Phantasy Star Generation: 1
Lutz Edition - Version 1.0
by Kyence
Features: This PS2 ISO file contains English translations to enable play by non-Japanese speakers.
Disclaimer: This PS2 ISO file is being provided to the community at no cost. It is intended for players that already own the original PS2 disc but cannot play it due to the language barrier. It may not be redistributed in English without the permission of Kyence ( It may not be sold, or used for commercial purposes. It may be used as a template to translate the game into other languages, as long as credit is given to Kyence and Tryphon.
Use: Simply Load the Iso in PCSX2. Select the Fast Reboot. I have used version 0.9.8. The Japanese BIOS is required fr play. Playing on a Playstation 2 has NOT been confirmed. If game music slows down, adjust the speedhacks; please refer to PCSX2 manuals for additional information.
Special Thanks:
Tryphon for adding the missing English letters.
Orakio_Rob ( for inspiring me with his team's Portuguese translation and the invaluable decompression software that made the translation possible.
Ignitz, and Rodolfo for demystifying the compression and developing the decompression software.
Missagh Alami ( for spreading the word and helping to host the game.
The many people who have shown so much interest in this game's translation...without your support, I would have taken much longer to get myself motivated!
Google Translate
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC (
Q: Why is this called the Lutz edition?
A: For those that played PS2 and PS4, they may desire to see the same character with the same name.
Q: Why didn't you change Alis, Myau, Odin, and Lassic's names?
A: Two reasons: the first was nostalgic for me; second, the menus only allowed four letters for the name.
Q: Are the monster names the original Japanese names?
A: Yes. The only change I made was call the Casba Dragon "Wise Dragon" instead of "Dragonwise." In English, adjectives appear before the verb *wink*
Q: How literal is the translation?
A: As Orakio Rob mentioned on his site, this is more of a "localization." Due to space constraints, some sentences and phrases were shortened. Cultural differences in idioms required equivalent English sayings. Also, due to cultural differences, the characters often talk with questions. It is typical to be more assertive in English speech, so when an inquisitive sentence structure was unnecessary, it was written in English as a statement.
However, the feel of the game was preserved throughout.
Q: Did you make any changes to the script?
A: One NPC...Phil in Parolit. His original script was flip-flopping between believing the existence of Medusa, almost obsessed, and then making fun of the characters after they say they beat her. Even Myau thought he was a loon. It was difficult to figure out what the heck the Japanese script was supposed to convey. To amuse myself, I made him a stoner, playing a silly pun. Enjoy!
Q: Why did you change some spell names?
A: Not enough space to write the names made it necessary for players to quickly identify a spell's purpose. Also, I liked using "CRYO" instread of "FRZ" or "COLD" or "ICE." "CRYO" gives it more of a sci-fi feel, which is a big part of the Phantasy Star series.
Q: How long did this take? What did you have to do?
A: Two years. I had to figure out the pointers and offset values in order to make space for additional letters wherever I could. I did it all using the MadEdit hex editor and the UltraISO software. The original game was encoded into SHIFT-JIS. Any data I replaced was entered decompressed. I translated all of the game text into English myself.
Q: Will you be translating Generation: 2 into English?
A: After a few months off, I may tackle Generation: 2, which is my all-time favorite RPG. However, due to a lot of words written as graphics, I will need help in editing and reinserting the graphics. This is not set in stone, and if anyone is already working on it, I will defer to them.
Thank you so much for playing this translation that I initially started so I could get through the game and enjoy it myself! I am not a professional programmer of any kind, and do not plan to update the game unless there are serious bugs. I have played through the game to the end. The Clear Data can be loaded by the Generation: 2 ISO as well. Be gentle with complaints, and don't can always edit the game and make your own version - just let me know, I'd love to see a true programmer polish my diamond in the rough.
Kyence (