Chen Xiangming, Orum Anthony M., Paulsen Krista E. / Чэнь Сянмин, Орум Энтони М., Паульсен [Полсен] Криста И. - Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience / Введение в урбанистику: Как место и пространство формируют человеческий опыт [2013, PDF, ENG]

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CV6 4QE · 28-Апр-20 17:44 (4 года 9 месяцев назад)

Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience / Введение в урбанистику: Как место и пространство формируют человеческий опыт
Год издания: 2013
Автор: Chen Xiangming, Orum Anthony M., Paulsen Krista E. / Чэнь Сянмин, Орум Энтони М., Паульсен [Полсен] Криста И.
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (25 Jun. 2012)
ISBN: 978-1405155540
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 408
Описание: "Введение в урбанистику: Как место и пространство формируют человеческий опыт" Чэнь Сянмина, Энтони М. Орума и Кристы И. Паульсен [Полсен] (издание на английском языке).
A complete introduction to the history, evolution, and future of the modern city, this book covers a wide range of theory, including the significance of space and place, to provide a balanced account of why cities are an essential part of the global human experience. •Covers a wide range of theoretical approaches to the city, from the historical to the cutting edge
•Emphasizes the important themes of space and place
•Offers a balanced account of cities and offers extensive coverage including urban inequality, environment and sustainability, and methods for studying the city
•Takes a global approach, with examples from Berlin and Chicago to Shanghai and Mumbai
•Includes a range of pedagogical features such as a substantial glossary of key terms, critical thinking questions, suggestions for further reading and a range of innovative textboxes which follow the themes of Exploring Further, Studying the City and Making the City Better
•Extensively illustrated with maps, charts, tables, and over 80 photographs
•Accompanied by a comprehensive student companion site featuring a list of relevant journals, a guide to useful web resources, and an annotated documentary film guide, alongside a useful instructor companion site with further examples, case studies, and discussion and essay questions; instructors will find a link to the instructor website on the student website at
Product description
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"In a comprehensible style and with illustrating examples, Introduction to Cities offers a fresh perspective to investigate abstract cities through specific places... Given the scope of this book as a sociological volume, it is exceptionally clear and informative on demographic dynamics within urban settings. Students and scholars interested in urban change, human wellbeing and social justice issues will benefit from reading this book." (Urban Studies, September 2014)
"In this context, the task of writing a broad introductory textbook is daunting, and the authors of Introduction to Cities should be recognised for their notable accomplishment." (Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 1 November 2013)
"In sum, I recommend this book for academic use in lower level undergraduate courses in urban studies and related disciplines. To conclude, the full title of Introduction to Cities can and should be taken quite literally; this is an introductory text about cities, exploring how place and space shape the human experience. Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen's book exemplifies truth in advertising." (Journal of Urban Affairs, 1 May 2014)
"Introduction to Cities" shows how and why cities are important to us as members of a global human community. Each chapter lays out an accessible, empathetic, and coherent story about cities that will intrigue the reader and excite their curiosity. Through a combination of historical overview, theoretical application, and astute analysis and cross-national case studies of urban change, Introduction to Cities provides an original, innovative perspective to explain how cities change, how they affect our lives, and how we can make them better places to live. Students and scholars of cities and urban change will enjoy this book very much."
--Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University
"This comprehensive political sociology of cities reflects both the growing interest in space and place and the unusually rapid urbanization of the developing world, with a particularly sensitive treatment of Chinese cities. Up-to-date, and theoretically and politically astute, the text is exceptionally clear, almost conversational in tone, and oriented to student learning."
--Edward Soja, UCLA
About the Author
Xiangming Chen is the founding Dean and Director of the Center for Urban and Global Studies and Paul Raether Distinguished Professor of Global Urban Studies and Sociology at Trinity College, Hartford, and Distinguished Guest Professor in the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University, Shanghai. His books include The World of Cities: Places in Comparative and Historical Perspective (with Anthony M. Orum, Blackwell, 2003), As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces on the Pacific Rim (2005), and Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity (ed., 2009), and Rethinking Global Urbanism: Comparative Insights from Secondary Cities (coed., 2012). Several of his books have been translated into Chinese. Anthony M. Orum is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He was the founding editor of the journal City & Community, and has received several awards, including the 2009 Robert and Helen Lynd Award for Lifetime Achievement and Service given by the Community and Urban Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association. His publications include City-Building in America (1995), The World of Cities: Places in Comparative and Historical Perspective (with Xiangming Chen, Blackwell, 2003), and Common Ground? Readings and Reflections on Public Space (ed. with Zachary Neal, 2010). Several of his books have been translated into Chinese. Krista E. Paulsen is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of North Florida. She has published widely on the city, urban tradition, and the ways that places develop and maintain distinctive cultures. Her research examines the ways that homes and neighborhoods reflect and reproduce cultural ideals associated with family and community, and her teaching takes in urban sociology and urban studies, environmental sociology, community, and qualitative research methods. She is currently at work on the edited volume Home Place Community: International Sociological Perspectives (ed. with Margarethe Kusenbach and Melinda Milligan).
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Дягиlionceau · 28-Апр-20 17:45 (спустя 1 мин.)

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