v1.06 is live! cool stuff inside!
I haven't uploaded anything over the past few nights so I could wrap up some new things for you guys!
-NEW "current crew" screen on the side of the screen for easier visiblity of crewmen. Visible/usable in space and on planets
-Shift + click now works for selecting crewmen
-Crew hotkeys (shift +num for crew 1-10, ctrl +num crew 11-20, TAB to cycle)
-Changed the way crew go on/off ships(too many edge cases)
-Adjusted some item drops from space combat
-Slightly adjusted flight time of guns in space combat
-Adjusted the speed of the crew guns
-adjusted some planet enemies
-Added ship hotkeys (arrow keys to go left/right in your fleet)
-Buy 10 button
-buy 100 button
-Kaidun corvette now has its elevator in the right spot
-Fixed a bug where enemy ships capable of self repair... didn't.
-radiation event now correctly sets female characters to male.
-Ships will no longer get their name cut off on the fleet menu
-Ships should now properly deselect during combat
-Fixed a crash for certain guns with high ammo
-Fixed a bug where stacks could only go to 99
-Fixed a bug where everytime you talked to someone to hire crew, their available crew would always re-randomize
20 July
1.05 is up. Wow!
Community Announcements - coldricegames
This should make things a lot more solid for everyone. slightly smaller update, but I wanted to get it up before bed time for Coldrice Games!
-Fixed crash when using robot crew
-Fixed a crash when hiring Sholdro crew
-Stations no longer lose their repair icon when powered up/down
-Further fixed the issues with wall clipping.
-Further corrected Asteroid issues during combat
v1.04 Is Now Live! 19 July
Community Announcements - coldricegames
I hope everyone is having fun! Work continues. I wanted to make sure I released an update before I got to work on anything more time consuming.
-Crash on crewfile screen when hovering over the chestpeice area sometimes
-Fixed a crash where the pause button sometimes wouldn't load, causing an error
-Fixed a crash where you could force crewmen that don't use armor to equip armor, or crewmen that don't use guns to use the guns
-Fixed a crash on the traits area
-Fixed a crash on log menu if there isn't any log items
-Fixed a crash where if you have the Srill, but it hasn't updated your gun slot yet, the game tries to reload a null srill gun
-Fixed a crash when meters are charging for your ship stats
-Fixed a crash when equipping the tribal helmet to suna
-Fixed a crash when adding certain augments
-Fixed an issue where fires/leaks could cause a crash
-3v1 achievement should now trigger correctly
-prevent player from equiping weapon over srill
-Reports of crew stats not saving when they return to space has been fixed
-Prevented camera scroll when hovering pause button
-Fixed issue where using fast forward required 2 key presses or button presses
-Your tutorial drone (and the dogs later on!) should now be able to use medical stations.