Charmaine Solomon's Asian Favourites / Чармэйн Соломон - любимые блюда Азии [2001, PDF, ENG]

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Charmaine Solomon's Asian Favourites
Год: 2001
Автор: Charmaine Solomon
Издательство: Sue Hines Book
ISBN: 186508140X
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 193
From Charmaine Solomon, a most respected and well-loved authority on Asian cuisine, comes this collection of recipes for all your favourite Asian restaurant dishes.
Charmaine Solomon brings your favourite restaurant dishes into the home, in a deluxe paperback that looks as good as the food tastes. Written in the inimitable style that has made Solomon the Queen of Asian cooking, the reader is guided step by step through Asia's most popular dishes. Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Korea and China are all represented. Charmaine Solomon knows how little time we have to spend in the kitchen these days, so she has added handy hints on how to take short cuts, without compromising flavour, by using spice pastes and powders that have been prepared beforehand. More than 130 recipes include Tom Yum Goong, Laksa Lemak, Pho, Lamb Korma, Sushi, Fried Rice and Beef in Black Bean Sauce.
Блюда стран Юго-Восточной Азии, Индии и Китая от специалиста. Более 130 рецептов.
Примеры страниц
Conversion Tables ¥ viii
Great Dishes of Asia ¥ ix
Thailand, Burma and Vietnam ¥ 1
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore ¥ 39
India and Sri Lanka ¥ 71
Japan, Korea and China ¥ 113
Curry Pastes and Powders ¥ 165
Stockists ¥ 178
Index ¥ 179
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