Handel - Acis and Galatea / Гендель - Ацис и Галатея (Danielle de Niese, Paul Agnew / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Christopher Hogwood)[2010, Baroque opera / masque, Blu-ray]

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Caterina Sforza

Top Seed 07* 2560r

Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 6658

Caterina Sforza · 12-Апр-12 22:42 (12 лет 5 месяцев назад, ред. 14-Апр-12 18:10)

Handel - Acis and Galatea / Гендель - Ацис и Галатея

Год выпуска: 2010
Лейбл: Opus Arte
Год записи: 2009
Страна-производитель: США
Жанр: Baroque opera / masque
Продолжительность: 01:38:57
Язык: английский
Субтитры: English, French, German, Spanish
Режиссер/Хореограф: Wayne McGregor, Jonathan Haswell
Дирижёр: Christopher Hogwood
скрытый текст
Acis and Galatea
A Serenata or Pastoral Entertainment
Words by John Gay, Alexander Pope and John Hughes
Galatea – Danielle de Niese (soprano) / Lauren Cuthbertson (dancer)
Acis – Charles Workman (tenor) / Edward Watson (dancer)
Damon – Paul Agnew (tenor) / Steven McRae (dancer)
Polyphemus – Matthew Rose (bass) / Eric Underwood (dancer)
Coridon – Ji-Min Park (soprano) / Paul Kay (dancer)
Royal Opera House Chorus
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (period instruments)
Christopher Hogwood, conductor
Release Date: 04/27/2010
скрытый текст
Пасторальная опера (или Маска) в 2 актах. Написана в 1718 году для постановки в имении Джеймса Брайджеса, Герцога Чандосского. В создании либретто, основанном на драйденовском переводе Метаморфоз Овидия, принимали участие Джон Гей (John Gay) - автор Оперы Нищих, Александр Поп - один из выдающихся английских поэтов и Джон Хьюз - поэт, публицист и переводчик на английский язык множества французских авторов, в том числе и Мольера. В 1722 году произведение было опубликовано и, пройдя через множество авторских переработок, стало драматическим произведением, одним из самых исполняемых в творчестве Генделя. В 1788 году Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт создал еще одну редакцию для своего покровителя барона Готтфрида фон Свитена.
Королевский оперный театр, Ковент Гарден (The Royal Opera house, Covent Garden). Постановка и хореография: Уэйн МакГрегор (Wayne McGregor). Оркестр Эпохи Просвещения (Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment), который заслуженно считается одним из ведущих коллективов мира, исполняющих старинную музыку. Дирижер: Кристофер Хогвуд (Christopher Hogwood).
Сюжет заимствован из 13 книги «Метаморфоз» Овидия, в котором сочетаются комический, трагический и развлекательный элементы. Новая амбициозная интерпретация великолепного произведения барокко британского хореографа Уэйна МакГрегора, которого часто называют "хореографом ХХI века". Смешение мира оперы и мира балета в одном пространстве, органичное слияние музыки и движения. Хореографический гений умело манипулирует двумя актерскими составами: оперных певцов в одеждах, соответствующих сюжету, и танцовщиков с изумительными телами в нейтральных, бесполых одеждах, которые изображают тех же героев, но в божественном, неземном мета-мире.
Recorded live at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, 8.4.2009
скрытый текст
HANDEL Acis and Galatea • Christopher Hogwood, cond; Danielle de Niese/Lauren Cuthbertson (Galatea); Charles Workman/Edward Watson (Acis); Paul Agnew/Steven McRae/Mellissa Hamilton (Damon); Ji-Min Park/Paul Kay (Coridon); Matthew Rose/Eric Underwood (Polyphemus); Royal Op Extra Cho & Ballet; O of the Age of Enlightenment (period instruments) • OPUSARTE BD7056 D (Blu-ray: 110:00) Live: Covent Garden 4/8/2009
As you can tell from the headnote, this production is double-cast (in one case, triple-cast), but not in the usual way; the first name listed for each character is that of the singer, and after that comes the name of the dancer(s) assigned to shadow or echo the actions and emotions of the character. It may sound contrived, but this actually is a marvelous way to amplify the text, and frankly to relieve the score of its sometimes static nature. Handel wrote Acis and Galatea as a masque, which for practical purposes today means a secular cantata stringing together da capo arias and a few choruses, and so he had no reason to fill in several important gaps in the action that would help explain character motivation or simply specify between numbers how we got from there to here. Acis doesn’t quite work as an opera, but this version directed and choreographed by Wayne McGregor makes the best case for its stageworthiness without resorting to musical interpolations.
Not much happens in the pastoral prologue, in which the river nymph Galatea and the shepherd Acis make goo-goo eyes at each other, to the occasinal commentary of onlookers. Things go bad in the second half, where the jeaolous and volcanic Polyphemus eventually kills Acis; in best Ovidian fashion, the young man’s gushing blood is transformed into a river.
McGregor’s choreography fuses elements of ballet with hep Audrey Hepburn-style 1950s modern dance; the dancers, all of them excellent, do not so much act out what the singers are going on about as echo their emotions, although a few gestures do sometimes conform to specific words in the text. The cast is headed by Danielle de Niese, a fine Handel singer who also happens to look the part of a delectable nymph. In the role of Acis, however, Charles Workman’s singing is little better than, well, workmanlike—competent, but little more. Bass Matthew Rose is a rich-voiced Polyphemus, whose only fault is that he tends to miss the humor in his music (perhaps director McGregor wanted him to seem more threatening, which he certainly does). In their smaller roles, Paul Agnew and Ji-Min Park are very good, and it’s too bad Handel doesn’t give us a chance to hear more of them.
Hildegard Bechtler’s set starts off in traditional pastoral mode, but through the course of the performance gradually decays into dark abstraction as the lovers’ lives fall apart; her costumes for the singers are drawn more or less from the mid 20th-century English countryside, while the dancers wear slightly gussied-up bodysuits.
Christopher Hogwood leads typically crisp playing by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, although there’s more emotional nuance to be found in the audio-only performances under King (Hyperion), Gardiner (Archiv), and Christie (Erato, if you can find it). This version may not displace your CD favorite, but as an audio-visual presentation it’s perfectly good, and often better than that (especially when de Niese has the stage). There’s nothing out-of-the-ordinary to report about the high-definition video and audio quality; the total time in the headnote includes a bit more than 10 minutes of special features—a little documentary and the usual illustrated synopsis.
FANFARE: James Reel
Доп. информация:
скрытый текст
Illustrated synopsis (1:15)
Cast gallery (0:37)
Staging Acis and Galatea (9:35)
Качество видео: Blu-ray
BD-50 Dual-Layer Disc
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Inform : 89,2 Кбайт
Полное имя : G:\Blue-ray\ACIS AND GALATEA\ACIS AND GALATEA.torrent
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Дата файла : UTC 2012-04-12 19:40:31.134
Дата файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 23:40:31.134
Дата изменения файла : UTC 2012-04-12 19:40:31.144
Дата изменения файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 23:40:31.144
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Продолжительность : 1 ч. 38 м.
Продолжительность : 01:38:57.998
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Chapters_Pos_Begin : 73
Chapters_Pos_End : 104
00:00:00.000 : Chapter 1
00:03:40.820 : Chapter 2
00:09:14.086 : Chapter 3
00:10:04.236 : Chapter 4
00:16:24.016 : Chapter 5
00:20:19.985 : Chapter 6
00:20:40.572 : Chapter 7
00:24:57.863 : Chapter 8
00:25:15.280 : Chapter 9
00:31:17.675 : Chapter 10
00:31:33.157 : Chapter 11
00:37:59.210 : Chapter 12
00:40:48.946 : Chapter 13
00:45:23.487 : Chapter 14
00:46:42.966 : Chapter 15
00:49:47.617 : Chapter 16
00:50:44.808 : Chapter 17
00:56:14.938 : Chapter 18
01:01:20.009 : Chapter 19
01:01:40.496 : Chapter 20
01:06:37.827 : Chapter 21
01:14:13.715 : Chapter 22
01:14:42.077 : Chapter 23
01:17:07.422 : Chapter 24
01:18:20.962 : Chapter 25
01:22:29.844 : Chapter 26
01:26:56.010 : Chapter 27
01:27:20.368 : Chapter 28
01:31:46.467 : Chapter 29
01:34:49.016 : Chapter 30
01:38:57.965 : Chapter 31
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Дата файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.512
Дата изменения файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.524
Дата изменения файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.524
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Дата файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.512
Дата файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.512
Дата изменения файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.524
Дата изменения файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.524
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Размер файла : 104,0 байт
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Размер потока : 104 байт
Размер потока : 104 байт
Размер потока : 104,0 байт
Размер потока : 104 байт (100%)
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Дата файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.512
Дата файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.512
Дата изменения файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.524
Дата изменения файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.524
Кол-во : 279
Кол-во потоков такого типа : 1
Тип потока : General
Тип потока : Общее
Идентификатор типа потока : 0
Полное имя : G:\Blue-ray\ACIS AND GALATEA\CERTIFICATE\id.bdmv
Имя файла : id
Расширение : bdmv
Размер файла : 104
Размер файла : 104 байт
Размер файла : 104 байт
Размер файла : 104 байт
Размер файла : 104 байт
Размер файла : 104,0 байт
Размер потока : 104
Размер потока : 104 байт (100%)
Размер потока : 104 байт
Размер потока : 104 байт
Размер потока : 104 байт
Размер потока : 104,0 байт
Размер потока : 104 байт (100%)
Пропорции потока : 1.00000
Дата файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.524
Дата файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.524
Дата изменения файла : UTC 2012-04-12 08:19:11.541
Дата изменения файла (местная) : 2012-04-12 12:19:11.541
Georg Friedrich Händel
(c. 1718)
A Serenata; or Pastoral Entertainment
Words by John Gay, Alexander Pope and John Hughes
Galatea (soprano)
Acis (tenor)
Damon (tenor)
Polyphemus (bass)
Chorus of Shepherds and Shepherdesses
1. Sinfonia
2. Chorus
Oh, the pleasure of the plains!
Happy nymphs and happy swains,
Harmless, merry, free and gay,
Dance and sport the hours away.
For us the zephyr blows,
For us distills the dew,
For us unfolds the rose,
And flow'rs display their hue.
For us the winters rain,
For us the summers shine,
Spring swells for us the grain,
And autumn bleeds the wine.
Oh, the pleasure. . . da capo.
3. Accompagnato
Ye verdant plains and woody mountains,
Purling streams and bubbling fountains,
Ye painted glories of the field,
Vain are the pleasures which ye yield;
Too thin the shadow of the grove,
Too faint the gales, to cool my love.
4. Air
Hush, ye pretty warbling quire!
Your thrilling strains
Awake my pains,
And kindle fierce desire.
Cease your song, and take your flight,
Bring back my Acis to my sight!
Hush. . . da capo
5. Air
Where shall I seek the charming fair?
Direct the way, kind genius of the mountains!
O tell me, if you saw my dear!
Seeks she the grove, or bathes in crystal fountains?
Where. . . da capo
6. Recitative
Stay, shepherd, stay!
See, how thy flocks in yonder valley stray!
What means this melancholy air?
No more thy tuneful pipe we hear.
7. Air
Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?
Heedless running to thy ruin;
Share our joy, our pleasure share,
Leave thy passion till tomorrow,
Let the day be free from sorrow,
Free from love, and free from care!
Shepherd. . . da capo
8. Recitative
Lo, here my love, turn, Galatea, hither turn thy eyes!
See, at thy feet the longing Acis lies.
9. Air
Love in her eyes sits playing,
And sheds delicious death;
Love on her lips is straying,
And warbling in her breath!
Love on her breast sits panting
And swells with soft desire;
No grace, no charm is wanting,
To set the heart on fire.
Love in her eyes. . . da capo
10. Recitative
Oh, didst thou know the pains of absent love,
Acis would ne'er from Galatea rove.
11. Air
As when the dove
Laments her love,
All on the naked spray;
When he returns,
No more she mourns,
But loves the live-long day.
Billing, cooing,
Panting, wooing,
Melting murmurs fill the grove,
Melting murmurs, lasting love.
As when. . . da capo
12. Duet
Galatea, Acis
Happy we!
What joys I feel!
What charms I see
Of all youths/nymphs thou dearest boy/brightest fair!
Thou all my bliss, thou all my joy!
Happy. . . da capo
13. Chorus
Wretched lovers! Fate has past
This sad decree: no joy shall last.
Wretched lovers, quit your dream!
Behold the monster Polypheme!
See what ample strides he takes!
The mountain nods, the forest shakes;
The waves run frighten'd to the shores:
Hark, how the thund'ring giant roars!
14. Accompagnato
I rage — I melt — I burn!
The feeble god has stabb'd me to the heart.
Thou trusty pine,
Prop of my godlike steps, I lay thee by!
Bring me a hundred reeds of decent growth
To make a pipe for my capacious mouth;
In soft enchanting accents let me breathe
Sweet Galatea's beauty, and my love.
15. Air
O ruddier than the cherry,
O sweeter than the berry,
O nymph more bright
Than moonshine night,
Like kidlings blithe and merry.
Ripe as the melting cluster,
No lily has such lustre;
Yet hard to tame
As raging flame,
And fierce as storms that bluster!
O ruddier. . . da capo
16. Recitative
Whither, fairest, art thou running,
Still my warm embraces shunning?
The lion calls not to his prey,
Nor bids the wolf the lambkin stay.
Thee, Polyphemus, great as Jove,
Calls to empire and to love,
To his palace in the rock,
To his dairy, to his flock,
To the grape of purple hue,
To the plum of glossy blue,
Wildings, which expecting stand,
Proud to be gather'd by thy hand.
Of infant limbs to make my food,
And swill full draughts of human blood!
Go, monster, bid some other guest!
I loathe the host, I loathe the feast.
17. Air
Cease to beauty to be suing,
Ever whining love disdaining.
Let the brave their aims pursuing,
Still be conqu'ring not complaining.
Cease. . . da capo
18. Air
Would you gain the tender creature,
Softly, gently, kindly treat her:
Suff'ring is the lover's part.
Beauty by constraint possessing
You enjoy but half the blessing,
Lifeless charms without the heart.
Would you. . . da capo
19. Recitative
His hideous love provokes my rage.
Weak as I am, I must engage!
Inspir'd with thy victorious charms,
The god of love will lend his arms.
20. Air
Love sounds th'alarm,
And fear is a-flying!
When beauty's the prize,
What mortal fears dying?
In defence of my treasure,
I'd bleed at each vein;
Without her no pleasure,
For life is a pain.
Love sounds. . . da capo
21. Air
Consider, fond shepherd,
How fleeting's the pleasure,
That flatters our hopes
In pursuit of the fair!
The joys that attend it,
By moments we measure,
But life is too little
To measure our care.
Consider. . . da capo
22. Recitative
Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth,
Trust my constancy and truth,
Trust my truth and pow'rs above,
The pow'rs propitious still to love!
23. Trio
Galatea & Acis
The flocks shall leave the mountains,
The woods the turtle dove,
The nymphs forsake the fountains,
Ere I forsake my love!
Torture! fury! rage! despair!
I cannot, cannot bear!
Galatea & Acis
Not show'rs to larks so pleasing,
Nor sunshine to the bee,
Not sleep to toil so easing,
As these dear smiles to me.
Fly swift, thou massy ruin, fly!
Die, presumptuous Acis, die!
24. Accompagnato
Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent gods!
And take me dying to your deep abodes.
25. Chorus
Mourn, all ye muses! Weep, all ye swains!
Tune, tune your reeds to doleful strains!
Groans, cries and howlings fill the neighb'ring shore:
Ah, the gentle Acis is no more!
26. Solo & Chorus
Must I my Acis still bemoan,
Inglorious crush'd beneath that stone?
Cease, Galatea, cease to grieve!
Bewail not whom thou canst relieve.
Must the lovely charming youth
Die for his constancy and truth?
Cease, Galatea, cease to grieve!
Bewail not whom thou canst relieve;
Call forth thy pow'r, employ thy art,
The goddess soon can heal thy smart.
Say what comfort can you find?
For dark despair o'erclouds my mind.
To kindred gods the youth return,
Through verdant plains to roll his urn.
27. Recitative
'Tis done! Thus I exert my pow'r divine;
Be thou immortal, though thou art not mine!
28. Air
Heart, the seat of soft delight,
Be thou now a fountain bright!
Purple be no more thy blood,
Glide thou like a crystal flood.
Rock, thy hollow womb disclose!
The bubbling fountain, lo! it flows;
Through the plains he joys to rove,
Murm'ring still his gentle love.
29. Chorus
Galatea, dry thy tears,
Acis now a god appears!
See how he rears him from his bed,
See the wreath that binds his head.
Hail! thou gentle murm'ring stream,
Shepherds' pleasure, muses' theme!
Through the plains still joy to rove,
Murm'ring still thy gentle love.
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Caterina Sforza

Top Seed 07* 2560r

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Caterina Sforza · 13-Апр-12 17:15 (спустя 18 часов, ред. 14-Апр-12 18:01)

Красивейшая постановка, очень много балетных номеров.
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Стаж: 14 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 549

Primin · 31-Май-12 00:20 (спустя 1 месяц 17 дней)

Отличный релиз! Отличная опера! Отличный оркестр. А балет я не понимаю. Спасибо!
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aqr · 22-Июн-12 07:49 (спустя 22 дня)

Пение лёжа и эти нимфы и сатиры - этот "балет" со всеми "балетными номерами" - всё производит довольно-таки убогое и странное впечатление. Лучше бы они стриптиз показали.
Хогвуд и AAM - хороши! )))
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KarmaPesha · 15-Сен-12 16:39 (спустя 2 месяца 23 дня)

Caterina Sforza
Дорогая, спасибо Вам огромное! Так радуете!
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