John Boxall - Arduino Workshop [2013, PDF/EPUB, ENG]

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kathleen1 · 15-Июн-13 20:44 (11 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 15-Июн-13 20:48)

Arduino Workshop
A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects
Год: 2013
Автор: John Boxall
Издательство: No Starch Press
ISBN: 978-1-59327-448-1
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF/EPUB
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 392
Описание: Learn the Basics, Build the Projects, Create Your OwnThe Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. With an almost unlimited range of input and output add-ons, sensors, indicators, displays, motors, and more, the Arduino offers you countless ways to create devices that interact with the world around you.In Arduino Workshop, you'll learn how these add-ons work and how to integrate them into your own projects. You'll start off with an overview of the Arduino system but quickly move on to coverage of various electronic components and concepts. Hands-on projects throughout the book reinforce what you've learned and show you how to apply that knowledge. As your understanding grows, the projects increase in complexity and sophistication.Among the book's 65 projects are useful devices like:
  1. A digital thermometer that charts temperature changes on an LCD
  2. A GPS logger that records data from your travels, which can be displayed on Google Maps
  3. A handy tester that lets you check the voltage of any single-cell battery
  4. A keypad-controlled lock that requires a secret code to open
You'll also learn to build Arduino toys and games like:
  1. An electronic version of the classic six-sided die
  2. A binary quiz game that challenges your number conversion skills
  3. A motorized remote control tank with collision detection to keep it from crashing
Arduino Workshop will teach you the tricks and design principles of a master craftsman. Whatever your skill level, you'll have fun as you learn to harness the power of the Arduino for your own DIY projects.
Примеры страниц
Chapter 1 Getting Started
The Possibilities Are Endless
Strength in Numbers
Parts and Accessories
Required Software
Looking Ahead
Chapter 2 Exploring the Arduino Board and the IDE
The Arduino Board
Taking a Look Around the IDE
Creating Your First Sketch in the IDE
Looking Ahead
Chapter 3 First Steps
Planning Your Projects
About Electricity
Electronic Components
Project #1: Creating a Blinking LED Wave
Using Variables
Project #2: Repeating with for Loops
Varying LED Brightness with Pulse-Width Modulation
Project #3: Demonstrating PWM
More Electric Components
Higher-Voltage Circuits
Looking Ahead
Chapter 4 Building Blocks
Using Schematic Diagrams
The Capacitor
Digital Inputs
Project #4: Demonstrating a Digital Input
Boolean Variables
Project #5: Controlling Traffic
Analog vs. Digital Signals
Project #6: Creating a Single-Cell Battery Tester
Doing Arithmetic with an Arduino
Improving Analog Measurement Precision with a Reference Voltage
The Variable Resistor
Piezoelectric Buzzers
Project #7: Trying Out a Piezo Buzzer
Project #8: Creating a Quick-Read Thermometer
Looking Ahead
Chapter 5 Working with Functions
Project #9: Creating a Function to Repeat an Action
Project #10: Creating a Function to Set the Number of Blinks
Creating a Function to Return a Value
Project #11: Creating a Quick-Read Thermometer That Blinks the Temperature
Displaying Data from the Arduino in the Serial Monitor
Project #12: Displaying the Temperature in the Serial Monitor
Making Decisions with while Statements
Sending Data from the Serial Monitor to the Arduino
Project #13: Multiplying a Number by Two
long Variables
Project #14: Using long Variables
Looking Ahead
Chapter 6 Numbers, Variables, and Arithmetic
Generating Random Numbers
Project #15: Creating an Electronic Die
A Quick Course in Binary
Increasing Digital Outputs with Shift Registers
Project #16: Creating an LED Binary Number Display
Project #17: Making a Binary Quiz Game
Seven-Segment LED Displays
Project #18: Creating a Single-Digit Display
Project #19: Controlling Two Seven-Segment LED Display Modules
Project #20: Creating a Digital Thermometer
LED Matrix Display Modules
Bitwise Arithmetic
Project #21: Creating an LED Matrix
Project #22: Creating Images on an LED Matrix
Project #23: Displaying an Image on an LED Matrix
Project #24: Animating an LED Matrix
Looking Ahead
Chapter 7 Liquid Crystal Displays
Character LCD Modules
Project #25: Defining Custom Characters
Graphic LCD Modules
Project #26: Seeing the Text Functions in Action
Project #27: Creating a Temperature History Monitor
Looking Ahead
Chapter 8 Expanding Your Arduino
Project #28: Creating a Custom Shield with Eight LEDs
Expanding Sketches with Libraries
MicroSD Memory Cards
Project #29: Writing Data to the Memory Card
Project #30: Creating a Temperature-Logging Device
Timing Applications with millis() and micros()
Project #31: Creating a Stopwatch
Project #32: Using Interrupts
Looking Ahead
Chapter 9 Numeric Keypads
Using a Numeric Keypad
Making Decisions with switch-case
Project #33: Creating a Keypad-Controlled Lock
Looking Ahead
Chapter 10 Accepting User Input with Touchscreens
Project #34: Addressing Areas on the Touchscreen
Project #35: Creating a Two-Zone On/Off Touch Switch
Project #36: Creating a Three-Zone Touch Switch
Looking Ahead
Chapter 11 Meet the Arduino Family
Project #37: Creating Your Own Breadboard Arduino
The Many Arduino Boards
Looking Ahead
Chapter 12 Motors and Movement
Making Small Motions with Servos
Project #38: Building an Analog Thermometer
Using Electric Motors
Project #39: Controlling the Motor
Project #40: Building and Controlling a Tank Robot
Sensing Collisions
Project #41: Detecting Tank Bot Collisions with a Microswitch
Infrared Distance Sensors
Project #42: Detecting Tank Bot Collisions with IR Distance Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Sensors
Project #43: Detecting Tank Bot Collisions with an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Looking Ahead
Chapter 13 Using GPS with Your Arduino
What Is GPS?
Testing the GPS Shield
Project #44: Creating a Simple GPS Receiver
Project #45: Creating an Accurate GPS-based Clock
Project #46: Recording the Position of a Moving Object over Time
Looking Ahead
Chapter 14 Wireless Data
Using Low-cost Wireless Modules
Project #47: Creating a Wireless Remote Control
Using XBee Wireless Data Modules for Greater Range and Faster Speed
Project #48: Transmitting Data with an XBee
Project #49: Building a Remote Control Thermometer
Looking Ahead
Chapter 15 Infrared Remote Control
What Is Infrared?
Setting Up for Infrared
Project #50: Creating an IR Remote Control Arduino
Project #51: Creating an IR Remote Control Tank
Looking Ahead
Chapter 16 Reading RFID Tags
Inside RFID Devices
Testing the Hardware
Project #52: Creating a Simple RFID Control System
Storing Data in the Arduino’s Built-in EEPROM
Project #53: Creating an RFID Control with “Last Action” Memory
Looking Ahead
Chapter 17 Data Buses
The I2C Bus
Project #54: Using an External EEPROM
Project #55: Using a Port Expander IC
The SPI Bus
Project #56: Using a Digital Rheostat
Looking Ahead
Chapter 18 Real-time Clocks
Connecting the RTC Module
Project #57: Adding and Displaying Time and Date with an RTC
Project #58: Creating a Simple Digital Clock
Project #59: Creating an RFID Time-Clock System
Looking Ahead
Chapter 19 The Internet
What You’ll Need
Project #60: Building a Remote-Monitoring Station
Project #61: Creating an Arduino Tweeter
Controlling Your Arduino from the Web
Project #62: Setting Up a Remote Control for Your Arduino
Looking Ahead
Chapter 20 Cellular Communications
The Hardware
Project #63: Building an Arduino Dialer
Project #64: Building an Arduino Texter
Project #65: Setting Up an SMS Remote Control
Looking Ahead
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forester222 · 22-Дек-24 17:36 (спустя 11 лет 6 месяцев)

уже есть издание 22 года
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