  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
16-Май-11 16:22
(13 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 09-Апр-15 21:37)
Dwelling of Duels + Punchfest
Жанр: Arrangement / VGM / Instrumental Video Game Metal, Rock, Acoustic, Piano, Remix
Год выпуска диска: 2003-2013
Страна производитель диска: Планета Земля
Аудиокодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps
Продолжительность: 5:08:46:43
Источник: WEB
сайт-источник/ник/другое: Dwelling of Duels и Bossies
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
ID3-теги: да Dwelling of Duels — ежемесячные соревнования VGM (Video Game Music) кавер-музыкантов, которые играют на живых инструментах. Цель DoD состоит в том, чтобы дать толчок музыкантам создавать песни, устраивая дружественные поединки с другими музыкантами, и мотивировать музыкантов закончить и выпустить песни при наличии строгих сроков и ежемесячных тем. Video Game Metal ( Video Game Cover Music, Video Game Arrangements, Nintendo Metal / Rock, Video Game Rock, Game Metal) - жанр подразумевает исполнение кавер-версий на музыкальные композиций из игр, зачастую приставочных. Каверы могут точно повторять структуру оригинальной композиции, использовать музыку собственного сочинения, использовать сэмплы из оригинала. Большинство VGM музыки - инструментальная. Не стоит путать VGM с жанром Music Inspired By The Game - музыкой собственного сочинения, например Miracle Of Sound.
Зачастую альбомы VGM групп представляют собой каверы на музыку из различных игр, реже - на музыку из серий или одной серии игр ( Artificial Fear, The Dual Dragons, Dangerous Mezashi Cat, Metroid Metal, Naoto Shibata Project и т. д.), и ещё реже - на всю музыку из одной игры ( Cliff Colon, Cory Johnson, Daniel Brown, Mega Beardo, Ryan8bit и т. д.).
VGM исполнители представляют собой как группы, исполняющие музыку вживую, так и ремиксеры, занимающиеся записью дома. Звучание японских VGM (или по-другому Doujin) групп зачастую отличается обильным использованием клавишных, синтезаторов, иногда своеобразным\синтетическим звуком гитар.
Такие известные группы как MACHINAE SUPREMACY и MEGADETH отличись сочинением кавер-версии на музыку из игр Bionic Commando и Duke Nukem ( альбом Risk (1999), японское издание). Каверы на музыку из игр также сочиняли: DARKMAN007, EPINIKION, EPOCH CRYSIS и многие другие.
2003-09 (Shredding)
01. Radne: Mega Man X3 - Opening
02. BornInCrimson: Ikari Warriors 2 - Victoly Load
2003-10 (Horror Games)
01. Brian Davis: A Nightmare on Elm Street - A Nightmare on Elm Street
02. zMetallica: Super Metroid - Miniboss Theme
03. Ryan8bit: Ghosts N Goblins - Arthur's Rage
04. Paragon: Secret of Mana - Ceremony + Oracle
2003-11 (Final Fantasy)
01. Ryan8bit: Final Fantasy 4 - Can't Escape the Sorrow
02. Radne: Final Fantasy 2 - Not Quite Dead...
03. Eric: Final Fantasy 6 - Falcon Ship
04. Paragon: Final Fantasy 4 - Cecil Gets Thrashed
05. BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 6 - Fanatic's Roar
2003-12 to 2004-01 (32bit+ Systems)
01. Ryan8bit: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Alucard Risen
02. Jaquio: Diablo - Tristram
03. Paragon: Star Ocean: The Second Story - Watching the Sunset in Arlia Village
2004-02 (Mega Man)
01. Ashane: Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger
01. Eric: Mega Man 5 - Waveman
02. Radne: Mega Man 2 - Metal Man
03. Paragon: Mega Man 3 - Spark Man and Gemini Man Hate This Song
03. Ryan8bit: Mega Man - Short Fuse Alts
. Anonymous: Mega Man 3 & 4 - 50% MIDI Man (The Wily Pharoah)
. Best Metal Man Fan: Mega Man 2 - St. Metal Man (NuMetallica Man)
. Kirk: Mega Man X - Medley
. OroKu-SaKi: Mega Man X - Hi-Way to the Spark Mandrill Zone
2004-03 (Fighting Games)
01. Norrin Radd: Street Fighter 2 - Go Home And Be A Family Man
02. OroKu-SaKi: Super Street Fighter 2 - Heil Cammy!
03. Ryan8bit: Pro Wrestling - Down for the Count
04. Paragon: Killer Instinct - My Werewolf Bride
05. 16 Bits of Power: Mortal Kombat - Mortal Kombat Medley
. Best Metal Man Fan: Killer Instinct - Frozen (Killer Linkinstinkt)
2004-04 (Ninja Gaiden)
01. Ryan8bit, Pingosimon: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Sinister Augury
2004-05 to 2004-06 (Free Month)
01. Norrin Radd: Double Dragon 3 - Brett's Requiem (Flight of a Dragon)
02. Ashane: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Medley
03. Ailsean: F-Zero - Flying Hachi Roku
04. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 4 - Grief of Aktemto
04. raubhimself: California Games - California Games
06. Gwarth: TMNT 3 - TMNT 3
07. Radne: Journey to Silius - Journey to Silius
08. Emptyeye: Y's - Apathetic Story
08. Shawn Phase: Faxanadu - Fanaxadu
10. Boofnasty: Altered Beast - Altered Beast
10. Eric: 1943, Rambo - Rap Blows
10. xBlitzerx: The Guardian Legend - The Guardian Legend
. BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 5 - Ex Death (Distortion Without)
. Mig50: ??? - Dwelling of Drunks
. SkateTrick6687: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Zelda Does a Kickflip
. The Goofinator: Base Wars - Base Wars
2004-07 (Legend of Zelda)
01. virt: Legend of Zelda 1, 2 & 3 - Blood of Ganon
02. Eric: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Link's High School Prom Night
03. Seifer: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Hey Saria how YOU doin
04. Zoast: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - The Koji Kaleidoscope (pt 1)
05. Ryan8bit: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - All Else Failed (Use Fire)
06. Shawn Phase: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Untitled
06. atomic-guy: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Great Fairy's Fountain
08. Kirk: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Temple of Rock
08. Paragon: Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link - Rupees in the Ivy
2004-08 (Military Games)
01. Norrin Radd: Contra - Demon of Celestial Origin
02. Zoast: Contra 3 - Kiss My Red Gummy Bear
03. Ryan8bit: Ikari Warriors 2 - Death of a Dancing Queen
04. Emptyeye: Rush 'n' Attack - Bassic Training
05. Paragon: Contra - Snow March
06. Shawn Phase: Jackal - Billy Joe's Lament
07. atomic-guy: Top Gun - Top Gun
. Best Metal Man Fan: Metal Gear - Limp Snake
. Mega Matt: 1943 - Acapella Madness
2004-09 (Free Month)
01. Ashane: Chrono Trigger - Zealous Entropy
02. housethegrate: Final Fantasy 4 - Waltz of the Dolls
03. Zoast, Spookmeister C: Final Fantasy 6 - Uematstrophe
04. Kirk: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant
05. Ryan8bit: Marble Madness - Sweep Up the Broken Pieces
06. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Depths of Isolation
07. robby: Metroid - Sungfair
08. Paragon, BornInCrimson: Final Fantasy 4 - Reign of Terror, Rain of Fire
09. Lindar the Bard: Mega Man X - Medley
10. OroKu-SaKi: Actraiser - Please Master, No!!
11. Emptyeye: Metroid - Color Our Time Bomb Blackened
. Mega Matt: Goonies 2 - Goonies 2
2004-10 (Double Dragon)
01. Triple Dragon (Norrin Radd, Zoast, Colin): Double Dragon Series - The Double Dragon Variety Extravaganza
02. Shane Barnes: Shadow Warrior Showdown - Where Dragons Dare
03. Ryan8bit: Double Dragon 3 - Four Cryptic Stones
04. Paragon: Double Dragon - Tears of the Hair
05. RichV: Double Dragon - Mission 1
06. Insane Penguin: Double Dragon - A Punch in the Face
07. Liquid Silver: Double Dragon 2 - Double Dragon 2
08. cacomistle: Double Dragon - Double Dragon Medley
. Mega Matt: Double Dragon - Double Dragon Title
2004-10 Tornado of Solo's (Clockwork Competition - Castlevania) [Special]
01. virt - Once Upon a Time in Transylvania
02. housethegrate - La Hora es Tarde
03. goat - Scale the Machine
04. TIE
BrainCells - What Time Is It?
The OneUp Mushrooms - Clockwork
05. Dennis - Gears and Ghouls
06. Ryan8bit - Untimely Death
07. zyk0 - Timebombed
08. OroKu-SaKi - Clockworks
2004-11 to 2004-12 (Free Month)
01. Ashane: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Ninjascape
02. Ryan8bit: King's Quest 5 - Forlorn Dream
03. Olivier Tamagna: Biker Mice from Mars - Level 1
04. goat: Castlevania 3 - Kick That Sinking Feeling
05. virt: Guerilla War - Overthrow
06. CarboHydroM: Street Fighter 2 - The Nine Tails Fox And The Avenger
07. Norrin Radd: Fatal Fury - Michael Max's Sound Beach
08. XMark: Final Fantasy 1 - Imp Slaughter
08. colin, Brian McPhail, dave z, sherv, matsunami, mig50: Rambo - I Feel Better in Prison
10. Shawn Phase: Tantei Jinguuji Saboru - Toki No Sugiyuku Mama Ni
11. Paragon: Secret of Mana - Iridescent Memories
12. frantic.frog: Mega Man 3 - A Robot's Journey of Rock
12. tibone: Legend of Zelda - Falso Sambinha
14. atomic-guy: Bubble Bobble - Don't Burst My Bubble
15. fatalM4: Lineage 2 - Lineage II Outro (Blazing Mix)
. Insane Penguin: Vectorman - Tidal Dogs
. Zoast: River City Ransom - BARF (Dwelling of Drunks)
2005 Tornado of Solos (Double Dragon 3) [Special]
01. Ryan8bit - The Cry of Marion
02. Dennis - Kick the Stone
03. Rexy - Bladiator's Curse (Elegance of Noiram)
04. tibone - Double Dragon 3 (Untitled)
05. Nario - Confidence + Luck = Skill
2005-01 (Metroid)
01. virt: Super Metroid - Crystal Flash
02. housethegrate: Metroid - Brinstar Minibossa
03. goat: Metroid & Super Metroid - The Ice Beam Cometh
04. zyk0: Metroid Fusion - The Union of Differing Elements
05. Kareshi: Metroid - Metroid Piano - The Final Act
06. atomic-guy: Metroid - Kraid Jazz
07. Koelsch1: Metroid - Interstellar Frustration
08. Hale-Bopp: Super Metroid - Salutations (Upper Norfair/Toology/Morricone Remix)
08. Olivier Laurent: Metroid - The Perpetual Burn
10. Shawn Phase: Metroid - Micro-Industrial Chozo Blaster
11. The GAYmerz: Metroid - Death To Kraid
12. XMark: Metroid - Sweet Troid O' Mine
13. Ryan8bit: Metroid - Somnia, Venator
14. Emptyeye: Metroid - Bass One
15. robby: Metroid - Item Room
16. Kimmuriel: Metroid 2 - Pulse
16. Naifuzan: Metroid - Metroid Kraid
18. Paragon: Metroid - Fallen Stars Tell No Tales
19. ZOMBIE: Super Metroid - Splattered Motherbrains
19. frantic.frog: Super Metroid - Almost Completely Underwater
21. cacomistle: Metroid - Norfair Adventure
22. The Power-Ups: Metroid - Metroid End Theme
. Mega Matt: Metroid - Brinstar
. virt: Metroid - SPACE PIRATES
2005-02 (Side-Scrolling Shooters)
01. BrainCells, CarboHydroM: ThunderForce 3 - Dual Storm
02. prozax: Gradius 1 & 3 - Power Up!
03. M-H: Raiden 1, 2 - Galloping Thunder
04. Ryan8bit: Section Z - Back To Square One
05. fatalM4: Tyrian - Rock Garden
06. zyk0: Guardian Legend - The Legend of Lightning Larry
07. XMark: Dragon Spirit - Arisha
08. Shawn Phase, Snowrobot, Pieness: Axelay - Axelayed in Level 6
09. Koelsch1: Guardian Legend - This is the End
10. tumult: Gradius 3 - Cosmoponics
11. Naifuzan: Silkworm - Eye of the Silkworm
12. cacomistle: Image Fight - The Image Fight
13. SkateTrick6687: StarFox - Slippy does a Tail Grind
. Best Metal Man Fan: Legendary Wings - Legendary KoRnhole
. CarboHydroM: Ikaruga - Antimatter
. Emptyeye: Zero Wing - All Your Bass
. Temp Sound Solutions: Hot Dog Storm - I Yobot (gutter mix)
. spamtron, Skald: Lifeforce, Zero Wing - Shmuporama
. zMetallica: Space Invader - Shooter
2005-03 (Free Month)
01. housethegrate: Final Fantasy 6 - Seized With Fury
02. goat: Castlevania 3 - Trevor's Reflection
03. Darangen: Final Fantasy 6 - Deadly Promises
04. BrainCells, Dennis: Contra: Shattered Soldier, Super C - Spread Your Fire Against Me
05. Hale-Bopp: Star Ocean - Summer Time
06. Ashane: Final Fantasy 4 - Loungin' in the Giant
07. The OneUps: Kirby's Dream Land - Isle De Kirby
08. M-H: Street Fighter 2 - Harboring Hostility
08. XMark: Final Fantasy 6 - Cyanide
10. CarboHydroM: Kirby Superstar - Ride The Star
11. Ryan8bit: Mega Man - Stab the Earth
11. SnappleMan, Rubbler: Shatterhand - Shattered
13. Spiritsmith: Final Fantasy 6 - Cyan's Theme
14. atomic-guy: Plok! - Race Against Time
15. Jenova Project: Final Fantasy 1 - Final Fantasy 1 (acoustic)
16. Kirk: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Casino Nights
17. Geohazard: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior
18. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Perchance to Dream with Waking Eyes
19. Raijin: Acrobat Mission - Acrobat Meltdown
20. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Ecco the Dolphin: Thanks For All The Fish
21. raubhimself: Nights Into Dreams - Clari's and Elliot's Love Song (nights into dreams)
22. Emptyeye: F-Zero GX - CaptainSR-406
23. Naifuzan: Megaman 2 & 3 - MegaMedley
24. PigKnuckle: Castlevania - Wicked Child
24. frantic.frog: Legacy of the Wizard - Last Dance of the Wizard
26. Paragon: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Bloodshed in the Rotten Wood
26. spamtron: ??? - steve ballmer can kiss my plasma cannon
28. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - Optimistic Beginnings
28. Gonzo: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - MJ Jam
30. Koelsch1: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Zero-G Roll
30. Mega Matt: Mega Man 3 - End
30. pingosimon: Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily
33. Mash Pad: Mega Man 2 - Bubbleman
33. Piano KLAX: Final Fantasy 4 - Golbeza Clad In The Dark
35. PsykoMunky: Raiden Trad - Raiden Trad
. Eric Dude, Mega Matt: Daytona - We Hate Gaytona and We Want To Die (Please Stop Fucking Requesting It Edit)
. KyleJCrb: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Hammer Time
2005-04 (Dragon Warrior)
01. Ailsean: Dragon Warrior 3 - Dragon Dreams
02. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 3 - A Legend is Born
03. Kareshi: Dragon Warrior 1 - Dragon Warrior Piano Medley
04. GeoHazard: Dragon Warrior 2 - Malroth
05. Rexy, KyleCJrb: Dragon Warrior 4 - Requiem of a Warrior
06. Paragon: Dragon Warrior 2 - Experiences (Untitled)
07. Eric Dude: Dragon Warrior 2 - Bartering Time Again
08. atomic-guy: Dragon Warrior 6 - Up Against the Devil
09. Twilight: Dragon Warrior 2 - Lonely Youth
10. Forfallen: Dragon Warrior 3 - Enshrined in Sorrow
11. Koelsch1, Emptyeye: Dragon Warrior 4 - Harlem Castle
12. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior 4 - Small Iron Safe
. Cap'n Eric Dude, Peg-Leg Kyle, Dragolf the Busted Eye, Mega-Swashbuckling Matt: Dragon Warrior 1 - In Da Pub (Townfolk Shanty Mix)
. Emptyeye: Dragon Warrior 2 - DRAKHAN WARRIOR
. ForgottenVariable: Dragon Warrior 3 - Dragon Warrior 3 Overworld Theme
. Rexy: Dragon Warrior 4 - Tomato Rag
. XMark: Dragon Warrior Series - DW Radio Drama Hour
2005-05 (Konami Games)
01. goat: Castlevania - Scourge of 1691
02. virt: Metal Gear - MY FREQUENCY IS 140.85
03. housethegrate, Ashane: Madara - Madara, Movement 1
04. LuIzA: Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3 - Timeless Hero
05. M-H: Castlevania Adventure - Take Up the Whip
06. CarboHydroM: Pop'n Twinbee - The Great Wall Beyond The Clouds
07. Dennis: MG, CV3, Contra, TMNT 2 - Armed Combat
08. Ryan8bit: Castlevania Adventure - The Enmity of Black and White
09. XMark: Contra - Red Falcon
10. Ailsean: Silent Hill 2 - Promise
10. Koelsch1, zyk0: TMNT 3 - Ninjazz
12. Shawn Phase: The Adventures of Bayou Billy - I Am Konamic
13. Kadmium: Castlevania: Bloodlines - Blood = Life
14. Gonzo: Thundercross 2 - Ride the Lightnings
14. Rexy: Sillent Hill - Uncertain Hope
16. Forfallen: Castlevania 4 - Caustic Waterfalls
17. Paragon: Silent Hill 2 - Mary In Chains
18. Naifuzan: Castlevania - Floor 5
19. SSS Key: Lifeforce - Life Force 345 mix
20. Geohazard: Goonies - In the Basement
21. frantic.frog: Batman Returns - Return of the Batman
22. evilsonic: TMNT: Hyperstone Heist - Put the Foot Down
23. tibone: Castlevania 2 - I Won't Be Missed
. Nario: Dance Dance Revolution, Castlevania 3 - DDR VGMix
. Night shade: Sunset Riders - Samba di amigo
. Paragon: CV1 & 2, Contra, MM2 - Super Medley World 2: YOSHI"S METAL!!!
. West Coast Shizzies: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - I am the Wind
. atomic-guy: Frogger - Hoppin' Along
. evilsonic, atomic-guy, Zombie #3: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Oh Shit! Zombies!!
2005-06 (Free Month)
01. housethegrate: Mega Man X - Light In the Fortress
02. Dhsu: Castlevania 3 - A Clockwork Vampire
03. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Atonement
04. Ailsean, Chad Seiter, Victor Lawrence: Castlevania 2 - Trans-Transylvanian Orchestra
04. Ashane, LuIzA: Chrono Trigger - Cessation of Mammon
06. norg: Ultima Exodus - Mass Exodus
07. Midee, prozax: Final Fantasy 7 - The Twelfth Commandment
08. Gonzo: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - My T-Rex don't bite
09. AudioFoundations: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Doom Castle
10. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - Mako Reaction
10. zephyon: Lufia 1 & 2 - Ancestral Battle
12. Mash Pad: Mega Man 3 - Snakeman
13. M-H, Octave: Final Fight - Abagail ain't no pansy
14. zyk0: Super Mario Bros. - L
15. xoc: Kid Niki - The Kompleat Kid Niki
16. Rexy: Crash Twinsanity - The Final Threshold
17. Ryan8bit: Monster Party - Sorry, I'm Dead
18. fatalM4: Sonic CD - Sonic Boom X
19. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Let Me Live Again
20. Forfallen: Ultima Exodus - Descending into the Fray
21. Paragon: Ys 3, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Mind your Ys and FFMQs
22. Koelsch1: Jurassic Park - The Khrush
22. tibone: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Hey, Where's My Map?
24. Emptyeye: Battletoads - The Aborted Gargantua
25. Good-Evil: The Band: Katamari - Lonely Rolling Katamari Of Celestial Origin (Grief of Akumu)
26. Geohazard: Mega Man X - Vile Zero
27. Shoe: Kirby's Dreamland - Dedede's Wrath
28. A.M.P.: Journey to Silius - Keeping The Tempo
28. Nario: Final Fantasy 7 - Overworlds Are Pretty
30. Binary 4 (spamtron, Skald): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Passing of Time
. BornInCrimson: Tales of Symphonia - A Loathing of Angels
. Koelsch1: Knuckles' Chaotix - Another Wasted Summer
. Natthimmel: Persona - Alfred's Last Day
. Paragon: Metroid - Basstroid: Zero Trebleion
. The We-used-to-have-long-hair Band: Trogdor - Flaming Peasant
. XMark: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior Radio Drama 2
. tibone: Mega Man - Red and Blue Balls
2005-07 (Mario Games)
01. Ashane, norg: Super Mario 64 - Sonic Depths
02. Tackle: Mario Series - Virt's Castle of Inspiration
03. CarboHydroM: Super Mario 64 - Penguin Cap
04. Hat: Mario Series - Doki Doki Panic (And Mario Too)
05. xoc: Mario Series - Daisy takes the p-block from the ice land ruins to the bank
06. Ryan8bit: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Looming Nightmare
07. XMark: Super Mario World - Domain of Evil
08. coda: Super Mario 64 - Piece of Cake
09. Nario: Mario Series - Shadow Mario's Suspicious Adventure Through The Depths Of Caverns Filled With Water
09. zyk0: Mario Series - Monster Baby
10. Dave6502: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Mushroom Mash
10. Insane Penguin: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ludwig Von Koopa's Castle
10. ZOMBIE: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Demise of the Mushroom Kingdom
10. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Dreams Come True
14. Forfallen: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Bowser's Inferno
14. Paragon: Super Mario Land - Fauna Ablaze (Confidence from Violence)
14. tibone: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Holes
17. cacomistle: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Toot On This Whistle
17. evilsonic: Super Mario 64 - Lonely Throne
18. Koelsch1: Mario Series - Goomba Goomba
19. Kadmium: Super Mario World - Dear Princess
20. Geohazard: Super Mario World - Castle Theme
20. The Akkadian: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Winter Bros.
22. DoctorBlackJack, J-Knife: Super Mario World - This Vanilla Needs Sweetener
. DoctorBlackJack: Super Mario World - Mushroom Buzz
. Koelsch1: Wario Land - The Latest and Greatest Breakthrough for the Boom Boom in the Bedroom, Queen Caramella's Coco Syrup
. KyleJCrb: Super Mario Bros. - Brothers of the Spirit
. Nordic Gay Alliance: Mario Series - Super Brother Love
. XMark: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Mario Jam
. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Hey Look! I Got a Bass (No, Mike, You Can't Help)
. atomic-guy: Mario Series - Slumber Party
. cacomistle: MarioKart - 4th Place Finish
. evilsonic: Super Mario Bros. - Fuck You Brian, I Didn't Want to Help Anyway
. spamtron: Mario Series - duck or dive (west coast operatica mix)
2005-07 Joke Songs [Special]
01. coda - Full Tank Lammy (Um Jammer Lammy, Parappa The Rapper)
02. Best Metal Man Fan - Badd Riddance (SuperBillieJoe) (Bionic Commando)
03. West Coast Shizzies - In Loving Memory of Crimson (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
04. Ryan8bit - World Runner's Morning Caffeine (3D World Runner)
05. Koelsch1 - When you hit the court, protect your balls with Larry Oil. (Tennis)
06. Crimson - Dude, Where's my Guitar? (Super Mario Bros)
07. TIE
evilsonic - The Super Matsui Bros (Super Mario Bros)
Paragon - Mushroom Kingdom Saw a Stark Rise in Tourism After it Legalized its Own Indigenous Variety of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms (Super Mario Bros)
08. Emptyeye - Fight! Fight! Fight! (Rygar)
09. Binary 4 - smotherworld (Final Fantasy X)
10. Nario - 14 Seconds (Super Mario Bros) Download
11. TIE
DrBlackJack - Suck Suck Farm (Legend of Zelda) Download
Transonic - Bottomworld (Super Mario Bros 2) Download
* Ashane - Blow Me (Bubble Bobble) Download
* Eric Dude, KyleJCrb, Rexy - Rexy's Lament (I'm Real) (Mega Man 3) Download
* Forfallen - Tetris with Cannons (Rampart) Download
* Koelsch1 - KHAORRRAAUUUSCH1 (Unknown) Download
* XMark - Not Clockworking (Castlevania 3) Download
2005-08 (Racing Games)
01. SnappleMan: F-Zero X - Break The Silence
02. norg: R.C. Pro-Am - Deadly Plastic Vroom Vroom Machines of Doom
03. M-H: Road Rash - Concrete Kiss
04. Ryan8bit: R.C. Pro-Am - Left in the Dust
05. xoc: OutRun - 80.3
06. Ashane: F-Zero - Mute City
07. Tackle: Excitebike - Excitingly Masculine WankBike
08. zyk0: SegaRally - The Underdog
09. Dooleus: F-Zero - Cool Blue
10. Kadmium: F-Zero - Nintendo Adolescence
11. Forfallen: F-Zero - Junkyard Racer
12. Shawn Phase: F-Zero - f-zero
13. frantic.frog: F-Zero - Mutesville
14. cacomistle: WaveRace - You Take Your Car to Work, I'll Take My Jetski wave race
15. Nario: F-Zero - Small Blue
16. DrBlackJack: Gran Turismo - This Dented Honda
. Dark Key: Daytona - A New Gaytona
. DrBlackJack: WaveRace - Going Nowhere
. Forfallen: RoadFighter - Careening towards Oblivion
. Kadmium
Anonymous DoD Contestant: ???
Comedy - Race Radio
. Nario: F-Zero GX - Anime Smileys
. Natthimmel: F-Zero - Pico Gets His Groove On in Port Town
. Two Crude Dudes: Mario Kart 64 - Race Against Time Part 2: Mari
. cacomistle: F-Zero - Mute City Polka
. spamtron: F-Zero - worst vg cover ever
2005-09 to 2005-10 (Free Month)
01. norg: Wizards & Warriors - Fall of IronSpire
02. CarboHydroM: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Unsealed
03. Hat: Street Fighter 2 - Balrog (Vega In Disguise)
04. BrainCells: Mega Man - FireMetal
05. ansgaros: Faxanadu, FF5, Contra, CT, TWW, NG, DD3, CV - Somber Dimensions
06. Gonzo, Cedric: Legend of Zelda - 8 Worlds of Gloom
07. Kadmium: Gabriel Knight - Sins and Darkness
08. xoc: Goonies 2 - Annie's Other Song
09. Ryan8bit: Bad Dudes - Ninjas Kidnapped My Tuner
10. Paragon: Star Ocean: The Second Story, Secret of Mana, Ys 2, Ys 4, Final Fantasy 6 - Star of Darkness, Daughter of Light ~ As Red turns to Crimson ~ Light of Judgement, World of Darkness
11. QUICKSHOT: Mega Man 3 - Where Will You Be Tomorrow
12. Circe: Final Fantasy 8 - Feelin' Blue Fields
12. Natthimmel: Double Dragon - The Invisible Man
14. SSS Key: Rad Racer - Rad Racer
15. Dave6502: Ferrari Grand Prix - Musicaliprix
16. spamtron: Chrono Trigger - The Summoning of Lavos
17. Koelsch1, Rexy: Afterburner 2 - La Ville du Silence
18. tibone: Afterburner 2 - Morning Sky
19. XMark: Quake 2 - Alien2Me
20. Lizard: Rocket Knight Adventures - Rocket Fuel
21. Dooleus: Street Fighter 2 - Blue Hadouken Jam
21. XenonOdyssey: Ducktales - Halloween at Transylvania
23. Emptyeye: Rygar - Four Notes of DOOM
24. Leis Miller: F-Zero - Blueless
24. evilsonic: Mega Man 3 - A Hero's Death
26. cacomistle: Uniracer - Uniracers
27. DinMkII: F-Zero - Joy Storm
. CarboHydroM: Ikaruga - Saber Bird
. Count Halloweed: F-Zero - Mute City for Pipe Organ Solo
. Dooleus: Mario RPG - My Bloody Valentina
. Forfallen: Magician - Conjuring Forth the Abyss
. Kadmium: Zero Wing - Make Your Time
. Lizard: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Rock
. NGA, DrBlackJack: Nights Into Dreams - Dreams Of Horrible Vocals
. Nario: Banjo Kazooie - 'If Only We Kept Nario From Gaining 'Too' Much Power...''
. Natthimmel: Goonies 2 - What Do You Do?
. Two Crude Dudes: Lawnmower Man - Remington Steele vs. MacGyver
. XMark: The Sims 2 - Simlish
. spamtron: ??? - sushi flame war
2005-11 (Mana Month)
01. Ashane: Mana - Rose of Solemn
02. norg, Ryan8bit: Mana - Breath of Dissonance
03. Rexy: Mana - Reign of the Mana Sword (Mana for Four Pianos)
03. SnappleMan: Mana - With Real Potato Flavor
05. Forfallen: Mana - In the Wake of Thanatos
06. Riders, spamtron: Mana - Continental Drift
08. Paragon: Mana - Felling the Mana Tree
09. DoctorBlackJack, Only Innocent Robbie C: Mana - Demon's Taking
09. Hat: Mana - (The Delicate Affection in) Sisterly Love
09. The Akkadian: Mana - Mana Nexus
12. TheoConfidor: Mana - Cool Midsummer's Night
13. MaxFrost & Rend: Mana - Secret of Jazz
14. Violet In Flames: Mana - I Closed My Eyes
. DoctorBlackJack, Broken Steel: Mana - norg's demo reel
. Forfallen: Secret of Mana - Soylent Green Stew
. Natthimmel: Mana - The Ocean is My Home
. sushitron: Mana - sushi part 2
2005-12 to 2006-01 (RPG's)
01. LuIzA: Final Fantasy 5, 7, 8, 9 - Fire Cross
02. XMark: Dragon Warrior - The Battle for Alefgard
03. Select Start: Final Fantasy 3 - Eternal Wind
04. norg: Xenogears - Zeboimite Ascension
05. Ailsean: Final Fantasy 1 - Don't Let the Sun Go Down on you Wizard Ass
06. M-H: 7th Saga - Illicit Encounter
07. FlextoneJunkie: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Shoulder Shrugs of Doom
08. Darangen: Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Metastatic Bloodline
08. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - Are We There Yet
08. kareshi: Final Fantasy 4 - It Has Come to This
11. Hat: Seiken Densetsu 3 - The Cool Path
12. Ryan8bit: Shadowrun - The Dead Become the Living
13. Eric's Little Shack: Final Fantasy 2 - The Town Sang Twice
13. Natthimmel: Final Fantasy 4 - Moonbeams and Pennywhistles
15. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - White Mage Can't Jump
15. Paragon: Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Quatera Woods
17. Arm Cannon: FF7 - One Winged Angel
18. XenonOdyssey: Chrono Trigger - The Hunt for that Girl...
19. TheoConfidor: Chrono Trigger - Dragon Tankissimo
20. TheAkkadian: Inindo: Way of the Ninja - Ninjastory
21. Scaredsim: Baten Kaitos - Breaking The Mirror
22. tibone: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Trainerbattle
23. Shawn Phase, spamtron: Final Fantasy 3 - Final Fantasy 3
24. Nario: Final Fantasy 7 - Dear Final Fantasy: You Are Truly Beloved
. Forfallen: Final Fantasy 6 - Tårnet av Fanatikere
. Kadmium: Final Fantasy 7 - My Sweetest Nightmare
. M-H: Star Ocean 3 - The Cutting Edge of Notion
2006 Tornado of Solos (Silver Surfer) [Special]
01. Ryan8bit - Galactus' Bidding
02. Octonacular - Sloppy Silver Shreddin'
03. tibone - Across the Space
2006-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01. Best Metal Man Fan - Nickelback Brain Kick (Pro Wrestling)
02. TIE
Paragon - Wish Scene (Chrono Trigger)
Ryan8bit - Smick Smick Smick! (Gyromite)
03. Zoast - nomoremistakkesss (Toobin, Revenge of the Nerds (Movie))
04. DrBlackJack - Get Off Your Thunderhorse (Guitar Hero 2)
05. TIE
The WCS Tabernacle Choir - One Winged K-Fed (Final Fantasy 7)
TransINSANO - Shadow Dances the Flamingo Fuze-on! (Final Fantasy 6)
06. viovis - Parasite Eve (Opera Folk Mix) (Parasite Eve)
2006-01 to 2006-02 (Free Month)
01. Ryan8bit: Solstice - Catacombs Beneath the Twilight
02. Tackle: Shantae - Shantae's Shagtastic Showdown
03. M-H: Raiden 2 - Amethyst Artillery
03. Stemage, chunkstyle: Actraiser - Teddy's Bread
05. CarboHydroM: StarFox - Like Father Like Son
06. Darangen: Chrono Trigger - Peaceful Reminiscence
07. ansgaros: Parasite Eve - Liberate
08. Zoast: 8 Eyes - Octarthritic
09. ZOMBIE: Legend of Zelda, Doom - Intestinal Devourment
10. AbsoluteZero: Metroid - Brinstar Unplugged
11. atomic-guy, Eric Dude: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Requiem for the Gods
12. Hat: Final Fantasy Tactics - Steal Heart
13. Geohazard: Suikoden 2 - Dandy Richmond, Lucky Strikes and Jack
14. Rexy: Katamari Damacy - Katamari on the Rags
15. Lizard: Ranger-X - Caterpiller X
16. Ranger-X: Tetris - Song A
17. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 1 - Garland's Vengeance
17. cacomistle: Super Mario 64 - I'm-a Tired
19. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - My City of Ruins
20. tibone: Phantasy Star - Under A Palman Tree
21. Vegeroth: Final Fight 3 - The Mayor Beat You Up
22. DJ Mofius: Legend of Zelda - An Ode to Ganondorf
23. TheAkkadian: Drakkhen - Earth Child
24. jvincion, Paragon: Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Wandering Calamity
25. Emptyeye: Ironsword - Blue Sector Pi (Not Ready for DoD Mix)
. CarboHydroM: StarFox - StarFox Forever
. DoctorBlackJack: Dance Dance Revolution - Nario's Masturbation
. Forfallen: Super Castlevania 4 - Impenetrable Barrier
. Kadmium: Donkey Kong Country - Frequent Mine Cart Miles
. Men of the Sea: Castlevania - Ode to Richter Belmont
. Paragon: Ducktales - Capitalism - The Unknown Ideal
. Paragon: Rygar, Ironsword - Is That An Ironsword In Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to Hear My Bass?
. Rexy: Punch-Out - Nigga Stole my Piano
. West Coast Shizzies: Final Fantasy 4 - MAGLess in Seattle (Overworld Rave Glowstick MegaPartyMix 2K6)
. spamtron and the Raw Dogg Bonejackers: Earthbound - Best Game Ever
. spamtron: Street Fighter 2 - sushi part 3 - bob sagat sushi fighter
. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Teh De-Tuna Cats Choir
2006-03 (Metal Gear)
01. Ryan8bit: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Devious Impostor
02. housethegrate: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Track 8
03. Hat: Metal Gear Solid - Standing Outside a Cardboard Box With A Broken Codec In My Hand
04. Danimal Cannon: Metal Gear - The Truck Have Started to Move
05. norg: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid - Please Close the Locker Door Behind You
06. Rexy: Metal Gear - Stairway to Outer Heaven
07. Koelsch1: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Fortuna and the Amalthea Cornucopia Horn of Plenty
08. Paragon: - Collude to Contemn
09. TheoConfidor: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Snakebite
11. Eric Dude, jvincion: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Tree Frogs on a Plane
12. cacomistle: Metal Gear - Sneaky Snakes
13. A.M.P.: Metal Gear - Guess Who Ran Out of Time
. TheoConfidor: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Industrial Gear Solid
. West Coast Shizzies: Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - My Codename is N O R G
. cacomistle: Metal Gear - Metal Gear Stupid
2006-04 (American Adventure Games)
01. virt: Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island - Look Behind You!
02. Danimal Cannon: King's Quest 5 - A Willow That Weeps
02. Ryan8bit: King's Quest 5 - The Wizards' Accord
04. chunkstyle: The Neverhood - Willie Guitar
05. TheoConfidor: King's Quest 6 - Vocabularic Freedom
05. Zoast: Betrayal at Krondor - Discipline and Cooperation
07. Dave6502: Legend of Kyrandia - Befallen Quest
08. Nikolai Danilchik: Indiana Jones: Return to Atlantis - Crab Raft (Upon the Great Canal)
08. Paragon: King's Quest 5 - Tears Running Dry
10. Koelsch1: Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Chippendale's
10. tibone: Maniac Mansion - HDD CRASH, ROUGH MIX
12. Forfallen: Deja Vu - An Atmosphere for Murder
. Koelsch1: Space Quest 4 - 2525
. housethegrate: King's Quest 6 - Murdered by Flora
. norg: Police Quest 2 - Bad Boyz
. virt: Sam 'n Max - King of the Creatures
2006-05 (Free Month)
01. goat: Castlevania 2 & 3, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, Rondo of Blood - Creeping Dusk
02. norg: Dragon Warrior 4 - Frenzied Encounters
03. M-H: TMNT 2: The Arcade Game - Ninja Kick the Damn Rabbit!
04. CarboHydroM: Mario Kart 64 - If I Had Wheels
05. Ryan8bit: POW - Strike on the Green Beret
06. spamtron, phlogiston, rauble, cacomistle, zoast, riders: Earthbound - Six Man Single Day Global Flight
07. Gonzo: Indianapolis 500 - Wing and Wheel
08. xoc: Legend of Zelda - Zelda Beach
09. ansgaros, Dennis: Ninja-kun Ashura no Sho - Justice Ninja
10. FlextoneJunkie: Shatterhand - Ghost of Gus Grover
10. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
12. Kidd Cabbage: Chrono Cross - Angelus Errare
13. Kadmium: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World
13. Tackle: Mega Man 3 - Top of the line
15. Insane Penguin: Pokemon Gold/Silver, Zelda: Majora's Mask - Mysteries of the Unown
15. Noise and a Beat: Mega Man 3 - Snake Nab
17. DZX: Namco X Capcom - Brave New World
18. Cory: Virtual On Force - Acoustic Apharmd
18. Random Dances: Diablo - Hel
20. TheoConfidor: Brainwave - Engage Your Mind
21. Ashane: Final Fantasy 4 - Lunaric Sonority
22. XenonOdyssey: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - Dancing With the Dragon
23. Koelsch1: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The Jabu-Jabu Jazz Orchestra: Goronville
23. Kuribo's Shoegaze: Drakkhen - This Night on Earth
25. tibone: Mega Man 3 - A Robot Named Megaman
26. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6, 7 - Over My Dead World
27. Danimal Cannon: Chrono Trigger - The Summoning
. DZX: Ninja Gaiden 2 - A Long Way to Go
. Hat: Bard's Tale 2 - The 20 Minute Bard's Tale II Trumpet Duet Medley
. QUICKSHOT: ??? - The Hasbeen Lo-Fi Medley
. Skorned: Gauntlet Legends - Fortified Wine
. Tackle: Mega Man 3 - shadoutoftuneman
. West Coast Shizzies: Final Fantasy 4 - Under da Erf
. spamtron: Mario Series - i like videogame music
. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Into The Fire
2006-06 (Goemon Games)
01. SnappleMan: Goemon's Great Adventure - Devil's Heaven
02. Gwarth: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Gold Coins to a Cat
02. Ryan8bit: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Mist, the Bringer of Pain
04. Danimal Cannon: Ganbare Geomon Karakuri Doutyuu - I've never heard of this game
05. dasaten: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Walking the Racoon Dog (Age of the Party Whistle)
06. Paragon: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Ninja Cat!
07. Reboot: Goemon's Great Adventure - Ryukyu
08. Cyril: Dharmanyo: The Surrender Robot - Surrender the Sax!
08. TheoConfidor: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Life of a Ninja
. cacomistle: Goemon's Great Adventure - Goemon 38
. cacomistle: Goemon's Great Adventure - Goemon 62
2006-07 (Follin Brothers)
01. Ryan8bit: Target Renegade - The Fuzz Scuffle
02. Reboot: Sly Spy - Sly Spy
03. TheoConfidor, Koelsch1: Pictionary - Picture This!
04. cacomistle: Thomas the Tank Engine - Dave Thomas the Tank Engine
05. XMark: Solstice - Isometric Groove
2006-08 (Free Month)
01. M-H: Jackal - My Other Jeep's Got Missiles
02. goat: Castlevania 3 - Nefarious
03. Darangen: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Rest Tonight
04. atomic-guy: Barbie - Well, That Was A Fun Day!
05. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 4 & 6 - Paladin's Gauntlet
05. Syphillization: Goldeneye - Free
05. norg: Smurfs - Smurf Off
05. vertexguy: Lords of Thunder - Dezant
09. Ashane: Sorcerian - Post-Harbal
09. zyk0: Seiken Densetsu 3 - At First Innocence
11. Danimal Cannon: Legacy of the Wizard - Family of Warriors
12. Ryan8bit: Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - Heroes Never Die
12. Scaredsim: Dune - Trap in the Sand
14. Naz: Final Fantasy 6 - City of Liars
14. Paragon: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - Ironsword Unplugged
16. Vegeroth: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - Metalrok Canyon
16. cacomistle: Nadia: Secret of the Blue Water - Untitled
18. Cyril: Mega Man Battle Network 1 - Rock With Your Navi!
18. DZX: Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge - The Fallen Warriors
20. TheoConfidor: Brainwave 2 - I Wish My Orbiter had Lateral Missiles
20. tibone: Mega Man 2 - Leaf Shield
. Another Toad: Battletoads - Level One Fun
. Naz: Chrono Trigger - The Day the World Cried
. The Slack Jawed Yokels: Castlevania 3 - Four West Coast Seeds in August
2006-09 (Silent Hill)
01. ansgaros: Silent Hill 4 - Cradel of Forest
02. Reboot: Sillent Hill 2 - Soggy Meadow
03. Scaredsim: Silent Hill 2, 4 - Lost Stars
04. Paragon: Silent Hill 2 - Promise Fulfilled
05. Ailsean: Silent Hill 4 - Lullabye
06. John Trent: Silent Hill 2 - Magdalene
07. cacomistle: Sillent Hill 3 - Listen Hill
2006-10 (Sega Games)
01. LuIzA: Out Run - Shiny New Ferrari
02. M-H: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Blue Knight of Ballencetine
03. Ashane: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Let's Kick Shell!
04. Hat: Akumajo Dracula X - Waltz of the Lost Portrait
05. Rexy: Sonic the Hedgehog - Marble Relocation
05. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Thunder Force 4, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles - Flying City
07. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - Welcome to the Water
08. Jerther: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - All The Way Down The Ragnarok Canyon
09. MetalBishop: Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3 - Syndicate Boss - Downtown - Alien
10. Bobby Winston?!: Columns, Gunbird 2 - Columns Over the Harbor Town
10. Kadmium: Zero Wing - The Final Breath
10. Vegeroth: Battletoads - I eat toads for breakfast
13. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Virtual-On - Blackout
14. Paragon: Zero Wing - Burning to Nothing
15. TheoConfidor: Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast - Dance With Me
15. jvincion: Shadowrun - Schattenlauf
17. Koelsch1: Galaxy Force - Pushups are Like Space Princesses from the Moons of Viega, You Gotta Do Lots of 'em
17. TransINSANO: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Stranger In Mobius
17. cacomistle: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Sonic Song
17. tibone: Fantasy Zone - Feliz Cumpleanõs, Opa-Opa!
. Another Toad: Space Harrier - It's Over
. DrBlackJack: Ecco the Dolphin - WTF RUINS
. Eric Dude, spamtron: Daytona - Gaytona (UnderClocked Glitch-T
. M-H: Trip-Hop - Outride a Crisis
. cacomistle: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Long Live Sonic
. tibone: Daytona - Let's Go Away (acapella whispering mix)
. tibone: Out Run - Night Wave (Live at AnimeXtreme7)
. tibone: R.C. Grand Prix - Batteries Not Included
2006-11 (Free Month)
01. Hat, Matt The Flying Banana, Kim James Ill: Leisure Suit Larry 4 - The Long Lost Floppies
02. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Phantom Forest
03. Ryan8bit: Descent - The Quality of Life
03. ansgaros: Dragon Saber - Dragon Saber
05. M-H: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - I Put on my Tunic and Master Sword
05. Richter: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - 'Ol Rusty
07. Hale-Bopp, Pongball: Shadow of the Colossus - The Harder They Fall
07. Rexy: Chrono Trigger - Shadow of the Mystic
09. Danimal Cannon: Dragon Warrior 4 - Saro's Revenge
10. TheoConfidor: Sailor Moon R - Night Sky
11. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog - Through Caves and Mysteries
12. Gonzo: Super Soccer - V11
13. Eric Dude: Final Fantasy 4 - The Exquisite City
14. Ashane: Sorcerian - Village
14. Paragon: Metroid - Samus Saves
14. Scaredsim: Shadow of the Ninja - Katana Force
14. Triceratops: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Untitled
18. The Ramens (Dave6502, PianoBasher, TransINSANO): Ducktales - Phase of The Moon (in loving memory of Shawn Phase)
18. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 1 - The Beginning
20. MrB: Mega Man X - Storm Eagle
20. Vegeroth: Killer Instinct Gold - Laughing Gargoyle
23. Bobby Winston?!: Marvel vs. Capcom - Final Justice
23. Riders, spamtron: Super Metroid - Green and Red
23. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Castlevania 2 - Crimson Tears
23. juef: Final Fantasy 6 - Dreams Live On
23. tibone: Revenge of Shinobi - Beyond the Shadows
27. Nario: Final Fantasy 7, Silent Hill - I Will Love You Not Today, Not Tomorrow, But Forever
27. viovis: Jet Set Radio Future - Birthday Cake
. Another Toad: Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Suite With Meat
. Darangen: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Take Me Away
. Eric Dude, norg: Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - Repercussions Sustained When One Speaks Overlapping the Dialogue of a Caucasian Male
. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6 - Will Smith starring in: The Veldt
. Rexy: Crash Bandicoot 3 - Pura's Alehouse
. Search Snake: Mega Man 3 - TOP MAN MOTHERFUCKERS
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Final Fantasy 7 - Ancient_Threnody
. Triceratops: Ninja Gaiden - Untitled
. West Coast Shizzies: Shadowrun, Goonies 2, Valkyrie Profile, Ultima: Exodus, TMNT2 - It's a Kodiak Moment
2006-12 (Chrono Trigger)
01. SnappleMan: Chrono Series - I Could Be Banned Soon Trigger
02. Darangen: Chrono Series - Running After You
03. jvincion: Chrono Series - Bobonga's on Fire!
04. LuIzA and Friends: Chrono Series - Dimensional Horizons
05. norg, Ryan8bit: Chrono Series - Lavos Built My Hotrod
06. M-H: Chrono Series - Wings Over Zeal
07. Ashane: Chrono Series - Crossin Time
08. ansgaros, Danimal Cannon: Chrono Series - Preventing Judgement Day
09. TheoConfidor: Chrono Series - Viaje Musical De Gato
09. Vegeroth: Chrono Series - The Emperor (Live at Magfest 2013)
11. Bobby Winston?!: Chrono Series - 600 A.D., The Place to Be. (Formerly Windscene)
11. Riders, Ranger-X: Chrono Series - Lab 16 (wip)
11. Scaredsim: Chrono Series - Frog's Tears
11. The Prophet of Mephisto: Chrono Series - Starbright
15. Kris Davis: Chrono Series - A Forgotten Tale
15. cacomistle: Chrono Series - Guardia State Fair
17. bjkmenu: Chrono Series - Peaceful Days Metal Revenge
18. Reboot: Chrono Series - Millenial Fair
19. viovis: Chrono Series - Secret of Forest (Flamenco Fuzion Mix)
20. Endless Night: Chrono Series - Wind Scene
21. tibone: Chrono Series - Sorrow Mountain
23. Paragon: Chrono Series - Windy Archipelago
23. TransINSANO: Chrono Series - 12000BC Schala
25. Nario: Chrono Series - Time Circuit (150cc)
. Dave6502, TransINSANO: Chrono Series - Gato Man
. Gato Bros. (Eric, jvincion): Chrono Series - You Might Like My Joints
. Paragon: Chrono Series - This is how they played piano in 600 AD
. Shawn Phase: Chrono Series - I Am The Wind I Am That Guy
. SnappleMan: Chrono Series - Singing Mountain Punch
. jvincion: Chrono Series - The Wind, It Chafes
2007-01 to 2007-02 (Capcom Games)
01. Danimal Cannon: Street Fighter 2010 - no, the other ken from streetfighter
02. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Mega Man 2 - Above the Clouds
03. Ryan8bit: Willow - Oh, Nelwyn
04. TheoConfidor, Tyler Zupo: Mega Man Battle Network 2 - Bassman's Theme
05. Paragon: Mega Man 2, 3 - GET EQUIPPED WITH: BELL BOTTOMS
06. Bobby Winston?!: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo - Crumpets & Tequila
07. tibone: 1943 - Memphis Belle
08. Concrete Mutant: Gun.Smoke - Ninja Cowboy
08. Noise and a Beat: Mega Man X - Spark Mantooth
08. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man X - Viridian Sniper
11. The Akkadian: Demon's Crest - Dirge of the Damned
12. TransINSANO: Resident Evil 2 - Saved
13. Juja: Mega Man 2 - Shitty Mega Man 2
14. viovis: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Investigation Gum
. Vegeroth: Saturday Night Slam Masters - C.W.A. (dead WiP)
. pingosimon, Bobby Winston?!: 1943 - Sloppy Piloting
2007-03 (Free Month)
01. Danimal Cannon: Final Fantasy X - Tag Team Back Again
02. Tackle: Goonies - My Dire Strait Basement
03. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Only so much oil in the ocean
03. goat: Castlevania 3 - Shadow Buster
05. AndrewWG: Mega Man 1, 2, 3, X1, X2, X3 - Megaman Medley
06. Ryan8bit: Deadly Towers - Echo of the Seventh Deadly Bell
07. CarboHydroM: Mr Nutz - The Girl And The Wolf
08. M-H: Fireshark - Fire and Sharks Not Included
09. Dooleus: Ultima - Stones of the Avatar
10. Vegeroth: Actraiser - Feel More
11. thesamareaye: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 64 - The Underwater Merry-Go-Round
12. Darangen: Killer Instinct - The Instinct
13. Naz: Final Fantasy 6 - Empty Magic
14. Paragon: Rudora No Hihou - Blinded (in one eye) By Fear (and shrapnel. . .mostly shrapnel)
14. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Advance Wars DS - Chillin in a Mega Tank
14. atomic-guy: Ninja Warriors - Revorution (Codename NINJA)
17. Powellman: Street Fighter 2 - Ken's Theme
18. Jovian Maelstrom: Battle of Olympus - Dance Party under Mt. Olympus
19. Riders, spamtron, The Wozz, Cacomistle: Earthbound - Name Your Character
19. TheoConfidor: Sonic Rush - Steam Palace
21. evilsonic: Eternal Champions - To Save the World
21. tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Emerald Hill
23. bjkmenu: Friday the 13th, Chrono Trigger - Voorhees Trigger Kill
24. viovis: Soul Blazer - Soul Blazer: downtownfrownmix
. Ashane: Lufia 2 - Battle 2 (WIP)
. Hat: Super Mario World - Dosado Mario
. Kidd Cabbage: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - Ashes To Dust
. Vegeroth, Jerther: Mega Man 2 - Jazz Blues-Man Jam
. Vegeroth: Mega Man 2 - You ain't a VGmixer until you mixed Flashman, so I'm ok now
. cacomistle, spamtron: Earthbound - Coffee Break
. cacomistle: Final Fantasy series - Polkabo
. pingosimon: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - DarkWorldSong
2007-04 (Contra)
01. ansgaros: Contra, Contra: Hard Corps, Super C, Contra Force - Irresistible Force
02. goat: Contra - Feeding Frenzy
03. Wicked Foolishness: Contra: Legacy of War - City March
04. Ryan8bit: Contra - Raped by Fire
05. TheoConfidor: Contra 3 - Imminent Threat
06. MetalBishop: Contra - The Doom of Red Falcon
07. Vegeroth: Contra: Hard Corps - It was not angels that came down from the skies
08. tibone: Contra - If It Moves, Shoot it!
. Vegeroth: Super C - Boss, you're so smooth and cool!
. ansgaros: Contra: Hard Corps - Whip and Fish
2007-05 (Fire VS Ice)
01. housethegrate: Snow Bros. - Go Blow Snow For a Year (In Loving Memory of Chromelodeon)
02. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Lifeforce, Donkey Kong Country 2, Sonic & Knuckles - Red Burst
03. norg: Mega Man X - Black Ice
04. pingosimon, Bobby Winston, Baraka: Super Mario Kart - All Are Welcome Here at Vanilla Lake Resort
05. Danimal Cannon: Blaster Master - Fear My Lowering Coefficent of Friction
06. Ashane, Zoast: Secret of Mana - Winter Madness
07. ansgaros: Chrono Cross - Heated Standstill
08. Ryan8bit: Battletoads - Frosty Reception
09. M-H: Arcus Odyssey - A Wicked Flame
10. Amaranthine Skies: Actraiser - Conquering the North Wall
11. Lizard: Sonic the Hedgehog - Marble Zone
12. thesamareaye: Metroid Prime - Snow on Phendrana
13. Master Blaster: Crystalis - Crystal-ICE!
14. Battlerager: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Lava Dead Beat
14. bjkmenu: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Squitter Songo
16. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Field of Flames
17. Kadmium: Earthworm Jim - We Didn't Start Team Fire
17. Paragon: Mega Man 2 - Zippo Man Likes Zippo Music
19. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man Zero 2 - From the Ashes
19. The Akkadian: Secret of Mana - Winter's Edge
21. Brian Davis: FF Mystic Quest - From The Dungeon of Ice to The Lava Dome
21. MetalBishop: Snow Bros. - If You Cant Stand The Cold, Stay Out Of The Freezer.
23. TransINSANO: Stinkoman 20X6 - Siberian Industrial Emergency Boogie Channel (encased of
23. tubeyes: Battletoads - Arctic Caverns
. Two Crude Dudes: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Why Can't We Be Friends? (Back from the Dead and Livin' Large)
. cacomistle: Plok! - Flamethrower
. tibone: Antarctic Adventure - Ice Burn
2007-06 (Free Month)
01. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 5 - Home Sweet Home
02. Ryan8bit: Dragon Quest 8 - Marcello's Ambition
03. spamtron, Eric Dude, housethegrate: UN Squadron - Stoof & Away is My Style
04. Hale-Bopp: Mario Kart DS - Charade
05. thesamareaye, aklmfreak: Rayman 2 - Searching for Globox
06. Danimal Cannon: Final Fantasy X - Beauty in the Unresolved
06. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Shatterhand - Ultimate Weapon
08. MrB: Warcraft 2 - Metalhead Peasants
09. Vegeroth: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 - Warriors of the Purgatory
10. Kadmium: Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Borne of Something Dying
10. Kodiak Attack: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - Bear Claws Shatter Iron Swords Forged in Fire
12. Gonzo: Thundercross 2 - New Horizons (Escape from the Evil Lair)
13. atomic-guy: Faceball 2000 - Have a Nice Day!
14. Master Blaster: Batman - Dancing With The Devil By The Pale Moon Light
15. The Descendants Of Fire (Battlerager, bjkmenu): Rambo - Rambeau
16. Ashane, Snappleman: Batman Returns - Last Moments of BatNigger
17. MetalBishop: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu, Samurai Pizza Cats, 10-Yard Fight - Kung Fu Pizza Party
18. Paragon: Final Fantasy 6, Metroid, Castlevania 3 - The Cry of the Cicadas
18. tibone: B-Wings - Be Wang
20. Rasgar: Chrono Trigger - The Trees that Stand Througout Time
21. Jade Puget: Guilty Gear X - Calm Passion
22. ZioMatrix589: Mega Man Zero - Scorching Desert
. Another Toad: Ninja Taro - Samuel Fool
. Kidd Cabbage: Mortal Kombat - Toasty
. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 3 - The Forever Ocean
. thesamareaye: Super Mario Bros. - (Acoustic) Guitario
2007-07 (Donkey Kong)
01. Scaredsim: Donkey Kong Country - Swimming Monkey
02. Paragon: Donkey Kong Country - Fibonacci Factory
03. thesamareaye, aklmfreak: Donkey Kong Land - Templo de la Fantasía
04. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: DK: King of Swing - Jumping and Swingin'
04. Kodiak Attack: Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 3 - Grizzlies Crush Rolling Barrels and Beehives
06. Corax, Zachariasmith, RyanBennet: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickbrush Brambles
07. CB+: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Unrefinery
07. Vegeroth, Battlerager: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Tides of Darkness
07. tibone: Donkey Kong Country - Monkey can´t tune!! Monkey need bananas!!
10. AFM Swordbreaker: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Instigating Whispers
. Hydrasphere: Donkey Kong Country - Come on donkey, oh yeah come on
. thesamareaye: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Acoustic Lava
2007-08 (PC Games)
01. Ashane, Zoast, pingosimon: Starcraft - Progcraft
01. norg: Skate or Die - I Got 5 Skateboards Right Here
03. xoc: Heretic - From Hell's Maw to the Cesspool Disco
04. Ryan8bit: Legend of Kyrandia - Ominous Cavern
05. Scaredsim: Crazy Comets - Target Destroyed
06. Amaranthine Skies: Space Quest 5 - Lady B. Wankmeister, Space Mistress of Funk
07. Hat: Hero's Quest, Conquest of Camelot, Bard's Tale 2 - Insert Disk 2
08. Vegeroth: Starcraft - Nuclear Menace
09. Hydrasphere: Doom - Silence & Soucience (Supreme Metal version)
09. thesamareaye: Commander Keen Episode 5 - Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket Special
11. Jehovah Gyra: Doom - E2M2
12. TheoConfidor: Command & Conquer: Renegade - The Gift of Forgiveness
12. Versus the Rest: Doom - Blood Red
14. Battlerager: Battlerager - Scrap Metal Monster
14. Paragon: Knightmare 2: Maze of Galious - Don't Worry, I've Never Heard of This Game Either
16. Corax, Zachariasmith: Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver - House of Flora
16. Josiah Tobin: Diver Down - Reality is Just a Memory ('Diver')
16. tibone: Tyrian - Don´t Leave Me, Deliani
19. Bobby Winston?!, Baraka: American McGee's Alice - I'll Meet You in Woods, I Promise
. Bobby Winston?!: Commander Keen Episode 5 - A Towel and Sunscreen(maybe a helmet too)
. Hat: Bard's Tale 2 - Punchline
. Hydrasphere: Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow - Sir Rob
. juef: Theme Hospital, Cave Story, Red Alert and Deus Ex - Turn off your speakers before listening to this
. pingosimon: Doom - Sign Of Evil
. pingosimon: Doom - Suspense
2007-09 (Free Month)
01. Kidd Cabbage: Willow, Wizards & Warriors, Dragon Warrior - Unbridled Ambition
02. QUICKSHOT: Little Nemo the Dream Master - Nemotherapy
03. TheoConfidor: Power Athlete - What a Run!
04. Scaredsim: Y's 4: Mask of the Sun - This Mask is Burnt
05. thesamareaye: Metroid - The Rise of Samus Aran
06. Paragon: Final Fantasy 8, Ys 3 - Violins and Violence
07. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Run or Die
07. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Quiet Town
09. Melodies of Gaia: Lagoon - Nasir, Champion of Light
10. Nario: Chrono Cross - Time's Scarred Up Pretty Bad
11. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Lightweight Ninja - Lightweight Warrior Project
11. tibone: Phantasy Star 1 - Motavia
13. Death By Spoon: Super Metroid - Speed Run
13. cacomistle: RC Pro-Am - Remote Control Professional Amateur
15. Rasgar: Makai Kingdom - Impenetrable Fortress
16. Jade Puget: Guilty Gear X - Still in the Dark
17. Burreonomicosis: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - zombies ate my...
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon - Mission 7. . .Enter the Hell's Fucking Gates
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Relm's Theme
. Kidd Cabbage: Actraiser - Divine Intervention
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 7 - Yet Even More Fighting
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 9 - Cabalgue Conmigo
. Kidd Cabbage: Final Fantasy 9 - Waiting To Return
. Scaredsim: DK: King of Swing - To Swing or Not Swing
. bjkmenu: Wild ARMs - Town
. thesamareaye: Chrono Trigger - Memories of Time
. thesamareaye: Ducktales - Lunar Voyage
2007-10 (Castlevania)
01. SnappleMan: Akumajo Dracula - Thrashard in the Cave
02. CarboHydroM: Castlevania 3 - Until Day Break
03. Rize: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - In the Darkness of Time
04. Ryan8bit: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - What is a Man?
05. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Symphony of the Night, Dracula X, Castlevania 4 - It's Time to Kill
06. Hydrasphere: Castlevania, Super Castlevania 4 - Castlevania Porngroove Mix
07. Kidd Cabbage: Super Castlevania 4 - Death Stroke
08. Paragon: Castlevania 3 - Demon Bass (Bassin' Seed)
09. bjkmenu, Wicked Foolishness: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Wood Carving Partita
10. DZX: Castlevania Chronicles - The Tower of Cursed Dolls
11. Battlerager, thesamareaye: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - (Born) The Moment Dracula Died
11. ShinerCCC: Castlevania, Super Castlevania 4 - Blood Transfusion
13. tibone: Castlevania 2 - Ripping Seeds
14. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Steel Engraving Partita
. Corax, Zachariasmith, hodded, Bork: Castlevania - Out of Time (literally) + a little Chameleon
. Hydrasphere: Castlevania - Castlevania Rap
. Hydrasphere: Castlevania - Cradlevanilla
. Scaredsim: Castlevania - Who's That Child?
2007-11 (Enix)
01. M-H: Valkyrie Profile - Union Alpha
02. Scaredsim: Brain Lord, Illusion of Gaia - Will is the Lord
03. norg: Just Breed - Abduction
04. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 2 & 4 - Wayfarer
05. Hat: Soul Blazer - Get to Town
05. Riders, Ranger-X, ShinerCCC: Brain Lord - The Audio Dragon
05. thesamareaye, The S.P.O.B.: Star Ocean 3 - Red Leaves of Autumn
08. Hope Fails: Terranigma - Afternoon Tea with Snappleman's Mom
08. Hydrasphere: Terranigma - Just a little While
08. Josiah Tobin, XMark: Brain Lord - Master Of The Platinum Site Of The Tower Of The Abell Civilization Ruins
11. TheoConfidor: Paladin's Quest - Wielding a Holy Sword
12. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: 7th Saga - The Runes Ruse
12. bjkmenu: Bust A Move - hiroshortykittyn
. Paragon: Actraiser - She Drank from the Bloodpool (wip)
. bjkmenu: Bust A Move - kittynalt
. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior - Dagron Quest
. cacomistle: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Stupid
. thesamareaye: Dragon Warrior - Dragon Warrior ("Tribute" to XMark)
2007-12 to 2008-01 (MAGFest 6 Free Month)
01. musicalman: Metal Gear - Snake's Revenge
02. norg: Ducktales - Harden the Duck Up!
03. Danimal Cannon, Chris Dlugosz: Contra 4 - "Let's Attack Aggresively!"
04. ansgaros: Final Fantasy 6 - Kefka Gets Decisive
05. Kidd Cabbage: Super Metroid - Fuzzy Green Feeling
05. virt: Splatterhouse - TERRORMASK
07. Ryan8bit: Gauntlet, Wizards & Warriors - Kuros Shot the Food
08. SnappleMan: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - SET PHASERS TO ^___^ (In Loving Memory of Chavez)
09. xoc: Conker's Bad Fur Day - Straight Windy
10. dasaten: Secret of Mana - Let me Tell you a Secret
11. MusicallyInspired: Duke Nukem series - Grabbag Mega-Mix
12. CarboHydroM: Pop'n Twinbee - Ground Split
12. Hope Fails: Salamander 2 - mmmbop
14. SuprMelO: Chrono Trigger - Sambacross Time
14. strefig: Bucky O'Hare - Bring Them To The Righteous
16. JigginJonT: Final Fantasy 6 - A Day in the Life of a Gambler
17. Millenial Fairs: Chrono Trigger - Robo's Theme
18. Scaredsim: Castlevania 3 - Ding dong, au quatrième top il sera 20 heures
19. Daniel Alm: Gremlins 2 - Gizmo Caca!
19. Dennis: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Crunch Time
19. rauze: Mega Man 4 - Man & Machine
22. Hale-Bopp: Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Two Tales
23. XMark: Contra - Assault on Galuga (Contra: the Movie: the Soundtrack)
23. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Kids Run Through the City
25. chunkstyle: Monty on the Run - Avogadro's Ostinato
26. Vegeroth: Breath of Fire - The Fire Came from Within
26. thesamareaye: Final Fantasy 3 - Oceans Abound
28. Naz: Chrono Trigger - Dreams of a Black Wind
29. Corax, Zachariasmith: Jazz Jackrabbit - Templum Testudine
29. Hydrasphere: Tetris - Tetrismatik
29. Josiah Tobin: Uniracers - Fastest Wheel In The Uni-Verse
29. Patrick_Like_Static: Ducktales - Bless Me Bagpipes -- Green Cheese!
33. cetera: A Nightmare on Elm Street - Elm Street
34. zangderak: Street Fighter Alpha - Jaguar Tooth
35. DZX: Final Fantasy 7 - Reunion
35. Skulletmaster: Mega Man 7 - Blue Rock Bloodletting Tyme
35. tibone: Psycho Pinball - I'll Jackpot into your squirrel if that's what it takes
38. Mr. N: The Sims - Cloud Construction
38. ShinerCCC: Final Fantasy Legend 1, 2, 3 - Legend of the Glass Sword
38. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Everyday Shooter - Surreal Heartbreak
41. Nario: Final Fantasy 1 - Crystal Warriors
42. Amaranthine Skies: Magician - Magical Funk
42. bjkmenu: Popful Mail - Muttonhead is a Nuts Cracker
44. Paragon: Dark Cloud 2, Suikoden 2 - Two Fountainheads
45. Bobby Winston?!, Baraka: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Wright #51
46. Pancho: Final Fantasy 9 - Staggering saiyan...err...genome
. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Lullaby
. Bobby Winston?!, pingosimon: Mega Man X - Storm Eagle
. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Suikoden 5 - When Your Strength Runs Out
. Hydrasphere: Chrono Trigger - T-Bone Rotating Over Hell's Fire
. Hydrasphere: Golden Axe - Odin, Be With Us!
. Hydrasphere: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gypsi 64
. Hydrasphere: Mega Man 2 - So, you want to be metal
. Pancho: Pac-Man - Pill-addicted Guitar
. ShinerCCC: Final Fantasy Legend - Legend of the Glass Sword: Extended Ending
. The Power of Pee (Paragon, pingosimon, Poopyface): Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross - Holy Crono, It's a Dragon, Get in the Car
. TransINSANO: Diablo - A Formless Fading Memory
. bjkmenu: Parappa the Rappa - Parappa the Hackalt
. flyinghippo: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley
. pingosimon: Final Fantasy 6 - Shadow Song
2008-02 (Kirby)
01. Hope Fails: Kirby's Dreamland 2 - Puffball Promenade
01. MusicallyInspired, Jabo: Kirby Superstar - Thanks For The Help, Knuckle Joe!
03. FoXdiE: Kirby Series - Roy G Ambivalence
04. Scaredsim: Kirby Series - Pink like a Bubble Gum
05. ionvortex: Kirby Superstar - Save Cabin Getaway
05. thesamareaye: Kirby's Adventure - Smooth Like Butter
07. Corax, Zachariasmith, hodded: Kirby 64 - Baby Blue Toque
08. Noise and a Beat: Kirby Superstar - Gourmet Race of a Thousand Flames
09. Millenial Fairs: Kirby - Kirby's Nightmare
09. Shnabubula: Kirby's Adventure - OMG U SUXX
. Hydrasphere, Corax: Kirby Air Ride - Breath of Wind
. Hydrasphere, Nicsphere: Kirby Superstar - Painted in Pink
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - C'mon Kirby, Let's Go Party
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - Riding the Pink Beast
. Hydrasphere: Kirby Superstar - This is Freak
. Hydrasphere: Kirby's Dreamland 2 - vol au dessus d'un nid de kirby
. Hydrasphere: Kirby's Dreamland - Fighting the Evil Seed
. Hydrasphere: Kirby - Corpse-eater
. Hydrasphere: Kirby - Jambee fusion (recycle bin)
. bjkmenu: Kirby's Dream Course - kirbysreamcoursemusic5alt.mp3
2008-03 (Sci-Fi)
01. Prince of Darkness: Mega Man X - Zero Light
02. Hope Fails: Darius Twin - Wow, That Spaceship Looks Just Like a Fish
02. Shnabubula: Super Metroid - Samus Bubblebath
04. MusicallyInspired: Space Quest 4 - A Greatly Exaggerated Tale of Adventure
05. Scaredsim: Thunder Force 4, Super Star Soldier - Air Fight
06. Vegeroth: Mega Man X2 - Robotic Demise
07. Daniel Alm: Journey to Silius - Boss Theme
08. Gandalf's Brother: Phantasy Star 2 - Rise or Fall
09. Amaranthine Skies: Mech Warrior - In Preparation of Vengeance
09. Battlerager: Dove - This Bird Is On Fire
09. Corax, Zachariasmith: Starcraft - Zerg Rush
09. cacomistle: Mega Man 4 - Shallow Dive
13. Hydrasphere: Doom - Kill Them, Explode them, Destroy Them and Let the Blood Flow
14. Paragon: Mega Man 2 - As the Disco Ball Crashes to the Floor
15. tibone: Astro Warrior - Mr. Hyperdrive
16. Hat: Mega Man 2 - Rock
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 - Varista Gunslinger
. BONKERS: Mega Man X - Storm Your Freakin Towns
. Hydrasphere: Metroid - Once Upon a Time in Space
. Hydrasphere: Secret of Evermore - Under the Moon of Temptation
. Hydrasphere: Space Quest 4 - Drunk in Space
. Hydrasphere: Star Wars - Space Bar
. MusicallyInspired: Thexder 2: Firehawk - Fifth Mission
. Shnabubula: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Shredder Part 1
. Shnabubula: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Shredder Part 2
2008-04 (Free Month)
01. Kadmium, Jim Grey: Final Fantasy 6 - Aria da Mezzo Carattrere
02. Danimal Cannon: 3D Pinball Space Cadet - Apparently This Game Has Music
02. Scaredsim: Axelay - I know you can beat that spider
04. SnappleMan: Romancing SaGa 3 - Four Noble Devils
05. Dr. Manhattan: Dragon Fighter - There's a Dragon in My Yard!
06. M-H: Legend of Mana - Sandwich Nova
07. CarboHydroM: Legend of Zelda - Sword of Hope
08. Hope Fails: Lufia 2 - Last Chance
09. Lizard: Sonic & Knuckles - Flying Battery Zone
10. XMark: Portal - Still Alive
11. Haempling: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - In A Ruined Aquarium
13. Cyril: Metroid Fusion - Kill the X
13. Dhsu: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Boxer Shorts Rag
15. Vegeroth: Lufia 2 - A Darker Beginning
16. Mainline Rider: Altered Beast - A Full Moon In Hell
17. Leinad, Yendor: Final Fantasy 6 - Flight of the Falcon
18. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: Journey to Silius - Following Footfalls
18. Hydrasphere: Ninja Gaiden - Part 2 (medley)
20. Harjawaldar: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Majestic Hills
20. Mitch Janzen: Mario Kart 64 - MK64 Ending Remix
20. tibone: Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Reflections
23. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Black Feather
23. ryanisfootdrums: Earthbound - Onett Jam
25. bjkmenu: Shadowgate - EPOR
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 9 - The El Mariachi
. Hydrasphere: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, A Link to the Past - My Last Medley
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Into the Jail (or hell)
. Hydrasphere: Ninja Gaiden - Part 1 (medley)
. Kadmium: Doom - Asphyxiated Soul 2008
. Paragon: Lufia 2 - Keikenchi JouShouchuu ("Level-up Liquor")
. Temp Sound Solutions: Journey to Silius - End Theme 2008
. bjkmenu: NBA Jam - boomshockalaka
. bjkmenu: Ristar - readygo
. thesamareaye: Star Ocean - Petrified (wip)
2008-05 (Gradius)
01. CarboHydroM: Lifeforce - Desperate Chase
01. Mystic Wizard: Lifeforce - Pharoah Song
03. Hope Fails, Scaredsim: Gradius 3 - Declaration of War
03. ansgaros: Lifeforce, Gradius 2 - Dangerous Territory
05. Ryan8bit: Gradius - The Viper Within
05. dasaten: Lifeforce - Melodic Newt
07. Harjawaldar: Gradius 2 - Join me in Space
08. Daniel Alm: Gradius - Shoot the Core!
09. Dr. Manhattan: Lifeforce - Spaceship 50
10. TheoConfidor: Gradius 3, Unreal 2 - UnGradian
10. ryanisfootdrums: Lifeforce, Gradius 2, Gradius 3 - Endless Infinity Darkness Mk. 2
12. Rasgar: Lifeforce - Tears of a Wayward Soldier
13. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Gradius 3 - Meteor Storm
13. Skummel Maske: Gradius 3 - Stuck In The Crystal Maze
15. cacomistle: Lifeforce - Life Forts
15. tibone: Lifeforce - The Only End I'll Ever Get
. MusicallyInspired: Gradius 2 - That One Song From Gradius 2
. dasaten: Gradius, Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Ninjas Playing Gradius
2008-06 (Boss vs Hero)
01. Prince of Darkness: Final Fantasy 6 - The Hot Pink Of Blues
02. norg: Final Fantasy 5 - Boss Key
03. Ryan8bit: Dragon Warrior 3 - My Joy is Thy Destruction
04. Brian Davis: Super Castlevania 4 - Your Table is Ready Mr. Belmont
05. SnappleMan: Final Fantasy 7 - Manning Up part 1
06. Hope Fails: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Yeah, I'd Tap That (Mia Fey's Theme)
06. Tensei-San: Live A Live - Giant Robot Bonanza
08. ryanisfootdrums: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 6 - My Closest Kin
09. Harjawaldar: Chrono Trigger - The Righteous Path
10. DrumUltimA: Chrono Trigger - Lavos Jam
11. Daniel Alm: Contra - Into the Alien Lair
12. ionvortex: Puggsy - Dethroning the Emperor
13. Final Atomic Buster: Chrono Trigger - There's Metal in my Spaniard
14. Hydrasphere: Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - And Then You'll Beg
15. Vegeroth, streifig: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - I Object to Your Lameness
15. bjkmenu: Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Powder Blue Ryu and Chun-Li in Africa
17. El Grapadura: Final Fantasy X - Unsent
18. dasaten: Final Fantasy 5 - Dark Lord Exdeath
19. bojangles: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Boss
20. Chickenwarlord: The Secret of Monkey Island - Ectoplasmic Beard Not Included
20. Parallel Universe Band: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Kapt. K-Rool's Theme
23. tibone: Street Fighter 2 - Comrades Don't Wear Pants
. Another Toad: Sonic Adventure - Blue And Brave
. Chickenwarlord: Imperishable Night - I Mooned My Piano
. Corax, Zachariasmith: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Kamek's Magic Washing Machine
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon 2 - Boss Crushing
. Hydrasphere: Double Dragon 2 - Come to Me
. Max Svalgard: Sonic & Knuckles - Flying Battery Boss
. Shnabubula: Final Fantasy 7, Super Castlevania 4 - Aeris Gets Hitched
2008-07 (Free Month)
01. ansgaros: Kage - Fall of Garuda
02. M-H: Y's 4: Mask of the Sun/Dawn of Y's - Esteria Again
03. Daniel Alm: Batman - In Darkness Dwells
03. Dr. Manhattan: Castlevania: Dracula X - Sudden Kiss
05. Tensei-San: Final Fantasy 7 - Mmm, Starla In Hotpants And A Tanktop (Working Title)
06. Prince of Darkness, Chris Feener: Goldeneye, Sonic & Knuckles - Bond's Batteries
07. Harjawaldar: Super Mario Galaxy - The Brightest Star
08. ROCKtendo: Halo - Killing Spree
09. thesamareaye: Kingdom Hearts - You Have My Heart
10. vertexguy: Ultima 7 - Stones for Bread
11. DrumUltimA: Chrono Trigger - Chrono and Marle in the Undersea Palace Consoling Magus
11. ryanisfootdrums: Sonic Adventure 2 - Escape from the City of Death
13. Strika: Final Fantasy 6 - The Mystikal Forest
13. VikingGuitar: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 4, Chrono Trigger - Of Legends and Heroes
15. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Where is That Little Punk
16. El Grapadura: Mega Man 3 - Top Man in Da House
16. bjkmenu: Mortal Kombat 2, Zelda 2 - Kintaro is Error
18. Final Atomic Buster: Chrono Trigger - Chrono Picker
19. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 6 - A Monument to Non-existence
20. Paragon: Castlevania - Vampire Butter
21. tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog - Ambrosius's Walk
23. Don Hughes: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! - The Little Mac Saga
23. Zjildon: Goldeneye - Frigg It!
. Another Toad: Popeye , Shenmue - Bluto Vs Goro
. Hydrasphere: Final Fantasy 6 - Sorry I'm Gone
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Peace and GROGS
. Juja: Mega Man 9 - Super Fighting Robot 9
. bjkmenu: Guitar Freaks 8th Mix - Mei Li De Jia Xiang Cover
. bjkmenu: Super Mario Kart - Super Mario Kart Battle Request
. cBlack: Metroid - The Depths (Kraid's Hideout)
2008-08 (Street Fighter)
01. ROCKtendo: Street Fighter 2 - Get Back Up and Jam
02. Sparky, Zangderak: SF3:3S, SFA2, SF2T - Please Select Your Character
03. vertexguy: Street Fighter 2 - Frets of Fury
04. zyk0: Street Fighter Alpha 3 - That's Gonna Have to Do
05. Harjawaldar: Street Fighter 2 - Embracing Death
05. The Sloth King: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Feilong
07. DrumUltimA: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Hugest Foe
08. pu_freak: Street Fighter 2 - Showdown Around the World
09. bjkmenu: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Cammy
10. cacomistle: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers - Jamaica Man
11. El Grapadura: Street Fighter 2 - Pianodouken
. Final Atomic Buster: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike - Lounge Fighter
. Scaredsim: Street Fighter 2 - Psr 350 in 15 minutes
. bjkmenu: Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Select Your Nutjob
2008-09 (Superheroes Games)
01. ansgaros: X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes - Cyclops and Storm Lose, Juggernaut Wins
02. jaxx: Wolverine - Adamantium Attack
03. Vegeroth: Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage - Deadly Carnage
04. Harjawaldar: Sailor Moon R - Judicium Divinum
05. M-H: Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of the Superheroes - The Other Mr Rogers
05. VikingGuitar: Stinkoman 20X6 - Power Crunch
07. The Sloth King: Sunman - Enter Sunman
08. tibone: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist - We Are Tortoises
09. Bucedric Nosnik Rionediamn: X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - Psychic Mistress
. DZX: Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage - Maximum Carnage
2008-10 (Free Month)
01. zyk0: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Rime of the Wandering Seafarer
02. Prince of Darkness: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1 & 2 - Hell March to the Apocalypse
03. Sixto Sounds: Mega Man 2 - Dokuta Wairi, Rival to the Light
04. The Analog Kid (Riders): Plok! - Follin Beach
05. DrumUltimA: Super Mario Galaxy - Nostalgia
06. Izei: Romancing SaGa 3 - The Romance is on Fire!
07. Mattias Holmgren: Legend of Zelda - Zelda Heineken Theme
08. Kadmium, Ellah Rose: Castlevania 2, Castlevania 64 - Oceans of Time
09. VikingGuitar: Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Sunset at Zombie Beach
10. Harjawaldar: Neutopia - Enjoying your Presence
11. tibone: Mega Man 3 - Death Magnetman
12. El Grapadura: Psychonauts - Cruller's Resolve
13. BONKERS: Mega Man X, Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai - Flame Shin Kai Mammoth
14. Garin: Wii Fit - The Pengiun Shuffle
14. Juja: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Find the Warp, Jimmy!
14. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy X - My Story Is a Different One
17. borntoolate: Castlevania - Blood Junkies
18. Eponymized: Earthbound - The Devil's Machine
18. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 6 - Under the Cover of Night
20. Rexy, dasaten: Seiken Densetsu 3 - Our Little Secret
21. Black Cartridge: Contra - Dead or Alive...or 30 Lives
. BONKERS: Mega Man X5 - Rock the V
. Hydrasphere: King's Quest 6 - Bookworm's Party
. Hydrasphere: Mega Man 2 - In The Mood
. Hydrasphere: Monkey Island 2 - Carribean's Grog
. Hydrasphere: Neverhood - Klayman's Theme
. Hydrasphere: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Vin et Fromage
. Hydrasphere: Super Street Fighter 2 - Are You Dead Yet!
. Izei: Final Fantasy 4 - Cute Smile
. Juja: No More Heroes - Travis Touchdown Strikes Back
. Rexy: Spyro the Dragon - The Purple Summit
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 6 - Under the Cover of Night (Rock Ver.)
. YA US (pingosimon, Sparky, zangderak, MetalBishop, Aubrey, mshell): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods bye
. minorfffanatic1 and his brother: Metroid 2 - Domeheads
2008-11 (Sonic)
01. Prince of Darkness, GuitarBizarre: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sonic Gargles with Garden Marbles
02. Dr. Manhattan: Sonic & Knuckles - Diamond Crush
03. MusicallyInspired: Sonic Blast, Sonic 1, Sonic 2 - Blue Blur in the Green Fields
04. Eponymized, Vanilla Money: Sonic the Hedgehog - Swing Yard Zone
05. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Aquatic Zone Ruined
06. BONKERS: Sonic Mega Collection - Flying Magic
07. Rexy: Sonic & Knuckles - Roasting Point
08. zyk0: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Hidden Away
09. FoXdiE: Sonic CD - You Can Do Anything (The Best That You Can BOOM)
10. Daniel Alm: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - A Speed Freak in a Chemical Plant
10. Harjawaldar: Sonic the Hedgehog - Blue Sunrise
12. MetalBishop: Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic's Chilly Dog Throwdown
13. Natthimmel: Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Roborobics
14. tibone: Sonic Spinball - Toxic Balls
15. Eugene Videogame Orchestra: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - I. Death Eggs feat. Joe McClain II. Why Isn't He Burning Up in the Atmosphere?
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge, Rasgar: Sonic the Hedgehog - Ignus Re Vera
17. evilsonic: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - I Run on Rock
. Hydrasphere: Sonic & Knuckles - Watch Them Burning
. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 - Just a sonic Jam...
. Hydrasphere: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Back in 1992 (Supreme Rap Version)
. Prince of Darkness: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone (Bass Exclusive Series)
. Prince of Darkness: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Special Stage (Bass Exclusive Series)
2008-12 to 2009-01 (MAGFest 7 Side-Scrolling Games)
01. Shnabubula: SMB, SMB3, SMW, MMX - Playing Super Mario World While Taking Mushrooms
02. Brian Davis: Bucky O'Hare - Let's Croak Toads!!!
03. Prince of Darkness, GuitarBizarre, Chris Feener: Actraiser - A Coele Usque Ad Centrum
04. norg: Metal Slug - Allen O'Neil and Nario Take an Afternoon Stroll Through a Field of Poppies for a Picnic Lunch of Wine, Cheese, and Whale Face
05. Stemage, Danimal Cannon, KBart: TMNT 3 - BTMNTBAMLOL
05. jaxx: Storm of Progear - Black Sky Jewel Harvest
07. BrainCells: Revenge of Shinobi - Pump!
08. darmock: Sonic the Hedgehog - Stay Away From My Special Zone AKA Masatotarkus
09. ansgaros: Journey to Silius, Batman, Bionic Commando, Werewolf - To Reminisce is to Relive
10. Ryan8bit: Double Dragon - My Girl Needs a Gut Punchin'
10. cetera: Amagon - Lower Your Expectations by 1dB
12. Hoha: Shatterhand - Shatter My Brain With My Hands
12. SnappleMan: Super R-Type - Where No Mann Has Gone Before (part 1)
12. virt: TMNT 1 - Enter the Turtle
15. zangderak, sparky: U.N. Squadron - Gates of Hell
16. DrumUltimA: Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic Smooth
17. zyk0: The Lost Vikings - Funk Like an Egyptian
18. M-H: CVII: Belmont's Revenge - Belmonts and Bondage
19. Geoffrey Taucer, Jose the Bronx Rican: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Trapped in the Mines
19. cacomistle, chronolever, TheBeautyofGrind: Super Maro Land - Muda Morning
21. XMark: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Mystic Chemicals
22. Harjawalder: Dragon's Lair - Der Orden vom heiligen Geist
22. Skummel Maske: Shatterhand - Shatter This!
23. thesamareaye: Castlevania - The Vampire's Lament
24. Hope Fails: Power Blade - This Burden Grows, but Still I Can Fly
24. ryanisfootdrums: Alisia Dragoon - The Dragooner's Harp
26. Corax: Lifeforce - Glorious Gradius
26. Dr. Manhattan: Golden Axe 2 - Burning Villages Down
28. Wizwars: Castlevania - Time's Up!
28. tibone: Mega Man - Elecman Likes Guitars
30. bjkmenu: Earthworm Jim - Groovy Jim Hurts My Ear
31. TheoConfidor: Mega Man ZX: Advent - Dance of Destiny
32. Rasgar: Mega Man Zero 3 - Dance of the Winter
33. Mattias Holmgren: Blaster Master - Mastered Blaster
35. Nario: Mega Man 2 - Crash Man Takes Piano Lessons
35. dasaten: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Sticky Portrait of Michiru Yamane
. Izei: Ragnarok Battle Offline 2 - There's no n00bs when I play offline
. Skummel Maske: Shatterhand - Shatter My Synth Lead
. ansgaros: Thunder Force 3 - Seiren
. virt: Friday the 13th - TORCHROLL
. zyk0: Mega Man 2 - Boxing with Killer Robots
2009-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01. DrumUltimA, Nickthoven - Sonic Suck (Sonic)
02. Hat - A Gift From God! (Final Fantasy Tactics)
03. Hydrasphere - The Radio Satellite From Hell (Megaman X3, Castlevania, Monkey Island, Space Quest 6, Chrono Trigger, Tetris , Final Fantasy)
04. Norrin Radd - Rollergames Vocal Arrangement (Rollergames)
05. tibone - (My F-14) It's All Shook Up (Afterburner)
06. Xenon Odyssey - My Other Guitar is a Gibson Maestro (Super Mario Bros.)
07. Eponymized, Elf00 - Paint Trip Never Tackling (Metroid 2)
2009-02 (Free Month)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3 - Down to the Hydrocity's Nightclub
02. M-H: F-Zero Climax (GBA) - You Got Boost Power!
03. CarboHydroM: Super Mario Galaxy - White Feather In The Storm
04. Hoha, AnisHaron: Shatterhand - Look ma, no hands
05. Wizwars, Riders: Mega Man 9 - Plug Man's Last Stand
06. BrainCells: New Rally X - Smoke in Your Face
07. Prince of Darkness, Travis Moberg: The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Time, Guitar Hero 3 - Knights of Hyrule
08. zyk0: Donkey Kong Country - Sea Monkeys
09. Harjawaldar: Super Mario Galaxy - Flaming Hope
10. BlueJackG, Juja: Metroid Prime 2 - Torvus Bog
11. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Battle in Reverse to a new era
12. Scaredsim: Zero Wing - Never Stop Shooting
13. jubuttib, Yuhaso: Shatterhand, Castlevania - Shatnervania
14. Skummel Maske: Chrono Trigger - Facing Dark Eternal (Hang On!)
14. raubhimself: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Scepter Ball Rests in a Serpentine Claw
16. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Frozen Shade
16. tibone: Space Harrier (SMS) - Harrier is the man
18. Eponymized: Donkey Kong Country 2 - StickerRush Brambles
19. Kid Belmont: Castlevania Adventure - Make Haste
19. dasaten: Actraiser, Illusion of Gaia, Soulblazer - Save the Village, Save the World
21. Hat: Pac-Man - Puck Me
21. Power Tool Pursuit: Castlevania - Mummies and Ivy
23. evilsonic: Ecco the Dolphin - My Island
24. ThomasFinland: Silver Surfer - Surfing My Silver Plate
25. Rasgar: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (Touhou Project) - Virulent Blossom
25. ghettoflower: Rune Factory: A Harvest Moon Fantasy - Rune Factory Intro Theme
. BONKERS: Halo - Journey
. BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - Ride that Ray
. BONKERS: Mega Man X5 - Choose Your Destiny
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Cavern Mission (No Voice Version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Cavern Mission (Voice version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Live (No Voice Version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid - Live (Voice version)
. BONKERS: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions - Reality is a game
. BONKERS: Super Mario Bros. - Jump That Goomba
. Eponymized: Donkey Kong Country 2 - StickerRush Brambles (Clean)
. bjkmenu: Mortal Kombat - Noob Kombat Crap
. evilsonic: Mega Man 2 - Crash Machine
2009-03 (Ys)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - The Freak Winged Boy
02. Scaredsim: Y's, Y's 4: Dawn of Y's, Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Have a Nice Morning!
03. M-H: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Ernst
04. ansgaros: Y's - A New Dawn
05. Harjawaldar: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - I Need a Drink
06. jaxx: Ys 5: Kefin, The Lost City of Sand - Just Keep Moving
07. Kid Belmont, King Malboro: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - The Legend of Ys
07. pingosimon: Y's - Ys Title
09. thesamareaye, tibone: Y's - Wondering Hearts
10. BONKERS: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Wandering
11. Demonstray, GuitarBizarre, Odysseus: Y's - Ravaging the Seven Ys
. BONKERS: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Light the Way to the West Ocean
. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Dawn
. Dr. Manhattan: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Ys Ys Zs
. Harjawaldar: Y's - Kiss Me
. M-H: Y's 6: The Ark of Napishtim - Ernst (Instrumental)
. ansgaros: Y's 3: Wanderers from Y's - Five-Finger Discount
2009-04 (8bit vs 16bit)
01. Dr. Manhattan: Street Fighter 2010 - Type Valentine MX-5
01. Prince of Darkness, DrumUltimA, Kyle Etges, Mark Kinz: Sonic 2 - Vestigial Fusion Factory
03. Hoha: S.C.A.T. - Arnold and Sigourney
04. faxanaDUDES (Powellman, Shawn Phase, Spookmeister C, Xavier): Faxanadu - I came back to my hometown to find it FILLED WITH METAL
05. Brian Davis: Gadget Twins - Day Breaks in Gadget Land
05. Harjawaldar, Vidar, Ludvig: Zelda: A Link to the Past - I den Svarte Skogen
07. M-H: Live A Live - The World's Strongest
07. Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Rush'n Attack - Don't forget your fur hat!
09. Juja: Chrono Trigger - Chrono 1/2: Hard Battle
10. Mattias Holmgren: Ys 2 - Palace of Solomon
11. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 6 - Aria no Draco Opera
12. zyk0: Golden Axe - This Place is Kept by Powerful Gods
13. Demonstray: Star Fox - Militiae Corneriae
14. Noise and a Beat: F-Zero - Dusty Sea
15. Amaranthine Skies: Drakkhen - Machinations of the Drakkhen
16. tibone: Phantasy Star - Have You Ever Seen The End?
17. Power Tool Pursuit: Chrono Trigger - Frog Final
18. ZioMatrix589: The Itchy and Scratchy Game - Ye Olde Departed
. BONKERS: Castlevania 3 - Begin!
. BONKERS: Chrono Trigger - 600ad whistle'n!
. BONKERS: Megami Tensei (NES) - Digital Punks
. BONKERS: New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES) - Your Wings
. BONKERS: Super Castlevania 4 - Demon Castle Dracula
. Demonstray: Clock Tower - Here With You
. Hat: F-Zero - Unmuted Arab City
. Shawn Phase, Cow'P: Solomon's Key - Key of Solomon
. bjkmenu: Kirby's Dream Course (SNES) - Course 2 in 3 Hours
2009-04 (Nintendo DS Games) [PF]
01. SnappleMan - lolian odyssey (Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2)
02. Prince of Darkness - Sean Pennacle (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
03. Vegeroth - Final Alien Assault (Mario & Luigi Partners In Time)
04. TIE
DrumUltimA - Pokemon Thing (Pokemon Platinum)
k-wix - Cloud Diver (Mega Man ZX)
Powell - Stylux Theme (Metroid Prime Hunters)
05. OA - 6 Hours and the Snare Still Sucks (???)
06. ShawnPhase - The Neverending Overture (Phoenix Wright)
07. TIE
bucedric - Castlevania Village (Castlevania)
Demonstray - Pitch Black Protrusion (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow)
08. TIE
Paragon - Gothloli Fear (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
bjkmenu - nsmbpunchfest (New Super Mario Bros.)
2009-04 (Wrestling Games) [PF]
01. Powellman - Title, Tokyo (Saturday Night Slam Masters)
02. TIE
Prince of Darkness - Bad Drum Quantization Society (Saturday Night Slam Masters)
tempsoundsolutions lite - make you humble! wrestlemania (WWF Wrestlemania)
03. Demonstray, Odysseus - Pokemon Thing (Pokemon Platinum)
04. bjkmenu - Mat Mania Fun (Mat Mania)
2009-05 (Free Month)
01. Dr. Manhattan, Scaredsim: Langirsser 2 (Genesis) - The Prophecy of Alhazard
02. Harjawaldar: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Utopia
03. Kidd Cabbage (IBBIAZ): Touhou - Natio Obu[br00tl]03. M-H: Guilty Gear XX - Androgynity Compromised
05. VikingGuitar: Ninja Gaiden - The Eyes Behind the Mask
06. Brian Davis: Base Wars (NES) - You're Killin' Me With Those Chord Changes Smalls!!!
07. Aktulua: Ecco: Tides of Time - Globes
08. dasaten, jomarluke: Final Fantasy 7 - Slumlord Gillionaire
09. DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy X - Him, of the Faith
10. Hope Fails: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Party's Over Here
11. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Gundam Battle Assault (PSX) - The Watchful Eye
12. El Grapadura: Chrono Trigger - Corridor Echoes
13. Repo Man: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Gaiden Act 2
14. Skummel Maske, LuIzA: Final Fantasy 8 - All Existence Denied: The Extreme
15. Rasgar: Touhou - White Paw
16. Dunther, Winchesterfield: Rhythm Tengoku (GBA) - Black Belt Music Dojo
17. Demonstray: Clock Tower 3 - Living Through the Night
17. thesamareaye: Halo 2 - I'm Thinking Arby!
19. tibone, ROCKtendo: Batman (NES) - Trapped Underground
20. bjkmenu, Juja: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Shadow of the Desert Colossus
21. Nario: Sonic 3 - The Forgotten Vinyl of Ice Cap
22. Black Cartridge: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Suicide Ninja
. Demonstray: Mega Man Legends - The Brothers Bonne, Plus Tron
. Dr. Manhattan: Sunset Riders (Genesis) - Mr. Pink Poncho's Western Rock
. DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy X - Random Notes
. Hat: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Drac's Crib
. Temp Sound Solutions: Esper Dream 2 - Army of the Flying Monkeys
. dasaten: Donkey Kong, Excitebike, Hogan's Alley, Mario Bros, Duck Hunt - Vs. 1984
2009-06 (Konami Arcade Games) [PF]
01. Prince of Darkness - The Kolossal Kotsamanidis Klub (Over Drive)
02. Dr. Manhattan - Somebody Ate My Fruit Salad (Violent Storm)
03. TIE
DrumUltimA - Butterfly Love Butter (Dance Dance Revolution)
SnappleMan - KONCHADUNGA! (Metamorphic Force)
04. TIE
bjkmenu - J-Staff and Chicago Blue Cover (GuitarFreaks 2nd Mix)
XMark - Thunder Landing (Super Contra)
05. Another Toad - Pork Chops (Pooyan)
06. TIE
Demonstray - Zoanthropic Army of Four (Metamorphic Force)
Paragon - I Haven't Been Searching For A Man All Across Japan But I Guess If One Wants To Show Up That Would Be Okay (Dance Dance Revolution)
2009-06 (NES Trilogy Triple Threat)
01. El Camello: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - I Can Carry You No Further...You Must Venture On Alone
02. Ryan8bit: Wizards & Warriors - Farewell, Dear Maiden
03. The Sloth King: Wizards & Warriors - Thou Hath Discovered Strings
. Harjawaldar: TMNT - Beer Ears
. Paragon: Wizards & Warriors 3 - There's a Spider on the Ceiling. Will Someone Please Come Kill it for Me? 
2009-06 (Wing Commander) [PF]
01. norg - Tuscany Buffalo Wing Commander Keen (Wing Commander)
02. Rellik - What is Wing Commander? (Wing Commander)
03. bjkmenu - Endlessly Through the Void (Wing Commander Sega CD)
04. abadidea - Boss Fights are Silly (Wing Commander)
Dr. Manhattan - Something Wrong is Not Right Here (Wing Commander)
Olsen Bros. (submitted by mr. machine) - Fly on the Wings of Love
John Cafferty (submitted by SnappleMan) - The Fatter Man (Hearts on Fire) (Rocky IV)
2009-07 (Password Games)
01. SnappleMan: Castlevania 3 - The Count of Transylvania
02. ansgaros: Castlevania Bloodlines - Prepare for Death
03. Harjawaldar: Gargoyle's Quest - Holy Warcry
03. M-H: Mega Man X3 - High Gravity Malt Beetle
05. ROCKtendo: Castlevania 3 - What A Funky Night to Have a Curse
06. ULTRANOMICON: Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man
07. Prince of Darkness: Mega Man 3 - Egyptmini Man
08. Krunch: Punch-Out - Fat Man on a Bike
09. mithius: Super Castlevania 4 - I Lost Crying Altar Ravaged Axis
10. Skummel Maske: Castlevania 2 - Message of Darkness (Password Screen)
11. bjkmenu: Ristar , Adventures of Lolo - Ristar Meets King Egger
11. zyk0: Snow Brothers - Another Chance
13. ryanisfootdrums: Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword - YYZirds and Warriors
14. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Jesus Kyoufu no Bio Monster - Trapped in the Void
14. flip362: Mega Man 4 - Return of the Pharaoh Shot
16. Corax, Zachariasmith, Drum Dragon: Batman Returns (NES) - Ballad for Bruce
17. Rasgar: Castlevania 2 - Metal Castle
17. tibone: Tails Adventure (Game Gear) - The Code is...
. Harjawaldar: Dragon's Fury - No Questions Asked
. Metal Bishop: Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man's MIDI Rip
. Ruticakustic: Mega Man 3 - Westerninjaman
. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 2 - Crash Bombs Required
. Zjildon: Mega Man 3 - Blast it All! (Short n Sweet)
. bjkmenu, Demonstray: Metroid - Devil Metroid
2009-07 (Sunsoft vs. Data East) [PF]
* abadidea - You Can't Be Silius (Journey to Silius)
* bjkmenu - Side Pocket Socket (Side Pocket (NES))
* Demonstray - Daddy Drank Too Much So I Bombed His Face (Fantasy Zone)
* Dr. Manhattan - Fester Than Light
* Harjawalder - Blast the Master (Blaster Master)
* just64helpin - Neck and Neck (Dashin' Desperadoes))
* jvincion, XMark - Dog Controls Your Destiny (Shadowrun)
* M-H - Title Screen (Journey to Silius)
* Prince of Darkness - ULTRA Lemmings! (Lemmings (SNES))
* prozax - Bloody Dudes (Bad Dudes)
* Riders - Blast First, Ask Questions Later (Blaster Master)
* temp sound solutions - The Rain Never Ends (Werewolf: The Last Warriors)
* Torzelan - DARK LORD, i mean come on it doesn't get any better than that (Dark Lord)
* Vegeroth - Intro + Stage 1 (Captain American and the Avengers)
* Wizwars - Følg Etter Frosken! (Bløster Maste) (Blaster Master)
2009-08 (Free Month)
01. Scaredsim, Harjawaldar: Wave Race 64 - Slide on Sand!
02. Dr. Manhattan: Castlevania: Bloodlines - Crimson Twilight
03. Hoha: TMNT 3 - Ninja Goes Pow!
04. M-H: Baten Kaitos - I Survived the Force and All I Got Were These Lousy Cards
05. ansgaros: Dragon Saber - Ice Hole
06. Motol DM: Super Metroid - Coolin' Down the Red Soil Swamp
07. LuIzA: Chrono Trigger - ...And in Self-Loathing and Despair, She Found Wrath
08. BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - X
09. Danimal Cannon: Mega Man 9 - The Music Industry Is Horrible And So Is This Song (I'm So Smexy)
10. XenonOdyssey: Chrono Trigger - Windig
11. VikingGuitar: Chrono Trigger - Ease Up, Crono
12. Six-Stringed Flamberge: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Crosshairs
13. Brian Davis: Ecco the Dolphin 2: The Tides of Time (Genesis) - They Feasted on My Family
14. Demonstray: Final Fantasy X - Otherworld
15. Divine Wrath: Cave Story - Welcome to Hell
16. Flip362: Sonic the Hedgehog - Silly Sonic Takes a Break from Running for an Evening with the Orchestra... Cuz He Felt Like It! umm...Rawr?
16. SuprMelO: Cave Story, Audioslave - Shadow on the Moonsong
18. Auriplane, Juja: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Soma's Alchemy Playset (Blasphemy Not Included)
18. Kid Belmont, King Malboro: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy X, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Super Mario Brothers - Super Knight Bros in Limbo of the Lost
20. Dragonlee71: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sonic the Deathhog
21. NintenJoe 64: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Fight For Freedom
21. The Sloth King: Aerial Assault (Game Gear) - Insane Plane Battle
23. Rayth Xelos: The Goonies 2 - Mazes And Doors To Hell
23. TransINSANO, GOREman: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Castle Made of Rock!
25. LuketheXjesse: Gran Turismo 2 - Castle Over Moon
25. Rasgar: Disgaea 2 - More Thorns Than Most
25. Rusticakustic: Mega Man 2, 3 - Snake Bubble River
. Auriplane, Juja: Super Mario Brothers 3 - Super Marius Spelunkers
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy Tactics - Pick your D00D's(over compressed much?)
. BONKERS: Mega Man X - Deep Stars
. BONKERS: Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 5, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Sonic 2, Chrono Cross - Alternative Radio
. DZX: Final Fantasy X - Repent Thy Sins
. MichaelTheCrow: Golden Sun - Sol Sanctum Drained My Batteries
. bjkmenu: Rayman, Super Mario Brothers 2 - I Love DoD
. mshell, Happy Rectangle: The Neverhood - Skat Radio Fanfic Bye
2009-09 (Rareware)
01. Ergosonic: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Essence of the Woodlands
02. Nekofrog, Oinkness: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Monkeys Disarm Your Kremlings
03. LuIzA, Level 99: Star Fox Adventures - Fossil's Oasis
04. Hale-Bopp: Perfect Dark (N64) - Sludge Pit
05. Hat: Donkey Kong Country - Celtic Diddy
05. Krastins: Donkey Kong 64 - Mermaid's Lullaby
07. Harjawaldar: Banjo Kazooie - Longing to See You
08. Demonstray: Wizards & Warriors I, II, III , X - Fabio Hath Discovered Gooseface
09. Eponymized: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES) - Rash is a Punk
09. MichaelTheCrow: Banjo Kazooie - Bear And Bird Nightmare
09. Rasgar: Battletoads - Check Out These Shades
12. NintenJoe64: R.C. Pro-Am (NES) - Race In The A.M.
13. Rayth Xelos: Goldeneye - Bond of the Hood
. Anonymous DoD Contestant: Marble Madness - 3 AM Whiskey Madness
. DZX: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES) - Going Down
2009-09 (Redbook Audio Games) [PF]
* bjkmenu - Insert Koin (Mortal Kombat)
* LuketheXjesse - Race Against Time (Sonic CD)
* Omnideth - GAY PARIS LOLCHILDRENS SONG (Twisted Metal 2)
* Riders - 30th Century Combat
* Snappleman - Cannellini13
2009-10 (Gameboy)
01. Harjawaldar: Gargoyle's Quest - In the Bitter Watches of the Night
02. M-H: Solar Striker - I'd Solar Strike HER
03. The PokeMEN (Powellman, Omnideth, Nario): Pokemon Blue - The PokeMETALLY
04. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - The Victory
05. Daniel Alm: Metroid 2: Return of Samus - One Small Step For Aran
06. LuIzA: Mario Golf - Bunker Half-Pipe
07. Demonstray: Magi Nation - Geysers of Darkest Shadow
08. Ergosonic: Pokemon Gold - Welcome to the Pokesphere
08. Hat: Tetris - Droppin'
10. Rasgar: Pokemon Trading Card Game - Sleight of Hand
. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - Surf Your Heart Out
. BONKERS: Pokemon Gold - The Russian Polka Bicycle Song
. Concrete Mutant: Metroid 2: Return of Samus - Brings the NANG to Track 16 for mooniniteG
. Rustikakustic: Conker's Pocket Tales - I'll Never Drink Scotch With Conker No More
2009-11 (Ninja Gaiden part deux)
01. Ryan8bit: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Welcome to Hell
02. Akutula, Sascratch: Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 - Duet of Ninjas
03. BONKERS: Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 - Ouch Death Hurts
03. M-H: Ninja Gaiden 3 - What's a Bio-Noid?
03. jaxx: Ninja Gaiden 2 - I Am A Ninja
06. The Ninja GayedMEN (Nario, Powellman, Omnideth): Ninja Gaiden 1 - I'll Mask YOUR Devil!
07. LuketheXjesse: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Scaling the Mountain
08. Concrete Mutant: Ninja Gaiden 3 - Ominous Death
09. Rasgar: Ninja Gaiden 3 - The Falcon's Plight
. MichaelTheCrow: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Ryu And The Super Happy Riceball Dragon
2009-12 to 2010-01 (MAGFest 8 Free Month)
01. Hope Fails, Level99, Moonlapse: Ecco: The Tides of Time - Waves of Stone
02. virt: Mario Paint - Que Rico el Mono
03. Prince of Darkness: Toejam & Earl 2, SMB, Double Dragon - Toejam & Hurl 2: The Eyes of Satan
04. norg: Medley - The History of the World of Video Game Music - Part 1
05. BONKERS: Lufia 2 - The Battle (Christmas present to all Lufia Fans!)
06. Zoola, Ergosonic: Kirby's Adventure - You Can Call Me Roy G. Biv
07. SnappleMan: Axelay - A Pie for Paragon
07. TheoConfidor, Edwin Rhodes, Carl Stanley: Mega Man Advent ZX - This Volcano Is Just The Right Temperature
09. Danimal Cannon: Marble Madness - The Prog Race: Everything You Hear is Wanking
10. J2: Chrono Trigger - Drinking Eight Sodas Makes Me Sick
11. Daniel Tidwell: Final Fantasy 7 - The Planet's Dyin'
11. prozax: Kid Icarus, Metroid - Kid Samus
13. Harjawaldar: Alex Kidd in Miracle World , Super Mario Bros. - Oceanic Joyride
14. Rellik: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Midnight Rush
15. Hat, Glove: Final Fantasy Tactics - Child
15. Vegeroth: Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball - I'm Hitting Balls
15. VikingGuitar: Ghosts 'n' Goblins - Surfside Graveyard
18. Cyril the Wolf: Mega Man X, X2 - All Together Now
18. M-H, Morkalg: Final Fantasy 6 - Terra
20. Mike Retondo: Fantasy Zone - Do the Opa-Opa!
21. jaxx: Final Fantasy 6 - OMG Not Another Terra Arrangement! 
22. DrumUltimA: Chrono Cross - Audacity Butterflies
23. Demonstray: Legend of Dragoon - In Lavitz's Name We Strike
23. Matt Thompson: Mega Man X - Flame Mammoth's Stage
23. tibone: Sonic The Hedgehog - Adieu, Mes Amis
26. zyk0: Zelda: Wind Waker - Tingle Goes Christmas Shopping
27. Rasgar, Six-Stringed Flamberge: Shinobi - Scarlet Carnage
27. auriplane: Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk - Yolkfolk Rock
30. Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth's Deliverance
30. Tupperware Party: Final Fantasy 4 - Land of Summons
32. cacomistle: Mario Paint - Mario McCallister
33. Concrete Mutant: Altered Beast - Graveriser
33. Kioshi: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 - Dreams and Honor
35. Classic-Wolf: Mega Man 2, Mega Man 9, Castlevania - A Flashing Tornado Hits Houselvania (Because of Dr. Wily!)
35. minorfffanatic1 and his brother: Terranigma - Resurrection of the World
37. Eponymized: Super Mario Bros. - Mary O. & Louie G.
37. TransINSANO, GOREman: Goldeneye - La Fayette
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 4 - Wat?
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy 5 - Galuf's Valiant Heart
. BONKERS: Final Fantasy X - The Altered Song
. BONKERS: Mega Man 9 - Hybrid
. BONKERS: Star Ocean 2 - Stab the Organ Fade of Justice
. BONKERS: Tales of Destiny - Like a Harmony
. Demonstray: Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Paving The Way To Doomsday
. MC Nachbar: Guitar Hero: World Tour - Rock Band
. Nario: Mega Man 3 - Snake Leaves The DoD Listening Party
. Rayth Xelos: Power Rangers - Rayth vs. Power Rangers
. VikingGuitar, Michael Treanor: Mega Man 4 - Dust Man (You Ain't Gettin' No More)
Музыка из игр (Score / Soundtrack) в жанре Instrumental Metal, Rock
Alpha Squad, metal
Armageddon Riders (трэки 14-16)
The Arrival of Dark Sam, metal
Battlezone [PSP]
Binding of Isaac (трэк 5  )
Blazblue Calamity Trigger , metal
BloodRayne 2 (трэки Wave Fight 4 и Wave Fight 6)
Bloodrayne: Betrayal (трэки 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16)
Carmageddon, metal, industrial
Castlevania / Akumajo Dracula: Harmony of Despair - Original Soundtrack
Contra - Shattered Soldier [PS2] (трэки 1, 3, 6, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29) , metal
Contra Hard Corps - Uprising [PS3], metal
Crashday (трэки 6-8) , metal
Crimsonland, metal
Death Track: Resurrection
Destruction Derby 2, metal
Double Dragon Neon
Dune Soundtrack Collection
End of Nations
Ex Machina
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, metal
Guilty Gear , metal
GunGirl 2, metal
INSANE 2, metal, rock, punk
Jets'n'Guns, SID metal
Killing Floor
Lollipop Chainsaw , metal
Lords of Thunder, shred metal
MTX Mototrax, metal
OSR: Unhinged, metal
Painkiller, metal
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (трэки 1-11, 29-32) , metal
The Punisher
Rage, The, metal
Rally Championship Extreme , rock
Red Asphalt, industrial metal
Quake 2 + Ground Zero + The Reckoning , industrial metal
Splatterhouse Vol. 1 - Metal, metal
Tough Trucks , rock
Twisted Metal 2 World Tour, metal, rock
Twisted Metal 2012 (трэки 1-4, 6-9, 12-13, 15, 17) , metal
Universe At War: Earth Assault
World Racing 2 (трэки DM1_AM, DM2_EK, DM4_R, DM5_S) , rock
Дальнобойщики 2, metal
VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр - - ЕДИНСТВЕННАЯ АКТИВНАЯ группа ВКонтакте, посвящённая каверам на музыку из игр Video Game Music Covers Wiki - - Вики-сайт о каверах на музыку из игр (поиск по жанрам, странам, играм и так далее )
  Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 668
Spybionic ·
02-Июн-11 10:47
(спустя 16 дней)
Продолжение треклиста
2010-01 (Sequels) [PF]
01 - Ardyman: - Illusionary World
02 - bjkmenu: - Epilogue Cover
03 - bucedric: - Forgotten Time
04 - Demonstray: - I've Got 5 Time Crystals Right Here
05 - jvincion: - Contemplate Snowman Evolution
06 - LuketheXJesse: - Enter the Dragon
07 - M-H: Sequels Month (Mega Man X2) - This is Mega Man X2, Fuckers
08 - Paragon: Sangokushi 2 (NES) uses the N106 chip - Discouragement Incarnate aka Why I Don't Bother Trying To Record Anymore
09 - Prince of Darkness: - Lewenda's Lovemuffin (Happy B-day Travis Moberg)
10 - Snappleman: - Pussygon
11 - XMark: - Quad Machine
12 - zyk0: - Sibling Rivalry (Mario and Luigi Run Out of Time During Their Punchfest)
2010-01 Joke Songs [Special]
01 - cacomistle: Dr. Mario - Proctologist Mario
01 - mithius, Tiffany: Super Pang (SNES) - The Joke's on Pang
03 - Hydrasphere: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lonely Link (extreme vulgarity)
04 - dasaten: Metroid - The Ultimate Showdown of 8Bit History
05 - 00elf, Andrew Ferrante: Gauntlet Dark Legacy - Punbelievable
05 - cetera: Esper Dream 2, Chrono Trigger, Metroid, etc. - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Boners
05 - Krastins, Eponymized: Pokemon - Puff-182
08 - MichaelTheCrow: Metroid, Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Gold - Samus Aran attends POKEfest
09 - Demonstray: Savage - The Battle Cry That Shattered Bats
09 - Krowe: Sonic and Knuckles - The Ballad of Robotnik
11-DrumUltimA, Protricity, Monobrow, Ashamee, Nekofrog, ella_guroo, AeroZ, audiofidelity, Nameless Kitten, TheDoobieThing, SuperNothing, Tori Amos-Mega Man 6-Breaking Windman-DoD
12 - XVWAWA, Esewedn: Jurassic Park 2 (SNES) - Jurassic Express - Dark Chase
99 - Hydrasphere: Monkey Island - Mini Munchies
2010-02 (Sports Games)
01 - Scaredsim, BrouHounF: Diddy Kong Racing - A Future Without Bananas
02 - M-H, norg: Tecmo Bowl (NES), Tecmo Worl - NOT IN THIS LIFETIME, PARTNER
03 - mithius, Tiffany, Dan: F-Zero - The Storm of Oceans
04 - adamzap: R.C. Pro-Am - As I Lay Confined in an R.C. Car
05 - Hat: Barry McGuigan World Champio - Thinking Outside of the Ring
05 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: Super Baseball Simulator 1.0 - In Appreciation of Your Service
07 - zyk0: Ice Hockey - Ovie gets it on in between periods, too
99 - Prince of Darkness: Madden NFL Series (SNES) - SnappleMann is an Asshole (part 1)
2010-03 (Free Month)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Comix Zone (Genesis) - Paper Covers Gun
01 - M-H: Golden Sun 2. The Lost Age - Power Bread
03 - VikingGuitar: Blaster Master - My Sweet SOPHIA
04 - Harjawaldar: Heroes of Might and Magic 2 - Tercios
05 - CarboHydroM: Double Dragon 2 - Call Out The Dragon
06 - Game Over: Mega Man - Light's Out
06 - The Dual Dragons: Phantasy Star 2 - Second Star Evolution
08 - TheoConfidor: Unreal Tournament 2003 - Bombs Away
08-King Marlboro, Kid Belmont-Batman the Caped Crusader (C64)-Looks Like We Made It Back To the Batcave In One-Piece Bathing Suits, Robin!-DoD
10 - Hale-Bopp: Super Mario 64 - Bowser's Domain
10 - NintenJoe64: Dynamite Headdy (Sega Genesi - Mach Speed
10-Rhyok-Super Mario RPG, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Tetris, Cave Story, Chrono Trigger-Beware the Outer Wall Windmill's Z Blocks (circa 600 A.D.)-DoD
13 - Hat: Bust-a-Move - Bust-a-Bobble
14 - AMT: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Can't Stop the Hot Head Bop
16 - Eponymized: The Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Enter The Temple
16 - Matt Thompson: Castlevania, Contra Force - Wicked Force
16 - Motol DM: Dragon Warrior - A Knight's Disdain
19 - DJ gwiz: Final Fantasy 7 - Jenova's Witness
19 - Jason Gallant: Metal Gear 2 - Theme of Solid Snake
21 - [Static Void]: Solstice - Demnostortion
22 - serge chrono: Chrono Trigger - 1000 A.D.
22 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World 2. Yoshi's Island - Guitar Hero. Mario
99 - auriplane, Juja: Final Fantasy 6 - In Baram's Shadow
99 - serge chrono: The Legend of Zelda - Zelda Rap
99 - The Bards of Vander: Zelda 2. The Adventure of Link - Temple Rock Out
2010-03 (SNK) [PF]
01 - bjkmenu: - Terry
02 - Cyril: - seenthroughf
03 - housethegrate: - Icewater Veins
04 - Philistine on the Sidewalk (jvincion): 2010-03-14 - Offensive Superiority
05 - Prince of Darkness: - Turf-Square Masters (Happy Birthday Chris Feener)
06 - Snappleman: - Sandy Foreskin STORMPUNCH
07 - XMark: Incomplete so far .( - Samurai Punchdown
2010-04 (Jaleco Games)
1 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: Brawl Brothers (SNES) - The Swirling Vortex
2 - auriplane: R-Type III (SNES) - Galaxy Is Spelled With An R
99 - auriplane: Rod Land (Arcade) - Rod Land!!!
2010-05 (Ninja)
01 - M-H: Ninja kun - Ashura no Shou - Electric Ninjas Shoot Lightning
02 - BrouHounF, Scaredsim: Shadow of the Ninja (NES) - Flying Shuriken
03 - Hat: The Last Ninja (C64) - Last... and Long Forgotten
04 - mithius: Shinobi 3 - Wrath of the Last Ninja
05 - EpicNES: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Gaiden (Ninja Gaiden Medley)
05 - Matt Thompson: Shinobi 3 - Whirlwind
07 - Daniel Alm: Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Like It Hard And Fast
07 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Shinobi 3 - Hydra Beam
07 - tibone: TMNT4 . Turtles in Time - My Big Green Toe
2010-05 (Non-Sonic Sega Games) [PF]
01 - auriplane: - Phantasy Star II - Restoration of Jazz
02 - bjkmenu: - Gunstar Heroes
03 - Cyril: - Rocket Knight Adventures - Sparkster is Cool
04 - Demonstray: - Rent-a-Hero - Pizza Is Slang For Super-Suit
05 - Jakesnke17: - SFII. Championship Edition - Psycho Crusher!
06 - LuketheXjesse: - Shinobi 3 - Shinobi Surf
07 - M-H: Shinobi 3 - Shinobi 3 - Solitary
08 - Philistine on the Sidewalk: 2010-05-02 - Castlevania. Bloodlines - Beyond Human Comprehension
09 - Snappleman: - After Burner II - FFFFFFFFFFFFFF
10 - The Dark Prince of Bel-Air (Prince of Darkness): - Altered Beast - Altered Gangsta
11 - tibone: Comment - Stand Up Against Myself
2010-06 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: Final Fantasy 6, 7 - Prancing Dad
02 - Harjawaldar: Yoshi's Island (SNES) - Summer Romance
03 - SnappleMan: Etrian Odyssey 2 - Best of All The Animals.
04 - MichaelTheCrow: Mystical Ninja Starring Goem - Goemon Of The Sea
05 - Danimal Cannon: Castlevania 3 - Try following these rhythyms ON A DANCE PAD
05 - Hat, Glove: Plants vs. Zombies (PC) - Lawn of the Dead
05 - The Dual Dragons: Mortal Kombat 1, 2, and Deadly Alliance - Mortal Konfrontation
08 - TheoConfidor, Kazamaru: Castlevania. Dawn of Sorrow - Crimson Flow
09 - ansgaros: Lords of Thunder - Fire and Stuff
09 - Girlz Melon: Final Fantasies 1 through 7 - Level Up
11 - auriplane: Mega Man 2 - Heat Man's Lament
12 - BONKERS: Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger - Beaches
12 - ergosonic: Starfox (SNES) - Falco, Where Ya Goin'_
14 - Flip362: Mega Man 2 - Freeze! I Too Have A Blue Suit. Ready_ Go!
15 - Luke: Jaki Crush (SNES) - Made in Japan
16 - Motol DM: Super Mario 64 - Dire Dire Straits
17 - cheeky tots: Mega Man Soccer - Title
17 - Paragon: Clannad (PC) - Limit Break. Starfish Heat
19 - Rustikacoustic: Mega Man 3 - The Ballad of Protoman, from His (Dry) Lips to the Dark City
99 - BONKERS: Chrono Cross - Fate
99 - BONKERS: Final Fantasy Adventure (GB) - I Hope You Have a Grand Adventure
99 - BONKERS: Mega Man X4 - What Meaning Was There in Her Death_
99 - BONKERS: Tales of. Symphonia, Destiny 2, Destiny, Eternia and Phantasia - Sakuraba
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Breath of Fire (SNES) - Lively Club
99 - Prince of Darkness: Sonic & Knuckles - Dead Batteries (In Loving Mockery of SnappleMan)
2010-07 (Breath of Fire)
01 - M-H: Breath of Fire 3 - Myria - Lame Final Boss Name
02 - Jason Vincion: Breath of Fire 3 - Spreading Wing in the Forest
03 - Demonstray, Gematriel: Breath of Fire 1, 2 - Dragon Funeral
99 - Anonymous DoD Contestant: Breath of Fire 1 - Where no Ryu has Gone Before...with Green Women
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Breath of Fire - Sweet House
2010-07 (Japanese RPGs) [PF]
01 - ansgaros: - Fortress of PUNCH
02 - auriplane: - Opening 8-Bit
03 - Demonstray (Ron Jeremy): - Sword Exploder
04 - housethegrate: - Deep Within Your Misty Forest
05 - Jakesnke17: - Giyga's Theme
06 - LuketheXjesse: - Bound by Blood
07 - Paragon: Secret of Mana - Arabian Fights (Spinning Side Kick)
08 - Prince of Darkness: - Cream Rocket's Blasting Off Again!
09 - SnappleMan: - AUH
2010-07 (Snails) [PF]
01 - ansgaros: - Zanarkander
02 - auriplane: - Planky the Planker
03 - captainfinbeard: - The PokeMales, Award-Winning Men's Barbershop Quartet, Narate Snappleman's Fantastic Journey Into The Wonderful World of Pokemon In Glorious 4-Part A Capella Harmony For Greatest Justice
04 - Demonstray: - Snails Do Not Come Here
05 - Jason Vincion: Jason's entry for Punchfest 11, which features games with snails in them as its theme. - Robby, the Submarine Captain
06 - Juja: - Juja's Internet Totally Blows Or He's a Dirty, Dirty Cheater
07 - kefka: - Candy Land
08 - M-H: - I've Never Played StarTropics
09 - Paragon: Little Nemo. the Dream Master - Douglas Quaid. Dream Master
10 - Prince of Darkness: - Phantom Snake
11 - Snappleman: - Space Snail Garlicfuck
2010-08 (Co-Op Games) [PF]
01 - Demonstray: - Sound of the Wind, if it were metal
02 - Dennis: - Ice To See You
03 - LuketheXjesse: - I went to America and all I got was a Sacred Stone
04 - Prince of Darkness: - So Funky It's Illegal Alien
05 - Snappleman: - THE CMON GAME (this was LITERALLY done in 7 minutes so I win this PUNCHFEST)
06 - streifig: - Song for bucky
2010-08 (Past vs Future)
01 - Daniel Alm: Journey to Silius (NES) - Mechanical Melancholia (Future)
01 - M-H: Advanced Busterhawk Gley Lan - In Space, No One Can Hear You !Roopo! (Future)
03 - BONKERS: Mega Man 8 - Don't forget to select a damn stage (Future)
04 - mithius: Zelda. A Link to the Past - Falling Clouds in the Golden Land (Past)
05 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Armored Core Last Raven, Armored Core 4, Armored Core Silent Line - Moonlit Karasawa (Future)
06 - Charade: Metroid - Metroid Title. Acoustic (Future)
06 - Cyril The Wolf: Mega Man Zero 2 - Never Stop (Future)
06 - The Sloth King: The Sloth King - Chicago on Ice (Future)
09 - Rayth Xelos: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Hyrule Paradise (Past)
99 - Charade: Power Rangers. The Fighting - Power Rangers. Acoustic (Future)
99 - Rayth Xelos: Chrono Trigger - Wind Scene (Past)
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Mega Man 8 - Frost of Jotumheim (Future)
2010-09 (Capcom Arcade Games) [PF]
01 - auriplane: - Punching a Waterfall
02 - bill cakes: - Take You For a Ride
03 - Jason Vincion: Jason's entry for Punchfest 13 on September 30th, 2010, which features Capcom arcade games as its theme. The song is a cover of the select screen theme from Knights of the Round. - Select Your Pizza
04 - LukethejesseX: - Desert Brawl
05 - Pongball: Vega's Theme in the style of the Castlevania series (sort of) - CastleVega (Unfinished)
06 - Snappleman: - PUNCHbots
07 - The Jizzbonk Diddlies (Prince of Darkness, Danimal Cannon, Ranger-X, Travis Moberg): - T-Squaredron
2010-09 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: MGS2. Substance - I Need Scissors! 61!
02 - Scaredsim, Harjawaldar: Zelda. Minish Cap - Finish the Minish!
03 - Hat: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Credit Where Credit's Due
04 - CarboHydroM: Space Megaforce - Starshine On The Rocks
05 - FamicomBit: Kick Master - Kick Master
05 - Rubbler: Shatterhand - Mental Command
07 - bill cakes: Gex - Gecko Swerve
08 - BONKERS: Bulk Slash (Saturn) - Escape the 80s
09 - Haempling, R@Z: Final Fantasy 7 - Beneath the Metal Pizza
09 - Hope Fails: Animal Crossing - Stale Cupcakes
11 - Skummel Maske: Final Fantasy 9 - Battle On The Hill of Despair (Part I)
12 - Brandon Strader: Animal Crossing - Doggy Style
13 - Dragon Tank Owners Manual: Final Fantasy 6 - Celes Among the Dead
13 - Paragon: Mega Man X8 - Harry X. Truman, Presidential Robot Warrior
13 - Tackle, Ninjan 7: Mega Man 3 - Prototype 7
16 - Charade: Fire Shark - Fire Shark Acoustic
16 - Rayth Xelos: Maximum Carnage - Taking Shit to a Higher State
18 - Six-Stringed Flamberge, Rasgar: Fighter Maker - Forge Your Own Path
99 - auriplane: Leading Company (SFC) - The Door to September (WIP)
99 - Rayth Xelos: Maximum Carnage - Taking Shit to a Higher State (Instrumental)
2010-10 (Forest)
01 - M-H: U.N. Squadron (SNES) - Mega Crush Unicorn
02 - Brandon Strader: Lord of the Rings (SNES) - One Ring
02 - Ergosonic: Chrono Trigger - Continua
04 - Scaredsim: Mega Man 6 - Through the Leaves
05 - MusicallyInspired: Conquests of the Longbow (PC) - Memories of Sherwood
06 - Daniel Alm: Mega Man 2 - Chainsaw Beats Wood, Man!
07 - Ryan8Bit: Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Silhouette Stares Back at Me
08 - Artifical Fear: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods
08 - Dreamless: Secret of Mana - Crystal Chorus
08 - MichaelTheCrow: Etrian Odyssey (DS) - Entering The Labyrinth
11 - Koelsch1: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Halloween Kokiri Discoteca Koko Loco
12 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 6 - Phantom of the Forest
13 - adamzap: Super Mario World - Forest of Illusion of Doom
13 - Breathless By Fire: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - Lost Minuet
13 - tibone: Castlevania 3 - Mad Forest
2010-11 (Virt)
01 - M-H: Kwakfest - Dracula Man Again! Demons The Fighting
02 - Snappleman, prozax: ScurgeHive (GBA) - POWEREX
03 - Rize: ScurgeHive (GBA) - The Desert Scourge
04 - norg: Child's Play Charity CD - Greetscroller
04 - Prince of Darkness: Shantae. Risky's Revenge - Groovy Taco Bell Bacon Club Chalupa Town
06 - bill cakes: Q-Bert - Q Dina is Underneath A Bol
07 - Daniel Alm: Shantae - We're Taking Over This Town
08 - Koelsch1: Shantae - Taco Flash
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Shantae - Dancing Through The Labyrinth
2010-12 (MAGFest 9 Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: - Hot For Rock Shuffles
02 - Shnabubula: - Trigger Please
03 - SnappleMan: - salaMANNder (part 1)
04 - Hope Fails, Level99, DragonAvenger - Sign of Fortune
05 - Brian Davis - Where the Hell is Brendan Fraser_
06 - housethegrate: - Heroes Fall
07 - CarboHydroM: Super Mario Galaxy 2 _ Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Nemesis
08 - Rize, bjkmenu: - Ace Harding and the Case of the Unknown
09 - norg: - Inhabitants of the Dwelling
10 - M-H: Lufia 2 - Toaster Sinistroodles
11 - Cursed Lemon: - Airdock
11 - Danimal Cannon, Mike Willard: - Throwing Axes Is Pretty Much Unbeatable
13 - MusicallyInspired: - Night Terrors
14 - Cyril the Wolf: - Seventh Climb
15 - High Score project: - Monster in My Pocket
16 - vikingguitar: - Setting Sun
17 - TheoConfidor: - All Good things End With a Kiss
18 - Ryan8bit: - Paperboner
19 - Juja: - I, Vampire Killer
19 - tie-ella guro-SMB 1, 2, 3; FF 1, 5, 6; TLoZ, Contra, Mass Effect 2, Super Meat Boy, Return All Robots!-I Can Do Bad By Myself-DoD
21 - Brandon Strader: - For Great Justice
21 - DragnBreth: - Together We Run
21 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Lycanthrope Lyceum
24 - ryanisfootdrums: - Cuckoo for Dinner
24 - Shoekettle: Katamari Damacy - In Which There Are Guitars
26 - DrumUltimA: Final Fantasy Legend 2 - Eat that Meat
27 - Matt Thompson: - The Legendary Belmont - Simon's Theme
27 - ThomasNorway: - Mann Overboard (part 2)
29 - Artificial Fear: - Ganondorf's Mini-Medley
29 - Koelsch1, zyk0: - Magic Princess
31 - Hat, Viovis: - evtheriwhegt
32 - tibone: - Alis no Densetsu
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Austere Tempest
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: - Elephant Babble
99 - Six-Stringed Flamberge: Ver 2.1 - Re EQ'd Kick Drum - Temple in the Mist
99 - Temp Sound Solutions: - SMW2 Cave
2011 Tornado of Solos (Dwelling of Doom) [Special]
1 - Ryan8bit: Castlevania 2 - Rise of the Gray Knight
2 - CarboHydroM, Wild_Cat: Castlevania 2 - Impossible Staircase
3 - Dennis: Castlevania 2 - Unleash the Fury in the Dwelling of Doom
2011-01 (Turbo Grafx 16) [PF]
01 - auriplank: - The Sacred Shrine of Punching
02 - bjkmenu: - galaga88
03 - housethegrate: - Caddy Life
04 - M-H: TurboGraphx-16 - Fuck Song Titles
05 - Obtuse: - 8bit Lovin
06 - Paragon: Tokimeki Memorial - Shizuka Shizuka Time
07 - Prince of Darkness: - Tower of the Shadow of the Winnebago of the Pastrami Sandwich of Death
08 - Rize: - Aggressive Deception
09 - SnappleMan: - Dragon Spurt
10 - tibone: From . Soldier Blade _ Operation 3 - A City of Death
2011-02 (Level 3)
01 - M-H: Mission. Impossible - Mission Half-Assed Entry. Possible
02 - Scaredsim, Wild_Cat: Mega Turrican, Golden Axe - Turrimann
03 - Ryan8Bit: Castlevania. Symphony of the N - At My Inhuman Mercy
04 - BONKERS: Gaiares (Genesis) - Shoot Shoot Shoot!1!1
05 - Rubbler: Heavy Barrel - Today You Die
06 - Rize: Etrian Odyssey 3 - The Burning Path
07 - adamzap: Batman (NES) - I'm Batman
08 - bjkmenu, Eric Dude: Parappa the Rapper 1, 2 - Masaya Matsuura Tribute Part 1
09 - tibone: Gaiares (Genesis) - Cloning Weapons is Fun
10 - dasaten: Mega Man 10 - Take the W Train (To Station 3)
2011-03 (Portables)
01 - jaxx: Castlevania. Aria of Sorrow, C - Reposed Bullet Souls
02 - Scaredsim, Philgood, Wild_Cat: Phoenix Wright. Trials and Tri - Waiting for Godot
03 - M-H: Advance Wars. Dual Strike - Secret of the Oozium
04 - rize: F-Zero Maximum Velocity - Flying in a Purple Car
05 - Ryan8Bit: Dragon Quest 9 - Overdeveloped Sense of Vengeance
06 - tibone: G.G. Shinobi - Old Cat in a New Town
07 - Technodrome: Super Mario Land - Muda Kingdom Groove
08 - DragnBreth: Zelda. Link's Awakening - The Windfish
08 - Ludwig Von Koopa: Metroid. Zero Mission - Kraid
2011-04 (Japan)
01 - Cursed Lemon: Blaster Master - Boy With the Indomitable Spirit
02 - CarboHydroM: Thunder Force 5, 6 - Far Beyond Heavens
03 - Hoha: Shatterhand - To Japan, With Love
04 - Harjawaldar: Chrono Trigger - By the Old Mill
05 - M-H: Tales of Symphonia - Eternal Sword of Norse Fauxology
06 - Daniel Alm: Goonies 2 - The Goonies II -R Good Enough (Part II)
07 - Ryan8bit: Daikaijuu Deburas (NES) - Behold the Beast
08 - Aleph: Ys - Darm's Funky Death Jam
09 - tibone: Bare Knuckle - Special Kickass Unit
10 - Greg: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Save Yourself or Die
11 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 7 - Cid's Ballad
12 - Kidd Cabbage: Castlevania 3 - Mermen In My Basement
99 - DragnBreth: Final Fantasy 9 - Always Assume an Ambush
2011-05 (Sony)
01 - Scaredsim: Okami - Follow the Wolf
02 - thesamareaye: Mega Man X4 - Railway Chase
03 - Kefka: Chrono Cross - A Tiny Dragon
04 - Brandon Strader, Rexy: Crash Bandicoot - Hogging Molly
05 - Pumpkin King: Okami - Kaguya's Journey
06 - Daniel Alm: Resident Evil - The Gruesome Death of Kenneth
07 - tibone: Silent Hill 2 - Overdosis Fatalis
08 - Skummel Maske: Silent Hill 2 - Empty Promises
09 - Greg: Dark Cloud 2 - No Need to Hurry
10 - Lost in Magicant: Final Fantasy 7 - Cosmo Canyon Revisited
11 - Paragon: Final Fantasy Tactics - Job Level 1 Bard
12 - jvincion: Final Fantasy X - Wanderlust in a Burning Soul
2011-06 (One vs Many)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3D Blast - Rusty Fingers (One)
02 - Scaredsim: VVVVVV - Captain Viridian (One)
03 - Harjawaldar: Secret of Mana - Measuring Uncharted Territory (Many)
04 - Adam The Careless Horse: Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link (One)
05 - Pumpkin King: Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience (One)
06 - bjkmenu: Pebble Beach Golf Links (3DO) - Pebble Beats (Many)
07 - Brandon Strader: Heavy Rain - From Mars (One)
08 - Technodrone: Marvel Super Heroes vs Street - Adamantium Core (Many)
09 - BlitzChris: Pokemon Red - Poly! Stop Dancing! I'm Trying To Be Dramatic (One)
10 - tibone, Paragon: ESWAT (Genesis) - Like a Boss (One)
99 - Darangen: Killer Instinct - Finding Who We Are (Many)
99 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic 3D Blast - Rusty Fingers Otamatone Version (One)
2011-07 (Free Month)
01 - Prince of Darkness: Ys 1, 2 - Ysta La Vista, Baby
02 - Snappleman: Etrian Odyssey 3 - Cthulhu's Asshole
03 - CarboHydroM, Scaredsim: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 - Sounds Of Liberty
04 - Brandon Strader: Skyrim - Dovahkiin
05 - Dr. Manhattan: Final Fantasy 2 - The Last March
06 - Tonindo: Final Fantasy 9 - Opportunity to Hunt
07 - Hat: Castlevania. Symphony of the Night - The Woodshedding Partita
08 - thesamareaye: Star Fox Adventures - Ancient Spirits
09 - Neo Link, Pumpkin King: Golden Sun - Saturos, Warrior of Mars
10 - Greg: Romancing Saga - Spark of Hope
11 - Skummel Maske: Silent Hill - For Those With No Tomorrow
12 - tibone: Golden Axe - Exit the Warrior
13 - dasaten: Ys 3 - Ysy Listening
99 - DragnBreth: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda. Link's Awakening - Of Overworlds and Dreamworlds
99 - Greg: Super Mario Land 2 - Mario Never Goes out of Style
2011-08 (Recover)
01 - Prince Of Darkness: Super Metroid - Grant Henry's Flesh Crystal (original - virt)
02 - BrainCells: Gradius 3 - Power Up! Powered Up!! (original - prozax)
03 - CarboHydroM: Mega Man 2 - Heart Cannon (original - norg)
04 - Hat: Super Mario 64 - Sonic Depths (original - Ashane, norg)
05 - Scaredsim: Donkey Kong Country 2 - The Singer Rests Tonight (original - Darangen)
06 - M-H: Rudra no Hihou - Blinded by Tiny Anime Girls (original - Paragon)
07 - Rexy: Super Mario 64 - Penguin Blanc (original - CarboHydroM)
08 - Ryan8bit: Dragon Spirit - Arisha (original - XMark)
09 - DARK WARRIORS: Plok! - Hot Sex on Follin's Beach (original - The Analog Kid)
10 - LuketheXjesse: Ys 5. Kefin, The Lost City of - Still Moving (original - Jaxx)
11 - Juja: Starfox - Demonstrae Corneriae (original - Demonstray)
12 - bjkmenu: Sonic 2 - tibone music frickin (original - tibone)
13 - Omigadrive: Mega Man 3 - Victory or Death (A Robot Named Thighbone) (original - tibone)
14 - tibone: Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Warrio - Don't Let the Dream Go Down on your Dragon's Ass, Wizard (originals - Ailsean)
15 - Paragon, BONKERS: Final Fantasy 6 - Shinkoushuukyou (original - BornInCrimson)
99 - Demonstray: Zelda. Wind Waker - Rime of the Wandering Seafarer (original - zyk0)
99 - Dr. Manhattan: Sonic and Knuckles - FUCK YOU PRINCE OF DARKNESS (aka 'Yakety Battery') (original - Prince Of Darkness)
99 - Greg: Castlevania 2. Belmont's Rev - tibone's determination (original - tibone)
99 - Greg: Gargoyle's Quest - Harja Warcry (original - Harjawaldar)
99 - Prince Of Darkness: Ys 3 - FUCK YOU DR. MANHATTAN (aka 'The Freak Winged Boy From Ipanema') (original - Dr. Manhattan)
99 - Rexy: Heavy Rain - From Noir (original - Brandon Strader)
2011-09 (Phantasy Star)
01 - Brandon Strader: Phantasy Star Universe - Hogosha
02 - Hale-Bopp: Phantasy Star 4 - Fight
03 - Evil(I)(I): Phantasy Star 2, 4 - Lord of Esper Mansion
04 - LuketheX: Phantasy Star 1 - Dark Who_
05 - Demonstray: Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 - Image Isn't Everything (WiP)
06 - DragnBreth: Phantasy Star 1 - Phinal Dungeon
07 - Daniel Alm: Phantasy Star 1 - Endless Desert
08 - Thunderspell: Phantasy Star 4 - Millendium
09 - tibone: Phantasy Star 1 - Cat Lake
99 - MichaelTheCrow: Phantasy Star 1 - Through the Golden Corridor
2011-10 (Free Month)
01 - Dr. Manhattan: Sunset Riders - The Blondie, the Mexican and the Indian
02 - Brandon Strader: Halo 3 - In Memoriam
03 - Harjawaldar, Paul Bellmann: Shadowgate - Ghoulish Ritual
04 - jaxx: Out of This World (Another Wor - Twenty Year Journey
05 - auriplane: Mega Man 5 - Gravity Beans
06 - Culden: Chrono Trigger - Battle With Janus' Persona
07 - Kadmium ft. Ellah Rose: Quest For Glory 4. Shadows of - Salt
08 - sebdoom: Thunder Force 4 - Shine Against Myself
09 - Hat: Chrono Trigger - The Wind That Shakes Da Marley
10 - MichaelTheCrow: Grandia - Fight Onwards
11 - Kidd Cabbage: Jet Force Gemini - Martian Chocolate
12 - cyaoeu: Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger
13 - dasaten, Clint, jomarluke: Final Fantasy X - Tides of Battle
14 - DragnBreth: Zelda. A Link to the Past - End of the Road
15 - tibone: Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Blood of My Blood
2011-11 (Puzzle)
01 - Scaredsim: Candy Crisis (PC) - Color Explosion
02 - auriplane: Dr. Mario - Super Chill World
03 - Rexy: Portal - Still Alive After Black Friday
04 - Brandon Strader: Portal 2 - Goodbye
05 - Technodrone: Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - Cherry Puzzle Dreamer
99 - Careless Juja: Professor Layton Series - 'I'm afraid you solved that puzzle a little too quickly to qualify for DoD, Luke.'
99 - Hat: Brix - Time Management
2011-12 (MAGfest 10 Nintendo vs. Sega)
01 - Prince of Darkness, Shnabubula, housethegrate, Travis Moberg: Kirby's Dreamland 3 - Dirty Kirby
02 - virt, SnappleMan: Zelda. Wind Waker - Full Mast
03 - coda: Ristar - Ring Rink Ring Job
04 - zyk0: Zelda. Ocarina of Time - en el valle de la muerte
05 - BONKERS: Thunder Force IV, Phantasy Sta - Not Another Full Metal Squad!-(N-A-FM-S)
06 - Hope Fails, Scaredsim: Ys 4 - Hero of Celceta
07 - Danimal Cannon: Mega Man 3 - Mega Manhood 3 - The Blasting of Hard Man
08 - CarboHydroM: Thunder Force 3 - Return To The Void
09 - Ashane: Fighting Golf (NES) - Bogus Bogey
10 - auriplane: Mega Man 10 - The Power of the Sun
11 - norg: Rygar - The Mann Behind The Shield
12 - Sebdoom: Streets of Rage - Rays of Haze
13 - Careless Juja: Castlevania 2, Sword Master - What a Horrible Night to Play Sword Master!
14 - clansmaneddie: Final Fantasy 6 - Soaring into Ruin
15 - Brandon Strader: Ultraverse Prime (Sega CD) - Killer Studio Chops
16 - pingosimon: Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
17 - captainfinbeard: Quest 64 - Holy Magic Century, Batmann!
18 - Tuberz McGee: Super Metroid - Rite of the Chozo
19 - Demonstray: Sonic & Knuckles - Lava Queef Zone
20 - Garpocalypse: Streets of Rage - Welcome to the Streets of Blast Processing (SNITSC B-side Remix)
21 - tibone: Sonic the Hedgehog - Blurring Blue
22 - Paragon: Mega Man 2 - This Love is Involuntary
99 - Nathan Vieira: Mario Party 2 - Horror Land
99 - Omigadrive, Rajdeep: Chrono Trigger - Feel the Wrath of my Anthropomorphic Nutsack
99 - Shnabubula: Ducktales - Shredded Duck
2012 - DoD 12-02: Kunio Month - 00:14:36
01. They All Became Honor Students (02:34)
02. Seppuku (03:30)
03. Me and My Doppleganger (03:10)
04. Super Munz Ball (All Stars Theme / USSR Theme) (03:14)
05. Theme of Roxy (02:08)
2012 - DOD 12-03: Jingle Month - 00:17:32
01. Zapper in the Duck Hunt (02:24)
02. DoDied (02:39)
03. Infiltrating the Fortress (03:28)
04. Pitch a Tent (Good Night) (02:11)
05. A Manly Decision (02:17)
06. Parasitic Party On SR388 (03:54)
07. Variations on Victory (00:39)
2012 - DoD12-04: Free Month - 01:02:28
01. Kastle Rock (04:11)
02. Marble Garden Zone (03:12)
03. My Knife Vs. the World (04:00)
04. Cold Instinct (07:48)
05. Windy (02:11)
06. Down and Dirty (03:48)
07. Far Away (04:36)
08. Dystopia (05:04)
09. Tides of Darkness (03:32)
10. Polygonistic Soul Tits (Part XXIII...I) (04:07)
11. Flash of Metal (03:05)
12. Lovely Mermaids (02:13)
13. Crystal Theme (03:42)
14. Devotio Aeternus (03:52)
15. Kill 'em All (03:35)
16. Ragnar Rock (03:32)
2012 - DoD12-05: TMNT Month - 00:18:49
01. Runnin' With The Shredder (03:34)
02. Hot Dam! (02:35)
03. Flyin' High (Inside Shredder's Hideout) (08:22)
04. Purse-Scrubbin' Pukes (02:07)
05. Medleydrome, Let's Hear Minibosses! (02:11)
2012 - DoD12-06: Town Month - 00:34:11
01. Pwntera (04:57)
02. Where is my damn dog! (02:18)
03. Slam Shuffle (02:10)
04. David's Quest (04:09)
05. Seinsnaild (02:15)
06. Gotta Catch a Flight (02:55)
07. ValHorteka (04:05)
08. Forsaken Home (03:04)
09. Overworld (02:04)
10. Sung Hyung Cho Presents "Full Metal Village" (02:34)
11. Totally not TownsMANN's song (02:21)
12. The Day After for 3 cellos (01:19)
2012 - DoD12-07: Free Month - 01:12:53
01. Rolling Through Time (07:28)
02. Fragments of Time v.1 (04:07)
03. Fight For Your Right to Fight (03:31)
04. Centaur Man (03:13)
05. Leaving Earth (06:34)
06. Gambit's Theme (03:10)
07. Starlight Embracing City Streets (04:11)
08. Gravity Beetle (02:33)
09. Runment (02:33)
10. Still Alive (03:46)
11. I Survive! (04:22)
12. He Gave Us a Signal (14:56)
13. River Stay Away From My Door (05:36)
14. Destiny (01:52)
15. Now You're A Hero! (01:20)
16. La Orilla (02:11)
17. Summoner of Storms (00:49)
18. Mario Underwater for 3 Cellos (00:41)
2012 - DoD12-08: Indie Games Month - 00:27:59
01. Quest in Peace (06:41)
02. Ocean Traveller (13:09)
03. And He Knew the Name of the King (02:08)
04. Lux Lirata (02:19)
05. brigther on the other side (00:59)
06. Snappleman Stole My Scrambled Eggs (02:43)
2012 - DoD12-09: Unplugged Month - 00:43:24
01. Acoustonic (08:34)
02. Un Lamento nella Notte (02:57)
03. Over World (03:19)
04. Dear to My Heart (08:15)
05. Broken Wind Rag (03:13)
06. Rawater (02:49)
07. Piano Medley (06:01)
08. Carried to The End (02:57)
09. The Landlubberly Guitarist (02:39)
10. Torn Apart (02:40)
2012 - DoD12-10: Free Month - 01:06:35
02. Calling Me (04:49)
03. Left My Body in Another World (04:34)
04. Gloom of the Mysterious Cave (02:52)
05. Dive Man Stage (02:21)
06. Do You Remember? (02:35)
07. Battered (03:17)
08. Into the Horizon (06:08)
09. The Eleventh Hour (03:55)
10. Red Retaliation (04:32)
11. Death Lives (04:26)
12. Mother I'm Here (03:28)
13. Radical ChronoGears (05:24)
14. Nesting Salamanders (04:09)
15. Hidden Truth/Singing Mountain (02:03)
16. Balls of Steel (03:12)
17. Nyan! Nyan! Kittybuster (04:14)
2012 - DoD11-12: Blizzard Month - 00:08:00
01. We'll Never Be Angels (05:16)
02. Sarlac Attack (02:44)
2012 - DoD12-12: M11 - Konami vs. Capcom - 02:03:51
01. Swinglevania (06:25)
02. Burning my Mannly Soul (05:01)
03. Ganbare GoeMANN: Mystical Love Machine (04:20)
04. Trinity Rush (03:55)
05. TMNT Tournament Fighters Cover (04:57)
06. Crossover Combo (04:02)
07. Movement 3: One Golt Coin (05:47)
08. House of the Rising Hero (02:48)
09. The World Needs a Hiryu (02:14)
10. Get Me a Flutter For My Gesselschaft (04:26)
11. CapcoMedley - Watch the video at youtu.be/Qyb4iycbsHQ (08:34)
12. Whovian Waltz (Ending Theme) (04:06)
13. Tankin' (03:03)
14. Wily's Demise (04:26)
15. Rawk-It Night (02:56)
16. You Guys Pho King Asked For It (02:00)
17. Distant Shadow (05:32)
18. In the Line of Duty...Or Something (05:22)
19. Dale's Pants (03:41)
20. The Password Is Booty Traps (04:20)
21. No Mann Left Behind (04:57)
22. Dog (04:26)
23. Firekettle (02:37)
24. When Metal Falls From the Sky (03:29)
25. Drac's Cats (03:04)
26. Dippenchales (02:09)
27. Star COMMANDO (02:08)
28. Snake, the Family Man (10:50)
29. I Have Lots of GUTS (02:16)
2013 - DoD 01-13: Free Month - 00:42:19
01. Brazil Stage (03:04)
02. Forever Stolen Heart (02:37)
03. (You Give Me) Wings (03:26)
04. Goddamn Hwing (03:36)
05. Poem of a Bard's Soul (02:31)
06. A Side Order of Guitars (06:35)
07. Jesters of the Black Bean Paste WiP (03:45)
08. Cosmic Cataclysm (03:35)
09. Death Theme (03:53)
10. … But You Can't Tuna Head. (02:32)
11. WIP Yard Zone (02:25)
12. Castlevania DoD Metaley (04:20)
  Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 2367
wzg45 ·
04-Сен-11 16:31
(спустя 3 месяца 2 дня)
Найти бы силы всё это послушать.. Найти бы место) С чего лучше начать?
 Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 18
Intervigillium ·
06-Окт-11 14:45
(спустя 1 месяц 1 день)
оххх....Это мне на целый год прослушивания хватит)))
  Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 2367
wzg45 ·
19-Янв-12 11:21
(спустя 3 месяца 12 дней)
В некоторых папках отсутствует нумерация.
- Файлы в раздаче необходимо пронумеровать используя двузначные числа.
3.1.3 Название файла трека должно содержать номер трека по порядку на диске и название трека, через любой разделитель и только в этом порядке: примеры правильных вариантов: "01 - Название","01. Название""01 Название";
  Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 2367
wzg45 ·
20-Янв-12 11:57
(спустя 1 день, ред. 20-Янв-12 11:57)
Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 114
nishebrod1 ·
24-Фев-12 21:53
(спустя 1 месяц 4 дня)
О блин, 9 гиг! А как оно вообще, достойно внимания? Есть что нить похоже на Vomitron и SongeLeReveur - я пока не очень много коллективов прослушал, но из того что есть эти самые клевые, у них очень хороший звук, они шикарно играют, да и музыка прям то что надо) Если тут есть что нить похожее, то скачаю, а то так вслепую 9 гиг тащить не сильно охота.
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
25-Фев-12 00:31
(спустя 2 часа 38 мин.)
Конечно достойно, но есть и мусор, к-й я бы с радостью удалил. Но вряд ли это одобрят модераторы, не понимают они пчел( Хотя... под шумок... =)
Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 114
nishebrod1 ·
25-Фев-12 17:24
(спустя 16 часов)
Ок, ну тогда может подскажешь с чего галочки поснимать?
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
25-Фев-12 21:05
(спустя 3 часа)
А я прям помню. Лучше сам отбирай.
 Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 3731
Partsigah ·
22-Мар-12 16:33
(спустя 25 дней)
Да здесь нужно тупо открывать список и зырить игры, я вот первым делом 2009-07 (Sunsoft vs. Data East) [PF] и 2009-11 (Ninja Gaiden part deux) заценю.
 Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 9
liligim ·
22-Май-12 10:06
(спустя 1 месяц 30 дней)
луууди! где раздающие?! скорость 30-50 кб\сек это ж даже не смешно %) мне с такой скоростью пол года скачивать придется
 Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев Сообщений: 16
raptor2012 ·
10-Окт-12 11:10
(спустя 4 месяца 19 дней)
Хорошая подборка качественных каверов. Отличный релиз, спасибо!
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
10-Фев-13 15:43
(спустя 4 месяца)
 Перезалил в связи с техническими неполадками. Благодарим админов за оживление трекера.
Есть приятная новость. Как вы помните, была такая группа Вконтакте - VGM оргия. Чуть больше месяца назад мы возродили свою деятельность (сделали подробный обновляющийся список исполнителей  , пишем о всяких новостях в мире VGM-сцены, заливаем тонны каверов и т.д.) и стали называться VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр.
Эта группа - ЕДИНСТВЕННОЕ АКТИВНОЕ сообщество в Рунете, посвященное жанру VGM. Кратко говоря - это каверы на музыку из приставочных игр преимущественно в жанрах метал\рок. Минимум унылых техноэлектромегащитмиксов, только живые инструменты и качество!
Ждём от вас комментариев, репостов, поддержки, т.е. вашего полного участия =)
Совсем простым языком: ТАМ КРУТЫЕ КАВЕРЫ НА СОНИКА, ПОСОНЫ! VGM: Каверы на музыку из игр 
Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 32
i-Rom ·
31-Окт-13 06:36
(спустя 8 месяцев, ред. 31-Окт-13 06:36)
Не знал что многие делают каверы, да еще это соревнование. Я сам находил тока Contra Jungle Jam - VertexGuy ну и BenevoilentDemise знаком с ютуба. Чет торрент файл не качается.
 Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 79
boot666 ·
02-Дек-13 16:41
(спустя 1 месяц 2 дня)
Надеюсь Тема не запущена?и будет обновляться? (=
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
02-Дек-13 17:56
(спустя 1 час 15 мин.)
Обновляется раз в год, т.е. обновление будет в январе.
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
05-Мар-14 19:03
(спустя 3 месяца 3 дня, ред. 05-Мар-14 19:03)
Продолжение треклиста
2013 - DoD13-03: Paragon Month
Продолжительность: 00:27:49 01. Zenith (04:07)
02. A Starlit Temple for Two (04:59)
03. Use the Plasma Gun! (03:10)
04. Undulation of the Darkness and the Light (03:30)
05. Rise of the 8-bit Machines (04:01)
06. Illusions of the Final Fantasy (08:02)
2013 - DoD13-03: Disney Month
Продолжительность: 00:14:21 01. African Mines (02:45)
02. Lost in Bermuda (03:03)
03. Triple Darkwing Bass (02:08)
04. Nothingness Is Eternal (04:10)
05. Ice Ice Duck (02:15)
2013 - DoD13-04: Horror Month
Продолжительность: 00:22:00 01. Jurassic Bass FX (04:00)
02. Mysterious Place (04:36)
03. Stop Calling My Name! (03:55)
04. Safe Chambers (02:28)
05. This Brain Is Just Right (03:38)
06. The Resident's Room (03:23)
2013 - DoD13-05: Lucasarts Month
Продолжительность: 00:15:34 01. Mad Monkey (03:00)
02. The Soon-to-be Blown Wagon (03:01)
03. Going Away (02:44)
04. Double-crossed in Coronado (02:34)
05. Order of the Holy Drain Snake (04:15)
2013 - DoD13-06: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:10:03 01. TurtNESewers (03:23)
02. Planetarium (04:17)
03. Quite the Adventure (06:39)
04. Y So Serious Blues (03:12)
05. Call Of Duty Cycle (04:16)
06. The Eyes Of Despair (03:33)
07. Shadow Man on the Porch (02:12)
08. Surf City Theme (02:22)
09. Stage 2 (02:25)
10. The Legend of Jogiya (02:17)
11. The Perfect Reincarnation (02:40)
12. Fire (02:15)
13. Heavy Barrel (06:01)
14. Find My Own Way (06:46)
15. Wake up, sister (03:52)
16. 600th 600 A.D. (02:48)
17. Snow Slide Ride (04:17)
18. Space Dance (02:05)
19. Doukutsu Chant (01:03)
20. Terra (03:40)
2013 - DoD13-07: Sierra Month
Продолжительность: 00:23:54 01. Crystal Perils (03:19)
02. Vaguely Erotic Rock Music going into a Generic Gallop Riff for a while (04:36)
03. Alexander Points and Kicks Ass (02:45)
04. The Keepers (03:12)
05. Lanusola Medley (03:02)
06. Bahamut Rising (02:47)
07. Quest (01:01)
08. The Keepers (No Leads) (03:12)
2013 - DoD13-08: Desert Month
Продолжительность: 00:33:07 01. Welcome to Arrakis (03:56)
02. Hot Day For Wonderboy (02:42)
03. Desert Eggs (02:00)
04. Doom in the Desert Sky (02:10)
05. Disturbed Slumber of the Ancients (03:07)
06. Arid Days (02:56)
07. A Robot with No Name (02:35)
08. Sand, Motherfucker, do you have it? (03:26)
09. Rusted Metal Wasteland (02:38)
10. Doom in the Desert Sky (Vocal Edition) (02:10)
11. Arid Sands (05:27)
2013 - DoD13-0910: 10th Anniversary Month
Продолжительность: 04:12:57
01. Peter's Chase (04:55)
02. Final Lap (13:39)
03. Dwelling Of Heroes (07:08)
04. Green Death, Brown Creep (04:28)
05. Astral Beast (05:26)
06. Never Say Die (10:08)
07. Brain Shuffle (05:52)
08. Dreaming For So Long (06:27)
09. 386 Cylinder (04:26)
10. Hyperdrive (03:36)
11. Wizards and Warriors Reverence (05:42)
12. Hey, April, Don't Cut Me No Slack (05:26)
13. Mann Over The Castle (04:48)
14. Interstellar Sasuke 5ever Space Funkadet (03:07)
15. Eye of the Trigger (04:37)
16. Take Revenge or Die (03:54)
17. Gotta Go Fast (03:27)
18. King of Spades (04:31)
19. Wandering Cellos (02:40)
20. Vampire Tears (02:30)
21. Bad News, Good Noose (10:57)
22. Rabbit (04:46)
23. T-90 (03:10)
24. You're Still Not Here (03:47)
25. The Cunt of Transylvania (03:18)
26. Demetrius (03:49)
27. Let All Go Away in a Sandstorm (03:08)
28. Written in Neon Sin (02:32)
29. Summer in the Little Town (03:56)
30. Quarter of Past (03:10)
31. El Cazafantasmas (03:51)
32. Summer Without Love (04:11)
33. Hammer Hand (03:04)
34. Nebulous Existence (03:36)
35. Snapplewanker! (05:22)
36. Onett (02:26)
37. Let's Just Get Out of this Stupid Sewer Already (02:34)
38. Gravity Shift (04:14)
39. Simple Europe (02:34)
40. Last Fight of the Rusting Metal Knights (05:50)
41. Synthetic Chemicals (02:12)
42. So Techno That it Belongs on OCReMix (05:03)
43. Rellax (02:54)
44. Rites Of The Seventh Guardian (03:30)
45. Lost Flame (03:41)
46. Touch The Stars (02:25)
47. The Biggest Banana (03:16)
48. Kefka's Super Fun House (02:21)
49. Dreaming Nemo (02:24)
50. Entering The Tournament (05:37)
51. Screeching in the Reservoir (02:55)
52. Bopping to Summertime Hale (02:12)
53. All I Had Time for Was This Lousy Alt  (01:09)
54. Go to bed, Toroko... (2013 remaster) (01:21)
55. To The Death (02:34)
56. Motivate Yourself (03:01)
57. Mikau, Song of Healing (03:44)
58. Blended Cortex (04:39)
59. Contradiction! (04:00)
60. Kratos Gaiden: Princess Technomanga’s Kawaii Adventure (04:31)
61. Home At Last (02:26)
2013 - DoD13-11: Blaster Master
Продолжительность: 00:49:07 01. Mastering the Blaster (05:51)
02. Pink Tanks Can't Jump (03:16)
03. The Jason Frudnick Experience (04:58)
04. Blastin' Through the Years (04:55)
05. Blaster Disaster (03:21)
06. Search for the Hover Module (04:08)
07. Radioactive Toad (02:43)
08. Dude, where's my frog (04:09)
09. Jason and the Frogonauts (03:05)
10. Radioactive Waste In My Backyard (02:45)
11. It's Not Neo-80's If The 80's Never Left (02:47)
12. You and Your Frog Are Dead (02:12)
13. Journeying into the deep to fight that damn Lobster Alien Creature again (02:14)
14. Rebellion Of The Holy Radioactive SIN Toad (02:43)
2013 - DoD13-12: Free Month
Продолжительность: 03:02:23 01. Anatomy of a Hedgehog A Hip (12:14)
02. Royal Rainbow Road (04:43)
03. S Tier (04:51)
04. BASSHROOT (04:24)
05. Embrace the Night (05:04)
06. Crisis (02:14)
07. Bring the Acid Whore Down (02:47)
08. Fire Still Burns in My Frozen Heart (03:48)
09. Can I Borrow a Follin? (04:17)
10. One Night In Neo Kobe City (03:14)
11. The New West (04:20)
12. 29 Ways to catch Sentret (05:55)
13. Footprints in the Snow (06:33)
14. 5 Minutes of Glory (05:35)
15. RAAAIIIID!!! (02:53)
16. Bag of Tricks (03:29)
17. I Walk With The Ancestors (11:38)
18. Hanging on a Beach with Dead People is Totally Cool or Whatever (04:53)
19. Dream and Variations (09:02)
20. OUTATIME (04:26)
21. Self-Victimized (04:28)
22. Dangerous Star (02:01)
23. The Legend Begins (06:49)
24. Shadows of an Apache Chopper (02:13)
25. In The Dark Sea Without Hope (02:43)
26. Rock'n'Roll Recycling Center (03:32)
27. Power Rock Future (03:28)
28. Rondo Of Heroes Blood (02:41)
29. Hall of Damned Souls (04:24)
30. Run for your lives! Kage is here! (03:58)
31. The Spark (03:07)
32. Rights of Passage Simon's Theme (03:33)
33. Black Friday the 13th (02:05)
34. Engaging The Grid Attack (02:34)
35. Holy Bad Mix Batman!!! (03:07)
36. A Dark and Stormy Star (03:00)
37. inacabado noche de lagrimas (Castlevania Symphony of The Night) (02:36)
38. Bloody Turtles (01:55)
39. IN GLORIOUS HARMONY or Guys, wake up, it's time to sleep! (00:33)
40. Rad Gravity (00:45)
41. Anatomy of a Hedgehog SFW (11:00)
42. Ode to Dr. Wily (01:30)
43. OMG, I'm Lost... Again (04:01)
2014 - DoD14-01: Brevity
Продолжительность: 00:48:42 01. Cntr (00:59)
02. Zero Ducks Given (01:00)
04. SynGa (01:01)
05. This Damn Music Won't Let Me Sleep (01:00)
06. I Fight You In My Car (01:03)
07. Kunio-kun's rampage (00:54)
08. Terror Land (00:51)
09. Vermilion Toys (00:57)
10. Tupo March (01:00)
11. Winter Travel is a Trial (00:57)
12. Positive Thoughts (00:48)
13. Enjoy Your Stay (00:50)
14. You Done Good, Kid (00:54)
15. Le Monde des Tenebres (00:54)
16. The Penguin is Stupid (You Have to Exploit It) (00:56)
17. Sometimes I'm a Man (00:57)
18. Pistol-Whipped By A Shrimp (01:00)
19. Kirby's Deadend (00:51)
20. Prelude to Alterra (01:00)
21. Wakka Wakka (00:48)
22. MZ (01:01)
23. Smartificial Intelligence (01:00)
24. Hardcore Gamer Rage (00:51)
25. No-One Can Answer (00:43)
26. Forest Maze Chainsaw Solution (00:48)
27. Your Mom (00:56)
28. Meanwhile, in Streifigland... (00:46)
29. Sunday Morning Jingle (00:19)
30. The Starter Set (00:43)
31. Crystal Methalis (00:44)
32. Gerudo Berudo (01:00)
33. Neverending Journey (01:00)
34. The Day Wily Stole Gamma (00:46)
35. That's What She Loaded! (00:59)
36. Never Been So Much of a Pain in the Ass (01:01)
37. Breakapolis (01:01)
38. The Manami Bars (07:08)
39. Your Secrets (01:00)
40. Such Bike, So Excite (00:16)
41. Le'Pizza (00:31)
42. Pink Rocket (01:00)
43. This Is Not The End (01:00)
44. One-Winged Polka (01:00)
45. Shoots and Cat-ers (00:59)
46. Disarming Adventures (01:29)
47. More Secrets (01:00)
2014 - DoD14-02: Beat 'Em Up
Продолжительность: 01:03:14 01. HOOOOO!! (05:28)
02. Sewer's Gone Djent (03:02)
03. Under Logic (02:38)
04. Stoner Turtles (03:30)
05. I'm Getting Too Bald For This Shit (05:04)
06. Not Your Above-Average Joe (03:12)
07. I Have A Rash (04:26)
08. The Justice That Power Rangers Do (03:08)
09. Neon Bunghole (03:49)
10. Doppel Drache Ist Fur Alle Da (02:23)
11. Scott Pilgrim's Lesbians Song (02:44)
12. Bring Your Funky Floppies (02:59)
13. Redneck Gays of Funk (03:01)
14. The Iceberg Lounge (03:26)
15. Welcome to the Club (02:34)
16. We are Busters! (04:26)
17. The Demon Clowns (02:06)
18. The Unloved Ones (02:08)
19. Rise From Your Vage (02:16)
20. Man where can I buy a brown vest like that (00:54)
Добавлены альбомы-месяцы, указанные в этом посте. Также были переименованы все файлы в удобочитаемый вид, так что придётся перекачивать всю раздачу полностью.
И заодно обращу ваше внимание на недавно запущенный проект Video Game Music Covers Wiki - на данный момент там собран список из 245 исполнителей 
А раз это вики-сайт, то там возможно сделать поиск по разным категориям, что и было сделано: жанры, страны, альбомы по годам и так далее.
В далёком будущем всё должно быть ещё круче с помощью поиска альбомов по играм
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
09-Апр-15 21:43
(спустя 1 год 1 месяц)
Долгожданное обновление
Продолжение треклиста
2014 - DoD14-03: Sunsoft
Продолжительность: 01:01:42 01. Cleaning Out Axis (03:36)
02. Who Was I Again? (03:40)
03. Fear Of The Detonator (03:34)
04. Good Ending (02:41)
05. Strange Memories of Death (04:11)
06. Big Problems Of Small Gremlins (03:04)
07. The Uke Batch (02:57)
08. Gremlin Civilization (04:05)
09. Paganrama Cotton (03:58)
10. Trippin' So Good (03:30)
11. Journey to Silius - Title (02:38)
12. Unmanned Intercourse (03:00)
13. Fort At Sunset (02:06)
14. Dead, Non-existent But Still Here (06:30)
15. Why So Serious? (04:17)
16. Encouragement And Enjoy Life (01:48)
17. What Are You?! (03:07)
18. Mary Poppins Style (03:00)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-04: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:16:51 01. Bucky O'Hate (02:20)
02. Chemical Tangerines (02:38)
03. Crazy Toads (04:14)
04. Kong Symphony (08:45)
05. Signs of Lust (03:07)
06. Green Gloves of Power (02:11)
07. Dungeons to Explore (04:17)
08. Four Seasons Of Muramasa (Muramasa Demon's Blade) (03:21)
09. Blackwater Ops (04:32)
10. Lockjaw Stock and Barrel (04:42)
11. DemiSeed BOSS THEME!! (05:02)
12. Heroes and Hamsters (Baldur's Gate) (04:40)
13. Magical Voice Shower (02:01)
14. Wet Hands and Dry Breath (02:37)
15. We Can't Go Back No More (04:04)
16. Underwater Mercenaries (02:57)
17. Kiss My Third Eye! (09:10)
18. You Belong to a Dismal Skeleton (02:44)
19. Flash In the Pan Man (02:06)
20. Wario's Woods - Stage Clear (Instrumental) (01:23)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-05: Water
Продолжительность: 01:03:44 01. Sunken Ship (04:23)
02. Rabbit Tinyrvana (05:29)
03. Whirlwind Of The Sea (02:29)
04. Orca Splash! (04:34)
05. Turtles drift (02:30)
06. Waltz with the Fishes (04:18)
07. These Boots are Made for Walking (Underwater) (03:36)
08. Effen Bubbles (03:06)
09. An Ecco In Time (04:36)
10. Liquid Broom (03:17)
11. Musical Shipwreck (02:22)
12. Voyage to Scaraba (02:52)
13. Dire Dire Docks (02:58)
14. Mundo Submarino (02:22)
15. Drunk Fairies's Fountain (03:53)
16. Metal Fish (05:48)
17. Subterranean Supermax Deathtrap Penitentiary Escape (02:21)
18. Croak (02:50)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - Punchfest 19 - Games from 1990
Продолжительность: 01:03:38 01. Arkistas Ring - What if Link Had a Sister (03:47)
02. Time Lord - Castle Harman (01:27)
03. F-Zero's Dick Blew - A Fellatorio For 12 Mouths & Cocks Smashed On Drums (01:31)
04. Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Snakes Revenge - Patriot Tears (04:24)
05. CRAPSTOCK - Panchi No Fesu (03:32)
06. Rollergames - Viva Los Vaginas (01:18)
07. King's Quest 5 (00:28)
08. Lacrimation Induced by Heartfelt Emotion (SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu) (02:17)
09. Great New World (02:58)
10. Weeping Willow (King's Quest 5) (00:48)
11. Ikari Warriors 2 - Not So Ikari (02:07)
12. Startropics - Bell's Memory (02:57)
13. Dragon Saber - BADBREATH (07:22)
14. Ys - The Yst Infection (10:43)
15. Snow Bros - Snew Brews (04:17)
16. Golden Axe - Too Wet for Tyris's Flares (04:51)
17. Akumajou Special Boku Dracula-kun - Funamorphosis (01:40)
18. Over Drive - BAY-BAY-BAY-BAY-OW! (05:49)
19. F-Zero - Mute City (01:22)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-06: Ryu Theme
Продолжительность: 00:19:22 01. But I Wanted The Theme To Be MM3 Intro... (04:05)
02. Street Fighter (02:40)
03. Cool Ryu (02:43)
04. Rising Dragon (02:11)
05. Remembering Japan (02:25)
06. Ryu In Progress (03:14)
07. Ryu Theme Zeroes 2 (02:04)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-07: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:34:58 01. Giger? I Don't Even Know Her! (03:10)
02. Fear And Loathing In Ubar (04:29)
03. Dave Bruduck Investigates The City N (03:36)
04. The Heavens Are Calling (05:44)
05. Fine Field Of The Pink King (02:24)
06. Technodrome Terror (02:01)
07. Night Dreamer 131 (02:48)
08. Like A Damn Fiddle (03:47)
09. Epoch...Become Bird!! (03:24)
10. Marbles Will Tear Us Apart (04:29)
11. Welcome To Earth (02:24)
12. A Perilous Journey (03:23)
13. Club Of Axe (06:02)
14. Hoenn In Danger (05:58)
15. Holographic Holocaust (03:17)
16. Saving Our Planet Is Yes A Good Thing (03:28)
17. Brainwave (02:05)
18. Baby Felix (02:15)
19. Laura (03:14)
20. Beyond The Dark Life (03:35)
21. Captain MegaDuck Rescue Rangers (02:04)
22. Peach's Chromatic Nightmare (02:32)
23. Downtown Playroom (04:11)
24. Cave WIP (02:11)
25. Full Reactive Remix (04:21)
26. First Place Entry (Sent Over Facebook Chat) (02:38)
27. Second String (03:08)
28. Aurora's Theme (02:20)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-08: Motoi Sakuraba Month
Продолжительность: 00:45:37 01. Domination of the Deep Empty Space (04:54)
02. Djinni's Awakening (03:18)
03. Serenity (05:17)
04. Wolf Sif (02:01)
05. White Line Fever (03:57)
06. Blood On The Knees (02:44)
07. White Sun Of The Desert (03:40)
08. All Is Twilight, Death Is Not Enough (02:43)
09. Returning To Where Stars Come From (12:18)
10. Love Means Nothing (In Anything) (02:22)
11. The Running Mann (The Facebook Messenger Strikes Again) (02:23)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-09: Chrono Trigger vs. Final Fantasy VI
Продолжительность: 00:58:16 01. Time Flies Like a Dream (05:06)
02. The Next Day (02:44)
03. Frog's Metal Trigger (02:43)
04. Decisions (02:51)
05. Way (02:07)
06. South of Jidoor (05:49)
07. Oh! It's not Kefka (04:16)
08. Shedbin (06:53)
09. Masamune (04:01)
10. Master Mune (04:39)
11. Final Injuries (03:41)
12. Imperial Ambition (04:12)
13. Creepy Voice Behind The Painting (03:52)
14. Goodbye, Schala (02:40)
15. Frog and Crono Drinking Margaritas (01:28)
16. Spekkcoustic (01:14)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-10: Free Month
Продолжительность: 01:08:42 01. Oscuro Ala Pato: Moliarty Torre (02:49)
02. Bombing Buddies (07:34)
03. Demolition Desert (02:54)
04. Aquamarine (03:06)
05. Escape From Lava Cave (02:05)
06. This is (Baby Felix's) Halloween Town (02:17)
07. Letter (04:38)
08. Volcano Valley (03:41)
09. A Train to Germany (02:32)
10. Turn The Safety Off (04:52)
11. Mutate to Survive (04:05)
12. Forever Rested the Forest (02:40)
13. Secret Of The Forest (05:22)
14. Dream Silencer (04:41)
15. Ferrari Infusion (04:14)
16. Devils Never Dance (In the Pale Moonlight) (04:31)
17. Excuse Me Sir, Is There a Monster in My Pocket? (01:30)
18. Neo Zeon March (01:50)
19. Theme Of Laura (03:21)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - DoD14-11: Batman
Продолжительность: 00:54:25 01. Dream Of Hurt (04:34)
02. Chemical Museum (04:40)
03. It's Not Over Until It's Game Over (02:18)
04. Eye Of The Batmann (02:43)
05. Solving Riddles (04:13)
06. Lab Story (02:37)
07. Caped Crusader, Clown Crusher (03:15)
08. Confusing Way (02:24)
09. Music, BAT Music (03:04)
10. In The Sky (03:39)
11. Too Many Bats (02:27)
12. The Frozen Penguin's Battle for a Batcookie (03:11)
13. Quiet Crunch of Breaking Bones (02:38)
14. Speed Metal Chase (02:33)
15. Batman's Train Wreck (02:28)
16. In The Sky Over Gotham City Streets (03:48)
17. Freeze or Die (02:13)
18. Batman Main Theme (01:40)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2014 - Punchfest 20 - Furries
Продолжительность: 00:39:01 01. Two Measures of Starfox (03:10)
02. Sonic 3D Blast (Diamond Dust) (03:30)
03. clansman EDDIEEEEEE Xenoblade Sentient Memories (03:50)
04. Aladdin - Abu Rock You (00:36)
05. Chip'n'Dale 2 (Future World theme remix) (01:51)
06. Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak - Ham-Hambones Jones (00:15)
07. Banjo FuckYousie (01:07)
08. Sonic 4 - Aquamarine Part 2 (03:23)
09. Duck Tales 2 - Duck Punch 2 (02:23)
10. The Wolf Among Us (Prologue) (02:13)
11. katamari Verb'd 'Zoo - Quarter to 'Neria (01:05)
12. plank FURY OF THE FURRIES placeholdery (02:01)
13. #EtrangeLapin (Hell Yeah) (04:15)
14. Metamorphic Forx KONTKATS REVENGE (05:44)
15. Bucky O'Hare - I thought we could be best buddies but then you kidnapped my crew (03:38)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2015 - DoD15-01: Dance Party
Продолжительность: 02:57:34 01. Super Skeet Fighter Turbo Alphamale IV (06:27)
02. All I Wanna Do (05:38)
03. Caravan Bowser (Radio Edit) (03:17)
04. Road That You Go (15:06)
05. Pants Off Dance Off (07:38)
06. Feathers In A Waterfall (05:09)
07. Semper Saltare (06:28)
08. Cruisin' the Stars (05:07)
09. La Conga del Unown (05:07)
10. Rock the Street (04:15)
11. Stormy Day In Clock Town (09:36)
12. Barf n' Roll (03:38)
13. Deep Tissue Groovio (06:44)
14. Gotta Pause Fast (04:00)
15. Bad Applemann (03:34)
16. Cronohutt (03:02)
17. Swag Brap ZUMBAmix 4000 (ft. Bulldog and Lil Joe) (04:44)
18. Bad Banjo Project (03:36)
19. Panem et Circenses (04:14)
20. The Postmann (03:18)
21. Passing Breeze (Night Time Mix) (06:24)
22. Reploid Boogie (03:55)
23. Oi Yoshizinho! (02:55)
24. Snake Daddy (03:49)
25. Sparks In Motion (02:48)
26. Drowning in Sand (04:42)
27. Like A Boss (02:54)
28. Funk Gang Johnny (03:30)
29. Low Cost Housing Block Party (03:01)
30. Simon's Dance (02:55)
31. Burning Wub (05:18)
32. Lost In The God Damn Woods (03:14)
33. Expression (02:07)
34. Suddenly (02:53)
35. Battletoads (02:04)
36. Sewer Twist (03:25)
37. One Boss Tune (04:43)
38. Super Skeet Fighter Alphamale IV - Low T Edit (06:19)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2015 - DoD15-02: Brevity
Продолжительность: 00:33:23 01. Expand Sails (00:59)
02. Speed Up! (01:01)
03. The Nutsmasher (01:00)
04. Smiling Shield (01:00)
05. The Lightning Striketh (01:00)
06. Sonic Are You OK (00:59)
07. Kong the King (01:01)
08. I Must Break You (00:58)
09. Trolls Ride (00:55)
10. SilverMinute (01:00)
11. Siberian Offroad Winner (01:00)
12. Bentley Bears It All (01:00)
13. Etude For Marle (01:00)
14. Subterranean Stryker (00:25)
15. It Ate My Face! (00:52)
16. Dwellin the Doohog (00:50)
17. WrestleVania (00:59)
18. Dark Time Matrix (00:59)
19. Princess Swellda (00:59)
20. Power Points are Proof Against Metal (01:00)
21. Dragon Eggs (00:58)
22. Destroy Those Ice Cubes With Hammer (00:56)
23. Yo Boss! (01:01)
24. The Worst Kick Master Song That Mysteriously Got All of M-H's Votes (00:58)
25. Wily Robot Ecosystem of the Future Tour (00:49)
26. Call me ID 82592 (01:00)
27. The Darkest Night (00:39)
28. Multiball (01:00)
29. Track 2 (00:46)
30. Canticum De Ranis Et Locaris (00:52)
31. Make It Before The Explosion (00:59)
32. Fresh Snapple Rolling Group Poop (00:28)
33. Crabb-n-Bowl (01:07)
34. All I Wanna Do Is Prance (00:53)
35. armarmarmarm (01:00)
36. Endless Deserts (01:00)
Скриншоты спектров частот
2015 - DoD15-03: SNK
Продолжительность: 00:25:45 01. Hold Me Until The Credits Roll (05:29)
02. Smoke on the Jungle (02:38)
04. Heroes of the Revolution (03:40)
05. Deja Vu Saishuu Boss (02:16)
06. Slasher Suite (04:28)
07. Pantasy or Fantasty (01:54)
08. Arashi no guitar (Lori theme) (02:28)
Скриншоты спектров частот
Стаж: 9 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 80
utreht357 ·
01-Мар-17 21:10
(спустя 1 год 10 месяцев, ред. 01-Мар-17 21:10)
давненько что-то обновления не было...
Кто-нибудь подскажет где ещё можно скачать каверов на музыку из игр денди, сеги? Или как вообще искать её?
лол, на этом трекеры целый раздел посвящен аранжировкам музыки из игр, а я ушами хлопаю.
  Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 2578
-Kotix- ·
04-Мар-17 17:05
(спустя 2 дня 19 часов)
всего то год не было обновления)
 Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 61
beerdanko12 ·
16-Ноя-17 09:56
(спустя 8 месяцев)
Господа, будьте любезны, станьте на раздачу.
 Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 79
boot666 ·
15-Янв-19 11:25
(спустя 1 год 1 месяц)