Big Fish Audio - Urban Guitar Suite Vol.1 (KONTAKT)

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Гость · 01-Янв-15 17:26 (10 лет 2 месяца назад, ред. 01-Янв-15 17:29)

Urban Guitar Suite Vol.1
Издатель: Big Fish Audio
Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Описание: Urban Guitar Suite Volume 1 это свежая гитарная библиотека, которая охватывает тонны музыкальных тем. Эта обширная коллекция комплектов включает 4 различных жанра, в том числе Funk, Retro, RnB и Rock и содержит 20 комплектов с отлично записанными универсальными лупами гитары, басов, и ударных, которые могут использоваться в любых Funk, Rock, RnB или Retro проектах.
• You must have a FULL version of Kontakt4/5 to use this product.
• 2.6 GB of content
• 502 Total Kontakt Patches
• 1 Demo Patch
• 40 Kit Combo Patches
• 443 Sliced Loops Patches
• 18 Single Instrument Patches
Дополнительная информация
This product is part of Big Fish Audio's KLI series, which includes a custom Kontakt interface. The Kontakt format features patches of each loop. Customize each loop with the "sliced loops" patches. The Sliced Loop patches lay out each individual slice of a loop across the keyboard, making it easy to create new and original custom parts. The "Kit Combos" allow you to arrange full construction kits quickly and easily with a custom mixer and a host of included FX. Create, arrange, tweak, and mix all within the Kontakt format.
The KLI version of this product comes in both Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 versions. For those with the full version of Kontakt 5, take advantage of the new high quality and extremely flexible new time stretching algorithm as well as a bunch of new included FX.
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