The History of Suicide in India / История самоубийств в Индии
Год издания: 1963
Автор: Tharkur Upendra / Тхакур Упендра
Жанр или тематика: Криминология, антропология, этнография, энтно-конфессиональные нормы
Издательство: Munshi Ram Manohar Lal
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 264
Описание: On account of its very nature, the subject of suicide does not, ordinarily, provoke sustained curiosity. The question put by Hamlet, “To be or not to be,” poses before most minds a purely ethical problem. Shakespeare also referred to, “A sea of troubles” and “The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks the flesh is heir to,” as factors responsible for suicide. However, it is not difficult to perceive, after a little reflection, that the methods of ending life and the circumstances leading to that cruel decision, are probably as varied as those of procuring means for supporting it. Yet a scientific study of suicide, of the problem of conscience vis-a-vis the thousand natural shocks it receives, has disclosed considerable scope for arriving at several general conclusions. Dr. Upendra Thakur’s The History of Suicide in India is a part of such study.
Исследование доктора Тхакура о социальных, антропологических, религиозных, исторических, правовых аспектах проблемы самоубийств и в Индии от древности до второй половины XX века.
Foreword 14
Preface 18
List of Illustrations 22
Abbreviations 23
CHAPTER I Introduction : Sources 24
CHAPTER II Causes and Influences 36
CHAPTER III Suicides : Kinds and Methods 68
CHAPTER IV Sati and Jauhar 149
CHAPTER V Suicide in Contemporary Civilisations 218
Bibliography 237
Index 246
Доп. информация: Самоубийство есть убийство при котором преступник и жертва совпадают в одном лице.
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