[Ïàòîëîãè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèîëîãèÿ] S. Silbernagl, F. Lang - Color Atlas of Pathophysiology / öâåòíîé àòëàñ ïàòîëîãè÷åñêîé ôèçèîëîãèè [2000, PDF, ENG]

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zombie8 · 31-Àâã-14 14:43 (9 ëåò 10 ìåñÿöåâ íàçàä, ðåä. 31-Àâã-14 14:55)

Color Atlas of Pathophysiology
Íàçâàíèå êíèãè íà ðóññêîì ÿçûêå: öâåòíîé àòëàñ ïàòîëîãè÷åñêîé ôèçèîëîãèè
Ãîä âûïóñêà: 2000 ã.
Àâòîð: S. Silbernagl, F. Lang
Ïåðåâîä÷èê: Gerald R. Graham
Æàíð: ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå
Ñïåöèàëüíîñòü/ðàçäåë ìåäèöèíû: Ïàòîëîãè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèîëîãèÿ
Èçäàòåëüñòâî: Thieme Publishing Group
ISBN: 3131165510, 978-3131165510
ßçûê ìåä-êíèãè : Àíãëèéñêèé
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 416
Ôîðìàò: PDF
Êà÷åñòâî: Èçíà÷àëüíî êîìïüþòåðíîå (eBook)
Îïèñàíèå: Öâåòíîé àòëàñ ïàòîëîãè÷åñêîé ôèçèîëîãèè îò èçâåñòíûõ íåìåöêèõ àâòîðîâ, â ïåðåâîäå íà àíãëèéñêèé.
Äîï. èíôîðìàöèÿ: Books on pathophysiology tend to specialize in a certain field such as endocrine or cardiovascular pathophysiology. This is the only pocket atlas that treats aspects of pathophysiology for all important disorders. The book's organization gives the reader quick access to the informative texts and the 181 comprehensive and clear color images. Informative images show the causal relationships between disturbances of physiological processes and the resulting malfunction and illness.This flexi is designed both as a reference both for the student preparing for exams and the trained physician wishing to update his knowledge on pathophysiology.
1. Fundamentals - S. Silbernagl and F. Lang 2
Cell Growth and Cell Adaptation … 2
Abnormalities of Intracellular Signal Transmission … 6
Necrotic Cell Death … 10
Apoptotic Cell Death … 12
Development of Tumor Cells … 14
Effects of Tumors … 16
Aging and Life Expectancy … 18
2. Temperature, Energy - S. Silbernagl 20
Fever … 20
Hyperthermia, Heat Injuries … 22
Hypothermia, Cold Injury … 24
Obesity, Eating Disorders … 26
3. Blood - S. Silbernagl 28
Overview … 28
Erythrocytes … 30
Erythropoiesis, Anemia … 30
Erythrocyte Turnover: Abnormalities, Compensation, and Diagnosis … 32
Megaloblastic Anemia Due to Abnormalities in DNA Synthesis … 34
Anemias Due to Disorders of Hemoglobin Synthesis … 36
Iron Deficiency Anemias … 38
Hemolytic Anemias … 40
Immune Defense … 42
Inflammation … 48
Hypersensitivity Reactions (Allergies) … 52
Autoimmune Diseases … 56
Immune Defects … 58
Hemostasis and its Disorders … 60
4. Respiration, Acid–Base Balance - F. Lang 66
Overview … 66
Ventilation, Perfusion … 68
Diffusion Abnormalities … 70
Distribution Abnormalities … 72
Restrictive Lung Disease … 74
Obstructive Lung Disease … 76
Pulmonary Emphysema … 78
Pulmonary Edema … 80
Pathophysiology of Breathing Regulation … 82
Hypoxia and Hyperoxia … 84
Development of Alkalosis … 86
Development of Acidosis … 88
Effects of Acidosis and Alkalosis … 90
5. Kidney, Salt andWater Balance - F. Lang 92
Overview … 92
Abnormalities of Renal Excretion … 94
Pathophysiology of Renal Transport Processes … 96
Abnormalities of Urinary Concentration … 100
Abnormalities of Glomerular Function … 102
Disorders of Glomerular Permselectivity, Nephrotic Syndrome … 104
Interstitial Nephritis … 106
Acute Renal Failure … 108
Chronic Renal Failure … 110
Renal Hypertension … 114
Kidney Disease in Pregnancy … 116
Hepatorenal Syndrome … 118
Urolithiasis … 120
Disorders ofWater and Salt Balance … 122
Abnormalities of Potassium Balance … 124
Abnormalities of Magnesium Balance … 126
Abnormalities of Calcium Balance … 128
Abnormalities of Phosphate Balance … 130
Pathophysiology of Bone … 132
6. Stomach, Intestines, Liver - S. Silbernagl 134
Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract … 134
Esophagus … 136
Nausea and Vomiting … 140
Gastritis … 142
Ulcer … 144
Disorders After Stomach Surgery … 148
Diarrhea … 150
Maldigestion and Malabsorption … 152
Constipation and (Pseudo-)Obstruction … 156
Acute Pancreatitis … 158
Chronic Pancreatitis … 160
Cystic Fibrosis … 162
Gallstone Disease (Cholelithiasis) … 164
Jaundice (Icterus) … 168
Cholestasis … 168
Portal Hypertension … 170
Fibrosis and Cirrhosis of the Liver … 172
Liver Failure … 174
7. Heart and Circulation - S. Silbernagl 176
Overview … 176
Phases of Cardiac Action (Cardiac Cycle) … 178
Origin and Spread of Excitation in the Heart … 180
The Electrocardiogram (ECG) … 184
Abnormalities of Cardiac Rhythm … 186
Mitral Stenosis … 194
Mitral Regurgitation … 196
Aortic Stenosis … 198
Aortic Regurgitation … 200
Defects of the Tricuspid and Pulmonary Valves … 202
Circulatory Shunts … 202
Arterial Blood Pressure and its Measurement … 206
Hypertension … 208
Pulmonary Hypertension … 214
Coronary Circulation … 216
Coronary Heart Disease … 218
Myocardial Infarction … 220
Heart Failure … 224
Pericardial Diseases … 228
Circulatory Shock … 230
Edemas … 234
Atherosclerosis … 236
Nonatherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Diseases … 240
Venous Disease … 240
8. Metabolism - S. Silbernagl 242
Overview … 242
Amino Acids … 242
Carbohydrates … 244
Lipidoses … 244
Abnormalities of Lipoprotein Metabolism … 246
Gout … 250
Hemochromatosis … 252
Wilson’s Disease … 252
Heme Synthesis, Porphyrias … 254
9. Hormones - F. Lang 256
General Pathophysiology of Hormones … 256
Abnormalities of Endocrinal Regulatory Circuit … 258
The Antidiuretic Hormone … 260
Prolactin … 260
Somatotropin … 262
Adrenocortical Hormones: Enzyme Defects in Formation … 264
Adrenocorticoid Hormones: Causes of Abnormal Release … 266
Excess Adrenocorticoid Hormones: Cushing’s Disease … 268
Deficiency of Adrenocorticoid Hormones: Addison’s Disease … 270
Causes and Effects of Androgen Excess and Deficiency … 272
Release of Female Sex Hormones … 274
Effects of Female Sex Hormones … 276
Intersexuality … 278
Causes of Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and Goitre … 280
Effects and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism … 282
Effects and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism … 284
Causes of Diabetes Mellitus … 286
Acute Effects of Insulin Deficiency (Diabetes Mellitus) … 288
Late Complications of Prolonged Hyperglycemia (Diabetes Mellitus) … 290
Hyperinsulinism, Hypoglycemia … 292
Histamine, Bradykinin, and Serotonin … 294
Eicosanoids … 296
10. Neuromuscular and Sensory Systems - F. Lang 298
Overview … 298
Pathophysiology of Nerve Cells … 300
Demyelination … 302
Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission … 304
Diseases of the Motor Unit and Muscles … 306
Diagnosis of Motor Unit Diseases … 308
Lesions of the Descending Motor Tracts … 310
Diseases of the Basal Ganglia … 312
Lesions of the Cerebellum … 316
Abnormalities of the Sensory System … 318
Pain … 320
Diseases of the Optical Apparatus of the Eye … 322
Diseases of the Retina … 324
Visual Pathway and Processing of Visual Information … 326
Hearing Impairment … 328
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System … 332
Lesions of the Hypothalamus … 334
The Electroencephalogram (EEG) … 336
Epilepsy … 338
Sleep Disorders … 340
Consciousness … 342
Aphasias … 344
Disorders of Memory … 346
Alzheimer’s Disease … 348
Depression … 350
Schizophrenia … 352
Dependence, Addiction … 354
Cerebrospinal Fluid, Blood-Brain Barrier … 356
Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure, Cerebral Edema … 358
Disorders of Cerebral Blood Flow, Stroke … 360
Literature 362
Index 365
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