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Библиотека по финансам и бухгалтерии (АНГЛ.): Finance and Accounting Collection Формат : PDF
Качество : OCR без ошибок
Описание : 500 MB, 150 наименований. Для специалистов и студентов. Библиотека не запакована, список с авторами и названиями виден в торрентеСписок :
(не везде внятный, но вы меня ногами не бейте, файлнеймы править недосуг) [Finance] Financial Econometrics>
<Cost Accounting Traditions And Innovations - Barfield
<Microeconomics for MBAs>
<Solomon Accounting and Finance (59)>
1. M [English Finance Management Project Strategic] Fi
2. (eBook.Economics) Foundations Of Econometrics by Ox
3. [eBook Finance] Quantitative Business Valuation.pdf
4. [English Finance Management Accounting] Dictionary
5. [Finance -- Accounting] Financial Statements Analys
6. [francais]_Cours de gestion financiere_finance_mana
7. 000809_English_Finance_Management_Project_Strategic
8. 010711_English_Finance_Management_Accounting_The_ag
9. 021119 [English Finance Management Accounting] Dict
10. 021119_English_Finance_Management_Accounting_Dicti
11. A study of the emergence of management accounting
12. Accounting - Asset Valuation, Profit Measurement &
13. Accounting - What is Cost Accounting.pdf
14. Accounting Book.pdf
15. Accounting Information Book.PDF
16. Accounting Patterns Fowler.pdf
17. Accounting Theory And The Large Corporation.pdf
18. Amacom - Accounting Demystified.pdf
19. Aupha.Press.Healthcare.Finance.an.Introduction.to.
20. Basic Books Applied Economics Thinking Beyond Stag
21. Book - Manual - Getting Started Guide For Peachtre
22. Brealey & Myers - Fundamentals Corporate Finance -
23. Brian Tracy - The Fast Forward Mba In Finance, 2Nd
24. Business Finance - Excellence in Financial Managem
25. Cambridge_University_Press_The_Economics_of_Contra
26. Capstone Global Finance (2002).pdf
27. Challenge Your Thinking On Theory Of Constraints (
28. Citibank - Basics of corporate finance.pdf
29. Cizek, Hardle & Weron - Statistical Tools for Fina
30. Essential Cost Accounting Terminology.pdf
31. Finance - Charting in Excel.pdf
32. Finance - Everyone'S Guide To Financial Planning.p
33. Finance - Financial Analysis Using Excel.pdf
34. Finance - Prudential Financial Research - Stock Va
35. Finance - Quickbooks Accounting Manual.pdf
36. Finance - Risk Analysis And Monte Carlo Simulation
37. Finance - Statistics and Econometrics (Schaum's Ou
38. Finance - The Financial Analyst's Handbook.pdf
39. Finance - Turning Finance Into Science - Risk Mana
40. finance Matlab Toolbox.pdf
41. FINANCE Wiley - Understanding Off Balance Sheet Ac
42. Financial Accounting (McGraw-Hill).PDF
43. Five-Minute MBA - Corporate Finance.pdf
44. Fundamental_Accounting_Prin.pdf
45. Handbook of Budgeting and Accounting.pdf
46. Handbook of Modern Finance - Bond Analysis.pdf
47. Harrison ~ Waldron - Mathematical Economics and Fi
48. Introduction to Computational Finance and Financia
49. Introduction_To_Cost_And_Management_Accounting.pdf
50. John Wiley & Sons - Accounting Reference Desktop.p
51. John Wiley & Sons - Economics Of Conflict - Privat
52. John Wiley & Sons - Interpretation And Application
53. John.Wiley.And.Sons.Hospitality.Management.Account
54. Lawrence White - Reducing The Barriers To Internat
55. McGraw Hill - Financial Analysis Tools and Techniq
56. McGraw Hill - Foundations of International Economi
57. McGraw Hill - Fundamentals Corporate Finance.pdf
58. McGraw.Hill..Accounting.For.Managers.eBook-LiB.pdf
59. McGraw.Hill.Schaums.Easy.Outline.Of.Principles.Of.
60. McGraw-Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Financia
61. Mcgraw-Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Investme
62. McGraw-Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Statisti
63. McGraw-Hill - Briefcase Books - Finance for Non-Fi
64. Mcgraw-Hill - Development Economics Studies - The
65. McGrawHill - Finance for Non-Financial Managers.pd
66. McGraw-Hill - Foundations of International Economi
67. McGraw-Hill - Principles Of Corporate Finance.pdf
68. MCGraw-Hill Osborne - Accounting for Managers.pdf
69. MCGraw-Hill Osborne Schaum's Outline Principles of
70. McGraw-Hill.Schaums.Easy.Outline.Bookkeeping.and.A
71. Overhead per employee.pdf
72. Prentice Hall - Pindyck, Rubinfeld. Microeconomics
73. Principles Of Economics.pdf
74. Schaum's Easy Outlines - Principles Of Economics (
75. Spreadsheet modeling in corporate financing.pdf
76. Statistical Size Distributions in Economics & Actu
77. Summary of Accounting Standards.pdf
78. The Simple Economics Of Easter Island - A Ricardo-
79. Wiley - Accounting Best Practices - 3Rd Edition 20
80. Wiley - Accounting for Payroll - A Comprehensive G
81. Wiley - Essentials of Payroll Management and Acco
82. Wiley - Finance A Fine Art (2003).pdf
83. Wiley - The Financial Numbers Game Detecting Creat
84. Wiley Accounting for Managers Interpreting Account
85. Wiley, Business Economics And Managerial Decision
86. Wiley, Inventory Accounting A Comprehensive Guide
87. Wiley, Inventory Accounting A Prehensive Guide (20
88. Wiley,.101.Marketing.Strategies.for.Accounting.Law
89. Wiley_The_Portable_Mba_In_The_Fast_Forward_Mba_In_
90. Finance_and_Business planning.ppt
h:\Torrents\Completed\Finance_Economics_Accounting -----
1. 483final_99.pdf
2. AppMatrix.pdf
3. capm.pdf
4. Ch1returns.pdf
5. Ch2probrev.pdf
6. Ch3cermodel.pdf
7. Ch4Portfolio.pdf
8. Ch5markov.pdf
9. Ch6SingleIndex.pdf
10. Ch--capm2.pdf
11. constantexpectedreturn.pdf
12. mmtest.pdf
13. MC simulation.xls
14. returnCalculations.xls
15. value at risk example.xls
h:\Torrents\Completed\Finance_Economics_Accounting -----
<Cost Accounting Traditions and Innovations - Barfield
h:\Torrents\Completed\Finance_Economics_Accounting -----
1. 10 - Standard Costing.pdf
2. 11 - AbsorptionVariable Costing and Cost-Volume-Pro
3. 12 - Relevant Costing.pdf
4. 13 - The Master Budget.pdf
5. 14 - Capital Budgeting.pdf
6. 15 - Financial Management.pdf
7. 16 - Innovative Inventory and Production Management
8. 17 - Emerging Management Practices.pdf
9. 18-RES~1.PDF
10. 19 - Measuring Short-Run Organizational Performanc
11. 1-INTR~1.PDF
12. 2 - Introduction to Cost Management Systems.pdf
13. 20 - Measuring Long-Run and Nonfinancial Organizat
14. 21 - Rewarding Performance.pdf
15. 3 - Organizational Cost Flows.pdf
16. 4 - Activity-Based Cost Systems for Management.pdf
17. 5 - Job Order Costing.pdf
18. 6 - Process Costing.pdf
19. 7 - Special Production Issues Lost Units and Accre
20. 8 - Implementing Quality Concepts.pdf
21. 9 - Cost Allocation for Joint Products and By-Prod
22. Appendix A - Present Value Tables.pdf
23. Glossary.pdf
h:\Torrents\Completed\Finance_Economics_Accounting -----
1. file_id.diz
2. .message
h:\Torrents\Completed\Finance_Economics_Accounting -----
1. Chapter 1 Introduction.pdf
2. Chapter 10 Cost in Short and Long Run.pdf
3. Chapter 11 Idelaized Competition.pdf
4. Chapter 12 Monopoly.pdf
5. Chapter 13 Imperfect Competition.pdf
6. Chapter 14 Business Regulation.pdf
7. Chapter 15 Labor Markets.pdf
8. Chapter 16 Public Choice.pdf
9. Chapter 17 International.pdf
10. Chapter 2 Supply and Demand.pdf
11. CHapter 3 Rational Behavior.pdf
12. Chapter 4 Government Controls.pdf
13. Chapter 5 Group Behavior.pdf
14. Chapter 6 Reasons for Incentives.pdf
15. Chapter 7 Market Failures.pdf
16. Chapter 8 Consumer Choice.com.pdf
17. Chapter 9 Cost and Producer Choice.pdf
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1. 59.AVI
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