Hayashi Kotaro, et al. / Хаяси Котаро, и другие - Tokyo Izakaya Cookbook: Delicious Pub Recipes from Six Popular Tokyo Eateries / Рецептурный справочник токийской идзакаи: Очень вкусные рецепты неформального питейного заведения из шести популярных токийских закусочных [2022, PDF, ENG]

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EH11 4XX

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EH11 4XX · 26-Фев-23 17:31 (1 год 11 месяцев назад, ред. 26-Фев-23 17:39)

Tokyo Izakaya Cookbook: Delicious Pub Recipes from Six Popular Tokyo Eateries / Рецептурный справочник токийской идзакаи: Очень вкусные рецепты неформального питейного заведения из шести популярных токийских закусочных
Год издания: 2022
Автор: Hayashi Kotaro, et al. / Хаяси Котаро, и другие
Издательство: Tuttle Publishing (27 Sept. 2022)
ISBN: 978-4805317006
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 128
Описание: "Рецептурный справочник токийской идзакаи: Очень вкусные рецепты неформального питейного заведения из шести популярных токийских закусочных" Котаро Хаяси и других (издание на английском языке).
Идзакая (яп. 居酒屋 идзакая) — тип японского неформального питейного заведения, в котором посетители выпивают после рабочего дня. Функционально идзакаи схожи с ирландскими пабами, испанскими тапас-барами, ранними американскими салунами и тавернами.
74 stunning pub-style recipes from top chef-owned Izakayas in Tokyo!
The equivalent of a tapas bar or an English pub, Izakayas are the cornerstone of Japan's food culture--a place to share a delicious, satisfying meal over drinks with friends after a hard day's work. Izakayas come in all shapes and sizes, from bustling chains to hole-in-the-wall dives.
This unique cookbook features recipes from six of the best Tokyo Izakayas run by young chef-owners who often work alone, creating delicious dishes that change daily and seasonally based on the availability of fresh ingredients. Each chef contributes their most popular recipes--including a range of main and side dishes that are beloved by their regular customers.
The 74 recipes in this book include:
Tofu with Spicy Cod Roe
Shabu Shabu with Pork and Daikon Radish
Chicken Wings with Miso Glaze
Japanese-Style Roast Beef with a Sweet and Spicy Sauce
Sauteed Pork with Whisky Butter
Zucchini and Onion with Tuna
Meat and Coriander Gyoza Dumplings
And many more!

Beautiful color photos and step-by-step instructions make the recipes accessible for cooks of all skill levels. The book features interviews with each chef about their food philosophy and tips for recreating their dishes at home, as well as a glossary of key ingredients. Don't miss out on this unique culinary experience!
Product description
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The food respects tradition but is not bound by it, and Hayashi's hipster-like affinity for the handcrafted comes through in every dish. --Conde Nast Traveler --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
About the Author
Kotaro Chef Kotaro Hayashi's "hipster-like affinity for the handcrafted comes through in every dish."--Conde Nast Traveler.<br /><br />Ametsuchi Chef Miho Tsuchii's simply cooked dishes bring out the full character of the ingredients she uses. Her gentle flavors make every mouthful a delight.<br /><br />Shuko Takigiya Chef Hiroto Kibayashi's delicious appetizers are the perfect accompaniment to drinks. He is known for traditional dishes with modern twists.<br /><br />Shutei Zorome Great attention to fine detail is prevalent in many aspects of the unique, humorous dishes created by Chef Hisato Ohno. <br /><br />Sakebozu Chef Tomo Maeda excels in the use of spices as hidden accents, and in finding the cooking method most suited to a particular ingredient.<br /><br />Nihonshu-ya Chef Ken'ichi Takaya is known for his innovative combinations of Japanese and Western flavors and cooking methods. --This text refers to the hardcover edition.
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 10968

Дягиlionceau · 26-Фев-23 17:33 (спустя 1 мин.)

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5) Hosking R. / Хоскин Р. - A Dictionary of Japanese Food: Ingredients and Culture / Словарь японской еды: Ингредиенты и культура [2015, PDF, ENG] - https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5817118
6) Кулинария. Весь мир на твоей кухне - Сакаи Соноко - Японская домашняя кухня: простые блюда, оригинальный вкус [2021, PDF, RUS] - https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5991197
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