Louise Hagler - Tofu Cookery / Блюда с тофу [1991, PDF, ENG]

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Tofu Cookery
Год: 1991
Автор: Louise Hagler
Издательство: The Book Publishing Company
ISBN: 0913990760
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Количество страниц: 160
Tofu Cookery contains over 25 full page color photos, making it one of the most beautiful tofu cookbooks on the market. Updated for the 90s with light, low-fat dishes that make it easy to add a healthful portion of soy to your diet. — Tofu ? High Protein, Low Calorie, Cholesterol Free — Healthy Recipes for the '90s — A staple in the Orient for thousands of years, tofu is presented here in 200 delicious, familiar, and easy-to-follow recipes. For family meals, snacks, or entertaining, tofu is a light, low-cost food whose outstanding versatility and nutritional qualities make it an ideal choice for the diet-conscious. This revised edition includes new recipes along with updated versions of old favorites to reflect today's healthful, quick and easy cooking.
Ок. 200 рецептов с тофу, цветные фото.
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