Critical Lives - Bishop Paul / Бишоп Пол - Carl Jung / Карл Юнг [2014, PDF, ENG]

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EX2 8RL · 08-Авг-21 01:18 (3 года 6 месяцев назад)

Carl Jung / Карл Юнг
Год издания: 2014
Автор: Bishop Paul / Бишоп Пол
Издательство: Reaktion Books; Illustrated edition (1 Feb. 2014)
ISBN: 978-1780232676
Серия: Critical Lives
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 224
Описание: "Карл Юнг" Пола Бишопа (издание на английском языке).
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961), as well as being one of the pioneers of psychology, is one of the most controversial of thinkers: in spite of being largely responsible for the introduction of now-familiar psychological terms such as 'extrovert' and 'introvert', Jung has often been sidelined, remaining on the fringes of academic discourse. In this new account Paul Bishop reclaims Jung as a major European thinker whose true significance, even now, is not fully appreciated. Taking into account the role of Jung's recently published Red Book in the progression of his thought, Paul Bishop reassesses this divisive personality, reading Jung not only in terms of his biography, but also in light of his extensive reading and output. Jung once remarked that 'the tragedies of Goethe's Faust and Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra ...mark the first glimmerings of a breakthrough of total experience in our Western hemisphere.' In this critical biography Bishop takes up this suggestion and engages with Jung's scholarship in order to offer one of the fullest appreciations yet of his distinctive approach to culture. He finds in Jung's attempt to synthesize all the different parts of human life an enterprise that marks him out as one of the most important theorists of the twentieth century. Carl Jung provides a clear, compelling examination of the life and thought of a highly influential figure. Concise and accessible, the book is suitable for general readers as well as having much to say to scholars and students of Jung. Bishop provides a striking, fresh interpretation of this complex thinker - and offers reasons why we should appreciate him too.
Product description
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"A complex life has been given a sensitive and complex treatment, with many small corners of thought to dwell upon. Bishop has given both the student of Jung and the casual reader much to enjoy."
-- "Metapsychology"
"This excellent addition to the Critical Lives series is, says Paul Bishop, 'a biography of Jung in books.' In particular, Bishop locates Jung in a philosophical and literary context, demonstrating 'how deeply and profoundly Jung belongs to a broader stream of thought in German culture.' For Jung, his library was his laboratory and so this approach is especially valuable in revealing the significance of analytical psychology as a cultural project. . . . a wonderfully rich intellectual biography." -- "Guardian"
"Unlike many biographies of Jung, this is a balanced, unbiased portrayal. As part of the 'Critical Lives' series, the volume looks at Jung's life from childhood to death, examining the culture, contemporary thought, and philosophy of the time period."
-- "Choice"
About the Author
Paul Bishop holds the William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages at the University of Glasgow and is the author of Reading Goethe at Midlife: Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism, and Jung (2011) and Jung's Answer to Job: A Commentary (2002).
More about the author
Paul Bishop was born in 1967 in Southend-on-Sea. He studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, and he is currently William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages at the University of Glasgow. His books examine the history of ideas and the histories of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, with particular emphasis on Nietzsche, C.G. Jung, and Ludwig Klages. He has edited Companion volumes for Camden House on Goethe's "Faust", Parts One and Two; and on the life and works of Nietzsche. Recently elected a Fellow of the Institute of Linguists, he also works as a translator. He enjoys walking, classical music, and reading, and is fascinated by the history and architecture of Glasgow. Under the username @paulbishop4U, he tweets about his interests in culture, politics, and economics.
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