omg_gods · 28-Июн-19 10:49(5 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 03-Окт-23 05:39)
Terraria Год выпуска: 2019, июнь Жанр: Action-adventure Разработчик: Re-Logic Издатель: 505 Games Формат образа: .NSZ (сжато ~27%, установленный объём 0.44 ГБ) Версия игры: 4.4.14 Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский [RUS / ENG / Multi 7] Озвучка: не озвучивается Работоспособность проверена: Да (на 16.0.3, Atmosphere 1.5.4) Мультиплеер: до 8 игроков Возрастной рейтинг: 12+ Описание: Terraria (Террария) — инди-игра в жанре приключенческой песочницы, которая выпущена независимой игровой студией Re-Logic. Особенностью игры является возможность исследовать мир, создавать различные предметы, строить сооружения и сражаться с разнообразными созданиями, которые случайно генерируются в 2D-мире. Музыка для игры, стилизованная под чиптюн, была написана студией Resonance array, которая также создала звуковые эффекты для игры.
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Финальное Лунное событие и битва с его боссом — Лунным повелителем.
Более 20 биомов и мини-биомов для исследования над землей и под землей — от буйных лесов и пустынь до подземелий, Преисподней и даже ужасной Порчи!
Режим эксперта для самых закаленных ветеранов Террарии — с новыми испытаниями, но и с самыми лакомыми наградами!
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Широчайшие возможности строительства, освоить которые достаточно просто. Однако, только настоящие мастера смогут построить невероятные шедевры архитектуры.
Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v196608 до версии 1.0.4:
Changelog 1.0.4
Multiplayer Fixes Fixed an exception error that occurred when trying to join a multiplayer session Resolved a bug where Destroyer segments were desynced for non-host players after a respawn Fixed a bug where infinite loading could occur when dismissing the connection lost prompt after enabling airplane or sleep mode on the system keyboard while renaming a chest Game Functionality Fixes Fixed a bug where a character could sometimes spawn in the Crimson biome in the newly created world Resolved a bug where the “Lucky Break” accomplishment would unlock without fulfilling the given criteria Fixed a bug that caused the grid cursor to not move along with the player character Resolved a bug where the Mana and Damage Booster buffs appeared infinite along with a negative timer Fixed a bug where the Tombstone dialogue box could be observed when toggling between inventory slots Resolved a bug where the Sniper Scope accessory caused precision mode to behave erratically Fixed a bug where the player was unable to dismiss the keyboard after accessing the crafting wheel via touch while renaming the chest Resolved a bug where crafted items were being duplicated Fixed a bug where Two King Slime were triggered for a few seconds on the map after summoning Resolved a bug where using the last summoning item from a stack of 20 deleted the highlighted hotbar item Fixed a bug where the world zoom would be zoomed all the way out after zooming all way in or out on the map Resolved a bug where the world would not properly update for the players after any of the non-host players re-joined the session Fixed a bug where the stats of hardmode enemies (zombies) were different from their PC counterpart Crash Fixes Fixed an application crash that would occur for the client while exploring in the underworld biome Resolved an application stall on world generation that occurred when settling liquids. Fixed an issue where placed training dummies and item frames would prevent a saved world from loading Performance Fixes Resolved a bug where a momentary freeze would occur while performing basic actions in a newly created large world. Adjusted the liquid wave flow while using heavy weapons in a multiplayer session with maximum players to improve performance Fixed a bug that would cause the game to hang for several seconds after defeating the wall of flesh for the first time in a world. Art & Text Fixes Fixed a bug where vanity that were equipped would appear naked for the bottom of the character Resolved a bug where duplicate hair style icons were displayed after interacting with the Stylist NPC Fixed a bug where the inventory could become enlarged after switching between handheld and docked mode during the interactive start-up screens Resolved a bug where the health bar flickered after consuming a life potion Fixed a bug where the wrong lighting effect would trigger when firing a Laser Rifle Resolved a localization where the “Refresh” text on the Join Game screen was not properly localized for all supported languages Fixed a couple of other miscellaneous text strings in the game Made a few minor adjustments to different parts of the UI that were not scaled correctly Resolved a bug where the text input would not display while renaming a chest in tabletop and handheld mode
Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v262144 до версии 1.0.5, формат .NSZ, изменения:
Changelog 1.0.5
Greetings Switch Terrarians! We are pleased to announce that the 1.3.1 content update for Terraria on Nintendo Switch is now available! This exciting update brings all-new possibilities and capabilities to the wiring/mechanical systems available to Terrarians, as well as a few nice Quality of Life features. For full details, you can check out the full changelog below - but we have provided a brief summary of the bigger items below: NEW FEATURES Dart Traps & all Temple Traps can now be hammered to rotate 90 degrees at a time, revolutionizing arena building Cannons (normal, bunny, confetti, Snowball Launcher) can now be controlled by wire and shoot fake projectiles! New Combat Targeting/Lock On system - enable/map this to a button in the Settings Menu! NEW ITEMS Tons of new Wiring/Mechanical items - from Logic Gates to Logic Sensors to Junction Boxes, Conveyor Belts, and more! Yellow Wrench adds a fourth wire color The Grand Design, once crafted, will place all of your cool wiring tools in one place for easy use The Grand Design has had some special UI modification to work better with touch on the Switch! Team Blocks and Platforms make for cool new aspects to your PVP games Static Hook will allow you full control over your grappling New Pressure Plates, including the Teal Pressure Plate (which can be triggered by pets and projectiles) Trapped Chests can now be crafted to keep others from poking around in your stuff Angler Tackle Bag will make fishing more efficient than ever! Brand new Critter & Monster Statues And of course, who could forget that you will now be able to pick up your very own Companion Cube from the Traveling Merchant! QUALITY OF LIFE TWEAKS Improved Wire drawing to look less fuzzy with multiple colors on the same tile. New large gem over-head display You can now use situational building accessories from your inventory and toggle their effects like info accessories Decompressed sprite graphics for improved fidelity MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONS Duke Fishron will no longer run away so easily You will find Beehives in the Jungle - Not the bees! Torches can be put on actuated tiles BUG FIXES Along with the new features included in this update the team has also been working through the backlog of bugs. We’re happy to report that we have fixed well over 100 bugs in this patch. We want to thank everyone in the community who continues to report any issues that appear in the game. It’s a critical component to helping us improve things and keep them running smoothly. This should include bug fixes from after the 1.3.1 launch on PS4/X1 as well as hundreds of additional bugs since the Switch launch itself. Listing all of those would be rather daunting and potentially confusing - so, if there has been a bug out there that is really bothering you, be sure to check and see if it's fixed! WHAT ABOUT SPLITSCREEN/LOCAL MULTIPLAYER? As we mentioned at the launch of Terraria for Nintendo Switch, we had intended/planned to have Splitscreen and Local Multiplayer at the start. However, these features were simply not ready at the time and we did not want to hold up an otherwise-solid version of the game for that reason alone. The team at Pipeworks has done a ton of work in this area over the time since launch - and great strides in performance improvement have been made - however, the performance levels in these modes are still just not up to the standard they need to be in order to get this out to you. This manifests as substantial drops in FPS, excessive stuttering, and - at the extremes - even slightly delayed/lagged player input. Taken together, these can materially impact gameplay. While this is certainly unfortunate, and we 100% understand the ongoing frustration of those players for whom these are key features, we simply cannot in good conscience release these as-is. That said, getting Split Screen/Local Multiplayer running properly has been and will be a top-of-the-pile priority for the Switch development team. We ask that you hang in there a bit longer with us on this.
дважды пытался поставить пишет обнаружены поврежденные данные. У всех игра работает? с прошивкой и версией атмосферы все нормально у меня запустил без апдейта - заработало
Вам нужно подробно написать, какая у вас версия прошивки, версия CFW, чем и как устанавливаете, а не просто «всё нормально». Очевидно, что не всё.
перекатал в фат32, установил игру по новой. всё равно вылетает когда подходишь к краю карты. Новая карты, старая пофигу, по левой стороне не проверял, но по правой вылетает, ставил уже и на сам сыч, и на карту... А старую версию не поставить, нету ли чуть менее свежих обновлений для игры? Причём на маленьких картах всё норм, и я заметил в чём глюк, у меня было исследован океан, и на карте уже была отмечено открытое, так вот когда я приближаюсь на расстояние открытия той части которая не существует ибо она за пределами карты, вылетает, что-то мне кажется дело не в фат32. нашёл решение проблемы, отдалить камеру максимально, тогда не вылетает, но если приблизить на краю сразу вылетает, дело точно не в моей консоли, скорее баг игры. Играл на этой карте на старой версии ничего подобного не было.
Если совладаю с английским, напишу =)
В загашнике точно нету менее актуальной версии, а то у меня только та которая с релиза, там багов других полно =)
У меня вылетает, при чем более ранние версии теперь не работают - появляется сообщение что есть более новая версия и нужно обновиться, в интернет с консоли не выхожу.