Christian Wolmar / Кристиан Волмар - The Iron Road: An Illustrated History of the Railroad / Дорога из железа: иллюстрированная история железной дороги [2014, PDF, ENG]

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WarriorOfTheDark · 22-Май-16 21:12 (8 лет назад)

The Iron Road: An Illustrated History of the Railroad / Дорога из железа: иллюстрированная история железной дороги
Год издания: 2014
Автор: Christian Wolmar / Кристиан Волмар
Издательство: DK
ISBN: 978-1465419538
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 400
Описание: От исторического момента, в сентябре 1830 года, когда первый поезд курсировал между Ливерпулем и Манчестером, до высокоскоростных поездов пересекающих Азию и Европу, эта книга описывает, как железные дороги изменили мир. Много фотографий, карт, рисунков и схем.
Written by Christian Wolmar, author of the critically acclaimed The Great Railroad Revolution, The Iron Road is a richly illustrated account of the rise of the rails across the world.
From the historic moment in September 1830 when the first train ran between Liverpool and Manchester, to the high speed trains bulleting across Asia and Europe, The Iron Road: An Illustrated History of the Railroad looks at how railroads have changed the world.
Photographs, maps, paintings, and illustrations bring events and locations to life, adding a unique visual quality to the stories of great invention, feats of mind-boggling engineering, groundbreaking changes in trade and commerce, and tales of adventurers, visionaries, and rogues.
The Iron Road is the third title in DK's successful illustrated histories format, which combines text-rich narratives with beautiful visual design.
Примеры страниц
Introduction 8
From Wagonways to Railroads 14
The Father of Railroads 22
Powering the Engine 30
The First American Railroads 32
The Early Years of American Steam 40
Europe Takes to the Rails 42
Map: Western European Railroads 50
Railroad Mania 52
Wheels and Trucks 58
The American Civil War 60
Signals in the Steam Age 66
Heroic Failures 68
India: Dalhousie’s Colonial Imperative 76
Map: Early Indian Railroads 82
The Navvies: Digging, Drinking, and Fighting 84
The Track Structure 90
Cuban Sugar Railroads 92
Crossing the Alps 102
Climbing Mountains 108
The Panama Railroad: A Deadly Rush for Gold 110
Crossing America 120
Map: North American Transcontinentals 128
Going Underground 130
Death on the Rails 138
Stopping the Train 144
The Railroad Experience 146
Turnouts and Sidings 152
Temples of Steam 154
Railroad Signal Telegraphy 160
Monopolies and Railroad Barons 162
Building Bridges 168
The Pullman Phenomenon 170
The Trans-Siberian Railway 180
Map: The Trans-Siberian Railway 188
The Orient Express 190
The Most Spectacular Railroads in the World 198
Going Uphill 204
Henry Flagler and the Overseas Railroad 206
Hauling Freight 212
Cape to Cairo: the Railroad that Never Was 214
Map: Cape to Cairo 222
Electricity Lightens the Load 224
Going Electric 230
The People Who Ran the Railroads 232
The Wrong Side of the Tracks 240
Indian Hill Railroads: Climbing Out of the Heat 248
The Golden Age of the Railroads 260
The Field Railroads of World War I 270
American Luxury 276
Wartime Railroad Disasters 278
The Hejaz Railway 288
Streamliners 294
Australia’s Gauge Bungle 296
High-speed Steam Trains 304
Going Diesel: from the Fliegende Hamburger to the Future 312
Diesel Power Meets Electricity 318
World War II: Atrocities on the Line 320
Brezhnev’s Folly 330
Railroads Lost and Found 340
Vive le Channel Tunnel 348
Building Tunnels 354
Switzerland: the Best of the Best 356
Going Faster: Bullet Trains and High-speed Lines 364
China, the New Pioneer 372
The Railroad Renaissance 382
Maglev Trains 388
Glossary 390
Bibliography 392
Index 394
Acknowledgments 399
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