2020 - Another World (320kb) (10 / 1:48:25)
[9:30] 01. Totemtag - Lifeforms [09-29]
[7:55] 02. Totemtag - Kinematic Emerald [07-55]
[15:18] 03. Totemtag - Voices from Distant Land [15-17]
[14:33] 04. Totemtag - Strange Dewdrops [14-33]
[9:51] 05. Totemtag - Kongas from Proxima-B [09-50]
[9:58] 06. Totemtag - Virtual Reality [09-58]
[14:25] 07. Totemtag - Frozen Dreams [14-25]
[6:00] 08. Totemtag - Lucifer's Fall [06-00]
[10:03] 09. Totemtag - Trip around a Magnetar [10-02]
[10:56] 10. Totemtag - Spacetime Battleship [10-56]
2020 - Atmospheric Landscapes I (320kb) (10 / 3:26:56)
[21:22] 01. Totemtag - Mystic Flight [21-21]
[19:27] 02. Totemtag - Spirit of a Frozen Lake [19-27]
[16:01] 03. Totemtag - Trans-Astral Highway [16-00]
[22:59] 04. Totemtag - Childhood Memory [22-58]
[6:41] 05. Totemtag - Inside a Light Artwork [06-40]
[37:21] 06. Totemtag - Hybrid [37-20]
[19:23] 07. Totemtag - Martian Sunrise [19-22]
[10:23] 08. Totemtag - Other Humanities [10-22]
[29:15] 09. Totemtag - The Magic Forest [29-14]
[24:10] 10. Totemtag - Virtual Particle [24-09]
2020 - Atmospheric Landscapes II (320kb) (12 / 4:00:15)
[36:33] 01. Totemtag - A Chandellier of Blue Stars [36-33]
[24:50] 02. Totemtag - A.I. [24-49]
[17:26] 03. Totemtag - Battlefield [17-25]
[14:36] 04. Totemtag - Interdimensional Pulse [14-35]
[10:17] 05. Totemtag - Nibelungen [10-16]
[25:18] 06. Totemtag - Song of the Dryad [25-17]
[19:34] 07. Totemtag - The Flight [19-34]
[18:58] 08. Totemtag - The Hidden Light of Dark Matter [18-57]
[31:51] 09. Totemtag - Traveling through Dimensions [31-50]
[14:01] 10. Totemtag - The Challenge [14-01]
[13:07] 11. Totemtag - Groom Lake [13-06]
[13:51] 12. Totemtag - Wind of Passion [13-51]
2020 - Beyond Orbit (320kb) (12 / 1:49:21)
[6:54] 01. Totemtag - Spacenauts [06-53]
[9:52] 02. Totemtag - Aurora From Space [09-51]
[7:39] 03. Totemtag - Heliopause [07-39]
[12:02] 04. Totemtag - Red Planet [12-01]
[10:22] 05. Totemtag - Inside Saturn's Rings [10-21]
[7:18] 06. Totemtag - Kuiper Belt [07-17]
[13:39] 07. Totemtag - Interstellar Fugue [13-38]
[6:16] 08. Totemtag - Stellar Wind [06-16]
[14:30] 09. Totemtag - Cat's Eye Nebula [14-30]
[7:05] 10. Totemtag - Aerobraking [07-04]
[5:48] 11. Totemtag - Approaching The Event Horizon [05-48]
[8:02] 12. Totemtag - Intergalactic [08-02]
2020 - Cosmic Witch (320kb) (13 / 2:32:12)
[23:05] 01. Totemtag - Flight of the Wolf Witch [23-05]
[19:58] 02. Totemtag - Dance of the Spheres [19-57]
[9:10] 03. Totemtag - Spiral Creation [09-09]
[7:39] 04. Totemtag - Lilith [07-38]
[8:18] 05. Totemtag - Psychopomp [08-17]
[7:22] 06. Totemtag - Haunted [07-21]
[6:00] 07. Totemtag - The Summerland [05-59]
[10:42] 08. Totemtag - Enchantment [10-41]
[5:16] 09. Totemtag - The Great Witch of Bologna [05-16]
[6:51] 10. Totemtag - Where the Dreams are Born [06-50]
[17:15] 11. Totemtag - Lethe and the Death Goddess [17-15]
[15:29] 12. Totemtag - Hypnagogic Forest [15-29]
[15:12] 13. Totemtag - The Flying Canoe [15-12]
2020 - Lucid Dreams (128kb) (10 / 1:51:10)
[30:36] 01. Totemtag - A Flash In The Darkness [30-36]
[7:14] 02. Totemtag - A New Horizon [07-14]
[5:58] 03. Totemtag - Azzurrina [05-57]
[12:18] 04. Totemtag - Rosslyn [12-18]
[15:25] 05. Totemtag - The Burning Times [15-24]
[15:54] 06. Totemtag - Memory Of Gentile [15-53]
[7:43] 07. Totemtag - The Challenge [07-43]
[6:45] 08. Totemtag - A Cathedral In The Sky [06-44]
[4:20] 09. Totemtag - Blue Stream [04-20]
[5:01] 10. Totemtag - Sparkles Of Eternity [05-01]
2020 - Memories Of Earth (320kb) (10 / 1:51:50)
[8:32] 01. Totemtag - Memories Of Earth [08-32]
[20:00] 02. Totemtag - Cryogenic Dreaming [20-00]
[7:24] 03. Totemtag - A.I. Cries [07-23]
[13:16] 04. Totemtag - Ruins In Space [13-16]
[9:29] 05. Totemtag - Thinking Of You [09-29]
[8:37] 06. Totemtag - A.I. In My Brain [08-37]
[8:58] 07. Totemtag - No More Fighting [08-58]
[7:00] 08. Totemtag - Running The Wheel [06-59]
[5:58] 09. Totemtag - Cosmic Balcony [05-58]
[22:40] 10. Totemtag - Sailing Interstellar [22-39]
2020 - Space Ride (320kb) (5 / 1:35:02)
[51:37] 01. Totemtag - Orbital Chase [51-36]
[8:07] 02. Totemtag - Docking [08-07]
[6:52] 03. Totemtag - Earth [06-51]
[17:07] 04. Totemtag - Spacewalk [17-06]
[11:21] 05. Totemtag - Deorbiting [11-21]
2021 - Celestial on Earth (320kb) (10 / 1:43:39)
[6:48] 01. Totemtag - Øyungen Lake [06-48]
[12:22] 02. Totemtag - Cheltenham Badlands [12-22]
[12:13] 03. Totemtag - Silver Creek [12-13]
[10:35] 04. Totemtag - Yuma Desert [10-35]
[8:19] 05. Totemtag - Angels Whisper in the Desert [08-18]
[12:22] 06. Totemtag - Hudson Valley [12-22]
[7:01] 07. Totemtag - UAP Highway [07-01]
[8:32] 08. Totemtag - Simcoe Lake [08-32]
[15:02] 09. Totemtag - Mono Cliffs [15-01]
[10:29] 10. Totemtag - Invisible Presences [10-29]
2021 - Exploring The Numinous (320kb) (8 / 1:29:41)
[7:25] 01.. Totemtag - Soft Takeoff [07-25]
[23:45] 02.. Totemtag - Vertical Highway [23-44]
[8:12] 03.. Totemtag - Horizontal Sunrise [08-12]
[8:01] 04.. Totemtag - Sun Through Pink Haze [08-00]
[8:53] 05.. Totemtag - Surfing on Thin Air [08-53]
[12:23] 06.. Totemtag - The Bright Side [12-22]
[12:54] 07.. Totemtag - The River of Karma [12-53]
[8:12] 08.. Totemtag - Stellar Wind [08-11]
2021 - I Am Machine (320kb) (9 / 2:17:58)
[11:23] 01. Totemtag - Mystical Machine [11-22]
[42:46] 02. Totemtag - Psychedelic Session [42-45]
[11:12] 03. Totemtag - Space Techno [11-12]
[12:43] 04. Totemtag - Electrogeodetic [12-42]
[9:02] 05. Totemtag - Cybergnostic [09-01]
[12:24] 06. Totemtag - Dark Tech [12-23]
[20:38] 07. Totemtag - Intergalactic [20-38]
[10:00] 08. Totemtag - Poseidon on Proxima-B [09-59]
[7:55] 09. Totemtag - Sequent Alpha [07-55]
2021 - Interplanetronika (320kb) (10 / 2:08:06)
[15:31] 01. Totemtag - Majestic Cryovolcano [15-31]
[16:08] 02. Totemtag - Passing Through The Rings [16-07]
[12:32] 03. Totemtag - Flyby Over Kraken Mare [12-32]
[9:04] 04. Totemtag - Gliding in Jupiter's Clouds [09-04]
[9:04] 05. Totemtag - Olympus Mons [09-04]
[15:04] 06. Totemtag - Life Under The Ice [15-04]
[9:04] 07. Totemtag - Mystery Lights on Ceres [09-04]
[10:34] 08. Totemtag - Polar Aurora on Saturn [10-33]
[23:41] 09. Totemtag - Ion Thrustered [23-40]
[7:29] 10. Totemtag - Towards Kuiper Belt [07-28]
2021 - Observers (320kb) (8 / 1:17:26)
[10:43] 01. Totemtag - Awakening from Cryogenic [10-43]
[13:31] 02. Totemtag - From the Control Room [13-31]
[11:21] 03. Totemtag - About to Land in the Desert [11-20]
[5:20] 04. Totemtag - Seeing Through my Eye's HUD [05-19]
[9:20] 05. Totemtag - Plunging Into Blue Air [09-20]
[9:25] 06. Totemtag - Flying Stealth [09-24]
[8:31] 07. Totemtag - Pauli's Principle Violated [08-30]
[9:19] 08. Totemtag - Invisible in the Crowd [09-18]
2021 - Polyhedric Melodies (320kb) (15 / 2:36:08)
[26:35] 01. Totemtag - Em Pulse [26-34]
[9:01] 02. Totemtag - Hypno Dance [09-01]
[6:53] 03. Totemtag - Buddha In The Forest [06-53]
[6:31] 04. Totemtag - Maglev Train [06-31]
[8:02] 05. Totemtag - Before Dawn [08-02]
[10:03] 06. Totemtag - Romantic Tech [10-03]
[12:01] 07. Totemtag - Mad Ride [12-00]
[7:23] 08. Totemtag - Slow Wave [07-22]
[6:20] 09. Totemtag - Soft Dance [06-20]
[8:12] 10. Totemtag - Space Duel [08-11]
[8:02] 11. Totemtag - Cascade [08-01]
[6:32] 12. Totemtag - Driving In The Mountains [06-32]
[9:31] 13. Totemtag - Volley On The Beach [09-31]
[14:02] 14. Totemtag - Floating Dust In Sunbeams [14-01]
[17:08] 15. Totemtag - Any Sunset You Like [17-07]
2021 - Pulsetronika (320kb) (11 / 3:13:23)
[17:48] 01. Totemtag - Into Deep Space [17-48]
[22:24] 02. Totemtag - Thruster Ignition [22-24]
[18:02] 03. Totemtag - Space Cruising [18-01]
[14:56] 04. Totemtag - Gravity Pulling [14-55]
[14:35] 05. Totemtag - Sling Effect [14-35]
[11:34] 06. Totemtag - Inertial [11-33]
[14:11] 07. Totemtag - Thrilled [14-11]
[12:45] 08. Totemtag - Surfing Spacetime [12-44]
[12:04] 09. Totemtag - Suspended Animation [12-04]
[9:02] 10. Totemtag - Cat's Eye Nebula [09-01]
[46:07] 11. Totemtag - Pulsetronika [Album Mix by TSA] [46-07]
2021 - Sequencelodies (320kb) (10 / 1:46:51)
[6:53] 01. Totemtag - Magical Firefly [06-52]
[12:02] 02. Totemtag - Boreal Night [12-02]
[12:56] 03. Totemtag - Liminal Runner [12-55]
[13:04] 04. Totemtag - Noctilucent [13-04]
[14:48] 05. Totemtag - Climbing the Peak [14-48]
[6:59] 06. Totemtag - Geometrodynamics [06-58]
[9:26] 07. Totemtag - Spiritech [09-25]
[10:15] 08. Totemtag - Around the Fire [10-15]
[12:29] 09. Totemtag - Driad Flight [12-28]
[8:04] 10. Totemtag - Moon in the Branches [08-04]
2022 - Alternate Reality (320kb) (14 / 2:15:44)
[12:43] 01. Totemtag - Behind That Tree [12-42]
[8:39] 02. Totemtag - Tunneling Elsewhere [08-39]
[9:46] 03. Totemtag - The Room [09-46]
[9:56] 04. Totemtag - Not From Here [09-56]
[14:02] 05. Totemtag - All Is White [14-01]
[11:12] 06. Totemtag - Stars Beyond [11-12]
[11:24] 07. Totemtag - Fifth Force [11-24]
[5:57] 08. Totemtag - Electrovortex [05-56]
[7:01] 09. Totemtag - Hall Of Mirrors [07-01]
[6:30] 10. Totemtag - Deconstructing [06-29]
[9:18] 11. Totemtag - Liminal [09-18]
[13:10] 12. Totemtag - Interdimensional Sequence [13-10]
[6:43] 13. Totemtag - Antarean [06-43]
[9:27] 14. Totemtag - Strobowave [09-26]
2022 - Broken Robots (320kb) (7 / 1:41:54)
[46:46] 01. Totemtag - Broken Robots [46-45]
[6:36] 02. Totemtag - Technodroid [06-36]
[15:03] 03. Totemtag - Artificial Mindscapes [15-02]
[6:08] 04. Totemtag - Ascension [06-08]
[10:13] 05. Totemtag - In Search for Consciousness [10-12]
[7:03] 06. Totemtag - She Wanted Machine [07-03]
[10:08] 07. Totemtag - Clockwork Drone [10-07]