mr. Pink Poncho's Western Rock
. DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy X - Random Notes
. Hat: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Drac's Crib
. Temp Sound Solutions: Esper Dream 2 - Army of the Flying Monkeys
. dasaten: Donkey Kong, Excitebike, Hogan's Alley, Mario Bros, Duck Hunt - Vs. 1984
2009-06 (Konami Arcade Games) [PF]
01. Prince of Darkness - The Kolossal Kotsamanidis Klub (Over Drive)
02. Dr. Manhattan - Somebody Ate My Fruit Salad (Violent Storm)
03. TIE
DrumUltimA - Butterfly Love Butter (Dance Dance Revolution)
SnappleMan - KONCHADUNGA! (Metamorphic Force)
04. TIE
bjkmenu - J-Staff and Chicago Blue Cover (GuitarFreaks 2nd Mix)
XMark - Thunder Landing (Super Contra)
05. Another Toad - Pork Chops (Pooyan)
06. TIE
Demonstray - Zoanthropic Army of Four (Metamorphic Force)
Paragon - I Haven't Been Searching For A Man All Across Japan But I Guess If One Wants To Show Up That Would Be Okay (Dance Dance Revolution)
2009-06 (NES Trilogy Triple Threat)
01. El Camello: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - I Can Carry You No Further...You Must Venture On Alone
02. Ryan8bit: Wizards & Warriors - Farewell, Dear Maiden
03. The Sloth King: Wizards & Warriors - Thou Hath Discovered Strings
. Harjawaldar: TMNT - Beer Ears
. Paragon: Wizards & Warriors 3 - There's a Spider on the Ceiling. Will Someone Please Come Kill it for Me?
2009-06 (Wing Commander) [PF]
01. norg - Tuscany Buffalo Wing Commander Keen (Wing Commander)
02. Rellik - What is Wing Commander? (Wing Commander)
03. bjkmenu - Endlessly Through the Void (Wing Commander Sega CD)
04. abadidea - Boss Fights are Silly (Wing Commander)
Dr. Manhattan - Something Wrong is Not Right Here (Wing Commander)
Olsen Bros. (submitted by mr. machine) - Fly on the Wings of Love
John Cafferty (submitted by SnappleMan) - The Fatter Man (Hearts on Fire) (Rocky IV)
2009-07 (Password Games)
01. SnappleMan: Castlevania 3 - The Count of Transylvania
02. ansgaros: Castlevania Bloodlines - Prepare for Death
03. Harjawaldar: Gargoyle's Quest - Holy Warcry
03. M-H: Mega Man X3 - High Gravity Malt Beetle
05. ROCKtendo: Castlevania 3 - What A Funky Night to Have a Curse
06. ULTRANOMICON: Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man
07. Prince of Darkness: Mega Man 3 - Egyptmini Man
08. Krunch: Punch-Out - Fat Man on a Bike
09. mithius: Super Castlevania 4 - I Lost Crying Altar Ravaged Axis
10. Skummel Maske: Castlevania 2 - Message of Darkness (Password Screen)
11. bjkmenu: Ristar , Adventures of Lolo - Ristar Meets King Egger
11. zyk0: Snow Brothers - Another Chance
13. ryanisfootdrums: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - YYZirds and Warriors
14. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Jesus Kyoufu no Bio Monster - Trapped in the Void
14. flip362: Mega Man 4 - Return of the Pharaoh Shot
16. Corax, Zachariasmith, Drum Dragon: Batman Returns (NES) - Ballad for Bruce
17. Rasgar: Castlevania 2 - Metal Castle
17. tibone: Tails Adventure (Game Gear) - The Code is...
. Harjawaldar: Dragon's Fury - No Questions Asked
. Metal Bishop: Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man's MIDI Rip
. Ruticakustic: Mega Man 3 - Westerninjaman
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 2 - Crash Bombs Required
. Zjildon: Mega Man 3 - Blast it All! (Short n Sweet)
. bjkmenu, Demonstray: Metroid - Devil Metroid
2009-07 (Sunsoft vs. Data East) [PF]
* abadidea - You Can't Be Silius (Journey to Silius)
* bjkmenu - Side Pocket Socket (Side Pocket (NES))
* Demonstray - Daddy Drank Too Much So I Bombed His Face (Fantasy Zone)
* Dr. Manhattan - Fester Than Light
* Harjawalder - Blast the Master (Blaster Master)
* just64helpin - Neck and Neck (Dashin' Desperadoes))
* jvincion, XMark - Dog Controls Your Destiny (Shadowrun)
* M-H - Title Screen (Journey to Silius)
* Prince of Darkness - ULTRA Lemmings! (Lemmings (SNES))
* prozax - Bloody Dudes (Bad Dudes)
* Riders - Blast First, Ask Questions Later (Blaster Master)
* temp sound solutions - The Rain Never Ends (Werewolf: The Last Warriors)
* Torzelan - DARK LORD, i mean come on it doesn't get any better than that (Dark Lord)
* Vegeroth - Intro + Stage 1 (Captain American and the Avengers)
* Wizwars - Følg Etter Frosken! (Bløster Maste) (Blaster Master)
2009-08 (Free Month)
01. Scaredsim, Harjawaldar: Wave Race 64 - Slide on Sand!
02. Dr. Manhattan: Castlevania: Bloodlines - Crimson Twilight
03. Hoha: TMNT 3 - Ninja Goes Pow!
04. M-H: Baten Kaitos - I Survived the Force and All I Got Were These Lousy Cards
05. ansgaros: Dragon Saber - Ice Hole
06. Motol DM: Super Metroid - Coolin' Down the Red Soil Swamp
07. LuIzA: Chrono Trigger - ...And in Self-Loathing and Despair, She Found Wrath
08. BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - X
09. Danimal Cannon: Mega Man 9 - The Music Industry Is Horrible And So Is This Song (I'm So Smexy)
10. XenonOdyssey: Chrono Trigger - Windig
11. VikingGuitar: Chrono Trigger - Ease Up, Crono
12. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Crosshairs
13. Brian Davis: Ecco the Dolphin 2: The Tides of Time (Genesis) - They Feasted on My Family
14. Demonstray: Final Fantasy X - Otherworld
15. Divine Wrath: Cave Story - Welcome to Hell
16. Flip362: Sonic the Hedgehog - Silly Sonic Takes a Break from Running for an Evening with the Orchestra... Cuz He Felt Like It! umm...Rawr?
16. SuprMelO: Cave Story, Audioslave - Shadow on the Moonsong
18. Auriplane, Juja: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Soma's Alchemy Playset (Blasphemy Not Included)
18. Kid Belmont, King Malboro: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy X, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Super Mario Brothers - Super Knight Bros in Limbo of the Lost
20. Dragonlee71: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sonic the Deathhog
21. NintenJoe 64: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Fight For Freedom
21. The Sloth King: Aerial Assault (Game Gear) - Insane Plane Battle
23. Rayth Xelos: The Goonies 2 - Mazes And Doors To Hell
23. TransINSANO, GOREman: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Castle Made of Rock!
25. LuketheXjesse: Gran Turismo 2 - Castle Over Moon
25. Rasgar: Disgaea 2 - More Thorns Than Most
25. Rusticakustic: Mega Man 2, 3 - Snake Bubble River
. Auriplane, Juja: Super Mario Brothers 3 - Super Marius Spelunkers
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy Tactics - Pick your D00D's(over compressed much?)
. BONKERS: Mega Man X - Deep Stars
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 5, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Sonic 2, Chrono Cross - Alternative Radio
. DZX: Final Fantasy X - Repent Thy Sins
. MichaelTheCrow: Golden Sun - Sol Sanctum Drained My Batteries
. bjkmenu: Rayman, Super Mario Brothers 2 - I Love DoD
. mshell, Happy Rectangle: The Neverhood - Skat Radio Fanfic Bye
2009-09 (Rareware)
01. Ergosonic: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Essence of the Woodlands
02. Nekofrog, Oinkness: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Monkeys Disarm Your Kremlings
03. LuIzA, Level 99: Star Fox Adventures - Fossil's Oasis
04. Hale-Bopp: Perfect Dark (N64) - Sludge Pit
05. Hat: Donkey Kong Country - Celtic Diddy
05. Krastins: Donkey Kong 64 - Mermaid's Lullaby
07. Harjawaldar: Banjo Kazooie - Longing to See You
08. Demonstray: Wizards & Warriors I, II, III , X - Fabio Hath Discovered Gooseface
09. Eponymized: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES) - Rash is a Punk
09. MichaelTheCrow: Banjo Kazooie - Bear And Bird Nightmare
09. Rasgar: Battletoads - Check Out These Shades
12. NintenJoe64: R.C. Pro-Am (NES) - Race In The A.M.
13. Rayth Xelos: Goldeneye - Bond of the Hood
. Anonymous DoD Contestant: Marble Madness - 3 AM Whiskey Madness
. DZX: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES) - Going Down
2009-09 (Redbook Audio Games) [PF]
* bjkmenu - Insert Koin (Mortal Kombat)
* LuketheXjesse - Race Against Time (Sonic CD)
* Omnideth - GAY PARIS LOLCHILDRENS SONG (Twisted Metal 2)
* Riders - 30th Century Combat
* Snappleman - Cannellini13
2009-10 (Gameboy)
01. Harjawaldar: Gargoyle's Quest - In the Bitter Watches of the Night
02. M-H: Solar Striker - I'd Solar Strike HER
03. The PokeMEN (Powellman, Omnideth, Nario): Pokemon Blue - The PokeMETALLY
04. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - The Victory
05. Daniel Alm: Metroid 2: Return of Samus - One Small Step For Aran
06. LuIzA: Mario Golf - Bunker Half-Pipe
07. Demonstray: Magi Nation - Geysers of Darkest Shadow
08. Ergosonic: Pokemon Gold - Welcome to the Pokesphere
08. Hat: Tetris - Droppin'
10. Rasgar: Pokemon Trading Card Game - Sleight of Hand
. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - Surf Your Heart Out
. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - The Russian Polka Bicycle Song
. Concrete Mutant: Metroid 2: Return of Samus - Brings the NANG to Track 16 for mooniniteG
. Rustikakustic: Conker's Pocket Tales - I'll Never Drink Scotch With Conker No More
2009-11 (Ninja Gaiden part deux)
01. Ryan8bit: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Welcome to Hell
02. Akutula, Sascratch: Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 - Duet of Ninjas
03. BONKERS: Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 - Ouch Death Hurts
03. M-H: Ninja Gaiden 3 - What's a Bio-Noid?
03. jaxx: Ninja Gaiden 2 - I Am A Ninja
06. The Ninja GayedMEN (Nario, Powellman, Omnideth): Ninja Gaiden 1 - I'll Mask YOUR Devil!
07. LuketheXjesse: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Scaling the Mountain
08. Concrete Mutant: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Ominous Death
09. Rasgar: Ninja Gaiden 3 - The Falcon's Plight
. MichaelTheCrow: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Ryu And The Super Happy Riceball Dragon
2009-12 to 2010-01 (MAGFest 8 Free Month)
01. Hope Fails, Level99, Moonlapse: Ecco: The Tides of Time - Waves of Stone
02. virt: Mario Paint - Que Rico el Mono
03. Prince of Darkness: Toejam & Earl 2, SMB, Double Dragon - Toejam & Hurl 2: The Eyes of Satan
04. norg: Medley - The History of the World of Video Game Music - Part 1
05. BONKERS: Lufia 2 - The Battle (Christmas present to all Lufia Fans!)
06. Zoola, Ergosonic: Kirby's Adventure - You Can Call Me Roy G. Biv
07. SnappleMan: Axelay - A Pie for Paragon
07. TheoConfidor, Edwin Rhodes, Carl Stanley: Mega Man Advent ZX - This Volcano Is Just The Right Temperature
09. Danimal Cannon: Marble Madness - The Prog Race: Everything You Hear is Wanking
10. J2: Chrono Trigger - Drinking Eight Sodas Makes Me Sick
11. Daniel Tidwell: Final Fantasy 7 - The Planet's Dyin'
11. prozax: Kid Icarus, Metroid - Kid Samus
13. Harjawaldar: Alex Kidd in Miracle World , Super Mario Bros. - Oceanic Joyride
14. Rellik: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Midnight Rush
15. Hat, Glove: Final Fantasy Tactics - Child
15. Vegeroth: Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball - I'm Hitting Balls
15. VikingGuitar: Ghosts 'n' Goblins - Surfside Graveyard
18. Cyril the Wolf: Mega Man X, X2 - All Together Now
18. M-H, Morkalg: Final Fantasy 6 - Terra
20. Mike Retondo: Fantasy Zone - Do the Opa-Opa!
21. jaxx: Final Fantasy 6 - OMG Not Another Terra Arrangement!
22. DrumUltimA: Chrono Cross - Audacity Butterflies
23. Demonstray: Legend of Dragoon - In Lavitz's Name We Strike
23. Matt Thompson: Mega Man X - Flame Mammoth's Stage
23. tibone: Sonic The Hedgehog - Adieu, Mes Amis
26. zyk0: Zelda: Wind Waker - Tingle Goes Christmas Shopping
27. Rasgar, Six-Stringed Flamberge: Shinobi - Scarlet Carnage
27. auriplane: Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk - Yolkfolk Rock
30. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth's Deliverance
30. Tupperware Party: Final Fantasy 4 - Land of Summons
32. cacomistle: Mario Paint - Mario McCallister
33. Concrete Mutant: Altered Beast - Graveriser
33. Kioshi: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 - Dreams and Honor
35. Classic-Wolf: Mega Man 2, Mega Man 9, Castlevania - A Flashing Tornado Hits Houselvania (Because of Dr. Wily!)
35. minorfffanatic1 and his brother: Terranigma - Resurrection of the World
37. Eponymized: Super Mario Bros. - Mary O. & Louie G.
37. TransINSANO, GOREman: Goldeneye - La Fayette
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 4 - Wat?
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 5 - Galuf's Valiant Heart
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy X - The Altered Song
. BONKERS: Mega Man 9 - Hybrid
. BONKERS: Star Ocean 2 - Stab the Organ Fade of Justice
. BONKERS: Tales of Destiny - Like a Harmony
. Demonstray: Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Paving The Way To Doomsday
. MC Nachbar: Guitar Hero: World Tour - Rock Band
. Nario: Mega Man 3 - Snake Leaves The DoD Listening Party
. Rayth Xelos: Power Rangers - Rayth vs. Power Rangers
. VikingGuitar, Michael Treanor: Mega Man 4 - Dust Man (You Ain't Gettin' No More)
Музыка из игр (Score / Soundtrack) в жанре Instrumental Metal, Rock
Alpha Squad, metal
Armageddon Riders (трэки 14-16)
The Arrival of Dark Sam, metal
Battlezone [PSP]
Binding of Isaac (трэк 5 )
Blazblue Calamity Trigger, metal
BloodRayne 2 (трэки Wave Fight 4 и Wave Fight 6)
Bloodrayne: Betrayal (трэки 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16)
Carmageddon, metal, industrial
Castlevania / Akumajo Dracula: Harmony of Despair - Original Soundtrack
Contra - Shattered Soldier [PS2] (трэки 1, 3, 6, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29), metal
Contra Hard Corps - Uprising [PS3], metal
Crashday (трэки 6-8), metal
Crimsonland, metal
Death Track: Resurrection
Destruction Derby 2, metal
Double Dragon Neon
Dune Soundtrack Collection
End of Nations
Ex Machina
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, metal
Guilty Gear, metal
GunGirl 2, metal
INSANE 2, metal, rock, punk
Jets'n'Guns, SID metal
Killing Floor
Lollipop Chainsaw, metal
Lords of Thunder, shred metal
MTX Mototrax, metal
OSR: Unhinged, metal
Painkiller, metal
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (трэки 1-11, 29-32), metal
The Punisher
Rage, The, metal
Rally Championship Extreme, rock
Red Asphalt, industrial metal
Quake 2 + Ground Zero + The Reckoning, industrial metal
Splatterhouse Vol. 1 - Metal, metal
Tough Trucks, rock
Twisted Metal 2 World Tour, metal, rock
Twisted Metal 2012 (трэки 1-4, 6-9, 12-13, 15, 17), metal
Universe At War: Earth Assault
World Racing 2 (трэки DM1_AM, DM2_EK, DM4_R, DM5_S), rock
Дальнобойщики 2, metal

VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр -
- ЕДИНСТВЕННАЯ АКТИВНАЯ группа ВКонтакте, посвящённая каверам на музыку из игр

Video Game Music Covers Wiki -
- Вики-сайт о каверах на музыку из игр (поиск по жанрам, странам, играм и так далее )

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Spybionic · 02-Июн-11 10:47 (спустя 16 дней)

Продолжение треклиста
2010-01 (Sequels) [PF]
01 - Ardyman: - Illusionary World
02 - bjkmenu: - Epilogue Cover
03 - bucedric: - Forgotten Time
04 - Demonstray: - I've Got 5 Time Crystals Right Here
05 - jvincion: - Contemplate Snowman Evolution
06 - LuketheXJesse: - Enter the Dragon
07 - M-H: Sequels Month (Mega Man X2) - This is Mega Man X2, Fuckers
08 - Paragon: Sangokushi 2 (NES) uses the N106 chip - Discouragement Incarnate aka Why I Don't Bother Trying To Record Anymore
09 - Prince of Darkness: - Lewenda's Lovemuffin (Happy B-day Travis Moberg)
10 - Snappleman: - Pussygon
11 - XMark: - Quad Machine
12 - zyk0: - Sibling Rivalry (Mario and Luigi Run Out of Time During Their Punchfest)
2010-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01 - cacomistle: Dr. Mario - Proctologist Mario
01 - mithius, Tiffany: Super Pang (SNES) - The Joke's on Pang
03 - Hydrasphere: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lonely Link (extreme vulgarity)
04 - dasaten: Metroid - The Ultimate Showdown of 8Bit History
05 - 00elf, Andrew Ferrante: Gauntlet Dark Legacy - Punbelievable
05 - cetera: Esper Dream 2, Chrono Trigger, Metroid, etc. - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Boners
05 - Krastins, Eponymized: Pokemon - Puff-182
08 - MichaelTheCrow: Metroid, Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Gold - Samus Aran attends POKEfest
09 - Demonstray: Savage - The Battle Cry That Shattered Bats
09 - Krowe: Sonic and Knuckles - The Ballad of Robotnik
11-DrumUltimA, Protricity, Monobrow, Ashamee, Nekofrog, ella_guroo, AeroZ, audiofidelity, Nameless Kitten, TheDoobieThing, SuperNothing, Tori Amos-Mega Man 6-Breaking Windman-DoD
12 - XVWAWA, Esewedn: Jurassic Park 2 (SNES) - Jurassic Express - Dark Chase
99 - Hydrasphere: Monkey Island - Mini Munchies
2010-02 (Sports Games)
01 - Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Diddy Kong Racing - A Future Without Bananas
02 - M-H, norg: Tecmo Bowl (NES), Tecmo Worl - NOT IN THIS LIFETIME, PARTNER
03 - mithius, Tiffany, Dan: F-Zero - The Storm of Oceans
04 - adamzap: R.C. Pro-Am - As I Lay Confined in an R.C. Car
05 - Hat: Barry McGuigan World Champio - Thinking Outside of the Ring
05 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: Super Baseball Simulator 1.0 - In Appreciation of Your Service
07 - zyk0: Ice Hockey - Ovie gets it on in between periods, too
99 - Prince of Darkness: Madden NFL Series (SNES) - SnappleMann is an Asshole (part 1)
2010-03 (Free Month)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Comix Zone (Genesis) - Paper Covers Gun
01 - M-H: Golden Sun 2. The Lost Age - Power Bread
03 - VikingGuitar: Blaster Master - My Sweet SOPHIA
04 - Harjawaldar: Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - Tercios
05 - CarboHydroM: Double Dragon 2 - Call Out The Dragon
06 - Game Over: Mega Man - Light's Out
06 - The Dual Dragons: Phantasy Star 2 - Second Star Evolution
08 - TheoConfidor: Unreal Tournament 2003 - Bombs Away
08-King Marlboro, Kid Belmont-Batman the Caped Crusader (C64)-Looks Like We Made It Back To the Batcave In One-Piece Bathing Suits, Robin!-DoD
10 - Hale-Bopp: Super Mario 64 - Bowser's Domain
10 - NintenJoe64: Dynamite Headdy (Sega Genesi - Mach Speed
10-Rhyok-Super Mario RPG, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Tetris, Cave Story, Chrono Trigger-Beware the Outer Wall Windmill's Z Blocks (circa 600 A.D.)-DoD
13 - Hat: Bust-a-Move - Bust-a-Bobble
14 - AMT: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Can't Stop the Hot Head Bop
16 - Eponymized: The Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Enter The Temple
16 - Matt Thompson: Castlevania, Contra Force - Wicked Force
16 - Motol DM: Dragon Warrior - A Knight's Disdain
19 - DJ gwiz: Final Fantasy 7 - Jenova's Witness
19 - Jason Gallant: Metal Gear 2 - Theme of Solid Snake
21 - [Static Void]: Solstice - Demnostortion
22 - serge chrono: Chrono Trigger - 1000 A.D.
22 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World 2. Yoshi's Island - Guitar Hero. Mario
99 - auriplane, Juja: Final Fantasy 6 - In Baram's Shadow
99 - serge chrono: The Legend of Zelda - Zelda Rap
99 - The Bards of Vander: Zelda 2. The Adventure of Link - Temple Rock Out
2010-03 (SNK) [PF]
01 - bjkmenu: - Terry
02 - Cyril: - seenthroughf
03 - housethegrate: - Icewater Veins
04 - Philistine on the Sidewalk (jvincion): 2010-03-14 - Offensive Superiority
05 - Prince of Darkness: - Turf-Square Masters (Happy Birthday Chris Feener)
06 - Snappleman: - Sandy Foreskin STORMPUNCH
07 - XMark: Incomplete so far .( - Samurai Punchdown
2010-04 (Jaleco Games)
1 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: Brawl Brothers (SNES) - The Swirling Vortex
2 - auriplane: R-Type III (SNES) - Galaxy Is Spelled With An R
99 - auriplane: Rod Land (Arcade) - Rod Land!!!
2010-05 (Ninja)
01 - M-H: Ninja kun - Ashura no Shou - Electric Ninjas Shoot Lightning
02 - BrouHounF, Scaredsim: Shadow of the Ninja (NES) - Flying Shuriken
03 - Hat: The Last Ninja (C64) - Last... and Long Forgotten
04 - mithius: Shinobi 3 - Wrath of the Last Ninja
05 - EpicNES: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Gaiden (Ninja Gaiden Medley)
05 - Matt Thompson: Shinobi 3 - Whirlwind
07 - Daniel Alm: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Like It Hard And Fast
07 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Shinobi 3 - Hydra Beam
07 - tibone: TMNT4 . Turtles in Time - My Big Green Toe
2010-05 (Non-Sonic Sega Games) [PF]
01 - auriplane: - Phantasy Star II - Restoration of Jazz
02 - bjkmenu: - Gunstar Heroes
03 - Cyril: - Rocket Knight Adventures - Sparkster is Cool
04 - Demonstray: - Rent-a-Hero - Pizza Is Slang For Super-Suit
05 - Jakesnke17: - SFII. Championship Edition - Psycho Crusher!
06 - LuketheXjesse: - Shinobi 3 - Shinobi Surf
07 - M-H: Shinobi 3 - Shinobi 3 - Solitary
08 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: 2010-05-02 - Castlevania. Bloodlines - Beyond Human Comprehension
09 - Snappleman: - After Burner II - FFFFFFFFFFFFFF
10 - The Dark Prince of Bel-Air (Prince of Darkness): - Altered Beast - Altered Gangsta
11 - tibone: Comment - Stand Up Against Myself
2010-06 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: Final Fantasy 6, 7 - Prancing Dad
02 - Harjawaldar: Yoshi's Island (SNES) - Summer Romance
03 - SnappleMan: Etrian Odyssey 2 - Best of All The Animals.
04 - MichaelTheCrow: Mystical Ninja Starring Goem - Goemon Of The Sea
05 - Danimal Cannon: Castlevania 3 - Try following these rhythyms ON A DANCE PAD
05 - Hat, Glove: Plants vs. Zombies (PC) - Lawn of the Dead
05 - The Dual Dragons: Mortal Kombat 1, 2, and Deadly Alliance - Mortal Konfrontation
08 - TheoConfidor, Kazamaru: Castlevania. Dawn of Sorrow - Crimson Flow
09 - ansgaros: Lords of Thunder - Fire and Stuff
09 - Girlz Melon: Final Fantasies 1 through 7 - Level Up
11 - auriplane: Mega Man 2 - Heat Man's Lament
12 - BONKERS: Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger - Beaches
12 - ergosonic: Starfox (SNES) - Falco, Where Ya Goin'_
14 - Flip362: Mega Man 2 - Freeze! I Too Have A Blue Suit. Ready_ Go!
15 - Luke: Jaki Crush (SNES) - Made in Japan
16 - Motol DM: Super Mario 64 - Dire Dire Straits
17 - cheeky tots: Mega Man Soccer - Title
17 - Paragon: Clannad (PC) - Limit Break. Starfish Heat
19 - Rustikacoustic: Mega Man 3 - The Ballad of Protoman, from His (Dry) Lips to the Dark City
99 - BONKERS: Chrono Cross - Fate
99 - BONKERS: Final Fantasy Adventure (GB) - I Hope You Have a Grand Adventure
99 - BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - What Meaning Was There in Her Death_
99 - BONKERS: Tales of. Symphonia, Destiny 2, Destiny, Eternia and Phantasia - Sakuraba
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Breath of Fire (SNES) - Lively Club
99 - Prince of Darkness: Sonic & Knuckles - Dead Batteries (In Loving Mockery of SnappleMan)
2010-07 (Breath of Fire)
01 - M-H: Breath of Fire 3 - Myria - Lame Final Boss Name
02 - Jason Vincion: Breath of Fire 3 - Spreading Wing in the Forest
03 - Demonstray, Gematriel: Breath of Fire 1, 2 - Dragon Funeral
99 - Anonymous DoD Contestant: Breath of Fire 1 - Where no Ryu has Gone Before...with Green Women
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Breath of Fire - Sweet House
2010-07 (Japanese RPGs) [PF]
01 - ansgaros: - Fortress of PUNCH
02 - auriplane: - Opening 8-Bit
03 - Demonstray (Ron Jeremy): - Sword Exploder
04 - housethegrate: - Deep Within Your Misty Forest
05 - Jakesnke17: - Giyga's Theme
06 - LuketheXjesse: - Bound by Blood
07 - Paragon: Secret of Mana - Arabian Fights (Spinning Side Kick)
08 - Prince of Darkness: - Cream Rocket's Blasting Off Again!
09 - SnappleMan: - AUH
2010-07 (Snails) [PF]
01 - ansgaros: - Zanarkander
02 - auriplane: - Planky the Planker
03 - captainfinbeard: - The PokeMales, Award-Winning Men's Barbershop Quartet, Narate Snappleman's Fantastic Journey Into The Wonderful World of Pokemon In Glorious 4-Part A Capella Harmony For Greatest Justice
04 - Demonstray: - Snails Do Not Come Here
05 - Jason Vincion: Jason's entry for Punchfest 11, which features games with snails in them as its theme. - Robby, the Submarine Captain
06 - Juja: - Juja's Internet Totally Blows Or He's a Dirty, Dirty Cheater
07 - kefka: - Candy Land
08 - M-H: - I've Never Played StarTropics
09 - Paragon: Little Nemo. the Dream Master - Douglas Quaid. Dream Master
10 - Prince of Darkness: - Phantom Snake
11 - Snappleman: - Space Snail Garlicfuck
2010-08 (Co-Op Games) [PF]
01 - Demonstray: - Sound of the Wind, if it were metal
02 - Dennis: - Ice To See You
03 - LuketheXjesse: - I went to America and all I got was a Sacred Stone
04 - Prince of Darkness: - So Funky It's Illegal Alien
05 - Snappleman: - THE CMON GAME (this was LITERALLY done in 7 minutes so I win this PUNCHFEST)
06 - streifig: - Song for bucky
2010-08 (Past vs Future)
01 - Daniel Alm: Journey to Silius (NES) - Mechanical Melancholia (Future)
01 - M-H: Advanced Busterhawk Gley Lan - In Space, No One Can Hear You !Roopo! (Future)
03 - BONKERS: Mega Man 8 - Don't forget to select a damn stage (Future)
04 - mithius: Zelda. A Link to the Past - Falling Clouds in the Golden Land (Past)
05 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Armored Core Last Raven, Armored Core 4, Armored Core Silent Line - Moonlit Karasawa (Future)
06 - Charade: Metroid - Metroid Title. Acoustic (Future)
06 - Cyril The Wolf: Mega Man Zero 2 - Never Stop (Future)
06 - The Sloth King: The Sloth King - Chicago on Ice (Future)
09 - Rayth Xelos: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Hyrule Paradise (Past)
99 - Charade: Power Rangers. The Fighting - Power Rangers. Acoustic (Future)
99 - Rayth Xelos: Chrono Trigger - Wind Scene (Past)
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 8 - Frost of Jotumheim (Future)
2010-09 (Capcom Arcade Games) [PF]
01 - auriplane: - Punching a Waterfall
02 - bill cakes: - Take You For a Ride
03 - Jason Vincion: Jason's entry for Punchfest 13 on September 30th, 2010, which features Capcom arcade games as its theme. The song is a cover of the select screen theme from Knights of the Round. - Select Your Pizza
04 - LukethejesseX: - Desert Brawl
05 - Pongball: Vega's Theme in the style of the Castlevania series (sort of) - CastleVega (Unfinished)
06 - Snappleman: - PUNCHbots
07 - The Jizzbonk Diddlies (Prince of Darkness, Danimal Cannon, Ranger-X, Travis Moberg): - T-Squaredron
2010-09 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: MGS2. Substance - I Need Scissors! 61!
02 - Scaredsim, Harjawaldar: Zelda. Minish Cap - Finish the Minish!
03 - Hat: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Credit Where Credit's Due
04 - CarboHydroM: Space Megaforce - Starshine On The Rocks
05 - FamicomBit: Kick Master - Kick Master
05 - Rubbler: Shatterhand - Mental Command
07 - bill cakes: Gex - Gecko Swerve
08 - BONKERS: Bulk Slash (Saturn) - Escape the 80s
09 - Haempling, R@Z: Final Fantasy 7 - Beneath the Metal Pizza
09 - Hope Fails: Animal Crossing - Stale Cupcakes
11 - Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 9 - Battle On The Hill of Despair (Part I)
12 - Brandon Strader: Animal Crossing - Doggy Style
13 - Dragon Tank Owners Manual: Final Fantasy 6 - Celes Among the Dead
13 - Paragon: Mega Man X8 - Harry X. Truman, Presidential Robot Warrior
13 - Tackle, Ninjan 7: Mega Man 3 - Prototype 7
16 - Charade: Fire Shark - Fire Shark Acoustic
16 - Rayth Xelos: Maximum Carnage - Taking Shit to a Higher State
18 - Six-Stringed Flamberge, Rasgar: Fighter Maker - Forge Your Own Path
99 - auriplane: Leading Company (SFC) - The Door to September (WIP)
99 - Rayth Xelos: Maximum Carnage - Taking Shit to a Higher State (Instrumental)
2010-10 (Forest)
01 - M-H: U.N. Squadron (SNES) - Mega Crush Unicorn
02 - Brandon Strader: Lord of the Rings (SNES) - One Ring
02 - Ergosonic: Chrono Trigger - Continua
04 - Scaredsim: Mega Man 6 - Through the Leaves
05 - MusicallyInspired: Conquests of the Longbow (PC) - Memories of Sherwood
06 - Daniel Alm: Mega Man 2 - Chainsaw Beats Wood, Man!
07 - Ryan8Bit: Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Silhouette Stares Back at Me
08 - Artifical Fear: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods
08 - Dreamless: Secret of Mana - Crystal Chorus
08 - MichaelTheCrow: Etrian Odyssey (DS) - Entering The Labyrinth
11 - Koelsch1: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Halloween Kokiri Discoteca Koko Loco
12 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 6 - Phantom of the Forest
13 - adamzap: Super Mario World - Forest of Illusion of Doom
13 - Breathless By Fire: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lost Minuet
13 - tibone: Castlevania 3 - Mad Forest
2010-11 (Virt)
01 - M-H: Kwakfest - Dracula Man Again! Demons The Fighting
02 - Snappleman, prozax: ScurgeHive (GBA) - POWEREX
03 - Rize: ScurgeHive (GBA) - The Desert Scourge
04 - norg: Child's Play Charity CD - Greetscroller
04 - Prince of Darkness: Shantae. Risky's Revenge - Groovy Taco Bell Bacon Club Chalupa Town
06 - bill cakes: Q-Bert - Q Dina is Underneath A Bol
07 - Daniel Alm: Shantae - We're Taking Over This Town
08 - Koelsch1: Shantae - Taco Flash
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Shantae - Dancing Through The Labyrinth
2010-12 (MAGFest 9 Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: - Hot For Rock Shuffles
02 - Shnabubula: - Trigger Please
03 - SnappleMan: - salaMANNder (part 1)
04 - Hope Fails, Level99, DragonAvenger - Sign of Fortune
05 - Brian Davis - Where the Hell is Brendan Fraser_
06 - housethegrate: - Heroes Fall
07 - CarboHydroM: Super Mario Galaxy 2 _ Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Nemesis
08 - Rize, bjkmenu: - Ace Harding and the Case of the Unknown
09 - norg: - Inhabitants of the Dwelling
10 - M-H: Lufia 2 - Toaster Sinistroodles
11 - Cursed Lemon: - Airdock
11 - Danimal Cannon, Mike Willard: - Throwing Axes Is Pretty Much Unbeatable
13 - MusicallyInspired: - Night Terrors
14 - Cyril the Wolf: - Seventh Climb
15 - High Score project: - Monster in My Pocket
16 - vikingguitar: - Setting Sun
17 - TheoConfidor: - All Good things End With a Kiss
18 - Ryan8bit: - Paperboner
19 - Juja: - I, Vampire Killer
19 - tie-ella guro-SMB 1, 2, 3; FF 1, 5, 6; TLoZ, Contra, Mass Effect 2, Super Meat Boy, Return All Robots!-I Can Do Bad By Myself-DoD
21 - Brandon Strader: - For Great Justice
21 - DragnBreth: - Together We Run
21 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Lycanthrope Lyceum
24 - ryanisfootdrums: - Cuckoo for Dinner
24 - Shoekettle: Katamari Damacy - In Which There Are Guitars
26 - DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Eat that Meat
27 - Matt Thompson: - The Legendary Belmont - Simon's Theme
27 - ThomasNorway: - Mann Overboard (part 2)
29 - Artificial Fear: - Ganondorf's Mini-Medley
29 - Koelsch1, zyk0: - Magic Princess
31 - Hat, Viovis: - evtheriwhegt
32 - tibone: - Alis no Densetsu
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Austere Tempest
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Elephant Babble
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Ver 2.1 - Re EQ'd Kick Drum - Temple in the Mist
99 - Temp Sound Solutions: - SMW2 Cave
2011 Tornado of Solos (Dwelling of Doom) [Special]
1 - Ryan8bit: Castlevania 2 - Rise of the Gray Knight
2 - CarboHydroM, Wild_Cat: Castlevania 2 - Impossible Staircase
3 - Dennis: Castlevania 2 - Unleash the Fury in the Dwelling of Doom
2011-01 (Turbo Grafx 16) [PF]
01 - auriplank: - The Sacred Shrine of Punching
02 - bjkmenu: - galaga88
03 - housethegrate: - Caddy Life
04 - M-H: TurboGraphx-16 - Fuck Song Titles
05 - Obtuse: - 8bit Lovin
06 - Paragon: Tokimeki Memorial - Shizuka Shizuka Time
07 - Prince of Darkness: - Tower of the Shadow of the Winnebago of the Pastrami Sandwich of Death
08 - Rize: - Aggressive Deception
09 - SnappleMan: - Dragon Spurt
10 - tibone: From . Soldier Blade _ Operation 3 - A City of Death
2011-02 (Level 3)
01 - M-H: Mission. Impossible - Mission Half-Assed Entry. Possible
02 - Scaredsim, Wild_Cat: Mega Turrican, Golden Axe - Turrimann
03 - Ryan8Bit: Castlevania. Symphony of the N - At My Inhuman Mercy
04 - BONKERS: Gaiares (Genesis) - Shoot Shoot Shoot!1!1
05 - Rubbler: Heavy Barrel - Today You Die
06 - Rize: Etrian Odyssey 3 - The Burning Path
07 - adamzap: Batman (NES) - I'm Batman
08 - bjkmenu, Eric Dude: Parappa the Rapper 1, 2 - Masaya Matsuura Tribute Part 1
09 - tibone: Gaiares (Genesis) - Cloning Weapons is Fun
10 - dasaten: Mega Man 10 - Take the W Train (To Station 3)
2011-03 (Portables)
01 - jaxx: Castlevania. Aria of Sorrow, C - Reposed Bullet Souls
02 - Scaredsim, Philgood, Wild_Cat: Phoenix Wright. Trials and Tri - Waiting for Godot
03 - M-H: Advance Wars. Dual Strike - Secret of the Oozium
04 - rize: F-Zero Maximum Velocity - Flying in a Purple Car
05 - Ryan8Bit: Dragon Quest 9 - Overdeveloped Sense of Vengeance
06 - tibone: G.G. Shinobi - Old Cat in a New Town
07 - Technodrome: Super Mario Land - Muda Kingdom Groove
08 - DragnBreth: Zelda. Link's Awakening - The Windfish
08 - Ludwig Von Koopa: Metroid. Zero Mission - Kraid
2011-04 (Japan)
01 - Cursed Lemon: Blaster Master - Boy With the Indomitable Spirit
02 - CarboHydroM: Thunder Force 5, 6 - Far Beyond Heavens
03 - Hoha: Shatterhand - To Japan, With Love
04 - Harjawaldar: Chrono Trigger - By the Old Mill
05 - M-H: Tales of Symphonia - Eternal Sword of Norse Fauxology
06 - Daniel Alm: Goonies 2 - The Goonies II -R Good Enough (Part II)
07 - Ryan8bit: Daikaijuu Deburas (NES) - Behold the Beast
08 - Aleph: Ys - Darm's Funky Death Jam
09 - tibone: Bare Knuckle - Special Kickass Unit
10 - Greg: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Save Yourself or Die
11 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 7 - Cid's Ballad
12 - Kidd Cabbage: Castlevania 3 - Mermen In My Basement
99 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 9 - Always Assume an Ambush
2011-05 (Sony)
01 - Scaredsim: Okami - Follow the Wolf
02 - thesamareaye: Mega Man X4 - Railway Chase
03 - Kefka: Chrono Cross - A Tiny Dragon
04 - Brandon Strader, Rexy: Crash Bandicoot - Hogging Molly
05 - Pumpkin King: Okami - Kaguya's Journey
06 - Daniel Alm: Resident Evil - The Gruesome Death of Kenneth
07 - tibone: Silent Hill 2 - Overdosis Fatalis
08 - Skummel Maske: Silent Hill 2 - Empty Promises
09 - Greg: Dark Cloud 2 - No Need to Hurry
10 - Lost in Magicant: Final Fantasy 7 - Cosmo Canyon Revisited
11 - Paragon: Final Fantasy Tactics - Job Level 1 Bard
12 - jvincion: Final Fantasy X - Wanderlust in a Burning Soul
2011-06 (One vs Many)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3D Blast - Rusty Fingers (One)
02 - Scaredsim: VVVVVV - Captain Viridian (One)
03 - Harjawaldar: Secret of Mana - Measuring Uncharted Territory (Many)
04 - Adam The Careless Horse: Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link (One)
05 - Pumpkin King: Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience (One)
06 - bjkmenu: Pebble Beach Golf Links (3DO) - Pebble Beats (Many)
07 - Brandon Strader: Heavy Rain - From Mars (One)
08 - Technodrone: Marvel Super Heroes vs Street - Adamantium Core (Many)
09 - BlitzChris: Pokemon Red - Poly! Stop Dancing! I'm Trying To Be Dramatic (One)
10 - tibone, Paragon: ESWAT (Genesis) - Like a Boss (One)
99 - Darangen: Killer Instinct - Finding Who We Are (Many)
99 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3D Blast - Rusty Fingers Otamatone Version (One)
2011-07 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: Ys 1, 2 - Ysta La Vista, Baby
02 - Snappleman: Etrian Odyssey 3 - Cthulhu's Asshole
03 - CarboHydroM, Scaredsim: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 - Sounds Of Liberty
04 - Brandon Strader: Skyrim - Dovahkiin
05 - Dr. Manhattan: Final Fantasy 2 - The Last March
06 - Tonindo: Final Fantasy 9 - Opportunity to Hunt
07 - Hat: Castlevania. Symphony of the Night - The Woodshedding Partita
08 - thesamareaye: Star Fox Adventures - Ancient Spirits
09 - Neo Link, Pumpkin King: Golden Sun - Saturos, Warrior of Mars
10 - Greg: Romancing Saga - Spark of Hope
11 - Skummel Maske: Silent Hill - For Those With No Tomorrow
12 - tibone: Golden Axe - Exit the Warrior
13 - dasaten: Ys 3 - Ysy Listening
99 - DragnBreth: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda. Link's Awakening - Of Overworlds and Dreamworlds
99 - Greg: Super Mario Land 2 - Mario Never Goes out of Style
2011-08 (Recover)
01 - Prince Of Darkness: Super Metroid - Grant Henry's Flesh Crystal (original - virt)
02 - BrainCells: Gradius 3 - Power Up! Powered Up!! (original - prozax)
03 - CarboHydroM: Mega Man 2 - Heart Cannon (original - norg)
04 - Hat: Super Mario 64 - Sonic Depths (original - Ashane, norg)
05 - Scaredsim: Donkey Kong Country 2 - The Singer Rests Tonight (original - Darangen)
06 - M-H: Rudra no Hihou - Blinded by Tiny Anime Girls (original - Paragon)
07 - Rexy: Super Mario 64 - Penguin Blanc (original - CarboHydroM)
08 - Ryan8bit: Dragon Spirit - Arisha (original - XMark)
09 - DARK WARRIORS: Plok! - Hot Sex on Follin's Beach (original - The Analog Kid)
10 - LuketheXjesse: Ys 5. Kefin, The Lost City of - Still Moving (original - Jaxx)
11 - Juja: Starfox - Demonstrae Corneriae (original - Demonstray)
12 - bjkmenu: Sonic 2 - tibone music frickin (original - tibone)
13 - Omigadrive: Mega Man 3 - Victory or Death (A Robot Named Thighbone) (original - tibone)
14 - tibone: Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Warrio - Don't Let the Dream Go Down on your Dragon's Ass, Wizard (originals - Ailsean)
15 - Paragon, BONKERS: Final Fantasy 6 - Shinkoushuukyou (original - BornInCrimson)
99 - Demonstray: Zelda. Wind Waker - Rime of the Wandering Seafarer (original - zyk0)
99 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic and Knuckles - FUCK YOU PRINCE OF DARKNESS (aka 'Yakety Battery') (original - Prince Of Darkness)
99 - Greg: Castlevania 2. Belmont's Rev - tibone's determination (original - tibone)
99 - Greg: Gargoyle's Quest - Harja Warcry (original - Harjawaldar)
99 - Prince Of Darkness: Ys 3 - FUCK YOU DR. MANHATTAN (aka 'The Freak Winged Boy From Ipanema') (original - Dr. Manhattan)
99 - Rexy: Heavy Rain - From Noir (original - Brandon Strader)
2011-09 (Phantasy Star)
01 - Brandon Strader: Phantasy Star Universe - Hogosha
02 - Hale-Bopp: Phantasy Star 4 - Fight
03 - Evil(I)(I): Phantasy Star 2, 4 - Lord of Esper Mansion
04 - LuketheX: Phantasy Star 1 - Dark Who_
05 - Demonstray: Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 - Image Isn't Everything (WiP)
06 - DragnBreth: Phantasy Star 1 - Phinal Dungeon
07 - Daniel Alm: Phantasy Star 1 - Endless Desert
08 - Thunderspell: Phantasy Star 4 - Millendium
09 - tibone: Phantasy Star 1 - Cat Lake
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Phantasy Star 1 - Through the Golden Corridor
2011-10 (Free Month)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Sunset Riders - The Blondie, the Mexican and the Indian
02 - Brandon Strader: Halo 3 - In Memoriam
03 - Harjawaldar, Paul Bellmann: Shadowgate - Ghoulish Ritual
04 - jaxx: Out of This World (Another Wor - Twenty Year Journey
05 - auriplane: Mega Man 5 - Gravity Beans
06 - Culden: Chrono Trigger - Battle With Janus' Persona
07 - Kadmium ft. Ellah Rose: Quest For Glory 4. Shadows of - Salt
08 - sebdoom: Thunder Force 4 - Shine Against Myself
09 - Hat: Chrono Trigger - The Wind That Shakes Da Marley
10 - MichaelTheCrow: Grandia - Fight Onwards
11 - Kidd Cabbage: Jet Force Gemini - Martian Chocolate
12 - cyaoeu: Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger
13 - dasaten, Clint, jomarluke: Final Fantasy X - Tides of Battle
14 - DragnBreth: Zelda. A Link to the Past - End of the Road
15 - tibone: Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Blood of My Blood
2011-11 (Puzzle)
01 - Scaredsim: Candy Crisis (PC) - Color Explosion
02 - auriplane: Dr. Mario - Super Chill World
03 - Rexy: Portal - Still Alive After Black Friday
04 - Brandon Strader: Portal 2 - Goodbye
05 - Technodrone: Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - Cherry Puzzle Dreamer
99 - Careless Juja: Professor Layton Series - 'I'm afraid you solved that puzzle a little too quickly to qualify for DoD, Luke.'
99 - Hat: Brix - Time Management
2011-12 (MAGfest 10 Nintendo vs. Sega)
01 - Prince of Darkness, Shnabubula, housethegrate, Travis Moberg: Kirby's Dreamland 3 - Dirty Kirby
02 - virt, SnappleMan: Zelda. Wind Waker - Full Mast
03 - coda: Ristar - Ring Rink Ring Job
04 - zyk0: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - en el valle de la muerte
05 - BONKERS: Thunder Force IV, Phantasy Sta - Not Another Full Metal Squad!-(N-A-FM-S)
06 - Hope Fails, Scaredsim: Ys 4 - Hero of Celceta
07 - Danimal Cannon: Mega Man 3 - Mega Manhood 3 - The Blasting of Hard Man
08 - CarboHydroM: Thunder Force 3 - Return To The Void
09 - Ashane: Fighting Golf (NES) - Bogus Bogey
10 - auriplane: Mega Man 10 - The Power of the Sun
11 - norg: Rygar - The Mann Behind The Shield
12 - Sebdoom: Streets of Rage - Rays of Haze
13 - Careless Juja: Castlevania 2, Sword Master - What a Horrible Night to Play Sword Master!
14 - clansmaneddie: Final Fantasy 6 - Soaring into Ruin
15 - Brandon Strader: Ultraverse Prime (Sega CD) - Killer Studio Chops
16 - pingosimon: Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
17 - captainfinbeard: Quest 64 - Holy Magic Century, Batmann!
18 - Tuberz McGee: Super Metroid - Rite of the Chozo
19 - Demonstray: Sonic & Knuckles - Lava Queef Zone
20 - Garpocalypse: Streets of Rage - Welcome to the Streets of Blast Processing (SNITSC B-side Remix)
21 - tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog - Blurring Blue
22 - Paragon: Mega Man 2 - This Love is Involuntary
99 - Nathan Vieira: Mario Party 2 - Horror Land
99 - Omigadrive, Rajdeep: Chrono Trigger - Feel the Wrath of my Anthropomorphic Nutsack
99 - Shnabubula: Ducktales - Shredded Duck
2012 - DoD 12-02: Kunio Month - 00:14:36
01. They All Became Honor Students (02:34)
02. Seppuku (03:30)
03. Me and My Doppleganger (03:10)
04. Super Munz Ball (All Stars Theme / USSR Theme) (03:14)
05. Theme of Roxy (02:08)
2012 - DOD 12-03: Jingle Month - 00:17:32
01. Zapper in the Duck Hunt (02:24)
02. DoDied (02:39)
03. Infiltrating the Fortress (03:28)
04. Pitch a Tent (Good Night) (02:11)
05. A Manly Decision (02:17)
06. Parasitic Party On SR388 (03:54)
07. Variations on Victory (00:39)
2012 - DoD12-04: Free Month - 01:02:28
01. Kastle Rock (04:11)
02. Marble Garden Zone (03:12)
03. My Knife Vs. the World (04:00)
04. Cold Instinct (07:48)
05. Windy (02:11)
06. Down and Dirty (03:48)
07. Far Away (04:36)
08. Dystopia (05:04)
09. Tides of Darkness (03:32)
10. Polygonistic Soul Tits (Part XXIII...I) (04:07)
11. Flash of Metal (03:05)
12. Lovely Mermaids (02:13)
13. Crystal Theme (03:42)
14. Devotio Aeternus (03:52)
15. Kill 'em All (03:35)
16. Ragnar Rock (03:32)
2012 - DoD12-05: TMNT Month - 00:18:49
01. Runnin' With The Shredder (03:34)
02. Hot Dam! (02:35)
03. Flyin' High (Inside Shredder's Hideout) (08:22)
04. Purse-Scrubbin' Pukes (02:07)
05. Medleydrome, Let's Hear Minibosses! (02:11)
2012 - DoD12-06: Town Month - 00:34:11
01. Pwntera (04:57)
02. Where is my damn dog! (02:18)
03. Slam Shuffle (02:10)
04. David's Quest (04:09)
05. Seinsnaild (02:15)
06. Gotta Catch a Flight (02:55)
07. ValHorteka (04:05)
08. Forsaken Home (03:04)
09. Overworld (02:04)
10. Sung Hyung Cho Presents "Full Metal Village" (02:34)
11. Totally not TownsMANN's song (02:21)
12. The Day After for 3 cellos (01:19)
2012 - DoD12-07: Free Month - 01:12:53
01. Rolling Through Time (07:28)
02. Fragments of Time v.1 (04:07)
03. Fight For Your Right to Fight (03:31)
04. Centaur Man (03:13)
05. Leaving Earth (06:34)
06. Gambit's Theme (03:10)
07. Starlight Embracing City Streets (04:11)
08. Gravity Beetle (02:33)
09. Runment (02:33)
10. Still Alive (03:46)
11. I Survive! (04:22)
12. He Gave Us a Signal (14:56)
13. River Stay Away From My Door (05:36)
14. Destiny (01:52)
15. Now You're A Hero! (01:20)
16. La Orilla (02:11)
17. Summoner of Storms (00:49)
18. Mario Underwater for 3 Cellos (00:41)
2012 - DoD12-08: Indie Games Month - 00:27:59
01. Quest in Peace (06:41)
02. Ocean Traveller (13:09)
03. And He Knew the Name of the King (02:08)
04. Lux Lirata (02:19)
05. brigther on the other side (00:59)
06. Snappleman Stole My Scrambled Eggs (02:43)
2012 - DoD12-09: Unplugged Month - 00:43:24
01. Acoustonic (08:34)
02. Un Lamento nella Notte (02:57)
03. Over World (03:19)
04. Dear to My Heart (08:15)
05. Broken Wind Rag (03:13)
06. Rawater (02:49)
07. Piano Medley (06:01)
08. Carried to The End (02:57)
09. The Landlubberly Guitarist (02:39)
10. Torn Apart (02:40)
2012 - DoD12-10: Free Month - 01:06:35
02. Calling Me (04:49)
03. Left My Body in Another World (04:34)
04. Gloom of the Mysterious Cave (02:52)
05. Dive Man Stage (02:21)
06. Do You Remember? (02:35)
07. Battered (03:17)
08. Into the Horizon (06:08)
09. The Eleventh Hour (03:55)
10. Red Retaliation (04:32)
11. Death Lives (04:26)
12. Mother I'm Here (03:28)
13. Radical ChronoGears (05:24)
14. Nesting Salamanders (04:09)
15. Hidden Truth/Singing Mountain (02:03)
16. Balls of Steel (03:12)
17. Nyan! Nyan! Kittybuster (04:14)
2012 - DoD11-12: Blizzard Month - 00:08:00
01. We'll Never Be Angels (05:16)
02. Sarlac Attack (02:44)
2012 - DoD12-12: M11 - Konami vs. Capcom - 02:03:51
01. Swinglevania (06:25)
02. Burning my Mannly Soul (05:01)
03. Ganbare GoeMANN: Mystical Love Machine (04:20)
04. Trinity Rush (03:55)
05. TMNT Tournament Fighters Cover (04:57)
06. Crossover Combo (04:02)
07. Movement 3: One Golt Coin (05:47)
08. House of the Rising Hero (02:48)
09. The World Needs a Hiryu (02:14)
10. Get Me a Flutter For My Gesselschaft (04:26)
11. CapcoMedley - Watch the video at youtu.be/Qyb4iycbsHQ (08:34)
12. Whovian Waltz (Ending Theme) (04:06)
13. Tankin' (03:03)
14. Wily's Demise (04:26)
15. Rawk-It Night (02:56)
16. You Guys Pho King Asked For It (02:00)
17. Distant Shadow (05:32)
18. In the Line of Duty...Or Something (05:22)
19. Dale's Pants (03:41)
20. The Password Is Booty Traps (04:20)
21. No Mann Left Behind (04:57)
22. Dog (04:26)
23. Firekettle (02:37)
24. When Metal Falls From the Sky (03:29)
25. Drac's Cats (03:04)
26. Dippenchales (02:09)
27. Star COMMANDO (02:08)
28. Snake, the Family Man (10:50)
29. I Have Lots of GUTS (02:16)
2013 - DoD 01-13: Free Month - 00:42:19
01. Brazil Stage (03:04)
02. Forever Stolen Heart (02:37)
03. (You Give Me) Wings (03:26)
04. Goddamn Hwing (03:36)
05. Poem of a Bard's Soul (02:31)
06. A Side Order of Guitars (06:35)
07. Jesters of the Black Bean Paste WiP (03:45)
08. Cosmic Cataclysm (03:35)
09. Death Theme (03:53)
10. … But You Can't Tuna Head. (02:32)
11. WIP Yard Zone (02:25)
12. Castlevania DoD Metaley (04:20)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 2367

wzg45 · 04-Сен-11 16:31 (спустя 3 месяца 2 дня)

Найти бы силы всё это послушать.. Найти бы место) С чего лучше начать?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 18

Intervigillium · 06-Окт-11 14:45 (спустя 1 месяц 1 день)

оххх....Это мне на целый год прослушивания хватит)))
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 2367

wzg45 · 19-Янв-12 11:21 (спустя 3 месяца 12 дней)

В некоторых папках отсутствует нумерация.
- Файлы в раздаче необходимо пронумеровать используя двузначные числа.
3.1.3 Название файла трека должно содержать номер трека по порядку на диске и название трека, через любой разделитель и только в этом порядке:
примеры правильных вариантов: "01 - Название","01. Название""01 Название";
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 2367

wzg45 · 20-Янв-12 11:57 (спустя 1 день, ред. 20-Янв-12 11:57)

# сомнительно
п. 1.3 правил подраздела
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Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 114

nishebrod1 · 24-Фев-12 21:53 (спустя 1 месяц 4 дня)

О блин, 9 гиг! А как оно вообще, достойно внимания? Есть что нить похоже на Vomitron и SongeLeReveur - я пока не очень много коллективов прослушал, но из того что есть эти самые клевые, у них очень хороший звук, они шикарно играют, да и музыка прям то что надо) Если тут есть что нить похожее, то скачаю, а то так вслепую 9 гиг тащить не сильно охота.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 25-Фев-12 00:31 (спустя 2 часа 38 мин.)

Конечно достойно, но есть и мусор, к-й я бы с радостью удалил. Но вряд ли это одобрят модераторы, не понимают они пчел( Хотя... под шумок... =)
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Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 114

nishebrod1 · 25-Фев-12 17:24 (спустя 16 часов)

Ок, ну тогда может подскажешь с чего галочки поснимать?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 25-Фев-12 21:05 (спустя 3 часа)

А я прям помню. Лучше сам отбирай.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 3731

Partsigah · 22-Мар-12 16:33 (спустя 25 дней)

Да здесь нужно тупо открывать список и зырить игры, я вот первым делом 2009-07 (Sunsoft vs. Data East) [PF] и 2009-11 (Ninja Gaiden part deux) заценю.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 9

liligim · 22-Май-12 10:06 (спустя 1 месяц 30 дней)

луууди! где раздающие?! скорость 30-50 кб\сек это ж даже не смешно %) мне с такой скоростью пол года скачивать придется
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Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 16

raptor2012 · 10-Окт-12 11:10 (спустя 4 месяца 19 дней)

Хорошая подборка качественных каверов. Отличный релиз, спасибо!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 10-Фев-13 15:43 (спустя 4 месяца)

Перезалил в связи с техническими неполадками. Благодарим админов за оживление трекера.
Есть приятная новость. Как вы помните, была такая группа Вконтакте - VGM оргия. Чуть больше месяца назад мы возродили свою деятельность (сделали подробный обновляющийся список исполнителей , пишем о всяких новостях в мире VGM-сцены, заливаем тонны каверов и т.д.) и стали называться VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр.
Эта группа - ЕДИНСТВЕННОЕ АКТИВНОЕ сообщество в Рунете, посвященное жанру VGM. Кратко говоря - это каверы на музыку из приставочных игр преимущественно в жанрах метал\рок. Минимум унылых техноэлектромегащитмиксов, только живые инструменты и качество!
Ждём от вас комментариев, репостов, поддержки, т.е. вашего полного участия =)
VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр
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Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 32

i-Rom · 31-Окт-13 06:36 (спустя 8 месяцев, ред. 31-Окт-13 06:36)

Не знал что многие делают каверы, да еще это соревнование. Я сам находил тока Contra Jungle Jam - VertexGuy ну и BenevoilentDemise знаком с ютуба.
Чет торрент файл не качается.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 79

boot666 · 02-Дек-13 16:41 (спустя 1 месяц 2 дня)

Надеюсь Тема не запущена?и будет обновляться? (=
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 02-Дек-13 17:56 (спустя 1 час 15 мин.)

Обновляется раз в год, т.е. обновление будет в январе.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 05-Мар-14 19:03 (спустя 3 месяца 3 дня, ред. 05-Мар-14 19:03)

Продолжение треклиста
2013 - DoD13-03: Paragon Month
Продолжительность: 00:27:49
01. Zenith (04:07)
02. A Starlit Temple for Two (04:59)
03. Use the Plasma Gun! (03:10)
04. Undulation of the Darkness and the Light (03:30)
05. Rise of the 8-bit Machines (04:01)
06. Illusions of the Final Fantasy (08:02)
2013 - DoD13-03: Disney Month
Продолжительность: 00:14:21
01. African Mines (02:45)
02. Lost in Bermuda (03:03)
03. Triple Darkwing Bass (02:08)
04. Nothingness Is Eternal (04:10)
05. Ice Ice Duck (02:15)
2013 - DoD13-04: Horror Month
Продолжительность: 00:22:00
01. Jurassic Bass FX (04:00)
02. Mysterious Place (04:36)
03. Stop Calling My Name! (03:55)
04. Safe Chambers (02:28)
05. This Brain Is Just Right (03:38)
06. The Resident's Room (03:23)
2013 - DoD13-05: Lucasarts Month
Продолжительность: 00:15:34
01. Mad Monkey (03:00)
02. The Soon-to-be Blown Wagon (03:01)
03. Going Away (02:44)
04. Double-crossed in Coronado (02:34)
05. Order of the Holy Drain Snake (04:15)
2013 - DoD13-06: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:10:03
01. TurtNESewers (03:23)
02. Planetarium (04:17)
03. Quite the Adventure (06:39)
04. Y So Serious Blues (03:12)
05. Call Of Duty Cycle (04:16)
06. The Eyes Of Despair (03:33)
07. Shadow Man on the Porch (02:12)
08. Surf City Theme (02:22)
09. Stage 2 (02:25)
10. The Legend of Jogiya (02:17)
11. The Perfect Reincarnation (02:40)
12. Fire (02:15)
13. Heavy Barrel (06:01)
14. Find My Own Way (06:46)
15. Wake up, sister (03:52)
16. 600th 600 A.D. (02:48)
17. Snow Slide Ride (04:17)
18. Space Dance (02:05)
19. Doukutsu Chant (01:03)
20. Terra (03:40)
2013 - DoD13-07: Sierra Month
Продолжительность: 00:23:54
01. Crystal Perils (03:19)
02. Vaguely Erotic Rock Music going into a Generic Gallop Riff for a while (04:36)
03. Alexander Points and Kicks Ass (02:45)
04. The Keepers (03:12)
05. Lanusola Medley (03:02)
06. Bahamut Rising (02:47)
07. Quest (01:01)
08. The Keepers (No Leads) (03:12)
2013 - DoD13-08: Desert Month
Продолжительность: 00:33:07
01. Welcome to Arrakis (03:56)
02. Hot Day For Wonderboy (02:42)
03. Desert Eggs (02:00)
04. Doom in the Desert Sky (02:10)
05. Disturbed Slumber of the Ancients (03:07)
06. Arid Days (02:56)
07. A Robot with No Name (02:35)
08. Sand, Motherfucker, do you have it? (03:26)
09. Rusted Metal Wasteland (02:38)
10. Doom in the Desert Sky (Vocal Edition) (02:10)
11. Arid Sands (05:27)
2013 - DoD13-0910: 10th Anniversary Month
Продолжительность: 04:12:57
01. Peter's Chase (04:55)
02. Final Lap (13:39)
03. Dwelling Of Heroes (07:08)
04. Green Death, Brown Creep (04:28)
05. Astral Beast (05:26)
06. Never Say Die (10:08)
07. Brain Shuffle (05:52)
08. Dreaming For So Long (06:27)
09. 386 Cylinder (04:26)
10. Hyperdrive (03:36)
11. Wizards and Warriors Reverence (05:42)
12. Hey, April, Don't Cut Me No Slack (05:26)
13. Mann Over The Castle (04:48)
14. Interstellar Sasuke 5ever Space Funkadet (03:07)
15. Eye of the Trigger (04:37)
16. Take Revenge or Die (03:54)
17. Gotta Go Fast (03:27)
18. King of Spades (04:31)
19. Wandering Cellos (02:40)
20. Vampire Tears (02:30)
21. Bad News, Good Noose (10:57)
22. Rabbit (04:46)
23. T-90 (03:10)
24. You're Still Not Here (03:47)
25. The Cunt of Transylvania (03:18)
26. Demetrius (03:49)
27. Let All Go Away in a Sandstorm (03:08)
28. Written in Neon Sin (02:32)
29. Summer in the Little Town (03:56)
30. Quarter of Past (03:10)
31. El Cazafantasmas (03:51)
32. Summer Without Love (04:11)
33. Hammer Hand (03:04)
34. Nebulous Existence (03:36)
35. Snapplewanker! (05:22)
36. Onett (02:26)
37. Let's Just Get Out of this Stupid Sewer Already (02:34)
38. Gravity Shift (04:14)
39. Simple Europe (02:34)
40. Last Fight of the Rusting Metal Knights (05:50)
41. Synthetic Chemicals (02:12)
42. So Techno That it Belongs on OCReMix (05:03)
43. Rellax (02:54)
44. Rites Of The Seventh Guardian (03:30)
45. Lost Flame (03:41)
46. Touch The Stars (02:25)
47. The Biggest Banana (03:16)
48. Kefka's Super Fun House (02:21)
49. Dreaming Nemo (02:24)
50. Entering The Tournament (05:37)
51. Screeching in the Reservoir (02:55)
52. Bopping to Summertime Hale (02:12)
53. All I Had Time for Was This Lousy Alt (01:09)
54. Go to bed, Toroko... (2013 remaster) (01:21)
55. To The Death (02:34)
56. Motivate Yourself (03:01)
57. Mikau, Song of Healing (03:44)
58. Blended Cortex (04:39)
59. Contradiction! (04:00)
60. Kratos Gaiden: Princess Technomanga’s Kawaii Adventure (04:31)
61. Home At Last (02:26)
2013 - DoD13-11: Blaster Master
Продолжительность: 00:49:07
01. Mastering the Blaster (05:51)
02. Pink Tanks Can't Jump (03:16)
03. The Jason Frudnick Experience (04:58)
04. Blastin' Through the Years (04:55)
05. Blaster Disaster (03:21)
06. Search for the Hover Module (04:08)
07. Radioactive Toad (02:43)
08. Dude, where's my frog (04:09)
09. Jason and the Frogonauts (03:05)
10. Radioactive Waste In My Backyard (02:45)
11. It's Not Neo-80's If The 80's Never Left (02:47)
12. You and Your Frog Are Dead (02:12)
13. Journeying into the deep to fight that damn Lobster Alien Creature again (02:14)
14. Rebellion Of The Holy Radioactive SIN Toad (02:43)
2013 - DoD13-12: Free Month
Продолжительность: 03:02:23
01. Anatomy of a Hedgehog A Hip (12:14)
02. Royal Rainbow Road (04:43)
03. S Tier (04:51)
04. BASSHROOT (04:24)
05. Embrace the Night (05:04)
06. Crisis (02:14)
07. Bring the Acid Whore Down (02:47)
08. Fire Still Burns in My Frozen Heart (03:48)
09. Can I Borrow a Follin? (04:17)
10. One Night In Neo Kobe City (03:14)
11. The New West (04:20)
12. 29 Ways to catch Sentret (05:55)
13. Footprints in the Snow (06:33)
14. 5 Minutes of Glory (05:35)
15. RAAAIIIID!!! (02:53)
16. Bag of Tricks (03:29)
17. I Walk With The Ancestors (11:38)
18. Hanging on a Beach with Dead People is Totally Cool or Whatever (04:53)
19. Dream and Variations (09:02)
20. OUTATIME (04:26)
21. Self-Victimized (04:28)
22. Dangerous Star (02:01)
23. The Legend Begins (06:49)
24. Shadows of an Apache Chopper (02:13)
25. In The Dark Sea Without Hope (02:43)
26. Rock'n'Roll Recycling Center (03:32)
27. Power Rock Future (03:28)
28. Rondo Of Heroes Blood (02:41)
29. Hall of Damned Souls (04:24)
30. Run for your lives! Kage is here! (03:58)
31. The Spark (03:07)
32. Rights of Passage Simon's Theme (03:33)
33. Black Friday the 13th (02:05)
34. Engaging The Grid Attack (02:34)
35. Holy Bad Mix Batman!!! (03:07)
36. A Dark and Stormy Star (03:00)
37. inacabado noche de lagrimas (Castlevania Symphony of The Night) (02:36)
38. Bloody Turtles (01:55)
39. IN GLORIOUS HARMONY or Guys, wake up, it's time to sleep! (00:33)
40. Rad Gravity (00:45)
41. Anatomy of a Hedgehog SFW (11:00)
42. Ode to Dr. Wily (01:30)
43. OMG, I'm Lost... Again (04:01)
2014 - DoD14-01: Brevity
Продолжительность: 00:48:42
01. Cntr (00:59)
02. Zero Ducks Given (01:00)
04. SynGa (01:01)
05. This Damn Music Won't Let Me Sleep (01:00)
06. I Fight You In My Car (01:03)
07. Kunio-kun's rampage (00:54)
08. Terror Land (00:51)
09. Vermilion Toys (00:57)
10. Tupo March (01:00)
11. Winter Travel is a Trial (00:57)
12. Positive Thoughts (00:48)
13. Enjoy Your Stay (00:50)
14. You Done Good, Kid (00:54)
15. Le Monde des Tenebres (00:54)
16. The Penguin is Stupid (You Have to Exploit It) (00:56)
17. Sometimes I'm a Man (00:57)
18. Pistol-Whipped By A Shrimp (01:00)
19. Kirby's Deadend (00:51)
20. Prelude to Alterra (01:00)
21. Wakka Wakka (00:48)
22. MZ (01:01)
23. Smartificial Intelligence (01:00)
24. Hardcore Gamer Rage (00:51)
25. No-One Can Answer (00:43)
26. Forest Maze Chainsaw Solution (00:48)
27. Your Mom (00:56)
28. Meanwhile, in Streifigland... (00:46)
29. Sunday Morning Jingle (00:19)
30. The Starter Set (00:43)
31. Crystal Methalis (00:44)
32. Gerudo Berudo (01:00)
33. Neverending Journey (01:00)
34. The Day Wily Stole Gamma (00:46)
35. That's What She Loaded! (00:59)
36. Never Been So Much of a Pain in the Ass (01:01)
37. Breakapolis (01:01)
38. The Manami Bars (07:08)
39. Your Secrets (01:00)
40. Such Bike, So Excite (00:16)
41. Le'Pizza (00:31)
42. Pink Rocket (01:00)
43. This Is Not The End (01:00)
44. One-Winged Polka (01:00)
45. Shoots and Cat-ers (00:59)
46. Disarming Adventures (01:29)
47. More Secrets (01:00)
2014 - DoD14-02: Beat 'Em Up
Продолжительность: 01:03:14
01. HOOOOO!! (05:28)
02. Sewer's Gone Djent (03:02)
03. Under Logic (02:38)
04. Stoner Turtles (03:30)
05. I'm Getting Too Bald For This Shit (05:04)
06. Not Your Above-Average Joe (03:12)
07. I Have A Rash (04:26)
08. The Justice That Power Rangers Do (03:08)
09. Neon Bunghole (03:49)
10. Doppel Drache Ist Fur Alle Da (02:23)
11. Scott Pilgrim's Lesbians Song (02:44)
12. Bring Your Funky Floppies (02:59)
13. Redneck Gays of Funk (03:01)
14. The Iceberg Lounge (03:26)
15. Welcome to the Club (02:34)
16. We are Busters! (04:26)
17. The Demon Clowns (02:06)
18. The Unloved Ones (02:08)
19. Rise From Your Vage (02:16)
20. Man where can I buy a brown vest like that (00:54)
Добавлены альбомы-месяцы, указанные в этом посте. Также были переименованы все файлы в удобочитаемый вид, так что придётся перекачивать всю раздачу полностью.
И заодно обращу ваше внимание на недавно запущенный проект Video Game Music Covers Wiki - на данный момент там собран список из 245 исполнителей
А раз это вики-сайт, то там возможно сделать поиск по разным категориям, что и было сделано: жанры, страны, альбомы по годам и так далее.
В далёком будущем всё должно быть ещё круче с помощью поиска альбомов по играм
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RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 09-Апр-15 21:43 (спустя 1 год 1 месяц)

Долгожданное обновление
Продолжение треклиста
2014 - DoD14-03: Sunsoft
Продолжительность: 01:01:42
01. Cleaning Out Axis (03:36)
02. Who Was I Again? (03:40)
03. Fear Of The Detonator (03:34)
04. Good Ending (02:41)
05. Strange Memories of Death (04:11)
06. Big Problems Of Small Gremlins (03:04)
07. The Uke Batch (02:57)
08. Gremlin Civilization (04:05)
09. Paganrama Cotton (03:58)
10. Trippin' So Good (03:30)
11. Journey to Silius - Title (02:38)
12. Unmanned Intercourse (03:00)
13. Fort At Sunset (02:06)
14. Dead, Non-existent But Still Here (06:30)
15. Why So Serious? (04:17)
16. Encouragement And Enjoy Life (01:48)
17. What Are You?! (03:07)
18. Mary Poppins Style (03:00)
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2014 - DoD14-04: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:16:51
01. Bucky O'Hate (02:20)
02. Chemical Tangerines (02:38)
03. Crazy Toads (04:14)
04. Kong Symphony (08:45)
05. Signs of Lust (03:07)
06. Green Gloves of Power (02:11)
07. Dungeons to Explore (04:17)
08. Four Seasons Of Muramasa (Muramasa Demon's Blade) (03:21)
09. Blackwater Ops (04:32)
10. Lockjaw Stock and Barrel (04:42)
11. DemiSeed BOSS THEME!! (05:02)
12. Heroes and Hamsters (Baldur's Gate) (04:40)
13. Magical Voice Shower (02:01)
14. Wet Hands and Dry Breath (02:37)
15. We Can't Go Back No More (04:04)
16. Underwater Mercenaries (02:57)
17. Kiss My Third Eye! (09:10)
18. You Belong to a Dismal Skeleton (02:44)
19. Flash In the Pan Man (02:06)
20. Wario's Woods - Stage Clear (Instrumental) (01:23)
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2014 - DoD14-05: Water
Продолжительность: 01:03:44
01. Sunken Ship (04:23)
02. Rabbit Tinyrvana (05:29)
03. Whirlwind Of The Sea (02:29)
04. Orca Splash! (04:34)
05. Turtles drift (02:30)
06. Waltz with the Fishes (04:18)
07. These Boots are Made for Walking (Underwater) (03:36)
08. Effen Bubbles (03:06)
09. An Ecco In Time (04:36)
10. Liquid Broom (03:17)
11. Musical Shipwreck (02:22)
12. Voyage to Scaraba (02:52)
13. Dire Dire Docks (02:58)
14. Mundo Submarino (02:22)
15. Drunk Fairies's Fountain (03:53)
16. Metal Fish (05:48)
17. Subterranean Supermax Deathtrap Penitentiary Escape (02:21)
18. Croak (02:50)
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2014 - Punchfest 19 - Games from 1990
Продолжительность: 01:03:38
01. Arkistas Ring - What if Link Had a Sister (03:47)
02. Time Lord - Castle Harman (01:27)
03. F-Zero's Dick Blew - A Fellatorio For 12 Mouths & Cocks Smashed On Drums (01:31)
04. Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Snakes Revenge - Patriot Tears (04:24)
05. CRAPSTOCK - Panchi No Fesu (03:32)
06. Rollergames - Viva Los Vaginas (01:18)
07. King's Quest 5 (00:28)
08. Lacrimation Induced by Heartfelt Emotion (SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu) (02:17)
09. Great New World (02:58)
10. Weeping Willow (King's Quest 5) (00:48)
11. Ikari Warriors 2 - Not So Ikari (02:07)
12. Startropics - Bell's Memory (02:57)
13. Dragon Saber - BADBREATH (07:22)
14. Ys - The Yst Infection (10:43)
15. Snow Bros - Snew Brews (04:17)
16. Golden Axe - Too Wet for Tyris's Flares (04:51)
17. Akumajou Special Boku Dracula-kun - Funamorphosis (01:40)
18. Over Drive - BAY-BAY-BAY-BAY-OW! (05:49)
19. F-Zero - Mute City (01:22)
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2014 - DoD14-06: Ryu Theme
Продолжительность: 00:19:22
01. But I Wanted The Theme To Be MM3 Intro... (04:05)
02. Street Fighter (02:40)
03. Cool Ryu (02:43)
04. Rising Dragon (02:11)
05. Remembering Japan (02:25)
06. Ryu In Progress (03:14)
07. Ryu Theme Zeroes 2 (02:04)
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2014 - DoD14-07: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:34:58
01. Giger? I Don't Even Know Her! (03:10)
02. Fear And Loathing In Ubar (04:29)
03. Dave Bruduck Investigates The City N (03:36)
04. The Heavens Are Calling (05:44)
05. Fine Field Of The Pink King (02:24)
06. Technodrome Terror (02:01)
07. Night Dreamer 131 (02:48)
08. Like A Damn Fiddle (03:47)
09. Epoch...Become Bird!! (03:24)
10. Marbles Will Tear Us Apart (04:29)
11. Welcome To Earth (02:24)
12. A Perilous Journey (03:23)
13. Club Of Axe (06:02)
14. Hoenn In Danger (05:58)
15. Holographic Holocaust (03:17)
16. Saving Our Planet Is Yes A Good Thing (03:28)
17. Brainwave (02:05)
18. Baby Felix (02:15)
19. Laura (03:14)
20. Beyond The Dark Life (03:35)
21. Captain MegaDuck Rescue Rangers (02:04)
22. Peach's Chromatic Nightmare (02:32)
23. Downtown Playroom (04:11)
24. Cave WIP (02:11)
25. Full Reactive Remix (04:21)
26. First Place Entry (Sent Over Facebook Chat) (02:38)
27. Second String (03:08)
28. Aurora's Theme (02:20)
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2014 - DoD14-08: Motoi Sakuraba Month
Продолжительность: 00:45:37
01. Domination of the Deep Empty Space (04:54)
02. Djinni's Awakening (03:18)
03. Serenity (05:17)
04. Wolf Sif (02:01)
05. White Line Fever (03:57)
06. Blood On The Knees (02:44)
07. White Sun Of The Desert (03:40)
08. All Is Twilight, Death Is Not Enough (02:43)
09. Returning To Where Stars Come From (12:18)
10. Love Means Nothing (In Anything) (02:22)
11. The Running Mann (The Facebook Messenger Strikes Again) (02:23)
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2014 - DoD14-09: Chrono Trigger vs. Final Fantasy VI
Продолжительность: 00:58:16
01. Time Flies Like a Dream (05:06)
02. The Next Day (02:44)
03. Frog's Metal Trigger (02:43)
04. Decisions (02:51)
05. Way (02:07)
06. South of Jidoor (05:49)
07. Oh! It's not Kefka (04:16)
08. Shedbin (06:53)
09. Masamune (04:01)
10. Master Mune (04:39)
11. Final Injuries (03:41)
12. Imperial Ambition (04:12)
13. Creepy Voice Behind The Painting (03:52)
14. Goodbye, Schala (02:40)
15. Frog and Crono Drinking Margaritas (01:28)
16. Spekkcoustic (01:14)
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2014 - DoD14-10: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:08:42
01. Oscuro Ala Pato: Moliarty Torre (02:49)
02. Bombing Buddies (07:34)
03. Demolition Desert (02:54)
04. Aquamarine (03:06)
05. Escape From Lava Cave (02:05)
06. This is (Baby Felix's) Halloween Town (02:17)
07. Letter (04:38)
08. Volcano Valley (03:41)
09. A Train to Germany (02:32)
10. Turn The Safety Off (04:52)
11. Mutate to Survive (04:05)
12. Forever Rested the Forest (02:40)
13. Secret Of The Forest (05:22)
14. Dream Silencer (04:41)
15. Ferrari Infusion (04:14)
16. Devils Never Dance (In the Pale Moonlight) (04:31)
17. Excuse Me Sir, Is There a Monster in My Pocket? (01:30)
18. Neo Zeon March (01:50)
19. Theme Of Laura (03:21)
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2014 - DoD14-11: Batman
Продолжительность: 00:54:25
01. Dream Of Hurt (04:34)
02. Chemical Museum (04:40)
03. It's Not Over Until It's Game Over (02:18)
04. Eye Of The Batmann (02:43)
05. Solving Riddles (04:13)
06. Lab Story (02:37)
07. Caped Crusader, Clown Crusher (03:15)
08. Confusing Way (02:24)
09. Music, BAT Music (03:04)
10. In The Sky (03:39)
11. Too Many Bats (02:27)
12. The Frozen Penguin's Battle for a Batcookie (03:11)
13. Quiet Crunch of Breaking Bones (02:38)
14. Speed Metal Chase (02:33)
15. Batman's Train Wreck (02:28)
16. In The Sky Over Gotham City Streets (03:48)
17. Freeze or Die (02:13)
18. Batman Main Theme (01:40)
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2014 - Punchfest 20 - Furries
Продолжительность: 00:39:01
01. Two Measures of Starfox (03:10)
02. Sonic 3D Blast (Diamond Dust) (03:30)
03. clansman EDDIEEEEEE Xenoblade Sentient Memories (03:50)
04. Aladdin - Abu Rock You (00:36)
05. Chip'n'Dale 2 (Future World theme remix) (01:51)
06. Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak - Ham-Hambones Jones (00:15)
07. Banjo FuckYousie (01:07)
08. Sonic 4 - Aquamarine Part 2 (03:23)
09. Duck Tales 2 - Duck Punch 2 (02:23)
10. The Wolf Among Us (Prologue) (02:13)
11. katamari Verb'd 'Zoo - Quarter to 'Neria (01:05)
12. plank FURY OF THE FURRIES placeholdery (02:01)
13. #EtrangeLapin (Hell Yeah) (04:15)
14. Metamorphic Forx KONTKATS REVENGE (05:44)
15. Bucky O'Hare - I thought we could be best buddies but then you kidnapped my crew (03:38)
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2015 - DoD15-01: Dance Party
Продолжительность: 02:57:34
01. Super Skeet Fighter Turbo Alphamale IV (06:27)
02. All I Wanna Do (05:38)
03. Caravan Bowser (Radio Edit) (03:17)
04. Road That You Go (15:06)
05. Pants Off Dance Off (07:38)
06. Feathers In A Waterfall (05:09)
07. Semper Saltare (06:28)
08. Cruisin' the Stars (05:07)
09. La Conga del Unown (05:07)
10. Rock the Street (04:15)
11. Stormy Day In Clock Town (09:36)
12. Barf n' Roll (03:38)
13. Deep Tissue Groovio (06:44)
14. Gotta Pause Fast (04:00)
15. Bad Applemann (03:34)
16. Cronohutt (03:02)
17. Swag Brap ZUMBAmix 4000 (ft. Bulldog and Lil Joe) (04:44)
18. Bad Banjo Project (03:36)
19. Panem et Circenses (04:14)
20. The Postmann (03:18)
21. Passing Breeze (Night Time Mix) (06:24)
22. Reploid Boogie (03:55)
23. Oi Yoshizinho! (02:55)
24. Snake Daddy (03:49)
25. Sparks In Motion (02:48)
26. Drowning in Sand (04:42)
27. Like A Boss (02:54)
28. Funk Gang Johnny (03:30)
29. Low Cost Housing Block Party (03:01)
30. Simon's Dance (02:55)
31. Burning Wub (05:18)
32. Lost In The God Damn Woods (03:14)
33. Expression (02:07)
34. Suddenly (02:53)
35. Battletoads (02:04)
36. Sewer Twist (03:25)
37. One Boss Tune (04:43)
38. Super Skeet Fighter Alphamale IV - Low T Edit (06:19)
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2015 - DoD15-02: Brevity
Продолжительность: 00:33:23
01. Expand Sails (00:59)
02. Speed Up! (01:01)
03. The Nutsmasher (01:00)
04. Smiling Shield (01:00)
05. The Lightning Striketh (01:00)
06. Sonic Are You OK (00:59)
07. Kong the King (01:01)
08. I Must Break You (00:58)
09. Trolls Ride (00:55)
10. SilverMinute (01:00)
11. Siberian Offroad Winner (01:00)
12. Bentley Bears It All (01:00)
13. Etude For Marle (01:00)
14. Subterranean Stryker (00:25)
15. It Ate My Face! (00:52)
16. Dwellin the Doohog (00:50)
17. WrestleVania (00:59)
18. Dark Time Matrix (00:59)
19. Princess Swellda (00:59)
20. Power Points are Proof Against Metal (01:00)
21. Dragon Eggs (00:58)
22. Destroy Those Ice Cubes With Hammer (00:56)
23. Yo Boss! (01:01)
24. The Worst Kick Master Song That Mysteriously Got All of M-H's Votes (00:58)
25. Wily Robot Ecosystem of the Future Tour (00:49)
26. Call me ID 82592 (01:00)
27. The Darkest Night (00:39)
28. Multiball (01:00)
29. Track 2 (00:46)
30. Canticum De Ranis Et Locaris (00:52)
31. Make It Before The Explosion (00:59)
32. Fresh Snapple Rolling Group Poop (00:28)
33. Crabb-n-Bowl (01:07)
34. All I Wanna Do Is Prance (00:53)
35. armarmarmarm (01:00)
36. Endless Deserts (01:00)
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2015 - DoD15-03: SNK
Продолжительность: 00:25:45
01. Hold Me Until The Credits Roll (05:29)
02. Smoke on the Jungle (02:38)
04. Heroes of the Revolution (03:40)
05. Deja Vu Saishuu Boss (02:16)
06. Slasher Suite (04:28)
07. Pantasy or Fantasty (01:54)
08. Arashi no guitar (Lori theme) (02:28)
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Стаж: 9 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 80

utreht357 · 01-Мар-17 21:10 (спустя 1 год 10 месяцев, ред. 01-Мар-17 21:10)

давненько что-то обновления не было...
Кто-нибудь подскажет где ещё можно скачать каверов на музыку из игр денди, сеги? Или как вообще искать её?
лол, на этом трекеры целый раздел посвящен аранжировкам музыки из игр, а я ушами хлопаю.
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RG Soundtracks

Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2578

-Kotix- · 04-Мар-17 17:05 (спустя 2 дня 19 часов)

всего то год не было обновления)
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 61

beerdanko12 · 16-Ноя-17 09:56 (спустя 8 месяцев)

Господа, будьте любезны, станьте на раздачу.
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Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 79

boot666 · 15-Янв-19 11:25 (спустя 1 год 1 месяц)

Обновлений нема?(
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