kost12000 писал(а):
cюжет очень похож ,на аниме мулан
есть легенда о девушке переодевшейся в война
Прошу помогите перевести легенду о Мулань!
The Ballad of Mulan
Busily busily cricket sings
By the door the maiden Mulan weaves
Why isn't the shuttle's sound heard
But only the maiden Mulan's sighs?
Ask the maiden of whom are you thinking
And what is on your mind?
Answers Mulan, of no one am I thinking
And nothing is on my mind
Last night, I saw the draft poster
The Emperor is calling many troops
The army listing has twelve scrolls
In all of them is father's name
Father has no grown sons
And I have no elder brothers
I want to buy a saddle and a horse
And serve the army in father's place
In the east market she buys a fine horse
In the west market she buys a saddle and a cushion
In the south market she buys a snaffle and reins
In the north market she buys a long whip
At dawn Mulan bids farewell to father and mother
At dusk she sleeps at the Yellow River's bank
The calling of father and mother is not heard
But only the running water of the Yellow River
When daylight breaks she left the Yellow River
At night she arrives at the Black Mountain top
The calling of father and mother is not heard
But only the running horses of the nomadic army in Mount Yan
Traveling ten thousand miles, Mulan fights in the battlefields
Overcoming impasses and mountains swiftly as though flying
The frigid wind carries the watchman's rattle in the northern country
The moonlight shines on the iron armors in cold nights
Having fought hundreds of life and death battles
Over ten years pass, and as a warrior Mulan returns
Returning triumphantly, Mulan meets the Emperor
Who sits in a shining hall
Receiving the highest honor in twelve ranks
Mulan is rewarded in a thousand and more
The Emperor asks what her wishes are
Mulan replies, being a minister is not my desire
I only wish to borrow the camel's feet
That travel swiftly to take me back to my home
Father and mother hear of daughter's return
They come out of the city, holding onto each other
Elder sister hears of sister's return
She rouges herself in front of the door
Little brother hears of sister's return
He sharpens the knife and comes for pig and sheep
Mulan opens the door to the eastern chamber
And sits on the bed in the western chamber
Taking off her wartime robe
She puts on her old-time dress
By the window, she fixes her long silky hair
Facing the mirror, she puts yellow powder on her forehead
She then comes out to see her army friends
Who are all shocked and amazed
Having been in the same army for twelve years
They do not know a maiden Mulan really is
"The he-hare's feet hop and leap
The she-hare has bleary eyes
When the two walk together close to the ground
Who can tell which is he and which is she?"