KoppeKTop · 27-Сен-08 13:14(16 лет 5 месяцев назад, ред. 12-Май-09 18:03)
Теория Большого Взрыва / The Big Bang Theory Год выпуска: 2008 Страна: United States Жанр: Ситком Продолжительность: ~ 20 минут серия Перевод: Субтитры Русские субтитры: есть Английские субтитры: есть Режиссер: Марк Сендровски / Mark Cendrowski В ролях: Джонни Галецки, Джим Парсонс, Кейли Куоко, Саймон Хельберг, Кунал Найяр Описание: Два блестящих физика, Леонард и Шелдон, «великие умы», которые понимают как «работает вселенная». Но их гениальность ничуть не помогает им общаться с людьми, особенно с женщинами. Всё начинает меняться, когда напротив них поселяется красавица Пенни.
Когда Леонард и Шелдон встречают Пенни, Леонард сразу же начинает интересоваться ею. Он видит в общении с Пенни огромную перспективу… вплоть до любви, однако Шелдон понимает, что мечтам его друга не суждено сбыться.
Стоит также отметить пару странных друзей этих физиков: Воловиц, который любит употреблять фразы на разных языках, включая русский, и Раджеш Кутраппали, теряющий дар речи при виде женщин. Качество: HDTVRip Формат: AVI Видео кодек: XviD Аудио кодек: MP3 Video: 624x352 (1.77:1), 23.976 fps, XviD MPEG-4, 0.19 bit/pixel Audio: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, 128 kbps Эпизоды (описания из Вики):
1. The Bad Fish Paradigm
Penny and Leonard return from the restaurant while Howard and Rajesh spy on them, using a webcam on the corridor connected to a laptop. They try to convince Leonard that the date wasn't working well: they think that when Penny said "let us slow down a bit", it meant that the "fish is bad". But they are obviously envious. On the other hand, after Penny and Leonard's date, Penny feels uncomfortable having not completed community college. She is afraid that Leonard would become bored with her. She lied to Leonard about completing her own college and makes Sheldon keep her secret. This request to deceive Leonard is very hard for Sheldon (and his facial expressions) and results in the drastic decision on Sheldon's part to move out. However, after moving from Raj's and Howard's homes (in the course of one night), Sheldon is brought back home by Howard. Having unknowingly taken a dose of Valium, Sheldon tells Leonard about Penny's failure to complete community college. Leonard, in an attempt to help Penny, offers her some pamphlets regarding some local community colleges. She promptly slams the door in his face in annoyance. The episode closes as Leonard remarks "Okay this time I know where I went wrong." and he finds Wolowitz and Koothrapalli eavesdropped on the whole incident with the webcam.
The title refers to Leonard's despairing cry, "Oh, I am the bad fish!", after failing to make a second date with Penny.
2. The Codpiece Topology
The guys return from a Renaissance fair and see Penny with a new guy, Eric (Travis Schuldt), prompting a jealous Leonard to pursue a relationship with fellow physicist Leslie Winkle. All the guys as well as Leslie humiliate Leonard for his apparent failure to keep Penny. Leslie eventually agrees to date Leonard, repeatedly assuming the dominant role before conceding that he should "assume the male role". Leonard convinces Sheldon to leave the apartment, to give his roommate and Leslie some privacy. On the staircase, while playing Super Mario 64, Sheldon explains to Penny that he feels uncomfortable with Leonard dating his arch enemy, Leslie, who is a "sloppy, arrogant, sub-par scientist". Sheldon returns to their apartment and formally approves the relationship between Leonard and Leslie, graciously overlooking that she actually believes loop quantum gravity instead of string theory. Leslie gets emotional and makes statements about Lorentz invariance and black hole entropy which Sheldon scoffs at. Leslie expects Leonard to back up her beliefs but finds that he shares Sheldon's instead. Leslie then asks how they should raise the children as if it were a decision to raise their children in one religion or another. After learning about this "deal breaker" which she believes is more serious than Leonard's food allergy and shortness, she breaks up with Leonard. After which Sheldon tells Leonard to look on the bright side Leonard then replies with "What's the bright side?" Sheldon states that it is only 9 more months to Comic-Con and the episode ends. (Near the start it is revealed that at Comic-Con, Raj made out with an attractive man dressed as a Orion slave girl.)
The title refers to Sheldon's complaint that the Renaissance fair was more of a "medieval/Age of Enlightenment/any-excuse-to-wear-a-codpiece fair!"
3. The Barbarian Sublimination
Sheldon becomes distracted from playing Age of Conan by Penny who has accidentally attempted to use her car keys to open her apartment door. Sheldon learns that Penny is frustrated by her failures in life specifically her not getting into any of the parts in plays she's tried out for, not having sex for six months, not receiving a raise at work and, on her way up the stairs, she swallowed a fly. Sheldon invites her into his apartment to wait until the locksmith arrives to open her door. Penny becomes curious about the game Sheldon is playing and quickly becomes addicted. They quickly try to help her regain her regular life back as they try to set her up with an online dating service which failed miserably. After falling deep into her addiction, she inadvertently accepts an online date consisting of questing and drinking ale at the local virtual tavern with Howard. She quickly realises what she's done and promptly stops playing the game as the episode ends.
The title refers to Penny's response to Sheldon, "Boy, you'd think you could trust a horde of Hungarian Barbarians", after he informed her that the "guys from Budapest" who invited her on a quest to the Black Castle were simply trying to use her virtual avatar as "dragon fodder".
4. The Griffin Equivalency
Raj is included in People magazine's '30 Under 30 to Watch' list, sparking jealousy from his friends, first from Wolowitz who receives no mention of his mechanical design that led to Raj's discovery, and Sheldon who doesn't understand why Raj's work is being recognized (at all). Leonard admonishes them and they attempt to be supportive of Raj, however his antics - including hiring an assistant and misleading the interviewers about his 'humble background' (his father is a gynecologist and drives a Bentley) - leads to a strain between them. Leonard, still having been supportive, loses his cool when Raj asks Penny to be his date for the party thrown by People and makes the belittling comment 'I can't believe it took you a year'. After the party, a very intoxicated Raj and annoyed Penny return to his apartment (The 'Raj Mahal') and receive a web-call from his parents, who criticize Raj for 'dating' a white girl despite Penny setting them straight that she isn't his girlfriend. The night ends when Raj exits to be sick from drinking too much at the party. The following morning, Raj appears sober and hungover on Penny's doorstep and she makes him apologize to her without any notes or third-party interpretation. This leads to Raj's first ever direct words to Penny while not drunk or distracted - 'Sorry'. She gives him a hug, showing her forgiveness, at which point Leonard leaves his apartment and sees them hugging. When Penny leaves, Raj turns around and gives Leonard a gloating grin. Sheldon comes out and closes the episode by giving an overforced smile he used throughout the episode. This episode also includes a cameo from Charlie Sheen; at Penny's restaurant after the guys all leave, Raj says to the patron at the next table over, "Hey, buddy. I'm going to be in People magazine!", Mr. Sheen turns around and says "Yeah? Call me when you're on the cover."
The title refers to Sheldon's childhood wish to create a griffin using recombinant DNA research after the untimely death of the family cat, "Lucky".
5. The Euclid Alternative
Leonard is working nights on an experiment - the lasers he needs are only available on the graveyard timeslot - resulting in his inability to drive Sheldon to the university. As a result, Sheldon must find another way to get to school, which includes invoking a favor from Penny on her day off from the restaurant and a return trip from Wolowitz on his scooter and Raj being forced to pick Sheldon up after both eject him from their respective vehicles. The friends finally stage an intervention and tell Sheldon he must get his driver's license because he should be taking on the responsibility of driving himself to work (and so he will stop bothering them for rides). After an eventful trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles, resulting in Sheldon circumventing the test procedure by annoying the DMV worker, the gang sets up a simulation for him in the living room. The ensuing practice shows the gang that both the simulation was a great idea as opposed to an actual trip in a car and why Sheldon never learned to drive in the first place - he's a horrible driver. Later, despite actually having a license, Sheldon decides to forgo using it and instead moves into his office for the duration of Leonard's night shifts. However, Leonard slyly neglects to inform him of the actual end date, resulting in Leonard living in peace in the apartment for an extra week as the episode folds.
The title refers to "Euclid Avenue" which, according to Sheldon, was the "less efficient" way to work.
6. The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem
After an open house night with grad students, a particularly obsessive grad student named Ramona Nowitzki (Riki Lindhome) takes a shine to Sheldon and insinuates herself into his life and work as a girlfriend/assistant. However, Sheldon remains oblivious to her intentions, leaving the gang doubly confounded. She proves to be a positive and helpful influence on his life...until she begins to cut off his social life - no more Halo night, paintball, comic books or Battlestar Galactica. Ramona also goes so far as to presume that Penny has a crush on Sheldon when she sees them talking together in the hallway adjoining their apartments. Sheldon finally realizes that he's in a "relationship" with Ramona and seeks help from Leonard to get rid of her. Things come to a head when the gang comes into the apartment and see that Sheldon's solved his scientific problem that Ramona made him work on day and night until he solved, and when Ramona suggests they share credit for his discovery - calling it the 'Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem', which is what the title refers to - Sheldon's response is 'Get out!'. Things seems to go back to normal until Sheldon is approached by another young woman in the same way Ramona approached Sheldon first, and the episode folds as the cycle begins again.
This episodes also features the first montage sequence in the series. The music is "Be My Yoko Ono" by The Barenaked Ladies, the same group that performs the shows' theme song.
7. The Panty Pinata Polarization
When Penny's cable gets cut, she starts coming over to the guys' apartment to watch America's Next Top Model. However, after Sheldon bans her from the apartment for a series of petty infractions (touching his food, sitting in his spot, and sending him "email humor"), Penny taunts him at the Cheesecake Factory. After Sheldon goes to the extreme of hanging her laundry from a telephone wire outside the apartment, Penny gets her revenge after Leonard gives her Sheldon's Kryptonite--his mother's phone number. Sheldon's mother calls him and forces him to apologize to Penny. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj are trying to find the location of the Next Top Model house. They use all of the technology at their disposal, and then some, and finally pinpoint it. They arrive at the house posing as cable guys and work their way in. The episode ends as we're left to wonder what happens next. Analeigh Tipton and Samantha Potter of Cycle 11 guest star.
The title refers to Sheldon's suggestion that, to get her clothes off the wire, Penny should get a long stick and play "Panty Piñata".
8. The Lizard-Spock Expansion
A smitten Wolowitz thinks he's found his soul mate--until the woman, Dr. Stephanie Barnett, (Sara Rue) meets Leonard. Wolowitz invites Stephanie to drive the Mars rover, which winds up stuck in a ditch. Eventually, to hide evidence of what he has done, Wolowitz destroys all the security tapes and hard drives he can find relating to the Mars Rover mission. Leonard has a hard time deciding how to break the news to Howard that he is actually the one dating Stephanie. Sheldon, of course, is no help. Leonard decides to go to Howard's house to tell him himself. While there, Stephanie calls Howard and gives him the news. Howard tells Leonard "you are dead to me," which lasts until Stephanie invites Howard on a double-date. At the end of the episode, Wolowitz hears the news on TV that the Mars rover has found life on Mars in the bottom of the ditch, but as so much data has been mysteriously lost no one will ever know who made the amazing discovery. The episode closes with Wolowitz remarking "Son of a bitch!"
The title refers to Sheldon's introduction of a modified form of Roshambo, "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock".
9. The White Asparagus Triangulation
Sheldon is concerned that Stephanie is the only girl Leonard has dated that he "finds tolerable". He tries to force himself into conversations with "urban slang" to "help" Leonard in the relationship with Stephanie, as "history suggests" he will fail ("You're [Leonard is] Kirk, I'm [Sheldon is] Spock, Wolowitz is Scottie, Koothrapalli is the guy that always gets killed…and now we've got McCoy [Stephanie]"). Leonard attempts to get away from Sheldon by going to the movies with Stephanie, but Sheldon is able to follow them despite Leonard only leaving a note. ("If you were trying to make it impossible to locate you, you couldn't have done a better job." "Oh, clearly I could have.") After believing that Leonard is losing Stephanie, he runs to Penny for advice. Penny, however, is no help, so Sheldon runs to Wolowitz and Koothrapalli, but all they give is, in Sheldon's words, either "apolcalyptic genocide" or "go easy on the cologne". Sheldon once again runs to Penny, but she refuses to talk. Afterwards, Sheldon attempts to prove Leonard's physical superiority to Stephanie by having him open a jar of white asparagus. However, Leonard shatters the jar by accident and has to get stitches. Wondering why Leonard can't supposedly keep a date, Sheldon remarks, "You're seem like a perfectly pleasant person. I can't understand why women have such a hard time loving you." Following the trip to the hospital, Leonard finds his Facebook status has been changed to "In a relationship". Leonard also finds the cause: Sheldon hacked his account. Leonard forbids him to speak until Stephanie changes her Facebook status to "In a relationship" to match Leonard. Sheldon closes the episode by stating "If I am permitted to speak again, Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win."
The title refers to the event where Leonard ends up cutting his hand while attempting to open a jar of white asparagus for Sheldon.
10. The Vartabedian Conundrum
Stephanie has moved in with Leonard and Sheldon, according to their roommate contract, though Leonard denies that she is living with them. She tries helping Sheldon with a ringing in his ear, but is unable to help him. After Sheldon walks Leonard through the changes that must be made now that Stephanie has officially moved in, Sheldon tries to have Stephanie check him more thoroughly, but Penny shows up and it turns out that neither Leonard nor Sheldon ever told Stephanie about Penny. The morning does not go well following that; Penny then proves to Leonard that Stephanie is living with him. Stephanie also buys Leonard new clothes to wear that Leonard ends up hating and eventually ruining. Realizing that his relationship with Stephanie is moving too fast for him, Leonard runs to Penny for advice. However, whenever Leonard tries to follow Penny's advice to tell Stephanie how he feels, they instead end up having sex. This happens again, then Leonard finally convinces Stephanie by way of a text message. Meanwhile, Sheldon sneaks into the hospital to test himself multiple times, as apparently the ringing hasn't stopped. By the time Leonard gets back, Stephanie has diagnosed him with an inflamed larynx. The episode ends as Sheldon "asks" Penny with a computer for herbal tea & honey.
The title refers to when Leonard tells Stephanie he sometimes has breakfasts with Mrs. Vartabedian on the third floor, and Sheldon is upset that he was never invited to them ("What could I possibly have done to offend Mrs. Vartabedian?").
11. The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis
Leonard meets his intellectual superior in award winning scientist David Underhill (Michael Trucco). Underhill is the total opposite of Leonard: handsome, charming, and cool. He's the whole package of brains and looks which initially doesn't sit well with Leonard. Although when Hill asks for Leonard's help in research he is undertaking, he happily jumps at the offer. Leonard's joy of working with Hill is hampered by jealousy when Underhill takes an interest in Penny and the feelings are reciprocated. Sheldon, having always viewed the holidays as a pagan ritual that is rooted in obligations rather than holiday cheer, is taken for a loop when Penny brings him a Christmas gift. He now feels obligated to buy her a gift and enlists Wolowitz and Koothrappali to help him with this task which they reluctantly agree to. Sheldon believes he has come up with the most logical gift giving scenario until he opens Penny's gift; he cannot believe what she got him.
The title refers to Sheldon's attempt to give Penny the correct valued bath item gift by purchasing many gifts of various size and cost.
12. The Killer Robot Instability
When Penny's comment about Wolowitz's love life sends him into a depressed stupor, his friends lose their most important team-mate in an upcoming fighting robot competition. When Sheldon accepts a challenge for a one on one fight, pitting their robot, M.O.N.T.E. (Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator), against that of their co-worker, (Barry Kripke (John Ross Bowie)) Leonard tries to get Howard back on their team by sending Penny to apologize to him, reminding her that she owed him a favor for when he came home pantless in the Pilot episode. Penny goes to Howard's house to apologize, and ends up hearing his entire dating history. She tells Howard that if he didn't try so hard to get girls, then he would probably do much better in his relationships. After Penny's comforting words, Howard tries to kiss her, immediately followed by Penny punching him in the face. Meanwhile, M.O.N.T.E. loses to Kripke's superior robot, is destroyed beyond repair, and never enters the competition. After Sheldon organizes a vigil for M.O.N.T.E., Penny says it's "just a toy robot" and the episode folds as Sheldon sulks into his room.
The title refers to Sheldon's statement at the beginning of the episode, "Is it wrong for me to say 'I love our killer robot'?"
13. The Friendship Algorithm
Socially awkward, Sheldon develops a scientific procedure for making friends. He needs to use an open science grid computer that is in Barry Kripke's office, but Leonard tells Sheldon that only Barry's friends can use it. After repeated rebuffs from Kripke, Sheldon finds a children's book in the bookstore (where he is hurried out by Leonard who finds him innocently chatting to a little girl in view of a security camera) about how to make friends. He designs a flowchart for accomplishing this task. He goes rock climbing with Kripke but faints halfway up when he sees how far he has come. Sheldon invites him over to his apartment, much to the disgust of everyone else. Raj is informed he is being replaced by Kripke as five friends would be too many to handle. Barry then tells Sheldon there is a sign-up sheet for the computer and Barry has no control over it. Sheldon then dismisses Barry as his friend and goes back to his other four friends: Leonard, Howard, Raj, and Penny.
The title refers to Sheldon's algorithm for social meeting and developing a friendship.
14. The Financial Permeability
Sheldon's "simple" solution to Penny's financial problem leads to a confrontation between Leonard and Penny's hulking ex-boyfriend, Kurt. Penny hasn't paid her rent, so Sheldon loans her some money. But then Penny starts to worry about not being about to pay Sheldon back soon enough, even though Sheldon never doubts Penny will pay him back and is not worried about it. Leonard tries to help Penny solve her problem and in the process learns that Kurt owes Penny $1800. Without telling Penny, Leonard goes to Kurt's place to collect the money, and Kurt writes "I owe Penny $1800" on Leonard's forehead. At the end of the episode, Penny pays Sheldon back with money that Kurt paid her, but much to Leonard's disappointment, Kurt evidently never told Penny about Leonard's visit.
The episode's title refers to Penny's financial problems.
15. The Maternal Capacitance
A phone call from Leonard's mother, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter (Christine Baranski), leads to problems all around as childhood problems emerge from both Penny and Leonard. Penny bumps into Leonard's mom while doing laundry, and she reveals she is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist. Penny asks about Leonard's childhood, and his mother replies that he was 'in the phallic stage of psychosexual development, grabbing his penis and not letting go'. Penny tells Leonard's mother that she is an actress. By the time they reach Leonard's apartment, Penny is in tears after being psychoanalysed. Sheldon, on the other hand, instantly develops a comfortable relationship with the elder Dr. Hofstadter, resulting in the two discussing 'intimate' relationship points only to lead to a game of Rock Band. In the cafeteria at work, Howard thoroughly enjoys asking Leonard's mom about her other two, more successful children. Leonard gets his revenge by telling her that Howard lives with his mom and about Raj's selective mutism. She decides they are in an ersatz homosexual relationship. Later, Leonard and Penny seek comfort and discuss Leonard's mother first over white wine, then tequila. As the night progresses, Leonard tells Penny that he built a hugging machine when he was ten so he could get physical affection (his dad used to borrow it). Penny increases the stakes, resulting in a kiss. They eventually go to bed together, where Leonard tells her what his mother's reasoning for their impending sex would be: psychologically, he is having sex with his mom and she with her dad. Penny immediately throws Leonard out.
The title refers to the visit made by Leonard's mother.
16. The Cushion Saturation
A paintball game leads to a fight between Penny and Sheldon, and romance for Wolowitz and Leslie (Sara Gilbert). Penny accidently shoots the paintball gun at Sheldon's couch cushion (his "spot", his "only point of consistency in an ever-changing world"), and she and Leonard have a hard time getting it cleaned. They try just turning it over but Sheldon still notices the difference and turns it over to find the green stain. Penny has the cushion dry-cleaned, but it takes a week and Sheldon goes through withdrawal during that time. After refusing to sit on the dry-cleaned cushion, Leonard reveals that the Szechuan Palace (the only place Sheldon has his cashew chicken from) closed 2 years ago. Sheldon collapses into the couch but still doesn't like it. Sheldon gets his revenge by shooting Penny at the beginning of the group's next paintball game. Penny then shoots Sheldon, he protests she's dead. Leonard agrees and shoots Sheldon himself, who promptly fires back. The others leave. Meanwhile, Leslie and Howard start sleeping together at Howard's home, which lead to funny exchanges with Mrs. Wolowitz. Leslie is able to give Howard's work project some much-needed funds, although it turns out to be her way of controlling him. She asks him to come to her sister's wedding, he says no and she threatens to take away a trip to the CERN project in Geneva. After getting over his initial reluctance to be in that sort of relationship, Howard accepts his "sex toy/arm candy" role.
The title refers to Sheldon's "spot" being shot with a paint ball gun by Penny.
17. The Terminator Decoupling
A train trip to San Francisco takes a major detour when Leonard, Sheldon, Wolowitz, and Raj discover that their favorite sci-fi actress in all the land (Summer Glau) is on board. But the fanboy frenzy quickly gives way to a heated mass debate when they realize one of them will have to approach her. They took the train because the vote was 3 to 1 for flying, with Sheldon the one vote for the train. While Wolowitz tries to think of a clever opening line for Summer, Raj starts talking to her after drinking what he later discovered was non-alcoholic beer. When he discovers this, of course, he quits talking. Wolowitz then takes over and creeps Summer out. Leonard eventually gets his chance, but Summer gets off the train before he can introduce himself. In a subplot, Sheldon needs Penny to find his flash drive so she can email him a paper he wants to show Professor George Smoot (as himself) in San Francisco. Leonard asks Sheldon why he can't just e-mail the paper when he returns, and Sheldon replies that he "wants to see [Smoot's] face light up when he reads it." Sheldon initally responds with hostility to Leonard's suggestion that Penny should retrieve the flash drive, reminding Leonard that "no one goes into my room". Sheldon relents, however, and spends most of the episode giving Penny meticulous instructions as to how to enter his room (of course, stipulating that he is granting her access for this one time only). The instructions lead to a Japanese puzzle box containing the flash drive. Sheldon attempts to give Penny instructions as how to open the box, but she instead throws it on the floor and smashes it open. After all of this effort, Smoot wasn't impressed with Sheldon's paper, asking him "Dr. Cooper, are you on crack?" The title refers to the guest appearance of two stars: Summer Glau of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and George Smoot who is famous for the discovery of observational traces of decoupling in physical cosmology.
When Sheldon initally calls Penny, she is talking to one of her friends about an upcoming play being the only opportunity she has to portray Anne Frank. This is the second time that a character played by Kaley Cuoco has the role of Frank in a play. The first was an episode of 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter in which she plays the role in a high school play.
18. The Work Song Nanocluster
Penny's home hair-accessories business becomes a complete nightmare when a caffeine-addled Sheldon takes over. Sheldon offers his advice of how Penny can make more money, and then Leonard, Howard, and Raj add their own ideas to mass-produce and sell the products, which are hair barrettes called Pennyblossoms. Leonard makes a website to market and sell the products, and puts in a one-day rush shipping option because "Amazon has one-day rush." Right away, they get an order for 1000 Pennyblossoms from the "East Rutherford, New Jersey Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Alliance." All 5 work all night to finish, only to see the same group had ordered 1000 more, leading everyone to quit because they are tired. All except Sheldon, that is, who is now wide awake and hyper because he was given coffee by Penny. At the end of the episode, Sheldon in his The Flash costume runs out to get more coffee.
The title refers to the motivational songs that Penny and Sheldon sing during the production process, as well as the 'clustering' problem Penny had with her glitter. Переведено на сайте notabenoid.com
Переводчики: maslvi, Amberr, ficture, KOCTA, frumpel, Gent, arteg, Givee, stanova, mrlomax, NerdPunk, Iverni, selfishcat, swelf1986, nikoTEEN, polkmn, kumar, lonli, jma, reandmad, Fishkiller, spicyn, KoppeKTop
19. The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition
Penny develops a rivalry with a sexy female neighbour (Valerie Azlynn) who threatens to become "The New Penny" in the building. The new woman has Leonard, Wolowitz, and Raj all "helping" her set up the apartment, from fixing her CD player to painting the walls. She also offers to pay them in chinese food, which Penny already bought for the guys. Penny confronts her in the laundry room after she asks Penny how much do physicists make, and they get into a catfight in the lobby, resulting in a black eye for Penny. Meanwhile, Sheldon tries his hand at sarcasm with Penny when she enters his apartment without asking his permission.
The title refers to the new neighbor auditioning to appear in CSI as a dead hooker.
20. The Hofstadter Isotope
While Stuart (Kevin Sussman), a fellow comic book-loving pal of the guys romances Penny, Leonard and Wolowitz venture out into the world of "Ladies' Night" at a local bar. Penny needed a comic book for her nephew's birthday, so she goes to the comic book store with the guys. Stuart is an employee there who is also an artist. Leonard feels he and Stuart are basically the same person, so it pains him to see Penny with Stuart. He asks Wolowitz to take him to a "bar with women." However, Raj is the only one who succeeds in getting a girl, which baffles Wolowitz, who had been failing all night. Meanwhile, Sheldon debates Stuart about the identity of The Batman following the Batman R.I.P. storyline. Sheldon "wins" the discussion when Stuart announces he is tired and wants to leave.
The title refers to Leonard's last name; an isotope is a nucleus whose chemical properties are almost identical to the original one having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons (Stuart and Leonard).
21. The Vegas Renormalization
Leslie Winkle breaks up with Howard, and he becomes depressed. Leonard and Raj decide to take him on a trip to Las Vegas in order to cheer him up. While in Vegas, a prostitute named Mikaela (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) begins talking to Raj. He and Leonard eventually decide to hire her to pose as a Jewish woman and seduce Howard. When Howard realizes what is going on, he thanks Leonard and Raj for setting up this "date." Sheldon, who has declined to come on the trip to Vegas, is ready to spend the weekend alone. He returns home to find that he has forgotten his key inside his locked apartment. Since the building manager will not arrive until the next morning, and Penny says she left her emergency key in their apartment, he is forced to spend the night with her. He sleeps in Penny's bed because he can't fit on the couch. When Leonard returns at the end of the episode, Sheldon comes out of Penny's apartment, telling Leonard he had dinner with her and spent the night. He also tells Leonard that he has a better understanding of the term "friends with benefits," which was a question he had the entire episode.
The title refers to the process of "renormalizing" Howard (getting him back to his old self) by taking him to Las Vegas. Renormalization is a related mathematical procedure in theoretical physics.
22. The Classified Materials Turbulence
The episode starts at the comic book store, where Howard is celebrating the launch of his "space toilet" (a special latrine for the ISS) by buying all of his friends new comics. Stuart tells Leonard he is having a second date with Penny and asks for advice. Leonard deliberately avoids Stuart's request, because he doesn't want Stuart to go further with Penny. Stuart visits the apartment for "last-minute advice" just before going to see Penny, but Leonard tells him to "go slow" with Penny, hoping that she will dump him. Leonard regrets giving this advice, however, and goes to apologize to Stuart the next day. Stuart says that Leonard's advice was perfect. He managed to get Penny drunk and started making out with her, but she accidentally blurted out Leonard's name. Leonard begins celebrating as soon as he's out of Stuart's sight.
Howard, who was earlier celebrating the launch of his space toilet, discovers that he made a "teeny tiny error" that will cause the toilet to fail, dispensing its waste through the ISS (instead of out into space) after ten flushes. He asks Raj and Sheldon to help him construct a fix with materials that are readily available on the ISS. They eventually do throw together a fix. The episode ends with all of the ISS astronauts asking to go on a spacewalk, presumably because their waste has leaked out of the toilet, causing the inside of the station to stink.
"Classified Materials" refers to the fact that Howard's toilet is technically classified information. Turbulence is "a state of agitation or disturbance" and probably refers to Penny and Stuart's relationship. "Turbulence" could also be used as a euphemism for gastric distress (causing diarrhoea) in a reference to the episodes' many toilet humour jokes.
23. The Monopolar Expedition
Sheldon wins a National Science Foundation grant to pay for a three-month expedition to the Magnetic North Pole. His plan is to detect the magnetic monopoles in a way that would prove the validity of string theory. After some hesitation, he decides to go wants his three friends to go also. Howard is the most reluctant, as it means three months with Sheldon. Raj believes three months with Sheldon will earn him a better reincarnation life per his Hindu beliefs. Leonard wants to go for his own experience. To prepare for the trip, the guys spend some time in the freezer at the Cheesecake Factory. Penny then buys Leonard a blanket with sleeves, which she explains was a result of alcohol and a late-night infomercial. Whether she will actually miss Leonard remains a big enigma for Leonard himself while the viewers are being told that the answer is yes.
The adjective "monopolar" is deliberately ambiguous. First, the boys will only visit one (mono-) pole of the Earth. Second, they plan to detect monopoles which only have one pole by themselves.
Внимание! Раздача ведётся путём добавления новых серий
Внимание! Раздача ведётся путём добавления новых серий; при каждом добавлении создётся новый торрент. Чтобы начать докачку новой серии, пользователям необходимо сделать следующее:
(1) остановить скачивание,
(2) удалить старый торрент у себя из клиента (старые серии удалять не надо),
(3) скачать новый торрент и запустить его у себя в клиенте вместо старого, при этом указать клиенту путь в старую папку куда и должно происходить скачивание новых серий. Ваш клиент при этом должен произвести хеширование (проверку) старой папки (если не производит сам - помогите ему сделать это), и будет докачивать только те серии которых у вас ещё нет. Старые серии при этом не удаляются, а продолжают раздаваться! Eсли вы уже удалили старые серии, то предотвратить повторную закачку старых серий можно, отжав галочку в соответсвующих местах при запуске нового торрента. По возможности, желательно не удалять старые серии как можно дольше чтобы релизёр не столько продолжал раздавать старые серии, а смог сконцентрироваться на новых.
ДАААА!!!!Уже давно ищу где нить сабы для Офиса. Сериал я то всё равно смотрю на английском(приходится), но английский я знаю не очень.
Так что буду очень признателен за хорошие сабы к Офису!
gigaset88, AntKov250686 - я сам этот сериал не смотрел, просто много о нем слышал. Думаю идея найдёт поддержку - регистрируйтесь, заливайте сабы и вам обязательно помогут! Qwertysss, раз в неделю, ближайшие 23 недели))
Пара комментариев по субтитрам, в некотором роде спойлеры:
скрытый текст
00:00:56,680 --> 00:00:59,520
Нет-нет, я не имел в виду, что нам нужно скорее идти в твою квартиру.
No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast. У меня было так: "Нет-нет, я не имел в виду, что нам нужно идти в твою квартиру, чтобы ускорить темп." KoppeKTop зря это исправил, так как смысл фразы не в том, что Лео не хочет быстрее идти в квартиру (он как раз хочет), а в том, что он говорит: "я не для того хочу в твою квартиру, чтобы потрахаться (то есть ускорить их отношения)". 00:15:50,300 --> 00:15:54,640
Почему бы тебе не положить его в пакет и не бросить в огонь?
Shouldn't you put him in a brown paper bag and set him on fire? Тут мой косяк, который KoppeKTop не исправил Более точный вариант: "Ты б ещё засунул его в бумажный пакет и поджёг!", здесь имеется в виду такой тупой прикол, когда кому-то под дверь кладут бумажный пакет с дерьмом, поджигают пакет, звонят в дверь, убегают, хозяин выходит, затаптывает огонь, пачкая всё вокруг содержимым пакета. Поступок Кутрапали очень похож на такой прикол
Пара комментариев по субтитрам, в некотором роде спойлеры:
Спасибо за замечания! В некотором смысле согласен:
Рассуждения на тему субтитров
lifeful писал(а):
00:00:56,680 --> 00:00:59,520
Нет-нет, я не имел в виду, что нам нужно скорее идти в твою квартиру.
No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast. У меня было так: "Нет-нет, я не имел в виду, что нам нужно идти в твою квартиру, чтобы ускорить темп." KoppeKTop зря это исправил, так как смысл фразы не в том, что Лео не хочет быстрее идти в квартиру (он как раз хочет), а в том, что он говорит: "я не для того хочу в твою квартиру, чтобы потрахаться (то есть ускорить их отношения)".
С этой фразой как-то сложно сохранить точный перевод ("чтобы ускорить темп" - на мой вгляд звучит коряво). Нужно подчеркнуть что ему хочется быстрее в её квартиру вовсе не за ЭТИМ (как-то так).
lifeful писал(а):
00:15:50,300 --> 00:15:54,640
Почему бы тебе не положить его в пакет и не бросить в огонь?
Shouldn't you put him in a brown paper bag and set him on fire? Тут мой косяк, который KoppeKTop не исправил Более точный вариант: "Ты б ещё засунул его в бумажный пакет и поджёг!", здесь имеется в виду такой тупой прикол, когда кому-то под дверь кладут бумажный пакет с дерьмом, поджигают пакет, звонят в дверь, убегают, хозяин выходит, затаптывает огонь, пачкая всё вокруг содержимым пакета. Поступок Кутрапали очень похож на такой прикол
Да, про прикол я знаю и в моем варианте фраза звучала как "А разве его не надо было завернуть в пакет и поджечь?!". К сожалению, комп сбойнул ( ) и при повторном пробеге по фразам я дейсвительно про неё забыл...
На счет неточностей в переводе - пишите в личку. Исправленные сабы будут перезаливаться при следующих релизах (или раньше).
Я хоть в английском не достаточно силен, но где то в середине серии, когда Шелдон больше не может сдерживать тайну и перед тем, как идти к Пенни в кафе, он говорит Леонарду "Добрый день, Леонард", после чего выходит из квартиры. В оригинале говорится "Good day, Leonard", и как лично мне показалось, имелось ввиду "Хорошего дня, Леонард". Если я не прав, поправьте меня
лично мне показалось, имелось ввиду "Хорошего дня, Леонард"
Может быть. Но меня смутило то, что Леонарда так сильно поразила эта фраза. Для себя я объяснил это тем, что Шелдон был в таком смятении, что поздоровался вместо того, чтобы попрощаться. К сожалению, об употребимости "good day" в качестве прощания могу судить только по словарю, и там оно только устаревшее.
Я хоть в английском не достаточно силен, но где то в середине серии, когда Шелдон больше не может сдерживать тайну и перед тем, как идти к Пенни в кафе, он говорит Леонарду "Добрый день, Леонард", после чего выходит из квартиры. В оригинале говорится "Good day, Leonard", и как лично мне показалось, имелось ввиду "Хорошего дня, Леонард". Если я не прав, поправьте меня
Да, "Хорошего дня" - первое, что приходит в голову, но я также решил, что "Добрый день" - хороший вариант, учитывая расстерянность Леонарда. Другим, на мой взгляд, хорошим вариантом было перевести это высоким штилем: "Доброго Вам дня", или даже "Доброго Вам дня, сударь".
Блин долго же ждать пришлось -я уже давно с зарубежного треккера скачал на мой взгляд - глупый запрет - не размещать без перевода. большая часть аудитории знает язык на уровне intermediate - этого достаточно чтобы понять 80% всего что говриться, и уж точно достаточно чтобы плучить удовольствие от сериала. тем более что не все озвучки, к оторым привыкли - хорошие... впрочем, низкий поклон тем, кто сподобился сделать таки черновой перевод, спасибо!
Очень жду 2 сезон с переводом!!!Хоть и знаю англиийский на довольно высоком уровне,удовольствие получаю от неординарного перевода Кураж-Бомбей!!!Скорее бы 1 октября....
а мне кажестя что Кураж перебарщивает с экспрессией и немножко недогоняет что некоторых реплик, которые он произноситв переводе - Шелдон - и ему подобные психотипы НУ ПРОСТО НЕ МОГЛИ БЫ сказать))) хотя у него было пару тройку находок от которых - от самих по себе - я под столом лежал от смеха , за что ему искренне благодарен.. все же перевод от нова фильм (или как их там) мну больше пер ИМХО фломастеры на вкус и цвет все разные)
а мне кажестя что Кураж перебарщивает с экспрессией и немножко недогоняет что некоторых реплик, которые он произноситв переводе - Шелдон - и ему подобные психотипы НУ ПРОСТО НЕ МОГЛИ БЫ сказать))) хотя у него было пару тройку находок от которых - от самих по себе - я под столом лежал от смеха , за что ему искренне благодарен.. все же перевод от нова фильм (или как их там) мну больше пер ИМХО фломастеры на вкус и цвет все разные)
+1. именно! некоторые слова произносимые Куражем просто не вяжутся с образом Шелдона А в первых сериях первого сезона кураж вообще несколько хохм просто убивал своим переводом (т.е. абсолюьно не верным)
хотя справедливости ради надо отметить, что потом такого стало меньше (хотя и все равно попадалось)