omg_gods · 19-Сен-22 11:08(2 года 5 месяцев назад, ред. 19-Сен-22 19:40)
Watara Supervision + 66 игр (c RetroArch) Год выпуска: 1992 Жанр: Arcade, Emulation, Homebrew Разработчик: Watara Издатель: Alekmaul, Retroarch Формат образа: NSP Версия игры: 1.10.3 Язык интерфейса: Английский [ENG] Озвучка: не озвучивается Работоспособность проверена: Да (на 14.1.2, Atmosphere 1.3.2) Мультиплеер: нет Возрастной рейтинг: 6+ Описание: Watara Supervision (также известная как «QuickShot Supervision» в Великобритании) — портативная наладонная восьмибитная игровая консоль IV поколения, эксклюзивно разработанная и выпущенная компанией Watara в начале 90-х в Гонконге по $49.95 (~$106 в ценах 2022-го) с картриджами от $8.95 до $14.95 ($19—$32) за одну игру, а позже была лицензирована и во всём мире: в Дании компанией Vini Spil (под названием «Vini Supervision»), Hartung в Германии и Нидерландах («Hartung SV-100 Supervision»), Audiosonic («Audio Sonic Supervision») во Франции, Италии и ряде других стран Европы, а также под марками «Travell Mate», «Electrolab» и др. «Watara Supervision» появилась в 1992 году и была для своего времени достаточно продвинутой в технической части. На корпусе консоли располагались разъёмы для картриджа, наушников, справа находился регулятор громкости, слева — контраста экрана, разъём адаптера и D-subminiature для подсоединения второй консоли и игры вдвоём и TV Link — с помощью которого можно было подключать консоль к телевизору, как игровую ТВ-приставку, а в стандартном комплекте с Supervision поставлялась игра Crystball, клон арканоида, 4 батарейки и наушники.Технические характеристики
Процессор: MOS Technology WDC W65C02S (KS5360) 8-битный
Тактовая частота: 4 МГц
Память: ОЗУ 8 КБ, картриджи от 32 до 512 КБ
Размер экрана: 61 × 61 мм жидкокристаллический, 4 оттенка серого, только фреймбуфер
Разрешение: 160 x 160 пикселей, 25600 шт.
Звук: 2 тональных и 1 шумовой канал, а также дополнительный стереофонический выходной канал аудио DMA, плюс встроенный пьезо-спикер
Управление: крестовина D-pad, 2 кнопки управления А и B, кнопки Select, Start-Pause
Коммуникации: Two Player Link DE-9 коннектор, 40-PIN слот для картриджей, ТВ-выход с TV Link
Источник энергии: 4 x AA или 6 V AC/DC адаптер, подробнее.
Список включённых игр (66 шт.):
Alien (199x) (Supervision)
Balloon Fight (199x) (Watara)
Block Buster & Cross High (199x) (Supervision)
Block Buster (199x) (Supervision)
Brain Power (199x) (Supervision)
Bubble World (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Carrier (199x) (Travellmate)
Cave Wonders (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Challenger Tank (199x) (Watara)
Chimera (199x) (Supervision)
Chinese Checkers (1992) (Sachen)
Classic Casino (1993) (Bon Treasure)
Climber (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Crystball (1991) (Travellmate)
Dancing Block (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Delta Hero (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Dream World (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Eagle Plan (1992) (GTC Inc)
Earth Defender (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Fatal Craft (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Final Combat (1992) (Watara)
Galactic Crusader (199x) (Watara)
Galaxy Fighter (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Grand Prix (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Happy Pairs (1992) (Sachen)
Happy Race (1992) (Sachen)
Hash Blocks & Eagle Plan (1992) (GTC Inc)
Hash Blocks (1991) (GTC Inc)
Hero Hawk (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Hero Kid (1992) (Hartung)
Honey Bee (199x) (Watara)
Jacky Lucky (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Jaguar Bomber (1992) (Bon Treasure)
John Adventure (199x) (Watara)
Juggler (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Kabi Island (199x) (Watara)
Kitchen War (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Kung-Fu Street (1993) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Linear Racing (199x) (Watara)
Magincross (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Matta Blatta (199x) (Watara)
Olympic Trials (1992) (Watara)
P52 Sea Battle (199x) (Watara)
PacBoy & Mouse (199x) (Watara)
Pacific Battle (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Penguin Hideout (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Police Bust (199x) (Bon Treasure)
Popo Team (1992) (Sachen)
Pyramid (199x) (Watara)
Recycle Design (1992) (Hartung)
Scaffolder (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Soccer Champion (199x) (Hartung)
Sonny Xpress! (199x) (Watara)
Space Fighter (1992) (Bon Treasure)
SSSnake (199x) (Watara)
Super Block (1992) (Bon Treasure)
Super Kong (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Super Pang (1992) (Sachen)
Tasac 2010 (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Tennis Pro '92 (1992) (B.I.T.S)
Thunder Shooting (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise)
Treasure Hunter (199x) (Watara)
TV-Link (199x) (Watara)
Untouchable (199x) (Bon Treasure)
WaTest (хоумбрю)
Witty Cat (199x) (Bon Treasure)
Доп. информация писал(а):
Релиз основан на хоумбрю Retroarch 1.10.3 с ядром Potator 1.0.5 от Alekmaul, готовым настроенным плейлистом, обложками и 65 офциально выпущенными играми из коллекции TOSEC и GoodSV, 1 хоумбрю, плюс для удобства включён видеофайл-подсказка «The Watara SuperVision Project - Every game (US_EU_JP)». Быстрое меню вызывается одновременным нажатием кнопок «+» и «—», в опциях ядра можно настроить LCD Ghosting и цветовую схему. Как установить:
Скопировать папку switch в корень microSD,
Разархивировать архив retroarch_watara.7z в корень microSD (~211 МБ в 9426 файлах),
Установить файл «Retroarch_0521E64B660B0000.nsp» любым удобным способом (dbi).
Слева выбрать плейлист Supervision, нужную игру > Run, играть.
; Watara SuperVision *
; Everything is driven by a 4MHz crystal (or ceramic resonator) and any values
; given below in 'clocks' or 'ticks' are at this rate.
; The 65C02 core doesn't support RMB, SMB, BBR, BBS, WAI, or STP.
.define NULL 0 .define TRUE (0 - 1)
.define FALSE 0 .define LO 0
.define HI 1
.define BANK 2 .define PS_N %10000000
.define PS_V %01000000
.define PS_B %00010000
.define PS_D %00001000
.define PS_I %00000100
.define PS_Z %00000010
.define PS_C %00000001 .define ZEROPAGE $0000
.define ZEROPAGE_BASE $0000
.define ZEROPAGE_SIZE $0100
.define STACK_BASE $0100
.define STACK_SIZE $0100
.db $44,$EA
.endm .macro RA
.redefine _OUT (\1 - 1)
.endm .macro RAL
.redefine _OUT <(\1 - 1)
.endm .macro RAH
.redefine _OUT >(\1 - 1)
.endm ;*******************************************************************************
; Cartridges *
; The diagram below is arranged to resemble holding a cartridge with its pins
; facing towards you and the game label on the left.
; ----------------| |----------------
; .----------.
; (1) PGND --- | A1 B1 | <-> L0 (4)
; GND --- | A2 B2 | <-> L3 (4)
; (4) L2 <-> | A3 B3 | --> B2 (3)
; (4) L1 <-> | A4 B4 | --> B1 (3)
; | A5 B5 | --> B0 (3)
; | A6 B6 | --> A13
; D7 <-> | A7 B7 | --> A12
; D6 <-> | A8 B8 | --> A11
; D5 <-> | A9 B9 | --> A10
; D4 <-> | A10 B10 | --> A9
; D3 <-> | A11 B11 | --> A8
; D2 <-> | A12 B12 | --> A7
; D1 <-> | A13 B13 | --> A6
; D0 <-> | A14 B14 | --> A5
; (2) R/W <-- | A15 B15 | --> A4
; | A16 B16 | --> A3
; | A17 B17 | --> A2
; | A18 B18 | --> A1
; | A19 B19 | --> A0
; +5VDC --- | A20 B20 | --> /CARD
; `----------`
; (1) PGND and GND must be connected to power on the console - most cartridges
; contain a short between them.
; (2) This R/W signal isn't directly from the 65C02 core within the KS5360 but
; rather a gated version, it will only lower for accesses in $0000 - $1FFF
; so it's more of a WRAM R/W.
; (3) B2 - B0 are bank bits from the KS5360's stock mapper - these are usually
; connected to A16 - A14 of a 32KB, 64KB, or 128KB ROM.
; assign bank_out = cpu_a14
; ? 3'b111
; : (is_adma
; ? apu_adma_config[6:4]
; : sys_config[7:5]); a good approximation.
; (4) L3 - L0 are the Link Port's I/O - only the 'MAGNUM' variant routed these
; to the cartridge slot as additional banking bits.
; ;*******************************************************************************
; Memory Map *
; $0000 - $1FFF : 8KB WRAM
; $2000 - $3FFF : Hardware Registers
; $4000 - $5FFF : 8KB VRAM (on VBUS)
; $6000 - $7FFF : Free
; $8000 - $FFFF : Game Cartridge (/CARD)
; \- $8000 - $BFFF : Paged ROM Bank (SYS_CONFIG,7-5 or APU_ADMA_CONFIG,6-4)
; $C000 - $FFFF : Fixed ROM Bank (LAST - %111)
; \- $FFFA - $FFFB : NMI Vector
; $FFFC - $FFFD : Reset Vector
; $FFFE - $FFFF : IRQ Vector
.define WRAM $0000
.define WRAM_BASE $0000
.define WRAM_SIZE $2000
.define WRAM_TOP (WRAM_BASE + WRAM_SIZE) .define REGS $2000
.define REGS_BASE $2000
.define REGS_SIZE $2000 .define VRAM $4000
.define VRAM_BASE $4000
.define VRAM_SIZE $2000
.define VRAM_TOP (VRAM_BASE + VRAM_SIZE) .define CART_SWAP $8000
.define CART_SWAP_BASE $8000
.define CART_SWAP_SIZE $4000
.define CART_FIXED_BASE $C000
.define CART_FIXED_SIZE $4000
.define CART_FIXED_TOP (CART_FIXED_BASE + CART_FIXED_SIZE) ;*******************************************************************************
; Registers *
; System Control
; NMIs are triggered at a fixed rate of (4000000 / 65536) = 61.03515625 Hz.
; Switching the NMI Tick on or off using SYS_CONFIG,0 won't affect its divider.
; IRQs can be raised by either the Timer or Audio DMA hardware - these are both
; masked using SYS_CONFIG,2-1 and can be polled through SYS_STATUS,1-0.
; .define SYS_CONFIG $2026
.define SYS_CONFIG_BANK %11100000
.define SYS_CONFIG_TIMER %00010000
.define SYS_CONFIG_TIMER_DIV16K %00010000
.define SYS_CONFIG_TIMER_DIV256 %00000000
.define SYS_CONFIG_LCD %00001000
.define SYS_CONFIG_LCD_ON %00001000
.define SYS_CONFIG_LCD_OFF %00000000
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_A %00000100
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_A_ON %00000100
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_A_OFF %00000000
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_T %00000010
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_T_ON %00000010
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_T_OFF %00000000
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ %00000110
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_ON %00000110
.define SYS_CONFIG_IRQ_OFF %00000000
.define SYS_CONFIG_NMI %00000001
.define SYS_CONFIG_NMI_ON %00000001
.define SYS_CONFIG_NMI_OFF %00000000
; -/W
; 7 - 5 : 16KB Page Selection for $8000 - $BFFF
; 4 : Timer Prescaler Selection (1 == /16384, 0 == /256)
; 3 : LCD Controller (1 == Enabled, 0 == Disabled)
; 2 : Audio DMA Complete IRQ (1 == Enabled, 0 == Mask)
; 1 : Timer Expired IRQ (1 == Enabled, 0 == Mask)
; 0 : NMI Tick (1 == Enabled, 0 == Disabled)
; Writing any value to this register will affect the LCD Controller. .define SYS_STATUS $2027
.define SYS_STATUS_AUDIO_DMA %00000010
.define SYS_STATUS_TIMER %00000001
; -R/
; 7 - 2 : ???
; 1 : Audio DMA Complete (APU_ADMA_ACK to clear)
; 0 : Timer Expired (TIM_ACK to clear)
; These flags aren't affected by the IRQ masks in SYS_CONFIG,2-1 and can only
; be cleared using TIM_ACK or APU_ADMA_ACK. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Timer
; Just an 8-Bit down counter which decrements until it reaches zero, then stops
; and raises an interrupt - no autoreload or wrapping. The counter is clocked
; by a /256 or /16384 prescaler selected through SYS_CONFIG,4.
; The prescaler is a free running counter which increments every tick. There’s
; no way to reset it so all timer durations are between N and N - 1 unless you
; manually synchronize by polling until a decrement occurs.
; Either Bit 7 (/256) or Bit 13 (/16384) from the prescaler is used as a clock
; for the timer's operations. It'll decrement on every rising edge and evaluate
; whether it needs to raise an interrupt while low.
; This implementation causes a few interesting quirks...
; - The timer always decrements half a prescaler period after the NMI.
; - Changing the prescaler tap can inadvertently clock the timer if the new
; setting causes a rising edge to occur.
; - Writing zeroes to TIM_COUNT will cause an interrupt to fire within half
; of a prescaler period - depending upon when the write occurred...
; \- Prescaler tap is '1' -> interrupt deferred until tap output is '0'.
; - Prescaler tap is '0' -> interrupt fires immediately.
; .define TIM_COUNT $2023
.define TIM_COUNT_FLUSH $02
; -R/W
; Reading yields the down counter's current value, writing sets it. .define TIM_ACK $2024
; -R/W
; Reading or writing acknowledges the timer interrupt. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Input
; Pressing any button or direction will set its respective bit LOW.
; .define JOY $2020
.define JOY_PAUSE %10000000
.define JOY_START %10000000
.define JOY_SELECT %01000000
.define JOY_A %00100000
.define JOY_B %00010000
.define JOY_BUTTON %11110000
.define JOY_UP %00001000
.define JOY_DOWN %00000100
.define JOY_LEFT %00000010
.define JOY_RIGHT %00000001
.define JOY_DIRECTION %00001111
; -R/
; 7 : Start / Pause
; 6 : Select
; 5 : 'A'
; 4 : 'B'
; 3 : Up
; 2 : Down
; 1 : Left
; 0 : Right ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Link Port
; Four pins of GPIO...
; How these are utilized (if at all) differs among the hardware variants.
; 9107 (Brick) - N/C
; 9205 (Bendable) - COMM Port (see pinout below)
; .... (Magnum) - Cartridge Slot (L0 - L3)
; .---------- LINK_DATA,0
; | .-------- LINK_DATA,1
; | | .------ LINK_DATA,2
; | | | .---- LINK_DATA,3
; | | | |
; 1 2 3 4 5
; -------------
; \ o o o o o /
; \ o o o o /
; ---------
; 6 7 8 9
; | |
; | `----- VCC (+5V)
; |
; `--------- GND
; .define LINK_DATA $2021
; -R/W
; 7 - 4 : ???
; 3 - 0 : Data .define LINK_DDR $2022
; -/W
; 7 - 4 : ???
; 3 - 0 : Data Direction (1 == Input, 0 == Output) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Can ONLY perform data transfers between the CPU and LCD VRAM (CBUS <-> VBUS)
; but is fairly quick about it - will transfer data at one of two speeds...
; - If the LCD Driver is [ON]
; Five bytes are copied every six clocks with the last clock left open for
; the display controller to read from VRAM (3.33MB/s).
; - If the LCD Driver is [OFF]
; One byte is copied every clock (4.0MB/s).
; Both DMA_CBUS and DMA_VBUS are incremented during a transfer while DMA_LEN is
; decremented - kicking off subsequent transfers without adjusting any of these
; registers will perform a 4096 Byte (maximum size) transfer.
; Any IRQs or NMIs are deferred until after a transfer completes.
; .define DMA_CBUS $2008
.define DMA_CBUS_LO $2008
.define DMA_CBUS_HI $2009
; -/W
; CBUS Address. .define DMA_VBUS $200A
.define DMA_VBUS_LO $200A
.define DMA_VBUS_HI $200B
.define DMA_VBUS_MODE $4000
.define DMA_VBUS_MODE_VC $0000
.define DMA_VBUS_MODE_CV $4000
; -/W
; VBUS Address and Transfer Mode.
; 15 : ???
; 14 : Transfer Type (0 == VBUS -> CBUS, 1 == CBUS -> VBUS)
; 13 : ???
; 12 - 0 : VBUS (Video) Address
; The VBUS Address cursor will wrap within the bounds of VRAM - for example
; a 4KB transfer from CBUS $C000 -> VBUS $1800 will write the first half of
; its data to $1800 - $1FFF and continue at $0000 - $07FF. .define DMA_LEN $200C
; -/W
; Transfer Length in 16 Byte chunks - i.e. $08 == 128 Bytes.
; Setting this parameter to zero yields a maximum transfer size of 4096 Bytes. .define DMA_REQ $200D
.define DMA_REQ_START %10000000
.define DMA_REQ_CLOSE %00000000
; -/W
; 7 : Start DMA Transfer
; 6 - 0 : ???
; Any writes with Bit 7 set will start a transfer using the current parameters
; The only software to use the DMA Controller is "Journey to the West" - which
; always writes $80,$00 here in that order. While only the leading $80 seems to
; be necessary it is probably best to follow this convention. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; LCD Controller
; This module is simple in application, yet complex to understand. At the end
; of the day - it's scanning out a software rendered image with numerous edge
; cases and quirks during that process.
; While all (currently known) hardware uses a 160 x 160 LCD panel, the driver
; supports other dimensions via LCD_X_SIZE and LCD_Y_SIZE. Most software will
; set these to $A0 (160) - but the panel can be driven using alternate sizing
; which affects both the scan pattern and timing.
; Let's set both LCD_X_SIZE and LCD_Y_SIZE to $A0 (which is their recommended
; configuration - be nice to the panel). That'll give us...
; - The 8KB of VRAM ($4000 - $5FFF) contains a 192 x 170 x 2bpp surface which
; is arranged as 170 Lines of 48 Bytes each, $5FE0 - $5FFF aren't used.
; $4000 [S]_____________________________________ .......... $402F
; .... | | . A ....
; | | . |
; | | . |
; | | . |
; | VISIBLE REGION (160 x 160) | . |
; | | . | 170
; | | . | Lines
; | | . |
; |______________________________________| . |
; . . |
; . . |
; .... . . V ....
; $5FB0 .................................................. $5FDF
; <---------------------------------------------->
; 192 Pixels
; - Pixel data are stored as four bit pairs within each byte (chunky).
; LEFT --> [] [] [] [] --> RIGHT 00 == White
; -- -- -- -- 01 == Light Grey
; BITS : 10 32 54 76 10 == Dark Grey
; PAIR : AA BB CC DD 11 == Black
; - LCD_X_SCROLL and LCD_Y_SCROLL are used to position the display's visible
; region within the framebuffer - both have pixel granularity and are able
; to cover the entire 192 x 170 surface.
; LCD_X_SCROLL : $00 - $1F
; LCD_Y_SCROLL : $00 - $0A
; $4000 .................................................. $402F
; .... . | . A ....
; .---[S]_____________________________________ . |
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . | | . | 170
; . | VISIBLE REGION (160 x 160) | . | Lines
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . |______________________________________| . |
; .... . . V ....
; $5FB0 .................................................. $5FDF
; <---------------------------------------------->
; 192 Pixels
; There's no horizontal wrapping within the surface - any fetches past one
; line will continue (linearly) into the next one's data.
; Vertical wrapping is supported _only_ when LCD_X_SCROLL < $1C, where the
; next fetched line snaps back from $A9 (169) to $00. This can be used for
; scrolling a surface up to 187 pixels wide and of infinite height.
; LCD_X_SCROLL : $00 - $1B
; LCD_Y_SCROLL : $00 - $A9
; $4000 .................................................. $402F
; .... . | | . A ....
; . |______________________________________| . |
; . | . |
; . | . |
; . | . |
; .---[S]_____________________________________ . | 170
; . | | . | Lines
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . | | . |
; . | VISIBLE REGION (160 x 160) | . |
; .... . | | . V ....
; $5FB0 .....|......................................|..... $5FDF
; <---------------------------------------------->
; 192 Pixels
; An LCD_Y_SCROLL value of $AA (170) appears identical to $00. Exceeding the
; bounds above will reveal strange quirks in the fetch controller (see nitty
; gritty section below).
; So what's really going on under the hood (or epoxy glob)?
; The LCD Controller lives in a timing bubble - we can guess a displacement in
; relation to where it was but can't easily synchronize on a particular row or
; column as they're being shifted out.
; It does what it wants, when it wants to.
; It's also extremely predictable.
; Fetch : 6 Clocks (@ 4MHz)
; ------
; Line : ((LCD_X_SIZE / 4) + 1) * [Fetch]
; Field : LCD_Y_SIZE * [Line]
; Frame : 2 * [Field]
; One complete scan of the panel (frame) consists of two passes (fields) with
; inverted polarity - this generates the four 2bpp tones. Both fields operate
; with identical timing and memory fetches, tied to LCD_X_SIZE and LCD_Y_SIZE.
; Enabling the display through SYS_CONFIG will take effect at the start of the
; next frame - the LCD Controller keeps running through scans while 'disabled'
; albeit with the panel off and no memory accesses (allowing VBUS <-> CBUS DMA
; to run at 4.0MB/s).
; There is a (significantly irritating) quirk where writing to SYS_CONFIG will
; disable the panel until the start of its next frame. I'm not sure if this is
; actually harmful to the panel - but it seems very rude.
; After the display is enabled we're ready to start a field by calculating our
; initial offset into the framebuffer ($0000 - $1FFF on VBUS).
; START = ( (LCD_Y_SCROLL * 0x30) + (LCD_X_SCROLL / 4) ) & 0x1FFF;
; if(START >= 0x1FE0)
; {
; START = START & 0x001F;
; }
; On each line [START] is copied to a [FETCH] pointer which then walks through
; its ((LCD_X_SIZE / 4) + 1) Bytes of data - where the extra fetch is used for
; horizontal scrolling. Fetches are sequential unless they reach $1FE0 - which
; nudges the offset and will affect the next line's evaluation ('Quirk Line').
; for(BYTE = 0; BYTE < ((LCD_X_SIZE / 4) + 1); BYTE++)
; {
; FETCH = (FETCH + 1) & 0x1FFF;
; if(0x1FE0 == FETCH)
; {
; // ---- 'Quirk Line' ----
; FETCH = (FETCH + 0x0040) & 0x1FFF;
; }
; }
; ...
; START = START + ( (LCD_X_SIZE >= 0xC4) ? 0x70 : 0x30 );
; if(QUIRK)
; {
; START = (START + 0x0040) & 0x1FFF;
; }
; else if(START >= (0x1FB0 + (LCD_X_SIZE / 4)))
; {
; START = START & 0x001F;
; }
; This repeats for LCD_Y_SIZE lines and then the field is over. I've not found
; a good (hardware) explanation for what's going on with 'Quirk Lines' but the
; formula above seems to replicate it okay.
; Using an LCD_X_SIZE of $C4 or larger activates 'Wide Step Mode' which uses a
; line size of 112 Bytes when traversing the framebuffer. This doesn't seem to
; affect how [START] is calculated at the beginning of each field, so vertical
; scrolling is... it doesn't work. I've yet to investigate how wrapping or any
; other behaviors might change while using this mode.
; .define LCD_X_SIZE $2000
.define LCD_Y_SIZE $2001
; -/W
; Panel Dimensions.
; Set these to $A0,$A0 (160 x 160) before enabling the display. .define LCD_X_SCROLL $2002
; -/W
; Horizontal (Column) Offset.
; 7 - 2 : Fetch Displacement (Coarse)
; 1 - 0 : Pixel Delay (Fine)
; Any changes to the fetch displacement affect the next field while changes
; to the pixel delay affect the next line. .define LCD_Y_SCROLL $2003
; -/W
; Vertical (Row) Offset.
; Any changes will take effect on the next field. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Audio - Overview
; The APU features four audio channels with limited stereo support.
; WAVE/L - Pulse Generator featuring 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 75% duty cycles.
; WAVE/R - ...
; ADMA - Asynchronous Streaming of 4-Bit PCM.
; LFSR - Noise Generator with 15-Bit and 7-Bit Feedback Taps.
; -------- -------
; | WAVE/L |---(+)---(+)--------| DAC/L |---> LEFT SPEAKER
; -------- | | -------
; | |
; -------- | |
; | ADMA |---[C]--- | ---.
; -------- | |
; | LFSR |---[C]----` |
; -------- | |
; | |
; -------- | | -------
; | WAVE/R |---(+)--------(+)---| DAC/R |---> RIGHT SPEAKER
; -------- -------
; WAVE/L and WAVE/R are exclusively assigned to the LEFT and RIGHT outputs.
; ADMA and LFSR can be routed to the LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER.
; The DACs (DAC/L and DAC/R) only have 4-Bit granularity and clamp the sum
; of their inputs (WAVE/L or WAVE/R + ADMA + LFSR) at 15 - this allows one
; channel to saturate a DAC if enabled at maximum volume.
; ; Audio - WAVE/L and WAVE/R
; Both channels operate identically aside from their hard panning.
; ---------------------
; |---------------------|
; (SYS_CLK / 2) ---> | { $0000 - $07FF } | (WAVE_DIV)
; ---------------------
; |
; .------------ ( WSG_CLK ) -------------`
; |
; V
; ----------------------------------------
; |----------------------------------------|
; | 00 [ -- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ] 12.5% | (WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY)
; | 01 [ -- -- .. .. .. .. .. .. ] 25.0% | (WAVE_CONFIG_VOL)
; | 10 [ -- -- -- -- .. .. .. .. ] 50.0% |
; | 11 [ -- -- -- -- -- -- .. .. ] 75.0% |
; | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
; ----------------------------------------
; |
; `---> [OUT]
; WSG_CLK toggles on every underflow of the frequency divider - which advances
; the waveform's phase after two underflows (two edges) and yields the divider
; chain of...
; WSG_CLK = ((SYS_CLK / 2) / (DIV + 1))
; OUT_CLK = (WSG_CLK / 16) = ((SYS_CLK / 32) / (DIV + 1))
; The waveform generator's phase cannot be reset - but it can be locked if the
; frequency divider is reloaded faster than (WAVE_DIV * 2) cycles, this may be
; accomplished by banging WAVE_DIV_LO, WAVE_DIV_HI, or WAVE_CONFIG.
; .define APU_WAVE_R_DIV $2010
.define APU_WAVE_R_DIV_LO $2010
.define APU_WAVE_R_DIV_HI $2011
.define APU_WAVE_L_DIV $2014
.define APU_WAVE_L_DIV_LO $2014
.define APU_WAVE_L_DIV_HI $2015
; -/W
; 11-Bit Frequency Divisor (%.....HHH LLLLLLLL)
; ( (SYS_CLK / 32) / (DIV + 1) ) == Channel Frequency
; Writing to WAVE_DIV_LO or WAVE_DIV_HI will reload the channel's dividers. .define APU_WAVE_R_CONFIG $2012
.define APU_WAVE_L_CONFIG $2016
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_FORCE %01000000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY %00110000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY_12 %00000000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY_25 %00010000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY_50 %00100000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_DUTY_75 %00110000
.define APU_WAVE_CONFIG_VOL %00001111
; -/W
; 7 : ???
; 6 : Force Enable (1 == Always On, 0 == Use Length Counter)
; 5 - 4 : Duty Cycle Selection (00 == 12.5%, 01 == 25%, 10 == 50%, 11 == 75%)
; 3 - 0 : Volume ($0 == Silent, $F == Loudest)
; Any writes with Bit 6 set reloads the channel's dividers - unless the length
; counter is nonzero and still decrementing (see APU_WAVE_LEN below)... .define APU_WAVE_R_LEN $2013
.define APU_WAVE_L_LEN $2017
; -/W
; Writing a value [X] here in LENGTH MODE (0 == APU_WAVE_CONFIG,6) will enable
; the channel's output for [X] frames - after which it will silence itself.
; A single frame is 65536 clocks and appears to be aligned with the NMI tick -
; yielding an identical rate of (4000000 / 65536) = 61.03515625 Hz.
; Bork...
; There's lots of asterisks involved with this feature - so here's all of 'em!
; * Writing a nonzero value immediately enables the channel in LENGTH MODE for
; a duration between [X] and [X + 1] frames - depending upon where the write
; occurred within a frame (i.e. the counters are frame aligned).
; * This value is then decremented once per frame until it reaches zero - upon
; which the channel will be silenced IFF (0 == APU_WAVE_CONFIG,6).
; * The counters still run when (1 == APU_WAVE_CONFIG,6) but the channel won't
; silence itself after they reach zero and expire.
; * Writing zeroes to force a counter to expire takes effect on the next frame
; update - not immediately.
; * Continuously writing large nonzero values will keep the counters alive and
; allows software to modify both APU_WAVE_CONFIG,5-4 and APU_WAVE_CONFIG,3-0
; without an undesired reload of the channel's divider. ; Audio - ADMA
; Supports asynchronous streaming of 4-Bit Unsigned PCM samples.
; These are formatted as two samples (a/b) in each byte %AAAABBBB - where %AAAA
; is output first and then %BBBB. No volume control is supported but the stream
; can be played through either or both speakers (i.e. 'dual mono').
; Sample data may be pulled from anywhere on the CBUS's address space - but the
; region in ($8000 - $BFFF) has a special feature where APU_ADMA_CONFIG,6-4 are
; used as an alternate 16KB Page Selection (so they're driven on B2 - B0).
; During playback APU_ADMA_SRC increments after every fetch while APU_ADMA_LEN
; will decrement after each segment (16 Bytes). Modifying the latter during an
; active stream will overwrite the number of remaining data segments.
; The stream terminates once APU_ADMA_LEN reaches zero - upon which output is
; silenced and the Audio DMA Complete interrupt fired (if enabled).
; Kicking off a subsequent playback request without modifying APU_ADMA_SRC or
; APU_ADMA_LEN will perform a 4096 Byte (8192 Sample - maximum length) stream
; with fetches continuing from where the previous stream left off.
; .define APU_ADMA_SRC $2018
.define APU_ADMA_SRC_LO $2018
.define APU_ADMA_SRC_HI $2019
; -/W
; PCM Data Address.
; Attempting to use VRAM ($4000 - $5FFF, on VBUS) as a streaming source will
; cause all fetched sample data to be zeroes (silent) - or it does sometimes
; on certain hardware... uh... basically no it doesn't work and don't do it. .define APU_ADMA_LEN $201A
; -/W
; PCM Data Length in 16 Byte chunks - i.e. $08 == 128 Bytes (256 samples).
; Setting this parameter to zero yields a maximum stream size of 4096 Bytes. .define APU_ADMA_CONFIG $201B
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_BANK %01110000
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_LR %00001100
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_C %00001100
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_L %00001000
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_R %00000100
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_DIV %00000011
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_DIV256 %00000000
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_DIV512 %00000001
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_DIV1K %00000010
.define APU_ADMA_CONFIG_DIV2K %00000011
; -/W
; CONFIG[1,0] | SYS_CLK / [x] | Playback Frequency
; ------------|---------------|-------------------
; %..00 = (0) | 256 | 15625.000 Hz
; %..01 = (1) | 512 | 7812.500 Hz
; %..10 = (2) | 1024 | 3906.250 Hz
; %..11 = (3) | 2048 | 1953.125 Hz
; 7 : ???
; 6 - 4 : 16KB Page Selection for $8000 - $BFFF
; 3 : Output Enable (Left)
; 2 : Output Enable (Right)
; 1 - 0 : Divisor Selection (%00 == Highest, %11 == Lowest) .define APU_ADMA_REQ $201C
.define APU_ADMA_REQ_START %10000000
.define APU_ADMA_REQ_ABORT %00000000
; -/W
; 7 : Start ADMA Playback
; 6 - 0 : ???
; Any writes with Bit 7 set initiate ADMA playback using the current parameters
; in APU_ADMA_CONFIG, APU_ADMA_SRC, and APU_ADMA_LEN. Once the ADMA is complete
; SYS_STATUS,1 will raise along with its pertinent interrupt (if enabled).
; Clearing this register during an active ADMA immediately aborts its playback
; without raising the Audio DMA Complete interrupt - i.e. writing $80,$00 in
; that order will start and then cease streaming sample data. .define APU_ADMA_ACK $2025
; -R/W
; Reading or writing acknowledges the Audio DMA Complete interrupt. ; Audio - LFSR
; The LFSR is 15-Bits long and supports feedback taps using [E]^[D] or [6]^[5].
; _______________________________________________
; | |
; | [E][D][C][B][A][9][8][7][6][5][4][3][2][1][0]<----.
; | \ \ \ \ | |
; | ----------------------------------------||>---------> [OUT]
; |_______________________________________________|
; 15-Bit : z -> abcdefghijklmn (o), z = n ^ o
; 7-Bit : z -> abcdef (g), z = f ^ g
; Any write to APU_LFSR_CONFIG resets the LFSR to $7FFF (all high) - yielding a
; first XOR result of zero.
; .define APU_LFSR_VDIV $2028
.define APU_LFSR_VDIV_DIV %11110000
.define APU_LFSR_VDIV_VOL %00001111
; -/W
; VDIV[7...4] | SYS_CLK / [x] | LFSR Update Frequency
; ------------|---------------|----------------------
; %0000 = (0) | 8 | 500000.000000000 Hz
; %0001 = (1) | 16 | 250000.000000000 Hz
; %0010 = (2) | 32 | 125000.000000000 Hz
; %0011 = (3) | 64 | 62500.000000000 Hz
; %0100 = (4) | 128 | 31250.000000000 Hz
; %0101 = (5) | 256 | 15625.000000000 Hz
; %0110 = (6) | 512 | 7812.500000000 Hz
; %0111 = (7) | 1024 | 3906.250000000 Hz
; %1000 = (8) | 2048 | 1953.125000000 Hz
; %1001 = (9) | 4096 | 976.562500000 Hz
; %1010 = (A) | 8192 | 488.281250000 Hz
; %1011 = (B) | 16384 | 244.140625000 Hz
; %1100 = (C) | 32768 | 122.070312500 Hz
; %1101 = (D) | 65536 | 61.035156250 Hz
; %1110 = (E) | 32768 | 122.070312500 Hz
; %1111 = (F) | 65536 | 61.035156250 Hz
; 7 - 4 : Divisor Selection ($0 == Lowest, $F == Highest)
; 3 - 0 : Volume ($0 == Silent, $F == Loudest) .define APU_LFSR_LEN $2029
; -/W
; Writing a value [X] here in LENGTH MODE (0 == APU_LFSR_CONFIG,1) will enable
; the channel's output for [X] frames - after which it will silence itself.
; The timing specifics are nearly identical to APU_WAVE_L_LEN / APU_WAVE_R_LEN
; excluding the priority quirk - so starting the channel using length mode and
; then writing anything to APU_LFSR_CONFIG will reset the LFSR. .define APU_LFSR_CONFIG $202A
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_EN %00010000
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_LR %00001100
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_C %00001100
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_L %00001000
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_R %00000100
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_FORCE %00000010
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_TAP %00000001
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_TAP_15 %00000001
.define APU_LFSR_CONFIG_TAP_7 %00000000
; -/W
; 7 - 5 : ???
; 4 : LFSR Enable
; 3 : Output Enable (Left)
; 2 : Output Enable (Right)
; 1 : Force Enable (1 == Always On, 0 == Use Length Counter)
; 0 : LFSR Tap (1 == 15-Bit, 0 == 7-Bit)
; Writing any value to this register will reset the LFSR.
Раздача обновлена,
добавлены ещё 21 дамп игр из сборника GoodSV 3.21 и хоумбрю WaTest. Ещё существует Assembloids, разработанная PriorArt в 2020-м году, но её .bin нигде не увидел:
Вот, почти все, 64 игры в одном видосе Так, по поводу эмуля: он умеет игры в 4-х цветах выдавать (как при подключении к ТВ) или нет (только Ч/Б)?