josenacha · 20-Апр-20 21:09(4 года 10 месяцев назад, ред. 19-Сен-21 10:33)
Chris Hein - Solo Strings v2.0.2 EXtended Издатель: Chris Hein Сайт: Chris Hein Формат: KONTAKT Качество: 24 bit 48 kHz stereoОписание: Конечная коллекция виртуальных соло-струн Криса Хейна в расширенной версии
Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete - это обширная библиотека Solo Strings, включающая в себя Крис Хейн Solo Violin EXtended, Solo Viola EXtended, Solo Cello EXtended и Solo ContraBass EXtended - все они записаны с максимальной тщательностью и бесконечными деталями, точно отредактированы и объединены в практичный и музыкальный инструмент для NI's Kontakt Player. Системные требования:
Для Solo Violin EXtended и Solo Viola EXtended требуется NI Kontakt Player or Full v5.6.8+
Для Solo Cello EXtended и Solo ContraBass EXtended требуется NI Kontakt Player or Full v5.8.0+
Дополнительная информация
The fourteen instruments, with a total of 100,000 single samples, up to 38 articulations and 4 different legato transitions were treated with unique phase align techniques for perfect X-fade blending between up to 8 dynamic layers. Play from smooth & soft to screaming loud with completely natural sounding transitions, all without artefacts or phasing. All instruments had been played by professional studio musicians on handpicked instruments and were recorded with great care and detail. Their virtual counterparts were further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances. Choose from up to 102 different attack shapes per note using the unique Note Head function, all with just a single fader. Two on-board convolution reverbs allow you to design the body of the instrument and the performance space itself. The DSP effects rack gives unlimited power to process the string sound, from soundtrack-ready to other-worldly. All Solo String instruments included in Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete benefits from producer Chris Hein's 30 years spanning experience in the field of sampling and library production, resulting in products that offer highest versatility, configurability and practical use. Perfect dynamic transitions thanks to phase alignment
Over a research period of several months, all samples had been fully aligned in phase. Accordingly, the instrument offers perfect, seamless transitions of dynamic layers without sonic degradation. Unique combination of short and long notes
The combination of long and short notes is a major problem in sample-libraries that often fail to deliver authentically sounding results. With real musical instruments, the note length often influences the attack behavior as well as the note end. Chris Hein – Solo Strings Complete addresses these aspects by its "Note Head Designer" which we significantly expanded for this library. Each instrument offers a selection of up to 102 attack shapes. This allows calling up twelve matching short sample variations (Shorts) along with each sustain-articulation. These shorts not only offer the corresponding correct attack-behavior but also a note-end that perfectly matches the note length. These user-defined selections of short-note-variations are available in eight dynamic layers each and can be combined with the corresponding sustained phases, leading to astonishingly realistic results that cannot be achieved using random round-robin based selections. Of course, the shorts are also available as individual articulations. True Legato
Chris Hein – Solo Strings Complete offers true legato in up to four dynamic layers for short and long note variations. The corresponding in-depth recordings and edits result in unexpected realistic sounds with perfect note-transitions. At the same time, it is possible to combine these realistic combinations with additional artificial inserted legatos. Library extend
The performance-data of Chris Hein – Solo Strings Complete directly reflects the immense investment in the recordings and configuration possibilities. 100,000 single samples, up to 38 articulations and up to eight dynamic layers make this library one of the most in-depth sampled Solo Strings currently available. The custom-tailored user-interface of the Kontakt Player not only offers numerous functions to adapt the library's sound character and articulations but also provides immense configuration choices to live up to specific demands and workflows. At the same time, due to pre-programmed key-switch-presets at the lower part of the keyboard, the library can effectively be played without any deep edits. Thanks to four "Dynamic Modes", the "Note-Head Designer", "Key-Vibrato", "Hot-Keys" and the revolutionary concept of articulation-presets, the user-interface will give you the impression of actually playing this instrument live.
Chris Hein Solo Violin v2.0.2 EXtended (Update 01.07.2021)
This Update fixes volume jumps when using the Note-Heads and a release sample problem.
Chris Hein - Solo Violin is a bundle of four fantastic sounding Solo Violin Instruments. The four instruments in CH-Solo Violin have been recorded with great care and detail and handpicked instruments, all with a unique sound and played by professional studio musicians. Their virtual counterparts have been further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances. - Modern Violin has a hifi sound with extreme dynamic and a precise and clear tone. Full and EX version included
- The Italian Violin is an old and precious Italian Violin made by Augusto Pollastri it has a more warm and rich sound. You can hear the old and noble wood. Full and EX version included
- French Violin as EX-Instrument
- Original 1826 as EX-Instrument Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended delivers outstanding, detailed and highly expressive results as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble – in all relevant genres ranging from classical music and film scores to gypsy-jazz, folk and pop ballads. And there is even more: Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended provides sound-designers, composers of film- and game soundtracks and experimental musicians with special effect-sounds and uncommon articulations with partly exceptional dynamics, such as flautando, flageolets and ponticello. Therefore, the pitch range of the virtual instrument has been expanded in comparison to the original violin. The special effect sounds are further supported by the internal tenfold DSP-effects-rack. Feel free to create complex sound clusters, dense atmospheres and surreal sound worlds out of a single violin for incredible moments of suspense.
Chris Hein Solo Viola v2.0.2 EXtended (Update 01.07.2021)
This Update fixes volume jumps when using the Note-Heads and a release sample problem.
Chris Hein - Solo Viola EXtended is a bundle of three fantastically sounding Solo Viola Instruments, all with a unique sound and played by professional studio musicians. All instruments were recorded with great care and detail. Their virtual counterparts had been further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances. The following instruments are included:
- VLA1 Solo Viola
- VLA2 Canadian Viola as EX-instrument
- VLA3 French Viola as EX-instrument Chris Hein - Solo Viola EXtended delivers outstanding, detailed and highly expressive results as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble – in all relevant genres ranging from classical music and film scores to gypsy-jazz, folk and pop ballads. And there is even more: Chris Hein - Solo Viola EXtended provides sound-designers, composers of film- and game soundtracks and experimental musicians with special effect-sounds and uncommon articulations with exceptional dynamics, such as flautando, flageolets and ponticello. Therefore, the pitch range of the virtual instrument was expanded in comparison to the original violin. The special effect sounds are further supported by the internal tenfold DSP-effects-rack. Feel free to create complex sound clusters, dense atmospheres and surreal sonic worlds out of a single violin for incredible moments of suspense.
Chris Hein Solo Cello v2.0.2 EXtended
Chris Hein - Solo Cello EXtended is a bundle of four fantastically sounding Solo Cello Instruments, all with a unique sound and played by professional studio musicians. All instruments have been recorded with great care and detail. Their virtual counterparts have been further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances. The following instruments are included:
- VLC1 Romantic Cello has a hifi sound with extreme dynamic and a precise and clear tone.
- VLC2 Modern Cello has a more warm and rich sound. You can hear the old and noble wood.
- VLC3 British Cello as EX-Instrument
- VLC4 German Cello as EX-Instrument Chris Hein – Solo Cello EXtended delivers outstanding, detailed and highly expressive results as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble – in all relevant genres ranging from classical music and film scores to gypsy-jazz, folk and pop ballads. And there is even more: Chris Hein – Solo Cello EXtended provides sound-designers, composers of film- and game soundtracks and experimental musicians with special effect-sounds and uncommon articulations with exceptional dynamics, such as flautando, flageolets and ponticello. The special effect sounds are further supported by the internal tenfold DSP-effects-rack. Feel free to create complex sound clusters, dense atmospheres and surreal sonic worlds out of a single Cello for incredible moments of suspense.
Chris Hein Solo ContraBass v2.0.2 EXtended
Chris Hein – Solo Contrabass EXtended outshines all previous available Contrabass libraries. Never before, a sample library of this extent has been dedicated towards three single Contrabass instruments. Recorded with greatest care and endless details, precisely edited and merged into a practical and musical instrument for NI's Kontakt Player offering an elaborated custom-tailored user-interface with comprehensive scripting. Chris Hein – Solo Contrabass features high-grade sound quality and incredibly realistic articulations. This library offers everything you have been missing out on previous virtual string instruments. You receive about 16,000 samples, up to 38 articulations, four different legato transitions as well as extensive phase-alignment of all samples to guarantee smooth inaudible crossfades of up to eight velocity layers. This feature-set allows the creation of authentic, unparalleled viola-arrangements on a computer. Chris HeinThis library benefits from producer Chris Hein's 30 years of experience in the field of sampling and library production, resulting in a product that offers highest versatility, configurability and practical use. Chris Hein - Solo Contrabass EXtended contains:
- CB1 Solo Contrabass
- CB2 German Bass as EX-instrument
- CB3 Italian Bass as EX-instrument Chris Hein – Solo Contrabass delivers outstanding, detailed and highly expressive results as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble – in all relevant genres ranging from classical music and film scores to gypsy-jazz, folk and pop ballads. And there is even more: Chris Hein – Solo Contrabass provides sound-designers, composers of film- and game soundtracks and experimental musicians with special effect-sounds and uncommon articulations with exceptional dynamics, such as flautando, flageolets and ponticello. The special effect sounds are further supported by the internal tenfold DSP-effects-rack. Feel free to create complex sound clusters, dense atmospheres and surreal sonic worlds out of a single Contrabass for incredible moments of suspense.
Первая часть на компе лежит, весит 15 гб, что означает EXtended (KONTAKT)?
Вообще библа рабочая, без проблем запускается? А то старую удалить тогда хочу, перед тем как эту качать
Релизер не говорит по-русски, поэтому он эти претензии ваащще не поймет. А Гугл-переводчику вы и подавно не докажете, как правильно переводить имена... и вообще что-либо.
Очень хорошая библиотека. Живой, естественный, незажатый звук, полный содержания. Искал как раз библиотеку для работы с квартетом струнных, с дуэтом 1-й и 2-й скрипки, нашел, что искал, буду пользоваться
Поищите на сайте Cubase, там есть они и здесь есть - пишите в поиске Logic, или Cubase и будут Вам они. В инете есть подобные ресурсы - там то же можно найти.
Поищите на сайте Cubase, там есть они и здесь есть - пишите в поиске Logic, или Cubase и будут Вам они. В инете есть подобные ресурсы - там то же можно найти.
обалдеть... прям как дети малые!:) неужели если бы нужен был просто какой-то cubase... проект я бы стал задавать такой вопрос в теме "Chris Hein Solo strings" не так ли?
Товарищи, может кто сталкивался с такой проблемой : рандомно, без закономерностей зависают ноты, как будто педаль сустейна зажимается... (педаль отключена, естественно). Иногда не подвисают ноты, быстро\медленно, на большой\маленькой велосити рандомные ноты зависают на ~8-10 секунд. Такое во всех скрипках. И в v2 EXtended и в старых версиях и в ансамблях. Замечено это было после обновления Контакта на 6.4.0.
84327827Почему не звука и в пресетах написано красным DEMO?
Стоит контакт 7, другие инструменты играют нормально.
Это значит, что вы не инсталлировали (не добавили) эти четыре инструмента в Контакт, как положено, через соответствующую утилиту, которая идет в комплекте с пиратским Контактом. В каждой раздаче эта утилита своя, потому что каждый взломщик извращается по-своему. Где-то Add Library, где-то Менеджер Библиотек, где-то интегрирована в Контакт, где-то отдельно, где-то в составе бандла утилит под одним интерфейсом. Подробнее вы узнаете только в той теме, откуда вы скачали и установили свой Контакт. Здесь четыре библиотеки. Инсталлировать нужно все четыре.