(Cabaret/Yiddish) New Budapest Orpheum Society - Jewish Cabaret In Exile (Edmund Nick & Erich Kastner, Viktor Ullmann, Georg Kreisler, Hanns Eisler & Kurt Tucholsky, etc.) - 2009, Cedille, FLAC (image+.cue), lossless

Страницы:  1


Стаж: 17 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1660

logaber · 09-Фев-11 18:24 (14 лет 1 месяц назад, ред. 09-Фев-11 18:34)

New Budapest Orpheum Society - Jewish Cabaret In Exile (Edmund Nick & Erich Kästner, Viktor Ullmann, Georg Kreisler, Hanns Eisler & Kurt Tucholsky, etc.) - 2009, Cedille
Жанр: Cabaret/Yiddish
Год выпуска диска: 2009
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: image+.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 1h 18' 56''

New Budapest Orpheum Society:
I. The Great Ennui on the Eve of Exile
Edmund Nick (1891–1973) & Erich Kästner (1899–1974)
01 Die möblierte Moral / The Well-Furnished Morals (1:48)
02 Das Wiegenlied väterlicherseite / The Father’s Lullaby (4:49)
03 Die Elegie in Sachen Wald / Elegy in the Forest of Things (3:29)
04 Der Gesang vom verlorenen Sohn / The Song of the Lost Son (5:13)
05 Das Chanson für Hochwohlgeborene / The Chanson for Those Who Are Born Better (2:43)
06 Der Song “man müßte wieder . . .”/ The Song “Once Again One Must . . .” (3:59)
II. The Exiled Language — Yiddish Songs for Stage and Screen
07 Moses Milner (1886–1953): In Cheider / In the Cheder (5:46)
08 Mordechai Gebirtig (1877–1942): Avreml, der Marvikher / Abe, the Pickpocket (5:12)
09 Abraham Ellstein (1907–1963): Tif vi di Nacht / Deep as the Night (3:07)
III. Transformation of Tradition
Hanns Eisler (1898–1962): From Zeitungsausschnitte, Op. 11 (Newspaper Clippings)
10 Mariechen / Little Marie (1:49)
11 Kriegslied eines Kindes / A Child’s Song of War (2:32)
IV. The Poetics of Exile: Songs by Hanns Eisler and Kurt Tucholsky (1890–1935)
12 Heute zwischen Gestern und Morgen / Today between Yesterday and Tomorrow (2:35)
13 Bügerliche Wohltätigkeit / Civic Charity (3:01)
14 Zuckerbrot und Peitsche / Sweetbread and Whips (2:20)
15 An den deutschen Mond / To the German Moon (2:46)
16 Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit / Unity and Justice and Freedom (1:53)
17 Couplet für die Bier-Abteilung / Couplet for the Beer Department (1:26)
V. Traumas of Inner Exile
Viktor Ullmann (1898–1944) Three Yiddish Songs (Brezulinka), op. 53 (1944)
18 Berjoskele / The Little Birch (4:18)
19 Margaritkele / Little Margaret (1:37)
20 Ich bin a Maydl in di Yorn / I’m Already a Young Woman (1:30)
VI. Nostalgia and Exile
21 Georg Kreisler (b. 1922): Tauben vergiften / Poisoning Pigeons (2:46)
22 Hermann Leopoldi (1888–1959) and Robert Katscher (1894–1942): Ich bin ein unverbesserlicher Optimist / I’m an Irrepressible Optimist (3:46)
23 Misha Spoliansky (1898–1985) / Marcellus Schiffer (1892–1932): Heute Nacht oder nie / Tonight or Never (3:22)
VII. Exile in Reprise
Friedrich Holländer on Stage and Film
24 Friedrich Holländer (1896–1976): Marianka (2:32)
25 Wenn der Mond, wenn der Mond . . . / If the Moon, If the Moon . . . (3:00) Lyrics by Theobald Tiger (Kurt Tucholsky)
New Budapest Orpheum Society:
Julia Bentley, mezzo-soprano and Stewart Figa, baritone
Iordanka Kisslova, violin; Stewart Miller, string bass; Hank Tausend, percussion; and Ilya Levinson, piano
Отчёт EAC
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 5. February 2011, 22:01
New Budapest Orpheum Society / Jewish Cabaret In Exile
Used drive : SlimtypeDVD A DS8A4S Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 768 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : Yes
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:50.62 | 0 | 8311
2 | 1:50.62 | 4:51.74 | 8312 | 30210
3 | 6:42.61 | 3:31.49 | 30211 | 46084
4 | 10:14.35 | 5:16.29 | 46085 | 69813
5 | 15:30.64 | 2:46.12 | 69814 | 82275
6 | 18:17.01 | 4:03.72 | 82276 | 100572
7 | 22:20.73 | 5:50.18 | 100573 | 126840
8 | 28:11.16 | 5:15.64 | 126841 | 150529
9 | 33:27.05 | 3:12.18 | 150530 | 164947
10 | 36:39.23 | 1:51.62 | 164948 | 173334
11 | 38:31.10 | 2:37.28 | 173335 | 185137
12 | 41:08.38 | 2:38.41 | 185138 | 197028
13 | 43:47.04 | 3:04.31 | 197029 | 210859
14 | 46:51.35 | 2:23.33 | 210860 | 221617
15 | 49:14.68 | 2:49.38 | 221618 | 234330
16 | 52:04.31 | 1:56.04 | 234331 | 243034
17 | 54:00.35 | 1:31.50 | 243035 | 249909
18 | 55:32.10 | 4:21.65 | 249910 | 269549
19 | 59:54.00 | 1:41.01 | 269550 | 277125
20 | 61:35.01 | 1:35.74 | 277126 | 284324
21 | 63:11.00 | 2:49.39 | 284325 | 297038
22 | 66:00.39 | 3:49.16 | 297039 | 314229
23 | 69:49.55 | 3:27.41 | 314230 | 329795
24 | 73:17.21 | 2:35.35 | 329796 | 341455
25 | 75:52.56 | 3:03.29 | 341456 | 355209
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\New Budapest Orpheum Society - Jewish Cabaret In Exile.wav
Peak level 96.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC EA48CD03
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
Track 17 not present in database
Track 18 not present in database
Track 19 not present in database
Track 20 not present in database
Track 21 not present in database
Track 22 not present in database
Track 23 not present in database
Track 24 not present in database
Track 25 not present in database
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report
Доп. информация
What does Jewish Cabaret sound like? This is a different animal to the 'klezmer' phenomenon which exists around feasts and dancing. The cabaret songs in this programme have something of a relationship with certain types of 'salon' music from the early years of the 20th century, but frequently comment on life in exile, poking satirical fun at authority and the woes of society. As further reference, they can in some ways be set against more familiar but similar sounding works such as Kurt Weill's Threepenny Opera. The New Budapest Orpheum Society is an ensemble-in-residence at the University of Chicago. A mixed group of vocalists (Julia Bentley, mezzo-soprano and Stewart Figa, baritone) and instrumentalists (Iordanka Kisslova, violin; Stewart Miller, string bass; Hank Tausend, percussion; and Ilya Levinson, piano).
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Top Seed 05* 640r

Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 9961

Darkman · 10-Фев-11 02:44 (спустя 8 часов)

Спасибо за "lossless" этого альбома
в lossless - у меня этого не было...
p.s. а что это за жёлтая картинка выше?
просто так что ли.. картинка?
.. так как это обложка одного другого евр. альбома (альбома Миши Александрова .. если не ошибаюсь)
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