The Mastery series. French
Год выпуска: 1876
Автор: Prendergast Th.
Категория: учебное пособие
Издатель: D. Appleton & Co.
Язык курса: Английский
ISBN: нет
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Кол-во страниц: 183
Одна из книг серии изобретателя метода изучения языков Mastery (Владычество), ныне более известное под торговой маркой Glossika
Mastery is the realization of thorouglines, not merely in reproducing idiomatic sentences at sight of theîr English versions with perfect fluency, accuracy, and readiness, but also in varying them so as to correspond with altérations made in their English versions (by exchanging one word at a time), and then tranalating them with equal facility.
The First Course of the process includes the Mastery of the Leading Clauses, and of one of the longest variations in each group. It also exacts the study of the remaining Variations and of the Couplets. When mastering new lessons, beginners should make at least three efforts of ten minutes each, every day, but they should never take more than ten minutes at a time. The study of the Variations and of the Couplets^ however^ may be carried on without restriction as to time. Ail the back lessons that hâve been mastered are to be rehearsed every day, and always to be looked at before each rebearsal.
Study. AU the foreign Variations are to be so carefully studied, that when the English page is coTered, the leamer shall be able to translate the foreign page with the utmost fluencyi and shall also be able to point out the équivalent for each of the English words from last to first in each sentence.
In like manner when the foreign page is covered, the leamer must be able to reprodace at sight of the English each of those Leading Clauses and Variations which hâve been mastered.
When beginners work for one hour at a time, the first five minutes in each quarter should be scrupulously devoted to Mastery, and the intervais to study and to the rehearsal of the back lessons. The most effectuai way of mastering a long sentence is, to read it aloud very rapidly, dividing it into three parts, the last of whicb should be leamed first, and the first last Fluency may be best secured by persistently reading each sentence aloud as rapidly as possible.
In the Second Cours leamers ought to vary their mastered sentences, either by omitting a phrase or a word, or else by transferring, first the nouns, and afterwards the pronouns, &c., one at a time, from one English sentence to another, and then orally translating them. They should also master two more Variations out of each group, selecting those that are most unlike their English versions. They may also dévote fifteen minutes a day to the rapid perusal of a gnunmar, but no portion of it should be leamed by heart, because it will be much more bénéficiai if the book be frequently read through,
or if two or three grammars be read in tum. They should also studt the unmastered Variations every duy.
Доп. информация:
Thomas Prendergast (1806 – November 14, 1886) was an East India Company civil servant and writer on language learning, inventor of the ‘mastery’ system of learning languages.
Prendergast was the son of Sir Jeffery Prendergast, born at Clonmel in 1769, who was in the service of the East India Company, becoming colonel of the 39th native infantry in 1825. Sir Jeffery served in the Mysore War, was knighted in 1838, promoted to the rank of general in 1854, and died in 1856, having married in 1804 Elizabeth, daughter of Hew Dalrymple of Nunraw.
Thomas was nominated a writer in the British East India Company's service on 23 June 1826, and became assistant to the collector of Tanjore, Madras presidency, in 1828. He was acting head assistant to the collector of Nellore on 16 Jan. 1829, and head assistant on 9 Feb. 1830. In 1831 he became acting sub-collector and joint magistrate of Nellore, in 1833 acting assistant judge at Guntoor, and on 8 Aug. 1834 assistant judge of Tinnevelly, where he remained until 1838. He was afterwards for many years collector and magistrate at Rajahmundry until his retirement on the annuity fund in 1859. On his return to England he settled at Cheltenham, and soon became totally blind. Despite this misfortune, he devoted himself to literary work, and invented what he called the mastery system of learning languages, based on the process pursued by children in learning to speak. By frequently repeating conversational sentences Prendergast had himself acquired the Madras vernacular, Tamil, and Telegu. His system was to some extent a development of the Ollendorffian, but Prendergast elaborated its details on original lines. His success was considerable, and the various manuals in which he practically expounded his views went through numerous editions.
- The Mastery of Languages, or the Art of speaking Foreign Tongues idiomatically (1864) *Handbook to the Mastery Series (1868)
- The Mastery Series: French (1868)
- The Mastery Series: German (1868)
- The Mastery Series: Spanish (1869)
- The Mastery Series: Hebrew (1871)
- The Mastery Series: Latin (1872)