Rory Miller / Рори Миллер - две книги - [2011, fb2, ENG]
Год: 2011
Автор: Rory Miller
Жанр: Боевые искусства
Издательство: Smashwords, YMAA Publication Center
ISBN Drills: Training For Sudden Violence:9781452478609
ISBN Facing Violence: 978-1594392139
Язык: Английский
Формат: FB2
Количество страниц: 186+339
Аннотация Drills: Training For Sudden Violence
Эту книгу должны иметь все, который хочет максимально приблизить свои тренировки к реальным ситуациям.
A collection of drills by Rory Miller of ChironTraining, author of "Meditations on Violence" and "Facing Violence." This book describes many of the exercises used by Rory in his seminars as well as some training techniques usually reserved for private students. This book is a must-have for any martial artist who wishes to transition from the training hall to real life.
Аннотация Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected
Эта книга - одна из вводных книг по сомозащите. Описанные в ней семь элементов, должны приблизить ваши тренировки к полной готовности защитить себя. Игнорирование любого элемента делает Вас уязвимым.
1. Legal and ethical implications. A student learning self-defense must learn force law. Otherwise it is possible to train to go to prison. Side by side with the legal rules, every student must explore his or her own ethical limitations. Most do not really know where this ethical line lies within them.
2. Violence dynamics. Self-defense must teach how attacks happen. Students must be able to recognize an attack before it happens and know what kind they are facing.
3. Avoidance. Students need to learn and practice not fighting. Learning includes escape and evasion, verbal de-escalation, and also pure-not-be there avoidance.
4. Counter-ambush. If the student didn’t see the precursors or couldn’t successfully avoid the encounter he or she will need a handful of actions trained to reflex level for a sudden violent attack.
5. Breaking the freeze. Freezing is almost universal in a sudden attack. Students must learn to recognize a freeze and break out of one.
6. The fight itself. Most martial arts and self-defense instructors concentrate their time right here. What is taught just needs to be in line with how violence happens in the world.
7. The aftermath. There are potential legal, psychological, and medical effects of engaging in violence no matter how justified. Advanced preparation is critical.
Any teacher or student of self-defense, anyone interested in self-defense, and any person who desires a deeper understanding of violence needs to read this book.
Список книг
Miller Rory - Drills Training For Sudden Violence - 2011.fb2
Miller Rory - Facing Violence Preparing for the Unexpected - 2011.fb2
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