Серия книг "Short Cuts" / Киноведческие работы по Истории, Социологии, Философии Кино и Кинопроцессу (70 книг) [2000-2022, PDF/EPUB, ENG]

Страницы:  1


Стаж: 18 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 554

qb1 · 27-Янв-25 19:45 (1 месяц 15 дней назад, ред. 08-Мар-25 13:51)

Серия книг "Short Cuts" / Киноведческие работы по Истории, Социологии, Философии Кино и Кинопроцессу (70 книг)
Год издания: 2000-2022
Автор: Various
Жанр или тематика: Киноведение
Издательство: Wallflower Press / Columbia University Press
ISBN: Various
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF/EPUB
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста + ebook
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: Various
Книги серии Short Cuts предлагают краткое вводное изложение основополагающих концепций в теории, жанрах и истории кино.
Серия Short Cuts представляет собой обширную библиотеку вводных текстов, охватывающих весь спектр исследований кино. С кратким обсуждением современных проблем в историческом и культурном контексте и широким использованием иллюстративных примеров этот список учебных пособий идеально подходит для создания индивидуально оформленной библиотеки для всех студентов и любителей кино и популярной культуры.
«Создано специально для модульного подхода к исследованиям кино. . . . Незаменимый инструмент как для преподавателей, так и для студентов» — Пол Виллеман, Университет Ольстера
The Short Cuts series is a comprehensive library of introductory texts covering the full spectrum of film studies. With concise discussion of contemporary issues within historical and cultural contexts and the extensive use of illustrative case studies, this list of study guides is perfectly suited to building an individually styled library for all students and enthusiasts of cinema and popular culture.
“Tailor-made for a modular approach to film studies. . . . An indispensable tool for both lecturers and students”—Paul Willeman, University of Ulster
Columbia University Press
Существует сквозная нумерация выпусков - номера указаны только на корешке. Возможно, в более поздних выпусках номера отсутствуют. Также нельзя ориентироваться на последовательность выпущенных книг серии по спискам "Other Select Titles" в начале многих книг (см.ниже скрин) - порядок расположения не точный.

Для справки по серии Short Cuts см. раздел на сайте издательства (!!!но список не полный и есть ошибки на один год в некоторых указанных датах выпуска):

Другие серии от Wallflower на трекере:
Серия книг "Directors’ Cuts. The Cinema Of..." / Киноведческие работы по Кинорежиссерам (44 книги) [2003-2023, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
Примеры страниц (скриншоты)
Список книг
Adam O'Brien - Film and the Natural Environment.Elements and Atmospheres (Short Cuts) - 2018 (var).pdf
Adam O'Brien - Film and the Natural Environment.Elements and Atmospheres (Short Cuts) - 2018.pdf
Alberto Mira - The Pop Musical.Sweat, Tears, and Tarnished Utopias (Short Cuts) - 2021.pdf
Alison Butler - Women's Cinema.The Contested Screen (Short Cuts) - 2003 (scan).pdf
Andrew Klevan - Film Performance.From Achievement to Appreciation (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Andrew Klevan - Film Performance.From Achievement to Appreciation (Short Cuts) - 2005.pdf
Angus McFadzean - Suburban Fantastic Cinema.Growing Up in the Late Twentieth Century (Short Cuts) - 2019.pdf
Barbara Mennel - Queer Cinema.Schoolgirls, Vampires, and Gay Cowboys (Short Cuts) - 2012 (scan).pdf
Barbara Mennel - Queer Cinema.Schoolgirls, Vampires, and Gay Cowboys (Short Cuts) - 2012.pdf
Barry Keith Grant - Film Genre.From Iconography to Ideology (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan).pdf
Barry Keith Grant - Film Genre.From Iconography to Ideology (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan var).pdf
Belen Vidal - Heritage Film.Nation, Genre, and Representation (Short Cuts) - 2012.epub
Bruce Babington - The Sports Film.Games People Play (Short Cuts) - 2014.pdf
C. Paul Sellors - Film Authorship.Auteurs and Other Myths (Short Cuts) - 2010 (scan).pdf
Carolyn Jess-Cooke - Shakespeare on Film.Such Things as Dreams Are Made Of (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan).pdf
Catherine Constable - Postmodernism and Film.Rethinking Hollywood's Aesthestics (Short Cuts) - 2015 (var).pdf
Catherine Constable - Postmodernism and Film.Rethinking Hollywood's Aesthestics (Short Cuts) - 2015.epub
Catherine Constable - Postmodernism and Film.Rethinking Hollywood's Aesthestics (Short Cuts) - 2015.pdf
Daniel C. Shaw - Film and Philosophy.Taking Movies Seriously (Short Cuts) - 2008 (scan).pdf
Darcy Paquet - New Korean Cinema.Breaking the Waves (Short Cuts) - 2009 (scan).pdf
Darcy Paquet - New Korean Cinema.Breaking the Waves (Short Cuts) - 2009.pdf
Daryl Lee - The Heist Film.Stealing with Style (Short Cuts) - 2014 (scan).pdf
Daryl Lee - The Heist Film.Stealing with Style (Short Cuts) - 2014.epub
Daryl Lee - The Heist Film.Stealing with Style (Short Cuts) - 2014.pdf
David Butler - Fantasy Cinema.Impossible Worlds on Screen (Short Cuts) - 2010 (scan).pdf
David Gillespie - Early Soviet Cinema.Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda (Short Cuts) - 2000 (scan).pdf
David Gillespie - Early Soviet Cinema.Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda (Short Cuts) - 2000 (scan doubled pages).pdf
Deborah Thomas - Reading Hollywood.Spaces and Meanings in American Film (Short Cuts) - 2001 (scan).pdf
Ellen Cheshire - Bio-pics.A Life in Pictures (Short Cuts) - 2015 (var).pdf
Ellen Cheshire - Bio-pics.A Life in Pictures (Short Cuts) - 2015.epub
Ellen Cheshire - Bio-pics.A Life in Pictures (Short Cuts) - 2015.pdf
Felicity Colman - Film Theory.Creating a Cinematic Grammar (Short Cuts) - 2014.epub
Felicity Colman - Film Theory.Creating a Cinematic Grammar (Short Cuts) - 2014.pdf
Geoff King, Tanya Krzywinska - Science Fiction Cinema.From Outerspace to Cyberspace (Short Cuts) - 2000.pdf
Guy Barefoot - Trash Cinema.The Lure of the Low (Short Cuts) - 2017.pdf
Guy Westwell - War Cinema.Hollywood on the Front Line (Short Cuts) - 2006 (scan).pdf
Harvey O'Brien - Action Movies.The Cinema of Striking Back (Short Cuts) - 2012 (scan).pdf
Harvey O'Brien - Action Movies.The Cinema of Striking Back (Short Cuts) - 2012.pdf
Holly Willis - New Digital Cinema.Reinventing the Moving Image (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Ian Roberts - German Expressionist Cinema.The World of Light and Shadow (Short Cuts) - 2008 (scan).pdf
James Leggott - Contemporary British Cinema.From Heritage to Horror (Short Cuts) - 2008 (scan).pdf
Jane Barnwell - Production Design.Architects of the Screen (Short Cuts) - 2004 (scan).pdf
Jane Barnwell - Production Design.Architects of the Screen (Short Cuts) - 2004.epub
Janet McCabe - Feminist Film Studies.Writing the Woman into Cinema (Short Cuts) - 2004 (scan).pdf
Janet McCabe - Feminist Film Studies.Writing the Woman into Cinema (Short Cuts) - 2004 (scan var).pdf
Jeffrey Weinstock - The Vampire Film.Undead Cinema (Short Cuts) - 2012.epub
John Gibbs - Mise-en-scene.Film Style and Interpretation (Short Cuts) - 2002.epub
John Gibbs - Mise-en-scene.Film Style and Interpretation (Short Cuts) - 2002.pdf
John Mercer, Martin Shingler - Melodrama.Genre, Style, Sensibility (Short Cuts) - 2004.epub
John Saunders - The Western Genre.From Lordsburg to Big Whiskey (Short Cuts) - 2001 (scan).pdf
John Saunders - The Western Genre.From Lordsburg to Big Whiskey (Short Cuts) - 2001.pdf
Karen McNally - The Stardom Film.Creating the Hollywood Fairy Tale (Short Cuts) - 2020.pdf
Kevin Kehrwald - Prison Movies.Cinema Behind Bars (Short Cuts) - 2017.epub
Kevin Kehrwald - Prison Movies.Cinema Behind Bars (Short Cuts) - 2017.pdf
Kirsten Moana Thompson - Crime Films.Investigating the Scene (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan).pdf
Kush Varia - Bollywood.Gods, Glamour, and Gossip (Short Cuts) - 2013 (scan).pdf
Kush Varia - Bollywood.Gods, Glamour, and Gossip (Short Cuts) - 2013.epub
Lawrence Napper - Silent Cinema.Before the Pictures Got Small (Short Cuts) - 2017.pdf
Mark Bould - Film Noir.From Berlin to Sin City (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Mark Bould - Film Noir.From Berlin to Sin City (Short Cuts) - 2005.epub
Mark Bould - Film Noir.From Berlin to Sin City (Short Cuts) - 2005.pdf
Mark Shiel - Italian Neorealism.Rebuilding the Cinematic City (Short Cuts) - 2006 (scan).pdf
Mark Shiel - Italian Neorealism.Rebuilding the Cinematic City (Short Cuts) - 2006.epub
Mark Shiel - Italian Neorealism.Rebuilding the Cinematic City (Short Cuts) - 2006.pdf
Michael O'Pray - Avant-Garde Film.Forms, Themes and Passions (Short Cuts) - 2003 (scan).pdf
Michael O'Pray - Avant-Garde Film.Forms, Themes and Passions (Short Cuts) - 2003.pdf
Michele Aaron - Spectatorship.The Power of Looking On (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan).pdf
Mike Chopra-Gant - Cinema and History.The Telling of Stories (Short Cuts) - 2008 (scan).pdf
Neil Archer - The Road Movie.In Search of Meaning (Short Cuts) - 2016 (scan).pdf
Neil Archer - The Road Movie.In Search of Meaning (Short Cuts) - 2016.epub
Neil Archer - The Road Movie.In Search of Meaning (Short Cuts) - 2016.pdf
Neil Archer - Twenty-First-Century Hollywood.Rebooting the System (Short Cuts) - 2019.pdf
Noel Brown - The Children's Film.Genre, Nation, and Narrative (Short Cuts) - 2017.pdf
Paul McDonald - The Star System.Hollywood's Production of Popular Identities (Short Cuts) - 2000 (scan var).pdf
Paul McDonald - The Star System.Hollywood's Production of Popular Identities (Short Cuts) - 2000.pdf
Paul Ward - Documentary.The Margins of Reality (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Paul Ward - Documentary.The Margins of Reality (Short Cuts) - 2005.epub
Paul Wells - Animation.Genre and Authorship (Short Cuts) - 2002.epub
Paul Wells - The Horror Genre.From Beelzebub to Blair Witch (Short Cuts) - 2000 (scan).pdf
Paul Wells - The Horror Genre.From Beelzebub to Blair Witch (Short Cuts) - 2000.epub
Peter Bosma - Film Programming.Curating for Cinemas, Festivals, Archives (Short Cuts) - 2015 (scan).pdf
Peter Bosma - Film Programming.Curating for Cinemas, Festivals, Archives (Short Cuts) - 2015.pdf
Peter Kramer - The New Hollywood.From Bonnie and Clyde to Star Wars (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Peter Kramer - The New Hollywood.From Bonnie and Clyde to Star Wars (Short Cuts) - 2005.epub
Ron Wilson - The Gangster Film.Fatal Success in American Cinema (Short Cuts) - 2015.pdf
S. Brent Plate - Religion and Film.Cinema and the Re-creation of the World (Short Cuts) - 2008 (scan).pdf
Samantha Lay - British Social Realism.From Documentary to Brit Grit (Short Cuts) - 2002 (scan).pdf
Sarah Street - Costume and Cinema.Dress Codes in Popular Film (Short Cuts) - 2002 (scan).pdf
Sean Carter, Klaus Dodds - International Politics and Film.Space, Vision, Power (Short Cuts) - 2014.epub
Sean Carter, Klaus Dodds - International Politics and Film.Space, Vision, Power (Short Cuts) - 2014.pdf
Sheila Cornelius, Ian Haydn Smith - New Chinese Cinema.Challenging Representations (Short Cuts) - 2002 (scan).pdf
Sheila Cornelius, Ian Haydn Smith - New Chinese Cinema.Challenging Representations (Short Cuts) - 2002.epub
Sheri Chinen Biesen - Film Censorship.Regulating America's Screen (Short Cuts) - 2018.pdf
Simon Popple, Joe Kember - Early Cinema.From Factory Gate to Dream Factory (Short Cuts) - 2004.epub
Stephen Keane - Disaster Movies.The Cinema of Catastrophe (Short Cuts) - 2001 (scan).pdf
Stephen Keane - Disaster Movies.The Cinema of Catastrophe (Short Cuts) - 2006 2nd.epub
Susan Smith - The Musical.Race, Gender, and Performance (Short Cuts) - 2005 (scan).pdf
Tamar Jeffers McDonald - Romantic Comedy.Boy Meets Girl Meets Genre (Short Cuts) - 2007 (scan).pdf
Tamar Jeffers McDonald - Romantic Comedy.Boy Meets Girl Meets Genre (Short Cuts) - 2007.pdf
Terence McSweeney - The Contemporary Superhero Film.Projections of Power and Identity (Short Cuts) - 2020.epub
Terence McSweeney - The Contemporary Superhero Film.Projections of Power and Identity (Short Cuts) - 2020.pdf
Thomas M. Puhr - Fate in Film.A Deterministic Approach to Cinema (Short Cuts) - 2022.pdf
Timothy Shary - Teen Movies.A Century of American Youth (Short Cuts) - 2005.epub
Timothy Shary - Teen Movies.A Century of American Youth (Short Cuts) - 2005.pdf
Tudor Gates - Scenario.The Craft of Screenwriting (Short Cuts) - 2002.pdf
Valerie Orpen - Film Editing.The Art of the Expressive (Short Cuts) - 2003 (scan).pdf
Valerie Orpen - Film Editing.The Art of the Expressive (Short Cuts) - 2003.epub
Vicky Lebeau - Psychoanalysis and Cinema.The Play of Shadows (Short Cuts) - 2002 (scan).pdf
Warren Buckland - Narrative and Narration.Analyzing Cinematic Storytelling (Short Cuts) - 2020.pdf
Отсутствующие выпуски
The French New Wave.A New Look - Naomi Greene
Wallflower Press Pub Date: December 2007 ISBN: 9781905674121

New German Cinema.The Images of a Generation - Julia Knight
Wallflower Press Pub Date: March 2004 ISBN: 9781903364284 144 Pages

Teen Movies. A Century of American Youth, second edition 2023

The Hollywood B-Film: Cinema on a Shoestring (Short Cuts) Paperback – January 30, 2018
by Kyle Edwards (Author)

New Queer Cinema: Beyond the Celluloid Closet (Short Cuts) Paperback – October 1, 2006
by Robin Griffiths (Author)
Другие раздачи книг этой серии на трекере
Short Cuts Book 56 - Colman Felicity / Колман Фелисити - Film Theory: Creating a Cinematic Grammar / Теория кино: Создавая кинематографическую грамматику [2014, PDF, ENG]
Доп. информация:
Мои раздачи Книг о Кино
Werner Herzog / Вернер Херцог - Собрание Книг (53 книги) (обновлено 10.04.2024) [1977-2023, FB2/EPUB/PDF/DjVu, ENG/RUS]
Samuel Fuller / Сэмюэл Фуллер - Собрание Книг: Автобиография, Интервью, Проза и Киноведение [1970-2016, EPUB/PDF, ENG]
Elia Kazan /Элиа Казан - Собрание Книг: Автобиография, Письма, Проза и Киноведение [1962-2014, EPUB/PDF/FB2, ENG]
Akira Kurosawa / Акира Куросава - Жабий Жир. Автобиография и Киноведение - Собрание Книг (7 книг) [1971-2016, MOBI/EPUB/PDF/DjVu, ENG/RUS]
Wim Wenders / Вим Вендерс - Собрание книг (13 книг) - Сборники Эссе, Интервью и Фотоальбомы [1985-2020, PDF, ENG]
Серии книг:
Conversations With Filmmakers Series / Беседы с Кинорежиссерами (97 книг) - Линч, Спилберг, Скорсезе, Тарантино, Тарковский, Чаплин, Феллини, Кассаветис, Кубрик, Гиллиам, Хичкок, Братья Коэны, Полански, Верховен, Бертолуччи, Стоун, Эшби и др. [1998-2024, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
Directors on Directors Series / Режиссеры о Режиссерах - Серия книг (34 книги) - Линч, Скорсезе, Феллини, Гиллиам, Кроненберг, Шрейдер, Хокс, Бертон, Херцог, Малль, Кассаветес, Хичкок, Аллен, Фон Триер и др. [1989-2015, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
John Boorman / Джон Бурман / Бурмен (гл.ред) - Projections Series. Film-makers on Film-making / Проекции. Кинематографисты о Кино-Процессе - Серия книг (13 книг) [1992-2006, PDF, ENG]
Серия книг "Pocket Essentials Film" / Все о Кино: Кино-Режиссеры, Актеры и Киноведение (66 книг) [2000-2020, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
Серия книг "Cambridge Film Classics" / Киноведческие работы по знаменитым режиссерам и их главным фильмам (17 книг) [1993-2003, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
Серии от издательства Wallflower/Columbia University Press:
Серия книг "Short Cuts" / Киноведческие работы по Истории, Социологии, Философии Кино и Кинопроцессу (70 книг) [2000-2022, PDF/EPUB, ENG] [2000-2020, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
Серия книг "Directors’ Cuts. The Cinema Of..." / Киноведческие работы по Кинорежиссерам (44 книги) [2003-2023, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
[английский] John O'Brien, Mike Figgis / Джон О'Брайен, Майк Фиггис - Leaving Las Vegas [novel + script] / Покидая Лас-Вегас [роман + сценарий] [1990, 1994, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, ENG]
Roger Ebert / Роджер Эберт - Собрание Книг (26 книг) (обновлено 20.01.2021) [1987-2017, EPUB/PDF/ENG]
[Журнал] "Cinema"/ "Синема" No.1-16 [1995-98, PDF, RUS]
[Газета] Новости Видео Russkoje Video (Русское Видео) (15 номеров) [(1989-1992), PDF, RUS]
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[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 554

qb1 · 28-Янв-25 19:23 (спустя 23 часа, ред. 01-Фев-25 19:51)

Найдена книга James Kendrick - "Film Violence: History, Ideology, Genre" (2009)

!!!Раздачу пока не обновляю. Буду признателен за помощь в поиске недостающих выпусков (см.раздел в описании)
NB Книга выложена в моей ВК группе "Лучшие Книги о Кино на Английском"
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 