01 - Cinderella's Revenge (Dave Foreman-Crystal Remix) (5:08)
02 - One Eyed Lisa (Einar Ihle-Dnb Remix) (4:27)
03 - Bad Habits (The Tenth Stage) (5:36)
04 - Criminal World (Parralox-The Twins Remix) (5:12)
05 - Circus Of Death (Angeltheory-Freaks Remix) (3:31)
06 - Circus Of Death (The Tenth Stage) (4:47)
07 - Blackspit (Angelspit-Black Remix) (4:03)
08 - Black (Parralox-64 Bit Remix) (4:11)
09 - Ghost (The Tenth Stage) (4:01)
10 - Chez Mabuse (The Tenth Stage) (4:50)
11 - Travelogue (The Mercy Cage-Black Freighter Remix) (6:35)
12 - The Tenth Stage (The Tenth Stage-Unnecessary Remix) (5:23)
13 - The Hangman Retribution (Angeltheory-S & M Remix) (5:51)
14 - One Eyed Lisa (The Tenth Stage-Der Schwarzwald Remix) (6:32)