For Dummies - Mark L. Chambers - MacBook For Dummies [2012, EPUB, ENG]

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Alex Mill

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Alex Mill · 19-Окт-13 08:16 (11 лет 4 месяца назад)

MacBook For Dummies
Год: 2012
Автор: Mark L. Chambers
Жанр: ноутбуки
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-118-20920-2
Серия: For Dummies
Язык: Английский
Формат: EPUB
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 327
Описание: Get more out of your MacBook with the help of this savvy and easy Dummies guide
Lighter, faster, and way cooler, the new MacBooks put the power of a desktop into your hands anywhere. Mac expert Mark Chambers shows you how to personalize your Desktop, stay connected while on the road, make movies with iMovie, create and share photos and videos, compose your own music with GarageBand, build a website with iWeb, and much more.
Packed with coverage of the latest MacBook hardware including the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro plus OS X Mountain Lion, iCloud, iLife, and iWork, this new edition is completely revised and updated to let you in on all the secrets of the magnificent MacBook.
Features updated coverage of the latest MacBook devices, OS X Mountain Lion, iCloud, iLife, and iWork
Shows how to navigate with Mission Control and LaunchPad, sync everything with iCloud, and add some apps to your desktop experience
Explains how to customize the dock and desktop; connect from the road; take your music mobile; use iWeb, iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand; and get to work the Mac way with the iWork productivity suite
Gets readers acquainted with Multi-Touch gestures, Mail, and the Mac App Store
MacBook For Dummies, 4th Edition helps you make friends with your MacBook the fun and easy way!
Узнайте как использовать MacBook и OS X.
Примеры страниц
Introduction 1
Part I: Tie Myself Down with a Desktop? Preposterous! 9
Chapter 1: Hey, It Really Does Have Everything I Need 11
Chapter 2: Turning On Your Portable Powerhouse 35
Chapter 3: The Laptop Owner’s Introduction to OS X 47
Part II: Shaking Hands with OS X 57
Chapter 4: Opening and Closing and Tapping and Such 59
Chapter 5: Getting to the Heart of Mountain Lion 81
Chapter 6: A Nerd’s Guide to System Preferences 97
Chapter 7: Sifting through Your Stuff 115
Chapter 8: Using Reminders, Notes, and Notifications 127
Part III: Connecting and Communicating 135
Chapter 9: Let’s Go on Safari! 137
Chapter 10: iCloud Is Made for MacBooks 155
Chapter 11: Your Laptop Goes Multiuser 161
Chapter 12: Working Well with Networks 181
Chapter 13: Spreading the Word with Messages and FaceTime 201
Part IV: Living the iLife 219
Chapter 14: The Multimedia Joy of iTunes 221
Chapter 15: The Masterpiece That Is iPhoto 247
Chapter 16: Making Film History with iMovie 271
Chapter 17: Recording Your Hits with GarageBand 293
Part V: Getting Productive with iWork 315
Chapter 18: Desktop Publishing with Pages 317
Chapter 19: Creating Spreadsheets with Numbers 331
Chapter 20: Building Presentations with Keynote 347
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