(Hindustani Classical, Rudra Veena & Vocal, Dhrupad) [WEB] Zia Mohiuddin Dagar & Zia Fariduddin Dagar - Ragini Miyan Ki Todi - 1968 (re-2012), FLAC (tracks), lossless

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soloneba · 07-Мар-18 15:31 (6 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 15-Май-19 12:05)

Zia Mohiuddin Dagar & Zia Fariduddin Dagar / Ragini Miyan Ki Todi
Жанр: Hindustani Classical, Rudra Veena & Vocal, Dhrupad
Носитель: WEB
Страна-производитель диска (релиза): Sweden
Год издания: 1968 (re-2012)
Издатель (лейбл): Country & Eastern
Номер по каталогу: [ce19]
Страна исполнителя (группы): India
Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:54:09
Источник (релизер): дэзи <= qobuz
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: front
1. Miyan Ki Todi (54:09)
Релизы Зиа Мохиуддина Дагара в лосслесс:
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar & Zia Fariduddin Dagar - Dhrupad (2018) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Raga Yaman (1986, re-2018) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Ragas Abhogi & Vardhani (1986, re-2018) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar & Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar - Ragini Miyan Ki Todi - (1968, re-2012) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Raga Gangeyabushan (1968, re-2010) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Mishra Bhairavi (1968, re-2010) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar & Pandit Taranath - Live in Stockholm 1969 - Raag Chandrakauns (1969, re-2010) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Ragas Yaman & Shuddha Todi (2000) [FLAC]
Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Raga Aahir Bhairav. Raga Malkauns (1985) [FLAC]
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Art of Rudra-Veena - Ragas Pancham Kosh & Malkauns (1984) [FLAC]
Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Rudra Veena Recital (1974) [FLAC]
Фильм Мани Кауля при участии Зиа Мохиуддина Дагара и Зиа Фаридуддина Дагара:
Друпад / Дхрупад / Dhrupad (Мани Кауль / Mani Kaul) [1983, документальный, музыкальный, DVDRip] Rus Sub (Алексей Графф) Original Hindi
Доп. информация: http://countryandeastern.se/records/zia-mohiuddin-dagar-zia-fariduddin-dagar-2/
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AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Path: ...\Z. M. Dagar & Z. F. Dagar - Ragini Miyan ki todi (1968, re-2012) [FLAC]
1 -=- 01 Ragini Miyan ki todi.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Об исполнителе (рус.) | About Artist (ru)
Зиа Мохиуддин Дагар (14 марта 1929 – 28 сентября 1990) – представитель 19-го поколения музыкальной династии Дагар. Зиа Мохиуддин Дагар (также известный как Устад З.М. Дагар) родился в городе Удайпуре провинции Раджастан. Он обучался музыкальным основам индийской классики у своего отца, Устада Зиауддина Хана Дагара (Ustad Ziauddin Khan Dagar), служившего придворным музыкантом у правителя Удайпура. З.М. Дагар овладевал параллельно вокальным искусством и игрой на рудра-ви ́не. В то время рудра-ви ́на чаще использовалась классическими музыкантами в качестве вспомогательного инструмента, дополняющего вокал. Молодой Зиа Мохиуддин решил изменить эту традицию и стал использовать рудра-вину как основной инструмент, впервые выступив с ним с сольной программой в 16 лет. Хотя при жизни отец и не рекомендовал сыну экспериментировать со структурой ви ́ны, однако после его смерти Зиа Мохиуддин решил-таки видоизменить инструмент. Чтобы лучше приспособить рудра-ви ́ну для индивидуальных выступлений, он существенно её преобразовал. Заручившись технической поддержкой музыкального дома Kanailal & Brother, З.М. Дагар увеличил не только длину бамбукового грифа ви ́ны (для большего мелодического диапазона), но и величину и без того громоздких тыквенных резонаторов (для качественного звукоизвлечения более протяжных нот и более тонких микротональных модуляций). Из-за подобных модификаций инструмент получил название «ви ́на Дагара». Кроме сольных концертов, проходивших в сопровождении тампуры (реже – пакхаваджа), Зиа Мохиуддин нередко давал концерты в дуэте с младшим братом, вокалистом Зиа Фаридуддином Дагаром (15 июня 1932, Удайпур, Индия — 8 мая 2013, Панвел, Индия), который после кончины брата стал музыкальным наставником для его сына [url=tracker.php?nm=Bahauddin Dagar]Бахауддина Мохиуддина Дагара[/url], ныне известного исполнителя на рудра-ви ́не.
http:// СПАМ
Об исполнителе (англ.) | About Artist (en)
The honorific Dagar is synonymous with dhrupad, one of the world’s oldest classical vocal genres. Zia Mohiuddin, who died in 1990, was a foremost player of the rudra veena (or been) – one of India’s oldest lutes, which is closely related to the vocal tradition. His brother Zia Fariduddin (born in 1932 and one of dhrupad’s oldest living exponents) performed this rare duet in Bombay, as Mumbai was then known, way back in 1968. This is truly a priceless recording, not only in that it takes place in the intimate surroundings of the maestros’ home but alo because one gets that delicious feeling of eavesdropping on what is strictly a private and intimate early morning affair between the performers and their recordists. Representing the 20th generation of dhrupad performers from a family that has almost singlehandedly preserved and nurtured the tradition, the two Dagars perform an exquisite “Miyan ki Todi”, an early morning raga, composed by the legendary court musician Tansen, who was a favourite of the 16th century Mughal emperor Akbar. Needless to say, this is an absolute must for dhrupad fans and is best heard at sunrise, when the vina and vocals seem to merge, becoming one and the same sound – almost as though the musicians themselves had ceased to exist.
Об альбоме (англ.) | About Album (en)
Country & Eastern CE19:
In the first Country & Eastern releases in 2005 we presented a classical indian evening raga, Malkauns, with Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar, rudra veena, and his younger brother Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar, vocal. This recording from february 4, 1968 of an evening raga in the Dhrupad tradition, the most traditional form of indian classical music, was extremely appreciated among connoisseurs all over the world. The recording was done in Ustad’s house on a late evening and he was so thrilled with the recording that he wanted to do another one on the next morning, february 5, this time a morning raga, Miyan Ki Todi. Here it is! The 55 minutes long recording captures the morning mood of this raga in a wonderful way, listening to it in the morning is strongly recommended.
Recorded on february 5, 1968 in Ustad Zia Mohiuddin’s
house in Chembur, Bombay by Bengt Berger
Mastered by Claes Persson/CRP Recording
Graphic design by Jon Edergren/EBDC
Produced by Bengt Berger
Comments by Bahauddin Dagar, son of Z. M. Dagar
Ragini Miyan Ki Todi
The indian miniature of this ragini depicts a young woman, subtlety personified as seen from the gaze in her eyes. Her movements are brisk, she takes small leaps like the deers that are close to her. She advances in small strides and comes to a sudden halt exactly as the movements in the raga where it goes from re to dha and from ga to re to rest. This raag is sung in the winter in the early hours of the morning with a pa that brings time to a standstill. Actually the entire ragini is depicted very clearly in the re-ga re-sa movement, but then it rediscovers itself in the ma, pa, dha and ni where the raag unfolds it’s full beauty. Such is the fragrance of Ragini Todi.
The three main movements alap, jod and jhala are the three perspectives of looking at Ragini Todi. Each of these movements also brings out the personalities of the two musicians distinctly. If one may say so Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar is like an Ocean and Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar is a fireball.
The two Ustads belong to the same lineage and have not only learned from the same teacher but since both have learnt voice as well as the rudra veena, in this recording they give us astonishing exactness, subtlety and dynamic exploration of this particular ragini. It is an intimate dialogue between the two maestroes who not only share the beauty of exploration but also share with each other what they have discovered in their respective journeys of exploration. They complement each other with open ended phrases so the dialogue continues seemlessly. The two brothers never lose sight of the purity of the ragini or wavers from the framework. In complete freedom they reward us with a purely classical and emotionally fulfilling picture of this ragini in the Dhrupad tradition.
Состав | Artists
Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar, rudra veena
Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar, vocal
K. Sridhar, tanpura
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