[Журнал] Fuel Cells Bulletin [1998-2012, PDF, ENG]

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Cucumis · 19-Июн-12 15:34 (12 лет 9 месяцев назад)

Fuel Cells Bulletin
Год: 1998-2012
Автор: S. Barrett (Editor)
Жанр: Энергетика
Издательство: Elsevier
ISSN: 1464-2859
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + OCR / Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Описание: Тематика журнала - топливные ячейки и все, что с ними связано (от разработок до коммерческого применения).
Fuel Cells Bulletin is the leading source of technical and business news for the fuel cells sector. From its international perspective it distils the important information you need to take advantage of the growing opportunities in fuel cells.
Published monthly, Fuel Cells Bulletin quickly alerts you to rapid changes and developments, and bridges the gap between user and provider as the energy infrastructure of the world changes.
Through an international network of sources Fuel Cells Bulletin brings you in-depth analysis and comment. Monthly coverage includes:
Technology News
You'll get news of the latest developments in fuel cells and related technologies including stationary/automotive and AFC/PAFC/PEMFC/MCFC/SOFC; developments in fuel cell stacks and components; demonstrations and testing; fuel processing and reformers; fuel storage; new applications; and research and development.
Business News
Hot information on your competitors' movements in the market; joint ventures; global mergers and acquisitions; major contracts; new plant openings; market surveys and reports; and financial information relating to the major players.
News Update
Up-to-the-minute reporting on who's doing what including government policy; regulatory concerns; sector-by-sector news; news on electric vehicles; alternative / renewable energy news; fuelling of fuel cells; society and trade association activities.
Fuel Cells Bulletin's feature articles focus on technology and applications. Each month industry experts share the secrets of their success so that you can gain fresh ideas and apply their techniques to your own products.
Research Trends
Highlighting recently published research work, you will learn about the latest progress in basic research in electrochemistry, materials and energy, plus research trends in academic, industrial and government research institutions.
You'll get summaries of all new patents on fuel cells, new technology licensing, US patents and WO patents.
Events Calendar
A comprehensive listing of all international conferences and exhibitions relevant to the fuel cells sector.
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2012 г.:
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