[Udemy.com] Converting Type to Outlines in Adobe InDesign [2015, ENG]

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Alex Mill

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Alex Mill · 10-Июл-15 10:10 (9 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 11-Янв-16 15:41)

Converting Type to Outlines in Adobe InDesign
Год выпуска: 2015
Производитель: Udemy
Сайт производителя: udemy.com/type-to-outlines-indesign
Автор: Joseph Caserto
Продолжительность: 0:36
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы
Язык: Английский
Описание: This course is a hands-on demonstration of how fonts are converted to vector paths in Adobe InDesign, using the Create Outlines command, which you may also know as outline type, converting type to outline (or outlines), vector type, or converting type to paths.
After a brief overview of how fonts are made, you'll learn how to convert them to vectors, and then through the exercises, use the results as a frame for graphics and text. You'll also see how this technique can be used when preparing materials to be printed.
Resource files and links are included in the course, too.
Конвертация текста в пути в программе Индизайн.
Section 1: Introduction
1 Welcome!
2 What is Converting Type to Outlines, and How Is It Done?
3 Section 1: Introduction - 3 questions
Section 2: Preparing to Do the Exercises
4 Creating and Setting Up a New File
5 Using Layers to Keep a Backup Copy of Unconverted Type
6 Section 2: Preparing to Do the Exercises - 4 questions
Section 3: Exercise 1: Graphics Frame with Drop Shadow
7 Exercise 1 Instructions - Text
8 Converting Type to a Graphics Frame
9 Adding a Drop Shadow
10 Section 3: Exercise 1 - 3 questions
Section 4: Exercise 2: Text Frame with a Drop Shadow
11 Exercise 2 Instructions -Text
12 Converting Type to a Text Frame
13 Converting Type to hold a Text Frame
14 Section 4: Exercise 2 - 3 questions
Section 5: Outlined Text and the Printing Process
15 Converting Type to Outlines as a Pre-Press Tool
16 Section 5: Outlined Type and the Printing Process - 3 questions
Section 6: Course Wrap-Up
17 Review and Closing
Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Формат видео: MP4
Видео: AVC, 1280x720, 16:9, 30fps, 762kbps
Аудио: AAC, 44.1kHz, 48kbps, mono
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