intellect · 14-Июн-11 22:39(13 лет 8 месяцев назад, ред. 04-Дек-11 16:01)
Miracle Of Sound /Singles Жанр: Pop-Rock Страна: USA Год издания: 2011 Аудиокодек: MP3 Тип рипа: tracks Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps Продолжительность: 02:00:18 Группа в первую очередь интересна тем, что практически все ее творчество посвящено компьютерным играм. Поэтому тематика песен соответствующая.
2010 - I Suck In Call Of Duty (Call Of Duty) - (128 kbps)
1. I Suck In Call Of Duty (3:34)
Текст песни
I suck... you suck
I suck at Call Of Duty I try to run and gun yeah, MP5 or UMP
But every corner that I turn, somebody's shankin' me
I switch over to Noob-tube, RPG and Semtex class
But spend most of the game exploding my own stupid ass They tell me I'm as useless as a stripper with no booty
My friend I'm inclined to agree 'cos I suck
I suck at Call Of Duty! [YOU SUCK] I watch videos by Blame Truth. Thunder, Hutch, Seananners too
I get myself all psyched up thinkin' 'I can do that too!'
I get online and my excitement turns into dismay
I rage and swear as 10th prestiges kick my ass all day They tell me I'm as useless as a stripper with no booty
My friend I'm inclined to agree 'cos I suck
I suck at Call Of Duty! Even when I think I'm in the zone
Still get sniped on Overgrown
No Scope, Quick-Scope - not a clue
Dyin's all I ever do, yeah I certainly ain't Grizz I try camping in a corner with a claymore and my rangers
But my hands start shakin' and my brain starts achin' at the very first sign of danger
I can Noob-Tube, tac-knife, M16-Red-Dot it's all the same
I'll still go minus 50 kills in every freakin game! They tell me I'm as useless as a stripper with no booty
My friend I'm inclined to agree 'cos I suck
I suck at Call Of Duty!
[There's no hope for me]
I suck at Call Of Duty!
[Can't even get a UAV]
2011 - The Ballad Of Clay Carmine (Gears Of War 3) - (128 kbps)
1. The Ballad Of Clay Carmine (4:33)
Текст песни
Well now.. Welcome to Delta, boys!
The first rule of the Cog is... Boy get your head down!
Boy get your head down!
Boy get your head down! Born to a world of struggle
Raised with my brothers three
As I boy I learned through a burning world
That nothin ever comes for free
As soon as I could hold a gun now
I was out on the killing fields
Fightin in a war to save my home
From a foe that will never yield But we won't stop because we're brothers in blood now
We'll meet again now at the end of the line
Try not to think about what fate throws before me
Reporting for duty, sir!
'What's your name, son?'
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!)
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!) Boy get your head down!
(You're a gear now, son!) On a cold and cruel morning
Under a burning sky
My brother Ant took a bullet to the head
Never even got to say goodbye
The very next year as the battle raged
Got a letter from my brother Ben
It was signed by a 'Sgt Fenix'
I knew I'd never see him again But we won't stop because we're brothers in blood now
We'll meet again now at the end of the line
Try not to think about what fate throws before me
Reporting for duty, sir!
'What's your name, son?'
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!)
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!) Now the cities are laid to ruin
And we fight on through the years
No end in sight no light of hope
Man, don't it just grind your gears But we won't stop because we're brothers in blood now
We'll meet again now at the end of the line
Try not to think about what fate throws before me
Reporting for duty, sir!
'What's your name, son?'
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!)
Private Clay Carmine
(You're a Gear now, son!)
Private Clay Carmine
(Don't it just grind your gears now) Back in your hole! Boy get your head down!
Boy get your head down!
Boy get your head down!
(You're a Gear now son!)
2011 - Santiago Lament (Gears of War 2) - (128 kbps)
1. Santiago Lament (3:45)
Текст песни
Close my weary eyes
Under choking clouds of ash and darkest dust
The silver kiss of sleep is lost
I can feel these broken cogs begin to rust But when the end finally comes I won't despair
I'll just keep on hoping I might see you there Try to keep a blank page
But these memories they cloud my mind with grief
Faces lost forever
And the guilt of feeling some kind of relief But when the end finally comes I won't despair
I'll just keep on hoping I might see you there Maria... As this world of twisted metal falls
I can hear the demons tearing down the walls
In the face of so much hate and cruelty
In my mind's eye my angel's all I see But when the end finally comes I won't despair
I'll just keep on hoping I might see you there Maria...
Ten long years I can see your ghost
2011 - Gordon Freeman Saved My Life (Half Life) - (128 kbps)
1. Gordon Freeman Saved My Life (3:39)
Текст песни
Out in the streets of City 17
Civil Protection run a rigid machine
Break down my door, take me down to the station
They got ideas that I got information My natural charm is only getting me so far
When out of the black I see the shape of a crowbar... Gordon Freeman saved my life!
Fight for freedom with a brainstorm
Gordon Freeman saved my life!
Like Chuck Norris in a geek form Completely silent, a violent creature
Despite looking like a geography teacher
Moved at the speed of a cheetah in its prime
Apparently he ain't running on Valve Time I watch as the Combine are turnin' to flee yeah!
They vanish into thin air like Episode 3 yeah! Gordon Freeman saved my life!
Fight for freedom with a brainstorm
Gordon Freeman saved my life!
Like Chuck Norris in a geek form Gordon Freeman saved my life!
(You'll never get back what you lost)
Fight for freedom with a brainstorm
(You'll never get back what you lost)
Gordon Freeman saved my life!
(You left Black Mesa far too long)
Like Chuck Norris in a geek form
(You'll never find where you belong) Fight for freedom with a brainstorm
Like Chuck Norris in a geek form
From Omega to Mars
From the Council to the seediest bars
From the reaches of space
To the pillars of Asari grace There are battle-worn batarians lacking in humility
Turians a braggin' bout their reach and flexibility
The clutter of the cities spreads to the loneliest stars But no matter what scars you bear
Whatever uniform you wear
You can fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard
But you'll never be better than Commander Shepard In the Citadel's halls
Inside the shining walls
Hear the stories from Earth
Fighters try to prove their worth Salarian science smothered in idiom
About as stimulating as scanning for iridium
But one tale holds every mind enthralled Cos no matter what scars you bear
Whatever uniform you wear
You can fight like a Krogan, run like a leaopard
But you'll never be better than Commander Shepard COMMANDER SHEPARD! Cos no matter what scars you bear
Whatever uniform you wear
You can fight like a Krogan, run like a leaopard
But you'll never be better than Commander Shepard Never be better than Commander Shepard ASSUMING CONTROL
2011 - Through The Age Of The Dragon (Dragon Age 2) - (128 kbps)
1. Through The Age Of The Dragon (3:57)
Текст песни
Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this blight find the light at the end
Through the age of the Dragon the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawke Come take a seat and I will recite you a tale
Of bold adventure spanning both sides of the veil
I knew a champion, we travelled far and wide
We saw so many wonders roving side by side In the streets of Kirkwall we brought help to those in need
Word it spread so quickly of our dealings and our deeds Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this blight find the light at the end
Through the age of the Dragon the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawke Into the deepest roads we ventured in the black
If we had only known what we were bringing back
We felt the fire of every Templar, every Mage
Caught in the crossfire of their politics and rage Had to pull some strings and get them off eachother's backs
There was a much greater danger waiting to attack Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this blight find the light at the end
Through the age of the Dragon the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawke Just a lowly refugee, your champion arrived
Brown shores of Ferelden fade to Kirkwall's buzzing hive
Rose above the poverty and rose above the pain
My friend became the saviour of the white city of chains Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this blight find the light at the end
Through the age of the Dragon the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawke
2011 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow - (128 kbps)
1. Somewhere Over The Rainbow (3:16)
2011 - Necromorph Soup (Dead Space 2) - (128 kbps)
1. Necromorph Soup (2:41)
Текст песни
Come and take a trip with Isaac Clarke through crazy sci-fi hell
The Diner Of Death is servin' tonight so beware of the clientelle Better grab your plasma cutter
Gonna slice through limbs like a blade through butter
Better grab your plasma cutter
You know why... We're makin' Necromorph Soup
(Necromorph Soup)
It's a very simple recipe just giblets, guts and goop
We're makin' Necromorph
(Necromorph Soup)
Murder's on the menu, come and grab yourself a scoop!
Yeah! Feedin' and-a bleedin' and-a droolin' scum
They stalk through the corridors
Grabbin' and-a stabbin' and-a screamin' death
They paint the walls with gore Better grab your plasma cutter
Gonna slice through limbs like a blade through butter
Better grab your plasma cutter
You know why... We're makin' Necromorph Soup
(Necromorph Soup)
It's a very simple recipe just giblets, guts and goop
We're makin' Necromorph
(Necromorph Soup)
Murder's on the menu, come and grab yourself a scoop!
Yeah! And it's all over the walls
And it's all over the floor
Your appetite's kinda fadin' away
You're not so hungry anymore... We're makin' Necromorph Soup
(Necromorph Soup)
It's a very simple recipe just giblets, guts and goop
We're makin' Necromorph
(Necromorph Soup)
Murder's on the menu, come and grab yourself a scoop!
2011 - Mining All Day Long (MineCraft) - (128 kbps)
1. Mining All Day Long (3:09)
Текст песни
Well I boot you up and my imagination's runnin' wild
Haven't felt this way since I was buildin' Lego as a child
Got my workbench good to go, my sticks and planks are all stockpiled
And I feel good cause I been minin' all day long Now I spent the afternoon starin' at my computer screen
Till I start to see the world in grey and blue and brown and green
These pixels are so simple and so beautiful and clean
And I feel good cause I been minin' all day long chorus
And Hey Hey Hey! I been minin' all day long
I could barely drag myself away to sing this song
Hey hey hey, my castle's super strong!
And I feel good cause I been minin' all day long Now it's hard to think of offices and motorways and bills
When I'm tunnelling through oceans, beaches and cascading hills
These creepers make me run away, these spiders give me chills
But I feel good cause I been mining all day long rpt chorus Now I hope that they got Minecraft up in Heaven when I die
I'll be loggin' on to God's great super-server in the sky
His frame-rate's in the hundreds and his settings are all high
We got arrows, food and diamonds in an infinite supply...
2011 - Thunder's Theme - (128 kbps)
1. Thunder's Theme (2:13)
2011 - Wheatley's Song (Portal 2) - (128 kbps)
1. Wheatley's Song (3:27)
Текст песни
I've got brains to burn - no ordinary AI in this ball
Every culture and philosphy - I've read up on them all
I've been living in your shadow for 999999
Keeping tabs on every machination and production line So don't call me a moron
I'm super astute
There is no conundrum that my core cannot compute
No don't call me a moron
You fostered balloon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon I have studied Machiavelli, Aristotle, Gabe and Plato
Yet you still equate my intellect to that of a potato
This place would fall apart without my ever watchful eye
They might tell you I'm a halfwit, it's a great big bloody lie So don't call me a moron
I'm super astute
There is no conundrum that my core cannot compute
No don't call me a moron
You fostered balloon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon I know my way around here, every catwalk every cave
And since you're dead I've quite appreciated not being your slave
Maybe someday I might get to taste the big time for a change
There's so much I'd do for science here, so much I'd rearrange So don't call me a moron
I'm super astute
There is no conundrum that my core cannot compute
No don't call me a moron
You fostered balloon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon
My IQ's the infinite space from here to the moon
2011 - Fire In Your Hole (BulletStorm) - (128 kbps)
1. Fire In Your Hole (3:31)
Текст песни
Well I'm a foul mouth, deranged, alcoholic space pirate
Livin' in disarray
I got a pissed off cybernetic robot friend
And man, we're gonna ruin your day Crash landed on this planet and some psycho attacked us
So we shot him in the balls and kicked him into a cactus
Now a thousand angry mutant wanna come out and play
All hell is breakin' loose and I like it this way! Cause there's a
Storm comin'!
Bullets gettin hot, hear those
Guns drummin'
Somebody's gettin' shot, there's a
Storm comin'!
About to lose control of your
Rear plumbing
Fire in your hole!!
Fire in your hole!! Got a cold, hard grudge and revenge is the goal
Now it's time to sing the murder blues
Got your name etched into my brain and my soul
Sarrano, time to pay your dues Sixty thousand ways for these psychos to die
Bottle rocket up your butt and send you into the sky
Kick you off of cliffs and buildings, laugh at you as you fall
Take a power drill and skewer you into a wall!
Cause there's a
Storm comin'!
Bullets gettin hot, hear those
Guns drummin'
Somebody's gettin' shot, there's a
Storm comin'!
About to lose control of your
Rear plumbing
Fire in your hole!!
Fire in your hole!! Now we stumbled on a girl named Trischka
Another lunatic for our crew
She keeps threatenin' to murder my manly bits
Lady what the hell is wrong with you? That's right... comin' for ya!
Whoo! Cause there's a
Storm comin'!
Bullets gettin hot, hear those
Guns drummin'
Somebody's gettin' shot, there's a
Storm comin'!
About to lose control of your
Rear plumbing
Fire in your hole!!
Fire in your hole!!
2011 - A Little Something - (128 kbps)
1. A Little Something (3:30)
2011 - The Mind Of The Bat (Batman: Arkham Asylum) - (128 kbps)
1. The Mind Of The Bat (3:48)
Текст песни
Riddle me this now, riddle me that
Does anyone really know the mind of the Bat?
I live the shadows, I work in the shade
A cape and a mask, a lonely keeper's crusade Can you tell me I'm not insane?
Sometimes I get this feeling about the law I'm dealing
Am I letting my reason wane?
Have I been forsaken on this path I've taken? Check my head, I guess the joke's on me
I'm not laughing at the irony
Oh no So riddle me this now, and riddle me that
Does anyone really know the mind of the Bat? Can you tell me has something changed?
These rewards are zero cause I ain't no hero
Do you know it when you go strange?
Is your taunting true, am I as crazy as you? Wherever you're going, whatever you do
I'm out in the black keeping watch over you
So poison the Ivy with your crocodile tears
We're climbing the vines to the heart of your fears Check my head, I guess the joke's on me
I'm not laughing at the irony
Oh no Look to the sky tonight
I scan the highest heights Check my head, I guess the joke's on me
I'm not laughing at the irony
Oh no So riddle me this now, and riddle me that
Does anyone really know the mind of the Bat?
2011 - Mortal Kombat Party (Mortal Kombat) - (128 kbps)
1. Mortal Kombat Party (3:23)
Текст песни
Finish him! Back in the day we used to sit spellbound
Get every kid in the neighbourhood round
We had the one Super Nintendo on the block
We used laugh at our parents gettin' shocked Now that we're older, we're less mature
Fatalities will never lose their allure
Call up your friends and tell them be here by nine
They're gonna watch Sub Zero rip out your spine Finish him! The looks of horror and the shouts of delight
We all suck and button bash when we fight
Everyone cringes when I pick Kung Lao
They all stop eating cause they know what's coming now Slice you apart and you squeal like Liu Kang
Like Johnny Cage just punched you in the wang
The guys cry and the ladies scream
Kung Lao and I make a pretty good team Finish him! So get over here!
Grab yourself a beer
It's a Mortal Kombat Party! Take a trip with you
Back to '92
It's a Mortal Kombat party!
2011 - Wasteland Soul (Fallout 3) - (128 kbps)
1. Wasteland Soul (4:33)
Текст песни
Under a silver sky I wander
These broken highways have become my home
Alone in a world of rust and ruin stay
Through grey civilisation's dust I roam And my wasteland soul
Never will be truly whole
My only remaining goal now to survive Someday the rains will come and wash it all away...
The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day Shattered remains of once great cities
These silent highways lead to halls of stone
Every horizon sees it closer now
I venture onwards into the unknown And my calloused hands
Have learned to weather and withstand
The tribulations of this land
In which I strive Someday the rains will come and wash it all away...
The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day Tin cans and bottlecaps and twisted steel
This world's seen better days I'm sure
But I'd give every withered wealth I've found
For just a glimpse of something pure But my wasteland soul
Never will be truly whole
My only remaining goal now to survive Someday the rains will come and wash it all away...
The heart of the wasteland will awaken on this day The heart of the wasteland...
2011 - Sweet L.A. (L.A. Noire) - (128 kbps)
1. Sweet L.A. (4:04)
Текст песни
Sweet L.A.
I gave my broken soul to you
Sweet L.A.
Why do you hurt me like you do? I keep running and rushing to catch a clue
To the mystery of your dark heart
I could never have known
From the signs I was shown
That the game was rigged from the start Sweet L.A.
All of these trials you've put me through
Sweet L.A.
Why do you hurt me like you do?? Underneath all the glamour and flashing lights
There are shadows nobody sees
In the dim of your dusk
You're a cold bloody husk
Spreading poison into the breeze Sweet L.A.
Why do you hurt me like you do? Open the oldest wounds
These memories haunt me
Your secrets and crooked smiles
They torment and taunt me I long for atonement's arms
Carry me back
But the reel keeps on spinning loose and the screen
Is fading to black Sweet L.A.
I gave my broken soul to you
Sweet L.A.
Why do you hurt me like you do?
2011 - Duke, You Used To Be Cool (Duke Nukem Forever) - (128 kbps)
1. Duke, You Used To Be Cool (4:37)
Текст песни
'96 you were the king of the world
Badass in every way
Huntin' the invaders yeah a smooth operator
Kickin' ass and savin' the day DUKE: 'Hey, that's not fair!'
Fans: 'Who are you supposed to be now??'
DUKE: 'Don't you know who I am?'
Fans: 'You're an out of date, redundant sacred cow !!' Duke (Duke!) You used to be cool
But you gotta make your mind up if you're modern or old school
Duke (Duke!) You used to be cool
Learn to kick ass again and get rid of that lame 2 weapon rule
And then the world might not be so cruel... So we waited for your regal return
How could we know you'd become
A fuckin' pussy hidin' behind a wall
Shit- I guess you found more gum DUKE: 'Things have changed in 12 years'
Fans: 'You've become a wimp since then!'
DUKE: 'Shit - gettin' drunk off one beer'
Fans: 'You should still be sober after ten!' Duke (Duke) You used to be cool
But you gotta make your mind up if you're modern or old school
Duke (Duke) You used to be cool
Learn to kick ass again and get rid of that lame 2 weapon rule
And then the world might not be so cruel... 'Now I'm really pissed off' And the aliens say... 'WE WANT YOUR WOMEN!! WE WANT YOUR WOMEN!!!
GIVE US YOUR WOMEN!!! GIVE US YOUR WOMEN!!!' Duke (Duke) You used to be cool
But you gotta make your mind up if you're modern or old school
Duke (Duke) You used to be cool
Learn to kick ass again and get rid of that lame 2 weapon rule
And then the world might not be so cruel... So cruel....
2011 - Second Chance Song (посвящается самому нубскому перку в Call Of Duty :-)) - (128 kbps)
1. Second Chance Song (3:41)
Текст песни
Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
When I shoot some dude he should not drop down and breakdance!
Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
You'll get fuckin' teabagged if I see you in that stance Blopshot (Blopshot!) Automatic dropshot
What kinda shooter rewards you cos you got shot
Blopshot (Blopshot!) Automatic dropshot
What kinda shooter rewards you cos you got shot Been dealin' with this bullshit since Call Of Duty 4
It drove us nuts in MW2 and World At War
So if you see a team-mate scrape his ass across the floor
Just drop your balls into his face, belittle him some more Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
When I shoot some dude he should not drop down and breakdance!
Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
You'll get fuckin' teabagged if I see you in that stance Blopshot (Blopshot!) Automatic dropshot
What kinda shooter rewards you cos you got shot
Blopshot (Blopshot!) Automatic dropshot
What kinda shooter rewards you cos you got shot Now we all got so crazy when Black Ops hit the shelves
We went and got our hopes up, got way ahead of ourselves
Now every goddamn corner someone's crawling on thier crack
Leaving skidmarks on the maps, Treyarch I want my money back Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
When I shoot some dude he should not drop down and breakdance!
Why won't they get rid of Second Chance?
You'll get fuckin' teabagged if I see you in that stance
2011 - Little Sister (BioShock) - (128 kbps)
1. Little Sister (4:44)
Текст песни
Woke up in a tin can don't remember my name
Don't know how I got here or from where I came
My mind is an ocean, dark and clouded and deep
Under fathoms of blankness liquid secrets I keep This child is my saviour, my reason to be
Underneath all my crashing waves she's safe in this sea
A lumbering hulk aside a delicate flower
A gentle leviathan of terrible power And I dream of the sea
Broken machinery
And I dream of the sea
There's no rapture for me I walk through the water with my only friend
We search for dead angels, on eachother depend
I'll follow her lead now wherever she'll go
Little sister, you're all that I know
Little sister, you're all that I know And I dream of the sea
Broken machinery
And I dream of the sea
There's no rapture for me
(walk through the water with my only friend
search for dead angels on eachother depend) Little sister, you're all that I know
2011 - Trip To Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas) - (128 kbps)
1. Trip To Vegas (2:35)
Текст песни
I'm gonna take a trip to Vegas
With my two favourite friends
I got my .44 and bullets galore
And caps-a-plenty to spend
I got the courier blues
And a real short fuse
It's a hell of a message I send I'm gonna take a trip to Vegas
Goin' huntin' down on the strip
I got a bet to make on a real big stake
Throwin' down my platinum chip
So if I cross your trail
Better turn your tail
Boy you ain't gonna give me the slip I broke every Casino
Freeside to Primm to Reno
Won't stop until I get my prize... I'm gonna chase you down in Vegas
At the end of a lonesome road
My Pip-boy's laggin' and the screens are draggin'
And it takes forever to load
I've fought a thousand thugs
And a million bugs
Boy you're just another glitch in my code I broke every Casino
Freeside to Primm to Reno
Won't stop until I get my prize... OH YEAH!!! Cha Cha Cha!! I'm gonna take a trip to Vegas
With my two favourite friends
I got my .44 and bullets galore
And caps-a-plenty to spend
I got the courier blues
And a real short fuse
It's a hell of a message I send - send - send - send- Goddamn it, not again.
2011 - Normandy (Mass Effect 2) - (128 kbps)
1. Normandy (5:00)
Текст песни
A faint shimmering
The blaze of a dying star
Rays glimmering
Flares flash and glare from afar The tiniest flicker on the edge of the sky
Supernovas collapse in the blink of an eye
The many will call on the deeds of the few
We will see this burden through But if we find our way back home again
Is there something left to save?
What if we find ourselves alone again?
Is there something left to save?
This trust will not be torn apart
Control the violence in your hearts
We gave our lives to Normandy We've been breaking ground
We fought for the weak and the lost
They won't break us down
We'll hold the line, whatever the cost The heart of the universe is blackened and cursed
Our history's a blister that's about to be burst
There is so little hope on this path we pursue
But we will see this burden through And if we find our way back home again
Is there something left to save?
What if we find ourselves alone again?
Is there something left to save?
This trust will not be torn apart
Control the violence in your hearts
We gave our lives to Normandy We gave our lives to Normandy... And if we find our way back home again
Is there something left to save?
What if we find ourselves alone again?
Is there something left to save?
This trust will not be torn apart
Control the violence in your hearts
We gave our lives to Normandy
2011 - The Dead Don't Shuffle (Left 4 Dead) - (128 kbps)
1. The Dead Don't Shuffle (They Run) (3:58)
Текст песни
We got a hell of problem
We got a hell of a mess
Caught in the glare of the cold dead stare
Do ya think that you can handle the stress?
Green flu in my nostrils
Don't move away from the pack!
Immunity to the sickness is not
Immunity to attack Panic stricken, petrified
We take the horde on side by side Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
Dash through streets of slaughter clutching my gun
Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
We hesitate for just one flash and we're done We got a hell of a blessing
It's turning into a curse
We're scared stiff and they're everywhere
I dunno if this could get any worse
I'm overwhelmed and I'm anxious!!
Panic pounds in my head...
I didn't fight for my life just to spend it
Running away from the dead Panic stricken, petrified
We take the horde on side by side Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
Dash through streets of slaughter clutching my gun
Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
We hesitate for just one flash and we're done Runnin' for your lives...
Blood rush to the head!
Don't leave me here alone now...
Don't leave me for dead!
AAAAAAAAAAARGGHHGH!!!!!!!!!!! Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
Dash through streets of slaughter clutching my gun
Cause the dead don't shuffle!! (THEY RUN)
We hesitate for just one flash and we're done LET IT GO!!!!!
2011 - Redemption Blues (Red Dead Redemption) - (128 kbps)
1. Redemption Blues (4:06)
Текст песни
My time is drawing thinner
I'm just a tired old sinner
No chips left on this shoulder
No pride in growing older But when your borrowed time is through... I'll be with you
Redemption blues No man can truly outlast
All the mistakes of his past
There's no haven here for me
That's safe from my memories But when your borrowed time is through... I'll be with you
Redemption blues And justice ain't no lady
She's a twisted, battered whore
She's laying bruised and naked
On a bloodstained wooden floor Our days are over
Times have changed around these parts
There ain't no more cowboys
Only men with violent hearts Redemption blues... My time is drawing thinner...
I'm just a tired old sinner...
2011 - Thunder Mountain - (128 kbps)
1. Thunder Mountain (1:47)
2011 - The New Black Gold (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) - (128 kbps)
1. The New Black Gold (5:01)
Текст песни
A glaring neon glow illuminates this street
Breathe in these human vapors, sweat and heavy heat
Hi-tech cathedrals rise and fall in great ravines
Colossal steeples to the gods in the machines Broken body built anew
Spirit lingers, torn in two
Metal fingers grip my heart so cold Fossil fuels to slavery
Political duplicity
Every great commodity's been sold Slave to the new black gold, there's a heartbeat under my skin
Search my electric soul for the hidden man within Your secret science conquers nature's cruel laws
But inside your wires lie a million mortal flaws
Electric sleep I dream inside my honeycomb
I stay alive inside my hive of skin and chrome Broken body built anew
Spirit lingers, torn in two
Metal fingers grip my heart so cold Fossil fuels to slavery
Political duplicity
Every great commodity's been sold Slave to the new black gold, there's a heartbeat under my skin
Search my electric soul for the hidden man within Slave to the new black gold, there's a heartbeat under my skin
(Broken body built anew)
Search my electric soul for the hidden man within
Spirit lingers torn in two...)
2011 - She Gonna Teach Ya (How To Rock N Roll) - (128 kbps)
1. She Gonna Teach Ya (How To Rock N Roll) (3:19)
2011 - Big Ten - (128 kbps)
1. Big Ten (2:47)
2011 - Brothers Of The Creed (Assassin's Creed) - (128 kbps)
1. Brothers Of The Creed (4:10)
Текст песни
Eyes of Eden are on me
Break through the memories
History in the mainframe
Eve by the apple tree Search through every enigma
Answers never there
Codes and canon are shifting as we
Shakedown every lair And I kill for good in my white hood Zeroes and ones I bleed
We're Brothers of the Creed Cry to Lady Minerva
Tell me your prophecies
Legends turning to truth now
Stop this spreading disease See the world in a dark room
Masayef to Rome
Wires and numbers and data
Have become my home And I kill for good in my white hood Zeroes and ones I bleed
We're Brothers of the Creed Eyes of Eden are on me....
2011 - Zombie Holiday (Dead Island) - (128 kbps)
1. Zombie Holiday (3:10)
Текст песни
I'm on a fun vacation by the sand and the sea
Under the clear blue skies of Banoi
I got a thousand hungry zombies for company
There's so much here to enjoy! Got my weighted hammer and I'm bludgeoning skulls
They go SPLAT! Like a big juicy peach
Dead bodies everywhere, such a treat for the gulls
On the red brown sand of the beach Bash and bludgeon all your cares away
Blow these undead millionaires away
ZOMBIE HOLIDAY!!! Humm bawappa hummbawappa waay Slice their guts into spaghetti with electrical machetes
Give em barbed wire cuts on the legs
Smash their bones like like gas make em choke on toxic gas
Cracks their heads right open like eggs And you might call us sadistic but I think we're altruistic
Put em out of their misery
So if you're in a pickle grab your cleaver and your sickle
And come euthanizing with me! Bash and bludgeon all your cares away
Blow these undead millionaires away
ZOMBIE HOLIDAY!!! SYNTH WIGOUT WUB WUB WUB! Bash and bludgeon all your cares away
Blow these undead millionaires away
ZOMBIE HOLIDAY!!! Humm bawappa hummbawappa waay....
2011 - Grind (Gears Of War 3) - (128 kbps)
1. Grind (3:23)
Текст песни
I was born a simple man
Educated just to fight
But I got soul, I got conviction
And a will to put things right We lived our lives on grinding metal
For our people we have bled
We take comfort in the rhythm of machine guns spinning lead Grind for the dawn!
Backbone and brawn
Survive as the last of our kind
Cause the way out is through
Kickback's long overdue
Grab your gear, grab your gun
Join the grind! GRIND! To my friends and fallen brothers
You have offered us a chance
To build a future from the wreckage
In this desolate expanse We won't let this world forget you
We got so much here to mend
You were soldiers for a while but you'll be brothers to the end Grind for the dawn!
Backbone and brawn
Survive as the last of our kind
Cause the way out is through
Kickback's long overdue
Grab your gear, grab your gun
Join the grind! GRIND! We didn't stop cause we were brothers in blood now...
We'll meet again now at the end of the line... Grind for the dawn!
Backbone and brawn
Survive as the last of our kind
Cause the way out is through
Kickback's long overdue
Grab your gear, grab your gun
Обновлено 3.12.2011. Добавлены Grind, Zombie Holiday СКОРО: Comin' For Your Tank (Battlefield 3)
перед Normandy была ещё Trip to Vegas.
я ему по-доброму завидую. каждая песня так или иначе хит. даже если целиком композиция мне не нравится, обязательно найдётся какой-то один момент, который цепляет и ради которого переслушиваю всю песню. а там и привыкаю)