Floyd Thomas - Digital Fundamentals, 11th Edition / Основы цифровых технологий, 11-е издание [2015, PDF, ENG] + Student Resources

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Digital Fundamentals, 11th Edition / Основы цифровых технологий, 11-е издание
Год издания: 2015
Автор: Floyd Thomas
Издательство: Pearson
ISBN: 978-0-13-273796-8
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 913
Описание: Digital Fundamentals, Eleventh Edition, continues its long and respected tradition of offering students a strong foundation in the core fundamentals of digital technology, providing basic concepts reinforced by plentiful illustrations, examples, exercises, and applications. The text’s teaching and learning resources include an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and Test Bank, as well as study resources for students.
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Примеры страниц
Chapter 1 Introductory Concepts 1
1-1 Digital and Analog Quantities 2
1-2 Binary Digits, Logic Levels, and Digital Waveforms 5
1-3 Basic Logic Functions 11
1-4 Combinational and Sequential Logic Functions 13
1-5 Introduction to Programmable Logic 20
1-6 Fixed-Function Logic Devices 26
1-7 Test and Measurement Instruments 29
1-8 Introduction to Troubleshooting 40
Chapter 2 Number Systems, Operations, and Codes 51
2-1 Decimal Numbers 52
2-2 Binary Numbers 53
2-3 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 57
2-4 Binary Arithmetic 60
2-5 Complements of Binary Numbers 63
2-6 Signed Numbers 65
2-7 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers 71
2-8 Hexadecimal Numbers 78
2-9 Octal Numbers 84
2-10 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 86
2-11 Digital Codes 90
2-12 Error Codes 95
Chapter 3 Logic Gates 111
3-1 The Inverter 112
3-2 The AND Gate 115
3-3 The OR Gate 122
3-4 The NAND Gate 126
3-5 The NOR Gate 131
3-6 The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates 135
3-7 Programmable Logic 139
3-8 Fixed-Function Logic Gates 146
3-9 Troubleshooting 156
Chapter 4 Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification 177
4-1 Boolean Operations and Expressions 178
4-2 Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra 179
4-3 DeMorgan’s Theorems 185
4-4 Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits 189
4-5 Logic Simplification Using Boolean Algebra 191
4-6 Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions 195
4-7 Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables 202
4-8 The Karnaugh Map 205
4-9 Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization 208
4-10 Karnaugh Map POS Minimization 219
4-11 The Quine-McCluskey Method 223
4-12 Boolean Expressions with VHDL 226
Applied Logic 230
Chapter 5 Combinational Logic Analysis 247
5-1 Basic Combinational Logic Circuits 248
5-2 Implementing Combinational Logic 253
5-3 The Universal Property of NAND and NOR gates 258
5-4 Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates 260
5-5 Pulse Waveform Operation 265
5-6 Combinational Logic with VHDL 269
5-7 Troubleshooting 274
Applied Logic 280
Chapter 6 Functions of Combinational Logic 299
6-1 Half and Full Adders 300
6-2 Parallel Binary Adders 303
6-3 Ripple Carry and Look-Ahead Carry Adders 310
6-4 Comparators 313
6-5 Decoders 317
6-6 Encoders 327
6-7 Code Converters 331
6-8 Multiplexers (Data Selectors) 333
6-9 Demultiplexers 342
6-10 Parity Generators/Checkers 344
6-11 Troubleshooting 348
Applied Logic 351
Chapter 7 Latches, Flip-Flops, and Timers 373
7-1 Latches 374
7-2 Flip-Flops 381
7-3 Flip-Flop Operating Characteristics 392
7-4 Flip-Flop Applications 395
7-5 One-Shots 400
7-6 The Astable Multivibrator 409
7-7 Troubleshooting 413
Applied Logic 415
Chapter 8 Shift Registers 435
8-1 Shift Register Operations 436
8-2 Types of Shift Register Data I/Os 437
8-3 Bidirectional Shift Registers 448
8-4 Shift Register Counters 451
8-5 Shift Register Applications 455
8-6 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 462
8-7 Troubleshooting 464
Applied Logic 466
Chapter 9 Counters 483
9-1 Finite State Machines 484
9-2 Asynchronous Counters 486
9-3 Synchronous Counters 493
9-4 Up/Down Synchronous Counters 501
9-5 Design of Synchronous Counters 505
9-6 Cascaded Counters 513
9-7 Counter Decoding 517
9-8 Counter Applications 520
9-9 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 525
9-10 Troubleshooting 527
Applied Logic 531
Chapter 10 Programmable Logic 547
10-1 Simple Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs) 548
10-2 Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) 553
10-3 Macrocell Modes 560
10-4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) 563
10-5 Programmable Logic software 571
10-6 Boundary Scan Logic 581
10-7 Troubleshooting 588
Applied Logic 594
Chapter 11 Data Storage 613
11-1 Semiconductor Memory Basics 614
11-2 The Random-Access Memory (RAM) 619
11-3 The Read-Only Memory (ROM) 632
11-4 Programmable ROMs 638
11-5 The Flash Memory 641
11-6 Memory Expansion 646
11-7 Special Types of Memories 652
11-8 Magnetic and Optical Storage 656
11-9 Memory Hierarchy 662
11-10 Cloud Storage 666
11-11 Troubleshooting 669
Chapter 12 Signal Conversion and Processing 683
12-1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 684
12-2 Methods of Analog-to-Digital Conversion 690
12-3 Methods of Digital-to-Analog Conversion 701
12-4 Digital Signal Processing 709
12-5 The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 710
Chapter 13 Data Transmission 725
13-1 Data Transmission Media 726
13-2 Methods and Modes of Data Transmission 731
13-3 Modulation of Analog Signals with Digital Data 736
13-4 Modulation of Digital Signals with Analog Data 739
13-5 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing 745
13-6 Bus Basics 750
13-7 Parallel Buses 755
13-8 The Universal Serial Bus (USB) 761
13-9 Other Serial Buses 764
13-10 Bus Interfacing 770
Chapter 14 Data Processing and Control 787
14-1 The Computer System 788
14-2 Practical Computer System Considerations 792
14-3 The Processor: Basic Operation 798
14-4 The Processor: Addressing Modes 803
14-5 The Processor: Special Operations 809
14-6 Operating Systems and Hardware 814
14-7 Programming 817
14-8 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems 824
14-9 System on Chip (SoC) 830
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Chapter 15 Integrated Circuit Technologies 841
15-1 Basic Operational Characteristics and Parameters 842
15-2 CMOS Circuits 849
15-3 TTL (Bipolar) Circuits 854
15-4 Practical Considerations in the Use of TTL 859
15-5 Comparison of CMOS and TTL Performance 866
15-6 Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) Circuits 867
15-7 PMOS, NMOS, and E2CMOS 869
INDEx A-42
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