Raf-9600 писал(а):
68266479А кто оригинальные авторы этих произведений?
This release is the first volume in a series of Reorchestrations albums. The project started with a remix of Liverpool band
Kinetic Fallacy – which eventually became the track The Revival when Kinetic Fallacy disbanded, and has since become a staple encore of Hidden Orchestra live performances – hence its inclusion as the final track on this release. The two unreleased tracks are reworkings of
members of the Hidden Orchestra live ensemble – Poppy Ackroyd (violin/piano), and Mary Macmaster (harps). There are also remixes of Hidden collaborator and occasional live guest clarinettist
Tomas Dvorak (AKA Floex), Russian producer
Long Arm, Anglo-French duo
Piano Interrupted, and Czech clarinet quartet
Clarinet Factory.
Вот как-то так. Ждём продолжения)
Друзья, я создал раздачу единственного (и с горем пополам откопанного) альбома
Kinetic Fallacy / Audiovision (спасибо Михаилу Ширикову). Они авторы композиции The Revival на этом сборнике ремиксов (в оригинале композиция называется Electronica). Прошу любить и жаловать
