[Pluralsight] Java SE 17 Path [2022, ENG]

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CoJIHblIIIKo · 05-Апр-23 21:37 (1 год 9 месяцев назад)

Java SE 17 Path
Год выпуска: 2022
Производитель: Pluralsight
Сайт производителя: https://www.pluralsight.com/
Автор: дафига
Продолжительность: ~ 50 h
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы
Язык: Английский
Субтитры: Английские
Описание: Java is one of the most popular enterprise development languages as well as mobile device development too. It is an open source language that covers a broad spectrum of applications including web, cloud, desktop, and mobile.
This path will take you from the very beginning, with no Java knowledge, all the way to being an expert in the language. Java 17, the latest LTS version of Java, is used for all courses in the path.
First, you will learn about the fundamental concepts and language constructs of the Java language, including object-orientation (OO). Then you will move on to more specific, in-depth coverage of Java 17 and topics that a Java developer will use on a day-to-day basis, including error handling, working with lists and generics, accessing data and working asynchronously. This path also covers fundamentals such as Unit Testing and QA using Java. With these topics understood, you will be able to create and maintain Java applications in your organization.
Finally, with most code-constructs known, you can learn more about best practices to create your next Java application. You’ll learn how to apply SOLID principles, design patterns and how to refactor existing Java code.
After completing this path, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to create all types of Java projects.
If you want to build a web application, explore the JEE 9 path, as it will contain many topics that teach you how to create a server-side web application. Or if you’re interested in creating a client-side web application, take a look at the Java EE 9 path that integrates with web clients. If your organization wants to expose data over the web for other applications to use, you’ll need to build an API. Creating APIs again powered by Java, is covered in the Java EE 9 path. If you’re looking to apply your gathered Java knowledge to create mobile applications, take a look at the Mobile/Android/Kotlin path.
Java - один из самых популярных языков корпоративной разработки, а также разработки мобильных устройств. Это язык с открытым исходным кодом, который охватывает широкий спектр приложений, включая веб, облачные, настольные и мобильные.
Этот путь приведет вас с самого начала, без каких-либо знаний Java, к тому, чтобы стать экспертом в этом языке. Java 17, последняя LTS-версия Java, используется для всех курсов в path.
Во-первых, вы узнаете об основных концепциях и языковых конструкциях языка Java, включая объектно-ориентированный подход (OO). Затем вы перейдете к более конкретному, углубленному описанию Java 17 и тем, которые разработчик Java будет использовать изо дня в день, включая обработку ошибок, работу со списками и обобщениями, доступ к данным и асинхронную работу. Этот путь также охватывает такие основы, как модульное тестирование и контроль качества с использованием Java. Разобравшись в этих темах, вы сможете создавать и поддерживать Java-приложения в своей организации.
Наконец, поскольку большинство кодовых конструкций известно, вы можете узнать больше о лучших практиках создания вашего следующего Java-приложения. Вы узнаете, как применять принципы SOLID, шаблоны проектирования и как проводить рефакторинг существующего Java-кода.
Пройдя этот путь, вы сможете применить эти знания для создания всех типов Java-проектов.
Если вы хотите создать веб-приложение, ознакомьтесь с JEE 9 path, поскольку в нем будет много разделов, которые научат вас создавать серверные веб-приложения. Или, если вы заинтересованы в создании клиентского веб-приложения, взгляните на Java EE 9 path, который интегрируется с веб-клиентами. Если ваша организация хочет предоставлять данные через Интернет для использования другими приложениями, вам необходимо создать API. Создание API, снова работающих на Java, описано в Java EE 9 path. Если вы хотите применить полученные знания Java для создания мобильных приложений, взгляните на путь Mobile / Android / Kotlin.
Java SE 17: The Big Picture by Sander Mak

Java is one of the most widely-used development platforms today. This course will teach you the basics of what Java 17 is, and help you decide whether or not it is right for you.
Java - одна из наиболее широко используемых платформ разработки на сегодняшний день. Этот курс научит вас основам того, что такое Java 17, и поможет вам решить, подходит она вам или нет.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 2m 0s
Course Overview 2m 0s
Introducing the Java Platform 17m 5s
Introduction 1m 14s
Tools Used in This Course 59s
What You'll Learn 1m 45s
Is Java Dead? 2m 40s
Introducing the Java Platform 4m 51s
Compiling and Running Java Code 4m 21s
Summary 1m 11s
Adopting Java 17 25m 44s
The Philosophy of Java: Readability 2m 29s
The Philosophy of Java: Stability 3m 33s
The Philosophy of Java: Openness & Community 3m 10s
The Java Language 3m 12s
Java’s Runtime: Portability 3m 17s
Java’s Runtime: a Managed Runtime 3m 39s
Comparing Java to Other Languages 5m 23s
Summary 58s
Working with Java 17 19m 52s
Desktop Java 4m 40s
Enterprise Java 4m 3s
Java in the Cloud 3m 29s
Language Features 6m 19s
Summary 1m 20s
The Wider Java Ecosystem 27m 2s
Spring Framework 5m 25s
Other Popular Java Libraries 6m 36s
Tools 6m 8s
Alternative JVM Languages 5m 33s
Course Wrap-up 3m 19s
Level Beginner
Duration 1h 31m
Released 28 Mar 2022
Java SE 17 Fundamentals by Jim Wilson

Java is one of the most in-demand and widely-used programming languages in the world. This course will teach you everything you need to know to get started programming in Java.
Java - один из самых востребованных и широко используемых языков программирования в мире. Этот курс научит вас всему, что вам нужно знать, чтобы начать программировать на Java.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 11s
Course Overview 1m 11s
Creating Your First Java App 35m 33s
Introduction 1m 30s
Creating Your App with IntelliJ 5m 17s
IDE, JDK, JRE 3m 36s
Running from the Command Line 2m 26s
Statement Structure and Whitespace 1m 47s
Comments 2m 21s
Using Comments in Code 5m 11s
Introduction to Packages 5m 22s
Using Packages 4m 44s
Summary 3m 15s
Variables, Data Types, and Math Operators 43m 24s
Introduction 1m 19s
Variables 3m 56s
Primitive Data Types 5m 35s
Primitive Types Are Stored by Value 1m 44s
Arithmetic Operators 3m 15s
Prefix, Postfix, and Compound Assignment Operators 4m 50s
Operator Precedence 1m 49s
A Closer Look at Operator Precedence 4m 40s
Type Conversion 4m 19s
A Closer Look at Type Conversion 4m 27s
Inferring Variable Type 3m 42s
Summary 3m 43s
Conditional Logic and Block Statements 38m 52s
Introduction 1m 16s
Conditional Logic and Relational Operators 4m 9s
If-else Statement 3m 8s
Creating the CalcEngine Project 3m 21s
Logical Operators 5m 21s
Logical vs. Conditional Operators 3m 15s
Block Statements 5m 9s
Using Block Statements in CalcEngine 4m 17s
Switch Statement 2m 35s
Using Switch Statement and Conditional Assignment 3m 8s
Summary 3m 8s
Looping and Arrays 30m 19s
Introduction 1m 0s
While Loop 4m 3s
Do-while Loop 3m 31s
For Loop 3m 8s
Arrays 5m 1s
CalcEngine and Parallel Arrays 5m 42s
For-each Loop 2m 21s
CalcEngine and For-each Loop 2m 46s
Summary 2m 44s
Understanding Methods 35m 56s
Introduction 1m 0s
Declaring and Calling Methods 4m 39s
Parameters 2m 11s
Parameter Passing Behavior 2m 29s
Exiting a Method 4m 22s
Returning a Value 3m 8s
CalcEngine with Methods 4m 36s
Command-line Arguments 2m 46s
CalcEngine Command-line Arguments 5m 4s
Running CalcEngine with Command-line Arguments 3m 20s
Summary 2m 16s
Working with Strings 39m 15s
Introduction 1m 9s
String Class 2m 59s
String Equality 4m 32s
String Methods and String Conversions 3m 57s
Adding String Support to CalcEngine 5m 27s
Making CalcEngine Interactive 5m 53s
Running CalcEngine Interactively 3m 42s
StringBuilder 4m 12s
Building String Output in CalcEngine 4m 50s
Summary 2m 30s
Understanding Classes and Objects 37m 9s
Declaring Classes 4m 33s
Declaring the MathEquation Class 3m 52s
Using Classes 4m 37s
Creating an Array of Classes 4m 56s
Using the MathEquation Class 3m 26s
Encapsulation and Access Modifiers 5m 5s
Special References: this and null 4m 7s
Field Accessors and Mutators 3m 27s
Summary 3m 1s
Implementing Class Constructors and Initializers 30m 25s
Introduction 1m 16s
Class Initial State 2m 14s
Field Initializers 2m 9s
Constructors 5m 3s
Constructor Chaining 4m 16s
Constructor Visibility 2m 36s
Adding Constructors to MathEquation 4m 54s
Initialization Blocks 5m 33s
Summary 2m 19s
Using Static Members 19m 27s
Introduction 1m 23s
Static Members 2m 39s
Using Static Members 2m 59s
Enhancing MathEquation with Static Members 4m 12s
Static Imports 3m 12s
Static Initializers 3m 19s
Summary 1m 40s
A Closer Look at Methods 44m 19s
Introduction and Passing Objects as Parameters 5m 8s
Changes to Objects Passed as Parameters 3m 48s
Overloading 2m 25s
Method Overloading Examples 4m 27s
Matching Method Calls to Overloads 3m 15s
Using Method Overloading in CalcEngine 6m 37s
Object Class and Methods 3m 48s
Overriding Object Equality 5m 24s
MathEquation Custom toString Implementation 6m 56s
Summary 2m 26s
Working with Wrapper Classes, Enums, and Records 45m 32s
Introduction and Primitive Wrappers 5m 52s
Using Primitive Wrappers in CalcEngine 5m 57s
Understanding Enums 3m 51s
Enums and Relative Comparison 4m 18s
Converting CalcEngine to Use Enums 3m 58s
Specifying Operations with MathOperation 3m 25s
Enum Types as Classes 4m 37s
Use Enum Class Features in CalcEngine 4m 40s
Working with Records 5m 51s
Summary 2m 58s
Introducing Annotations 19m 30s
Introduction 1m 42s
Applying Annotations 2m 25s
Annotations in Code 4m 34s
Using Annotations in Method Overloading 4m 31s
Cleaning up the App 4m 18s
Summary 1m 58s
Level Beginner
Duration 7h 0m
Released 7 Nov 2022
Debugging Java SE 17 by Craig Golightly

This course will teach you debugging strategies and skills so that you can effectively work with Java SE 17.
Этот курс научит вас стратегиям и навыкам отладки, чтобы вы могли эффективно работать с Java SE 17.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 40s
Course Overview 1m 40s
Developing a Debugging Mindset 10m 52s
Writing Bugs and Fixing Code 6m 17s
Understanding Verification and Validation 4m 34s
Avoiding Common Mistakes 23m 48s
Creating Correct Control Statements 8m 45s
Demo: Fixing Control Statement and Variable Errors 10m 17s
Refactoring for Readability and Maintainability 4m 46s
Find the Problem, Fix the Problem 15m 33s
Reading Stack Traces and Log Output 6m 12s
Fixing Common Exceptions 1m 34s
Demo: Finding Bugs Using Stack Traces 7m 47s
What Else Can Go Wrong 8m 40s
Managing Misconfigurations 4m 23s
Managing Memory Exceptions 4m 17s
Increasing Productivity with an IDE 14m 37s
Using IDE Features to Debug Faster 4m 2s
Demo: Debugging in Intellij 2022 9m 44s
Summary 50s
Level Beginner
Duration 1h 15m
Released 26 Jun 2022
Object-oriented Programming in Java SE 17 by Paolo Perrotta

You know your way around Java’s basics, like variables, methods, and loops. Now it’s time to up your Java game. This course will teach you to work with objects and classes, applying crucial concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Вы разбираетесь в основах Java, таких как переменные, методы и циклы. Теперь пришло время обновить вашу игру с Java. Этот курс научит вас работать с объектами и классами, применяя такие важные концепции, как инкапсуляция, наследование и полиморфизм.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 2m 1s
Course Overview 1m 51s
Course Environment 10s
Approaching Object-oriented Programming 13m 49s
Welcome to OOP 1m 40s
OOP in 6 Minutes 6m 38s
The Object-oriented Debate 2m 2s
Mechanics and Design 1m 45s
Inside This Training 1m 43s
Working with Objects 31m 13s
Using Objects 3m 53s
Checkpoint 01 - Create an Object 10s
Checkpoint 02 - Call a Method 10s
Objects Under the Hood 3m 6s
More About References 1m 31s
The Dreaded Null Reference 2m 44s
Checkpoint 03 - Define a Null Reference 10s
Aliasing Objects 3m 0s
Passing Objects 3m 52s
Identity and Equality 3m 16s
Reviewing Identity and Equality 1m 17s
The Meaning of Constants 2m 15s
Checkpoint 04 - Define a Constant 10s
Autoboxing 3m 47s
Recapping This Module 1m 37s
Exercise 01 - Alias an Object 10s
Defining Your Own Classes 31m 58s
Defining a Class 2m 22s
Checkpoint 05 - Define a Class 10s
Declaring a Field 1m 22s
Defining a Method 1m 59s
Checkpoint 06 - Define a Method 10s
A Development Story 1m 48s
Adding Features to the Class 3m 31s
Null Strikes Again 3m 1s
Initializing Fields 1m 47s
Constructors 2m 16s
Checkpoint 07 - Define a Constructor 10s
Final Fields 2m 52s
More About Constructors 3m 4s
What About Destructors? 3m 36s
The First Pillar 2m 20s
Recapping This Module 1m 13s
Exercise 02 - Define a class 10s
Hiding Information 25m 11s
Access Modifiers 3m 49s
A Look Back at Our Code 59s
Snoozing the Alarm 1m 12s
Implementing Snoozing 3m 10s
Testing the Snoozing 1m 50s
Our Code Doesn't Cut It 1m 47s
A Reason to Control Access 2m 1s
Checkpoint 08 - Hide a Field 10s
Interface and Implementation 3m 34s
Checkpoint 09 - Expose a Method 10s
Fields vs. Properties 3m 1s
The Second Pillar 2m 7s
Recapping This Module 1m 15s
Designing with Abstraction and Encapsulation 8m 19s
What Design Is About 1m 39s
Getting from Problem to Code 2m 44s
A Few Guidelines 3m 45s
Exercise 03 - Set Access Modifiers 10s
Inheriting from Another Class 31m 7s
Another Kind of Alarm 3m 7s
Subclassing the Alarm 2m 2s
Checkpoint 10 - Inherit from Another Class 10s
Superclasses and Constructors 3m 23s
Checkpoint 11 - Call a Constructor in the Superclass 10s
Overriding Methods 2m 39s
Encapsulation Meets Inheritance 2m 19s
Testing the Subclass 1m 34s
Cleaning Up the Subclass 3m 33s
Checkpoint 12 - Call an Overridden Method 10s
The Singly Rooted Hierarchy 3m 23s
"final" Strikes Back 3m 59s
Sealed Classes 3m 8s
Wrapping up Inheritance 1m 16s
Exercise 04 - Write a Subclass 10s
Understanding Polymorphism 27m 59s
The "Is-a" Relationship 2m 41s
Putting "Is-a" to the Test 2m 25s
Upcasting 4m 30s
Checkpoint 13 - Upcast a Reference 10s
Enter Polymorphism 4m 3s
Writing Extensible Code 4m 4s
Polymorphism Is Everywhere 4m 16s
Checkpoint 14 - Generalize a Method 10s
Downcasting 3m 39s
Wrapping up Polymorphism 1m 36s
Checkpoint 15 - Downcast a Reference 10s
Exercise 05 - Unleash Polymorphism 10s
Talking to Interfaces 26m 23s
An Insight Into Alarms 3m 46s
Going Abstract 4m 20s
Checkpoint 16 - Make a Method Abstract 10s
Hierarchy Headache 3m 55s
Playing Multiple Roles 5m 12s
Interfaces Are Constrained 6m 29s
Checkpoint 17 - Implement an Interface 10s
Wrapping Up this Module 2m 8s
Exercise 06 - Implement an Interface 10s
Designing with Inheritance and Polymorphism 10m 44s
More Design Talk 46s
Inheritance Is About Upcasting 5m 1s
Don't Check for Types 3m 12s
Wrapping It Up 1m 34s
Exercise 07 - Delegate to Another Class 10s
Using the static Keyword 13m 25s
Static Members 3m 43s
Mixing Static and Non-static 2m 1s
Checkpoint 18 - Access a Static Field 10s
Global Variables and Global Constants 1m 39s
More Ways to Use "static" 3m 22s
Beware Static Members 2m 28s
Wrapping up This Training 8m 55s
A Few Things We Skipped 5m 24s
A Summary of this Training 2m 41s
See You! 48s
Level Beginner
Duration 3h 51m
Released 1 May 2022
Collections in Java SE 17 by Richard Warburton

Java Collections are key to being a strong Java programmer and used in everyday situations. This course will teach you the fundamental concepts for use and data structures behind the scenes in Java Collections.
Коллекции Java являются ключом к тому, чтобы быть сильным Java-программистом, и используются в повседневных ситуациях. Этот курс научит вас фундаментальным концепциям использования и скрытым структурам данных в Java Collections.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 20s
Course Overview 1m 20s
What are Collections and Why Use Them? 30m 8s
What are Collections and Why Use Them? 2m 4s
The Project and Array Problem 9m 5s
Introduction & Course Outline 2m 18s
Collection of Collections 4m 41s
Collection Behaviours 2m 6s
Collection Behaviours Demo 9m 52s
Collections with Iteration Order: Lists 36m 23s
Introduction 1m 2s
Key Features 4m 39s
Shipments Example 6m 57s
Shipments Example (2) 6m 51s
Shipments Example (3) 4m 28s
Implementations 6m 31s
Implementation Performance 4m 1s
Conclusions 1m 50s
Storing Key / Value Pairs: Maps 48m 0s
Introduction 1m 57s
Why Use a Map 6m 59s
Map API 6m 56s
Views over Maps 7m 16s
Advanced Operations 4m 13s
Advanced Operations Demo 5m 22s
Implementations 6m 40s
Special Purpose Implementations 3m 50s
Correctly Using HashMap and Summary 4m 44s
Introduction to Java Streams 32m 53s
Introduction 1m 56s
Live Coding Streams 5m 49s
Intermediate Operations on Streams 4m 19s
Terminal Operations on Streams 6m 16s
Enter the Collector 5m 34s
Performance and Implementation 4m 58s
Conclusion 3m 58s
Collection Operations and Factories 27m 53s
Introduction 1m 33s
Unmodifiable Collections (Live Coding) 3m 37s
Factory Method Options (Live Coding) 6m 15s
Factory Methods 7m 15s
Collection Operations (Live Coding) 5m 1s
Collection Operations and Conclusion 4m 10s
Collections with Uniqueness: Sets 24m 27s
Introduction 1m 30s
Set Features (Demo) 3m 55s
Hashcode and Equals 5m 57s
Set Implementations 6m 22s
SortedSet and NavigableSet (incl. Demo) 4m 49s
Conclusion 1m 52s
Level Intermediate
Duration 3h 21m
Released 7 Jul 2022
Exception Handling in Java SE 17 by Jim Wilson

Application stability and reliability are essential to application success. This course will teach you how to use Java exceptions to build stable and reliable Java applications.
Стабильность и надежность приложения имеют важное значение для успеха приложения. Этот курс научит вас, как использовать исключения Java для создания стабильных и надежных Java-приложений.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 41s
Course Overview 1m 31s
Course Environment 10s
Handling Exceptions 26m 51s
Introduction 3m 55s
Working with try/catch 5m 45s
Exercise 01 - Catch an Exception 10s
Handling Cleanup 1m 41s
Implementing try/catch/finally 6m 28s
Automating Cleanup 4m 3s
Transitioning from Manual to Automatic Cleanup 1m 41s
Exercise 02 - Use-Try-with-resources 10s
Summary 2m 53s
Understanding Exception Types 25m 29s
Introduction 3m 57s
Exceptions Can Be Handled by Type 2m 57s
Checkpoint 01 - Typed Exception 10s
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions 2m 44s
Handling Multiple Exceptions 3m 55s
Exercise 03 - Handle Multiple Exception Types 10s
Handling Unchecked Exceptions 2m 28s
Exceptions and Methods 3m 14s
Handling Exceptions Across Methods 3m 0s
Summary 2m 50s
Creating Custom Exceptions 26m 29s
Introduction 1m 26s
Create and Throw an Exception 1m 48s
Throwing an Exception 4m 5s
Checkpoint 02 - Throw an Exception 10s
Custom Exceptions 1m 59s
Declaring a Custom Exception 2m 22s
Checkpoint 03 - Declare a Custom Exception 10s
Throwing a Custom Exception 2m 58s
Chained Exceptions 1m 59s
Chaining Exceptions Together 3m 35s
Exercise 05 - Chain Exceptions 10s
Accessing a Chained Exception 2m 31s
Summary 3m 12s
Handling Exceptions 26m 38s
Introduction 1m 24s
Exception Handling Organization 2m 33s
Reorganizing Exception Handling to Maintain App Flow 5m 40s
Exercise 06 - Positioning Exception Handling 10s
What to Do with Exception Information 3m 59s
Displaying User vs. Developer Exception Information 5m 17s
Exercise 07 - Detailed Exception Reporting 10s
Do's and Don'ts of Exceptions 4m 1s
Summary 3m 22s
Level Intermediate
Duration 1h 47m
Released 16 May 2022
Building an Application Using Java SE 17 by Sander Mak

Building Java applications requires more than knowing the Java language. This course will teach you the tools, libraries, and practices you need to start building Java SE 17 applications.
Для создания Java-приложений требуется нечто большее, чем просто знание языка Java. Этот курс научит вас инструментам, библиотекам и практикам, необходимым для начала создания приложений Java SE 17.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 57s
Course Overview 1m 57s
Setting up a Java 17 Application 44m 39s
Introduction 2m 41s
Tools Used in This Course 2m 8s
What Are You Going to Build? 7m 29s
Setting up a Maven-based Java Project 9m 3s
Building and Running the First Class 9m 19s
Introducing Your First Dependency 13m 1s
Summary 56s
Calling an External Web API 46m 54s
Overview 1m 55s
Using Java's HttpClient 10m 18s
Improving the HttpClient Usage 3m 8s
Introducing a Java Record 5m 55s
JSON Binding Using Jackson 9m 50s
Filtering Courses 3m 5s
Writing the First Unit Test 8m 21s
Parameterizing the Unit Test 3m 8s
Summary 1m 11s
Storing Data in a Database 36m 21s
Overview 1m 42s
Refactoring to Multiple Maven Modules 7m 43s
Introducing the Repository Abstraction 4m 24s
Setting up the Repository with H2 & JDBC 4m 42s
Implementing the JDBC Repository 7m 55s
Using the Repository 8m 9s
Summary 1m 44s
Creating a REST API 28m 45s
Overview 1m 41s
Creating a JAX-RS Resource 4m 27s
Exposing a JAX-RS Resource over HTTP Using Jersey 4m 37s
Returning JSON with JAX-RS and Jersey 4m 45s
Updating the Repository to Store Course Notes 6m 9s
Adding Notes through the REST API 5m 59s
Summary 1m 5s
Moving Towards Production 28m 9s
Unifying Application Logging 5m 18s
Introducing External Application Configuration 4m 23s
Using Maven's Dependency Management 7m 13s
Creating a Self-contained Runnable JAR File 5m 7s
Next Steps for the Course Info Project 3m 2s
Next Steps for You 3m 4s
Level Intermediate
Duration 3h 6m
Released 19 Sep 2022
Java SE 17 Advanced Language Features by Jesper de Jong

You want to deepen your knowledge as a Java developer. This course will teach you Java 17 beyond the fundamentals, and you'll learn how to use records, sealed classes, lambda expressions, annotations, generics, and other Java features effectively.
Вы хотите углубить свои знания как разработчика Java. Этот курс научит вас не только основам Java 17, вы узнаете, как эффективно использовать записи, закрытые классы, лямбда-выражения, аннотации, дженерики и другие функции Java.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 48s
Course Overview 1m 38s
Sandbox 10s
Records 1h 1m 29s
Course Introduction 5m 5s
Immutable Data Objects 5m 42s
Immutable Classes and Records 2m 57s
Checkpoint 01 - Make a Class Immutable 10s
Creating a Record 3m 26s
Overriding Accessor Methods 4m 21s
Automatically Generated Object Methods 2m 3s
The Canonical Constructor 6m 10s
Checkpoint 02 - Make a Record Fully Immutable 10s
The Compact Constructor 2m 17s
Checkpoint 03 - Add a Constructor to a Record 10s
Additional Constructors 3m 56s
The Class Hierarchy of Records 1m 27s
Practical Use Cases for Records 9m 10s
Building Records with the Builder Pattern 4m 23s
Exercise 01 - Create a Builder for a Record 10s
Adding Wither Methods to Records 6m 47s
Exercise 02 - Create Wither Methods for a Record 10s
Module Summary 2m 52s
Sealed Classes and Interfaces 20m 59s
Controlling Class Hierarchies with Sealed Classes and Interfaces 2m 54s
The Rules of Sealed Classes and Interfaces 5m 5s
Sealed Classes and Interfaces in Practice 2m 35s
Algebraic Data Types with Sealed Interfaces and Records 7m 36s
Module Summary 2m 38s
Exercise 03 - Use a Sealed Interface and Records 10s
Advanced Classes and Interfaces 47m 49s
Nested Types 3m 36s
Static Nested Classes 6m 1s
Checkpoint 05 - Write a Static Nested Class 10s
Inner Classes 6m 47s
Checkpoint 06 - Create an Instance of an Inner Class 10s
Exercise 04 - Accessing Shadowed Members 10s
Nested Interfaces, Records, and Enums 2m 7s
Local Types 7m 37s
Anonymous Classes 5m 59s
Checkpoint 07 - Write an Anonymous Inner Class 10s
Default, Private, and Static Methods in Interfaces 5m 10s
Static Initializer Blocks 3m 26s
Instance Initializer Blocks 2m 18s
Module Summary 4m 3s
Advanced Generics 1h 31m 58s
Overview 2m 24s
Example: Defining Generic Types 6m 4s
Explanation: Defining Generic Types 8m 23s
Checkpoint 08 - Make a Class Generic 10s
Defining Generic Methods 7m 1s
Exercise 05 - Write a Generic Method 10s
Bounded Type Parameters 3m 34s
Multiple Type Parameter Bounds 4m 16s
Raw Types 2m 0s
Generics and Inheritance 3m 55s
Wildcards 3m 43s
Wildcard Capture 5m 30s
Using Wildcards in Practice 5m 35s
Understanding Wildcards in Method Signatures 5m 46s
Exercise 06 - Use Wildcards in a Method Signature 10s
Type Erasure 3m 53s
Limitations Caused by Type Erasure 4m 16s
Heap Pollution 5m 26s
Generics and Arrays 5m 12s
Generics and Variable Arguments 8m 25s
Module Summary 5m 53s
Lambda Expressions and Method References 39m 5s
Quick Review of Lambda Expressions 6m 22s
Functional Interfaces 4m 36s
Standard Functional Interfaces 4m 31s
Capturing Local Variables in Lambda Expressions 2m 17s
Functional Programming with Lambda Expressions 5m 46s
Working with Checked Exceptions in Lambda Expressions 3m 44s
Method References 7m 48s
Checkpoint 09 - Use a Lambda and Method Reference 10s
Module Summary 3m 47s
Annotations 32m 26s
Use Cases for Annotations 2m 36s
Declaration Annotations and Type Annotations 3m 54s
Defining an Annotation 7m 57s
Using Meta-annotations 9m 49s
Inspecting Annotations at Runtime 5m 17s
Module Summary 2m 42s
Checkpoint 10 - Define an Annotation 10s
Optional 20m 18s
Optional as an Alternative to Null 4m 45s
Using Optional in Practice 6m 37s
Functional Programming with Optional 6m 26s
Module Summary 2m 10s
Checkpoint 11 - Rewrite a Method to Use Optional 10s
Exercise 07 - Working with Streams and Optional 10s
Try-with-resources and AutoCloseable 24m 50s
Working with Resources and Handling Exceptions 6m 15s
Syntax of Try-with-resources 2m 37s
How Try-with-resources Works 7m 15s
Checkpoint 12 - Use try-with-resources 10s
Implementing AutoCloseable in Practice 5m 45s
Exercise 08 - Implement Interface AutoCloseable 10s
Module and Course Summary 2m 37s
Level Intermediate
Duration 5h 40m
Released 25 Apr 2022
Asynchronous Programming in Java SE 17 by Jose Paumard

Java SE 17 comes with its own asynchronous programming model. This course shows you how you can leverage this API to setup asynchronous systems, triggering tasks on the completion of other tasks, and how you report errors or recover from them.
Java SE 17 поставляется со своей собственной моделью асинхронного программирования. В этом курсе показано, как вы можете использовать этот API для настройки асинхронных систем, запуска задач по завершении других задач и как вы сообщаете об ошибках или восстанавливаетесь после них.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 40s
Course Overview 1m 40s
Accessing Data Asynchronously on the Web 28m 26s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 1m 11s
Checking Your Java Version 1m 35s
Improving the Throughput of Applications with Asynchronous Code 1m 34s
Who Are You and What Do You Need to Know? 1m 16s
Agenda of the Course 1m 6s
Executing Your Code in a Synchronous Way 1m 29s
Writing Non-concurrent Asynchronous Code 1m 33s
Avoid Blocking Your Long Running Tasks 2m 16s
Using Concurrency to Write Asynchronous Code 1m 3s
Launching a Task Using an Executor Service 1m 8s
Live Demo: Launching Several Tasks Synchronously 4m 31s
Live Demo: Improving the Throughput with an Executor Service 4m 13s
Live Demo: Using the CompletionStage API to Run Asynchronously 4m 16s
Module Wrap up 1m 9s
Triggering a Task on the Outcome of Another Task 17m 6s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 43s
Avoiding the Blocking of Your Application Threads 1m 50s
Introducing CompletionStage and CompletableFuture 59s
Sending Asynchronously the Result of a Task to a Function 2m 8s
Designing an Efficient Asynchronous Processing Pipeline 1m 31s
Live Demo: Writing and Launching a First Processing Pipeline 8m 29s
Module Wrap Up 1m 23s
Splitting a Result into Several Asynchronous Tasks 29m 41s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 1m 23s
Getting a Result Faster with the AnyOf Factory Method 3m 3s
Launching Several Tasks in Parallel with the AllOf Factory Method 1m 23s
Analyzing the CompletableFuture Returned by a Call to AllOf 2m 23s
Composing Long Running Tasks to Avoid Blocking 2m 52s
Live Demo: Finding the Best Elements of a Collection with AllOf 5m 8s
Live Demo: Getting a Result Faster with the AnyOf Factory Method 4m 56s
Live Demo: Composing Quotation and Weather Fetching 6m 40s
Module Wrap Up 1m 50s
Controlling What Thread Can Execute a Task 13m 6s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 1m 24s
Finding the Default Threads Used by the CompletionStage API 2m 21s
Choosing an Executor to Execute Your Asynchronous Tasks 3m 20s
Live Demo: Specifying Executors for Your Tasks 4m 43s
Module Wrap Up 1m 17s
Reporting and Recovering from Errors 14m 26s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 1m 36s
What Is Happening When a Task Fails with an Exception? 1m 48s
Logging and Recovering from an Exception with Exceptionally 1m 34s
Handling Exceptions with WhenComplete and Handling 1m 50s
Live Demo: Handling Exceptions in the TravelPage Application 5m 27s
Module Wrap Up 2m 9s
Closing Remarks 14m 36s
Introducing the Module and Its Agenda 43s
Patterns to Create an Asynchronous Task 1m 23s
Patterns to Model Tasks 1m 45s
Patterns to Chain and Compose Tasks 5m 13s
Partterns to Handle Exceptions 1m 25s
Patterns to Get Better Performances 1m 44s
Module and Course Wrap Up 2m 20s
Level Intermediate
Duration 1h 59m
Released 11 Jul 2022
Data Access in Java SE 17 Fundamentals by Bryan Hansen

This course will teach you the fundamentals of JDBC and how to best use it inside your application.
Этот курс научит вас основам JDBC и тому, как наилучшим образом использовать его в вашем приложении.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 41s
Course Overview 1m 41s
Project Setup and Business Case 15m 38s
Introduction 58s
Version Check 1m 2s
What You Are Building 49s
Business Focus 1m 18s
Demo: Maven Archetype 2m 38s
Project Layout 1m 26s
Database 56s
docker-compose.yml 1m 27s
Demo: Project Standup 4m 8s
Summary 51s
Connecting and Querying the Database 27m 8s
Introduction 11s
JDBC Driver 1m 30s
Demo: JDBC Driver Download 2m 24s
Driver Manager 46s
AbstractDao.java 36s
Demo: AbstractDao.java Implementation 2m 52s
Dao.java 3m 39s
Demo: Database Connection and Framework 14m 6s
Summary 58s
Statements, Prepared Statement, and ResultSets 15m 21s
Introduction 21s
ResultSet 51s
PreparedStatement 1m 17s
Optionals 1m 2s
Demo: ResultSet, PreparedStatement, and Optionals 11m 0s
Summary 48s
Updates and Batch Updates to Records 27m 21s
Introduction 17s
Inserting Records 9m 32s
Updating Records 5m 34s
Batch Updates 11m 1s
Summary 56s
Deleting Records 7m 30s
Introduction 13s
Delete Records 5m 24s
Batch Deletes 47s
Summary 1m 3s
Architecture and the Template Method Pattern 16m 41s
Introduction 19s
The Problem 1m 2s
Template Method Pattern 52s
Demo: Converting a Query to a Template Method 13m 7s
Summary 1m 18s
Level Intermediate
Duration 1h 51m
Released 8 Jun 2022
Java SE 17 Unit Testing with JUnit by Jim Weaver

Unit testing is a critical skill for software developers. This course will teach you how to write and run unit tests for Java with one of the most popular unit testing tools in existence: JUnit.
Модульное тестирование - важнейший навык для разработчиков программного обеспечения. Этот курс научит вас писать и запускать модульные тесты для Java с помощью одного из самых популярных существующих инструментов модульного тестирования: JUnit.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 54s
Course Overview 1m 44s
Course Environment 10s
Understanding JUnit 7m 29s
Introduction 3m 10s
Understanding the JUnit Library 2m 59s
Following Along 1m 20s
Installing and Running JUnit 12m 53s
Adding JUnit as a Project Dependency 4m 20s
Running Tests in an IDE 3m 28s
Running Tests with Maven 1m 57s
Checkpoint 01 - Running Unit Tests 10s
Debugging from a Test in an IDE 1m 12s
Viewing Test Coverage 1m 43s
Creating Tests 9m 51s
Understanding When to Create Tests 3m 16s
Creating Test Classes 3m 42s
Creating Test Methods 2m 32s
Checkpoint 02 - Creating a Test Method 10s
Exercise 01 - Creating a Test for a Class 10s
Writing Test Methods and Using Assertions 38m 4s
Using JUnit Assertions 2m 26s
Asserting Equality and Identity 5m 15s
Checkpoint 03 - Asserting Equality 10s
Checkpoint 04 - Asserting Object Identity 10s
Asserting Boolean Values 4m 42s
Checkpoint 05 - Asserting True and False 10s
Asserting Collections 4m 58s
Understanding Common Test Method Structure 3m 37s
Asserting Expected Exceptions 2m 46s
Checkpoint 06 - Asserting an Exception 10s
Grouping Assertions with assertAll 4m 21s
Understanding Test Doubles 2m 16s
Using Test Doubles 6m 51s
Exercise 02 - Using a Test Double 10s
Leveraging Test Lifecycle 11m 38s
Understanding JUnit Test Lifecycle 6m 9s
Setting up Tests with @BeforeEach 3m 8s
Checkpoint 07 - Marking a Method as @BeforeEach 10s
Creating Other Tests Lifecycle Methods 2m 10s
Controlling Test Execution 18m 56s
Understanding Test Execution Options 2m 15s
Parameterizing Tests 5m 51s
Exercise 03 - Parameterizing a Test 10s
Disabling Tests 1m 43s
Checkpoint 08 - Disabling a Test 10s
Tagging and Filtering Tests 4m 53s
Conditional Test Execution 3m 43s
Checkpoint 09 - Conditionally Enabling a Test 10s
Managing Test Reporting 12m 1s
Understanding the Importance of Test Reports 2m 0s
Providing Failure Messages 3m 43s
Checkpoint 10 - Using a Failure Message 10s
Leveraging Display Names 2m 57s
Nesting Tests 3m 10s
Running Unit Tests as Part of a Build Pipeline 4m 50s
Capitalizing on Unit Tests 2m 27s
Touring a Sample Build Pipeline 2m 22s
Learning More 2m 26s
Learning More 2m 26s
Level Intermediate
Duration 2h 0m
Released 19 May 2022
Java SE 17 Playbook by Andrejs Doronins

Like other developers, you face common challenges- working with strings, handling numbers, processing collections, reading from files, etc. This course will teach you how to solve these challenges using proven recipes quickly and efficiently.
Как и другие разработчики, вы сталкиваетесь с общими проблемами - работа со строками, обработка чисел, обработка коллекций, чтение из файлов и т.д. Этот курс научит вас, как быстро и эффективно решать эти задачи, используя проверенные рецепты.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 26s
Course Overview 1m 16s
Course Environment 10s
Introducing Java Recipes 6m 32s
Introduction 1m 54s
Prerequisites 1m 17s
Running Java Code 2m 13s
Getting the Exercise Files 42s
Course Overview 24s
Transforming Strings 48m 33s
Introduction 2m 21s
Removing Whitespace 3m 42s
Is This String Empty or Blank? 2m 15s
Transform Strings the New Way 2m 56s
Comparing Strings the Right Way 2m 47s
Iterating over Characters 2m 56s
Check if a String Contains Specific Characters 4m 21s
Exercise 01 - Determine if Numbers Contain Only Digits 10s
Finding and Replacing Matches 3m 30s
Iterating over Many Lines 2m 6s
Tokenizing a String 3m 3s
Joining Strings 3m 17s
Building Strings in a Loop 1m 22s
Prefer Text Blocks 1m 9s
Handling Text Localization 2m 35s
Generating Random Strings 2m 22s
Using Libraries 2m 49s
Demo App: Extract and Sanitize Data 4m 13s
Module Summary 32s
Working with Numbers 39m 33s
Introduction 2m 20s
Converting Strings to Numbers 1m 20s
Checking if a String Is a Number 5m 41s
Formatting Numbers 3m 10s
Localizing and Compact Formatting Numbers 3m 57s
Comparing Integers 1m 59s
Doing Floating-point Arithmetic 5m 7s
Handling Really Large Numbers 1m 3s
Rounding with the Math Class 4m 1s
Rounding with DecimalFormat and BigDecimal 3m 40s
Exercise 02 - Format and Round Numbers 10s
Generating Random Numbers and Values 1m 55s
Demo App 1: Converting a List of String Numbers 2m 33s
Demo App 2: Doing Arithmetic and Rounding Numbers 2m 3s
Module Summary 30s
Solving Tasks with Dates and Times 44m 6s
Introduction 51s
Quick Date and Time API Overview 2m 56s
Getting the Difference between Two Dates 2m 2s
Exercise 03 - Calculate Difference In Age 10s
Comparing Two Dates 42s
Getting the First or Last Day of a Period 2m 14s
Handling Recurring Events 2m 32s
Adding or Subtracting Dates 3m 16s
Demo App 1: Time Left This Year 2m 57s
Formatting Dates 5m 20s
Handling Multiple Formats 1m 56s
Converting From and to the Old Date 2m 1s
Getting The Current Time 2m 44s
Printing All Zone IDs 1m 53s
Getting the Start and End of the Day 3m 11s
Calculating the Arrival Time 5m 34s
Demo App 2: Current Time in Other Time Zones 3m 9s
Module Summary 30s
Working with Arrays and Collections 1h 0m 33s
Introduction 2m 27s
Adding Elements to an Array 2m 53s
Converting Between Array and List 3m 30s
Create a List and Add Elements 2m 57s
Check if the List Is Empty 1m 12s
Remove Values From a List 2m 23s
Remove Duplicates From a List 2m 13s
Find Duplicates and Different Elements in Two Lists 1m 56s
Replace Elements in a List 3m 24s
Simple Sorting of a List 2m 35s
Exercise 04 - Get and Sort Unique Values 10s
Advanced Sorting of a List 5m 56s
Map Overview 3m 0s
Find Duplicate Values in a Map 3m 11s
Remove or Replace Elements in a Map 5m 48s
Check Map Equality 3m 45s
Sorting a Map 5m 27s
Merging Maps 5m 45s
Module Summary 1m 52s
Writing Succinct I/O Code 55m 25s
Introduction 1m 26s
IO vs. NIO vs. NIO2 3m 27s
Converting Between File and Path 1m 36s
Using the Right Separator 1m 50s
Determine the Base Directory 1m 22s
Check Access to a File 3m 13s
Reading Small Files 2m 18s
Reading Big Files 4m 22s
Writing to a File 5m 7s
Reading From and Writing to Binary Files 43s
Copy a File 2m 32s
Exercise 05 - Copy and Append to a File 10s
Move or Rename a File 1m 21s
Delete a File 1m 45s
Iterate over Files 7m 9s
Walking the File Tree 4m 3s
Create a Directory 1m 31s
Copy and Delete a Directory 4m 34s
Demo App: Collect and Copy Log Files 5m 32s
Further Study 1m 16s
Level Intermediate
Duration 4h 16m
Released 31 May 2022
Logging and Management in Java SE 17 by Maaike van Putten

If you want to know what is happening in your application, you’ll have to implement logging. This course will teach you how to add logging to your application and what best practices for logging are.
Если вы хотите знать, что происходит в вашем приложении, вам придется реализовать ведение журнала. Этот курс научит вас, как добавить ведение журнала в ваше приложение и каковы наилучшие методы ведения журнала.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 37s
Course Overview 1m 37s
What Logging Is and How to Use It 18m 19s
Module Intro: What Logging Is and How to Use It 1m 31s
What Logging Is and Why It's Necessary 3m 24s
When to Log and for Whom 2m 43s
Introducing the Case: Carved Rock Fitness Order Problems 1m 34s
Adding Basic Logging 9m 4s
Adding a Logger and Creating Log Messages 12m 41s
Module Intro: Adding a Logger and Creating Log Messages 1m 17s
Log Levels 5m 12s
Log Handlers 3m 25s
Different Log Methods 1m 54s
Module Summary: Adding a Logger and Creating Log Messages 50s
Managing and Configuring Logging 13m 49s
Module Intro: Managing and Configuring Logging 35s
Logging to a File 2m 58s
Log Formatters 2m 11s
Logging Filters 1m 53s
LogManager 5m 0s
Module Summary: Managing and Configuring Logging 1m 9s
Logging Best Practices 9m 35s
Module Intro: Logging Best Practices 23s
General Best Practices for Logging 3m 8s
Best Practices for Logging Messages 1m 7s
Logging and Security Best Practices 3m 58s
Module Summary: Logging Best Practices 57s
External Log Libraries 14m 31s
Module Intro: External Log Libraries 31s
Common Logging Libraries 56s
The Log4J Library 1m 54s
Log4J Demo 2m 45s
The SLF4J Library 4m 56s
Checking for Vulnerabilities 2m 14s
Module Summary: External Log Libraries 1m 12s
Level Intermediate
Duration 1h 10m
Released 2 May 2022
Refactoring to SOLID Java SE 17 Code by Dan Geabunea

This course will teach you how to practically apply SOLID principles in Java SE 17 applications to avoid technical debt and build robust, loosely coupled systems that can evolve easily over time.
Этот курс научит вас, как практически применять принципы SOLID в приложениях Java SE 17, чтобы избежать технических сложностей и создавать надежные, слабо связанные системы, которые могут легко развиваться с течением времени.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 54s
Course Overview 1m 54s
Single Responsibility Principle 31m 41s
Code Rigidity, Code Fragility, and Technical Debt 6m 49s
Course Overview 2m 7s
Single Responsibility Principle 2m 59s
Identifying Multiple Reasons to Change 9m 29s
Refactoring for SRP 1m 0s
Demo: Refactoring a Method with Too Many Responsibilities 6m 44s
Demo 01 - Single Responsibility Principle 10s
Recap 2m 1s
Checkpoint 01 - Single Responsibility Principle 10s
Exercise 01 - Single Responsibility Principle 10s
Open-closed Principle 20m 51s
Open-closed Principle 2m 58s
Demo: Adding a New Software Feature without Using the OCP 3m 14s
Open-closed Principle Implementation Strategies 6m 11s
Demo: Applying the OCP When Adding New Software Features 4m 23s
Demo 02 - Open-closed Principle 10s
Applying the OCP for Frameworks and APIs 2m 10s
Recap 1m 22s
Checkpoint 02 - Open-closed Principle 10s
Exercise 02 - Open-closed Principle 10s
Liskov Substitution Principle 21m 28s
Liskov Substitution Principle 3m 8s
Violating the Liskov Substitution Principle 5m 32s
Demo: Incorrect Inheritance between Classes 3m 54s
Demo 03 - Liskov Substitution Principle 10s
Refactoring Code to Respect the LSP 4m 7s
Demo: Refactoring Classes for LSP 2m 38s
Recap 1m 35s
Checkpoint 03 - Liskov Substitution Principle 10s
Exercise 03 - Liskov Substitution Principle 10s
Interface Segregation Principle 17m 50s
Interface Segregation Principle 2m 11s
Identifying "Fat" Interfaces 3m 36s
Demo: Problems That Appear When Interfaces Are "Fat" 3m 21s
Refactoring Code That Depends on Large Interfaces 3m 53s
Demo: Refactoring Code to ISP 2m 34s
Demo 04 - Interface Segregation Principle 10s
Recap 1m 42s
Checkpoint 04 - Interface Segregation Principle 10s
Exercise 04 - Interface Segregation Principle 10s
Dependency Inversion Principle 22m 13s
Dependency Inversion Principle 4m 34s
Demo: High-level Components Depend on Low-level Components 2m 54s
Writing Code That Respects the Dependency Inversion Principle 2m 45s
Dependency Injection (DI) 2m 44s
Inversion of Control (IoC) 2m 35s
Demo: Refactoring Code to Meet the Dependency Inversion Principle 2m 41s
Demo 05 - Dependency Inversion Principle 10s
Recap and Course Summary 3m 28s
Checkpoint 01 - Dependency Inversion Principle 10s
Exercise 1 - Dependency Inversion Principle 10s
Level Advanced
Duration 1h 55m
Released 24 Apr 2022
Java SE 17 Creational Design Patterns by Bryan Hansen

This course will teach you the design patterns covered by the Gang of Four while using Java for the programming language.
Этот курс научит вас шаблонам проектирования, описанным в "Банде четырех", при использовании Java в качестве языка программирования.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 53s
Course Overview 1m 53s
Singleton Pattern 28m 18s
Introduction 15s
Version Check 1m 0s
Concepts 1m 10s
Design Considerations 59s
Everyday Example - Runtime Env 34s
Demo: Runtime Env 1m 30s
Exercise - Create Singleton 23s
Demo: Static Singleton 3m 37s
Demo: Lazy Loaded Singleton 3m 58s
Demo: Singleton Database Integration 10m 10s
Pitfalls 1m 55s
Pattern Comparison 1m 45s
Summary 57s
Builder Pattern 25m 30s
Introduction 22s
Concepts 1m 0s
Design Considerations 1m 16s
Everyday Example - StringBuilder 1m 4s
Demo: StringBuilder 1m 53s
Exercise - Create Builder 26s
Demo: Immutability 3m 17s
Demo: Telescoping Constructors 3m 21s
Demo: Builder 9m 20s
Pitfalls 1m 15s
Pattern Comparison 1m 15s
Summary 57s
Prototype Pattern 26m 25s
Introduction 24s
Concepts 1m 31s
Design Considerations 1m 18s
Everyday Example - Statement 37s
Demo: Statement 6m 3s
Exercise - Create Prototype 18s
Demo: Create Prototype 12m 31s
Pitfalls 1m 8s
Pattern Comparison 1m 35s
Summary 56s
Factory Method Pattern 23m 23s
Introduction 16s
Concepts 1m 19s
Design Considerations 1m 29s
Everyday Example - Calendar 57s
Demo: Calendar 2m 17s
Exercise - Create Factory 1m 24s
Demo: Factory 10m 32s
Demo: Enum 2m 5s
Pitfalls 41s
Pattern Comparison 1m 2s
Summary 1m 15s
AbstractFactory Pattern 19m 32s
Introduction 15s
Concepts 52s
Design Considersations 53s
Everyday Example - DocumentBuilderFactory 34s
Demo: DocumentBuilderFactory 2m 55s
Exercise - Create AbstractFactory 26s
Demo: Create AbstractFactory 11m 8s
Pitfalls 1m 1s
Pattern Comparison 57s
Summary 28s
Level Advanced
Duration 2h 5m
Released 3 Nov 2022
Java SE 17 Best Practices by Andrejs Doronins

Java SE 17 Best Practices by Andrejs Doronins
Are you frustrated or slowed down by messy code? Make sure you don't write such code yourself! This course will teach you how to write clean, readable, and maintainable code that human beings can read and understand clearly.
Вас расстраивает или замедляет работу беспорядочный код? Убедитесь, что вы сами не пишете такой код! Этот курс научит вас, как писать чистый, читаемый и поддерживаемый код, который люди могут четко прочитать и понять.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 32s
Course Overview 1m 32s
Why Care About Best Practices? 9m 10s
Introduction 2m 16s
Benefits of Clean Code 2m 10s
Understanding the Prerequisites 1m 24s
Setting up the Project 1m 37s
Course Overview 1m 41s
What’s in a Name? 20m 21s
Introduction 1m 45s
Class Names Should Be Specific 3m 11s
Class Names Should Reflect the SRP 2m 45s
Class Names Recap 25s
Variable Names 2m 41s
Checkpoint 02 - Rename Variable 10s
Method Name Basics 1m 50s
Checkpoint 01 - Rename Method 10s
Methods Must Do One Thing 1m 37s
Exercise 01 - Giving Better Names 10s
Methods: Exception to the Rule 2m 1s
Abbreviations and Spelling 2m 38s
Module Summary 55s
Creating Objects the Right Way 25m 0s
Introduction 29s
Use Java Records 3m 30s
Checkpoint 03 - Use Java Records 10s
Prefer Dependency Injection 4m 28s
Checkpoint 04 - Prefer Dependency Injection 10s
Know the DI Frameworks 58s
Protect with Guard Clauses 3m 6s
Checkpoint 05 - Protect with Guard Clauses 10s
Use Static Factory Methods 3m 27s
Apply Constructor Chaining 2m 33s
Exercise 02 - Improving Object Creation 10s
Recognize Primitive Obsession 2m 32s
Know the Code Smells 39s
Builder Pattern to the Rescue 1m 16s
Module Summary 1m 17s
Implementing Methods Best Practices 36m 9s
Introduction 1m 29s
Adhere to the CQS Principle 1m 46s
Keep Your Parameter List Short 2m 41s
Demo: Reducing the Parameter List 4m 13s
Demo: Removing Flag Arguments 5m 12s
Prefer Enums Where Appropriate 2m 12s
Checkpoint 06 - Prefer Enums Where Appropriate 10s
Demo: Replace String with LocalDate 57s
Failing Fast in Methods 52s
Exercise 03 - Improving Method Signature 10s
Null Objects - the Next Level 1m 33s
Reducing Verbosity with var 4m 58s
Avoiding Unnecessary Object Creation 1m 27s
Checkpoint 07 - Avoiding Unnecessary Object Creation 10s
Returning Proper Values 3m 53s
Prefer the Optional 2m 47s
Module Summary 1m 31s
Looking Closely at Strings and Numbers 11m 28s
Introduction 52s
Use the StringBuilder in Loops 2m 18s
Prefer Text Blocks 1m 28s
Easy Reading with Separators 1m 14s
Use BigDecimal Where Precision Matters 4m 44s
Checkpoint 09 - Use BigDecimal 10s
Module Summary 39s
Iterating and Branching - the Good and the Better 18m 12s
Introduction 18s
Writing Cleaner Conditionals 3m 4s
Exercise 05 - Improve Conditional Statement 10s
Keeping Ternary Expressions Simple 1m 36s
Switch to Switch Expressions 1m 30s
Checkpoint 10 - Switch to Switch Expressions 10s
How Not to if-else 3m 39s
Prefer Streams over For Loops 3m 45s
Checkpoint 11 - Prefer Streams Over For Loops 10s
Avoid Overly Complex Streams 1m 49s
Demo: Running the Search 1m 4s
Module Summary 52s
Handling Exceptions Gracefully 21m 47s
Introduction 52s
Catch Specific Exceptions 2m 14s
Some RuntimeExceptions Shouldn't Be Caught 1m 13s
It's OK to Catch Some RuntimeExceptions 4m 22s
The Rules of the Catch Block 1m 54s
Translate Exceptions 1m 56s
Checkpoint 12 - Rethrow Exceptions 10s
Pass Pertinent Information 3m 51s
Exercise 06 - Handling Exceptions 10s
Use Multi-catch Where Appropriate 51s
Prefer try-with-resources 2m 44s
Checkpoint 13 - Prefer try-with-resources 10s
Module Summary 1m 15s
Writing Meaningful Comments Only 13m 38s
Introduction 56s
Redundant Comments 1m 28s
Compensating Comments 1m 21s
Checkpoint 14 - Compensating Comments 10s
Logs and Wiki Comments 1m 39s
Commented out Code 1m 27s
Comments That Lie 1m 25s
Legitimate Uses of Comments 4m 1s
Module Summary 1m 7s
Creating Better Tests 32m 33s
Introduction 2m 53s
Poor Name Tests 4m 5s
Demo: Fixing Poor Name Tests 2m 9s
Clueless Tests 3m 51s
Demo: Making Tests More Focused 1m 34s
Exercise 07 - Break up a test 10s
DRY vs. DAMP 2m 2s
Demo: DRY vs. DAMP 3m 3s
Consider Using Libraries 1m 28s
The Benefit of Helpful Messages 1m 21s
Checkpoint 15 - The Benefit of Helpful Messages 10s
Demo: Writing Helpful Messages 2m 14s
Making Tests Independent 2m 17s
Favor Composition in Test Infrastructure 2m 15s
Demo: Refactoring to Composition 1m 24s
Further Study 55s
Module Summary 36s
Course Wrap-up 8m 2s
Learn Modern Java 2m 12s
Maintaining Clean Code 3m 15s
Further Study Recap 1m 48s
Thank You 45s
Level Advanced
Duration 3h 17m
Released 17 Feb 2022
Java SE 17 Performance with JMeter by Esteban Herrera

This course will teach you how to use JMeter and other tools to troubleshoot performance problems of Java applications.
Этот курс научит вас, как использовать JMeter и другие инструменты для устранения проблем с производительностью Java-приложений.
This course is part of:
Java SE 17 Path
Course Overview 1m 30s
Course Overview 1m 30s
Introduction to Performance Testing with JMeter 30m 47s
Introduction 4m 42s
Setting Up JMeter 3m 48s
The Demo Application 6m 38s
Creating a Simple JMeter Script 8m 27s
Performance Testing with JMeter 5m 15s
Summary 1m 55s
Creating the JMeter Script for the Application 41m 22s
How JMeter Works 5m 10s
Designing a Test Script 2m 32s
Configuring Default Values 2m 13s
Multiple Users with CSV Data Set Config 4m 32s
Extracting the Token with a Post-processor 5m 44s
Getting a Random Employee 4m 2s
Searching for Random Employee 7m 56s
Weighted Execution Paths 2m 42s
JMeter Properties 4m 56s
Summary 1m 32s
Creating Test Data with JMeter 21m 43s
Configuring the Connection to the Database 4m 37s
Creating the Tables 4m 36s
Inserting Users 4m 51s
Inserting Employees 3m 24s
Executing the Script 3m 8s
Summary 1m 4s
Using JMeter for Scalability Testing 23m 56s
Introduction 6m 36s
Configuring a SSH Server on Windows 1m 51s
Configuring the Plugin SSHMon Samples Collector 5m 14s
Saving Test Results in a File 1m 44s
Getting the Scalability Baseline 3m 25s
Pushing the CPU to 100% 3m 17s
Summary 1m 47s
Detecting Persistence Problems 26m 18s
About Persistence Problems 2m 27s
Configuring Glowroot 2m 42s
Using Glowroot to Detect Persistence Problems 4m 21s
What Are Thread Dumps? 2m 21s
Using Thread Dumps to Detect Performance Problems 7m 28s
Fixing the Problem 5m 25s
Summary 1m 31s
Detecting Memory Problems 48m 45s
About Memory Problems 4m 58s
A Process to Detect Memory Leaks 2m 32s
Monitoring Memory with VisualVM 8m 57s
Reviewing the Source Code 1m 15s
Analyzing Garbage Collection Logs with GCViewer 5m 53s
Calculating Pause Time with jstat 3m 40s
Analyzing Class Histograms with jmap and jcmd 3m 29s
Analyzing Heap Dumps with Eclipse MAT 7m 46s
Detecting Memory Leaks with JFR and JDK Mission Control 6m 36s
Course Summary 3m 36s
Level Advanced
Duration 3h 14m
Released 21 Nov 2022
Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Формат видео: MP4
Видео: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1280x720 30fps 420kbps
Аудио: AAC 48000Hz stereo 96kbps
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Стаж: 14 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 126

vjigg · 03-Май-23 13:07 (спустя 27 дней)

У вас некомплект. Там новый курс подвезли —> [Pluralsight / Andrejs Doronins] TDD in Java SE 17 [2023, ENG]
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Стаж: 4 года 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

geek911 · 12-Ноя-24 09:58 (спустя 1 год 6 месяцев)

vjigg писал(а):
У вас некомплект. Там новый курс подвезли —> [Pluralsight / Andrejs Doronins] TDD in Java SE 17 [2023, ENG]
Hi, is possible for you to get the Jakarta EE Path?
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