(Score/GameRip) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (Full complete GameRip) (M. Przybyłowicz / M. Stroinski / P. Schuttenbach) - 2015, OGG, V4




Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1565

Orion33 · 20-Июн-15 10:54 (9 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 12-Дек-15 19:00)

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (Full complete GameRip) Жанр: Score
Композитор: Marcin Przybyłowicz / Mikolai Stroinski / Percival Schuttenbach
Год выпуска диска: 2015
Страна производитель диска: Poland
Аудиокодек: OGG
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: V4
Продолжительность: 11:41:27
Источник: WEB
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
ID3-теги: да
скрытый текст
01. Ambient Hims House (Mix) [2:12]
02. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 01 [1:15]
03. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 02 [1:15]
04. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 03 [1:15]
05. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 01 [0:12]
06. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 02 [0:12]
07. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 03 [0:12]
08. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition (Explicit) [0:09]
09. Assassins Of Kings Theme 01 [1:36]
10. Assassins Of Kings Theme 02 [0:48]
11. Bad News Ahead Strings [1:53]
12. Bad News Ahead Full [1:53]
13. CS001 Geralt and Yen [2:19]
14. CS001 Griffin [1:12]
15. CS001 Little Ciri Intro [1:02]
16. CS001 Nightmare 01 [1:40]
17. CS001 Nightmare 02 [0:58]
18. CS001 Tavern Intro [1:23]
19. CS001 Wake Up (Mix) [0:28]
20. CS002 Tavern Massacre [0:45]
21. CS002 Tavern Robbery 01 [1:15]
22. CS002 Tavern Robbery 02 [0:48]
23. CS002 Wild Hunt Chase All [1:32]
24. CS101 Tavern Kidnapping [0:52]
25. CS101 Wild Hunt Burns Village 01 [1:15]
26. CS103 Baron Digs Grave [1:16]
27. CS103 Baron Taken [0:28]
28. CS103 Basilisk [0:16]
29. CS103 Ciri Caught [1:15]
30. CS103 Ciri Runs [0:32]
31. CS103 Ciri Runs Short Silent [0:10]
32. CS103 Guslar Prophecy [1:07]
33. CS103 Poroniec Attack Choice [0:24]
34. CS103 Poroniec Transform [0:15]
35. CS105 Ciri Escapes Swamps [0:55]
36. CS105 Ciri Meet Witch Sisters [1:13]
37. CS105 Geralt Meet Witch Sisters [1:42]
38. CS106 Anabelle Kisses Graham [1:10]
39. CS107 Witch Gravehag [0:37]
40. CS107 Witch Normal [0:35]
41. CS107 Witch Village Burns [0:53]
42. CS111 Imlerith Dies [1:14]
43. CS111 One Witch Escapes [0:48]
44. CS111 Welcome Imlerith [0:56]
45. CS111 Witch Transform [1:32]
46. CS201 Pirates Attack [0:24]
47. CS201 Storm [0:22]
48. CS202 Enter The Giant [1:27]
49. CS202 Geralt Wakes Giant [0:30]
50. CS202 Giant Death [0:30]
51. CS202 Giant Destroy Cage [0:37]
52. CS202 Harpies Destroy Bridge [0:23]
53. CS203 Baby In Oven [0:29]
54. CS203 Give Baby Uldaryk [0:43]
55. CS203 Him Shows [1:34]
56. CS203 Udalryk Enters House & Choice [0:43]
57. CS205 Ciri Landing [0:55]
58. CS205 Good Night Cirilla 01 [0:59]
59. CS205 Good Night Cirilla 02 [0:25]
60. CS206 Berserkers Kill People [0:16]
61. CS206 Ritual Of Berserkers [2:06]
62. CS208 Becca Wins Start [0:32]
63. CS208 Ragnar Wins Start [0:32]
64. CS210 Ciri Destroys Lab [2:06]
65. CS210 Entering Skellige [1:32]
66. CS210 Geralt Refuses [1:12]
67. CS301 Dreamer Nightmare [0:49]
68. CS301 Novigrad Opening [1:32]
69. CS302 Castration [0:54]
70. CS303 Radovid Dies [0:56]
71. CS303 Triss Kills Menge Updated [0:47]
72. CS304 Priscilla Sings TEMP [3:18]
73. CS305 Ciri Disappears [0:59]
74. CS305 Convoy In Ambush [0:56]
75. CS309 Sex With Triss [1:09]
76. CS309 Triss Leaves [0:27]
77. CS310 Triss Yennefer Payback [1:56]
78. CS311 Geels Dreams [0:55]
79. CS401 Interception [1:02]
80. CS401 Sex With Yennefer [2:02]
81. CS401 Uma Changes Into Avallach [1:37]
82. CS401 Uma Intro [0:20]
83. CS402 Ciri Welcome [2:43]
84. CS402 Entering Mist Island [0:34]
85. CS402 Teleport To Kaermorhen [0:44]
86. CS403 Canaris [2:06]
87. CS403 Finale 01 [0:50]
88. CS403 Finale 02 [2:42]
89. CS403 Finale Explosion 01 [0:52]
90. CS403 Finale Explosion 02 [1:01]
91. CS403 Finale Sword [1:10]
92. CS403 Finale Unfreeze [0:29]
93. CS403 Triss Spell [0:20]
94. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 01 [0:19]
95. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 02 [0:58]
96. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 03 [0:33]
97. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 04 [1:23]
98. CS501 Cam Transfer To Geralt [1:43]
99. CS501 Ciri Escapes [0:45]
100. CS501 Crach Dies [2:01]
101. CS501 Eredin Dies [1:29]
102. CS501 Naglfar Arrives [2:10]
103. CS501 Naglfar Freezes [0:26]
104. CS501 Naglfar Freezes 02 [0:45]
105. CS501 Underwater Teleport [0:45]
106. CS502 Tower Shutdown [0:42]
107. CS503 Geralts Departure [2:05]
108. CS601 Decapitation [1:32]
109. CS601 Frog Intro [2:11]
110. CS601 Immortal A [0:29]
111. CS601 Immortal B [1:25]
112. CS601 Killing The Frog [0:58]
113. CS601 Storm [0:56]
114. CS602 Dance [0:49]
115. CS603 Breaking In [1:41]
116. CS603 Ewald Dies [2:01]
117. CS603 Horst Dies [1:52]
118. CS603 Vault Closes [0:58]
119. CS604 Unmasking 01 [0:44]
120. CS604 Unmasking 02 [0:33]
121. CS605 Geralt Loses [0:13]
122. CS605 Merchant Loses [0:46]
123. CS605 Merchant Skull [0:33]
124. CS605 Olgierd Dies [0:32]
125. CS605 Olgierd Dies Choice [0:12]
126. CS605 Olgierd Lives Choice Dialogue [1:05]
127. Dialog Ambient 01 [2:12]
128. Dialog Ambient 02 [1:56]
129. Dialog Ambient 03 [2:04]
130. Dialog Ambient 04 [2:00]
131. Drakkar Shanty Loop GD [1:36]
132. Flute Player Melody 01a [0:10]
133. Flute Player Melody 01b [0:08]
134. Flute Player Melody 02a [0:07]
135. Flute Player Melody 02b [0:07]
136. Flute Player Melody 02c [0:07]
137. Flute Player Melody 03a [0:20]
138. Flute Player Melody 03b [0:09]
139. Flute Player Melody 04a [0:07]
140. Flute Player Melody 04b [0:06]
141. Flute Player Melody 05 [0:10]
142. Giant Combat Outro [0:10]
143. Hunt Or Be Hunted Chasing (Edit Percussion) [1:29]
144. Isle Of Mists [1:34]
145. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Layer 01 [1:15]
146. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Layer 02 [1:15]
147. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Outro [0:05]
148. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Drums [2:34]
149. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 01 [2:38]
150. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 02 [2:38]
151. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 03 [2:38]
152. Love Theme [1:35]
153. Love Theme Short Harp Only [1:01]
154. Lute Anim Performance 01 [0:04]
155. Lute Anim Performance 02 [0:04]
156. Lute Anim Performance 03 [0:04]
157. Lute Anim Performance 04 [0:05]
158. Lute Anim Performance 05 [0:03]
159. Lute Anim Performance 06 [0:06]
160. Lute Anim Performance 07 [0:06]
161. Lute Anim Performance 08 [0:05]
162. Lute Anim Performance 09 [0:06]
163. Lute Anim Performance 10 [0:04]
164. Lute Anim Performance 11 [0:04]
165. Lute Anim Performance 12 [0:04]
166. Lute Anim Performance 13 [0:04]
167. Lute Anim Performance 14 [0:05]
168. Lute Dialog [0:14]
169. Main Theme Credits [1:28]
170. Main Theme Final Mixed 02 [2:21]
171. Main Theme Final Mixed 03 [3:16]
172. Main Themes Nilfgaard Emperor Theme [2:30]
173. Main Menu Ep1 Credits Roll Edit [7:30]
174. Main Menu Ep1 Theme [2:54]
175. Main Menu Ep1 Theme Credits Usm Edit [1:35]
176. No Man's Land - 01 Exploration With Percival [3:00]
177. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L1 [2:03]
178. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L2 [2:03]
179. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L3 [2:03]
180. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Day 01 [2:59]
181. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Day 02 [2:59]
182. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Night [2:59]
183. No Man's Land - 02 In L1 [0:11]
184. No Man's Land - 02 In L2 [0:11]
185. No Man's Land - 02 In L3 [0:11]
186. No Man's Land - 02 Out L1 [0:11]
187. No Man's Land - 02 Out L2 [0:08]
188. No Man's Land - 02 Out L3 [0:11]
189. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L1 [0:12]
190. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L2 [0:12]
191. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L3 [0:12]
192. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L1 [2:06]
193. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L2 [2:06]
194. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L3 [2:06]
195. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L1 [0:09]
196. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L2 [0:09]
197. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L3 [0:09]
198. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 01 [2:59]
199. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 02 [2:59]
200. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 03 [2:55]
201. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L1 [0:12]
202. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L2 [0:12]
203. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L3 [0:12]
204. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L1 [2:04]
205. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L2 [2:04]
206. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L3 [2:04]
207. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 01 [2:49]
208. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 02a [2:49]
209. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 02b [2:49]
210. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration Night 01 [2:49]
211. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration Night i02 [2:46]
212. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Intro Layer 01 [0:21]
213. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Intro Layer 02 [0:21]
214. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 01 [1:15]
215. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 02 [1:15]
216. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 03 [1:15]
217. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Outro [0:10]
218. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 01 [0:36]
219. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 02a [0:36]
220. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 02b [0:36]
221. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 01 [2:46]
222. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 02 [2:48]
223. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 02a [2:48]
224. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Night [3:48]
225. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration var2 001 [3:16]
226. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration var2 02 [3:16]
227. No Man's Land - 05 Witches Village Exploration [1:44]
228. No Man's Land - 05 Witches Village Exploration With Rebec [2:24]
229. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 01 [2:28]
230. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 02 [2:28]
231. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 03 [2:28]
232. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Night [2:32]
233. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Intro Layer 01 [0:11]
234. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Intro Layer 02 [0:11]
235. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 01 [1:50]
236. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 02 [1:50]
237. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 03 [1:50]
238. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Outro [0:06]
239. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 01 [2:51]
240. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 02 [2:49]
241. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 03 [2:49]
242. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration Night [3:05]
243. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 01 [1:52]
244. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 02 [1:52]
245. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 03 [1:52]
246. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Intro 01 [0:16]
247. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Intro 02 [0:16]
248. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Outro [0:08]
249. No Man's Land - 08 Dramatic Loop [1:31]
250. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int1 [2:56]
251. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int2 [2:56]
252. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int3 [2:56]
253. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration night [2:53]
254. No Man's Land - 09 Narrative Calm Arranged All [1:39]
255. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Intro [0:06]
256. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 01 [1:08]
257. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 02 [1:08]
258. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 03 [1:08]
259. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Outro [0:08]
260. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Exploration (Mixed) [2:16]
261. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L1 [0:10]
262. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L2 [0:10]
263. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L3 [0:10]
264. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L1 [1:36]
265. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L2 [1:36]
266. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L3 [1:36]
267. No Man's Land - 11 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
268. No Man's Land - 11 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
269. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L1a [2:38]
270. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L2 [2:38]
271. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L3 [2:38]
272. Novigrad - 01 Exploration [4:03]
273. Novigrad - 01 In L1 [0:12]
274. Novigrad - 01 In L2 [0:12]
275. Novigrad - 01 In L3 [0:12]
276. Novigrad - 01 L1 [2:06]
277. Novigrad - 01 L2 [2:06]
278. Novigrad - 01 L3 [2:06]
279. Novigrad - 01 Out L1 [0:10]
280. Novigrad - 01 Out L2 [0:10]
281. Novigrad - 01 Out L3 [0:10]
282. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L1 [0:12]
283. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L2 [0:12]
284. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L3 [0:12]
285. Novigrad - 02 Combat L1 [2:02]
286. Novigrad - 02 Combat L2 [2:02]
287. Novigrad - 02 Combat L3 [2:02]
288. Novigrad - 02 Exploration [3:12]
289. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L1 [0:11]
290. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L2 [0:11]
291. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L3 [0:11]
292. Novigrad - 03 Combat L1 [1:31]
293. Novigrad - 03 Combat L2 [1:31]
294. Novigrad - 03 Combat L3 [1:31]
295. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
296. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
297. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L3 [0:08]
298. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L1 [0:50]
299. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L2 Vox [0:50]
300. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L3 [0:50]
301. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L1 [1:48]
302. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L2 Vox [1:47]
303. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L3 [1:47]
304. Novigrad - 04 Combat [2:02]
305. Novigrad - 04 Combat In L1 [0:13]
306. Novigrad - 04 Combat In L2 [0:13]
307. Novigrad - 04 Combat L1 [2:02]
308. Novigrad - 04 Combat L2 [2:02]
309. Novigrad - 04 Combat L3 [2:02]
310. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 01 [2:46]
311. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 02 [2:46]
312. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 03 [2:46]
313. Novigrad - 04 Exploration Night [2:24]
314. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L1 [0:12]
315. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L2 [0:12]
316. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L3 [0:12]
317. Novigrad - 05 Combat L1 [2:06]
318. Novigrad - 05 Combat L2 [2:06]
319. Novigrad - 05 Combat L3 [2:06]
320. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L1 [0:09]
321. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L2 [0:09]
322. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L3 [0:09]
323. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Day 01 [3:12]
324. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Day 02 [3:12]
325. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Night [2:36]
326. Novigrad - 06 tavern 02 [1:36]
327. Novigrad - 06 Tavern 01 Arranged [1:59]
328. Novigrad - 06 Tavern 03 Arranged [1:44]
329. Novigrad - 07 Narrative [2:46]
330. Novigrad - 08 Combat In L1 [0:11]
331. Novigrad - 08 Combat In L2 [0:11]
332. Novigrad - 08 Combat L1 [1:36]
333. Novigrad - 08 Combat L2 [1:36]
334. Novigrad - 08 Combat L3 [1:36]
335. Novigrad - 08 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
336. Novigrad - 08 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
337. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L1 [1:40]
338. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L2 [1:40]
339. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L3 [1:40]
340. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L1 [0:58]
341. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L2 [0:58]
342. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L3 [0:58]
343. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L1 [0:11]
344. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L2 [0:11]
345. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L3 [0:11]
346. Novigrad - 09 Combat L1 [1:35]
347. Novigrad - 09 Combat L2 [1:35]
348. Novigrad - 09 Combat L3 [1:35]
349. Novigrad - 09 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
350. Novigrad - 09 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
351. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L1 [1:29]
352. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L2 [1:29]
353. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L3 [1:29]
354. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L1 [1:12]
355. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L2 [1:12]
356. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L3 [1:12]
357. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme (NoChoirPerc, NoSoloVlnBrs) [2:45]
358. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme Str And WW [2:45]
359. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme Strings [2:45]
360. Novigrad - Sewers Combat Intro [0:08]
361. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L1 [1:01]
362. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L2 [1:01]
363. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L3 [1:01]
364. Novigrad - Sewers Combat Outro [0:05]
365. Novigrad - Sewers Exploration A [1:05]
366. Novigrad - Sewers Exploration B [1:32]
367. Prologue 02 Exploration [1:47]
368. Prologue 03 Exploration [2:16]
369. Prologue 04 Exploration [1:08]
370. Prologue Village Exploration [2:28]
371. Q001 Griffin Chase Short [0:33]
372. Q001 Griffin Combat [1:15]
373. Q001 Training [1:15]
374. Q002 Geralt Talks To Emperor [1:39]
375. Q002 Geralt Talks To Emperor (No Snare) [1:39]
376. Q002 Nilfgaardian Patrol Intro Nilfgaard [0:20]
377. Q002 Nilfgaardian Patrol Yen Loop [1:12]
378. Q002 Yen In Palace [1:36]
379. Q101 Talk With Survivor [1:34]
380. Q102 Baron In His Chambers [0:44]
381. Q103 Blood Ritual [0:53]
382. Q103 Blood Ritual Outro [0:12]
383. Q103 Ciri saves Baron 01 Calm [0:24]
384. Q103 Ciri Saves Baron 02 Main [0:48]
385. Q103 Ciri Saves Baron 03 Outro [0:08]
386. Q103 Guslar After Ritual [1:36]
387. Q103 Poroniec Main [1:50]
388. Q103 Werewolf [0:56]
389. Q104 Blizzard Calm [1:36]
390. Q104 Blizzard Calm Drums Only [1:19]
391. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 01 [0:37]
392. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 02 [0:37]
393. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 03 [0:55]
394. Q104 Boss In Last Room [0:48]
395. Q104 See Wild Hunt [1:07]
396. Q105 Gobelin Intro [0:18]
397. Q105 Gobelin Loop [1:48]
398. Q105 Gobelin Outro [0:09]
399. Q111 Ciri Replacer Combat [1:29]
400. Q111 Ciri Replacer Combat Outro [0:09]
401. Q111 Combat With Imlerith [1:42]
402. Q111 Conversation With Imlerith [0:36]
403. Q111 Final [1:36]
404. Q201 Fist Fight Loop [1:12]
405. Q201 Fist Fight Outro [0:07]
406. Q201 Race Intro [0:15]
407. Q201 Race Loop [0:51]
408. Q201 Race Outro [0:11]
409. Q202 Ice Giant Bossfight Stage 01 [0:54]
410. Q202 Ice Giant Bossfight Stage 02 [0:54]
411. Q202 Main Theme Underscore [2:38]
412. Q202 Syrens Call Loop [0:30]
413. Q203 Combat Him Sequence [1:07]
414. Q203 Examine Elf Corpse [1:43]
415. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter Intro [0:11]
416. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L1 [1:40]
417. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L2 [1:40]
418. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L3 [1:40]
419. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter Outro [0:08]
420. Q205 Necro Ritual [1:06]
421. Q205 Replacer Astrid At Barn [0:31]
422. Q205 Replacer Ciri Wakes Up [1:36]
423. Q205 Replacer Ciri Wakes Up (No FLute) [1:36]
424. Q206 Halgrim Transforms Into Bear [0:31]
425. Q210 Confrontation [1:58]
426. Q210 Skjall Funeral [3:00]
427. Q301 Dreamer Dreams Stage 01 [1:44]
428. Q301 Dreamer Dreams Stage 02 [1:44]
429. Q302 Assassins [0:32]
430. Q302 Mafia Meeting [1:10]
431. Q304 Luiza And Voorhis [1:12]
432. Q309 Goodbye 01 [0:35]
433. Q309 Goodbye 02 [0:35]
434. Q309 Goodbye 03 [0:34]
435. Q310 Ciri Talks To The Lodge [1:35]
436. Q401 Avallach Interrogation [1:04]
437. Q401 Trial Of The Grasses [1:54]
438. Q403 Council Dr [1:53]
439. Q403 Council Gasle Theme [0:58]
440. Q403 Council Gasle Theme Accompaniment [0:54]
441. Q403 Council Str [1:53]
442. Q501 Combat With Canaris [1:29]
443. Q501 Eredin Fight [1:38]
444. Q601 04 Meeting Shani [0:34]
445. Q601 Immortal Dialog [0:58]
446. Q601 Immortal Intro [0:31]
447. Q601 Mr Mirror 01 [1:32]
448. Q601 Mr Mirror 01 Outro [0:12]
449. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Calm [2:48]
450. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Outro [0:12]
451. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Tense [2:48]
452. Q601 Olgierd Combat [1:26]
453. Q602 17 Wedding Finale Man Of Glass Dialog [1:44]
454. Q602 17 Wedding Finale Man Of Glass Dialog Outro [0:17]
455. Q603 05 Mystery Man Returns [0:57]
456. Q603 05 Mystery Man Returns Outro [0:13]
457. Q603 06 Heist Plan Outro [0:13]
458. Q603 06 Heist Plan Part 01 [1:58]
459. Q603 06 Heist Plan Part 02 [1:49]
460. Q603 06 Heist Plan Transition To [0:11]
461. Q603 13 Ground Floor Reached [0:16]
462. Q603 Auction House Combat Loop [1:00]
463. Q604 10 Study Fire Loop [0:48]
464. Q604 10 Study Fire Transition Intro [0:14]
465. Q604 Bury Iris Remains 01 [0:52]
466. Q604 Bury Iris Remains 02 [0:58]
467. Q604 Ethereals Combat Loop [1:04]
468. Q605 01 Mirror In Oxenfurt Loop [2:21]
469. Q605 01 Mirror In Oxenfurt Outro [0:11]
470. Q605 04 Temple Meeting Iris Dialogue [1:05]
471. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Br [1:53]
472. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 De [1:53]
473. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 En [1:53]
474. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Fr [1:53]
475. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Jp [1:53]
476. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Pl [1:53]
477. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Ru [1:53]
478. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 02 Intro [0:28]
479. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 02 Loop [1:10]
480. Q605 Final Standoff 01 [1:00]
481. Q605 Final Standoff 02 [0:15]
482. Q605 Final Standoff 03 [0:51]
483. Sex After [0:22]
484. Sex Do var 01 [0:35]
485. Sex Do var 02 [0:35]
486. Sex Do var 03 [0:37]
487. Sex Pre var 01 [0:46]
488. Sex Pre var 02 [0:46]
489. Skellige - Intro Demo [0:33]
490. Skellige - 01 Combat Intro [0:12]
491. Skellige - 07 Combat In L1 [0:11]
492. Skellige - 07 Combat In L2 [0:11]
493. Skellige - 07 Combat In L3 [0:11]
494. Skellige - 07 Combat L1 [2:08]
495. Skellige - 07 Combat L2 [2:08]
496. Skellige - 07 Combat L3 [2:08]
497. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L1 [0:11]
498. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L2 [0:11]
499. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L3 [0:09]
500. Skellige - 07 Exploration 01 [2:51]
501. Skellige - 07 Exploration 02 [2:51]
502. Skellige - 08 Combat In L1 [0:08]
503. Skellige - 08 Combat In L2 [0:08]
504. Skellige - 08 Combat L1 [2:04]
505. Skellige - 08 Combat L2 [2:04]
506. Skellige - 08 Combat L3 [2:04]
507. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
508. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
509. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L3 [0:08]
510. Skellige - 08 exploration int1 [2:44]
511. Skellige - 08 exploration int2 [2:44]
512. Skellige - 11 Combat In L1 [0:13]
513. Skellige - 11 Combat In L2 [0:13]
514. Skellige - 11 Combat In L3 [0:13]
515. Skellige - 11 Combat L1 [1:14]
516. Skellige - 11 Combat L2 [1:14]
517. Skellige - 11 Combat L3 [1:14]
518. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L1 [0:10]
519. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L2 [0:10]
520. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L3 [0:10]
521. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L1 [1:01]
522. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L2 [0:59]
523. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L3 [1:01]
524. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L1 [2:14]
525. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L2 [2:14]
526. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L3 [2:14]
527. Skellige - 11 Tavern 01 Intro [0:18]
528. Skellige - 11 Tavern 01 Arranged [3:19]
529. Skellige - 11 Tavern 02 Arranged [2:41]
530. Skellige - 11 Tavern 03 Arranged [1:38]
531. Skellige - 11 Tavern 04 Arranged [2:40]
532. Skellige - 12 Combat In L1 [0:08]
533. Skellige - 12 Combat In L2 [0:08]
534. Skellige - 12 Combat In L3 [0:08]
535. Skellige - 12 Combat L1 [1:02]
536. Skellige - 12 Combat L2 [1:01]
537. Skellige - 12 Combat L3 [1:02]
538. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L1 [0:06]
539. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L2 [0:06]
540. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L3 [0:06]
541. Skellige - 13 Combat In L1 [0:11]
542. Skellige - 13 Combat In L2 [0:11]
543. Skellige - 13 Combat In L3 [0:11]
544. Skellige - 13 Combat L1 [1:10]
545. Skellige - 13 Combat L2 [1:10]
546. Skellige - 13 Combat L3 [1:10]
547. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L1 [0:08]
548. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L2 [0:08]
549. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L3 [0:08]
550. Skellige - 13 Exploration L1 [2:37]
551. Skellige - 13 Exploration L2 [2:35]
552. Skellige - 13 Exploration L3 [2:36]
553. Skellige - 13 Exploration PadsMix [2:37]
554. Skellige - 14 Combat In L1 [0:10]
555. Skellige - 14 Combat In L2 [0:09]
556. Skellige - 14 Combat L1 [1:40]
557. Skellige - 14 Combat L2 [1:38]
558. Skellige - 14 Combat L3 [1:38]
559. Skellige - 14 Combat Out L1 [0:09]
560. Skellige - 14 Combat Out L2 [0:07]
561. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L1 [1:36]
562. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L2 [1:36]
563. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L3 [1:36]
564. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L1 [1:08]
565. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L2 [1:08]
566. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L3 [1:05]
567. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat Intro [0:12]
568. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L1 [1:08]
569. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L2 [1:07]
570. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L3 [1:09]
571. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat Outro [0:10]
572. Skellige - 16 freyas garden Exploration [2:11]
573. Skellige - Bossfight Ending [0:09]
574. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 01 Intro [0:18]
575. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 01 Loop [1:30]
576. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 02 Loop [1:30]
577. Skellige - Caves Exploration [2:20]
578. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L1 [2:07]
579. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L2 [2:08]
580. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L3 [2:07]
581. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L1 [1:13]
582. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L2 [0:40]
583. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L3 [1:13]
584. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Intro [0:09]
585. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v1 [0:17]
586. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v2 [0:17]
587. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v3 [0:17]
588. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v1 [0:17]
589. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v2 [0:17]
590. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v3 [0:17]
591. Skellige - Ice Giant Exploration Layer 01 [2:50]
592. Skellige - Ice Giant Exploration Layer 02 [2:46]
593. Skellige - Leshy Accepts Offering [0:43]
594. Skellige - Leshy Appears [0:37]
595. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-0 Intro [0:11]
596. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-1 [0:22]
597. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-2 [0:22]
598. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-3 [0:22]
599. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-4 [0:22]
600. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-5 [0:22]
601. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-6 [0:22]
602. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-7 [0:22]
603. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-8 [0:22]
604. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-9 [0:22]
605. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-0 Intro [0:22]
606. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-1 [0:22]
607. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-2 [0:22]
608. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-3 [0:22]
609. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-4 [0:22]
610. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-5 [0:22]
611. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-6 [0:22]
612. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-7 [0:22]
613. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-9 [0:22]
614. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-0 Intro [0:11]
615. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-1 [0:22]
616. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-2 [0:22]
617. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-3 [0:22]
618. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-4 [0:22]
619. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-5 [0:22]
620. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-6 [0:22]
621. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-7 [0:22]
622. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-8 [0:22]
623. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-9 [0:24]
624. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Ending [0:09]
625. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 intro [0:22]
626. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v1 [0:22]
627. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v2 [0:22]
628. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v3 [0:22]
629. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v4 [0:22]
630. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v5 [0:22]
631. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 intro [0:22]
632. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v1 [0:22]
633. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v2 [0:22]
634. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v3 [0:22]
635. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v4 [0:22]
636. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v5 [0:22]
637. Skellige - Mood Music Drama 02 01 [1:29]
638. Skellige - Mood Music Drama 02 02 [1:29]
639. Skellige - Tavern Mini Games Main Loop [0:58]
640. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 01 [3:09]
641. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 02 [3:09]
642. Skellige Ard - Skellig Settlements Exploration Layer 01 [2:24]
643. Skellige Ard - Skellig Settlements Exploration Layer 02 [2:21]
644. Skellige Ard - Skellig To Settlements Transition [0:15]
645. Spiral 01 Combat Stem [3:20]
646. Spiral 01 Exploration 01 [3:20]
647. Spiral 01 Exploration 02 [3:20]
648. The Urn Full Of Sorrows (No Flute) [1:56]
649. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer 01 [1:32]
650. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer 02 [1:32]
651. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer Default [1:32]
Доп. информация: Я думаю, многие, кто прошел игру, смогли заметить, что оригинальный саундтрек, выпущенный компанией CDRed Project, является, мягко говоря, не полным. В него не вошли многие замечательные композиции, встречающиеся на просторах игрового мира. У меня возникла мысль, что файлы как-то можно достать из контента игры. Как оказалось, не только я об этом подумал и "все уже украдено до нас", за что все спасибы передаем товарищу VladlenCry
12.12.2015: Добавлена музыка из дополнения "Hearts of Stone".
20.06.2015:Размер: 2.31 GB | Зарегистрирован: 5 месяцев 22 дня | .torrent скачан: 947 раз
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[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Реоркс 1

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

Реоркс 1 · 20-Июн-15 20:20 (спустя 9 часов)

Неплохо, но почему в OGG, в mp3 было лучше и меньше весом...
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1565

Orion33 · 20-Июн-15 23:17 (спустя 2 часа 57 мин., ред. 12-Дек-15 19:30)

Наверное потому, что такой формат используется внутри игры.
Отчет AudioTester
651 files scanned in 77.14 seconds
0 files failed
651 files passed
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\001. Ambient Hims House (Mix).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\002. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\003. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\004. Ard Skellig - General Combat Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\005. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\006. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\007. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\008. Ard Skellig - General Combat Transition (Explicit).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\009. Assassins Of Kings Theme 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\010. Assassins Of Kings Theme 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\011. Bad News Ahead Strings.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\012. Bad News Ahead Full.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\013. CS001 Geralt and Yen.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\014. CS001 Griffin.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\015. CS001 Little Ciri Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\016. CS001 Nightmare 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\017. CS001 Nightmare 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\018. CS001 Tavern Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\019. CS001 Wake Up (Mix).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\020. CS002 Tavern Massacre.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\021. CS002 Tavern Robbery 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\022. CS002 Tavern Robbery 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\023. CS002 Wild Hunt Chase All.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\024. CS101 Tavern Kidnapping.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\025. CS101 Wild Hunt Burns Village 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\026. CS103 Baron Digs Grave.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\027. CS103 Baron Taken.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\028. CS103 Basilisk.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\029. CS103 Ciri Caught.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\030. CS103 Ciri Runs.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\031. CS103 Ciri Runs Short Silent.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\032. CS103 Guslar Prophecy.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\033. CS103 Poroniec Attack Choice.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\034. CS103 Poroniec Transform.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\035. CS105 Ciri Escapes Swamps.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\036. CS105 Ciri Meet Witch Sisters.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\037. CS105 Geralt Meet Witch Sisters.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\038. CS106 Anabelle Kisses Graham.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\039. CS107 Witch Gravehag.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\040. CS107 Witch Normal.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\041. CS107 Witch Village Burns.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\042. CS111 Imlerith Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\043. CS111 One Witch Escapes.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\044. CS111 Welcome Imlerith.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\045. CS111 Witch Transform.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\046. CS201 Pirates Attack.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\047. CS201 Storm.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\048. CS202 Enter The Giant.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\049. CS202 Geralt Wakes Giant.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\050. CS202 Giant Death.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\051. CS202 Giant Destroy Cage.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\052. CS202 Harpies Destroy Bridge.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\053. CS203 Baby In Oven.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\054. CS203 Give Baby Uldaryk.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\055. CS203 Him Shows.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\056. CS203 Udalryk Enters House & Choice.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\057. CS205 Ciri Landing.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\058. CS205 Good Night Cirilla 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\059. CS205 Good Night Cirilla 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\060. CS206 Berserkers Kill People.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\061. CS206 Ritual Of Berserkers.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\062. CS208 Becca Wins Start.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\063. CS208 Ragnar Wins Start.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\064. CS210 Ciri Destroys Lab.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\065. CS210 Entering Skellige.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\066. CS210 Geralt Refuses.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\067. CS301 Dreamer Nightmare.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\068. CS301 Novigrad Opening.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\069. CS302 Castration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\070. CS303 Radovid Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\071. CS303 Triss Kills Menge Updated.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\072. CS304 Priscilla Sings TEMP.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\073. CS305 Ciri Disappears.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\074. CS305 Convoy In Ambush.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\075. CS309 Sex With Triss.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\076. CS309 Triss Leaves.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\077. CS310 Triss Yennefer Payback.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\078. CS311 Geels Dreams.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\079. CS401 Interception.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\080. CS401 Sex With Yennefer.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\081. CS401 Uma Changes Into Avallach.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\082. CS401 Uma Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\083. CS402 Ciri Welcome.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\084. CS402 Entering Mist Island.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\085. CS402 Teleport To Kaermorhen.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\086. CS403 Canaris.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\087. CS403 Finale 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\088. CS403 Finale 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\089. CS403 Finale Explosion 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\090. CS403 Finale Explosion 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\091. CS403 Finale Sword.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\092. CS403 Finale Unfreeze.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\093. CS403 Triss Spell.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\094. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\095. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\096. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\097. CS403 Wild Hunt Approaches 04.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\098. CS501 Cam Transfer To Geralt.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\099. CS501 Ciri Escapes.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\100. CS501 Crach Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\101. CS501 Eredin Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\102. CS501 Naglfar Arrives.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\103. CS501 Naglfar Freezes.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\104. CS501 Naglfar Freezes 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\105. CS501 Underwater Teleport.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\106. CS502 Tower Shutdown.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\107. CS503 Geralts Departure.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\108. CS601 Decapitation.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\109. CS601 Frog Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\110. CS601 Immortal A.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\111. CS601 Immortal B.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\112. CS601 Killing The Frog.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\113. CS601 Storm.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\114. CS602 Dance.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\115. CS603 Breaking In.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\116. CS603 Ewald Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\117. CS603 Horst Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\118. CS603 Vault Closes.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\119. CS604 Unmasking 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\120. CS604 Unmasking 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\121. CS605 Geralt Loses.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\122. CS605 Merchant Loses.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\123. CS605 Merchant Skull.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\124. CS605 Olgierd Dies.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\125. CS605 Olgierd Dies Choice.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\126. CS605 Olgierd Lives Choice Dialogue.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\127. Dialog Ambient 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\128. Dialog Ambient 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\129. Dialog Ambient 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\130. Dialog Ambient 04.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\131. Drakkar Shanty Loop GD.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\132. Flute Player Melody 01a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\133. Flute Player Melody 01b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\134. Flute Player Melody 02a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\135. Flute Player Melody 02b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\136. Flute Player Melody 02c.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\137. Flute Player Melody 03a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\138. Flute Player Melody 03b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\139. Flute Player Melody 04a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\140. Flute Player Melody 04b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\141. Flute Player Melody 05.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\142. Giant Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\143. Hunt Or Be Hunted Chasing (Edit Percussion).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\144. Isle Of Mists.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\145. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\146. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\147. Kaermorhen 01 Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\148. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Drums.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\149. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\150. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\151. Kaermorhen 01 Exploration Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\152. Love Theme.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\153. Love Theme Short Harp Only.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\154. Lute Anim Performance 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\155. Lute Anim Performance 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\156. Lute Anim Performance 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\157. Lute Anim Performance 04.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\158. Lute Anim Performance 05.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\159. Lute Anim Performance 06.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\160. Lute Anim Performance 07.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\161. Lute Anim Performance 08.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\162. Lute Anim Performance 09.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\163. Lute Anim Performance 10.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\164. Lute Anim Performance 11.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\165. Lute Anim Performance 12.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\166. Lute Anim Performance 13.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\167. Lute Anim Performance 14.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\168. Lute Dialog.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\169. Main Theme Credits.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\170. Main Theme Final Mixed 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\171. Main Theme Final Mixed 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\172. Main Themes Nilfgaard Emperor Theme.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\173. Main Menu Ep1 Credits Roll Edit.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\174. Main Menu Ep1 Theme.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\175. Main Menu Ep1 Theme Credits Usm Edit.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\176. No Man's Land - 01 Exploration With Percival.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\177. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\178. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\179. No Man's Land - 02 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\180. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Day 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\181. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Day 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\182. No Man's Land - 02 Exploration Night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\183. No Man's Land - 02 In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\184. No Man's Land - 02 In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\185. No Man's Land - 02 In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\186. No Man's Land - 02 Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\187. No Man's Land - 02 Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\188. No Man's Land - 02 Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\189. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\190. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\191. No Man's Land - 03 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\192. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\193. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\194. No Man's Land - 03 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\195. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\196. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\197. No Man's Land - 03 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\198. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\199. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\200. No Man's Land - 03 Exploration 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\201. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\202. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\203. No Man's Land - 04 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\204. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\205. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\206. No Man's Land - 04 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\207. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\208. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 02a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\209. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration 02b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\210. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration Night 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\211. No Man's Land - 04 Exploration Night i02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\212. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Intro Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\213. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Intro Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\214. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\215. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\216. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Loop Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\217. No Man's Land - 05 Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\218. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\219. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 02a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\220. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Intro 02b.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\221. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\222. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\223. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Loop 02a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\224. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration Night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\225. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration var2 001.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\226. No Man's Land - 05 Exploration var2 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\227. No Man's Land - 05 Witches Village Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\228. No Man's Land - 05 Witches Village Exploration With Rebec.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\229. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\230. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\231. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Day 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\232. No Man's Land - 06 Exploration Night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\233. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Intro Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\234. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Intro Layer 02 .ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\235. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\236. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\237. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Loop Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\238. No Man's Land - 07 Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\239. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\240. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\241. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\242. No Man's Land - 07 Exploration Night .ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\243. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\244. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\245. No Man's Land - 08 Combat 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\246. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Intro 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\247. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Intro 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\248. No Man's Land - 08 Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\249. No Man's Land - 08 Dramatic Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\250. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\251. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\252. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration int3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\253. No Man's Land - 08 Exploration night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\254. No Man's Land - 09 Narrative Calm Arranged All.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\255. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Intro .ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\256. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\257. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\258. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Layer 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\259. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\260. No Man's Land - 10 Ghost Forest Exploration (Mixed).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\261. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\262. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\263. No Man's Land - 11 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\264. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\265. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\266. No Man's Land - 11 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\267. No Man's Land - 11 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\268. No Man's Land - 11 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\269. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L1a.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\270. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\271. No Man's Land - 11 Exploration L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\272. Novigrad - 01 Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\273. Novigrad - 01 In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\274. Novigrad - 01 In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\275. Novigrad - 01 In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\276. Novigrad - 01 L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\277. Novigrad - 01 L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\278. Novigrad - 01 L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\279. Novigrad - 01 Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\280. Novigrad - 01 Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\281. Novigrad - 01 Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\282. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\283. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\284. Novigrad - 02 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\285. Novigrad - 02 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\286. Novigrad - 02 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\287. Novigrad - 02 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\288. Novigrad - 02 Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\289. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\290. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\291. Novigrad - 03 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\292. Novigrad - 03 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\293. Novigrad - 03 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\294. Novigrad - 03 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\295. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\296. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\297. Novigrad - 03 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\298. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\299. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L2 Vox.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\300. Novigrad - 03 Exploration A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\301. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\302. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L2 Vox.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\303. Novigrad - 03 Exploration B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\304. Novigrad - 04 Combat.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\305. Novigrad - 04 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\306. Novigrad - 04 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\307. Novigrad - 04 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\308. Novigrad - 04 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\309. Novigrad - 04 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\310. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\311. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\312. Novigrad - 04 Exploration 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\313. Novigrad - 04 Exploration Night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\314. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\315. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\316. Novigrad - 05 Combat in L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\317. Novigrad - 05 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\318. Novigrad - 05 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\319. Novigrad - 05 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\320. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\321. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\322. Novigrad - 05 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\323. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Day 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\324. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Day 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\325. Novigrad - 05 Exploration Night.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\326. Novigrad - 06 Tavern 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\327. Novigrad - 06 Tavern 01 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\328. Novigrad - 06 Tavern 03 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\329. Novigrad - 07 Narrative.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\330. Novigrad - 08 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\331. Novigrad - 08 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\332. Novigrad - 08 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\333. Novigrad - 08 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\334. Novigrad - 08 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\335. Novigrad - 08 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\336. Novigrad - 08 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\337. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\338. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\339. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\340. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\341. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\342. Novigrad - 08 Exploration Beggers B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\343. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\344. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\345. Novigrad - 09 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\346. Novigrad - 09 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\347. Novigrad - 09 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\348. Novigrad - 09 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\349. Novigrad - 09 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\350. Novigrad - 09 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\351. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\352. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\353. Novigrad - 09 Exploration A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\354. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\355. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\356. Novigrad - 09 Exploration B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\357. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme (NoChoirPerc, NoSoloVlnBrs).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\358. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme Str And WW.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\359. Novigrad - Inquisition Theme Strings.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\360. Novigrad - Sewers Combat Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\361. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\362. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\363. Novigrad - Sewers Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\364. Novigrad - Sewers Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\365. Novigrad - Sewers Exploration A.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\366. Novigrad - Sewers Exploration B.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\367. Prologue 02 Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\368. Prologue 03 Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\369. Prologue 04 Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\370. Prologue Village Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\371. Q001 Griffin Chase Short.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\372. Q001 Griffin Combat.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\373. Q001 Training.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\374. Q002 Geralt Talks To Emperor.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\375. Q002 Geralt Talks To Emperor (No Snare).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\376. Q002 Nilfgaardian Patrol Intro Nilfgaard.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\377. Q002 Nilfgaardian Patrol Yen Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\378. Q002 Yen In Palace.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\379. Q101 Talk With Survivor.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\380. Q102 Baron In His Chambers.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\381. Q103 Blood Ritual.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\382. Q103 Blood Ritual Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\383. Q103 Ciri saves Baron 01 Calm.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\384. Q103 Ciri Saves Baron 02 Main.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\385. Q103 Ciri Saves Baron 03 Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\386. Q103 Guslar After Ritual.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\387. Q103 Poroniec Main.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\388. Q103 Werewolf.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\389. Q104 Blizzard Calm.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\390. Q104 Blizzard Calm Drums Only.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\391. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\392. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\393. Q104 Blizzard Tense Segment 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\394. Q104 Boss In Last Room.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\395. Q104 See Wild Hunt.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\396. Q105 Gobelin Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\397. Q105 Gobelin Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\398. Q105 Gobelin Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\399. Q111 Ciri Replacer Combat.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\400. Q111 Ciri Replacer Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\401. Q111 Combat With Imlerith.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\402. Q111 Conversation With Imlerith.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\403. Q111 Final.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\404. Q201 Fist Fight Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\405. Q201 Fist Fight Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\406. Q201 Race Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\407. Q201 Race Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\408. Q201 Race Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\409. Q202 Ice Giant Bossfight Stage 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\410. Q202 Ice Giant Bossfight Stage 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\411. Q202 Main Theme Underscore.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\412. Q202 Syrens Call Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\413. Q203 Combat Him Sequence.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\414. Q203 Examine Elf Corpse.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\415. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\416. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\417. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\418. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\419. Q205 Ciri Replacer Wild Hunt Encounter Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\420. Q205 Necro Ritual.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\421. Q205 Replacer Astrid At Barn.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\422. Q205 Replacer Ciri Wakes Up.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\423. Q205 Replacer Ciri Wakes Up (No FLute).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\424. Q206 Halgrim Transforms Into Bear.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\425. Q210 Confrontation.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\426. Q210 Skjall Funeral.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\427. Q301 Dreamer Dreams Stage 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\428. Q301 Dreamer Dreams Stage 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\429. Q302 Assassins.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\430. Q302 Mafia Meeting.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\431. Q304 Luiza And Voorhis.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\432. Q309 Goodbye 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\433. Q309 Goodbye 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\434. Q309 Goodbye 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\435. Q310 Ciri Talks To The Lodge.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\436. Q401 Avallach Interrogation.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\437. Q401 Trial Of The Grasses.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\438. Q403 Council Dr.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\439. Q403 Council Gasle Theme.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\440. Q403 Council Gasle Theme Accompaniment.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\441. Q403 Council Str.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\442. Q501 Combat With Canaris.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\443. Q501 Eredin Fight.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\444. Q601 04 Meeting Shani.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\445. Q601 Immortal Dialog.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\446. Q601 Immortal Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\447. Q601 Mr Mirror 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\448. Q601 Mr Mirror 01 Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\449. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Calm.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\450. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\451. Q601 Mr Mirror 02 Tense.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\452. Q601 Olgierd Combat.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\453. Q602 17 Wedding Finale Man Of Glass Dialog.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\454. Q602 17 Wedding Finale Man Of Glass Dialog Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\455. Q603 05 Mystery Man Returns.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\456. Q603 05 Mystery Man Returns Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\457. Q603 06 Heist Plan Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\458. Q603 06 Heist Plan Part 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\459. Q603 06 Heist Plan Part 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\460. Q603 06 Heist Plan Transition To.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\461. Q603 13 Ground Floor Reached.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\462. Q603 Auction House Combat Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\463. Q604 10 Study Fire Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\464. Q604 10 Study Fire Transition Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\465. Q604 Bury Iris Remains 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\466. Q604 Bury Iris Remains 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\467. Q604 Ethereals Combat Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\468. Q605 01 Mirror In Oxenfurt Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\469. Q605 01 Mirror In Oxenfurt Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\470. Q605 04 Temple Meeting Iris Dialogue.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\471. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Br.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\472. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 De.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\473. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 En.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\474. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Fr.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\475. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Jp.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\476. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Pl.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\477. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 01 Ru.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\478. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 02 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\479. Q605 Final Confrontation Stage 02 Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\480. Q605 Final Standoff 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\481. Q605 Final Standoff 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\482. Q605 Final Standoff 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\483. Sex After.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\484. Sex Do var 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\485. Sex Do var 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\486. Sex Do var 03.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\487. Sex Pre var 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\488. Sex Pre var 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\489. Skellige - Intro Demo.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\490. Skellige - 01 Combat Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\491. Skellige - 07 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\492. Skellige - 07 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\493. Skellige - 07 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\494. Skellige - 07 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\495. Skellige - 07 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\496. Skellige - 07 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\497. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\498. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\499. Skellige - 07 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\500. Skellige - 07 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\501. Skellige - 07 Exploration 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\502. Skellige - 08 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\503. Skellige - 08 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\504. Skellige - 08 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\505. Skellige - 08 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\506. Skellige - 08 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\507. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\508. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\509. Skellige - 08 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\510. Skellige - 08 exploration int1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\511. Skellige - 08 exploration int2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\512. Skellige - 11 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\513. Skellige - 11 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\514. Skellige - 11 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\515. Skellige - 11 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\516. Skellige - 11 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\517. Skellige - 11 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\518. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\519. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\520. Skellige - 11 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\521. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\522. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\523. Skellige - 11 Exploration A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\524. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\525. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\526. Skellige - 11 Exploration B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\527. Skellige - 11 Tavern 01 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\528. Skellige - 11 Tavern 01 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\529. Skellige - 11 Tavern 02 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\530. Skellige - 11 Tavern 03 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\531. Skellige - 11 Tavern 04 Arranged.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\532. Skellige - 12 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\533. Skellige - 12 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\534. Skellige - 12 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\535. Skellige - 12 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\536. Skellige - 12 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\537. Skellige - 12 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\538. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\539. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\540. Skellige - 12 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\541. Skellige - 13 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\542. Skellige - 13 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\543. Skellige - 13 Combat In L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\544. Skellige - 13 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\545. Skellige - 13 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\546. Skellige - 13 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\547. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\548. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\549. Skellige - 13 Combat Out L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\550. Skellige - 13 Exploration L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\551. Skellige - 13 Exploration L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\552. Skellige - 13 Exploration L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\553. Skellige - 13 Exploration PadsMix.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\554. Skellige - 14 Combat In L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\555. Skellige - 14 Combat In L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\556. Skellige - 14 Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\557. Skellige - 14 Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\558. Skellige - 14 Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\559. Skellige - 14 Combat Out L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\560. Skellige - 14 Combat Out L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\561. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\562. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\563. Skellige - 14 Exploration A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\564. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\565. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\566. Skellige - 14 Exploration B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\567. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\568. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\569. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\570. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\571. Skellige - 16 Freyas Garden Combat Outro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\572. Skellige - 16 freyas garden Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\573. Skellige - Bossfight Ending.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\574. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 01 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\575. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 01 Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\576. Skellige - Bossfight Intensity 02 Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\577. Skellige - Caves Exploration.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\578. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\579. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\580. Skellige - Exploration 12 A L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\581. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\582. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\583. Skellige - Exploration 12 B L3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\584. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\585. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\586. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\587. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 01 v3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\588. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\589. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\590. Skellige - Ice Giand Island Combat Layer 02 v3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\591. Skellige - Ice Giant Exploration Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\592. Skellige - Ice Giant Exploration Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\593. Skellige - Leshy Accepts Offering.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\594. Skellige - Leshy Appears.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\595. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-0 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\596. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\597. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\598. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\599. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-4.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\600. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-5.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\601. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-6.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\602. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-7.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\603. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-8.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\604. Skellige - Monster Hunting 01-9.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\605. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-0 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\606. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\607. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\608. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\609. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-4.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\610. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-5.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\611. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-6.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\612. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-7.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\613. Skellige - Monster Hunting 02-9.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\614. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-0 Intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\615. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\616. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\617. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\618. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-4.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\619. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-5.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\620. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-6.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\621. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-7.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\622. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-8.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\623. Skellige - Monster Hunting 03-9.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\624. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Ending.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\625. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\626. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\627. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\628. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\629. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v4.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\630. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 01 v5.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\631. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 intro.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\632. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v1.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\633. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v2.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\634. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v3.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\635. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v4.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\636. Skellige - Monster Hunting Combat Layer 02 v5.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\637. Skellige - Mood Music Drama 02 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\638. Skellige - Mood Music Drama 02 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\639. Skellige - Tavern Mini Games Main Loop.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\640. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\641. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\642. Skellige Ard - Skellig Settlements Exploration Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\643. Skellige Ard - Skellig Settlements Exploration Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\644. Skellige Ard - Skellig To Settlements Transition.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\645. Spiral 01 Combat Stem.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\646. Spiral 01 Exploration 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\647. Spiral 01 Exploration 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\648. The Urn Full Of Sorrows (No Flute).ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\649. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer 01.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\650. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer 02.ogg
.\The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone (GameRip Soundtrack) (2015) [OGG]\651. Wyzima 01 Exploration Layer Default.ogg
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Реоркс 1

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

Реоркс 1 · 22-Июн-15 20:22 (спустя 1 день 21 час)

Дык, оно понимаем мы... Можно было бы перекодировать, но всё ж и так наше вам уважение и благодарность!
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 12

jilter · 25-Июн-15 06:06 (спустя 2 дня 9 часов)

Нет нельзя было бы. Прочитайте статью про сжатие данных с потерями.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

truewhiskas · 30-Июн-15 12:07 (спустя 5 дней)

огромное спасибо автору, уж среди 600 треков я то теперь найду что искал, а то все осты перегуглил не было того что надо
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 253

Emilcrescent · 06-Июл-15 13:57 (спустя 6 дней)

и как его теперь перевести в мр3? хочется же нормально на плеере слушать без потери качества. Закиньте прогу сюда, кому не сложно
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1565

Orion33 · 06-Июл-15 23:34 (спустя 9 часов)

Без потери качества не получится. Конвертировать можно с помощью фубара или xrecode.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Admin gray

Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 19846

kasatkal · 20-Июл-15 15:45 (спустя 13 дней)

- Файлы в раздаче необходимо пронумеровать используя трехзначные числа, для правильной сортировки.
3.1.3 Название файла трека должно содержать номер трека по порядку на диске и название трека, через любой разделитель и только в этом порядке:
примеры правильных вариантов: "01 - Название","01. Название""01 Название";
Например, 01 - Niebo.mp3

Исправьте, пожалуйста.
- для получения статуса "проверено" неофициального саундтрека, в оформлении раздачи необходимо привести отчет программы Audiotester. Программа позволяет определить битые файлы, недокачанные или поврежденные чем-либо. Инструкция по использованию находится здесь. А также подтвердить треклист ссылкой на официальный источник.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 18

irakli_chopin · 14-Окт-15 15:53 (спустя 2 месяца 25 дней)

Thank you very much! I didn't expect to find this anywhere.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 3

AbabaOdoru · 18-Окт-15 17:57 (спустя 4 дня)

Отличная раздача! Планируете ли добавлять в нее дорожки из дополнения "Каменные сердца"?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 51

bob900 · 15-Ноя-15 21:50 (спустя 28 дней, ред. 15-Ноя-15 23:58)

К сожалению здесь нет той красивой мелодии, что играет на Скеллиге. Точнее она есть, но в другой аранжировке.
Вот эта тема - 591. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 02
Очень странно, ведь это же gamerip.
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Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

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Orion33 · 15-Ноя-15 23:59 (спустя 2 часа 8 мин.)

AbabaOdoru писал(а):
69007870Планируете ли добавлять в нее дорожки из дополнения "Каменные сердца"?
Да, планируется. Скоро сделаю.
bob900 писал(а):
69275243К сожалению здесь нет той красивой мелодии
Как говорится, мопэд не мой...
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Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 5

Ars99 · 22-Ноя-15 06:04 (спустя 6 дней, ред. 22-Ноя-15 06:04)

bob900 писал(а):
69275243К сожалению здесь нет той красивой мелодии, что играет на Скеллиге. Точнее она есть, но в другой аранжировке.
Вот эта тема - 591. Skellige Ard - Skellig Exploration Layer 02
Очень странно, ведь это же gamerip.
Я так понимаю это не другая аранжировка, а одна из двух звуковых дорожек этого трека. Для полноценного воспроизведения нужно смешать с Layer 01. Поправьте, если ошибаюсь, если нет, подскажите какой прогой мешать дорожки
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Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1565

Orion33 · 12-Дек-15 18:49 (спустя 20 дней)

Добавлена музыка из дополнения "Hearts of Stone", удалены повторы, список перенумерован.
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 14

Titys · 06-Янв-16 11:16 (спустя 24 дня)

Оксенфурта и белого сада нету
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

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wzg45 · 18-Янв-16 04:29 (спустя 11 дней)

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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 37

litvik123456 · 05-Май-16 22:04 (спустя 3 месяца 18 дней)

Нет мелодии которую исполняют в новиграде музыканты в тавернах и на улицах, медленная романтичная такая.
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Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 50

byExit · 09-Май-16 23:23 (спустя 4 дня, ред. 09-Май-16 23:23)

правильно понимаешь, вообще там смешивать большую часть дорожек нужно для получения полноценных треков, я мешаю в фл-ке, привык к ней просто, а так можно мешать во многих аудио редакторах.
мешать автоматизироваными способами не рекомендую, все треки лучше вручную перебирать, т.к. треки поделены не только на слои, но и на фрагменты (первая, вторая часть), один трек может состоять из более чем десятка фрагментов
Оксенфурт - novigrad - 03 Exploration (все 6 слоев - это один трек)
Белый Сад - Prologue Village Exploration
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Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 127

Blaster1993 · 16-Июл-16 16:52 (спустя 2 месяца 6 дней, ред. 16-Июл-16 16:52)

не могу найти трек, который играет когда скачешь на лошади на ужин с Кейрой Мец. помогите люди добрые
все нашел Novigrad - 07 Narrative. правда мне кажется она все-таки немного другая, но все равно шикарная
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Стаж: 10 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 3

darkold · 29-Сен-16 18:57 (спустя 2 месяца 13 дней)

Будет ли из крови и вино саундтреки?
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Стаж: 11 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 17

George_Smith · 29-Окт-16 13:08 (спустя 29 дней, ред. 29-Окт-16 13:08)

А можете подсказать два трека?
Первый трек играет в загрузочном ролике. В том, где Лютик рассказывает о том, что Цири попала в лапы Ведьмам с топей и они колеблются, сожрать или сдать Дикой охоте. Так на скрипке фоном играют.
Второй трек,это когда Ворожею находишь козу и приносишь крысу, во время ворожбы.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 213

12111989 · 06-Ноя-16 11:38 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 10-Ноя-16 01:16)

ох, оказывается тут треки поделены на слои, удивился когда Ard Skellige аж 2 слоя было - музыка и вокал) так вот такие треки надо лепить в адобе аудишен, и приятно удивлен что ogg треки имеюткачество в 400 килобит\сек, тоестьпри соединении 2 ьтреков будет очень даже ничего качество! только очень много соединять надо и работы ого-го, и тут баланс звучания нужен вокала и самой музыки,а это сначало надо прослушать, сбалансировать и опять слушать... ох это очень много работы....
И еще в официальных выпусках очень не хватает амбиентной музыки, она тут действительно хороша!!!
я так понял это вскрытый архив игровой, а чо не вскрыли мультиязычную версию? там песня присциллы польская только...
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 51

bob900 · 21-Ноя-16 23:58 (спустя 15 дней)

darkold писал(а):
71508976Будет ли из крови и вино саундтреки?
Присоединяюсь к вопросу.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 213

12111989 · 23-Фев-17 20:10 (спустя 3 месяца 1 день, ред. 04-Янв-19 21:20)

Blaster1993 писал(а):
71063273не могу найти трек, который играет когда скачешь на лошади на ужин с Кейрой Мец. помогите люди добрые
все нашел Novigrad - 07 Narrative. правда мне кажется она все-таки немного другая, но все равно шикарная
The Witcher 3 - Narrative [HQ.16bit] [Extended_1] вот запилил расширенную версию.
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Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 50

byExit · 25-Фев-17 00:33 (спустя 1 день 4 часа, ред. 25-Фев-17 00:33)

расшириные версии это круто конечно, но я напр. пилю не так немного, как бы стараюсь не использовать повторы, но при этом связывать в 1 трек все фрагменты, которые по логике идут с одной темы, сложно все это короче =)
мой пример: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6HmfO5U89COQnlXSm5yQ2s5RDg
UPD: По пооду Присциллы - я сам перебирал архивы и тоже самое нашел, что и в раздаче, хз, она мб зашита в файлы локализации, но они не так вскрываются, там 100500 (дофига короче) мелких файлов с фразами и нет длинных фрагментов. Сам хочу знать, откуда надо тащить ее.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 213

12111989 · 25-Фев-17 00:48 (спустя 14 мин., ред. 25-Фев-17 00:48)

byExit писал(а):
расшириные версии это круто конечно, но я напр. пилю не так немного, как бы стараюсь не использовать повторы, но при этом связывать в 1 трек все фрагменты, которые по логике идут с одной темы, сложно все это короче =)
мой пример: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6HmfO5U89COQnlXSm5yQ2s5RDg
UPD: По пооду Присциллы - я сам перебирал архивы и тоже самое нашел, что и в раздаче, хз, она мб зашита в файлы локализации, но они не так вскрываются, там 100500 (дофига короче) мелких файлов с фразами и нет длинных фрагментов. Сам хочу знать, откуда надо тащить ее.
Ну я расширял в адобе аудишен, самые такие интересные места, там не просто повтор, а +время проигрывания основной темы без сбивки ритма и явных склеек...ну без копипасты конечно не обойтись,яж не музкант) а трек посмотрю, заценю). Да клево ты сделал с треком)
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Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 5

Ars99 · 27-Фев-17 00:32 (спустя 1 день 23 часа, ред. 27-Фев-17 00:32)

Уважаемые, а не мог бы кто из вас поделиться своими трудами из этого рипа? Рассыпался мой винт, а вместе с ним и вся эта музыка, которую я так долго клеил из фрагментов и слоев:(
Наверняка уже многие тоже все треки поклеили. Буду очень признателен.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 213

12111989 · 28-Фев-17 11:39 (спустя 1 день 11 часов, ред. 04-Янв-19 21:22)

Ars99 писал(а):
72575417Уважаемые, а не мог бы кто из вас поделиться своими трудами из этого рипа? Рассыпался мой винт, а вместе с ним и вся эта музыка, которую я так долго клеил из фрагментов и слоев:(
Наверняка уже многие тоже все треки поклеили. Буду очень признателен.
Ятоже ищу кто поклеил все это, а зря что не поделились в свое время,теперь вот и ваши старания коту под хвост.
Насчет формата аудио в самой игре неясно, но автор рипа указал что он хотелбы все это сриповать в wav формате,чтобы потом без потерь пережать в нужные, но из инструментов для рипа было в распоряжении только то что умело выдирать в ogg формат... Но в общем и целом непонятно...
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Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 50

byExit · 01-Мар-17 11:52 (спустя 1 день, ред. 01-Мар-17 11:52)

Ятоже ищу кто поклеил все это, а зря что не поделились в свое время,теперь вот и ваши старания коту под хвост.
Я еще не доклеил многое, да и клею я своеобразно, микшируя и сводя некоторые темы в одно целое, даже не знаю, насколько корректно и правильно делать более расшириные версии некоторых тем, стоило ли вообще заморачиваться с выравниванием громкости и лезть в мастеринг, я то делеко не про в этом деле)
давайте так, есть завершенный саунд из аддонов: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6HmfO5U89COUTU4cjlJUE5QaFk/view?usp=sharing
отпишитесь - как вам, что не так и т. д., над саундом из основной игры еще нужно поковоряться, если "зайдет", скину со временем основную часть, мб добавлю еще саунд из "гвинта" - того что отдельная игра в бете
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