A Taste of Culture - Barbara Sheen - Foods of Peru / Кулинарные традиции Перу [2011, PDF, ENG]

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Foods of Peru
Год: 2011
Автор: Barbara Sheen
Издательство: Kidhaven Press
ISBN: 0-7377-5346-3
Серия: A Taste of Culture
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Количество страниц: 65
Studying world cultures has never tasted so good! A delectable blend of geography, history, health, daily life, celebrations and customs, A Taste of Culture offers a rich array of culinary and cultural elements. Specifically prepared for upper-elementary and lower-middle school students, each volume in this series introduces a country and its culture by way of its foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits and food sources. Each volume is heaping with discussion of: Effects on health Favorite dishes Ingredients that form the staples of the country's cooking Preparations, traditions and celebrations associated with certain foods Snacks and sweets Specialty foods Traditional holiday meals and more.
One of the best ways to learn about other nations and other cultures is through their food. Each book in the A Taste of Culture series explores the foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources of a different country---all presented through a delectable blend of geography, daily life, culture, and history. All volumes discuss ingredients that form the staples of cooking in a given country, the favorite dishes, the snacks and sweets, the traditional holiday meals, and the preparations and traditions associated with these foods. Full-color photographs, easy-to-follow recipes, fascinating facts, maps, a glossary, bibliography, and index enhance each book.
Познавательное издание с кулинарным уклоном. Обычаи, праздники, общий обзор перуанской кухни, легкие рецепты местных блюд.
Примеры страниц
Chapter 1
A Diverse Land 4
Chapter 2
A Cultural Blend 17
Chapter 3
A Sweet Tooth 30
Chapter 4
Food for Celebrations 41
Metric Conversions 52
Notes 53
Glossary 55
For Further Exploration 57
Index 59
Picture Credits 63
About the Author 64
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