Daniel Hoyer - Culinary Vietnam / Кулинарный Вьетнам [2009, EPUB, ENG]

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Culinary Vietnam
Год: 2009
Автор: Daniel Hoyer
Издательство: gibbs-smith
ISBN: 978-1-4236-1236-0
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 190
Vietnamese cuisine has developed over thousands of years with countless influences from other cultures. Full of authentic recipes, Culinary Vietnam teaches how the aspects of flavor, aroma, texture, color, contrast, balance, and even the sound a food makes should be taken into consideration in the planning of a Vietnamese meal. Author Daniel Hoyer opens the door into the world of Vietnamese cooking methods and theories, as well as to the background of the cuisine, and gives some historical and cultural tidbits, all while showing just the breadth of this simple, agriculturally based cuisine.
Chef Daniel Hoyer is the author of Culinary Mexico, Fiesta on the Grill, Tamales, and Mayan Cuisine: Recipes from the Yucatan Region. He is a leader of gastronomic adventure tours in Mexico and Southeast Asia through his company, Well Eaten Path-Chef Tours, www.welleatenpath.com, and teaches at The Santa Fe School of Cooking, where he has been an instructor for over thirteen years. He lives near Taos, New Mexico.
Аутентичные рецепты вьетнамской кухни, с цветными фотографиями.
Примеры страниц
Table of Contents
Dipping Sauces & Condiments
Appetizers, Snacks & Beverages
Soups & Noodle Dishes
Beef Dishes
Pork Dishes
Poultry Dishes
Seafood Dishes
Rice & Banh Dishes
Vegetable Dishes
Metric Conversion Chart
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