Expert's Voice in .NET - Xu J. - Practical WPF Charts and Graphics [2009, PDF, ENG]

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ICЕ · 06-Янв-11 02:19 (14 лет 1 месяц назад)

Practical WPF Charts and Graphics
Год: 2009
Автор: Jack Xu
Издательство: Apress
ISBN: 1430224819, 978-1430224815
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Количество страниц: 709
Описание: Creating 2D and 3D charts is one of the most common uses of computer graphics. Such charts can have wide applications in representing mathematical, physical, and economic functions in your daily life. Whether you are an engineer, a quantitative analyst, a teacher, or a student, you will end up dealing with charting applications to some degree.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a next-generation graphics platform that enables you to build advanced user interfaces incorporating documents, media, 2D and 3D graphics, and animations. It is an ideal development tool that allows you to not only generate data, but also easily represent data graphically.
Practical WPF Charts and Graphics provides all the tools you will need to develop professional chart and graphics applications in WPF and C#. This book will be useful for WPF and C# programmers of all skill levels, providing a complete and comprehensive explanation of WPF’s graphics capability and the creation of various charts, and paying special attention to the details of code implementation.
What you'll learn
Understand the types of charts that can be developed in WPF and how WPF can be used to maximum effect in their development
Develop a wide range of charts that consist of not only simple 2D and 3D graphs, but also the multimedia elements, embedded documents, and animations now commonly found in cutting-edge applications
Adapt the wide selection of fully working demonstration charts that are provided with the book and integrate them into your own web site for instant results
Who is this book for?
Practical Charts and Graphics is more than just a book—it's a powerful 2D and 3D charts and graphics package. You will find that many of the examples in the book can be immediately used in your real-world applications, and that many others will inspire you to create advanced graphical and sophisticated chart capabilities of your own.
This book is targeted at professional developers and those who are studying to become professionals. Its coverage is equally valuable to both groups, providing a strong reference for one audience and an excellent introduction to the other.
About the Apress Practical Series
The Practical series from Apress is your best choice for getting the job done, period. From professional to expert, this series lets you apply project–motivated templates (or frameworks) step by step in a very direct, practical, and efficient manner toward current real–world projects that may be sitting on your desk. So whatever your career goal, Apress can be your trusted guide to take you where you want to go on your IT career empowerment path.
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Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 4

nuessential · 13-Сен-12 18:24 (спустя 1 год 8 месяцев)

Спасибо большое! Очень интересная книга, много полезных примеров, все прекрасно расписано.
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 7

vortex3d · 18-Сен-13 12:42 (спустя 1 год)

Книга замечательная! У автора уже была подобная книга, но там описывались принципы работы с графикой используя CGI+. WPF же предлагает принципиально другой подход, так что я очень искал подобного рода литературу. В сети мало информации по этой теме, тут же - все отлично описано, без лишней воды и в то же время есть краткие сведения по линейной алгебре на всякий случай) Английский понятный, да иллюстраций и примеров достаточно.
Для изучения книги рекомендую все таки заранее хоть немного понимать синтаксис C# (впрочем он не сложен) и xml разметки (для тех кто знает html проблем не будет).
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