The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks
Год: 2008
Автор: David A. Embury
Издательство: FABER AND FABER
ISBN: 1603111646
Язык: Английский
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Распознанный текст с ошибками (OCR)
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Количество страниц: 360
The overall content of this book is excellent and is beautifully written. Even though one might not agree with the author on every point it is a very enjoyable read. Rather than just write a cocktail recipe book, Embury lays out his theories on the underlying principles of mixing a good drink and divides them into general categories. It is somewhat similar Gary Regan's excellent "Joy of Mixology" in that sense, but is in some ways more readable and is written from the standpoint of a passionate and gifted amateur rather than of a professional bartender, and I think more encouraging of personal experimentation. I already had Regan's book in my collection when I acquired this one, but I don't feel that one is a replacement for the other.
The book is also fun for the historical perspective it offers. Not only are Embury's observations on Prohibition interesting (he lived through it) some of his recommendations on how to do things are informative in comparison to how they are done today. For example, he suggests getting large cocktail glasses--"no less than 3 ounces"! A typical cocktail glass today is over twice that size, though some cocktail enthusiasts now recommend using smaller glasses for classic styles of cocktails.
Клоссическая книга коктейлей, впервые изданная в 1948 году и с тех пор неоднократно переиздававшаяся.