Digital Tutors Introduction to Hypershade In Maya
Digital Tutors
Год выпуска: 2005
Язык: английский
Описание: "Introduction to Hypershade" focuses on the innovative rendering technology, which gives you complete control over the appearance of your rendered objects. The interactive projects, concepts, and lessons are presented in clear and easy to follow steps, designed to save you time and frustration. Highlights from the topics include: overview of surface materials, working with both 2D and 3D textures, using projections, creating shading networks, using the Connection Editor, using the Attribute Spread Sheet, and numerous additional tips and tricks allowing you to work smarter, faster, and with more creativity.
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Видеоурок по работе с рендером и текстурами в Maya.
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Видео: 780 Х 584 pixels. Продолжительность 2 часа 37 минут
Аудио: 11,025 kHz, Mono