Issues in Cultural and Media Studies - McGuigan Jim / МакГиган Джим - Modernity and Postmodern Culture. Second Edition / Современность и постмодернистская [постсовременная] культура. Второе издание [2006, PDF, ENG]

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Modernity and Postmodern Culture. Second Edition / Современность и постмодернистская [постсовременная] культура. Второе издание
Год издания: 2006
Автор: McGuigan Jim / МакГиган Джим
Издательство: Open University Press; 2 edition (16 July 2006)
ISBN: 978-0335219223
Серия: Issues in Cultural and Media Studies
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 216
Описание: "Современность и постмодернистская [постсовременная] культура. Второе издание" Джима МакГигана (издание на английском языке).
Modernity and Postmodern Culture critically assesses claims made about the 'postmodernization' of culture and society and explores the complex interplay between the modern and the postmodern in an increasingly ‘globalized world’. The author argues that although culture may be 'postmodern' in terms of art, entertainment and everyday life, modernity still exists and is pervasive.
The second edition is revised throughout, updating the literature and viewing international events through a modernist/postmodernist gaze. The theories of Baudrillard, Beck, Castells, Giddens, Jameson, Lyotard and others are discussed and specific issues concerning architecture, theme parks, screen culture, science, technology and the environment are examined. Topics include:
•Postmodern architecture and the hyperreality of Disney
•How poststructuralist theory questions modern rationality and reason
•The relations between postmodern culture, global capitalism and the technological changes brought about by electronics and computing
•The network society
The book is key reading for students on courses in cultural politics, cultural theory, popular culture and sociology.
Product description
"Modernity and Postmodern Culture" critically assesses claims made about the 'postmodernization' of culture and society and explores the complex interplay between the modern and the postmodern in an increasingly 'globalized world'. The author argues that although culture may be 'postmodern' in terms of art, entertainment and everyday life, modernity still exists and is pervasive. The second edition is revised throughout, updating the literature and viewing international events through a modernist/postmodernist gaze. The theories of Baudrillard, Beck, Castells, Giddens, Jameson, Lyotard and others are discussed and specific issues concerning architecture, theme parks, screen culture, science, technology and the environment are examined. The topics include: postmodern architecture and the hyperreality of Disney; how poststructuralist theory questions modern rationality and reason; the relations between postmodern culture, global capitalism and the technological changes brought about by electronics and computing; and, the network society. The book is key reading for students on courses in cultural politics, cultural theory, popular culture and sociology.
About the Author
Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Loughborough University.
Associate Fellow in Cultural Policy Research, University of Warwick.
Editorial board member and co-editor designate of The International Journal of Cultural Policy.
Previous books: 'Writers and the Arts Council' (ACGB Pulications, 1981)
'Cultural Popularism' (Routledge, 1992)
'Studying Culture' (Arnold, 1993 & 1997)
'Culture and the Public Sphere' (Routledge, 1996)
'Cultural Methodologies' (Sage, 1997)
'Technocities' (Sage, 1999)
'Modernity and Postmodern Culture' (Open University Press, 1999)
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Стаж: 13 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 11009

Дягиlionceau · 20-Июн-19 14:18 (спустя 1 мин.)

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