piratess666 писал(а):
74672043и тут пищит на Left Behind, а нормальная версия вообще будет?
вроде как этот писк фишка от группы - на фейсбуке у них написано
"Many fans ask us about this "beep" sound on 'We Do Not Resist'.
'Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs' is an angry/tragic protest album. We are the ones that actually have decided to censor ourselves, when you'll have the album booklet at your hands, you'll also see that these words are deleted and censored.
We basically wanted to use the "beep" sounds as parts of the music. Also as a part of the concept, as if we are trying to deliver a message and being silenced by the system.
The "beeps" sounds appear on four different place around the album. We were always big fans of all these sounds - white noise (We already used it from the times of El Norra Alila & Mabool), Phone sounds & radio freqs (ORwarriOR), Morse (All Is One) and now those "beeps" too - all those sounds that are there in Propaganda and Censorship are part of the music if you want.
So it's just for you to know what's the reasons behind it.
We censored ourselves.
And we did not resist!"